The effect of child care costs on the employment and welfare recipiency of single mothers.
Kimmel, Jean
1. Introduction
For all mothers of young children, entering the labor market is
strongly linked with the need for child care. Opportunities for caring
for children while in the labor market are few in a developed economy.
In many cases, the husband or another family member serves as caregiver,
but approximately 50% of preschoolers with a working mother are cared
for by nonrelatives (Casper 1997). Some of these arrangements involve a
substantial amount of money. In 1993, the average weekly cost of care
was $59 for home-based care, $68 for center-based care, and $48 for care
provided by a relative. This can represent one-fourth of earnings for
single mothers working full time at the minimum wage (Kimmel 1994). Such
substantial money expenditures, coupled with transportation needs both
to work and to day care, as well as the uncertainty of many child care
arrangements, are expected to keep many mothers of young children out of
the labor market. Thus, the relationship between employment and child
care for these mothers is though t to play a strong role in the link
between welfare recipiency and child care.
Welfare programs before and after welfare reform have targeted
child care as a barrier to employment. (1) Before welfare reform, child
care subsidies were available to some recipients through federal Title
IV-A funding sources for child care (AFDC/JOBS, At-Risk, Transitional
Child Care) and through the Child Care Development Block Grant. These
funds often came with matching requirements from the states. The
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996
(PRWORA) consolidated all these funds into state block grants, thereby
permitting the states to design their own child care assistance schemes.
States may supplement federal child care block grants with state
dollars, but there is no longer a required state match. Thus, while the
total federal dollar amount allocated to child care in Temporary
Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) exceeds former federal Aid to
Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) child care commitments, because
TANF requires less in state matching expenditures, it is unclear what
will happen to total child care expenditures as welfare reform evolves.
Early postreform evidence suggests that while overall child care
spending at the state level has increased, the increase is less than
would have occurred had the matching requirements been retained. A
recent study of welfare leavers reports that few are receiving subsidies
(Schumacher and Greenberg 1999), and only 1.24 million of the
approximately 10 million children eligible for federally funded support
received assistance in 1997 (U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services 1999).
Underlying states' expenditures on child care subsidies are
their subsidy eligibility guidelines, participation in such subsidy
programs by the eligible population, and availability of subsidized slots or funds for those families applying for such funds. Only a small
percentage of families eligible for subsidies based on the federal
maximum income limits receive such support. Federal guidelines as
outlined in PRWORA stipulate that federally financed child care
subsidies can be made available to families with incomes up to 85% of
the state's median income. However, as of July 1999, only five
states had set their eligibility guidelines at the federal maximum. In
addition, participation by the state-defined eligible group is quite
low, partially because of a lack of information. City officials in San
Francisco have used an innovative peer outreach program to increase
participation by the eligible population, and by the start of 2000, the
city was enrolling 50% of the estimated eligible population, an
enrollment rate twice the statewide average (Heymann 2000b).
Extensive data on post-TANF behavior are not yet available, nor
will they be for some time. However, there is some evidence that workers
continue to report that availability and cost of child care are barriers
to self-sufficiency. For example, the McKnight Foundation's recent
survey found that 18% of employers report that their welfare-to-work workers face child care problems (Heymann 2000a).
This paper looks back to the relationship between AFDC recipiency
and child care costs using data from the second half of 1994. It is
offered not as a historical footnote but rather because child care costs
will continue to be an important factor determining welfare
participation in the post-welfare reform environment because of the low
expected earnings of low-skilled workers and the high percentage of
earned income that must be devoted to purchase reliable quality care. In
addition to facilitating mothers' employment and thus reducing
poverty and the need for income supplements, quality child care is also
an important social concern in and of itself, given the strong link
between quality child care and positive child outcomes, particularly for
at-risk children. Finally, these data come from early in the 1990s'
economic expansion and thus represent a more diverse population of
welfare recipients than more recent data would contain. Later in the
1990s, after the economic expansion broke historical records, st ate
welfare caseloads had fallen so substantially (because of both welfare
reform and the unusually strong economy) that the remaining caseload is
overrepresented by hard-to-place individuals with multiple
(hard-to-quantify) barriers to employment (see, e.g., Council of
Economic Advisers 1997; Ziliak et al. 2000). The earlier data permit the
estimation of a link between child care costs and welfare recipiency
that is likely to be observed in future periods of more typical moderate
economic expansion or contraction.
In this paper, we measure the effectiveness of child care
assistance policies indirectly by considering explicitly the effect of
the cost of child care on welfare recipiency. We find that, over a set
of alternative specifications, AFDC recipiency and employment of single
mothers are sensitive to the predicted hourly price of child care. The
elasticity of recipiency with respect to the predicted price of child
care is sensitive to the specification of the final model ranging in
value from 1.01 to 1.94 once the jointness of AFDC recipiency and
employment are considered. The elasticity of employment with respect to
the predicted price of child care is less sensitive to the specification
and estimated to be between -0.32 and -0.42, which is similar to what
other studies of single mothers have found. Finally, simulations of
child care subsidies show that substantial declines in AFDC recipiency
and increases in employment could be achieved with modest means-tested child care subsidies available to all single mother s.
We begin with a summary of evidence concerning the importance of
child care costs in the determination of welfare recipiency available
from welfare-to-work programs as well as a summary of the existing
econometric evidence on this issue. Then we summarize a theoretical
model of employment and welfare recipiency and estimate the model using
data from 1994 obtained by merging overlapping interviews from the 1992
and 1993 panels of the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP). Finally, we discuss policy simulations designed to enumerate more clearly the importance of child care costs to the welfare
2. Review of Existing Evidence
There are three main sources of information related to our research
question on the effect of the price of child care on employment and
welfare recipiency. The first source is a large body of econometric work
on the effect of child care costs on employment. Much of that literature
focused on married women, but a few more recent papers have highlighted
differences between married and single mothers. Second is a much smaller
set of papers focused on the welfare side of the coin. Finally, there is
some evidence from evaluations of welfare-to-work demonstration projects
of the importance of child care costs to employment and welfare
In terms of the econometric work on the effect of child care costs
on employment, that body of work has been well summarized elsewhere
(see, e.g., Anderson and Levine 1999; Blau 2000). This collection of
research includes the early work by Heckman (1974) and the economics of
child care revival of the late 1980s and early 1990s, which includes,
for example, Ribar (1992). Almost all the studies on employment find a
significant negative effect of child care costs on women's
employment, although the estimated child care price elasticity with
respect to employment varies widely across studies. Most relevant to our
current topic are three papers--Han and Waldfogel (1998), Anderson and
Levine (1999), and Connelly and Kimmel (in press)--each of which uses
STPP data from the early 1990 panels to look at differences across
marital status. Each of these papers finds evidence that the elasticity
of single mother's employment with respect to child care costs is
greater in absolute value than married mother's employment el
The econometrics literature that focus on child care costs and
welfare recipiency is more limited. Four papers using national databases
are Connelly (1990), Kimmel (1995), Houser and Dickert-Conlin (1998),
and Crecelius and Lin (2000). The first three use SIPP data similar to
those in our analysis here. Crecelius and Lin use Panel Study of Income
Dynamics (PSID) data. Connelly (1990) used the 1984 panel of SIPP and
found a small effect of child care costs on welfare recipiency. Kimmel
(1995) used a low-income subsample of a merged file from the 1987 and
1988 SIPP panels and found a nearly zero elasticity. Houser and
Dickert-Conlin (1998) used 1993 SIPP data in a complex microsimulation model of labor market and transfer program participation, incorporating
after-tax wages, transfer payments, and child care payments and
examining married and single mothers separately (the former in order to
discern secondary worker effects). Their simulations suggest that a 50%
child care subsidy would increase the labor force participation of
single parents by 2.9 percentage points and that a 20% reduction in the
AFDC guaranteed payment would increase the labor force participation of
single parents by 1.6% and reduce their welfare transfer program
participation by 1.2 percentage points. These results, although in the
same direction as our findings, are much smaller.
Crecelius and Lin's (2000) model also differs from ours in
several ways. First, they estimate a joint model of employment/welfare
participation that includes hours worked truncated at zero rather than
an employment probit as we do. Previous child care studies have shown
that the bulk of the behavioral "action" is in the discrete
employment outcome rather than the continuous hours outcome. They find
that for each 10-cent reduction in child care costs, there are 0.154 to
0.212 more hours worked per week.
Evidence of a positive relationship between child care costs and
welfare recipiency can also be found in a number of evaluation studies
of welfare-to-work demonstration projects, though the results are not
uniform. Anderson and Levine (1999) reviewed evidence from several major
welfare-to-work demonstration projects from the late 1980s and early
1990s that included child care components. (2) They wrote,
"Although the confluence of services, mandates, and incentives in
these demonstrations suggests caution is required in interpreting their
results, based on this evidence it seems reasonable to conclude that
subsidized child care may have a modest effect, at best, in increasing
employment levels of very low-skilled, single mothers with small
children" (p. 12). However, as the authors point out, none of these
demonstrations explicitly examined the importance of child care costs
within an experimental framework, so any conclusions relating to the
importance of child care costs are tentative at best.
The Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP), which was included
in Anderson and Levine's review, deserves extra scrutiny because
new findings from the three-year follow-up study (conducted with a
desirable experimental design based on random assignment into MFIP or
AFDC) have now been released. This program was an innovative program
based on the dual (and often competing) goals of encouraging work and
making work pay. It contained two key work incentive provisions, the
second of which related to child care. The MFIP paid child care costs
directly to providers for all parents working or participating in
employment-related activities. The AFDC reimbursement scheme differed
because the parents paid the providers directly and were reimbursed
later. According to the MFIP report summary (2000), the practice of
reimbursing the mother after the expenditure occurred may have hindered
the mother's efforts to get and stay employed. Also, the AFDC
reimbursement rules tend to discourage providers from accepting such su
bsidized clients because of the uncertainty of receiving payment. The
third-year follow-up report finds significant impacts in numerous areas,
including employment rates and earnings of the MFIP approach.
Finally, Lemke et al. (2000) analyzed Massachusetts state data on
current and former TANF recipients who also receive child care vouchers.
They find that increased funding for child care subsidies and
availability of full-day kindergarten are associated with increased
probabilities that current and former welfare recipients will work. (3)
In sum, a thorough review of the broad literature relevant for this
paper reveals a uniformity in the direction and significance of the
child care price effect but a rather broad range of empirical estimates
concerning the importance of child care costs on employment
probabilities of single mothers. Less has been done in reference to
welfare recipiency, but there, too, findings are consistent in the
direction of the effect and differ substantially in terms of the.
magnitude. What are the likely sources of these disparate findings?
First, equation specification matters (for an explicit focus on the
importance of equation specification, see, e.g., Kimmel 1998). Without
careful justification of equation specification and robustness checks,
results could be unstable. Second, studies that rely on regional child
care price data or complicated across-equation error structures (e.g.,
Blau and Hagy 1998; Tekin 2000) tend to produce smaller elasticities. On
the other hand, studies (such as this one) that rely on predic ting child care prices from individual characteristics tend to get larger
elasticities. Since the intracity variation in child care expenditures
are substantial and SIPP data constitute the only continuing national
data set with child care price information, we believe that studies such
as ours using individually generated child care prices should not be
dismissed or their findings discounted. One of the most important
aspects of the market for child care is that individuals face widely
different costs for similar services depending on the availability of
low- or no-cost child care options. Only individual based models take
this variation into account systematically.
3. Underlying Theoretical and Econometric Models
We begin with a simple model of individual decision making from
which equations can be derived that represent the discrete choices about
welfare recipiency and employment of mothers with young children. In our
model, we assume that mothers of young children seek to maximize their
utility over goods and child services, subject to four constraints: a
money budget constraint combining the mother's labor income and
nonlabor income, a production function for child services, a
mother's time constraint, and a child's time constraint. Child
services are the commodity parents are consuming from their children; it
could be companionship or love or pride in one's progeny. They are
produced with a combination of the mother's time at home, the
child's time with other caregivers, and money inputs. Total
nonlabor income is the sum of family income from sources other than the
mother's labor market participation and means-tied transfer income,
such as welfare payments. Mothers have three uses of their time: work in
the labor market, time spent with children, and leisure. The child has
two types of time: time with the mother and time with a nonmaternal
From this theoretical model, we derive the individual's
indirect utility function that takes on two or four different values
corresponding to the different possible work and welfare outcomes. (4)
Based on the indirect utility function, we derive estimating equations
for AFDC participation and employment in which both discrete dependent
variables represent underlying continuous latent indices reflecting
preferences for welfare recipiency and market work. Estimation of these
equations using variants of the probit model produce estimates of the
probabilities associated with employment and welfare recipiency.
Included among the factors affecting welfare recipiency and
employment will be predicted child care expenditures, which are expected
to be positively related to the probability of welfare receipt and
negatively related to the probability of employment. Increased
expenditures on child care lower a woman's effective wage in the
labor market when she is not receiving AFDC. Also included among these
variables will be her predicted wage (proxying potential earned income),
nonlabor family income, dichotomous variables indicating that the mother
is nonwhite or unhealthy or lives in an urban area or in the South,
factors affecting the value of a woman's time at home
(specifically, two dichotomous variables indicating whether the youngest
child is age zero to two years and whether there are two or more
preschoolers in the family), the state's average Medicaid expenditures per enrollee, the state's average monthly AFDC
payment, and the state's unemployment rate. We expect that the
woman's wage will be negatively correl ated with welfare receipt
but positively associated with employment, while those variables that
are positively correlated with the value of a mother's time at
home, particularly the number of young children in the family, will have
the opposite effects on both outcomes.
Estimating the welfare recipiency equation by itself will provide
an initial look at the effect of child care costs on AFDC recipiency.
However, estimating this equation alone ignores the interaction between
AFDC recipiency and employment. Because of kinks in the budget line
caused by AFDC regulations, as well as possible discontinuities in hours
of employment and child care availability, it is reasonable to suspect
that decisions about AFDC recipiency are made jointly with decisions to
work for pay. In other words, the error terms in the two equations are
correlated. Jointly estimating these two equations is accomplished by
estimating a bivariate prohit with four possibilities corresponding to
the joint outcomes of AFDC recipiency, yes or no, and employed, yes or
no. Estimates of the bivariate probit model refine our understanding of
the effect of child care expenditures on both AFDC recipiency and
employment of single mothers. In addition, use of the bivariate probit
model produces more efficient estimates of the parameters and the
standard errors.
4. Description of the Data
The sample of single mothers with children age five or younger used
in this paper was drawn from a merged file from the 1992 and 1993 SIPP
panels. The SIPP, which is conducted by the U.S. Bureau of the Census,
is a large, nationally representative sample of households in the United
States. (5) In these two panels, SIPP respondents are interviewed every
four months for nine interviews, and a special set of child care
questions are asked at the sixth interview of the 1992 panel, which
overlaps the same calendar time period as the third interview of the
1993 panel. In these overlapping child care interviews, which took place
in the second half of 1994, currently employed respondents with children
younger than six were asked a number of detailed questions regarding
their child care utilization patterns and expenditures. Mothers of such
young children are subject to strongly binding child time constraint;
that is, these children must be cared for 24 hours of the day by either
a parent or a nonparental child care p rovider. Thus, while some child
care costs are also associated with older children, the labor market
decisions of mothers with young children are the mostly likely to be
affected by the costs of child care.
Using the detailed labor force information from the fourth month of
the wave, each mother is defined as employed if she reports positive
earnings, hours, and weeks worked. The hourly wage is defined as monthly
earnings divided by monthly hours worked. Finally, welfare recipiency
equals one if the mother reports any AFDC recipiency during the fourth
month of the wave.
We added a set of state-based variables to the SIPP's
individual-based information. These variables include the constructed
dummy variables for urban residence (equals one if the mother lives in a
standard metropolitan statistical area [SMSA]), and southern residence
(equals one if the mother lives in the South). An additional set of
state-based variables was added that includes information drawn from a
variety of sources. These variables include the state's average
Medicaid payment per enrollee, the state's average monthly AFDC
payment, the state's unemployment rate, the state's regulated
child:staff ratio of less than 10:1, the state regulated center
teachers' education, state per capita income, and, finally, the
employers' estimated workers' compensation payment by state.
Table 1 presents the mean values of the variables included in the
analysis for five categories of single mothers: all single mothers,
those employed, those employed and paying for child care, single mothers
receiving welfare payments, and single mothers not receiving welfare
payments. Table 2 provides a more detailed breakdown of variable means
using subgroups stratified by both welfare and employment status, which
is the specific focus of this paper. First looking at Table 1, we see
that 43% of the 1523 women in our full sample are welfare recipients.
Thirteen percent of the welfare recipients are employed in the labor
market, while 73% of the nonrecipients are employed. In addition, AFDC
recipients are slightly younger than nonrecipients (27.7 vs. 28.2 years
old) and have, on average, 11.2 years of education--more than one year
fewer than the nonrecipients. The AFDC recipients have more children
aged zero to two and three to five, are more likely than nonrecipients
to be nonwhite, and are considerably more likely to live in poverty.
Employed single mothers are 28.5 years of age, on average, and have
12.5 years of education. Only 26% live in poverty, but two-thirds have
income less than twice the poverty threshold. Approximately one-fourth
work part time, and 53% report paying for child care. The oldest single
mothers are those who are employed and paying for child care, and this
subgroup also reports the highest education levels, with 12.6 years of
education. Focusing further on the issue of paying for child care, those
single mothers employed and paying for care are a bit less likely to be
nonwhite and less likely to live in poverty or receive welfare than all
employed single mothers. Additionally, they are less likely to work part
time, and they earn higher average hourly wages ($8.96 vs. $8.25 an
Turning to Table 2, the working single mothers not reporting
welfare recipiency are the oldest and have the most education and the
lowest poverty rates. Their higher nonlabor income may indicate that
they are more likely to be receiving child support payments. The other
group with relatively higher nonlabor income is the group not employed
and not on welfare. Some of these women are also receiving child
support, but there is substantial variation among themselves, as the
high poverty rate indicates. Others may be queued for welfare, waiting
for their savings to be depleted.
Looking now at the two employed subgroups in Table 2, note that the
nonwelfare group is far less likely to be employed part time and
receives a considerably higher average hourly wage ($8.61 vs. $5.41 an
hour). In addition, note that while the welfare recipient group is less
likely to pay for care (36% vs. 56%), the recipient group pays a higher
hourly price for child care. This may reflect the higher cost of
part-time child care (see, e.g., Connelly and Kimmel in press) or the
receipt of child care subsidies.
Table 3 provides additional detail concerning child care
expenditures by particular mode for all single mothers, then the single
mother group is broken down by recipiency status. Single mothers
receiving welfare are more likely to rely on relative care and less
likely to rely on center-based care. But recall that they are also more
likely to work part time, an employment state more often associated with
this pattern of modal choice. In addition, the welfare recipients are
less likely to pay for relative care and less likely to pay for
center-based care. Neither subgroups are very likely to pay for relative
care. The welfare recipient subgroup's average weekly payment for
center-based care is considerably higher than for those not receiving
welfare, but note that only nine single mothers fit this category, a
sample of insufficient size for a meaningful statistical comparison. For
all single mothers, center-based care is the most expensive, followed by
home-based care and relative care, respectively.
5. Measuring Child Care Costs and the Problem with Censored Data
Child care costs present a problem for the empirical researcher in
that they are often unknown unless the mother is engaged in market work.
This is the case with the SIPP data. This situation is similar to the
problem of wages that are unobserved if the person is not employed. In
addition to the problem of limited observation of the relevant variable,
child care is complicated by the fact that many families do not pay the
"market price" for child care. Nonprofit centers are often
subsidized in the form of free rent and require no return on investment
capital. Relatives and friends may be willing to provide child care at a
reduced price or at no charge either because they receive in-kind payments or because they enjoy caring for the child. In addition, some
families in our sample may already receive a subsidy for their child
care costs.
How one approaches this problem depends in part on the information
available and in part on the question one is trying to answer. Because
the focus here is on the mother's decision, only the portion of the
cost she pays is relevant. Since we are interested in the effect of
child care costs on welfare recipiency and employment, we use the cost
of child care per hour of employment, not the cost per hour of child
care used. This is the relevant decision variable for mothers of young
children who are evaluating the costs and benefits of entering the labor
market, with one alternative being receiving welfare.
As we argued previously, differences among families in their access
to low- or no-cost care is a very pertinent issue for our problem. Using
the average local market price of child care alone ignores substantial
differences among families in access to below-market child care. The
problem is that there is not really an exogenously given price of child
care that is relevant to all consumers in the marketplace. Instead,
because of differences in family circumstances and location of residence
(which are assumed to be exogenous to current decision making), each
individual faces her own (exogenously given) price per hour of child
care. The approach we use follows from Heckman (1974), who estimated a
price of child care for each woman given information about the
availability of other potential caregivers.
Because child care costs differ on the basis of the number and ages
of young children in the family, we include variables measuring the
number of children in fairly specific age categories that relate
directly to child care options available to children of various ages.
Our measure of child care costs is the predicted cost per hour of
employment of child care for the youngest child in the family
controlling for the number of other young children in the household. (8)
The problem of censored data is handled using the methodology
described by Tunali (1986) and first applied to the problem of child
care by Connelly (1992). This is a bivariate sample selection correction
akin to the well-known Heckman correction to the wage equation (Heckman
1976). This method has since been used by a number of researchers
interested in estimating child care costs, including the U.S. General
Accounting Office (1994), Kimmel (1995), Powell (1997, 1998), Han and
Waldfogel (1998), Kimmel (1998), and Anderson and Levine (1999), among
others. Hourly child care costs are estimated using information from all
women who are currently employed, taking into account both the selection
in the employment decision and the large number of women who are
employed but whose money costs of child care are zero. Child care
expenditures (measured in natural logarithm form) are assumed to be a
linear function of a set of individual and family and locational
variables, which includes the number of children of various ages, the
presence of other potential caregivers in the family, age, race,
nonlabor income, region, and state child care regulations.
The statistical technique used involves estimating a bivariate
probit model predicting employment and nonzero expenditure for child
care. The results of this bivariate probit are used to create the
selection terms that are used in the second-stage linear estimation of
hourly expenditures. The results of the bivariate probit and other
supporting estimations are presented in appendix tables. The
coefficients estimated in this two-stage procedure are then used with
the individual woman's characteristics to predict an hourly price
of child care for each mother in the sample. This prediction is for care
as well as the expected cost of paid care; that is, we estimate the
unconditional expected price of child care (which accounts for the
expected probability of paying), and use the resulting coefficients and
individual characteristics of the women to estimate E[[]] =
E[[] \ Paying Paying = yes] * Prob[Paying]. (9)
One should note that while we think this method of estimating child
care costs has substantial benefits over alternatives such as average
child care costs in the location of residence (which is not available
with SIPP data), because of its acknowledgment of differences in the
probability of paying for care, the disadvantage is that bivariate
probits are in general quite sensitive to sample size. In this research
context, we found that we could not get robust estimates of the price of
child care using the single mothers sample only. So to increase our
sample size, we included in our preliminary regressions all women with
young children, both married and unmarried women, who are employed and
paying for care. With married women included in the sample used for
estimating the price of child care (and wage rates), the estimated price
of child care is robust to other issues of model specification (Anderson
and Levine 1999 also use this technique to resolve robustness problems
arising from small subsamples). As long as married and unmarried women
do not differ in the structure that converts individual and family
characteristics into the probability of paying for child care and the
amount paid if the cost is greater than zero other than a shift in the
intercept (which we do allow), then our strategy is an appropriate one.
If differences between single and married women cannot simply be
captured by a single dummy variable, then our estimated price of child
care may not fully capture the experience of single mothers'
decision making.
With predicted child care expenditures for the youngest child of
each single mother, we can analyze how changes in the price of child
care might affect the probability of employment and the probability of
AFDC receipt. We can also simulate "tied" programs, such as
increased child care subsidies enacted in conjunction with lowered AFDC
benefits. A set of policy simulations are discussed after our analysis
of the main results.
6. Summary of Estimation and Identification
Our full estimation involves several steps that we summarize here.
First, as discussed previously, we must create the two predicted
regressors (predicted child care prices and predicted wages). These are
constructed with two different sets of preliminary regressions. To
construct predicted wages, we use the full sample of married and single
mothers to run a reduced-form employment probit equation. This is used
to construct the single Heckman correction term for inclusion in the
wage equation. The Heckman correction addresses the econometric problem
of sample selection resulting from estimating the wage equation only for
those individuals with positive wages. Still using the full sample, we
then estimate the wage equation including this Heckman selection as one
of the included variables. The resulting coefficients from that model
are used to construct predicted wages for each individual in the single
mothers' sample. The coefficient on the Heckman correction term is
not used in the construction of the predicte d wage, thus giving us the
E[W], not the E[W Employment = yes].
To construct predicted child care price for the youngest child, we
first run a reduced-form bivariate probit model that includes both a
reduced-form employment equation and a reduced-form probability of
paying for care equation, again using the full sample of married and
single mothers of children under age six. These results are used to
construct the two correction terms needed for inclusion in the price of
the child care equation. The price per hour worked of child care for the
youngest child is estimated using the sample of married and single
mothers who are both employed and pay for care. The resulting
coefficients of this price of child care equation are then used to
construct predicted unconditional hourly price of child care for the
youngest child for each single mother in the sample, E[[]].
The strategy used requires that the selection terms that are
constructed from a nonlinear combination of reduced-form variables be
identified in the second-stage equation. (10) For the wage equation,
nonlabor income, the set of household composition variables, and the
state-level variables related to the price of child care and the
generosity of the state's welfare system, such as the state's
regulated child:staff ratio for four year olds and the state's
average monthly AFDC payment, serve as identifiers of the inverse Mills
ratio. (11) For the price-of-child-care equation, we have only one
identifier other than the functional form that is our measure of the
health status of the mother. However, this variable seems to satisfy
both criteria of an adequate identifier. It is a significant predictor
of both employment and the probability of paying but should not be
expected a priori to affect the amount paid for care once one does
decide to pay for care.
Once we have the two predicted values in hand, we run two versions
of the full model. First, we estimate the final AFDC and employment
probits separately. Second, we implement a full bivariate probit model
that takes into account the error structure relationship between
employment and recipiency. Our policy simulations and cost estimates are
constructed from these final bivariate probit results.
Here, too, issues of identification arise. What is needed to
identify the price of child care and wage variables are variables
included in those estimating equations that are excluded from the final
probits. Again we look for exclusion restrictions that can both be
justified theoretically and have empirical significance in the
first-stage equation. The full set of identifiers are years of
education, age, age squared, number of children aged 6 to 12, number of
children aged 13 to 17, presence of other adults, the state's
regulated child:staff ratio of less than 10:1, the state regulated
center teachers' education, employers' estimated workers'
compensation payment by state, and state per capita income. These
restrictions are similar to those made by a number of other authors
(Anderson and Levine 1999; Crecelius and Lin 2000; Michalopoulos and
Robins 2002) and ourselves in previous work (Connelly 1992; Kimmel
1998). Several of these variables satisfy the criteria of empirical
significance in the first-stage equ ation. These include years of
education, age, age squared, number of children aged 6 to 12, number of
children aged 13 to 17, and state per capita income. The theoretical
justification for exclusion is that the number of children age 6 to 12
and children 13 to 17 reflect the probability of paying for care but do
not directly affect employment and welfare recipiency. Similarly, the
argument is that education, age, and age squared are strongly associated
with the wage and price paid for child care but do not directly affect
employment and recipiency probabilities. State per capita income is
expected to be correlated with price levels in the state but not
directly with employment and recipiency probabilities. Of these
restrictions, probably the most controversial are the exclusion of
education, age, and age squared from the final equation. We estimated
the final equation with and without these variables. Our findings are
qualitatively robust to the change in specification, though the
elasticities of AFDC recipie ncy with respect to the price of child care
and wages are increased when education, age, and age squared are
included in the final probit. The elasticity of employment with respect
to the price of child care and wages are largely unchanged. We return to
this comparison in Table 5.
7. Estimation and Simulation Results
Table 4 presents the results from a bivariate probit estimation
model in which the dependent variables are AFDC recipiency and
employment. (12) For AFDC recipiency, very similar results have been
obtained from other data sets. (13) Nonwhite mothers, mothers who reside
in urban areas, and mothers reporting poor health are more likely to
receive AFDC. The state's average AFDC payment per enrollee is
related positively to AFDC recipiency, but the average Medicaid
expenditure per enrollee is related negatively.
The newer finding of Table 4 is the effect of predicted child care
expenditures on the probability of AFDC recipiency. As the theoretical
model predicts, that effect is positive and significant, with an
estimated price elasticity of AFDC recipiency equal to 1.0. Controlling
for the price of care, the predicted wage (a proxy for earned income in
this equation) is related negatively to the probability of welfare
recipiency, with the wage elasticity equal to -0.8. Those with higher
nonlabor incomes are also less likely to receive welfare, while families
in which the youngest child has one or more siblings under the age of
six are more likely to receive welfare.
Results for the employment equation are also consistent with a
priori expectations. The child care price elasticity of employment
equals -0.4, which falls well within the broad range of estimates found
in the current literature. The employment elasticity with respect to
wage changes equals 0.8, which is also consistent with previous findings
of employment elasticities for single mothers. For example, our
employment elasticities are very similar to those reported by Anderson
and Levine for unmarried mothers with children under six. Their
employment elasticity with respect to the wage is 0.6, and their
employment elasticity with respect to price of child care of is -0.6.
The bivariate probit used to estimate the model reported in Table 4
accounts for the correlation between employment and welfare recipiency.
Accounting for the correlation in this case is important because
unobserved variables relevant to the AFDC outcome are also likely to be
relevant to the employment outcome. As expected, the estimated
correlation coefficient between the two equations' error terms is
negative, significant, and quantitatively large. This suggests that
unobserved factors that increase the probability of employment decrease
the probability of receiving AFDC.
One concern of models of this type is the robustness of the
findings in terms of specification. We discussed the identifying
restrictions in the previous section. We experimented with many
different specifications of the early stage equations, and as long as we
included married women in our sample, our results were robust to these
changes. We also experimented with adding some of the overidentifying
variables back into the final probit and were encouraged by the
retention of significance of both of the generated regressors regardless
of the specification. Of particular interest was a final model that
included age and education in addition to the predicted wage and
predicted price of child care. The elasticities that result from that
specification are almost the same in terms of the employment
elasticities but are much larger in terms of the welfare recipiency
elasticities. The comparison is shown in Table 5. Since age and
education figure so prominently in the value of the wage variable, it
would be "pushing" our 1523 observations too hard to expect
enough variation to keep education, age, wage, and the price of child
care all in the final stage equation. Thus, we prefer our specification
over the expanded version but caution that the reported elasticities are
sensitive to this specification choice.
The quantitative results are also sensitive to the estimation
strategy used. We experimented with several alternatives, including
univariate probits of employment and recipiency separately and a
multinomial logit model that treats the four cells of our bivariate
probit as four separate states of the world. The univariate probit might
be preferred for ease of calculation. However, the bivariate probit
model of Table 4 allows the error terms of the two equations to be
correlated, improving the efficiency of the estimation process and
producing more accurate standard errors. A weakness of the bivariate
model is that it constrains the model to a single coefficient vector for
employment and one for recipiency, allowing only for interactions in the
error terms. The third alternative, the multinomial logit model, allows
the effect of price of child care, for example, to differ between the
state of employed/not receiving AFDC and employed/receiving AFDC. While
more freedom for the coefficients is usually preferred in econometric
models, the multinomial logit requires the assumption of independence of
irrelevant alternatives (see, e.g., Greene 2000). In our model, this
requires the assumption that if we were to remove one of the four
possible cells (corresponding to the 2 X 2 matrix for labor force
participation and welfare recipiency), the estimated coefficients
corresponding to the other three cells would not be affected. In other
words, removing the option of not working and not receiving welfare
would not affect the coefficients corresponding to the option of not
working and receiving welfare. This seems to us to be a serious failing
of this model, as one expects that the decision to receive AFDC and work
is closely linked with the decision to receive AFDC and not work.
Michalopoulos and Robins (2000) discuss this shortcoming in their paper
and explain that they rely on the multinomial logit for their model only
because of the lack of a better option in light of their 12-choice
model. Because our model has only four c hoices (or cells), we do have
another option.
The most common alternative to the multinomial logit model is a
nested logit model, but this model is basically equivalent to the
bivariate probit in the 2 X 2 case. (14) Table 5 presents the
elasticities of changes in employment and welfare recipiency due to
changes in the price of child care and wages for three models: the
univariate probit, the bivariate probit, and the multinomial logit for
the same specification of the final model. The reader will note that the
elasticities are sensitive to the change in estimation strategy with our
preferred bivariate probit providing, in general, the smallest
Table 6 presents a set of simulations designed to assess the impact
of child care subsidies on the probability of AFDC recipiency and on the
probability of being employed. While these simulations do not address
specific welfare reform proposals, the simulations help illustrate the
study's estimates of price effects. The simulations were done using
the coefficient estimates of Table 5 and the actual characteristics of
the 1523 women in the sample. Row 2 shows that using the predicted child
care expenses and the other actual characteristics of women in our
sample, 40.2% of single mothers are predicted to receive AFDC and 48.5%
to be employed. These baseline probabilities compare with the actual
proportions in the data of 40.1% for AFDC recipiency and 48.5% for
employment. If child care expenditures were subsidized 10% for all
single mothers, the predicted level of AFDC recipiency falls to 34.9%,
and employment rises to 52.8%. A means-tested subsidy of 10% for all
women below median annual income of $24,600 has little impact on the
probability of receiving AFDC or being employed compared to the
non-means-tested subsidy but would cost considerably less. Tying a
means-tested 10% child care subsidy with a reduction in average AFDC
receipts is successful in reducing AFDC recipiency from 36.0% to 32.2%
but has almost no impact on employment.
With child care expenditures reduced to one-half for all single
mothers, AFDC recipiency would fall further to 12.5%, while employment
is predicted to rise to 74.7% (row 6). Making the child care subsidy
means tested moves the AFDC recipiency rate up to 17.6% (row 7), still a
substantial reduction from the baseline 40.2% with a large cost savings.
Tying the child care subsidy to a reduction in average state benefits
(row 8) reduces the receipency rate still further to 15.1% and increases
the employment rate to 69.5% with further cost saving in AFDC
expenditures. Taken as a whole, these results of our simulations
indicate that subsidizing child care costs for all single mothers may be
an important policy tool leading to lower AFDC recipiency rates. These
subsidies could be packaged with existing federal TANF program
restrictions on length of total, lifetime welfare recipiency, and work
requirements to improve living standards for ex-recipients by helping to
"make work pay."
Table 7 makes explicit the cost versus saving trade implicated to
our discussion of Table 6. Table 7, column 1, shows the estimated annual
savings in the total AFDC expenditures that would result from the lower
AFDC recipiency rates alongside estimated annual costs of the subsidy.
These are "back-of-envelope" calculations using each
woman's predicted wage assuming full-time employment and full-time
use of child care and predicted price of child care for the youngest
child. Savings are accrued if the woman was predicted to be receiving
AFDC in the baseline calculation and predicted to be not receiving AFDC
in the simulation. Child care subsidy costs were accrued if the woman
was predicted to be employed in the simulated scenario. The savings
ignore potential savings from Medicaid, food stamps, and other
means-tested programs, such as housing and potential gains of income tax
dollars. The costs columns ignore the child care costs of a sceond or
third child in the same family. Column 2 assumes that only single m
others' child care costs are subsidized and ignores increased
government obligations from the earned income tax credit. Column 3 again
assumes that only single mothers' child care costs are subsidized
but included an estimated earned income tax credit for newly employed
single mothers. Column 4 estimates the costs of a child care subsidy
that would apply to all employed mothers of young children and included
the earned income tax credit (EITC) costs for both single and married
EITC eligible mothers. The number in column 5 represents the net cost of
the subsidy comparing the cost calculations of column 4 with the
AFDC-derived savings of column 1. The results of column 5 compared with
column 4 show that the net cost of a child care subsidy program is
reduced by the savings from lower recipiency rates. Even without a
reduction in the amount of AFDC benefits, the cost of subsidizing child
care for low-income mothers appears to be low because of substantial
savings from lower recipiency rates.
8. Conclusions
Many papers have examined the effect of child care costs on the
labor market decisions of mothers of young children. This paper is one
of only a few that looks specifically at the effect of child care costs
on the decisions of single mothers concerning employment and AFDC
recipiency. In doing so, it seeks to answer the questions made so
relevant first by the Family Support Act of 1988 and more recently by
the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of
1996: Can subsidizing child care reduce the welfare dependency of single
The answer seems to be an unequivocal yes, though the size of the
estimated effect is found to be sensitive to the specification of the
model and the estimation strategy used. Simulations using our preferred
specification, which has much smaller elasticities with respect to
recipiency, show that AFDC recipiency is reduced by 28 percentage points
when child care expenditures are subsidized by 50% for women with annual
incomes below the median and, equally important, that employment is
increased by more than 25 percentage points. While that sounds like a
large subsidy, recall that the average weekly expenditure on child care
is about $58. However, any program that was designed to address the
quality of child care would raise this average weekly cost. Availability
would also be of concern, particularly for infants, and any solution to
the availability problem could also increase overall subsidy costs. (15)
Finally, these simulations do not reflect a broad equilibrium system that would model reverberations of such a subsidy throughout the
entire economy. Projection of the ultimate total impacts of such a
policy is complicated and perhaps falls outside of what we can expect
from data-based analysis. Yet the estimates presented in this paper do
show the value of child care subsidies in encouraging self-sufficiency
gained through market work.
Appendix A
Determinants of the Probability of Paying for the Primary Child Care
Arrangement of the Youngest Child and the Amount Paid for That Care
Natural Logarithm
of Hourly Price
Pay for Care of Child Care
Variable (n = 5764) (n = 1677)
Years of education 0.003 0.030 ***
(0.20) (2.29)
Age 0.005 0.014 ***
(1.17) (4.37)
Nonwhite -0.105 * -0.124 ***
(-1.70) (-2.33)
Nonlabor income 0.659E-04 *** 0.484E-04 ***
(5.57) (2.84)
Youngest child is an infant 0.174 *** 0.109 **
(3.70) (2.10)
Number of other preschoolers 0.091 0.260 ***
(1.56) (5.54)
Number of children age 6 to 12 -0.010 -0.074 ***
(-0.24) (-2.17)
Number of children age 13 to 17 -0.135 * -0.166 ***
(-1.82) (-2.63)
Presence of other adults -0.339 *** -0.119
(-5.07) (-1.25)
Unhealthy 0.285 *** --
Urban residence -0.122 *** 0.140 ***
(-2.33) (3.02)
Southern residence 0.158 ** -0.011
(2.16) (-0.18)
State's regulated child:staff 0.025 0.066
ratio < 10:1
(0.42) (1.54)
State's regulated center -0.041 0.038
teacher's education
(-0.73) (0.92)
State's average Medicaid per -0.227E-04 -0.883E-05
(-0.89) (-0.44)
State's average monthly AFDC payment 0.333E-03 0.253E-03
(1.21) (1.19)
State per capita income -0.120 0.238
(-0.90) (2.41)
Married -0.339*** 0.060
(5.50) (0.66)
[lambda] from YESPAY -- -0.009
[lambda] from employment -- -0.010
Constant 0.663** -1.252
(2.19) (-4.32)
Note: Table values are coefticients from bivariate probit for YESPAY and
the OLS price equation. T = statistics are in parentheses. Significance
* = 10%, ** = 5%, *** = 1%.
These results are used to construct the predicted price of child care
for each mother in the sample, which is used in the models presented in
Tables 4 and 5.
Appendix B
Determinants of the Probability of Being Employed and the Hourly Wages
(Probit Model for Employment and OLS Selection Equation for Hourly
Natural Logarithm
Employment of Hourly Wage
Variable (n = 5764) (n = 3088)
Years of education 0.116 *** 0.106 ***
(14.27) (16.37)
Age 0.179 *** 0.126 ***
(7.70) (6.80)
Age squared -0.003 *** -0.002 ***
(-7.58) (-5.48)
Nonwhite -0.068 -0.037
(-1.37) (-1.13)
Total number of children -- -0.110 ***
Nonlabor income -0.899E-04 *** --
Number of other preschoolers -0.400 *** --
Youngest child is an infant -0.150 * --
Number of children age 3 to 5 -0.055 --
Number of children age 6 to 12 -0.263 *** --
Number of children age 13 to 17 0.023 --
Presence of other adults 0.171 *** --
Unhealthy -0.477 *** -0.226 ***
(-6.70) (-3.72)
Urban residence 0.003 0.087 ***
(0.07) (3.16)
Southern residence -0.013 -0.001
(-0.22) (-0.04)
State's unemployment rate -0.068 *** 0.016
(-3.39) (1.41)
State's regulated child:staff 0.021 --
ratio < 10:1
State's regulated center teachers' 0.124 *** --
State's average Medicaid per -0.386E-04 --
Employers' estimated workers' -0.010 -0.003
compensation payment of state
(-0.28) (-0.18)
State's average monthly AFDC 0.129E-03 --
State per capita income -0.142 0.207 ***
(-1.23) (4.29)
Married 0.195 *** 0.057 **
(3.84) (1.98)
[lambda] -- 0.392 ***
Constant -2.938 *** -2.255 ***
(-7.17) (-6.98)
Note: Table values are coefficients from the employment probit equation
and the OLS (In)wage average equation. T-statistics are in parentheses.
Significance level
* = 10%; ** = 5%; *** = 1%.
These results are used to construct the predicated wage for each mother
in the sample, which is used in the models presented in Tables 4 and 5.
Table 1
Means and Standard Deviations for Demographics, Employment, and Child
Care Variables (a)
Single Monthers
Not on
Variables All Welfare
Age 28.01 28.24
(6.82) (6.77)
Education 11.82 12.31
(2.12) (2.04)
Nonlabor income 849.96 1016.12
(1536.21) (1683.57)
Number of children age 0 to 2 0.59 0.55
(0.59) (0.55)
Number of children age 3 to 5 0.72 0.64
(0.63) (0.58)
Nonwhite 0.39 0.33
(0.49) (0.47)
Poverty 0.55 0.36
(0.50) (0.48)
[Poverty.sup.2] 0.80 0.71
(0.40) (0.45)
Welfare 0.43 --
Employment 0.47 0.73
Proportion in labor force
(0.50) (0.45)
Part time -- --
Weekly work hours -- --
Hourly wage -- --
Child care -- --
Proportion paying for care
Weekly child care for youngest -- --
child ($)
Hourly child care for youngest -- --
child ($)
Number of observations 1523 912
Single Monthers
On Employed and
Variables Welfare Employed Pays for Care
Age 27.70 28.48 28.56
(6.88) (6.65) (6.22)
Education 11.15 12.50 12.55
(2.04) (1.96) (2.11)
Nonlabor income 625.41 919.65 849.56
(1277.11) (1665.34) (1577.61)
Number of children age 0 to 2 0.65 0.50 0.52
(0.65) (0.54) (0.54)
Number of children age 3 to 5 0.83 0.65 0.65
(0.68) (0.56) (0.57)
Nonwhite 0.48 0.35 0.32
(0.50) (0.48) (0.47)
Poverty 0.80 0.26 0.23
(0.40) (0.44) (0.42)
[Poverty.sup.2] 0.93 0.67 0.62
(0.26) (0.47) (0.49)
Welfare -- 0.11 0.08
(0.32) (0.27)
Employment 0.13 -- --
Proportion in labor force
Part time -- 0.27 0.20
(0.45) (0.40)
Weekly work hours -- 35.60 37.16
(10.06) (9.10)
Hourly wage -- 8.25 8.96
(5.43) (6.11)
Child care -- 0.53 1.00
Proportion paying for care
Weekly child care for youngest -- -- 57.58
child ($)
Hourly child care for youngest -- -- 1.65
child ($)
Number of observations 611 738 395
(a) Means and standard deviations are weighted to obtain population
average using the "topical module" weights supplied by SIPP. Standard
deviations are shown in parentheses.
Table 2
Means and Standard Deviations for Demographics, Employment, and Child
Care Variables by Employment and Welfare Status (a)
Variables On Welfare Not on Welfare
Age 28.12 28.53
(7.51) (6.52)
Education 11.77 12.59
(1.70) (1.97)
Nonlabor Income 659.35 953.42
(1378.94) (1696.05)
Number of children age 0 to 2 0.52 0.50
(0.56) (0.54)
Number of children age 3 to 5 0.60 0.66
(0.53) (0.56)
Nonwhite 0.43 0.34
(0.49) (0.47)
Poverty 0.57 0.22
(0.50) (0.41)
2 X poverty 0.85 0.65
(0.36) (0.48)
Part time 0.58 0.23
(0.49) (0.42)
Weekly work hours 28.28 36.55
(13.06) (9.18)
Hourly wage 5.41 8.61
(2.45) (5.60)
Child care
Proportion paying for care 0.36 0.56
(0.48) (0.50)
Weekly child care for youngest
child ($) 61.91 57.22
(39.37) (35.35)
Hourly child care for youngest
child ($) 2.46 1.59
(2.08) (1.06)
Number of observations 79 659
Not Employed
Variables On Welfare Not on Welfare
Age 27.64 27.47
(6.78) (7.33)
Education 11.06 11.57
(2.07) (2.04)
Nonlabor Income 620.44 1183.69
(1261.45) (1638.04)
Number of children age 0 to 2 0.67 0.69
(0.65) (0.55)
Number of children age 3 to 5 0.86 0.59
(0.69) (0.62)
Nonwhite 0.48 0.29
(0.50) (0.45)
Poverty 0.83 0.74
(0.37) (0.44)
2 X poverty 0.94 0.88
(0.24) (0.32)
Part time -- --
Weekly work hours -- --
Hourly wage -- --
Child care
Proportion paying for care -- --
Weekly child care for youngest
child ($) -- --
Hourly child care for youngest
child ($) -- --
Number of observations 532 253
(a) Means and standard deviations are weighted to obtain population
averages using the "topical module" weights supplied by SIPP. Standard
deviations are shown in parentheses.
Table 3
Child Care Mode Choice and Weekly Expenditures by Mode of Care for
Employed Single Mothers (a)
All On Welfare Not on Welfare
Weekly expenditure on child care
for each mode for those who pay
for care ($)
Relative care 48.06 58.62 47.21
Home-based care 59.27 49.98 60.41
Center-based care 68.38 97.32 66.59
Percentage using each child care
Relative care 44.78 54.73 43.49
(No. of observations) (325) (42) (283)
Home-based care 17.40 17.65 17.37
(No. of observations) (133) (16) (117)
Center-based care 37.82 27.62 39.14
(No. of observations) (280) (21) (259)
Of those who use each mode,
percentage who pay for it
Relative care 27.65 14.67 29.77
(No. of observations) (88) (6) (82)
Home-based care 90.51 85.04 91.23
(No. of observations) (121) (14) (107)
Center-based care 66.48 46.19 68.33
(No. of observations) (186) (9) (177)
(a) means are weighted to obtain population averges using the "topical
module" weights supplied by SIPP. All numbers relate to care
arrangements for each employed mother's youngest child except for weekly
expenditure figures or where indicated otherwise.
Table 4
Marginal Effects from the Bivariate Probit Model of Employment and
Welfare Recipiency
Welfare Employment
Predicted child care price 0.329 *** -0.l43 ***
(3.19) (-2.44)
[1.013] [-0.422]
Predicted wage -0.269 *** 0.273
(-8.29) (8.23)
[-0.828] [0.808]
Nonlabor income -0.434E-04 *** -0.641E-05 ***
(-5.94) (-2.40)
Nonwhite 0.137 *** -0.020 ***
(6.32) (-3.85)
Unhealthy 0.012 -0.047 *
(1.22) (-1.65)
Youngest child is an infant -0.078 *** -0.033
(-2.68) (0.40)
Number of other preschoolers -0.026 -0.060
(0.16) (-1.27)
Urban residence -0.007 -0.028
(0.33) (-1.02)
Southern residence 0.058 0.056
(0.94) (0.80)
State's average Medicaid per -0.209E-04 -0.265E-04
enrollee (-0.79) (-1.64)
State's average monthly AFDC 0.526E-03 *** 0.186E-03
payment (3.39) (-0.78)
State's unemployment rate -0.012 -0.016
(-0.38) (-1.03)
Constant 0.227 *** -0.308 ***
(3.92) (-4.11)
Rho -0.759
Note: T-statistics relating to the estimated coefficient are in
parentheses, and elasticities are in brackets. Significance level:
* = 10%, ** = 5%, *** = 1%.
Table 5
Comparison of Estimated Elasticities across Specifications
Bivariate Probit
Bivariate with Education,
Probit as Shown Age and Age
in Table 4 Square Included
Elasticity of employment with -0.42 -0.32
respect to price of child care
Elasticity of employment with 0.81 0.92
respect to wage
Elasticity of receipency with 1.01 1.94
respect to price of child care
Elasticity of receipency with -0.83 -2.25
respect to wage
Bivariate Probit
Univariate as Shown
Probit in Table 4
Elasticity of employment with -1.18 -0.42
respect to price of child care
Elasticity of employment with 1.58 0.81
respect to wage
Elasticity of receipency with 1.50 1.01
respect to price of child care
Elasticity of receipency with -1.58 -0.83
respect to wage
Elasticity of employment with -1.07
respect to price of child care
Elasticity of employment with 1.33
respect to wage
Elasticity of receipency with 1.22
respect to price of child care
Elasticity of receipency with -1.36
respect to wage
Table 6
Simulation Results
Predicted Predicted
Probability of Probability of
Receiving Being
Row AFDC (%) Employed (%)
1 Actual data means 40.1 48.5
2 Baseline predictions from 40.2 48.5
bivariate probit model (Table 5)
3 10% subsidy of predicted hourly 34.9 52.8
child care cost ([])
4 10% subsidy of ([]) for 36.0 51.8
those below median predicted
annual income
5 10% subsidy of ([]) for 32.2 52.7
those below median predicted
annual income and 20% reduction
average AFDC benefits in state
of residence
6 50% subsidy of [] 12.5 74.7
7 50% subsidy of [] for 17.6 68.7
those below median predicted
annual income
8 50% subsidy of [] for 15.1 69.5
those below median predicted
annual income and 20% reduction
in average AFDC benefits
in state of residence
Note: Simulations were done using actual characteristics of the 1523
single mothers except for the predicted price of child care. The
Predicted price of child care was reduced for the given percentage for
each woman in the sample in lines 3 and 6. In simulations 4 and 7, a
predicted income is calculated using the predicted wage and assuming
2000 hours of employment. The predicted price of child care was reduced
for any woman in the sample with a predicted income less than $24,800
per year. Simulations 5 and 8 couple the means-tested subsidy of
[] with a simulated 20% reduction in average AFDC benefits in
one's state of residence.
Table 7
Cost Simulation Results
Predicted Annual
Savings from
Reduction of AFDC
Recipiency and/or
Reduction in Recipient
Amounts (in Millions)
1. 10% subsidy of predicted 1803.5
hourly child care cost
2. 10% subsidy of [], for 1588.8
those below median predicted
annual income
3. 10% subsidy of [] for 2764.8
those below median predicted
annual income and 20% reduction
in average AFDC benefits in
state of residence
4. 50% subsidy of [] 6237.0
5. 50% subsidy of [] for 5687.7
those below median predicted
annual income
6. 50% subsidy of [] for 6105.4
those below median predicted
annual income and 20% reduction
in average AFDC benefits in
state of residence
Predicted Annual
Cost of the subsidy
for Single Women
Only (in Millions)
1. 10% subsidy of predicted 604.1
hourly child care cost
2. 10% subsidy of [], for 436.4
those below median predicted
annual income
3. 10% subsidy of [] for 447.0
those below median predicted
annual income and 20% reduction
in average AFDC benefits in
state of residence
4. 50% subsidy of [] 4658.0
5. 50% subsidy of [] for 3464.3
those below median predicted
annual income
6. 50% subsidy of [] for 3513.2
those below median predicted
annual income and 20% reduction
in average AFDC benefits in
state of residence
Predicted Annual Cost
of the Subsidy for
Single Women Only
Plus Extra EITC
1. 10% subsidy of predicted 1159.9
hourly child care cost
2. 10% subsidy of [], for 992.2
those below median predicted
annual income
3. 10% subsidy of [] for 1090.5
those below median predicted
annual income and 20% reduction
in average AFDC benefits in
state of residence
4. 50% subsidy of [] 7323.3
5. 50% subsidy of [] for 6129.0
those below median predicted
annual income
6. 50% subsidy of [] for 6258.2
those below median predicted
annual income and 20% reduction
in average AFDC benefits in
state of residence
Predicted Annual Cost
of the Subsidy for All
Women Plus Extra
1. 10% subsidy of predicted 3738.8
hourly child care cost
2. 10% subsidy of [], for 1279.9
those below median predicted
annual income
3. 10% subsidy of [] for 1338.6
those below median predicted
annual income and 20% reduction
in average AFDC benefits in
state of residence
4. 50% subsidy of [] 22821.9
5. 50% subsidy of [] for 7978.7
those below median predicted
annual income
6. 50% subsidy of [] for 8065.8
those below median predicted
annual income and 20% reduction
in average AFDC benefits in
state of residence
Net Cost of the Child
Care Subsidy Cost
Savings (in Millions),
Column 1 Minus
Column 4
1. 10% subsidy of predicted 1935.3
hourly child care cost
2. 10% subsidy of [], for -308.9
those below median predicted
annual income
3. 10% subsidy of [] for -1426.2
those below median predicted
annual income and 20% reduction
in average AFDC benefits in
state of residence
4. 50% subsidy of [] 16584.9
5. 50% subsidy of [] for 2291.0
those below median predicted
annual income
6. 50% subsidy of [] for 1960.4
those below median predicted
annual income and 20% reduction
in average AFDC benefits in
state of residence
Note: Simulated costs of columns 1, 2, and 3 are based on actual
characteristics of 1523 single mothers weighted with the wave weights
and the estimated coefficients of Table 5. Costs are added in terms of
subsidized child care if the woman was predicted to be employed
[Y.sup.*] > 0.5. Savings were added in terms of AFDC savings if the
predicted probability of receiving AFDC is >0.5 in the baseline
prediction and <0.5 with the simulated values. Column 4 added the
simulated costs of the child care subsidy for married women using our
married women sample and coefficients for the probability of employment.
Columns 3 and 4 also estimate the increase in earned income tax credits
(EITC) due to increased employment probability of low-income
(EITC-eligible) families, assuming our predicted wage if employed and
2000 hours of employment.
Received January 2001; accepted February 2002.
(1.) See Blau (2000) for a comprehensive discussion of child care
subsidy programs.
(2.) See also papers by Robins (1988), Joesch (1991). Berger and
Black (1992), and Bowen and Neenan (1993). These papers are summarized
in relation to the question posed here in Connelly and Kimmel (2001).
(3.) This study has two serious limitations. First, only those
currently receiving child care vouchers are included, making it
difficult to draw conclusions about the importance of the availability
of such vouchers in employment and training decisions. Second, the
probit model of employment has, as its alternative to employment,
participation in formal training or education programs rather than the
broader category of nonemployment.
(4.) See, for example, Blank (1985, 1989) and Crecelius and Lin
(2000) for models employing this indirect utility approach to AFDC
(5.) The SIPP survey was designed to represent the noninstitutional population of use United States. There was no oversampling in SIPP
panels 1984 through 1993 except for the 1990 panel (see Nelson,
MeMillen, and Kasprzyk 1984; Kalton et at. 1999; and communication with
Smanchai Sac Ung of the U.S. Bureau of the Census).
(6.) The origin of these added state-level variables are listed
here: average Medicaid payment per enrollee (Table D5, State-Level
Databook on Health Care Access and Financing, by David W. Liska, Niall J. Brennan, and Brian K. Bruen), average monthly AFDC payment (Table
605, Statistical Abstract of the United States), average unemployment
rate (BLS data downloaded from the BLS Web site), regulated child:staff
ratio (data compiled by the Center for Career Development in Early Care
and Education at Wheelock College, based on data provided by Work/Family
Directions, Inc.), center teachers' education regulated (data
compiled by the Center for Career Development in Early Care and
Education at Wheelock College, based on data obtained in their review of
state licensing regulations conducted in 1994), state per capita income
(Table 1, Survey of Current Business, 1999, 79, p. 35), and
employers' estimated workers' compensation (data compiled by
Ed Welch, editor of Worker's Compensation).
(7.) Seven states are not identified uniquely. Iowa, North Dakota,
and South Dakota are in a first group, and Alaska, Idaho, Montana, and
Wyoming are in a second group. For these two groups of states, the
state-level variables are state group averages.
(8.) See Gelbach (1999) for a model of the natural experiment of
having a child turn eligible for public school on employment of mothers.
(9.) See Connelly (1992) for the explicit derivation of the
unconditional expected price.
(10.) Technically, one can identify off of the nonlinearity itself,
but one prefers not to.
(11.) The full set of identifiers of the inverse Mills ratio of the
wage equation includes nonlabor income, number of other preschoolers,
youngest child is an infant, number of children age 3 to 5, number of
children age 6 to 12, number of children age 13 to 17, presence of other
adults, state's regulated child:staff ratio less than 10:1,
state's regulated center teachers' education, state's
average Medicaid per enrollee, and state's average monthly AFDC
(12.) We report marginal effects in Table 4. These unconditional
marginal effects were evaluated at the means of the data.
(13.) Graham and Beller (1989) used the 1979 and 1982 March CPS,
Blank (1989) used the National Medical Care Utilization and Expenditure
Survey, and Crecelius and Lin (2000) used the 1988 PSID.
(14.) The difference, of course, is the assumption of the
distribution of the errors are extreme value in the ease of the logit
and normal in the case of the probit.
(15.) For example, see Mach and Reagan (2001).
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Rachel Connelly *
* Department of Economics, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME 04011,
USA; E-mail
Jean Kimmel +
+ Department of Economics, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo,
MI 49008, USA; E-mail; corresponding author.
This research draws from a project that was supported by funds from
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to the Institute for
Research on Poverty for its Small Grants program. The current project
also received institutional support from the W. E. Upjohn Institute for
Employment Research. The authors wish to acknowledge the excellent
research assistance of Wei-Jang Huang in earlier drafts of this paper.