Tax liability-side equivalence in experimental posted-offer markets.
Normann, Hans-Theo
Rainald Borck (*)
Dirk Engelmann (*)
Wieland Muller (*)
Hans-Theo Normann (*)(+)
1. Introduction
One of the central results of tax incidence theory is that
"the incidence of the tax does not depend on which side of the
market it is levied" (Kotlikoff and Summers 1987, p. 1046). This
result--called liability-side equivalence (henceforth LSE)--holds for a
variety of market structures under the assumption that prices are
flexible and individuals maximize their material well being. In fact,
this principle has been so widely accepted by economists that its
empirical validity has rarely been tested.
This is rather surprising, given that the statutory incidence (the
legal definition of tax liability) of taxes and other levies plays an
important role in popular discussions. An article in The Economist on
the Scandinavian countries argued that one reason for the large size of
the welfare state was that "employers pay unusually heavy
social-security contributions, while employees pay little-encouraging
the impression that benefits cost nothing" (Cairncross 1994).
In Germany, the introduction of nursing care insurance was
accompanied by heated debates on how contributions should be split
between employers and employees. In fact, just before the system was
introduced, the division of contributions was the central matter of
conflict (Hinrichs 1995). (1) The weekly newspaper Die Zeit summarized
the discussion in an article entitled "Useful Illusion"
(Perina 1995). Proponents of scrapping the employer share of
contribution argued mainly that, if employees had to bear the entire
contribution, they would be more aware of the full costs of insurance
and therefore possibly opt for lower spending levels. In addition,
proponents argued that reducing the employer share would lower labor
costs and therefore improve the competitive position of German firms.
Representatives of unions argued on the contrary that an equal split of
contributions would be fair and should therefore be incorporated.
The same concerns were reflected in another recent discussion in
Germany. This discussion concerned the introduction of a fully funded
pension system to supplement the current pay-as-you-go system. The
government was planning to let employees pay the entire contribution.
Commented one leading Social Democrat: "I was thunderstruck when I
read this." (2)
The division of contributions to social security systems also
varies among countries, whereas economic theory would suggest that the
choice should be dictated by minimization of administrative costs.
Therefore, one would expect much more homogeneity. Similarly,
minimization of administrative costs implies that formal incidence
should probably fall on one side of the market only. This is, however,
not the case in many countries.
LSE has important policy applications. An interesting example where
tax incidence plays a role is the European Commission's (Commission
of the European Communities 2000) proposal for the taxation of
e-commerce. For business-to-business (B2B) transactions, the tax
liability would fall on the customer, while for business-to-consumer
(B2C) transactions, the supplier would be legally liable for the tax.
Whether or not this matters is an important question. (3)
All these controversies and policy issues seem to be based on the
notion that statutory incidence matters for economic outcomes. The
question is whether there could be a behavioral explanation why
statutory incidence might matter. Kerschbamer and Kirchsteiger (2000)
propose such an explanation. They claim that statutory incidence may
play a role if agents are not fully rational. In particular, if
individuals mistakenly base their decisions on gross instead of net
earnings, legal incidence may affect the economic incidence of taxes.
Kerschbamer and Kirchsteiger (2000, p. 721) argue that "it seems
quite plausible that the legal obligation to pay a tax is regarded as a
moral obligation to bear it (to a certain degree) also
economically." If this is the case, then statutory incidence may
affect market outcomes.
In this article, we test LSE in a controlled laboratory experiment.
Testing for LSE is of interest both because of the policy implication
mentioned above and because it is a universal tenet of economic theory.
Experimental markets provide a useful way to analyze the impact of
taxes. Kachelmeier, Limberg, and Schadewald (1991) and Franciosi et al.
(1995) analyze the effect of fairness on prices, investigating how
switching from a profit tax to a sales tax affects prices under designs
that differed with respect to whether or not sellers' profits were
disclosed. While Kachelmeier, Limberg, and Schadewald (1991) use
posted-bid pricing, Franciosi et al. (1995) extend their study to
posted-offer markets. (4)
Two experimental articles address the question whether statutory
incidence matters for actual incidence. Kachelmeier, Limberg, and
Schadewald (1994) examine consumption taxes in a complex double auction
environment comprising both wholesale and retail markets. In particular,
they study theoretically equivalent ad valorem taxes on consumers and on
retailers (middlemen) and a value-added tax on producers and retailers.
Their data tend to confirm LSE. Kerschbamer and Kirchsteiger (2000) let
subjects play an ultimatum game (Guth, Schmittberger, and Schwarze
1982), where in one treatment a tax has to be paid by the proposer and
in the other by the responder. (5) They find that the side on which the
tax is levied bears a significantly higher burden of the tax. Taken
together, these two studies provide conflicting evidence concerning the
predictive power of LSE. Apparently, whether or not LSE holds depends
crucially on the market institution underlying the experiments.
Given this conflicting evidence, additional research on LSE is
warranted. Consider the market institutions of these articles. Double
auctions, on the one hand, are known to converge quickly to the
competitive equilibrium (for a survey, see Davis and Holt 1993, ch. 3).
The use of a double-auction environment by Kachelmeier, Limberg, and
Schadewald (1994) therefore probably gives LSE a better chance than it
would have in other environments. On the other hand, myriads of
experiments have shown that the subgame perfect equilibrium is almost
never played in the ultimatum game. It is, therefore, not entirely clear
what prediction is being tested in Kerschbamer and Kirchsteiger (2000).
Since the equilibrium without taxes is not played by experimental
subjects, it is hard to interpret any systematic difference between
treatments as failure of LSE. We therefore think that experimental tests
of tax incidence in a different trading institution might help improve
the understanding of the empirical validity of LSE in gene ral and the
results in Kachelmeier, Limberg, and Schadewald (1994) and Kerschbamer
and Kirchsteiger (2000) in particular.
Our test of LSE uses posted-offer markets (see Davis and Holt 1993,
ch. 4), an institution that presents a compromise between the two
trading institutions exemplified by double auctions and the ultimatum
game. (6) In posted-offer markets, "adjustment to equilibrium tends
to be from above and either converges to equilibrium more slowly [than
in double auctions] or does not converge at all" (Plott 1982, p.
1498). Such supracompetitive prices might enable sellers to bear a
smaller share of the tax burden than theory predicts. For these reasons,
testing tax liability equivalence in posted-offer markets might provide
a stronger test of the theory than a test with double auctions. Compared
with ultimatum bargaining experiments, outcomes in posted-offer markets
match the equilibrium predictions quite well. In this sense, we give LSE
a better shot than did Kerschbamer and Kirchsteiger (2000).
In essence, according to the studies mentioned above, we have two
results for LSE, one (Kachelmeier, Limberg, and Schadewald 1994) that
confirms it in a market institution that generally works well (in the
sense of yielding predicted equilibrium outcomes) and one (Kerschbamer
and Kirchsteiger 2000) that rejects it in a setting where experimental
results are notoriously far away from the equilibrium prediction. Which
market form is best suited to test LSE depends on the particular
question at hand, but we would submit that, for many of the real-world
markets where taxes play a role, posted-offer markets are a more
representative trading institution than either double auctions or the
ultimatum game.
We perform a test of tax liability-side equivalence in simple
posted-offer markets involving buyers and sellers. In contrast with the
ad valorem tax implemented by Kachelmeier, Limberg, and Schadewald
(1994), we use unit taxes in two treatments where the only difference is
who has to pay the tax. Unit taxes are arguably not representative for
most taxes because (unlike value-added taxes or other ad valorem taxes)
they are not a function of prices. However, there are important unit
taxes, for example, taxes on gasoline, cigarettes, and alcoholic
beverages, to name a few. Moreover, given the growing attention to
taxation of energy consumption, their relative share of the tax revenue
may well be increasing. Our main reason for choosing unit taxes was to
keep the design simple. (7) When interpreting our results, it should be
kept in mind that they may not generalize to ad valorem taxes, although
the consistency of results between Kachelmeier, Limberg, and Schadewald
(1994) and those reported here suggests that th e form of tax may not be
critical. That is, our experimental data do not reject the theoretical
proposition that effective incidence is not affected by statutory
We proceed as follows. The next section presents the setup of the
market used in the experiment and the experimental design. Section 3
presents results. The last section concludes with a discussion of the
2. Experimental Design and Procedures
Our experiment consists of 10 standard posted-offer markets. We
also conducted two markets where subjects with the same cost and demand
schedule negotiated via double auction (see section 3). For reasons
mentioned above, the double auctions were conducted to check for
robustness of the trading institution. In each market, three sellers and
three buyers interacted. In most cases, two markets were conducted
simultaneously, but subjects were informed that they interacted only
within their group of six.
The experiment was conducted at Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin,
Germany. The posted-offer markets were computerized. The programming of
the experiments was implemented in Z-Tree, software developed by
Fischbacher (1999). The total of 60 subjects were recruited from
business and economics courses. None of them had previously participated
in an experiment with posted-offer markets. Subjects were placed at
isolated computer terminals. They were then given written instructions.
(8) These instructions were the same for both sellers and buyers, and
subjects were not informed about the role they would play at that point.
Subjects could then ask clarifying questions. Subjects were informed
about the number of buyers and sellers and that each could buy or sell
at most five units, but there was no revelation of costs or valuations
of any of the other market participants.
We had two treatments, which differed only with respect to the side
responsible for paying the tax. In one treatment, called BuyerTax,
buyers paid the tax; in the other, called SellerTax, it was paid by the
sellers. In total, 24 periods were played in each market, 12 without
taxes followed by 12 periods with a tax. There were five markets for
each of the two treatments. Collected tax revenue did not generate a
public good. From the subjects' point of view, it simply
disappeared. Subjects were informed before the experiment started that,
after 12 periods, a change in the market would occur and that 12 more
periods would follow. No indication was made at this stage that this
change would be the introduction of a tax.
The cost and demand structure underlying our posted-offer markets
is shown in Figure 1.
Note that each step on the cost and demand function consists of
three units, one for each seller and each buyer. This implies that, at
the competitive price range, 40 [less than or equal to] p [less than or
equal to] 46, 12 units are sold when there is no tax. More specifically,
each seller sells and each buyer purchases exactly four units. (9)
Payoffs at a competitive price of 43 are 102 Taler (the experimental
currency unit) for sellers and 130 Taler for buyers. This asymmetry to
the advantage of the buyers was introduced to offset an expected effect
of the market power of sellers. Because subjects were unaware of the
payoffs of the other subjects, this asymmetry could not cause a price
increase due to equity considerations. (Note that, in Figure 1, the
graphs are slightly offset to make the parts where they overlap more
Holt and Solis-Soberon (1992) argue that it is useful to derive
Nash equilibrium prices in addition to the competitive price range.
Sellers could post only integer prices. Under the standard assumption
that demand will be split equally between the sellers if posted prices
are equal (see, e.g., Holt and Solis-Soberon 1992), there are six
symmetric pure-strategy Nash equilibria. Each equilibrium involves a
price of the set {46,...,51 } and five units offered by each seller. In
these Nash equilibria, sellers will sell four units each but will sell
less if they increase the price. Note, however, that, for prices up to
56, buyers will also buy four units each. Market efficiency is identical
for the competitive equilibrium and the six Nash equilibria. The
multiplicity of Nash equilibria results from the use of discrete prices
(which are realistic in both laboratory and field markets). With a
continuous action space, marginal undercutting would allow a fifth unit
to be sold at almost no loss on the other units, so t here would be a
unique Nash equilibrium in which all players post a price of 46 and
offer five units.
Although it is standard, the assumption that demand will be split
equally in case of a tie is restrictive and is made for convenience. It
is indeed the case that, if demand is not split equally but randomly
(which is the appropriate assumption if buyers are believed to decide
randomly between offers with equal prices), there is an incentive to
undercut the price due to the danger to sell less than four units. It is
possible but tedious to show that there are no pure Nash equilibria in
our game and that prices in a mixed equilibrium must lie above the
competitive price range. Thus, the basic property of the above Nash
equilibria--namely, that prices are above the competitive price
range--still holds if the simplifying assumption is relaxed.
Furthermore, the predictive value of Nash equilibria is limited in
the first place because the sellers do not know (and do not even know a
possible range for) the buyers' demand function. So as a game
between the sellers, the game is not completely specified and thus they
cannot really play Nash equilibria. Any Nash equilibrium for a game
between the sellers rests on the unwarranted assumption that sellers
know the buyers' demand function (and that buyers maximize
profits). Therefore, the Nash equilibria have a restricted predictive
value and rather serve an illustrating purpose.
After the tax of 28 Taler per unit is introduced, the economic
prediction changes to nine units sold at competitive prices, three for
each participant, irrespective of whether the tax is levied on buyers or
sellers. The revised competitive price range is 56-62 in gross prices
and 28-34 in net prices. The Nash equilibria (again assuming equal split
of demand in case of a tie) are for each seller to offer four units.
Symmetric gross equilibrium prices are in the range {62, ..., 66} and
net prices are in the range {34, ..., 38}. That is, there are five
symmetric pure-strategy Nash equilibria, in which sellers sell three
units each. Buyers will buy three units each for prices up to 72 or 44,
respectively. Payoffs at a competitive price of 59 (or 31) are 57 Taler
for sellers and 69 Taler for buyers.
Our markets followed the standard rules for computerized
posted-offer markets (see Davis and Holt 1993, ch. 3). The only
nonstandard feature is the introduction of the tax after the 12th
period. At that point, the experimenter publicly announced that a tax of
28 Taler for each unit bought or sold would be imposed on one side of
the market (sellers or buyers, depending on the treatment). Then 12 more
periods were played under standard rules except that at all stages where
information was given concerning the costs or values of units sold, the
tax was indicated explicitly (for buyers or sellers, depending on the
treatment). Also, the tax was included in the computation and feedback
of profits per individual unit.
At the end of the 24 periods, a questionnaire was filled in by the
subjects. They were asked for some biographical data and how they had
made their decisions. Finally, they were informed about their total
payment in DM, which was paid immediately after the end of the
experiment. The exchange rate was 1 DM for 60 Taler. On average,
subjects earned DM 31.00, or approximately U.S. $14. The average
duration of a session was 75 minutes.
3. Experimental Results
Figure 2 and Table I summarize the experimental results. Figure 2
shows graphically the evolution of the mean of those prices that
resulted in contracts along with the number of units sold (10) Stars
([STAR]) and solid triangles ([TRIANGLE ) are used to indicate these
numbers for the treatments SellerTax and BuyerTax, respectively. Note
that prices for periods 13-24 of the BuyerTa treatment are reported
after adding the unit tax, that is, the gross prices paid by buyers. In
Figure 2, the ranges of competitive price predictions and competitive
quantity predictions are indicated by dotted horizontal lines extending
across periods 1-12 (first phase) and periods 13-24 (second phase).
Although the first phase was identical in both treatments, Figure 2 and
Table 1 report the corresponding results separately for the two
treatments. This was done to make visible the effect of the imposition
of the tax on first-period behavior in the second phase in comparison
with last-period behavior in the first phase of the experiment.
Inspecting Figure 2 and Table 1, we make a number of observations.
First, in both treatments, average prices in period 1 are below the
lower end of the competitive price range (40), and in periods 1-6,
average prices in treatment BuyerTax are higher than in treatment
SellerTax. (The latter, however, seems entirely due to the fact that, in
treatment BuyerTax, sellers [by chance] start in period I with higher
prices on average.) Second, crossing the range of competitive prices,
mean prices in both treatments quickly jump upward and stabilize at a
common level of about 52-53, which is distinctly above the upper end of
the competitive price range (46). Third, in periods 7-12, there is no
trend whatsoever in the evolution of the mean prices in the two
treatments. By the last period of the first (pretax) phase (period 12),
the average price was virtually the same in both treatments, namely 53.9
(SellerTax) versus 53.7 (BuyerTax). Finally, the level of units sold
during the pretax phase of the experiment is stable o ver the rounds.
The average number of units is 10.45, slightly below the competitive
quantity prediction of 12 units. This is due to the fact that prices
occasionally exceed 56 so that demand is less than 12 units.
In the second phase of the experiment, sellers or buyers had to pay
the tax of 28 Talers per unit. From Figure 2 and Table 1, we first
observe that the average price in period 13 (the first posttax period)
is 65.9 (SellerTax) and 70.8 (BuyerTax). In both treatments, this price
is above the upper end of the competitive price range (62). This is true
for all periods of the second phase. Second, in both treatments, there
is an overall downward trend in the evolution of the mean price in the
second phase of the experiment. Third, the overall downward trend in
mean prices is accompanied by an upward trend in the evolution of the
average number of units sold. However, whereas mean prices in both
treatments are still supracompetitive in the last period, the number of
units sold is exactly nine in the last period in all of the 10 markets,
as predicted by the competitive equilibrium.
The prices above the competitive price range that consistently
occur after the first four periods are mostly within the range of
Nash-equilibrium prices. Although sellers are not exactly playing Nash
equilibria in specific periods (as outlined above, they lack sufficient
information to do so), the prices reflect that they may have understood
the basic property of these equilibria. In some instances, offers with
prices above the competitive range are for fewer units than are
profitable. This may be attributed to attempts to collude.
We now turn to the main question of this study: Does it make a
difference on which side of the market the tax is levied? In light of
our experimental results, the answer to this question is no. There are
hardly any differences in average prices (across all periods of the
second phase) that resulted in contracts (66.9 in treatment SellerTax
vs. 67.6 in treatment BuyerTax) and numbers of units sold (7.9 vs. 7.8;
see the last line in Table 1).
To test for significance of the difference in transaction prices,
we estimate a random-effects panel data model using the tax liability
side as a dummy variable. This procedure is chosen in order to take the
serial dependence of the data within one market into account. Letting
[] be a transaction price in market i and period t, our
estimation equation is [] = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1]SIDE
+ [v.sub.i] + [[member of]]. The dummy variable SIDE is equal to
zero in treatment SellerTax and one in treatment BuyerTax. [v.sub.i] is
the market-specific residual, while [[member of]] is the usual
residual with mean zero and is uncorrelated with SIDE and [v.sub.i].
Considering accepted contracts of the last six periods (19-24) of
all markets (mean SellerTax: 65.3; mean BuyerTax: 66.3), we cannot
reject the null hypothesis of no influence of the liability side
([[beta].sub.1] = 0.83, p = 0.709). (11) Furthermore, the minimum and
maximum prices differ only marginally between the two treatments in the
last five periods, though the variance of prices is slightly higher in
treatment BuyerTax. The prices of accepted contracts differ in the first
period after the introduction of the tax (65.9, SellerTax; 70.8,
BuyerTax), but this difference is not significant either ([[beta].sub.1]
= 4.92, p = 0.275). (12) The increase in prices through the introduction
of the tax (12.0, SellerTax; 17.1, BuyerTax) is close to the predicted
increase of 16. Furthermore, the difference between the two treatments
disappears almost completely in the next period.
Efficiency (total surplus expressed as a percentage of the surplus
in competitive equilibrium) in the periods with tax is nearly equal in
both treatments (SellerTax: 84.7; BuyerTax: 83.3). The difference is
even smaller than the corresponding difference for the periods without
tax (89.0 vs. 87.0), indicating that it is more likely a chance
difference than a treatment effect.
On average, sellers earned DM 34.13 and buyers earned DM 27.88. In
the periods with taxes, the relative earnings of sellers and buyers are
roughly equal in both treatments (DM 12.71 to DM 8.62 in treatment
SellerTax and DM 12.61 to DM 8.39 in treatment BuyerTax). Hence, the
allocation of social wealth is not influenced by statutory incidence.
We also conducted two double-auction markets to check for LSE in
this very competitive environment. Consistent with Kachelmeier, Limberg,
and Schadewald (1994), there was no treatment effect here either. Both
with and without tax, prices in treatment SellerTax are close to the
upper end of the competitive price range, whereas in treatment BuyerTax,
prices are slightly below the lower end of the competitive price range.
The difference between prices in both treatments after introducing the
tax is of the same magnitude as it is in the last two periods without
tax. Note that this difference is opposite to what would be expected if
tax liability side mattered, namely higher prices in treatment BuyerTax.
4. Conclusion
This study asks whether the incidence of a tax depends on which
side of the market is formally liable to pay it. Contrary to Kerschbamer
and Kirchsteiger (2000) but in line with the double-auction results of
Kachelmeier, Limberg, and Schadewald (1994), we do not find a
significant influence on the total price plus tax outlay of whether
buyers or sellers are responsible for remitting the tax. Therefore, we
conclude that, in posted-offer markets, the legal distinction about
which side of the market has to pay a tax has little influence on market
Together with the results of Kachelmeier, Limberg, and Schadewald
(1994) and Kerschbamer and Kirchsteiger (2000), our results suggest that
whether or not LSE holds depends on the market institution chosen. In a
way, a test of LSE is a joint test of the market institution and LSE.
Taking LSE as given, if a market institution gave the predicted outcome
only with a zero tax, confidence in such a market institution would be
weakened. (13) Research on double-auctions and posted-offer markets
suggests that these institutions perform consistently with the theory
both with and without the tax. By contrast, data from ultimatum game
experiments reject the theory with a zero tax as well as with a positive
Kerschbamer and Kirchsteiger (2000) draw some policy conclusions
from their experiments. In particular, they argue that statutory tax
incidence may affect the performance of markets where social norms can
affect the outcome. For instance, if the characteristics of a good are
not completely specified before trade takes place, social norms may
prevent market clearing. Therefore, LSE may fail. The ultimatum game is
just such an institution where market clearing may be hindered by social
norms. Kerschbamer and Kirchsteiger (2000) cite labor markets as an
example where social norms matter and hence statutory incidence may have
real effects. We have used posted-offer markets as an example of a
market that functions reasonably well but not perfectly and found that
incidence theory is confirmed. To a large extent, retail markets
resemble posted-offer markets. Our experiment therefore offers a forum
that compares to many field markets, suggesting that in many real-world
settings LSE can be expected to hold.
From a methodological perspective, we can think of a continuum of
market forms in which taxes can be implemented, ranging from those that
converge very quickly, such as the double auctions studied by
Kachelmeier, Limberg, and Schadewald (1994), to those that in general do
not converge, like the ultimatum game setting used by Kerschbamer and
Kirchsteiger (2000). Somewhere along this continuum might be a line that
separates those markets where statutory incidence matters from those
where it does not. Research can help us refine where exactly this line
can be drawn.
In a recent article on fiscal illusion, Tyran and Sausgruber (2000)
show that experimental subjects systematically misperceive the tax
burden, leading to inefficient democratic decisions. Similar
misperceptions might underlie the political discussions so that outcomes
might be inefficient, not because LSE does not hold but because it is
not acknowledged. It is thus important both to test whether LSE holds in
relevant markets and, if it does, to communicate this result.
(*.) Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Spandauer Strasse 1, 10178
Berlin, Germany.
(+.) Present address: Department of Economics, Royal Holloway,
University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 OEX United Kingdom; E-mail; corresponding author.
We thank Jorg Breitung, Tim Cason, Brit GroBkopf, Georg
Kirchsteiger, and Manfred Konigstein, as well as participants of the ESA European Regional Meeting 1999, Jonathan Hamilton, and the anonymous
referees for helpful comments and suggestions. Financial support from
the TMR project ENDEAR of the European Commission is gratefully
Received June 2000; accepted May 2001.
(1.) Note that both employees and employers strongly resisted being
"burdened" with the entire contribution (Hinrichs 1995).
(2.) Der Tagesspiegel, 8 June 2000, p. 14.
(3.) There are other important differences here. In particular,
this pertains not to who pays the tax but where it is paid. B2B
transactions are to be paid in the customer's country--destination
principle--while B2C transactions are taxed in the country of origin of
the supplier--origin principle. This asymmetry may have important
allocative consequences.
(4.) Quirmbach, Swenson, and Vines (1996) run experiments to test
tax incidence theory based on the Harberger model. They do not study how
legal incidence affects the effective incidence of taxes.
(5.) In the ultimatum game, the first player (the proposer) offers
a division of a pie of fixed size to the second player (the responder).
The responder can accept the division, in which case it is implemented,
or reject it, in which case both players earn nothing.
(6.) Strictly speaking, the ultimatum game is a posted-offer market
with only one seller and one buyer who bargain on the sale of a single
unit of a good. In addition to the economic frame of posted-offer
markets (see Hoffman et al. 1994), multiple sellers and buyers
distinguish our experiment from that of Kerschbamer and Kirchsteiger
(7.) In contrast with ad valorem taxes, choosing a unit tax allows
us to have the same tax rate in both treatments when leaving the ratio
of tax burden to gross prices constant. Another notable aspect of ad
valorem taxes is that the tax burden decreases, and thus efficiency
increases, with decreasing prices (at least when tax revenue is wasted,
as in our experiment). Although this should not in principle influence
LSE, we wanted to avoid this problem since concerns for efficiency are
an important motivation in many laboratory experiments.
(8.) The instructions as well as data on the individual markets are
available from the authors upon request.
(9.) We wanted to have a relatively large number of Units being
sold without a tax so that, after the introduction of the tax, the
reduction of the number of units sold and the resulting reduction of
payoffs is not too drastic. Low payoffs may frustrate subjects and
induce nonsensical decisions (see Holt 1985).
(10.) As can be seen in Table 1, the average prices per period do
not differ much whether or not the prices are weighted with the number
of units sold. The unweighted average prices are shown here.
(11.) If we include more than the last six periods, the estimate
for [[beta].sub.1] gets even smaller and p increases. If we ignore the
possible dependence and consider all prices that resulted in contracts
in periods 19-24 as independent observations, we obtain a level of
significance of p = 0.09. However, this difference is almost entirely
driven by the last period: For periods 19-23, we obtain p = 0.319.
(12.) Ninety-five percent confidence intervals for the coefficient of the treatment dummy are as follows: periods 19-24, [-3.53, 5.20];
period 24, [-1.65, 6.15]; period 13, [-3.92, 13.77].
(13.) This interpretation was suggested to us by Jonathan Hamilton.
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[Figure 1 omitted]
[Figure 2 omitted]
Table 1
Summary of Experimental Results
Min Max Var ted
Period Price of Prices Price
1 24.8 6 40 104.3 26.6
2 31.0 10 45 79.4 33.3
3 37.7 28 47 37.4 38.8
4 45.5 38 56 34.4 45.6
5 51.1 42 60 32.4 50.6
6 52.2 43 60 26.7 52.2
7 54.4 47 60 11.8 54.4
8 54.9 52 58 4.7 54.5
9 54.2 50 60 8.3 53.8
10 53.9 46 61 10.8 53.4
11 53.9 47 62 16.6 53.2
12 53.9 48 62 18.6 53.2
Mean 47.3 38.1 55.9 32.1 47.5
13 65.9 51 82 139.7 65.9
14 69.6 60 80 45.3 69.8
15 70.1 60 80 33.2 69.7
16 69.1 62 75 24.1 69.0
17 69.0 62 74 17.7 68.6
18 67.3 62 73 17.0 67.4
19 66.1 55 73 31.9 66.2
20 65.8 60 71 12.7 65.9
21 66.1 61 72 10.6 65.8
22 65.6 62 70 7.5 65.6
23 65.1 61 70 8.0 65.0
24 63.4 60 70 8.6 63.8
Mean 66.9 59.7 74.2 29.7 66.9
SellerTax BuyerTax
ciency Min Max
Period Quantity (in %) Price of Prices
1 8.4 72.5 36.7 20 55
2 10.4 84.5 43.9 30 80
3 11.6 93.7 48.9 34 65
4 11.8 96.5 53.1 40 70
5 11.6 92.9 55.0 40 66
6 10.4 86.8 55.1 47 70
7 10.6 92.0 53.8 35 65
8 10.4 90.0 51.8 15 66
9 10.2 86.2 54.5 47 66
10 11.0 93.4 52.6 46 60
11 10.8 91.5 52.3 46 61
12 10.6 88.0 53.7 48 65
Mean 10.6 89.0 50.9 37.3 65.8
13 7.0 77.5 70.8 54 85
14 6.6 70.0 70.6 62 77
15 7.2 79.3 69.4 63 76
16 7.0 78.1 67.2 62 74
17 7.6 86.1 67.8 61 74
18 7.0 74.5 67.1 62 74
19 8.2 87.2 67.0 61 73
20 8.6 89.4 66.5 60 71
21 8.6 93.4 66.2 59 70
22 8.8 92.3 66.1 59 70
23 8.8 93.4 66.0 59 70
24 9.0 94.6 66.0 60 70
Mean 7.9 84.7 67.6 60.2 73.7
Weigh- Effi-
Var ted ciency
Period of Prices Price Quantity (in %)
1 129.2 38.6 8.0 65.4
2 182.6 43.8 10.8 90.7
3 77.9 49.6 9.8 85.9
4 64.7 52.2 9.8 83.3
5 52.8 54.5 10.2 87.8
6 45.8 53.4 10.2 86.9
7 57.7 53.3 10.6 88.9
8 139.4 53.7 10.0 86.1
9 25.4 53.9 10.8 92.2
10 18.0 52.5 11.4 93.1
11 17.8 52.1 11.2 94.0
12 28.8 52.3 11.0 90.1
Mean 70.0 50.8 10.3 87.0
13 96.3 69.0 6.6 75.3
14 27.8 70.1 6.6 66.7
15 22.2 69.0 6.8 74.7
16 18.6 67.5 7.0 74.3
17 19.6 67.0 7.8 83.3
18 21.0 66.3 7.6 84.6
19 15.1 66.5 8.0 85.6
20 14.3 66.4 8.6 90.0
21 13.5 66.0 8.6 92.2
22 14.8 65.9 8.2 89.0
23 13.1 66.0 8.6 91.2
24 10.6 66.0 9.0 92.8
Mean 23.9 67.1 7.8 83.3