New estimates of economies of scale and scope in higher education.
Lentz, Bernard F.
1. Introduction
The substantially greater than inflation increases in college
tuition during the late 1980s and first half of the 1990s ignited considerable discussion of the costs of higher education by both
academics and nonacademics. The general discussion covered such issues
as how much tuition has risen, why college costs so much (Ehrenberg 2000), the extent to which tuition fully covers costs (Winston 1998;
NACUBO 2002), and what colleges are doing to cut costs (Strosnider
1998). Indeed, concern over rapidly increasing tuition spurred Congress
to establish a National Commission on the Cost of Higher Education in
1997; the Commission conducted a review of college costs and issued
recommendations for holding costs down.
To economists, discussion of cost-cutting generally boils down to a
simple question: What is the efficient organization of production? In a
market economy, competitive pressures force profit-maximizing firms
constantly to strive to produce more efficiently. Thus, information
about the efficient organization of production can be deduced by
observing organizations that survive and prosper (Stigler 1958).
However, in the context of higher education, the answer is not so
simple, for at least three reasons: (i) colleges are not
profit-maximizing entities, thus market-driven pressures to minimize
costs are, essentially, absent; relatedly, (ii) tuition/prices paid by
students/customers do not cover the full cost of their educational
experience (Winston 1998); and (iii) colleges typically produce multiple
products, not just undergraduate education.
Supposing that the individuals who run institutes of higher
education (IHEs) have an interest in minimizing costs, how should they
structure production to achieve this? That is, what should they produce
and how much of it should be produced? Should colleges specialize and
produce only undergraduate education, or produce multiple outputs, as so
many currently do? Should colleges be small or large, in terms of
student enrollments and/or grant research?
These are complex questions in their own right. For example, take
the question about the optimal mix of outputs to produce. Forgetting
about the implications for revenues, there are a host of related
empirical issues to investigate: What are the unit costs of producing
different levels of only undergraduate education, graduate education,
athletics, research, extension, or public services? What then, in
comparison, are the unit costs of producing different levels of
alternative combinations of two or more of these outputs? Knowing the
answers to specific questions like these provides an essential
foundation for informed decision making about the efficient organization
of production in higher education.
Estimating the cost of producing academic outputs is complicated by
the fact that many, if not most, IHEs produce multiple products.
Typically, the products include undergraduate and/or graduate
instruction and research. (1) In addition to these basic outputs, the
state land-grant institutions also produce extension services. Many
institutions also produce public services such as medical services,
business assistance programs, museums of various sorts, theater
productions, and the like. And, of course, IHEs produce both intramural and extramural athletics. Thus, for purposes of estimating unit costs,
it is essential to treat IHEs as multiproduct "firms."
Further, it seems highly likely that the production of certain
outputs affects the unit cost of producing others. For example,
production of graduate instruction requires the administrators of an IHE to hire faculty with more extensive training and ability than is
required to teach at the undergraduate level. Doctorally qualified
faculty are more expensive to hire than non-doctorally qualified
faculty, ceteris paribus. To the extent that the set of faculty
providing graduate instruction and the set of faculty providing
undergraduate instruction are mutually exclusive, the provision of the
former has no cost spillover to the latter. However, if the graduate
faculty also teach undergraduate courses, then the unit cost of
providing undergraduate education will be higher at IHEs that produce
both graduate and undergraduate education than at IHEs that produce only
undergraduate education. On the other hand, to the extent that
relatively low-paid graduate students are used to teach undergraduate
courses, unit costs of the latter may actually be lower than one would
find at a traditional, undergraduate education only institution.
Likewise, the fact that an IHE has great athletic teams and/or
facilities or strong art/music/theater programs may permit the
institution to pay faculty lower salaries than would be the case in the
absence of such facilities or programs.
There is evidence that higher education is indeed characterized by
(dis)economies of scope. Using data from 1981-1982, Cohn, Rhine, and
Santos (1989) estimated multiproduct cost functions for 1195 public IHEs
and 692 private IHEs and found (p. 287) that at the mean levels of
outputs in their samples there were "economies of scope in the
private sector and diseconomies of scope in the public sector."
They then investigated scale and scope economies for alternative
multiples of the mean outputs, given fixed(at the mean)-proportion
output bundles. Public IHEs were shown to have diseconomies of scope up
to 150% of the mean output level but slowly increasing economies of
scope at even larger output levels. Private IHEs were characterized by
economies of scope at all output levels that increased much more rapidly
with higher output levels than was estimated for the public IHEs.
These findings were derived from separate cost equations estimated
for public and private IHEs, since the structural models for the two
types of IHEs were found to differ significantly. However, since their
data were for a single year only, Cohn, Rhine, and Santos suggest that
estimations for additional years might improve our confidence in the
conclusions. In this paper, we estimate multi-product cost functions for
public and private IHEs using newly available data on IHE costs for
1996, employing the flexible, fixed-cost methodology employed by Cohn,
Rhine, and Santos. We then investigate the extent to which production of
undergraduate education, graduate education, and externally funded
research are characterized by economies of scale and scope.
2. Methodology
Following in the tradition established by Baumol, Panzar, and
Willig (1982) and developed specifically in the context of higher
education by Cohn, Rhine, and Santos (1989), we estimate a multi-product
cost function for IHEs. Our model is specified as a flexible fixed-cost
quadratic (EFCQ) function, with a dummy variable [F.sub.i] that assumes
a value of 1 (0) for (non)positive amounts of the output [Y.sub.i]:
[C.sub.i] = [a.sub.0] + [[SIGMA].sub.i] [a.sub.i][F.sub.i] +
[[SIGMA].sub.i][b.sub.i][Y.sub.i] + (1/2) [[SIGMA].sub.i]
[[SIGMA].sub.j] [c.sub.ij][Y.sub.i][Y.sub.j] + [[eta].sub.i].
[C.sub.i] refers to total expenditures by IHE i in 1996, [a.sub.0],
the [a.sub.i]'s, the [b.sub.i]'s, and the [c.sub.ij]'s
are scalars, and [[eta].sub.i] is the error term, which is assumed to be
independently and identically distributed. Output produced includes
undergraduate education (measured as full-time equivalents, in
thousands), graduate education (full-time equivalents, in thousands),
and research (measured as the sum of federal, state, local, and private
grant dollars, in millions). The [F.sub.i] variables reflect differences
across IHEs with respect to the fixed costs of producing different
product sets.
Since our purpose was to update the Cohn, Rhine, and Santos
estimates of economies of scale and scope in higher education using more
recent data, we employed the same structural model that they used; that
is, we included both linear and squared terms for the three output
measures as well as the one factor price we had available (average
faculty compensation). In addition, we included interaction terms
between outputs and between the factor price and output measures. We
estimated the multiple-output cost functions separately for public and
private IHEs, since we independently reconfirmed the Cohn, Rhine, and
Santos finding of structural differences between the public and private
sectors. (2)
Economies of Scale and Scope
Based on our cost function estimation results, we calculated the
impact on total cost of increasing production of all outputs
simultaneously (ray economies of scale), the impact on total cost of
increasing production of a single output holding production of other
outputs constant at the sample means (product-specific economies of
scale), and the degree to which complementarity among outputs generates
lower per-unit costs when two or more outputs are produced
simultaneously (economies of scope). Precise mathematical descriptions
and discussion of these three concepts can be found in Baumol, Panzar,
and Willig (1982, chapters 3 and 4).
3. Data
Our data come from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) 1995--1996 fiscal year surveys on THE finances, enrollments, and
compensation. These surveys are part of the integrated postsecondary
education data system (IPEDS), developed by and for the NCES. Prior to
1986, these institutions were surveyed under the higher education
general information survey (HEGIS--the data source employed by Cohn,
Rhine, and Santos). However, the IPEDS data are more extensive than
HEGIS, since they not only include the schools surveyed under REGIS,
they also include any other institutions that grant a bachelor's,
master's, doctoral, or first professional degree and are eligible
to participate in Title IV financial aid programs. Responses were
received from 3520 of the 3965 IHEs surveyed. After omitting
institutions with missing data on variables critical to our analysis, we
had a usable sample of 2942 IHEs, of which 1492 were private and 1450
were public. Sample statistics for the variables used in our analysis
are reported in Table 1.
This split between public and private IHEs in our sample differs
sharply from Cohn, Rhine, and Santos, whose sample consisted of a much
smaller number of private institutions (692) and a slightly smaller
number of public institutions (1195). Not surprisingly, we observe
substantive differences between their data set and ours with respect to
output and cost measures, differences that cannot be attributed to the
15 years that elapsed between their analysis (1980-1981) and ours
(1995-1996). For example, 71% of the private IHEs in the Cohn, Rhine,
and Santos sample reported externally funded research whereas only 25%
of the private schools in our much larger sample did so. In our sample,
the ratio of public to private THE (under)graduate student enrollment is
(3.8 to 1)1.66 to 1, while the ratio of public to private THE spending
on externally funded research is 3.05 to 1. Further, the ratio of public
to private THE total expenditures in our sample is 2.08 to 1. By
contrast, in the Cohn, Rhine, and Santos sample, the ratio of public to
private THE (under)graduate student enrollment was (2.72 to 1)1.1 to 1,
while the ratio of public to private THE spending on externally funded
research was 1.1 to I. Finally, the ratio of public to private IHE total
expenditures in the Cohn, Rhine, and Santos sample was 1.6 to 1. These
differences suggest that the private IHEs in our sample are
characterized by a larger number of small, private institutions with
teaching missions than was true of the Cohn, Rhine, and Santos sample.
4. Results
Following Cohn, Rhine, and Santos, we specified total costs as a
function of three outputs: fulltime equivalent (FTE) undergraduate
student enrollment (UG); FTE graduate student enrollment (GR); and
externally funded grant research (RES). (3) Accordingly, we estimated a
three-output cost function using the FFCQ model for public and private
institutions, respectively. Our estimated cost functions, which
duplicate the structural models estimated by Cohn, Rhine, and Santos,
are reported in Table 2.
The coefficients on the dummy variables, which reflect fixed costs
(in millions of dollars), provide evidence of sizable and significant
fixed costs of engaging in externally funded research activity and
providing undergraduate instruction, especially among public
institutions. Most of the nondummy variables in both equations are
statistically significant at conventional levels. The superficially surprising exception to this is AVECOMP and COMPSQ in public IHEs.
Whereas Cohn, Rhine, and Santos found labor input cost to have a
positive but diminishing effect on total cost in both public and private
IHEs, we find no significant relationship between AVECOMP/COMPSQ and
total cost in public IHEs (we do find the familiar relationship for
private IHEs).
Given the nonlinear structure of the model and the interaction
terms, it is difficult to draw conclusions about the relationship
between costs and outputs based on individual coefficients. Thus, we
identify (in Table 3) the marginal effect of producing more of each
output, evaluated at the sample means. We calculate that, in 1996, an
additional dollar of externally funded research added $2.62 ($4.26) to
total costs of public (private) universities. At the sample means,
producing undergraduate education was cheaper, on the margin, for public
institutions than private institutions ($5127 per additional student vs.
$10,374), while the marginal cost of enrolling an additional graduate
student was cheaper at private institutions than public institutions
($18,343.50 vs. $9998.50).
In addition, we calculated the F statistics for the null hypothesis that all of the compensation variables (the linear and squared terms
plus the interaction terms) are statistically insignificant. For both
the public (F = 36.49) and private (F 57.88) IHEs the F values permit us
to reject the null hypothesis. To fully convince ourselves that there is
a positive and significant relationship between faculty compensation and
total costs in public IHEs, we calculated the total cost for public IHEs
at the sample means for all variables ($61.027 million) and the 95%
confidence interval ($58.414 million--$63.640 million). Then we
recalculated total costs for levels of compensation 10% below the mean
and 10% above the mean. When compensation is 10% below the mean
compensation, total costs ($58.167 million) are statistically
significantly less than the mean for total costs. Conversely, when
compensation is 10% above the mean compensation, total costs are
statistically significantly above the mean for total costs. Rela tively
small changes in average faculty compensation lead to statistically
significant changes in total costs, in the expected direction. Thus, we
reiterate our description of the estimated coefficients on AVECOMP and
COMPSQ as superficially surprising. In fact, the evidence indicates that
there is a statistically significant, positive relationship between
faculty compensation and total costs, for public institutions, as we
would expect. (4)
Economies of Scale and Scope
In Table 4 we present our calculations of economies of scale and
scope for public and private IHEs. These are based on the formulas
identified in Cohn, Rhine, and Santos; the sample means reported in
Table 1; and the estimated cost functions reported in Table 2. (5) At
the mean levels of output and factor price, we find ray economies of
scale for both public and private IHEs. Indeed, these economies exist at
all levels of production examined up through 600% of the mean levels of
output for public (private) institutions. Although the exact numbers are
somewhat different, our results for private IHEs are highly consistent
with Cohn, Rhine, and Santos, who also found ray economies of scale
throughout the entire range of output levels considered (up to 600% of
their sample means). However, with respect to public IHEs, Cohn, Rhine,
and Santos found ray economies below and up to just over 100% of the
mean levels of output, using data 15 years previous to ours, whereas we
observe ray economies up through 600% of our sample means.
However, universities typically do not experience proportionate growth across all three outputs. That is, an IHE that has five times as
many full-time equivalent undergraduate students as the sample mean
likely does not also have five times as many FTE graduate students and
five times as much extramural grant activity as those respective sample
means. Growth occurs unevenly. Accordingly, the product-specific
economies of scale may be of special interest.
For public IHEs, we observe that the economies of scale that
characterize undergraduate education exhibit a consistent pattern of
decline, with diseconomies appearing at approximately 70% of the mean
level (roughly 3100 students). This finding is virtually identical to
what Cohn, Rhine, and Santos reported for public IHEs. For private IHEs,
we observe a pattern of declining then increasing economies of scale
with respect to production of undergraduate education. These findings
are substantially at odds with the work of Cohn, Rhine, and Santos, who
found virtually no evidence of product-specific scale economies for
undergraduate education for private If-IHEs.
We find product-specific economies that decline through 130% of the
mean level-approximately 600 students-then increase with all levels of
production of graduate education at public IHEs. We find no evidence of
economies of scale in the production of graduate education at private
IHEs. Our findings in this regard are substantially in agreement with
Cohn, Rhine, and Santos, who found evidence of declining economies of
scale at all levels of production in public institutions and no scale
economies at any level of production in private IHEs.
Our estimated scale economies for externally funded research are
inconsistent with the findings of Cohn, Rhine, and Santos. Only below
150% and above 350% of their mean level of research at public IHEs did
Cohn, Rhine, and Santos report economies of scale. They found no
evidence of scale economies involving research at private IHEs at any
level of production. In contrast, we find economies of scale throughout
the entire range of production considered, among both public and private
IHEs. We observe that these economies decrease as the size of the IHE
increases--a point that we will address presently.
We suspect that the differences between our findings and those of
Cohn, Rhine, and Santos regarding private IHEs may be due, in part, to
what we suggested previously to be a substantial difference between our
sample of private schools and theirs. Specifically, we believe that our
sample of private IHEs includes a large number of smaller schools that
must have been excluded for some reason from the Cohn, Rhine, and Santos
analysis. For example, the mean value of externally funded research in
the Cohn, Rhine, and Santos sample from 1980 to 1981 (current dollars)
was $2.64 million, whereas in our much larger sample taken in 1995-1996
the mean (current dollars) was $2.585 million. Yet this is a period of
time during which there was considerable growth in execution of
sponsored research at both public and private IHEs. While this growth is
reflected in the substantially higher mean value for externally funded
research in public IHEs in our sample ($7.89 million) than in the Cohn,
Rhine, and Santos sample ($2.93 mi llion), it is not reflected in the
means for private IHEs. Given the difference in the number of private
IHEs in each sample (Cohn/Rhine/Santos = 692, Laband/Lentz = 1492), a
likely explanation is that our sample contains a number of small schools
engaged in little or no externally funded research, whereas the Cohn,
Rhine, and Santos analysis excluded these schools. We are puzzled at
this discrepancy because data on salaries, costs, and enrollments were
available for nearly 1500 private IHEs at the time they conducted their
research and they do not mention any filters they used that would have
reduced their sample sizes.
Cohn, Rhine, and Santos only report scope economies for externally
funded research (produced jointly with undergraduate and graduate
education), finding economies at all ranges of production in private
IHEs and above 150% of the mean level of research output for public
IHEs. We find economies of scope for research at all levels of
production in public IHEs, and at levels up through 400% of the sample
mean for private IHEs.
We also report economies of scope between undergraduate education
and the other two outputs at all levels of production considered in
public IHEs and up through 250% of the sample mean for private IHEs.
Finally, we find that graduate education is characterized by economies
of scope with undergraduate education and research at all levels of
production in public IHEs, and up to 100% of the sample mean in private
IHEs. However, higher levels of production of FTE graduate education by
private IHEs are characterized by diseconomies of scope with the other
two outputs.
5. Concluding Comments
Despite some specific differences between our findings and those of
Cohn, Rhine, and Santos (1989) with respect to the estimated cost
functions and economies of scale and scope, our general conclusions are
quite similar. Overall, our findings suggest the following: (i) there
are significant structural differences in the cost structure of public
versus private IHEs; (ii) public IHEs are characterized by ray economies
of scale, scope economies, and, with the notable exception of
undergraduate education, product-specific economies of scale for all
outputs at all levels of production examined; (iii) private IHEs are
characterized by ray economies of scale and product-specific economies
of scale with respect to undergraduate education and research, at all
levels of output examined; and (iv) private IHEs enjoy economies of
scope beyond the sample means for the three outputs. But those economies
of scope are exhausted quickly for graduate education, exhausted at 300%
of the mean level of undergraduate education, and at 500% of the mean
level of research.
We close with several discussion items. First, as acknowledged by
Cohn, Rhine, and Santos, it is possible that there are errors in
measurement and/or specification that might bias the results. For
example, the compensation data compiled by IPEDS were exclusive of the
compensation of faculty at medical schools, so we know that the average
compensation figures we used are not, in fact, truly representative.
Second, it is hard to reconcile the observed product-specific
diseconomies of scale in public IHEs with respect to undergraduate
education with the observed product-specific economies of scale in
private IHEs that increase at higher multiples of the mean undergraduate
population. Indeed, it is somewhat problematic to reconcile the
existence of so many public universities with large undergraduate
student populations with the fact that product-specific economies of
scale are exhausted so quickly (roughly 3100 students). With several
times that number of undergraduate students, many of the large state
universit ies are located in a region of substantial diseconomies of
scale. One possible explanation of this apparent anomaly is that the
increasing economies of scope observed in public IHEs between
undergraduate education and research and graduate education overwhelm the product-specific diseconomy of scale. Another explanation, not
grounded in cost efficiencies, is that state legislatures base
appropriations to public universities on undergraduate student
enrollment figures, such as FTEs.
We note that there are a number of very large universities in the
United States, both public and private, that produce one or more of the
three outputs at levels far above the sample means. For example, among
private institutions, Stanford University produces externally funded
research at a level that is 16,937% of the sample mean for private IHEs,
and Brigham Young University produces undergraduate education at a level
that is 2348% of the sample mean for private IHEs. Among public IHEs,
the University of Wisconsin (Madison) produces research, undergraduate
education, and graduate education at levels that were, in 1995-1996,
4848%, 573%, and 1976%, respectively, of the mean levels of our sample
of public IHEs. For the University of Minnesota, these percentages were
3759%, 544%, and 1706%. Are there implications of such size for cost
To shed light on this question, we determined the production levels
for each of the three outputs at which the product-specific economies
were exhausted. As noted previously, product-specific economies of scale
with respect to undergraduate education in public IHEs play out very
quickly. But the product-specific economies of scale for research
(graduate education) in public IHEs do not disappear until production is
at 65 (25) times the sample mean. In numbers, this means an IHE with
approximately $513 million in external research funding (12,725 graduate
students). So even the University of Wisconsin, at 49 (20) times the
mean level of externally funded research (graduate education), falls
well within the levels of production for those two outputs that enjoy
product-specific economies of scale. Similarly with private IHEs,
product-specific economies of scale are exhausted at 200 (85) (15) times
the sample means (for externally funded research, graduate education,
and undergraduate education, respectively). Th is means, for example,
that Stanford's level of externally funded research that is nearly
170 times the sample mean for private IHEs still falls within the region
characterized by economies of scale. With respect to undergraduate
education, Brigham Young University, at 23 times the sample mean, is the
only IHE operating nominally in a region of diseconomies of scale. (6)
We note that there may be substantial fixed costs but also
substantial economies of scale and/or scope to production of certain
types of research (e.g., medicine, veterinary medicine). If so, this may
imply that different cost functions may be appropriate for different
types of research. Given the added output of extension produced at state
land-grant institutions, it may be that cost functions for the
land-grant IHEs differ significantly from those for non--land-grant
public IHEs.
Another fascinating, albeit unexplored, aspect of this work is that
even though unit costs may be minimized at the previously identified
levels of production of the various outputs, total revenues are not
maximized. Since IHEs tend overwhelmingly to be not-for-profit organizations, cost-minimization is not an imperative (Ehrenberg 2000).
Competition tends to take the form of being the best at everything, with
expenditures following revenues (Bowen 1980; Winston 1999). One
implication of this is, of course, that an external observer might find
any number of unusual relationships between costs and outputs, such as
production beyond the point where economies of scale are exhausted. In
addition, with the relevant data on revenues, it would be possible to
estimate functions that reveal both the direct and indirect effects of
athletic success, student enrollments, and grant research on private
donations. In the specific case of externally funded research, a
plausible scenario is that prospective donors screen would -be recipient
institutions on the basis of how much externally funded research they
are engaged in, not the unit cost of engaging in that research.
Finally, to the extent that administrative costs can be separated
out from total costs, one can employ this methodology to estimate the
impact of externally funded research on administrative costs--with
obvious implications for the setting of indirect cost recovery rates.
With relevant data, one also could estimate cost functions with
additional outputs such as athletics or extension (at land-grant
institutions). This would permit us to improve our understanding of not
only the impact of athletics on the total costs of IHEs, but also the
impact on factor prices such as nonfaculty compensation and on factor
quality. It is possible, for example, that having a great football
program permits an THE to attract higher quality staff at a discount,
compensation wise, to what they would have to pay these individuals to
locate at an THE with a mediocre football team. These quality issues,
which are obscured in our analysis by the single factor price variable
in which quality is implicitly assumed to be constant across faculty,
are important ones for future researchers to explore.
Table 1
Variable Descriptions and Sample Statistics
Symbol Description Mean SD
TC Total IHE expenditures (millions 65.483 131.223
of $)
AVECOMP Average annual salary plus fringe 53,247 11,955
benefits for nonmedical faculty
COMPSQ Average annual compensation squared 2978.049 1365.621
RESDUM = 1 if research > 0; = 0 otherwise 0.424 0.494
UGDUM = 1 if undergraduate enrollment > 0.995 0.069
0; = 0 otherwise
GRADDUM = 1 if graduate enrollment > 0; 0 0.335 0.479
RES Research output (millions of 7.890 32.639
federal, state, local, and private
grant $)
RESSQ Research output squared (trillions) 1126.797 7997.497
UG Full-time equivalent (PIE) 4.413 4.733
undergraduate student enrollment
UGSQ FTE undergraduate student 41.856 100.780
enrollment squared (millions)
GRAD FTE graduate student enrollment 0.509 1.332
GRADSQ FTE graduate student enrollment 2.032 9.763
squared (millions)
RESUG FTE undergraduate enrollment X 126.317 708.503
research output (billions)
RESGRAD FTE graduate enrollment X research 39.650 247.544
output (billions)
GRADUG FTE undergraduate enrollment X FTE 6.961 27.801
graduate enrollment (millions)
COMPRES Faculty compensation X research 571.868 2501.853
output (billions)
COMPUG Faculty compensation X FTE 262.376 335.593
undergraduate enrollment
COMPGRAD Faculty compensation X FTE graduate 34.832 98.673
enrollment (millions)
Symbol Mean SD
TC 31.514 96.375
AVECOMP 45,567 17,431
COMPSQ 2379.961 1874.443
RESDUM 0.249 0.433
UGDUM 0.890 0.313
GRADDUM 0.537 0.499
RES 2.585 20.222
RESSQ 415.339 6074.500
UG 1.159 1.635
UGSQ 4.016 23.258
GRAD 0.307 0.956
GRADSQ 1.007 7.978
RESUG 15.467 140.914
RESGRAD 14.348 158.807
GRADUG 1.287 8.341
COMPRES 226.293 1988.766
COMPUG 63.922 118.645
COMPGRAD 21.197 81.825
Table 2
Three-Output Quadratic Cost Function Estimates
Variable Public Institutions Private Institutions
Intercept 5.2486 -1.6945
(9.6683) (2.0953)
RESDUM 5.7110 *** 3.9123 ***
(1.7826) (1.0629)
GRADDUM 0.3522 -0.8290
(2.1799) (0.9075)
AVECOMP -0.0670 0.1885 **
(0.360 1) (0.0873)
COMPSQ 0.0017 -0.0015 *
(0.0033) (0.0009)
RES 2.8095 *** 5.8325 ***
(0.3317) (0.2857)
RESSQ -0.0025 *** -0.0030 ***
(0.0005) (0.0004)
UG 0. 1783 -0.3553
(1.2064) (1.2285)
UGSQ 0.1208 *** -0.4073 ***
(0.0316) (0.0331)
GRAD -5.9125 -4.3117
(7.9503) (3.6649)
GRADSQ -0.7061 -0.1841
(0.5821) (0.3328)
RESUG -0.0462 *** 0.0294
(0.0056) (0.0205)
RESGRAD 0.1319 *** 0.1322 ***
(0.0277) (0.0190)
GRADUG -0.2888 0.8422 ***
(0.2043) (0.2813)
COMPRES -0.0002 -0.0358 ***
(0.0048) (0.0039)
COMPUG 0.0826 *** 0.2489 ***
(0.0195) (0.0222)
COMPGRAD 0.4734 *** 0.2876 ***
(0.1161) (0.0597)
N 1450 1492
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.9680 0.9763
Numbers in parentheses are standard errors.
* Significant at the 10% or better, two-tailed test.
** Significant at the 5% level or better, two-tailed test.
*** Significant at the 1% level or better, two-tailed test.
Table 3
The Marginal Impact of Increasing Each Output at the Sample Means
Public Institutions Private Institutions
Research 2.62 4.26
Undergraduate enrollment 5127.45 10,374.70
Graduate enrollment 18,343.50 9998.50
Table 4
Degree of Scale and Scope Economies for Alternative Fixed-Proportion
Output Bundles
Product- Specific
Percentage of Ray Undergraduate Graduate
Output Means Economies Education Education Research
Public colleges
and universities
10 3.465 1.667 1.366 3.030
50 1.488 1.065 1.084 1.412
100 1.239 0.951 1.057 1.213
150 1.154 0.892 1.056 1.150
200 1.110 0.851 1.060 1.120
250 1.083 0.819 1.068 1.104
300 1.064 0.793 1.077 1.094
400 1.038 0.752 1.100 1.086
500 1.021 0.722 1.125 1.085
600 1.008 0.699 1.154 1.087
Private colleges
and universities
10 3.457 1.133 -1.675 5.678
50 1.495 1.049 0.465 1.938
100 1.251 1.059 0.735 1.471
150 1.171 1.081 0.827 1.316
200 1.132 1.108 0.875 1.239
250 1.109 1.138 0.904 1.193
300 1.094 1.173 0.925 1.163
400 1.078 1.255 0.953 1.126
500 1.069 1.362 0.973 1.105
600 1.065 1.506 0.988 1.091
Economies of
Percentage of Undergraduate Graduate
Output Means Education Education Research
Public colleges
and universities
10 0.377 0.376 0.377
50 0.189 0.175 0.181
100 0.139 0.106 0.121
150 0.130 0.077 0.101
200 0.134 0.062 0.094
250 0.144 0.052 0.094
300 0.158 0.046 0.096
400 0.190 0.039 0.107
500 0.226 0.0355 0.120
600 0.262 0.033 0.136
Private colleges
and universities
10 0.522 0.047 0.371
50 0.167 0.017 0.170
100 0.091 0.011 0.097
150 0.055 -0.010 0.064
200 0.031 -0.020 0.044
250 0.013 -0.029 0.030
300 -0.001 -0.038 0.019
400 -0.026 -0.055 0.003
500 -0.047 -0.071 -0.011
600 -0.066 -0.088 -0.022
Received April 2002; accepted September 2002.
(1.) As was pointed out by a thoughtful reviewer, the quality of
the outputs produced (and the inputs used to produce them) is not
homogeneous across IHEs. That is, the average quality of the graduate
students in economics produced by the University of Pennsylvania differs
significantly from the average quality of graduate students in economics
produced by Auburn University. Likewise, the average quality of faculty
and the average faculty compensation differs significantly between the
two institutions. Unfortunately, we do not (and cannot) control for such
(2.) The Chow test statistic F[11, 1832] = 39.41, with P <
(3.) It is not clear how Cohn. Rhine, and Santos determined their
measures of full-time equivalent (under)graduate enrollments, since we
are unaware of any standardized procedure for convening part-time
enrollments to full-time enrollments. We simply assumed that a part-time
student was equivalent to one-third of a full-time student, the practice
at Aubum University and, we understand, certain other universities.
Subject to data availability, we believe that a good measure of
equivalency could be constracted by examining the fraction of total
tuition revenues generated by each population of students.
(4.) We conducted this same exercise for private IHEs, with similar
results. The predicted value of total costs at the sample means of the
explanatory variables is $33023 million; the 95% confidence interval is
$31.097-$34.949 million. The estimated total cost when average faculty
compensation falls (rises) 10% is $30.87 ($35177) million. Both
estimates are outside the 95% confidence interval, indicating that the
changes in average compensation lead to statistically significant
changes in total cost.
(5.) It is difficult to determine the extent to which our
calculation of economies of scale and scope matches the procedure
followed by Cohn, Rhine, and Santos. Since there are squared terms of
the outputs in the regression model, the derivatives that are essential
to the calculation of economies of scale and scope for the Y outputs
take the form d[Y.sub.i] = [b.sub.1] + 2[b.sub.2][Y*.sub.i] +
[c.sub.i][Y*.sub.j] where [b.sub.1] is the estimated coefficient of the
linear term of [Y.sub.i], [b.sub.2] is the estimated coefficient of the
squared term of [Y.sub.i], [Y*.sub.i] is the mean value of [Y.sub.i] the
[c.sub.i] are the estimated coefficients on the interactive
[Y.sub.i][Y.sub.j] terms, and [Y*.sub.j] is the mean value of [Y.sub.j].
The economy of scale/scope calculations are made at various multiples
(or fractions) of the sample means of the three outputs. It is easy to
confuse taking a fraction of the squared mean value of the output in
question with squaring the fractioned mean value of that output. Th e
two procedures yield very different results
at output levels other than 100% of the sample mean. It is the latter
calculation that correctly defines the relevant derivatives.
(6.) One technical issue that we worry about is the inclusiveness
of costs in the numbers reported in IPEDS. For example, a university
hospital may have its own budget that is completely separate from the
university budget Cenain inputs, such at faculty, may be included,
costwise, by the hospital, yet redound to the benefit of the university.
Thus, the faculty cost for these individuals is not reported by the
institution. However, because these faculty provide teaching services
for the university the institution may be observed to provide teaching
at relatively tow cost. While this may look like an economy of scale, in
fact that interpretation is problematic. To check our own work in this
regard, we omitted from our sample IHEs with hospitals and reestimated
the model, finding continued evidence of economies of scale. Our point,
however, is that there are a host of technical higher education
accounting practices like this that need to be taken into account for us
to have real confidence in the interpretations drawn from any of the
statistical work in this genre.
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Institutions of higher education as multi-product firms: Economies of
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Ehrenberg, Ronald G. 2000. Tuition rising: Why college costs so
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Stigler, George J. 1958. The economies of scale. Journal of Law and
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Strosnider, Kim. 1998. Private colleges in Ohio are collaborating
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Winston, Gordon C. 1998. Economic research now shows that higher
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David N. Laband *
Bemard F. Lentz +
* Forest Policy Center, School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences,
Auburn University, 202 M. White Smith Halt, Auburn, AL 36849, USA;
E-mail; corresponding author.
+ Institutional Research and Analysis, 3401 Walnut Street, Suite
352B, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA.
Laband gratefully acknowledges financial support in the form of a
McIntire-Stennis grant awarded through the School of Forestry and
Wildlife Sciences at Auburn University. We appreciate the helpful
comments of the reviewer. The usual caveat applies.