Employment, wages, and alcohol consumption in Russia.
Tekin, Erdal
1. Introduction
Concerns regarding the relationship between alcohol consumption and
labor market productivity are well grounded. If problem drinking or
alcoholism is considered a disease, then it may have depressant effects
on labor market productivity, causing reductions in employment,
earnings, and other labor market outcomes (Mullahy and Sindelar 1993,
1996; Kenkel and Ribar 1994). However, there is a medical literature
that documents a U-shaped relationship between alcohol consumption and
the risk of cardiovascular disease. According to this literature,
moderate drinkers have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease than do
either abstainers or heavy drinkers (Beagtehole and Jackson 1992; Doll et al. 1994). Consistent with this evidence, several economists have
found a positive association between moderate drinking and earnings
(Berger and Leigh 1988; French and Zarkin 1995; Heien 1996; Hamilton and
Hamilton 1997; Zarkin et al. 1998; MacDonald and Shields 2001).
This article investigates the impact of alcohol consumption on
employment and wages in Russia. The primary contributions of the article
are twofold. First, it enhances the economic literature on the
relationship between alcohol consumption and labor market behavior by
using data from a longitudinal survey. The use of a longitudinal data
set enables the estimation of a fixed effects model, which helps avoid
the potential bias caused by unobserved individual factors not captured
in cross-sectional models. The use of a fixed effects model is an
important extension to the literature because the data sets used in
previous studies are cross-sectional and usually lack adequate variables
that could serve as identifying instruments to control for the
endogeneity of alcohol consumption. (1) Furthermore, the richness of the
data set used in this article allows for the application of three
alternative measures of alcohol consumption in the empirical analysis.
This is important because the relationship between alcohol consumption
and labor market outcomes may be sensitive to the alcohol measure that
is used.
The second notable contribution of this article is that it provides
the first empirical evidence on the association between alcohol
consumption and labor market outcomes in Russia. Excessive alcohol
consumption is a widespread problem in Russia, where per capita alcohol
consumption is around 14 liters per year. The World Health Organization
(WHO) considers 8 liters to be a sign that a country has a critical
consumption level for health problems (Quinn-Judge 1997). Furthermore,
the dramatic fluctuations in mortality rates experienced in Russia over
the past 15 years have generated considerable attention to the potential
effect of alcohol consumption on the overall health of the Russian population. It is important to investigate how labor market outcomes
would be affected by alcohol consumption in a country which demonstrates
such dramatic fluctuations in alcohol consumption and mortality.
Consistent with the previous studies, cross-sectional results
generally support the hypothesis of an inverse U-shaped relationship
between alcohol consumption and wages and employment. Results from the
fixed-effect models are found to be quite different from those of
cross-sectional models. The positive effect of alcohol consumption on
employment disappears for both males and females once the individual
fixed effects are controlled for. The results of the wage model lend
support to a small and linear return to alcohol consumption, but the
effects are significant only at the 10% level. The fixed effects
estimates are smaller in magnitude and estimated with less precision
compared with cross-sectional estimates.
Section 2 reviews the previous literature. Section 3 discusses the
conceptual issues and empirical strategy. Section 4 introduces the data
set. Section 5 provides a discussion of the results and sensitivity
analyses. Section 6 concludes the article.
2. Previous Literature
There is a considerable literature on the impact of alcohol
consumption and alcoholism on labor market behavior. However, the vast
majority of this literature concentrates on the United States, mainly
due to data limitations (e.g., Berger and Leigh 1988; Mullahy and
Sindelar 1993, 1996; Kenkel and Ribar 1994; French and Zarkin 1995;
Heien 1996; Zarkin et al. 1998; Terza 2002). (2) Only two studies
examine alcohol consumption and labor market behavior outside the United
States. Hamilton and Hamilton (1997) look at the relationship between
alcohol consumption and earnings for males in Canada. MacDonald and
Shields (2001) estimate the impact of alcohol consumption on
occupational attainment in England.
Previous research typically recognizes the potential endogeneity of
alcohol consumption and accounts for it via instrumental variables. The
instrumental variables approach usually generates larger estimates than
the ordinary least squares (OLS). However, the coefficients are often
estimated with little precision, mainly due to weak identification.
Previous researchers also recognize that women and men differ
systematically in their labor market behavior and alcohol consumption as
well as their reaction to ethanol (Roman 1988; Wilsnack and Wilsnack
1992; Caetano 1994; Lex 1994), and therefore, conduct their analyses
separately for men and women.
Previous studies vary in both the labor market outcomes analyzed and the alcohol consumption measures used. Labor market outcomes are
typically measured as employment, wage rate, unemployment, and earnings.
Alcohol consumption measures include a binary yes/no indicator of
alcohol consumption, multiple binary indicators of alcohol consumption
at different levels, frequency of consumption over a specified period
(e.g., the number of drinks consumed, the amount of ethanol consumed,
etc.), and intensity of consumption such as clinical measures of
alcoholism and problem drinking. With the exception of Kenkel and Ribar
(1994), all studies rely on cross-sectional data to estimate the impact
of alcohol consumption on labor market outcomes. Limitations caused by
cross-sectional data have been usually acknowledged as a shortcoming of
the previous research (French and Zarkin 1995; Hamilton and Hamilton
1997; French, Roebuck, and Kebreau 2001).
The researchers have considered several mechanisms through which
alcohol consumption may influence labor market outcomes. One of these
mechanisms rests on the medical findings of a U-shaped association
between alcohol consumption and the risk of cardiovascular disease,
which suggests that alcohol consumption at moderate levels may be
beneficial for health for relieving stress and reducing the incidence of
heart disease. Another mechanism is based on the potentially positive
effect of alcohol consumption on the sociability of individuals (Skog 1980; Montgomery 1991; Brodsky and Peele 1999; Putnam 2000). This
mechanism suggests that alcohol may play a networking role if consumed
during the time spent with colleagues from work by serving as a signal
of the individual's commitment to the firm. Also, time spent with
colleagues could help the individual derive additional information about
the promotion opportunities of the workplace (MacDonald and Shields
2001). Researchers motivated by these mechanisms usually find a positive
or inverse U-shaped relationship between drinking and labor market
outcomes (Berger and Leigh 1988; French and Zarkin 1995; Heien 1996;
Hamilton and Hamilton 1997; Zarkin et al. 1998; MacDonald and Shields
Researchers using alcoholism or problem drinking as the appropriate
measure of alcohol consumption are primarily motivated by the medical
literature linking alcoholism and heavy drinking to physical,
psychological, and cognitive impairments, which would be detrimental to
individuals' labor market productivity (Cruze et al. 1981; Farrell 1985; Fingarette 1988a, b). These researchers usually document deterrent effects of alcohol consumption on employment and earnings (Mullahy and
Sindelar 1993, 1996; Kenkel and Ribar 1994). (3)
Motivated by an alarming trend in alcohol consumption and a rising
death rate, researchers have concentrated exclusively on the potential
link between alcohol consumption and mortality in Russia (Ryan 1995;
Leon et al. 1997). (4) However, the evidence concerning the relationship
between alcohol consumption and labor market behavior is limited and
based primarily on descriptive evidence. For example, Bobak et al.
(1999) use odds ratios calculated by unconditional logistic regression to analyze the levels and distribution of alcohol consumption in Russia.
They find that factors related to reaction to economic changes and the
rating of family economic situation are not strongly related to alcohol
consumption. Several other studies document a link between the decline
in health status and economic hardship and suggest that alcohol is
largely responsible for it (Cornia 1997; Bobak et al. 1998; Walberg et
at. 1998).
3. Conceptual Issues and Empirical Strategy
Employment-Alcohol Consumption
The relationship between alcohol consumption and employment can be
obtained using a neoclassical framework of utility maximization in which
individuals allocate their time and money among consumption of leisure,
alcohol, and a composite good. The solution to this optimization would
yield labor supply and alcohol demand equations as functions of all
prices, wage rate, and all other observable and unobservable factors.
Thus, the alcohol demand and labor supply equations can be expressed as
(1) [A.sub.it] = A([P.sub.Ait], [W.sub.it], [X.sub.it], [U.sub.it])
(2) [H.sub.it] = H([P.sub.Ait], [W.sub.it], [X.sub.it],
where [A.sub.it] is the alcohol consumption for individual i at
time t, [H.sub.it] is the time spent working, [P.sub.Ait] is the price
of alcohol, [W.sub.it] is the wage rate, [X.sub.it], is a vector of all
observable factors, including nonwage income, and [U.sub.it] is the
unobservable tastes. (5) The individual would opt for the corner
solution with respect to labor force participation if her/his
reservation wage exceeds [W.sub.it]. Thus, labor force participation
decision is determined by the same factors that influence the labor
supply decision and can be expressed as the following function:
(3) [E.sub.it] = E([P.sub.Ait], [W.sub.it], [X.sub.it],
where [E.sub.it] is a binary indicator of employment.
To relate alcohol consumption to employment, one can rewrite Equation 3 as an employment function conditional on alcohol demand
(Mullahy and Sindelar 1996; French, Roebuck, and Kebreau 2001; DeSimone
2002). (6) Thus, the employment function can be denoted as
(4) [E.sub.it] = E([A.sub.it], [X.sub.it], [U.sub.it]).
Similarly. Equation 1 can be rewritten as an alcohol demand
equation conditional on employment
(5) [A.sub.it] = A ([E.sub.it], [X.sub.it], [u.sub.it]).
Assuming linearity, the econometric counterpart to Equation 4 can
be expressed as the following:
(6) [E.sub.it] = [X.sub.it][[beta].sub.1] +
[A.sub.it][[beta].sub.2] + [U.sub.it],
where [beta]'s are the parameters to be estimated.
Wage Rate-Alcohol Consumption
Following Mullahy and Sindelar (1993) and French and Zarkin (1995),
alcohol consumption is incorporated into the wage equation using a human
capital framework. Specifically, the wage equation is formulated as
(7) [W.sub.it] = W([S.sub.it], [N.sub.it], [X.sub.it], [v.sub.it]),
where [S.sub.it], is a vector of measures of the health components
of human capital, [N.sub.it] is a vector of nonhealth components of
human capital such as schooling and experience, and [v.sub.it] is a
vector of all unobservable determinants of wage rate.
Following Mullahy and Sindelar (1993), one can specify [S.sub.it] =
([A.sub.it], [K.sub.it]), where [K.sub.it] is a vector of other health
outcomes. Substituting [S.sub.it] into Equation 7 and specifying a
linear function as an econometric counterpart, Equation 7 becomes
(8) [W.sub.it] = [Q.sub.it][[alpha].sub.1] +
[A.sub.it][[alpha].sub.it] + [v.sub.it]
where [Q.sub.it] is a summary of all other covariates ([X.sub.it],
[K.sub.it], [N.sub.it]); and [alpha]'s are the parameters to be
It is not straightforward to establish a casual relationship
between alcohol consumption and labor market outcomes for two reasons.
First, alcohol consumption and labor market outcomes may be
simultaneously determined. For example, if alcohol consumption is a
normal good, then it follows from Equations 1, 3, and 5 that both
employment and the wage rate will increase alcohol demand by increasing
earnings. This would cause upward bias in the estimated effects of
alcohol consumption on employment and the wage rate. Second, if there
are unobserved individual factors that are correlated with both drinking
and labor market outcomes, then coefficients [[beta].sub.2] and
[[alpha].sub.2] will be biased. For example, individuals with a high
rate of time preference may be more likely to make their consumption
decisions based on the current satisfaction they derive without
considering the future consequences (Becker and Murphy 1988; DeSimone
2002). Such individuals may also be more likely to select jobs with
flatter age/earnings profiles. In a cross-sectional framework, a
possible remedy for these problems would be to use an instrumental
variables (IV) method. The success of the IV method. however, depends
largely on the predictive power of the instruments used in the
first-stage equations. The IV method is further complicated with the
difficulty of finding instruments that can appropriately be excluded
from the second-stage equations.
The use of longitudinal data provides an alternate solution to the
problem of unobserved individual heterogeneity. This is implemented by
including individual fixed effects in the empirical model, which is
equivalent to estimating the model as deviations from the means. The
fixed effects model can then be specified as
(9) [[bar.E].sub.it] = [[bar.X].sub.it][[beta].sub.1] +
[[bar.A].sub.it][[beta].sub.2] + [[member of].sub.1it],
(10) [[bar.W].sub.it] = [[bar.Q].sub.it][[alpha].sub.1] +
[bar.A].sub.it][[alpha].sub.2] + [[member of].sub.2it],
where the variables with bars represent deviations from their
within-individual means and [epsilon]'s denote the residual
disturbances that are assumed to be uncorrelated with the explanatory variables.
Fixed effects analysis, while having important advantages, is not
without certain drawbacks. First, the effects of time-invariant
variables cannot be estimated. Second, the fixed effects model does not
eliminate bias in case of time-variant individual heterogeneity. In this
case, the IV method employed together with the fixed effects is a
possible remedy. The practical difficulty, however, is to find
time-varying instruments that predict alcohol consumption but are
uncorrelated with wages and employment. To address this issue, I use
alcohol prices at the community level as identifying instruments. (7)
Finally, the use of fixed effects may exacerbate the bias caused by
measurement error (Griliches and Hausman 1986; Levitt 1998).
4. Data
The data used in the empirical analyses are drawn from the Russia
Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS). (8) The RLMS is the first
nationally representative household-based survey conducted in Russia. It
comprises two phases, each conducted on a different sample. The
empirical analyses in this article use data from Phase II of the survey,
which includes rounds five to nine, conducted annually between November
1994 to December 2000.(9) The RLMS is an ideal data source for the
purpose of the present study because its longitudinal nature allows the
use of a fixed effects model. It also contains detailed information on
labor market behavior and alcohol consumption of the respondents. (10)
The outcomes examined in this study are employment and the wage
rate. Employment is measured by assessing whether the individual is
employed at the time of the interview. The wage rate is defined as the
ratio between the total monthly earnings and total number of hours of
work in the last 30 days on the main job. Following Glinskaya and Mroz
(2001), total monthly earnings are defined as the sum of salaries,
wages, bonuses, grants, benefits, and profits plus the monetary value of
the in-kind payments actually received in the last 30 days from the main
place of employment. In order to adjust for the effect of inflation, the
monthly Consumer Price Index (CPI), calculated by the Russian
Statistical Bureau (Goskomstat) and published in Russian Economic
Trends, is used (1998 base).
The survey asks respondents whether they consumed any alcohol
during the past 30 days. Those who reported in the affirmative are then
asked about the number of times they consumed alcohol during that
period. Two sets of alcohol-consumption measures are constructed using
these responses. The first measure is a single binary variable,
indicating whether the respondent consumed any alcohol in the past 30
days. The second measure is a set of binary indicators that includes six
different frequency responses. This constitutes the primary measure of
alcohol consumption in the article and is designed to capture any
nonlinear association between alcohol consumption and the outcomes
analyzed. In addition to the discrete measures, a continuous measure of
alcohol consumption is defined as a third measure. The RLMS also asks
respondents about their alcohol consumption in grams of beer, vodka,
fortified wine, table wine, and homemade liquor in grams. Using this
information, a measure of composite ethanol consumption is calculated as
a weighted average of the ethanol typically found in each of these
beverages. The algorithm used to construct the measure of ethanol
consumption assumes that total amount of ethanol is 5% in beer, 40% in
vodka and homemade liquor, 20% in fortified wine, and 12% in table wine.
Although the alcohol-related answers are self-reported in the RLMS,
several studies have examined the validity of self-reported alcohol
consumption and have found a fairly high correlation between the
validity of self-reported alcohol and drug use data and alternative
sources of information (Midanik 1982; Rouse, Kozel, and Richards 1985;
Preston et al. 1997).
The demographic variables used in the analysis include linear and
quadratic terms of age, years of education, household size; binary
indicators of marital status, health, region of residence, urban
residence, and occupation. (12) After eliminating the categories
representing the agricultural sector, nine binary occupational
indicators are constructed. (13) Individuals with missing information on
the key variables are excluded from the sample. Because the analysis
focuses on within-individual changes in alcohol consumption and labor
market outcomes, individuals who are in the RLMS for only one round are
also excluded. This leaves a total of 5565 individuals, providing 19,292
observations. One thousand nine hundred twelve of these individuals were
interviewed in all five rounds, 646 in four rounds, 1134 in three
rounds, and the remaining 1873 were interviewed in two rounds.
Definitions of the variables used in the analysis are presented in
Appendix A.
Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics for the full sample and
for males and females separately. A comparison of the six binary
indicators of alcohol consumption between males and females indicates
that drinking intensity is substantially higher for males. For example,
those who drink at least once a week make up 34% of the male sample and
only 12% of the female sample. These figures suggest that the majority
of females are infrequent drinkers. A similar pattern is observed when
one looks at the continuous measure of alcohol consumption. The mean
value of weekly ethanol consumption for males is more than twice that
for females, pointing to their higher overall consumption of alcohol.
Therefore, the analyses are conducted separately for males and females
(Roman 1988: Mullahy and Sindelar 1991; Wilsnack and Wilsnack 1992;
Caetano 1994; Lex 1994).
As displayed in Table 1, there are some differences between males
and females in characteristics other than alcohol consumption. About 77%
of males and 75% of females in the sample are employed. Males earn more
than females. Females are slightly more educated than males, while males
are slightly healthier than females. Only 3% of males and 2% of females
are in excellent health. Females are more likely to be employed as
professionals, technicians, clerks, and sales workers, and elementary
(unskilled) workers, while males usually occupy managerial,
craft-related, plant, and machine-operator jobs. Males live in larger
households than females. This makes sense given that they are also more
likely to be married than are females in the sample.
Table 2 presents the mean values of employment and wages by
drinking status and gender subgroups. For both males and females, the
wage rate is lower for nondrinkers than drinkers, and this differential
seems to persist even at higher drinking levels. Similarly, the
employment rate is higher for drinkers than nondrinkers, but the
difference gets smaller as the level of drinking intensity increases.
For example, those males and females who drink every day have a lower
employment rate than those who do not drink.
5. Empirical Results
The results of the empirical analyses are presented in two stages.
In the first stage, the results from the cross-sectional analyses are
presented both to serve as a link to the previous studies and as a base
for evaluating the relative contribution of controlling for unobserved
heterogeneity. In the second stage, the fixed effects results are
discussed. All regressions include year fixed effects. These control for
unobserved time-variant determinants of labor market outcomes, which
would affect all individuals in the same manner. Each model is estimated
with each of the three alcohol-consumption measures.
Baseline Estimates
Tables 3 and 4 present the cross-sectional ordinary least squares
results for the employment model for males and females, respectively. I
specify a linear probability model for the employment model for ease of
estimation and interpretation. (14) Because the observations are
clustered within primary sampling units (PSU) in the RLMS, the standard
errors are corrected to account for the effects of intracluster
correlation caused by clustered data in the cross-sectional models.
Employment Models
The coefficient estimates for the demographic and human capital
variables behave as one would expect and remain relatively stable across
alternative measures of alcohol consumption for both males and females.
Increased levels of healthiness raise the likelihood that an individual
will be employed. Education is estimated to have a small positive
impact. The age effect has the expected quadratic shape. Nonwage income
has a statistically significant negative coefficient, indicating that
leisure is a normal good. The full set of regression results is not
displayed in a table for the interest of space. However, they are
available on request from the author.
The primary interest is the impact of alcohol consumption on
employment. Looking at the coefficients of the six binary indicators of
alcohol consumption in Tables 3 and 4 reveals an inverse U-shaped
relationship between drinking and employment for both males and females.
However, a specification test failed to reject the hypothesis that the
six coefficients are equal to each other for males. This implies that
the relationship between alcohol consumption and employment may be
described by a simple shift in mean employment, independent of the level
of alcohol consumption (column 2). For females, the pattern of
coefficient estimates in column 1 resembles an inverse U-shaped
relationship. Moreover, the hypotheses of joint significance and
equality are strongly rejected. As reported in the third column of
Tables 3 and 4, the existence of an inverse U-shaped relationship is
further evidenced by the coefficients of the continuous measure of
ethanol consumption. (15) In general, the employment propensities for
females are more robust and larger in magnitude than those for males in
all three specifications.
Wage Models
Tables 5 and 6 present the cross-sectional OLS results for the wage
models for males and females, respectively. The dependent variable is
the natural logarithm of the hourly wage rate. The coefficient estimates
for the demographic and human capital variables have the expected signs
and are similar in magnitude across the three specifications. (16) The
coefficients on variables other than alcohol consumption are not
displayed in a table to economize on space. Instead, they are available
on request from the author.
Coefficient estimates reported in the first and second columns of
Table 5 provide no evidence of an inverse U-shaped relationship between
wages and drinking for males. The coefficients in the first column do
not resemble any particular pattern, and only one coefficient is
statistically significant in the first two columns. By way of contrast,
the coefficients of the linear and quadratic terms of the ethanol
consumption lend support to an inverse U-shaped relationship.
Turning to females in Table 6, the estimates of the alcohol
consumption variables are much larger than those for males and are
estimated much more precisely. The point estimates of the six binary
indicators of drinking in column 1 clearly resemble an inverse U-shaped
relationship between alcohol consumption and wages. Furthermore, a
specification test strongly rejected the hypothesis that the
coefficients of the six indicators in column 1 are equal to each other.
The nonlinear association between alcohol consumption and wages is
further supported by the coefficient estimates of ethanol consumption in
the third column.
Fixed Effects
To account for the possible endogeneity of alcohol consumption, the
models are estimated with fixed effects. (17) Because the majority of
the explanatory variables exhibit little or no variation over the sample
period, these coefficients are either dropped from the models or are
estimated with little precision. Therefore, the results for these
variables are not discussed in the text.
Employment Models
Results from the fixed effects employment model are displayed in
Table 7. These results differ sharply from the cross-sectional ones and
reveal a great deal concerning the biases in the cross-sectional
estimates. In all three specifications, the fixed effect estimates of
alcohol consumption are smaller in magnitude and are estimated with much
less precision than the cross-sectional estimates. For all practical
purposes, the estimates from all three specifications can be considered
zero. In fact, a specification test indicated that the estimated effects
of the six binary indicators of drinking are jointly zero. This finding
suggests that individual unobserved heterogeneity is positively
correlated with alcohol consumption and, once it is controlled for, the
positive impact of alcohol consumption on employment disappears.
Table 8 presents the fixed effects estimates for the employment
model for females. In all three models, the estimates are much smaller
than those of cross-sectional ones. The coefficients are not
statistically significant and a specification test failed to reject the
hypothesis that they are jointly zero. The finding of no significant
effect is also supported by the second and third columns, which report
the results of the specifications with the binary and continuous
measures of alcohol consumption. These results suggest that the
estimates without fixed effects capture not only the impact of drinking
but also the positive impact on alcohol consumption of the unobserved
individual factors. After accounting for unobserved heterogeneity,
drinking males and females are found to be no more likely to be employed
than are nondrinking males.
Wage Models
The results from the fixed effects wage models for males and
females are displayed in Tables 9 and 10, respectively. Similar to the
fixed effects employment results, the estimated effects of alcohol
consumption on the wage rate become smaller when individual fixed
effects are controlled for. The estimates in column 1 of Table 9 reveal
no indication of an inverse U-shaped relationship and an F-test failed
to reject the hypothesis that these coefficients are equal to each
other. According to the second column, alcohol consumption is associated
with a 7% increase in male wages. Referring to column 3, the linear term
for the continuous measure of alcohol consumption is significant and
positive while the quadratic term is insignificant, lending support to
the positive but linear impact of drinking on wage rate found in the
second column.
The point estimates for female wages displayed in Table 10 resemble
an inverse U-shaped relationship between alcohol consumption and wages.
Only two of the six coefficients are significant. However, specification
tests rejected the hypothesis that they are jointly zero, but failed to
reject that they are equal to each other. When a linear association is
imposed, as in column 2, female drinkers are estimated to earn about 10%
more than female nondrinkers. This positive association is also
supported by the third column. As with males, the fixed effects results
are smaller in magnitude than those in the cross-sectional results.
The results discussed so far do not reveal any information about
the potential relationship between unhealthy levels of drinking and
labor market outcomes. It would be useful to provide some insights into
that link to connect the present study to both the literatures of
alcohol consumption-labor market outcomes and problem drinking-labor
market outcomes. The continuous measure of alcohol consumption used in
this article allows for such an implementation. Specifically, a binary
indicator of problem drinking is formulated using the 90th percentile in
the distribution of the ethanol consumption in the sample (Mullahy and
Sindelar 1996; Terza 2002). The 90th percentile for males and females
are 376 and 143 grams of ethanol per week, respectively. This measure
selves as an indicator of unhealthy or problem drinking. All the models
are estimated with the binary indicator of problem drinking. The
cross-sectional results suggest that problem drinking is associated with
both lower employment and wages for males as well as females.
Specifically, problem drinking is associated with decreases of 3.6% and
4.7% in employment for males and females, respectively. For the wage
models, problem drinking tends to be associated with a decreases in wage
rate by 2.9% and 3.7% for males and females, respectively.
In the fixed-effect models, the effects of problem drinking on
employment and the wage rate are much smaller in magnitude compared with
its effects in the cross-sectional models for males and females.
Furthermore, the standard errors are large and none of the estimates
reach statistical significance at conventional levels. Measurement error
is likely to be more severe for the ethanol consumption measure than for
the binary indicators. Also, it is well known that the attenuation bias
caused by measurement error is exacerbated in the case of fixed effects.
Therefore, these results should be viewed with some caution.
The fixed effects wage results suggest a wage premium of 7% for a
male drinker and 10% for a female drinker. Although it is difficult to
make a perfect comparison with the previous literature because of the
different measures of alcohol consumption and data sets used in
different studies, it would still provide some useful insights into the
reliability of the magnitude of the wage effects in this study.
MacDonald and Shields (2001) find a 13.7% gain for a male who drinks 21
units of alcohol per week (the mean alcohol consumption among drinkers)
compared with another male with the same characteristics who does not
drink. Berger and Leigh (1988) document a wage premium of 36% for male
drinkers and 59% for female drinkers. Zarkin et al. (1998) find a wage
premium on the order of 50--200% when they used an IV estimation. Their
OLS estimation suggests that alcohol consumption is associated with a 7%
and 4% increase in wages for males and females, respectively. Heien
(1996) reports a wage premium of approximately 50%. These figures are
indicative of a lack of consensus on the magnitude of the effect of
alcohol consumption on wages in the literature. They also do not suggest
any evidence against the plausibility of the estimates found in this
The results of the fixed effects models differ considerably from
those of cross-sectional estimates. For the employment models, the
inverse-U relationship observed in the cross-sectional results
disappears for both males and females once the unobserved heterogeneity
is controlled for. This suggests that the positive association found in
the cross-sectional estimation is ultimately driven by unobserved
individual heterogeneity and that alcohol consumption has no significant
impact on employment. For the wage models, the fixed-effect results
suggest a positive and linear effect of alcohol consumption on wages.
This finding is obtained in specifications with both the discrete and
continuous measures of alcohol consumption. However, care must be taken
when making inferences based on the wage effects because the
coefficients are significant only at the 10% level.
The qualitative findings between males and females are similar, but
quantitative differences are present. The estimated effects of alcohol
consumption are larger in magnitude for females than males in all three
specifications. This finding is in contrast with those of French and
Zarkin (1995) and MacDonald and Shields (2001), who document lower
effects for females than males. Although it is common to find
differential impacts of alcohol consumption on labor market outcomes for
men and women in the literature, it is surprising that little
explanation is provided for these differences. The unmeasured variation
in the intensity of drinking behavior may be responsible for much of the
noted difference in the estimated effects between men and women. It is
clear from the descriptive statistics that women in the sample drink
less frequently than men. It is also likely that, on those days men
drink, they consume more alcohol or drink more intensely than females
(which explains why the proportion of men considered binge drinkers is
much higher than of women in Russia [Bobak et al. 1999; Malyutina et al.
2002]). Therefore, drinking once a week may not have the same meaning
for men and women and consequently, may have different effects on labor
market outcomes.
Several researchers have stressed that controlling for covariates
that might he correlated with alcohol consumption (e.g., health status,
education, and marital status) could have a large impact on the
estimated coefficients of alcohol consumption on labor market outcomes
(Mullahy and Sindelar 1993; French and Zarkin 1995; MacDonald and
Shields 2001). If this is true, then it implies that alcohol consumption
influences labor market outcomes both directly and indirectly through
human capital and family formations. To investigate this issue, all
cross-sectional models are reestimated with education, health, and
marital status variables (and experience and occupation dummies in the
wage models) excluded from the analyses. (18) This exercise produced
little change in the estimates of the alcohol consumption coefficients,
suggesting no evidence for a possible indirect association. A similar
finding was obtained in Hamilton and Hamilton (1997).
The concern of a possible simultaneity between alcohol consumption
and labor market outcomes has been raised in several studies (Kenkel and
Ribar 1994; MacDonald and Shields 2001). In order to deal with potential
simultaneity and time-variant heterogeneity, the IV method is used
together with the fixed effects. Variation in the prices of various
alcoholic beverages in the 160 geographic units provided in the data set
is used to identify the impact of alcohol consumption. (19) The point
estimates on alcohol consumption variables from two-stage least squares
(2SLS) are much larger than the estimates from both the cross-sectional
and fixed effects models. However, none of the estimates of alcohol
consumption are statistically significant by conventional standards.
Furthermore, the identifying instruments perform poorly in the first
stage, casting doubt on the validity of the 2SLS results. On the grounds
of weak identification, little value is placed on the estimates from
2SLS, and so they are not presented here. The same problem has been
faced by several other researchers, who then estimated their models
using OLS with wages as the only endogenous variable (e.g., Mullahy and
Sindelar 1993; French and Zarkin 1995; Zarkin et al. 1998).
Another issue of concern is the potential endogeneity of the
pregnancy decision for females. The plausibility of the results for
females hinges on the assumption that pregnancy is not decided based on
decisions endogenous to drinking and employment. (20) Otherwise, the
estimates would be biased. To address this issue, I repeated the
analyses for females, restricting the sample to those aged 40 or older,
the rationale being that women who are 40 or older are likely to have
already completed their pregnancy decision. Subsequently, the results
using this subsample are unlikely to be subject to any endogeneity bias.
This exercise did not change the implications of the findings in any
significant manner.
The practice of late or nonpayment of wages is a common problem in
Russia (Earle and Sabirianova 2002). The proportion of the sample facing
wage arrears is about 29%, accounting for the small sample size in the
wage regressions. Fortunately, the RLMS provides information on the
number of months and the amount of money owed to an individual.
Following Glinskaya and Mroz (2001), this information is used to
construct a contractual wage rate and the analyses are repeated using
this contractual wage. (21) Cross-sectional estimates of the impact of
alcohol consumption on contractual wage rate appear to follow a pattern
similar to those reported in Tables 5 and 6. Fixed effect regressions of
contractual wage rate continue to provide estimates that are smaller in
magnitude than the cross-sectional estimates. The standard errors again
become larger, and although still positive, the coefficient of the
single binary indicator for males (column 2) is no longer significant.
As is the case in any panel data, the RLMS is vulnerable to
complications created by sample attrition. If the sample
attrition--whether due to moving out of the household, nonresponse, or
some other factor--were nonrandom, the estimated impact of alcohol
consumption on labor market outcomes would be biased. To better assess
the extent and impact of sample attrition, I looked at the
characteristics of the individuals for the balanced (individuals present
in all five rounds) and individual rounds. A comparison revealed that
the characteristics of two samples are quite similar. Therefore,
although I cannot rule out the possibility of nonrandom attrition, the
estimates are unlikely to be affected significantly. In a related
manner, if certain types of drinkers, for example, heavy drinkers, are
more likely to have their employment or wage rate missing in the data,
the sample will be biased because these observations are excluded from
the analysis. To investigate this issue, I compared the percentage of
observations with missing employment and wage rate data among the
subsamples of drinkers, nondrinkers, and heavy drinkers (the highest two
drinking categories). The percentages were similar in all three cases,
suggesting that the sample is not biased toward nondrinkers or moderate
It is important to consider whether the relationship between
drinking and labor market remained stable over the sample period. To
test this, I added interactions of time dummies with the binary and
continuous alcohol measure into the models. This exercise did not change
the implications of the results in any significant way.
As suggested previously, the fixed effects results could partly be
driven by measurement error in the alcohol consumption variables, which
would bias coefficient estimates toward zero. As a result, the
measurement or reporting error in alcohol consumption could contribute
to the smaller coefficient estimates obtained in fixed effects models.
Also, the attenuation bias caused by measured error is exacerbated in
the case of fixed effects. Therefore, rather than attributing the entire
reduction in the estimated effects to unobserved individual
heterogeneity, the fixed effects estimates must be considered as a lower
bound of the impact of alcohol consumption on employment and wages.
6. Conclusions
The primary objective of this article is to provide evidence
concerning the potential link between alcohol consumption and labor
market outcomes in Russia and to use a fixed effects model to uncover
this relationship. Using data from the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring
Survey, this article examines the effects of alcohol consumption on
employment and wages. Because the relationship between alcohol
consumption and labor market behavior may be sensitive to the way
alcohol consumption is measured, the models are estimated using three
different sets of alcohol-consumption measures. Furthermore, models are
estimated with and without fixed effects in order to identify the extent
of bias arising from failing to control for unobserved heterogeneity.
The results highlight the importance of controlling for unobserved
heterogeneity when estimating the relationship between alcohol
consumption and labor market outcomes. The cross-sectional findings
support the view that moderate alcohol consumption is positively
associated with employment and wages for females. The relationship
appears to follow an inverse U-shape in both employment and wage models
for females in all three models. For males, the continuous measure
supports the inverse U-shaped relationship, but the evidence is less
clear when the binary indicators are used. Overall, these findings are
generally consistent with the studies for the United States, Canada, and
Great Britain. Results from the fixed-effect models are found to be
quite different from those of cross-sectional models. The positive
effect of alcohol consumption on employment disappears for both males
and females once the individual fixed effects are controlled for. The
results of the wage model lend support to a small and linear return to
alcohol consumption, but the effects are significant only at the 10%
level. The fixed effects estimates are smaller in magnitude and
estimated with less precision compared with cross-sectional estimates.
The analyses are repeated using a binary indicator of unhealthy or
problem drinking, which is calculated from the distribution of the
ethanol consumption. Based on this indicator, an individual drinking at
more than the 90th percentile is considered to be a problem drinker. The
results from the cross-sectional analyses suggest that problem drinking
has adverse effects for employment and wages for both males and females.
However, these adverse effects disappear once the fixed effects are
controlled for.
While this article extends the literature on the relationship
between alcohol consumption and labor market outcomes by using a
longitudinal data set from Russia, more research is clearly needed to
see whether these results would be supported by longitudinal data from
other countries. Also, an examination of the link between binge drinking and labor market outcomes would further enhance our understanding of the
Appendix A
Variable Definitions
Wage Hourly wage rate in rubles
Work Dummy variable (=1) if employed, 0 otherwise
Alcohol Dummy variable (=1) if used alcoholic
beverages in the last 30 days, 0 otherwise
Ethanol Ethanol consumed (in grams) in the last week
Drinks every day Dummy variable (=1 if used alcoholic
beverages every day in the last 30 days,
0 otherwise
Drinks 4-6 times a week Dummy variable (=1) if used alcoholic
beverages 4-6 times a week in the last 30
days, 0 otherwise
Drinks 2-3 times a week Dummy variable (=1) if used alcoholic
beverages 2-3 times a week in the last 30
days, 0 otherwise
Drinks once a week Dummy variable (=1) if used alcoholic
beverages once a week in the last 30 days,
0 otherwise
Drinks 2-3 times a month Dummy variable (=1) if used alcoholic
beverages 2-3 times in the last 30 days,
0 otherwise
Drinks once a month Dummy variable (=1) if used alcoholic
beverages once in the last 30 days, 0
Age Age in years
Education Years of completed schooling
Never married Dummy variable (=I) if never married, 0
Married Dummy variable (=1) if married, 0 otherwise
Divorced (a) Dummy variable (=1) 1 if divorced or
widowed, 0 otherwise
Nonwage income Total monthly income from all sources net of
labor income
Excellent health Dummy variable (=1) if health status
reported very good, 0 otherwise
Good health Dummy variable (=1) if health status
reported good, 0 otherwise
Average health Dummy variable (=1) if health status
reported average, 0 otherwise
Household size Number of household members
Bad health (b) Dummy variable (=1) if health status
reported bad, 0 otherwise
Urban Dummy variable (=1) if resides in an urban
settlement, 0 otherwise
Occupation 1 Dummy variable (=1) if senior official or
manager, 0 otherwise
Occupation 2 Dummy variable (=1) if professional, 0
Occupation 3 Dummy variable (=1) if technician or
associate professional, 0 otherwise
Occupation 4 Dummy variable (=1) if clerk, 0 otherwise
Occupation 5 Dummy variable (=1) if service or sales
worker, 0 otherwise
Occupation 6 Dummy variable (=1) if craft and related
trades, 0 otherwise
Occupation 7 Dummy variable (=1) if plant and machine
operators, 0 otherwise
Occupation 8 (a) Dummy variable (=1) if elementary
occupations, 0 otherwise
Occupation 9 Dummy variable (=1) if army, 0 otherwise
Region 1 Dummy variable (=1) if resides in Moscow and
St. Petersburg, 0 otherwise
Region 2 Dummy variable (=1) if resides in north and
northwest, 0 otherwise
Region 3 Dummy variable (=1) if resides in Central
and Central Black-Earth, 0 otherwise
Region 4 Dummy variable (=1) if resides in Volga-
Vaytski and Volga Basin, 0 otherwise
Region 5 Dummy variable (=1) if resides in North
Caucasian, 0 otherwise
Region 6 Dummy variable (=1) if resides in Ural, 0
Region 7 Dummy variable (=1) if resides in Western
Siberia, 0 otherwise
Region 8 (a) Dummy variable (=1) if resides in Eastern
Siberia and Far East, 0 otherwise
(a) Omitted category.
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics
Variable Full Sample
Work 0.759 (0.428)
Wage 8.651 (12.746)
Alcohol 0.655 (0.475)
Drinks every day 0.011 (0.106)
Drinks 4-6 times/week 0.017 (0.131)
Drinks 2-3 times/week 0.081 (0.273)
Drinks once/week 0.143 (0.350)
Drinks 2-3 times/month 0.235 (0.424)
Drinks once/month 0.167 (0.373)
Ethanol/week 138.703 (127.601)
Age 37.786 (9.239)
Education 9.509 (1.203)
Never married 0.076 (0.238)
Married 0.781 (0.402)
Divorced 0.143 (0.216)
Nonwage income 259.539 (702.1)
Excellent health 0.021 (0.144)
Good health 0.299 (0.458)
Average health 0.589 (0.492)
Bad health 0.091 (0.288)
Household size 3.346 (1.432)
Urban 0.758 (0.436)
Occupation 1 0.032 (0.176)
Occupation 2 0.168 (0.374)
Occupation 3 0.155 (0.362)
Occupation 4 0.063 (0.243)
Occupation 5 0.083 (0.275)
Occupation 6 0.170 (0.375)
Occupation 7 0.203 (0.403)
Occupation 8 0.115 (0.319)
Occupation 9 0.012 (0.109)
Region 1 0.074 (0.262)
Region 2 0.077 (0.266)
Region 3 0.187 (0.390)
Region 4 0.181 (0.385)
Region 5 0.135 (0.341)
Region 6 0.156 (0.363)
Region 7 0.101 (0.301)
Region 8 0.090 (0.286)
Round 5 18.0%
Round 6 21.0%
Round 7 20.7%
Round 8 21.5%
Round 9 18.8%
Number of observations 19,292
Variable Males
Work 0.771*** (0.420)
Wage 9.771*** (13.088)
Alcohol 0.744*** (0.436)
Drinks every day 0.021*** (0.142)
Drinks 4-6 times/week 0.031*** (0.174)
Drinks 2-3 times/week 0.137*** (0.344)
Drinks once/week 0.198*** (0.398)
Drinks 2-3 times/month 0.246*** (0.431)
Drinks once/month 0.112*** (0.315)
Ethanol/week 192.449*** (145.130)
Age 38.017*** (9.898)
Education 9.405** (1.307)
Never married 0.085*** (0.251)
Married 0.803*** (0.439)
Divorced 0.112*** (0.208)
Nonwage income 301.690*** (741.2)
Excellent health 0.031*** (0.174)
Good health 0.373*** (0.484)
Average health 0.522*** (0.500)
Bad health 0.074*** (0.262)
Household size 3.482** (1.519)
Urban 0.745* (0.413)
Occupation 1 0.039*** (0.193)
Occupation 2 0.107*** (0.309)
Occupation 3 0.067*** (0.250)
Occupation 4 0.011*** (0.106)
Occupation 5 0.050*** (0.219)
Occupation 6 0.279*** (0.448)
Occupation 7 0.333*** (0.471)
Occupation 8 0.093*** (0.290)
Occupation 9 0.021*** (0.143)
Region 1 0.071 (0.256)
Region 2 0.077 (0.266)
Region 3 0.186 (0.389)
Region 4 0.186* (0.388)
Region 5 0.139* (0.346)
Region 6 0.153 (0.360)
Region 7 0.100 (0.300)
Region 8 0.089 (0.284)
Round 5 18.2%
Round 6 21.5%
Round 7 20.9%
Round 8 21.1%
Round 9 18.3%
Number of observations 9525
Variable Females
Work 0.743 (0.434)
Wage 7.557 (11.869)
Alcohol 0.568 (0.495)
Drinks every day 0.002 (0.048)
Drinks 4-6 times/week 0.004 (0.063)
Drinks 2-3 times/week 0.027 (0.161)
Drinks once/week 0.089 (0.285)
Drinks 2-3 times/month 0.225 (0.418)
Drinks once/month 0.221 (0.415)
Ethanol/week 86.289 (77.537)
Age 37.561 (8.542)
Education 9.610 (1.083)
Never married 0.067 (0.213)
Married 0.760 (0.411)
Divorced 0.173 (0.234)
Nonwage income 218.432 (622.5)
Excellent health 0.011 (0.106)
Good health 0.227 (0.419)
Average health 0.654 (0.476)
Bad health 0.108 (0.310)
Household size 3.273 (1.334)
Urban 0.771 (0432)
Occupation 1 0.025 (0.156)
Occupation 2 0.229 (0420)
Occupation 3 0.244 (0.429)
Occupation 4 0.115 (0.319)
Occupation 5 0.115 (0.318)
Occupation 6 0.060 (0.237)
Occupation 7 0.073 (0.261)
Occupation 8 0.137 (0.343)
Occupation 9 0.003 (0.056)
Region 1 0.078 (0.268)
Region 2 0.077 (0.267)
Region 3 0.187 (0.390)
Region 4 0.177 (0.381)
Region 5 0.130 (0.336)
Region 6 0.159 (0.365)
Region 7 0.102 (0.303)
Region 8 0.091 (0.287)
Round 5 17.7%
Round 6 20.6%
Round 7 20.6%
Round 8 21.8%
Round 9 19.3%
Number of observations 9767
Standard deviations are in parentheses. The definitions of the
variables are presented in Appendix A.
* Statistically different from female mean at p < 0.10.
** Statistically different from female mean at p < 0.05.
*** Statistically different from female mean at p < 0.01.
Table 2. Distribution of Employment and Wages
Full Sample Males
Work Wage Work Wage
Drink in the last 30 days
Yes 0.787 9.472 0.788 10.177
(0.439) (13.719) (0.406) (13.604)
No 0.706 7.089 0.720 8.590
(0.416) (10.761) (0.449) (10.123)
Frequency of drinking
Every day 0.603 11.752 0.628 11.997
(0.383) (14.129) (0.415) (14.451)
4-6 times a week 0.724 12.882 0.758 13.202
(0.403) (17.403) (0.422) (18.141)
2-3 times a week 0.758 10.321 0.771 10.555
(0.413) (13.336) (0.411) (15.432)
Once a week 0.804 10.072 0.811 10.412
(0.457) (13.103) (0.438) (13.390)
2-3 times a month 0.798 9.315 0.797 10.085
(0.422) (16.228) (0.421) (13.138)
Once a month 0.790 8.257 0.787 8.316
(0.444) (12.230) (0.443) (7.898)
Work Wage
Drink in the last 30 days
Yes 0.785 8.571
(0.410) (12.796)
No 0.698 6.222
(0.381) (7.100)
Frequency of drinking
Every day 0.391 9.664
(0.375) (13.886)
4-6 times a week 0.462 10.437
(0.488) (14.134)
2-3 times a week 0.691 9.139
(0.383) (13.121)
Once a week 0.788 9.336
(0.452) (12.689)
2-3 times a month 0.799 8.495
(0.455) (11.332)
Once a month 0.792 8.228
(0.451) (8.301)
Standard errors are in parentheses.
Table 3. Cross-Sectional Estimates of Employment Model for Males
Variable Model One Model Two
Alcohol -- 0.050 *** (0.013)
Drinks every day -0.053 (0.035) --
Drinks 4-6 times/week 0.032 (0.026) --
Drinks 2-3 times/week 0.040 *** (0.014) --
Drinks once/week 0.062 *** (0.013) --
Drinks 2-3 times/month 0.057 *** (0.012) --
Drinks once/month 0.050 *** (0.015) --
Ln(ethanol) -- --
Ln[(ethanol).sup.2] -- --
[R.sup.2] 0.058 0.055
Number of observations 9525 9525
Variable Model Three
Alcohol --
Drinks every day --
Drinks 4-6 times/week --
Drinks 2-3 times/week --
Drinks once/week --
Drinks 2-3 times/month --
Drinks once/month --
Ln(ethanol) 0.069 *** (0.011)
Ln[(ethanol).sup.2] -0.011 *** (0.002)
[R.sup.2] 0.059
Number of observations 9525
Robust standard errors are in parentheses.
*, **, and *** Estimated coefficients are statistically different from
zero at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels respectively.
Table 4. Cross-Sectional Estimates of Employment Model for Females
Variable Model One Model Two
Alcohol -- 0.072 *** (0.009)
Drinks every day -0.314 *** (0.100) --
Drinks 4-6 times/week -0.267 *** (0.078) --
Drinks 2-3 times/week -0.002 (0.30) --
Drinks once/week 0.079 *** (0.015) --
Drinks 2-3 times/month 0.086 *** (0.011) --
Drinks once/month 0.073 *** (0.011) --
Ln(ethanol) -- --
Ln[(ethanol).sup.2] -- --
[R.sup.2] 0.078 0.071
Number of observations 9767 9767
Variable Model Three
Alcohol --
Drinks every day --
Drinks 4-6 times/week --
Drinks 2-3 times/week --
Drinks once/week --
Drinks 2-3 times/month --
Drinks once/month --
Ln(ethanol) 0.089 *** (0.014)
Ln[(ethanol).sup.2] -0.022 *** (0.004)
[R.sup.2] 0.079
Number of observations 9767
Robust standard errors are in parentheses.
*, **, and *** Estimated coefficients are statistically different from
zero at the 10%, 5%,, and 1% levels respectively.
Table 5. Cross-Sectional Estimates of Log(Wage) Model for Males
Variable Model One Model Two
Alcohol -- 0.105 (0.094)
Drinks every day 0.288 (0.303) --
Drinks 4-6 times/week 0.090 (0.277) --
Drinks 2-3 times/week 0.205 (0.164) --
Drinks once/week 0.214 * (0.130) --
Drinks 2-3 times/month -0.019 (0.128) --
Drinks once/month 0.068 (0.160) --
Ln(ethanol) -- --
Ln[(ethanol).sup.2] -- --
[R.sup.2] 0.056 0.051
Number of observations 4985 4985
Variable Model Three
Alcohol --
Drinks every day --
Drinks 4-6 times/week --
Drinks 2-3 times/week --
Drinks once/week --
Drinks 2-3 times/month --
Drinks once/month --
Ln(ethanol) 0.075 * (0.042)
Ln[(ethanol).sup.2] -0.021 * (0.014)
[R.sup.2] 0.055
Number of observations 4985
Robust standard errors are in parentheses.
*, **, and *** Estimated coefficients are statistically different from
zero al the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels, respectively.
Table 6. Cross-Sectional Estimates of Log(Wage) Model for Females
Variable Model One Model Two
Alcohol -- 0.164 ** (0.075)
Drinks every day -0.414 (0.694) --
Drinks 4-6 times/week -0.180 (0.806) --
Drinks 2-3 times/week 0.162 (0.274) --
Drinks once/week 0.218 * (0.115) --
Drinks 2-3 times/month 0.175 ** (0.097) --
Drinks once/month 0.136 *** (0.046) --
Ln(ethanol) -- --
Ln[(ethanol).sup.2] -- --
R2 0.060 0.059
Number of observations 5483 5483
Variable Model Three
Alcohol --
Drinks every day --
Drinks 4-6 times/week --
Drinks 2-3 times/week --
Drinks once/week --
Drinks 2-3 times/month --
Drinks once/month --
Ln(ethanol) 0.081 * (0.048)
Ln[(ethanol).sup.2] -0.010 ** (0.005)
[R.sup.2] 0.059
Number of observations 5483
Robust standard errors are in parentheses.
*, **, and *** Estimated coefficients are statistically different from
zero at the 10%. 5%, and 1% levels, respectively.
Table 7. Fixed Effects Estimates of Employment Model for Males
Variable Model One Model Two Model Three
Alcohol -- 0.007 (0.021) --
Drinks every day -0.109 (0.072) -- --
Drinks 4-6 times/week 0.064 (0.044) -- --
Drinks 2-3 times/week 0.010 (0.008) -- --
Drinks once/week 0.003 (0.015) -- --
Drinks 2-3 times/month 0.012 (0.022) -- --
Drinks once/month 0.009 (0.010) -- --
Ln(ethanol) -- -- 0.011 (0.008)
Ln[(ethanol).sup.2] -- -- 0.003 (0.004)
[R.sup.2] 0.145 0.122 0.143
Number of observations 2787 2787 2787
Standard errors are in parentheses.
*, **, and *** Estimated coefficients are statistically different
from zero at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels, respectively.
Table 8. Fixed Effects Estimates of Employment Model for Females
Variable Model One Model Two Model Three
Alcohol -- 0.025 (0.019) --
Drinks every day -0.035 (0.068) -- --
Drinks 4-6 times/week -0.054 (0.059) -- --
Drinks 2-3 times/week 0.038 (0.037) -- --
Drinks once/week 0.044 (0.035) -- --
Drinks 2-3 times/month 0.013 (0.021) -- --
Drinks once/month 0.009 (0.012) -- --
Ln(ethanol) -- -- 0.012 (0.009)
Ln[(ethanol).sup.2] -- 0.007 (0.005) --
[R.sup.2] 0.158 0.147 0.153
Number of observations 2778 2778 2778
Standard errors are in parentheses.
*, **, and *** Estimated coefficients are statistically different from
zero at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels, respectively.
Table 9. Fixed Effects Estimates of Log(Wage) Model for Males
Variable Model One Model Two
Alcohol -- 0.071 * (0.038)
Drinks every day 0.218 (0.214) --
Drinks 4-6 times/week 0.041 (0.032) --
Drinks 2-3 times/week 0.069 * (0.034) --
Drinks once/week 0.102 * (0.054) --
Drinks 2-3 times/month 0.066 ** (0.027) --
Drinks once/month 0.032 (0.021) --
Ln(ethanol) -- --
Ln[(ethanol).sup.2] -- --
[R.sup.2] 0.125 0.118
Number of observations 1454 1454
Variable Model Three
Alcohol --
Drinks every day --
Drinks 4-6 times/week --
Drinks 2-3 times/week --
Drinks once/week --
Drinks 2-3 times/month --
Drinks once/month --
Ln(ethanol) 0.012 * (0.007)
Ln[(ethanol).sup.2] 0.001 (0.002)
[R.sup.2] 0.121
Number of observations 1454
Standard errors are in parentheses.
*, **, and *** Estimated coefficients are statistically different from
zero at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels, respectively.
Table 10. Fixed Effects Estimates of Log(Wage) Model for Females
Variable Model One Model Two
Alcohol -- 0.101 * (0.(156)
Drinks every day -0.243 (0.853) --
Drinks 4-6 times/week 0.086 * (0.044) --
Drinks 2-3 times/week 0.124 ** (0.058) --
Drinks once/week 0.181 (0.103) --
Drinks 2-3 times/month 0.113 * (0.056) --
Drinks once/month 0.094 (0.073) --
Ln(ethanol) -- --
Ln[(ethanol).sup.2] -- --
[R.sup.2] -- --
Number of observations 1507 1507
Variable Model Three
Alcohol --
Drinks every day --
Drinks 4-6 times/week --
Drinks 2-3 times/week --
Drinks once/week --
Drinks 2-3 times/month --
Drinks once/month --
Ln(ethanol) --
Ln[(ethanol).sup.2] 0.023 * (0.014)
[R.sup.2] -0.011 (0.008)
Number of observations 1507
Standard errors are in parentheses.
*, **, and *** Estimated coefficients are statistically different from
zero at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels, respectively.
(1) One exception is Kenkel and Ribar (1994), who exploit the
longitudinal nature of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY).
However, their measure of alcohol consumption is heavy drinking, which
is different from the one used in this article.
(2) See MacDonald and Shields (2001) for an excellent review of the
(3) A number of studies also provide evidence of a positive effect
of illicit drug use on earnings (Kaestner 1991; Gill and Michaels 1992).
Most recently. Dave and Kaestner (2001) found a weak and indeterminate relationship between alcohol taxes and labor market outcomes, which
implies that alcohol use does not adversely affect labor market
outcomes. French, Roebuck, and Kebreau (2001) find that nonchronic drug
use is significantly related to employment.
(4) In the period from 1985 to 1988, mortality in Russia and other
parts of the Soviet Union fell sharply. Between 1984 and 1987,
age-standardized deaths fell by 12% among males and by 7% among females
(Leon et al. 1997). Deaths from alcohol-related causes were the most
affected. The trend then reversed and, in the period from 1990 to 1995,
mortality dramatically increased. Since 1995, the rates appear to have
stabilized, although life expectancy in Russia remains worse than it had
been at any time in the past half century (Rehm, Room, and Edwards
2001). The decline in mortality coincided with the period of the
Gorbachev antialcohol campaign, which started in 1985 and collapsed in
1987. The increase in mortality, on the other hand. corresponds to the
period of the dissolution of the former Soviet Union and the
state's subsequent loss of control of the alcohol market. This
temporal association suggests that the mortality fluctuations may be
related to alcohol consumption. However. the scientific support for a
link between alcohol and mortality in Russia is weak, and so far. all
the evidence has been indirect and based on the presumed temporal
(5) Price of composite good is normalized to one.
(6) This function can be justified under the separability of
alcohol demand from leisure and composite consumption (French, Roebuck.
and Kebrean 2001; DeSimone 2002).
(7) The Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS) data set has
other potentially valid instruments, such as the religious preference
variables. However, these variables exhibit very little variation across
(8) The RLMS is a collaborative effort of the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill, the Russian Central Statistical Bureau
(Goskomstat), and the All-Russia Center of Preventive Medicine. Detailed
information about the survey can be found at
(9) Data are collected for 160 survey sites (communities). These
160 sites are allocated into 38 primary sampling units based largely on
geographical factors and level of urbanization. These sampling units are
then collapsed into eight regions (See Table 1 for a list of these
(10) The alcohol data from the RLMS have been shown to match well
with estimates from other sources (Treml 1997: Jensen 2001).
(11) A similar algorithm is also used in Mullahy and Sindelar
(12) Occupations are coded according to the four-digit
International Standard Classification of Occupations (ILO 1988). These
codes are then collapsed into a single digit title, using the guidelines provided in the survey description.
(13) Individuals working in the agricultural sector are excluded
because these jobs are likely to be temporary or seasonal jobs.
(14) In similar contexts, Mullahy and Sindelar (1996) used OLS to
examine the impact of problem drinking on binary employment and
unemployment outcomes, and Kenkel and Ribar (1994) used OLS to estimate
the impact of alcohol consumption on binary marriage outcome.
(15) In order to minimize the influence of skewed data, the natural
logarithm of the ethanol consumption is used. However, a pure
logarithmic transformation cannot be implemented due to the presence of
nondrinkers. To overcome this difficulty, the variable is redefined as
Log(ethanol + 1) (French and Zarkin 1995).
(16) The occupation and the region of residence are estimated to be
significant determinants of the wage rate. The occupation indicators are
included in the wage model in order to capture any productivity
differences across different occupations. It can be argued that the
effect of occupation on earnings operates, in part. via education. The
models that excluded occupation dummies did not change the implications
of the alcohol consumption coefficients. I thank Michael Grossman for
bringing this to my attention.
(17) One can consider random effects as art alternative to the
fixed effects. A Hausman test yielded a p-value of less than 0.0001 for
both employment and wage models for both genders, which suggests that
differences between fixed effects and random effects are systematic.
Therefore, I reject the use of random effects.
(18) Fixed effects models are not reestimated because there is not
enough variation in these covariates to have any effect on wages or
(19) The Russian Consumer Price Index for food and beverages is
used to deflate the prices from different years to 1998 December rubles.
The price information is missing for several sites in some of the
rounds. These missing prices are replaced by the inflation-adjusted
average prices from the rounds in which they are available.
(20) I thank an anonymous referee for this point.
(21) Glinskaya and Mroz (2001) defined the contractual wage as
(total salary + [total amount owed/number of months owed]/hours worked).
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Erdal Tekin, Department of Economics, Andrew Young School of Policy
Studies, Georgia State University, University Plaza. Atlanta, GA
30303-3083 and the National Bureau of Economic Research: E-mail:
I thank David Blau, Michael Grossman, Julie Hotchkiss, Naci Mocan,
Paula Stephan, Volkan Topalli, and two anonymous referees for valuable
comments. Djesika Amendah and Roy Wada provided excellent research
assistance. All remaining errors are mine.
Received April 2003: accepted January 2004.