Wages in rail markets: deregulation, mergers, and changing networks characteristics.
Wilson, Wesley W.
1. Introduction
Over the last 25 years, there has been significant regulatory
reform in key infrastructure industries, including airlines, motor
carriage, telecommunications, electricity, and railroad markets.
Regulation is commonly thought to benefit labor employed in those
markets (Rose 1987; Hendricks 1994; Card 1998). In such research, it is
commonly held that regulation creates rents, a portion of which is
appropriated by labor unions in the form of higher wages and, perhaps,
employment. With deregulation, rents dissipate along with wages and
possibly employment. Indeed, there is considerable evidence suggesting
that deregulation reduces rents and, as a result, wages and employment
have fallen in many of these industries. (1) However, as noted by
Hendricks (1977, 1994), the effects of regulation and deregulation are
market specific and depend critically on the regulatory process. Indeed,
unlike other industries, partial deregulation of the railroad industry
likely reduced inefficiencies and increased the level of rents
available. (2)
In our previous study, we found that employment levels have
decreased due to partial deregulation, mergers, and changing operating
and network characteristics of firms (Davis and Wilson 1999). In this
study, we examine average hourly earnings (total per hour compensation)
for railroad workers and partial deregulation, finding that compensation
rates have increased dramatically despite large decreases in employment.
One hypothesis for this finding is that, under regulation, there were
serious inefficiencies embedded in the industry, some of which were
directly related to labor (e.g., inefficient work rules) while still
other inefficiencies affected rail labor. (3) Under partial
deregulation, both labor and regulatory impediments to efficiency were
reduced, increasing labor productivity and resulting in the loss of
employed labor. Thus, partial deregulation may have allowed for
increased rents, some of which were shared with the labor that remains.
Partial deregulation of the railroad industry by the Staggers Act
of 1980 allowed firms greater freedom to adjust rates, to merge with
other firms, and to abandon or sell unprofitable lines. These freedoms
allowed firms to change the structure of the industry and to alter their
operating characteristics. There is now quite a lot of research on rates
and costs in the industry resulting from these freedoms. (4) Generally,
it is now widely held that costs have fallen dramatically as a result of
partial deregulation and that rates are much lower due to partial
deregulation, costs savings, and changes in the network and operating
characteristics of firms.
Since partial deregulation, there have been associated and major
effects on labor in the industry. From 1978 to 1994, industry employment
decreased by 60%, while average firm employment increased by 33%.
Accompanying these changes are a 43% increase in real average
compensation and a reduction in the number of firms from 41 in 1978 to
12 in 1994 (American Association of Railroads, 1983-1994). The
contraction of firms is largely the result of a massive consolidation
movement since partial deregulation. Many studies have documented how
partial deregulation affected industry costs, efficiency, and profits.
Some studies have also examined the effects of these changes on the
industry's labor markets (Hendricks 1994; MacDonald and Cavalluzzo
1996; Peoples 1998). Generally, these studies use either aggregate wage
data or Consumer Population Survey data, which do not allow
characteristics of the firm(s) to be embedded in the estimation. In this
research, we extend previous research by identifying industry and
firm-le vel variables, directly or indirectly associated with partial
deregulation, that affect firm-level wages. These variables allow the
effects of mergers, partial deregulation, and changes in firm
characteristics/networks to be empirically identified. We find that
mergers generally result in higher compensation, with an average
marginal effect ranging from 7.5 to 15%, and that mergers contribute 5
to 15% of the overall increase in wages. Our estimates suggest partial
deregulation accounts for about 20 to 23% of the increase in average
compensation between 1978 and 1994. We find evidence that firm operating
characteristics matter in the determination of average compensation. In
particular, output, size of network, average length of haul, and the
percentage of unit train traffic (i.e., bulk movements) each have
effects on average compensation.
2. Background
Through the range of our data (described below), all firms with the
exception of the Florida East Coast were governed by union work rules.
Faced with coordinating a large industrial enterprise with workers who
were often inexperienced and undisciplined, early railroads developed a
system of stringent and well-defined work rules. Subsequently, these
work rules became, and remain, a central feature of railroad
negotiations with unions. (5) These work rules govern the type of work
that members do and dictate the number of workers in many jobs. Work
rules mandate the number of crew members required to operate a train
(Peoples 1998; Talley 2001). Work rules have also established the number
of miles a train must travel to constitute a full workday (Peoples 1998;
Talley 2001). Historically, unions have seen work rules as tools for
maintaining job security, while firms have seen them as costly
impediments to productivity.
Many studies have examined the impact of deregulation for unionized
labor markets. Hendricks (1994) offers a concise description of several
mechanisms that may be at work in regulated markets. He suggests that
deregulation can have contrasting effects. For example, deregulation may
introduce increased competition between firms, decreasing prices, and
put downward pressure on wages. At the same time, deregulation may allow
management a more efficient use of labor, increasing labor productivity.
Improvements in productivity may be associated with increases in wages.
In his study, Hendricks finds that, on average, rail earnings were
positive relative to other manufacturing industries before and after
deregulation. However, this differential vanished when worker
characteristics and union density were included as explanatory variables
in an earnings regression. Furthermore, Hendrick's plots of annual
observations on rail earnings differentials suggest differentials were
higher in the early 1980s than in the later 1980s.
MacDonald and Cavalluzzo (1996) examine railroad wages and
regulation and find that rail wages followed a complex pattern after
partial deregulation. The authors find that wage premiums initially
increased after partial deregulation as unions successfully bargained
for higher wages. The authors suggest that firms and unions expected
increased profits after partial deregulation as firms were expected to
raise rates. However, as firms customized their rates to conform to the
cost structure of shipments, traffic shifted, labor demand fell, and
negotiations turned less favorable to unions. Other researchers
explicitly examine labor productivity in the railroad industry. Hsing
and Mixon (1995) find that labor productivity accelerated after partial
deregulation. They also suggest that employment become more wage elastic after partial deregulation. These results suggest that large employment
declines should be associated with relatively small wage increases.
Present in these studies is the notion that partial deregulation
allowed firms the freedom to adapt, to change or avoid work rules, and
to respond to competition from other modes of transportation. For
example, partial deregulation allowed firms unprecedented freedom to
customize rate structures. Adjusting rates allowed firms to offer
shippers incentives enticing them to consolidate shipments over longer
distances in labor-saving unit trains, which allowed railroads to
exploit unrealized economies of traffic density and service. (6) Mergers
between firms, whether parallel or end-to-end, allowed for a more
efficient network of track and improvements in efficiency and traffic
density. Furthermore, partial deregulation allowed firms unprecedented
freedom to abandon high-cost lines, again allowing for a more efficient
track network.
These changes clearly affected labor, as several industry
characteristics, especially employment, changed dramatically after
partial deregulation. Total industry output increased modestly, and
employment fell dramatically, translating into large increases in labor
productivity (see Table 1). In the unionized railroad industry, the
relationship between labor productivity and wages is not
straightforward. Regulation required firms to service a number of
unprofitable lines, and work rules maintained employment levels arguably higher than the efficient level. If, in addition, unions kept wages
artificially high, partial deregulation may have simply allowed firms to
improve productivity to match wages. In this study, we investigate the
magnitude and direction of the relationship between real compensation
and firm characteristics associated with partial deregulation and labor
productivity. (7)
3. Model
To model firm wages in this industry, we follow Martinello (1989),
wherein firms minimize costs, subject to a union utility constraint. The
firm's minimum nonlabor cost function is (i.e., the cost function
given a level of employment)
K(r,Q | L) = [min.sub.x][rX | L] s.t. Q = Q(X,L), (1)
where L = employment, X = a vector of inputs, r is a vector of
input prices, Q is a vector of output, and Q(X, L) is the technology.
Unions derive utility from wages and employment, U = U(w, L). We assume
unions require wages sufficient to provide a level of utility superior
to the level of utility received in alternative opportunities, U(w, L) =
[theta]U([w.sub.a], L). Inverting this utility function allows L to be
expressed in terms of the alternative wage ([w.sub.a]) and the
bargaining parameter ([theta]). Substituting the result into Equation 1
results in
[min.sub.w]C = wL(w | [w.sub.a], [theta]) + K[r,Q | L(w |
[w.sub.a], [theta])]. (2)
The first-order condition for this equation is
W[L.sub.w] + L(w | [w.sub.a], [theta]) + [K.sub.L][r, Q | L(w |
[w.sub.a], [theta])][L.sub.w] = 0. (3)
Solving Equation 3 for w gives a reduced-form equation for
firm-level wages. The reduced form, written in general form, is
= w([w.sub.a], [theta], Q, r), (4)
where w represents real firm wages, [w.sub.a] is an alternative
wage opportunity, [theta] is an index of union bargaining strength, Q is
firm output, and r is a vector of nonlabor input prices.
Equation 4 is the basis for formulating our empirical work. The
equilibrium wage is a location on the contract curve defined by tangency
points of union utility functions and firm isocost lines. A change in
the alternative wage, the bargaining power parameter, output, input
prices, regulatory regime, innovation, network size, and operating
characteristics changes the position of one or both of the functions
defining the contract curve and the equilibrium wage observed. Many of
the changes in our analysis can arguably be embedded in both equations
and may have differential effects across the equations, yielding the
comparative statics largely ambiguous.
Specification and Variables
We estimate two general models using a double-log specification of
Equation 4. The two general models differ by the inclusion or exclusion
of firm-specific controls for unobserved heterogeneity. Following
Equation 4, we include variables to control for a variety of
firm-specific, union, and regulatory effects. In both sets, we include a
linear trend variable (TRND) to capture the long-term trend in wages.
The trend variable takes a value of 1 in 1978, 2 in 1979,...,and 17 in
1994. The effects of the Staggers Rail Act are captured through the
introduction of a dummy variable (STAG) and a nonlinear adjustment
variable (STAGADJ). The dummy variable takes a value of zero for years
prior to 1981 and a value of one for years after 1980. The nonlinear
adjustment variable follows a similar treatment by Wilson and Wilson
(200l). (8) This variable is defined as
STAGADJ = STAG * YSS/(1 + YSS) (5)
where YSS is the number of years since passage of Staggers (i.e.,
1981 = 0, 1982 = 1, ...). This treatment allows the effects of partial
deregulation to affect wages gradually and to dissipate with time since
passage. The total effect of partial deregulation then is given by:
[w.sup.PD] - [w.sup.R]/[w.sup.R] = [exp([[beta].sub.STAG] +
[[beta].sub.STAGADJ] (YSS/1 + yss)) - 1] X 100 (6)
where [w.sup.PD] and [w.sup.R] represent partially deregulated and
regulated wage levels, respectively.
With this nonlinear specification of the effects of Staggers, there
is a shift in the intercept along with an effect that dissipates with
time, that is, as YSS increases, the effect of the second term
dissipates with time, reaching an asymptote of [[beta].sub.STAG] +
[[beta].sub.STAGAJD], which can then be used to calculate the long-term
effect of the legislation.
A key element in our analysis is the modeling of mergers. As
discussed earlier, partial deregulation reduced the requirements
necessary for firms to merge, and over the time period of our data,
there were 13 mergers. Our treatment of merger effects mirrors our
treatment of the effects of the Staggers Rail Act. In specifications
without firm effects, we identify merger effects with two separate
variables. First, we include a dummy variable, MERGE, taking a value of
zero in years before a merger and one in years following a merger.
Second, we use a nonlinear adjustment variable to control for a
nonlinear postmerger trend wherein the largest effects of a merger are
felt immediately after a merger and dissipate with time. This variable
(YSMADJ) is defined as
YSMADJ = YSM/(1 + YSM)' (7)
where YSM is the number of years since a merger took place, taking
a value of one in the first year following a merger, two in the second
year, and so on until the firm merges again or the sample ends. Similar
to our modeling of regulatory regime, the effects of a merger are given
[w.sup.M] - [w.sup.N]/[w.sup.N] = [exp ([[beta].sub.MERGE] +
[[beta].sub.YSMADI] (YSM/1 + YSM)) - 1] X 100 (8)
where M and N indicate merge and not merged. (9)
In specifications with firm controls for unobserved heterogeneity,
we include the adjustment variable for mergers (YSMADJ). However, the
inclusion of a merge dummy introduces singularity with the firm
controls. Instead, the intercept effects of a merger are embedded in the
firm dummy variables. For firms that are not involved in a merger, we
specify a simple firm-specific dummy variable over the entire sample.
For firms that are involved in a merger, we create a new firm dummy
variable for the new merged firm. We discuss our approach to modeling
the effects of a merger below.
We also include a variety of other control variables, including the
percentage of traffic carried via unit trains (%UT) and average length
of haul (ALH). Unit trains carry only a single commodity from a single
source and to a single destination. Such movements require much less
switching of cars and much less labor. We expect as unit train traffic
increases, compensating differentials paid for dealing with the less
arduous unit trains will decrease. In contrast, we expect, as average
haul length increases, compensating differentials paid for this more
arduous task to increase.
Our dependent variable is real average compensation per hour (w).
Real compensation is defined as labor expenses (total wages and salaries
of all railroad occupations plus fringe benefits), divided by labor
hours, deflated by the producer price index. (10) Average compensation
grew 43%, from $14.85 in 1978 to $21.24 in 1994. In contrast, real
manufacturing wages, our measure of alternative wage opportunities
([w.sub.a]) grew only 13%, from $8.81 to $10.05, from 1978 to 1994.
As a measure of changing union bargaining strength, the model
includes the number of unions representing workers in the industry
(NUN). (11) Historically, different classes of rail workers have been
represented by different unions. However, as employment has fallen in
the industry, workers have consolidated their bargaining efforts through
fewer unions. Our hypothesis is that this represents a shifting of
bargaining strength. The a priori expected effect of this variable is
ambiguous because a reduction in unions could indicate an increase in
union bargaining strength or could result from a decrease in bargaining
strength. (12)
Other firm variables follow from previous literature. Output is
defined as revenue ton- miles (RTM), while miles of road (MOR) controls
for network size. We also control for the price of nonlabor inputs,
equipment ([P.sub.equip]), materials and supplies ([P.sub.mat&sup]),
and fuel ([P.sub.fuel]). The price of fuel is measured as the average
price for fuel paid by carriers. It was calculated from Schedule 410 and
750 of the R-1 reports. The former contains the fuel expenditures, while
the latter contains the number of gallons. Equipment price is a weighted
price of railroad equipment (i.e., owned and leased locomotives and
cars). It was calculated from Schedule 415 of the R-1 reports and
reflects the costs of both owned and leased equipment. A net investment
base was calculated for locomotives and cars. The Uniform Rail Costing
System (URCS) cost of capital was used to embed an opportunity cost.
Leased equipment expenditures were added to owned equipment costs to
arrive at a total equipment cost. The weighted price was calculated by
using cost shares and per unit costs of owned and leased locomotives and
cars. Complete details are available in Benson, Tolliver, and Dooley
(1991). The price of materials and supplies is an American Association
of Railroads index and is commonly used in studies of railroad costs.
Data Sources
The data are firm-level data from the annual R-1 reports that Class
I railroads file with the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) (13) and
from ICC wage form A-300. The producer price index used to deflate compensation and other variables is from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
We proxy for union strength by including the number of unions
representing workers in the industry. We construct this variable from
reports in the Monthly Labor Review, published by the Bureau of Labor
Statistics. In these data, there are a possible 386 observations. We
delete 10 because of missing or questionable values for some variables.
(14) The final data set provides an unbalanced panel consisting of 376
observations from 1978 through 1994. (15) In Appendix A, we summarize the observations across firms, years, and mergers.
Table 1 presents descriptive statistics for the sample over time.
As discussed above, real compensation has increased and increased faster
than wages in alternative sectors. Associated with this change are a
number of factors, summarized in Table 1. Total industry employment
measured by our data point to the decline in employment, falling from
456,450 employees in 1978 to 181,461 employees in 1994, (16) a decline
of 60%. However, average firm size (measured by employees) has been
growing over the time period, increasing from 12,679 in 1978 to 16,496
in 1994, an increase of 30%. More striking than the increase in the
average number of employees per firm is the increase in revenue
ton-miles. In 1978, the average firm moved 23.46 billion ton-miles. In
1994, this number had grown by a factor of 4.59 to 107.74 billion. We
also note that firm size as measured by average network size (i.e.,
miles of road) has also increased but by a smaller amount. In 1978, the
average network size was about 5065 miles, increasing to 10,947 miles in
1994. The increase in output and average firm size coupled with smaller
increases in firm-level employment lead to dramatic increases in output
per worker. The average product per employee hour increased by a factor
of over 3.5, pointing to tremendous productivity gains.
In addition to major employment and firm size changes are changes
in the operating characteristics of firms. Associated with partial
deregulation was the ability of railroads to put in place pricing
practices that encourage multiple and long-distance movements. This is
clearly evident in Table 1. The percentage of unit train traffic
increased from about 6% in 1978 to over 23% in 1994. Average lengths of
haul increased from 326 miles in 1978 to nearly 500 miles in 1994. Such
changes dramatically increase the productivity of labor and may help
explain changes in average compensation discussed in the next section.
In Table 2, we represent average firm compensation in firms that
merged, including average hourly compensation in the year prior to a
merger and in the year after a merger. We also include a measure of firm
size and revenue ton-miles pre- and postmerger. In a surprising number
of cases (six), the smaller firms pay a higher premerger wage than the
larger firms with which they merged. In most cases, the postmerger wage
is also higher than in any of the premerged firms.
4. Empirical Results
We form our empirical application on the basis of Equation 4. All
continuous variables except %UT are measured in logs and results are
reported from estimating several specifications of Equation 4 in Table
3. (17) The first three columns of Table 3 represent specifications
without firm-specific dummy variables (fixed effects) included, while
the next three columns include firm fixed effects. F-tests suggest the
unrestricted model including the firm fixed effects to be the
appropriate specification. We also test for first-order serial
correlation by constructing Durbin--Watson statistics for each
cross-section of the data. Many of these statistics suggest the presence
of first-order serial correlation. To address this issue, we
quasi-difference the data using a consistent estimate of the
autocorrelation parameter for each cross-section of data derived. After
this correction, the errors are no longer serially correlated but remain
heteroskedastic. We correct for groupwise heteroskedasticity using
weighted least squares, weighting each cross-section by the inverse of
the estimated variance from a second ordinary least squares (OLS)
regression on the quasi-differenced data. (18) The final regression,
reported in columns marked by a superscript "a" in Table 3,
denotes estimates corrected for first-order serial correlation and
groupwise heteroskedasticity. The first two columns and the fourth and
fifth columns in Table 3 represent OLS regressions, while the third and
sixth columns represent two-stage least squares (2SLS) regressions. (19)
For the instrumental variables (IV) estimates, we instrument for revenue
ton-miles, average length of haul, and percent unit train traffic. (20)
A Hausman specification test suggests the instrumental variable
estimator is appropriate for the fixed effects model.
In Table 3, we include input prices as independent variables. In
Appendix B, we report results from estimating our model without input
prices included. Some of these variables are heavily trended variables
and highly collinear with many of the other variables in which we have
primary interest. Comparing results in Table 3 with results in Appendix
B reveals that most firm-specific variables are stable between
specifications, as are the simulation effects we report below.
Partial deregulation lessened the impediments for firms to merge.
In models without fixed effects (the first three columns of Table 3), we
identify merger effects through a merger dummy variable (MERGE) and the
merger adjustment term (YSMADJ). In these specifications, the merger
dummy variable is positive and significant. (21) Parameter estimates
suggest that, for merged firms, average compensation was on average
7.5-14.9% higher (the marginal effects are [e.sup.[beta]] - 1). Prior
research suggests mergers played a role in reducing costs (Berndt et al.
1993) and in reducing employment (Davis and Wilson 1999). While a
reduction in employment associated with a decrease in labor demand is
not consistent with a simultaneous increase in real wages, it is
consistent with a theory of rent sharing in a model of union/firm
contracting. Rational unions should be able to increase their utility by
trading lower wages for higher employment. The results here, coupled
with previous research (i.e., Davis and Wilson 1999), su ggest that
firms and unions reposition their settlement when faced with a new
bargaining environment. The new settlement for merged firms results in
higher wages but lower employment. (22) Estimates for YSMADJ suggest
that working against these postmerger gains is a nonlinear declining
trend in average compensation in the years following a merger. Combining
the parameter estimates for MERGE and YSMADJ gives the long-term effect
of mergers. For the first three columns in Table 3, the long-term merger
effect is 6.37, 4.22, and 4.46%.
Table 3 also identifies the marginal and long-term effects of
partial deregulation. Note the parameter estimate for STAGADJ identifies
the adjustment in trend associated with partial deregulation. The
parameter estimate for STAG suggests the marginal effect of partial
deregulation ranges from 2.33 to 4.44%. Adding the Stagger's
adjustment parameter to the STAG parameter and subtracting one from
their exponent give the long-term effect of partial deregulation, which
ranges from 23.1 to 39.6%.
Average haul lengths (ALH) and percent unit train (%UT) capture the
effects of a change in traffic characteristics under partial
deregulation. The parameter estimates for ALH suggest that increased
haul lengths are associated with higher average compensation. In
contrast, changes in %UT are associated with lower average compensation
in the instrumental variable models. MacDonald and Cavalluzzo (1996)
hypothesize that partial deregulation allowed firms greater freedom to
set rates and that firms used this freedom to induce shippers into
labor-saving shipping behaviors. Firms were able to entice shippers to
consolidate shipments and allowed firms to channel those shipments onto
more densely traveled track, the likely result being more cargo shipped
via unit trains over longer distances. Annual averages show average haul
lengths increased and that traffic shipped via unit trains also
increased. Prior research suggests (MacDonald and Cavalluzzo 1996; Davis
and Wilson 1999) these practices reduced employment. The results in this
research suggest that, as partial deregulation allowed firms the freedom
to exploit unrealized efficiencies, workers benefited from the
efficiencies associated with longer average haul lengths. More unit
trains translated into lower average compensation.
Controlling for firm heterogeneity makes a difference when
evaluating the effects of changes in network size (MOR) and changes in
output (RTM). MOR is negative and significant in the first three columns
of Table 3, representing specifications without fixed effects, but not
significant in the final three columns, representing specifications with
fixed effects. An F-test clearly suggests that firm effects matter. When
averaged over all firms, smaller network sizes are associated with
increased compensation. However, when controlling for heterogeneity
between firms, including differences in network configurations and
management between firms, the relationship between network size and
compensation is no longer significant. This implies that it is
differences across firms rather than changes over time that drive this
result. Partial deregulation allowed firms to abandon track, and total
industry network size has fallen over time. Within this total, some
firms decreased their network size by abandoning track while some
increased in size through merger. These data do not suggest that track
abandonment or merger growth affected compensation. Instead, it suggests
that, ceteris paribus, firms with smaller network sizes paid higher
wages throughout the period under examination. Work rules were
originally devised as methods to coordinate workers over large rail
networks (Cappelli 1985). These results suggest that firms with large
networks are more able to deal with their consequences. In this sense,
when discussing work rules, network sizes, and real wages, there are
returns to size.
In contrast, coefficient patterns for RTM suggest firms were able
to increase productivity, reduce labor demand, and decrease compensation
over time. In the first three columns of Table 2 without firm fixed
effects, RTM is always positive and significant. In the final three
columns, RTM is negative and significant in two of the three cases. When
averaged over all firms, compensation and output increase together.
However, when controlling for firm heterogeneity, a negative
relationship is apparent. While firms with relatively high output pay
higher wages than do firms with relatively low RTM, increases at the
firm level in RTM are, over time, associated with decreases in
The results for MOR and RTM point to the importance of firm
differences and the ability of firms to adapt to changes in environment
in determining compensation levels. Given that, holding all else
constant, firms with smaller network sizes paid more, it is not
surprising that abandoning track was not a meaningful way for firms to
decrease labor demand and compensation levels. Instead, an important
determinant was the ability of firms to exploit efficiencies and
increase productivity with regard to output, no matter the network size.
5. Merger, Traffic Mix, and Deregulation Effects
We now decompose average compensation changes into three sources,
including partial deregulation, mergers, and changing network/firm
characteristics. Simulations for each of these sources are presented in
Table 4 for three different empirical specifications. We also include in
Appendix C results for specifications without other factor prices. (23)
The first column in Table 4 pertains to merger effects. To
calculate the merger effects, we first predict compensation for the
average firm in 1978 using the average firm intercept and mean values of
right-hand side variables. For subsequent years, annual compensation is
calculated with all variables held constant at the values used to
predict compensation in 1978. Changes in compensation are generated only
through changes in the average firm intercept. Intercept estimates vary
from year to year from two sources. First, when firms merge, a new
intercept shift is identified for the new firm.
Second, some firms disappear from our sample from bankruptcy or
declassification as a Class I railroad. However, the latter effect is a
relatively minor consideration.
As is evident in Table 4, merger effects, identified by changes in
the average intercept, vary across specification. Using OLS estimates,
the intercept effect is 15.16%; using the corrected OLS estimates, the
intercept effect is 7.78%; and using the corrected IV estimates, the
intercept effect is 4.9%. These effects are calculated using only
changes in the intercept. The empirical results suggest that there is a
negative adjustment effect working through YSMADJ. In particular, the
largest gains to labor accrue in the period immediately following a
merger and dissipate with time. We first calculate the effect of the
YSMADJ variable on annual average compensation using mean values of YSM
for each year in the sample, holding all other variables and intercept
terms constant at their 1978 values. Estimates of the cumulative
negative effect for the YSMADJ adjustment variables are -5.78% using the
OLS estimates, - 1.5% using the corrected OLS estimates, and -2.67%
using the corrected 2SLS estimates. Combining these with the intercept
effect yields values of 9.38% using OLS estimates, 6.28% using corrected
OLS estimates, and 2.23% using corrected 2SLS estimates.
Traffic Mix
In the second column of Table 4, we calculate the effect of
changing traffic mix variables for annual average compensation. Traffic
mix variables include average length of haul (ALH) and percent unit
train (%UT). These variables are proxies for the effect of the changes
in commodities roads carried. To measure the effect of changes in these
variables for annual average wages, we again simulate annual average
compensation for each year in the sample. We do this for each of the
traffic mix variables, ALH and %UT, then sum the effect for both
variables to get the traffic mix effect. The 1978 annual average
compensation is calculated using 1978 mean values for all continuous
variables and 1978 actual values for all discrete variables. For each
subsequent year, we hold all variables constant at their 1978 value,
allowing only the variable under investigation to vary according to its
annual mean. We report annual percentage changes in Table 4 (i.e., for
each annual mean variable, i = ALH, %UT, the annual percent ch ange
reduces to ([x.sup.[[beta].sub.i].sub.i,t]/[x.sup.[[beta].sub.i].sub.i,t-1]) - 1). The cumulative compensation effect from changes in these
variables ranges from 3.96 to 4.99%.
In the third column of Table 4, we present results from simulating
the change in compensation associated with partial deregulation using
the parameter estimates from the specifications that include fixed
effects. We calculate annual average compensation by holding constant
all fixed effect parameter estimates and all nonderegulation variables
constant at their 1978 values. For each subsequent year, we calculate
annual means allowing only the value for the partial deregulation
variables STAG and STAGADJ to vary. We calculate annual percentage
changes and sum the annual percentage changes in each year to get the
total effect. For the STAG variable, this method reduces to calculating
TAG.sub.t-1]) - 1) for each available year in the sample.
The effect of partial deregulation is stable across specifications,
and each model suggests partial deregulation had a large impact on
compensation over the range of the data. The effect ranges from 22.7%
using the OLS estimates to 19.79% using the corrected OLS estimates to
20.07% using the corrected 2SLS estimates.
6. Conclusions
Partial deregulation of the Class I railroad industry sparked a
return to financial viability. It ushered in an era of eased merger
requirements, increased rate flexibility, and increased line
abandonment. In this era, firms were able to exploit efficiencies and
change their behavior to increase productivity, reduce labor demand, and
avoid or change work rules. We estimate a reduced-form equation for
average compensation, allowing us to identify the effect of changes in
firm and industry characteristics. We find that, for mergers, traffic
mix variables, and partial deregulation, the effect on compensation was
Each of these factors should reduce labor demand. In fact, earlier
research (MacDonald and Cavalluzzo 1996; Davis and Wilson 1999) shows a
reduction in employment associated with these factors. A reduction of
labor demand should also imply a reduction in wages, given a constant
labor supply. We suggest the increase in compensation observed in our
data can be explained from two primary sources. First, while each of
these factors affects labor demand, they also influence the bargaining
environment. As already noted, the theoretical implications for wages
are ambiguous given this formulation. For example, an increase in rents
after a merger may allow wages to rise, even though employment falls.
Second, the composition of workers that earn the salaries in our data is
likely changing postderegulation. These workers are likely more skilled
and more productive as railroads become more automated. Thus, we expect
these workers to command higher compensation levels.
We focused our analysis on the effects of mergers, partial
deregulation, and changing firm operating and network characteristics on
average compensation levels. By using firm-specific data, we were able
to identify these effects separately. Partial deregulation tends to have
a large effect. The effect seems to be relatively stable across a wide
variety of models and estimation procedures. Changes in operating and
network characteristics also have an effect, albeit somewhat smaller
than for mergers. These effects again seem to be relatively stable
across a wide variety of models and estimation procedures. While the
magnitudes of the effects of mergers are somewhat sensitive to
specification and estimation procedure, they are positive and large for
a wide range. Our conclusion is that mergers increased average
compensation to railroad employees.
Appendix A
Railrod Names, Abbreviations, Years Observed
Railroad Abbreviation
Atchison, Topeka, & Santa Fe ATSF
Chicago & Northwestern CNW
Consolidated Rail Corp. CR
Florida East Coast FEC
Illionis Central Gulf ICG
Kansas City Southern KCS
St. Louis, Southwestern SSW
Denver, Rio Grande, & Western DRGW
Southern Pacific SP
Southern Pacific I SPI
Southern Pacific II SPII
Burlington Northern BN
St. Louis, San Francisco SLSF
Colorado Southern CS
Fort Worth, Denver FWD
Burlington Northern II BN1
Burlington Northern II BN2
Chesapeake & Ohio CO
Baltimore & Ohio BO
Seaboard Cost Line SCL
Clinchfield & Ohio CCO
Louisville & Nashville LN
Western Maryland WM
Grand Trunk & Western GTW
Detroit, Toledo, & Ironton DTI
Grand Trunk & Western I GTW1
Soo Line SOO
Chicago, Milwaukee, & St. Paul MILW
Soo Line I SOOI
Norfolk & Western NW
Southern Railway SOU
Alabama & Great Southern AGS
Central Georgia CGA
Cincinnati & Texas Pacific CNTP
Southern Railway System SRS
Norfolk Southern NS
Union Pacific Railway UP
Missouri Pacific MP
Western Pacific WP
Missouri-Kansas-Texas MKT
Union Pacific I UP1
Union Pacific II UP2
Bessemer & Lake Erie BLE
Boston & Maine BM
Chicago, Rock Island, & Pacific ROCK
Delaware & Hudson DH
Duluth, Missabe, & Iron Range DMIR
Pittsburgh, Lake Erie PLE
Railroad Years Observed in the Data
Atchison, Topeka, & Santa Fe 1978-1994
Chicago & Northwestern 1978-1994
Consolidated Rail Corp. 1978-1994
Florida East Coast 1978-1991
Illionis Central Gulf 1978-1994
Kansas City Southern 1978-1991 (merged into SP)
St. Louis, Southwestern 1978-1989 (merged into SP)
Denver, Rio Grande, & Western 1978-1992 (merged into SP)
Southern Pacific 1978-1989
Southern Pacific I 1990-1991 (SP + SSW)
Southern Pacific II 1992-1994 (SP + KCS + DRGW)
Burlington Northern 1978-1979
St. Louis, San Francisco 1978-1979 (merged into BN)
Colorado Southern 1978-1981 (merged into BN)
Fort Worth, Denver 1978-1981 (merged into BN)
Burlington Northern II 1980-1981 (BN + SLSF)
Burlington Northern II 1982-1994 (BN1 + CS + FWD)
Chesapeake & Ohio 1978-1985 (merged into CSX)
Baltimore & Ohio 1978-1985 (merged into CSX)
Seaboard Cost Line 1978-1685 (merged into CSX)
Clinchfield & Ohio 1978-1982 (reported with SCL)
Louisville & Nashville 1978-1982 (reported with SCL)
Western Maryland 1978-1982 (reported with BO)
CSX 1986-1994 (CO + BO + SCL)
Grand Trunk & Western 1978-1983
Detroit, Toledo, & Ironton 1978-1983 (merged into GTW)
Grand Trunk & Western I 1984-1994 (GTW + DTI)
Soo Line 1978-1978
Chicago, Milwaukee, & St. Paul 1978-1984 (acquired by Soo Line)
Soo Line I 1985-1994 (SOO + MILW)
Norfolk & Western 1978-1984 (merged with NS)
Southern Railway 1978-1982 (consolidated into Southern
Alabama & Great Southern 1978-1982 (consolidated into Southern
Central Georgia 1978-1982 (consolidated into Southern
Cincinnati & Texas Pacific 1978-1682 (consolidated into Southern
Southern Railway System 1983-1984 (SOU + AGS + CGA + CNTP)
Norfolk Southern 1985-1994 (SRS + NW)
Union Pacific Railway 1978-1985
Missouri Pacific 1978-1985 (merged into UP)
Western Pacific 1978-1985 (merged into UP)
Missouri-Kansas-Texas 1978-1987 (merged into UP)
Union Pacific I 1986-1987 (merged into UP)
Union Pacific II 1988-1994 (UP1 + MKT)
Bessemer & Lake Erie 1978-1984 (declassified as Class I)
Boston & Maine 1978-1987 (declassified as Class I)
Chicago, Rock Island, & Pacific 1978 (bankrupt)
Delaware & Hudson 1978-1987 (declassified as Class I)
Duluth, Missabe, & Iron Range 1978-1984 (declassified as Class I)
Pittsburgh, Lake Erie 1978-1984 (declassified as Class I)
Appendix B
Coefficient Estimates
Models without Fixed Effects Models with
Fixed Effects
OLS OLS (a) 2SLS (a) OLS
Constant -0.4440 0.1699 0.1412 2.3321 **
(0.8058) (0.2551) (0.2610) (1.1648)
RTM 0.0791 *** 0.0457 *** 0.0463 *** -0.0780
(0.0195) (0.0116) (0.0121) (0.0525)
MOR -0.1096 *** -0.0747 *** -0.0737 *** -0.0172
(0.0200) (0.0137) (0.0144) (0.0453)
ALTWAGE 0.8987 *** 0.8880 *** 0.8952 *** 0.9514 ***
(0.3083) (0.0877) (0.0872) (0.1911)
%UT -0.0074 0.0380 0.0296 -0.0104
(0.0629) (0.0378) (0.0439) (0.1389)
ALH 0.0580 ** 0.0514 *** 0.0508 *** 0.1186
(0.0239) (0.0138) (0.0151) (0.0731)
TREND -0.0053 -0.0061 ** -0.0063 ** -0.0059
(0.0093) (0.0027) (0.0027) (0.0064)
STAGADJ 0.2104 *** 0.2145 *** 0.2141 *** 0.1829 ***
(0.0672) (0.0233) (0.0233) (0.0441)
STAG 0.0022 0.0117 0.0121 -0.0145
(0.0375) (0.0117) (0.0117) (0.0234)
YSMADJ -0.0655 -0.0180 -0.0182 -0.0509
(0.0700) (0.0159) (0.0154) (0.0542)
NUN -0.0134 -0.0146 *** -0.0150 *** -0.0292 **
(0.0226) (0.0053) (0.0053) (0.0143)
MERGE 0.1346 *** 0.0701 *** 0.0699 *** NA
(0.0507) (0.0156) (0.0157)
[R.sup.2] 0.53 0.99 NA 0.85
F-(zero coef.) 37.9 16,392 31.5
Hausman 0.926 0.204 1.57
Models with Fixed Effects
OLS (a) 2SLS (a)
Constant 1.6940 *** 0.9692
(0.6130) (1.6260)
RTM -0.0799 *** -0.0412
(0.0258) (0.0822)
MOR 0.0335 -0.0099
(0.0300) (0.0387)
ALTWAGE 1.0122 *** 0.9682 ***
(0.0686) (0.0870)
%UT 0.0226 -0.3211
(0.0704) (0.2506)
ALH 0.1107 *** 0.1530 *
(0.0312) (0.0921)
TREND -0.3566 -0.0022
(0.0028) (0.0032)
STAGADJ 0.1670 *** 0.1525 ***
(0.0193) (0.0258)
STAG 0.0080 0.0150
(0.0072) (0.0108)
YSMADJ -0.0078 -0.0273 *
(0.0114) (0.0150)
NUN -0.0164 *** -0.0169 **
(0.0046) (0.0068)
[R.sup.2] 0.99 NA
F-(zero coef.) 22,621
Hausman 2.18
Standard errors are in parentheses.
(a) Standard errors were corrected for autocorrelation and groupwise
*, **, and *** significance at the 10, 5, and 1% levels, respectively.
Appendix C
Annual Change in Average Wage, by Source of Change
Year Merger (%) Traffic Mix (%) Deregulation (%) Other (%)
OLS estimates
1978 NA NA NA NA
1979 0.00 -0.17 0.00 -1.75
1980 0.32 -0.34 0.00 -5.30
1981 0.00 0.07 0.00 1.48
1982 0.46 0.36 9.58 3.72
1983 3.11 1.77 3.10 -0.55
1984 0.06 0.19 1.54 1.69
1985 -0.46 0.72 0.92 2.26
1986 0.13 -0.15 0.61 5.16
1987 2.91 0.96 0.44 -0.24
1988 2.46 0.32 0.33 -3.55
1989 0.00 0.17 0.25 -2.57
1990 2.49 -0.24 0.20 -1.82
1991 0.00 0.13 0.17 1.50
1992 5.91 0.79 0.14 2.80
1993 0.00 0.18 0.12 -0.91
1994 0.00 0.12 0.10 0.53
Total 17.39 4.89 17.48 2.46
OLS estimates,
1978 NA NA NA NA
1979 0.00 -0.10 0.00 -3.10
1980 -2.78 -0.25 0.00 -5.26
1981 3.16 0.11 0.00 2.80
1982 0.09 0.25 8.71 4.56
1983 1.80 1.68 2.82 1.30
1984 -0.44 0.21 1.40 1.20
1985 -1.98 0.73 0.84 3.94
1986 0.20 -0.06 0.56 5.43
1987 2.82 0.93 0.40 -1.03
1988 1.69 0.31 0.30 -2.60
1989 0.00 0.20 0.23 -2.38
1990 1.81 -0.15 0.19 -1.20
1991 0.00 0.17 0.15 1.88
1992 3.57 0.76 0.13 2.70
1993 0.00 0.13 0.11 -0.28
1994 0.00 0.21 0.09 0.86
Total 9.94 5.13 15.92 8.81
IV estimates,
1978 NA NA NA NA
1979 0.00 -0.71 0.00 -2.46
1980 0.40 -1.06 0.00 -4.81
1981 0.00 -0.29 0.00 3.59
1982 -0.58 1.34 7.92 3.98
1983 2.20 2.05 2.57 1.16
1984 -0.57 -0.13 1.28 1.61
1985 -1.99 0.36 0.77 3.51
1986 1.36 -0.91 0.51 5.28
1987 2.70 0.85 0.36 -0.43
1988 1.66 0.34 0.27 -2.28
1989 0.00 -0.17 0.21 -2.08
1990 2.29 -0.99 0.17 -0.98
1991 0.00 -0.27 0.14 1.98
1992 3.65 0.74 0.12 2.85
1993 0.00 0.59 0.10 -0.06
1994 0.00 -0.82 0.08 1.24
Total 11.13 0.94 14.51 12.10
Table 1
Industry Employment and Annual Industry Means
Total Industry Mean Firm RTM Miles
Year Employment Employment Wage (bill.) of Road %UT ALH
1978 456,450 12,679 14.85 23.46 5065 5.89 326
1979 465,678 12,935 14.49 25.15 5030 7.50 322
1980 443,392 12,668 13.01 26.15 4994 9.54 313
1981 415,621 11,875 13.74 25.98 4976 10.77 315
1982 349,322 10,586 15.79 24.04 5176 7.97 324
1983 302,613 11,208 17.19 30.51 6238 8.74 377
1984 308,578 11,868 17.92 35.28 6338 9.96 383
1985 298,084 13,549 17.50 39.84 7298 11.82 407
1986 263,156 14,620 18.66 48.21 8638 14.17 403
1987 239,979 14,116 19.71 55.44 8601 15.41 437
1988 228,717 15,248 20.58 66.41 9384 15.67 450
1989 219,213 14,614 20.62 67.59 9167 16.93 457
1990 204,564 14,612 20.48 73.86 9514 19.14 448
1991 193,194 13,800 20.54 74.21 9274 20.57 454
1992 161,380 14,671 21.16 89.58 10,443 21.46 485
1993 182,651 16,605 20.78 99.60 11,090 20.27 492
1994 181,461 16,496 21.24 107.74 10,947 23.46 498
Sample 289,062 13,069 16.98 42.93 6854 11.94 378
Alt. Equip. Fuel Mat. and Number
Year APL (a) Wage Price Price Sup. Price of Unions
1978 925.18 8.81 15,693 0.54 105.99 11
1979 972.21 8.48 14,994 0.71 116.20 10
1980 1032.24 8.10 16,341 0.92 133.44 10
1981 1093.74 8.15 19,829 1.04 143.34 9
1982 1135.67 8.49 19,731 0.97 144.09 9
1983 1360.98 8.74 17,866 0.84 138.68 9
1984 1486.11 8.84 19,200 0.82 138.06 8
1985 1470.23 9.26 21,803 0.76 143.25 8
1986 1648.69 9.73 19,080 0.50 141.50 7
1987 1963.82 9.62 20,697 0.52 134.31 6
1988 2177.77 9.52 22,753 0.47 140.31 6
1989 2312.41 9.36 24,644 0.50 148.01 6
1990 2527.26 9.34 23,976 0.59 153.90 6
1991 2688.69 9.56 26,724 0.58 175.30 6
1992 3052.88 9.79 27,266 0.54 187.17 5
1993 2999.21 9.87 29,283 0.53 189.28 5
1994 3265.55 10.05 31,158 0.51 194.94 5
Sample 1599.00 8.92 20,117 0.73 140.89 8.21
(a) Average product of labor measured as revenue ton-miles per employee
Table 2
Wages in Merged Firms
Premerger Postmerger
RR Abbr. (a) Wage RTM (mil.) Wage RTM (mil.)
SLSF 14.41 16,810.49
BN 12.56 123,729.01 12.75 155,642.94
CS 12.20 8484.75
FWD 12.61 9836.58
BN 13.71 156,619.42 15.31 157,714.88
WM 14.77 1626.65
BO 14.79 20,095.17 17.42 22,129.82
CCO 16.22 4104.68
LN 18.47 33,809.97
SCL 13.81 31,501.35 16.98 73,927.98
CO 8.77 32,213.15
BO 19.12 25,276.03
SCL 18.00 76,573.32
CSX 19.41 127,501.72
DTI 24.14 1365.04
GTW 19.40 3633.13 24.80 5581.45
MILW 16.15 12,509.71
SOO 15.44 9961.43 17.16 18,342.15
AGS 17.22 3842.31
SOU 11.42 28,762.69
CGA 17.67 5556.15
CNTP 17.43 5545.05
SRS 16.54 42,696.17
NW 17.24 43,766.21
SOU 18.12 46,010.38
NS 18.69 91,754.63
MP 20.50 51,370.52
WP 24.80 5785.80
UP 18.62 74,612.30 21.36 136,096.76
MKT 19.43 9713.84
UP 21.64 157,219.39 22.64 183,647.12
SSW 24.27 17,025.73
SP 20.27 69,382.28 24.75 86,096.43
DRGW 19.28 16,037.92
KCS 22.72 12,183.84
SP 27.10 110,274.57 26.70 118,517.52
(a) Railroad names and abbreviations are provided in Appendix A.
Table 3
Coefficient Estimates
Models without Fixed Effects
OLS OLS (a) 2SLS (a)
C 1.2603 2.2671 *** 2.2164 ***
(1.3860) (0.4511) (0.4587)
RTM 0.0619 *** 0.0251 ** 0.0246 **
(0.0202) (0.0108) (0.0114)
MOR -0.0923 *** -0.0686 *** -0.0675 **
(0.0206) (0.0124) (0.0130)
ALTWAGE -0.4271 0.0574 0.0631
(0.5468) (0.1788) (0.1801)
PEQUIP 0.0280 * 0.0596 *** 0.0605 ***
(0.0169) (0.0076) (0.0078)
PFUEL -0.3070 *** -0.1162 *** -0.1169 ***
(0.0980) (0.0302) (0.0304)
PMATSUP 0.2146 -0.1079 ** -0.1002 **
(0.1718) (0.0491) (0.0495)
%UT -0.0250 -0.0412 -0.0589 **
(0.0628) (0.0254) (0.0271)
ALH 0.0331 0.0411 *** 0.0424 ***
(0.0257) (0.0118) (0.0127)
TREND -0.0073 0.0048 0.0041
(0.0135) (0.0040) (0.0041)
STAGADJ 0.2899 *** 0.2300 *** 0.2304 ***
(0.0726) (0.0248) (0.0249)
STAG 0.0435 0.0235 * 0.0231 *
(0.0435) (0.0139) (0.0139)
YSMADJ -0.0774 -0.0313 ** -0.0287 *
(0.0691) (0.0152) (0.0153)
NUN 0.0002 -0.0010 -0.0108 *
(0.0245) (0.0065) (0.0065)
MERGE 0.1392 *** 0.0726 *** 0.0723 ***
(0.0501) (0.0135) (0.0137)
[R.sup.2] 0.55 0.99 NA
F-(zero coef.) 31.69 15,751
Hausman 0.520 1.004
Models with Fixed Effects
OLS OLS (a) 2SLS (a)
C 5.4332 *** 4.3544 *** 1.8099
(1.3422) (0.7063) (1.6664)
RTM -0.0950 * -0.0677 ** -0.0273
(0.0521) (0.0269) (0.0861)
MOR 0.0201 0.0377 -0.0273
(0.0447) (0.0247) (0.0382)
ALTWAGE -0.2307 0.0795 0.1625
(0.3503) (0.1378) (0.1515)
PEQUIP 0.0291 ** 0.0191 ** 0.0245 **
(0.0147) (0.0086) (0.0104)
PFUEL -0.1795 *** -0.1135 *** -0.1011 ***
(0.0659) (0.0232) (0.0251)
PMATSUP -0.2293 * -0.2404 *** -0.1216 **
(0.1211) (0.0496) (0.0559)
%UT 0.0211 0.0639 -0.5001 *
(0.1347) (0.0608) (0.2569)
ALH 0.1080 0.0665 * 0.2959 ***
(0.0718) (0.0351) (0.1033)
TREND 0.0148 0.0163 *** 0.0073
(0.0094) (0.0038) (0.0050)
STAGADJ 0.1914 *** 0.1699 *** 0.1739 ***
(0.0472) (0.0197) (0.0286)
STAG 0.0428 0.0352 *** 0.0340 ***
(0.0274) (0.0096) (0.0117)
YSMADJ -0.0672 -0.0173 -0.0309 *
(0.0526) (0.0129) (0.0176)
NUN -0.0041 -0.0029 -0.0138 *
(0.0155) (0.0056) (0.0070)
[R.sup.2] 0.86 0.99 NA
F-(zero coef.) 32.39 10,716
Hausman 1.95 1.74
Note: Standard errors are in parentheses.
(a) Standard errors were corrected for autocorrelation and groupwise
*, **, *** Statistical significance at the 10, 5 and 1% levels,
Table 4
Annual Change in Average Wage, by Source of Change
Year Merger (%) Traffic Mix (%) Deregulation (%) Other (%)
OLS estimates
1978 NA NA NA NA
1979 0.00 -0.10 0.00 -4.86
1980 0.39 -0.25 0.00 -5.38
1981 0.00 0.10 4.38 -1.47
1982 0.34 0.25 10.05 2.27
1983 2.63 1.64 3.24 1.30
1984 -0.06 0.21 1.61 0.35
1985 -1.34 0.71 0.96 -0.32
1986 -0.41 -0.06 0.64 6.67
1987 2.82 0.91 0.46 1.05
1988 2.25 0.30 0.34 0.84
1989 0.00 0.20 0.27 -0.83
1990 2.30 -0.15 0.21 -3.37
1991 0.00 0.16 0.17 -1.73
1992 6.23 0.74 0.15 -0.53
1993 0.00 0.13 0.12 0.35
1994 0.00 0.21 0.11 0.47
Total 15.16 4.99 22.70 -5.20
OLS estimates,
1978 NA NA NA NA
1979 0.00 0.02 0.00 -4.17
1980 0.26 -0.05 0.00 -5.03
1981 0.00 0.13 3.58 -0.65
1982 0.04 0.01 8.87 3.23
1983 1.65 1.04 2.87 3.13
1984 -0.67 0.19 1.43 1.45
1985 -2.18 0.53 0.85 1.74
1986 -0.37 0.08 0.57 6.50
1987 2.67 0.62 0.41 1.77
1988 1.20 0.20 0.30 0.89
1989 0.00 0.19 0.24 -0.69
1990 1.45 0.02 0.19 -1.70
1991 0.00 0.17 0.15 -1.08
1992 3.74 0.50 0.13 0.64
1993 0.00 0.02 0.11 1.10
1994 0.00 0.29 0.09 1.09
Total 7.78 3.96 19.79 8.23
IV estimates,
1978 NA NA NA NA
1979 0.00 -1.18 0.00 -2.61
1980 0.56 -1.81 0.00 -4.20
1981 0.00 -0.40 3.47 0.63
1982 -1.07 2.25 9.09 2.02
1983 1.10 4.11 2.94 1.34
1984 -1.03 -0.11 1.46 2.01
1985 -4.96 0.93 0.87 1.06
1986 1.30 -1.47 0.58 5.94
1987 2.23 1.82 0.42 1.78
1988 1.05 0.69 0.31 0.36
1989 0.00 -0.17 0.24 -0.83
1990 2.54 -1.64 0.19 -1.95
1991 0.00 -0.34 0.16 -0.10
1992 3.18 1.55 0.13 1.60
1993 0.00 1.01 0.11 0.42
1994 0.00 -1.20 0.10 1.04
Total 4.90 4.03 20.07 8.50
Received October 2001; accepted June 2002.
(1.) See, for example, Cappelli (1985), Card (1986). Rose (1987),
Hirsch (1988), Hendricks (1994), MacDonald and Cavalluzzo (1996), Hirsch
and Macpherson (1998), Peoples (1998), Davis and Wilson (1999), and
Talley (2001).
(2.) As noted in Winston (1998), industry return on equity was less
than 3% prior to partial deregulation, rising to 8% under partial
(3.) For example, rate regulations pertaining to both the levels
and form of volume rates reduced the proportion of traffic shipped over
long hauls. Further, exit restrictions on unprofitable branch lines as
well as merger restrictions likely increased the amount of labor
(4.) See Keeler (1983), Caves et al. (1985), McFarland (1989),
Winston et al. (1990), Bemdt et al. (1993), and Wilson (1994, 1997).
(5.) As noted by Peoples (1998), "Railroad negotiations during
the period of regulation were characterized by the unions' emphasis
on work-rules" (p. 117).
(6.) These effects are well documented. See, for example, MacDonald
and Cavalluzzo (1996) for an excellent discussion.
(7.) In the railroad industry, negotiations between firms and
unions occur at the national level. While individual firms may negotiate
on minor issues, most major points are bargained nationally. In this
study, we use firm-level data. Although contracts, including wage
increases, are negotiated on a national basis, this does not break the
linkage between individual firms and wages. Individual firms still have
different abilities and incentives to change their operating
characteristics (haul lengths, unit train usage, employment, etc.) in
response to common wage increases. Of course, general improvements in
labor productivity can also justify general wage increases.
(8.) The qualitative results of the article are robust to
alternative treatments of the adjustment patterns. In an earlier version
of the article, we reported results using a linear interaction term. As
noted by a referee, such a treatment allows the effect of partial
deregulation and, as discussed below, mergers to change at a constant
rate through time. The procedure used and reported here allows the
effects of deregulation and mergers to dissipate with time.
(9.) As with the effects of partial deregulation. we experimented
with a variety of specifications for adjustment patterns. These include
the typical approach of a broken trend, suppression of the intercept
effect, broken quadratic trends, etc. The qualitative results of the
article are unaffected and, following the suggestion of an earlier
reader, we used this approach because of the intuition that the effects
of the legislation and mergers would be expected to be largest soon
after passage or completion of a merger and to become smaller over time.
(10.) Because maintenance of way labor expenses are expenditures on
capital improvements, we treat them as capitalized expenditures.
(11.) We experimented with other treatments. These are exclusion of
the NUN variable and an alternative proxy variable. We were able to
calculate, at the industry level, the percentage of employment that is
covered by union agreements. Using this proxy variable or excluding NUN
leaves the qualitative results identical and the numerical results quite
similar to those we report. The proxy variable we used was the ratio of
maintenance of way, maintenance of equipment, and transportation
employment to total employment. The data are available in Moody's
Transportation Manual (1997).
(12.) Unions merging is frequently the result of declining union
membership, which in the railroad industry is the result of declining
employment in many worker classes. Nonetheless, a declining number of
unions may indicate a strategy to consolidate bargaining power, as
suggested by Williamson (1995, pp. 18-9), "Unions also merge to
address mutual concerns and increase lobbying power, improve the
expertise or experience of their staffs, and in some cases strengthen
their strike funds."
(13.) The responsibilities of the ICC are now undertaken by the
Surface Transportation Board (STB).
(14.) We delete observations for 1978-1984 for the Pittsburgh, Lake
Erie because of negative prices for equipment. We delete the Boston
& Maine for 1987 because it lacks an equipment price and Conrail for
1992 because it lacks an equipment price and Chicago, Rock Island &
Pacific for 1978 because it was a consistent outlier.
(15.) A complete list of railroads in the data set can be found in
Davis and Wilson (1999).
(16.) Employees in our data are total labor hours divided by 2000
to give full-time equivalents. We compared this measure against the
American Association of Railroad's total employment (Railroad
Facts, various years). Railroad Facts is more inclusive and therefore
slightly larger than the R-1 data for Class I railroads. However, the
differences are small over time and the correlation between the two
measures is 0.9968.
(17.) One rationale for the number of specifications is to point to
the sensitivity of results to variables included or excluded along with
differences in estimation procedure. The %UT is not measured in logs due
to the large number of zeros early in the time series.
(18.) This estimation method follows from Greene (1993, pp. 455-7).
(19.) It is likely that output and traffic choices are made
endogenously by the firm. Given this, employment and wage decisions are
likely made simultaneously with these choices.
(20.) As instruments, we use fitted values of the endogenous
variables from first-stage regressions using firm-specific demand
variables as independent variables. These demand variables are national
gross output of key products carried by each railroad. For each
railroad, we rank total tons of products shipped by Standard
Transportation Commodity Classification (STCC) category to determine
each firm's three key products. We regress each potentially
endogenous variable on these national gross outputs and use the fitted
values as instruments in the second-stage regressions reported in
columns 3 and 6 of Table 3 (and Appendix B). The gross output data are
from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Accounts Data, Gross
Product by Industry.
(21.) We define the firm fixed effects so that a new firm dummy
variable is created when two firms merge. The merger dummy variable is
not identified for these specifications.
(22.) This result is consistent with a leftward shift of the
union/firm efficient contract curve.
(23.) Our method to identify the effects of changes in variables is
somewhat restrictive. For example, a less restrictive method to
decompose the effect of partial deregulation would estimate separate
equations for the before and after deregulation periods. This technique
allows all parameters to vary between subsamples and measures the
constant effect of deregulation as the difference between constants in
both equations. we are prevented from fully implementing this method
because several variables are not identified in both subsamples.
However, a less restricted model could be estimated by allowing
parameters to vary between subsamples on all variables that are
identified. while this method frequently improved the fit of the overall
model, most parameter estimates were individually not significant, and
the simulations reported later were not materially affected.
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David E. Davis * and Wesley W. Wilson +
* USDA/Economic Research Service, 1800 M Street NW, #2133,
Washington, DC 20036, USA: E-mail ddavis@ers.usda.gov.
+ Department of Economics and Upper Great Plains Transportation
Institute, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97405-1285, USA; E-mail
wwilson@oregon.uoregon.edu; corresponding author.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the staff of the Upper Great
Plains Transportation Institute for their help in developing the data
used in this analysis and the generous comments of John Bitzan and Jim
Ziliak on earlier work in this area. The views expressed in this article
are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
Economic Research Service or the USDA.