On the feasibility of unpopular policies under re-election concerns.
Chiu, Y. Stephen
1. Introduction
A common concern about political decision making is that
re-election motives lead incumbent politicians to select policies that,
although popular among the electorate, are inferior to available, less
popular alternatives. This concern, reflected in the notions such as
demagogy and mob rule, implies that politicians may be penalized for
choosing policies that they believe to be the best, but ironically are
rewarded for choosing popular policies that they do not necessarily
believe to be the best. In this paper, I study this common concern
through a series of models. (1)
For the main model that I will study, politicians differ only in
utility from holding office. The main result is that strong re-election
motives on the part of the incumbent politicians in general do not
render efficient and unpopular policies infeasible. In fact I will show
that, under very general conditions, voters' voting decisions do
not depend on whether the incumbents have chosen popular policy options,
nor are incumbents' policy decisions responsive to policy
popularity. We may call this result the irrelevance or neutrality of
policy popularity. Note that voters only have limited information, and
there is a possibility that the unpopular policy may be superior to its
alternatives. Voters would take their policy opinions as tentative and
be willing to revise them upon the arrival of new information. Then an
incumbent's re-election chances will not deteriorate simply because
of her choice of unpopular policies. Foreseeing this, incumbents with
even strong re-election motives will not find it beneficial to choose
popular but inefficient polices. (2)
To convey the above ideas, I will examine an infinite horizon
political agency model, along the line pioneered by Barro (1973). There
are two important ingredients in this model. First, politicians are of
two types: strong and weak. Both types of politicians are concerned
about both social welfare and the utility gained from holding office,
whereas the strong type puts a smaller weight on the latter. Each
politician's type is the politician's private information. If
the politicians were homogeneous, the choice between different
incumbents would be inconsequential. If their heterogeneity were public
information, voters would not need the politicians' past records to
infer their preferred future policies. In either case, the question of
policy manipulation would no longer exist. (In section 6, I will
introduce a third type of politicians.)
The second ingredient is a proper modelling of "a policy that
could be unpopular but potentially superior." A policy is popular
when more voters think that the policy will yield a welfare greater than
those of its alternatives. Such a policy's "popularity"
reflects its ex ante efficiency as perceived by the electorate. The
incumbent politician, nevertheless, observes an additional
imperfect-information signal about the likely efficacy of the policy.
(3) Therefore, a popular policy might be interim inefficient, whereas an
unpopular policy might be interim efficient.
One crucial assumption for the policy popularity irrelevance result is that the only difference among politicians is their utility derived
from holding office. This suggests that for policy popularity to be
relevant, other sorts of heterogeneity among politicians are needed.
Suppose, for instance, that the public believes with some probability
that the incumbent is ignorant in the sense that she knows about
different policy options even less than the public does. Then a choice
of an unpopular policy might signal the incumbent's ignorance; an
incumbent who is informed but with a strong re-election motive might
then reject the unpopular policy even if it is interim efficient.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces
the model. Section 3 prepares preliminaries for later sections. Section
4 establishes the efficient perfect Bayesian equilibrium under the
assumption that voters vote for the candidate who has a greater
probability of being strong. It also discusses the issue of equilibrium
uniqueness. Section 5 argues that the basic efficiency result holds in
several extensions of the basic model. Section 6 discusses an extension
in which there are three types of politicians. This section qualifies my
basic efficiency result. Section 7 contains some concluding remarks.
2. Model
I use a political agency approach pioneered by Barro (1973) and
Ferejohn (1986) and later developed by Austen-Smith and Banks (1989),
Banks and Sundaran (1993), and Coate and Morris (1995). In particular,
the model presented here closely resembles that of Coate and Morris in
the way that informational characteristics about the policy are modeled.
I use an infinite horizon model: In each period, the incumbent
politician must decide whether to implement a policy or to maintain the
status quo. The policy's outcome is uncertain and voters have only
limited information about the policy's efficacy. At the end of the
period, upon the revelation of the policy outcome, an election between
the incumbent and a challenger is held. The winner will become the next
period's office holder and will face a policy decision and an
election as did the immediate predecessor.
There is a continuum of infinitely living citizens among whom is a
median voter, whose interest coincides with social welfare. As will
subsequently become clear, the median voter's preferences dictate the election outcome. (4) Among the citizens is also an incumbent. All
agents in the model are risk neutral. In each period t, the current
period social welfare, [w.sub.t], is defined as the sum of the income of
citizens. Normalizing the measure of citizens to one and assuming all
agents discount future payoffs with the common discount factor [delta],
the discounted social welfare (the same as the median voter's
discounted payoff) measured at period t is thus
Policy Choices
In each period t, an observable choice between the status quo and
an alternative policy, which can differ from period to period, is
required for the incumbent politician. The status quo payoff is
deterministic and equals zero, whereas the alternative policy payoff,
which is revealed immediately before the election, is stochastic and
takes the value of either [W.sub.tG] (for a good outcome) or [W.sub.tB]
(for a bad outcome), where [W.sub.tG] > 0 > [W.sub.tB]. At the
beginning of period t, nature chooses between a high-yield state and a
low-yield state with probabilities [[PHI].sub.t] and 1 - [[PHI].sub.t],
respectively. In case of the high-yield (low-yield) state, nature
chooses between the good outcome and bad outcome with probabilities
[[theta].sub.tH] and 1 - [[theta].sub.tH] (probabilities
[[theta].sub.tL] and 1 - [[theta].sub.tL], where [[theta].sub.tH] >
[[theta].sub.tL]), respectively. Although these probabilities and the
values of [W.sub.tg] and [W.sub.tB] are commonly known, the realized
state is know n only to the incumbent. Because of this, voters are never
certain whether the incumbent has chosen efficiently. Define [W.sub.tH]
[equivalent to] [[theta].sub.tH][W.sub.tG] + (1 -
[[theta].sub.tH])[W.sub.tB] and [W.sub.tL] [equivalent to]
[[theta].sub.tL][W.sub.tG] + (1 - [[theta].sub.tL])[W.sub.tB] as the
expected payoff from the policy given the state is high yield and low
yield, respectively. To be economically interesting. I assume that
[W.sub.tH] > 0 and [W.sub.tL] < 0 for all t.
DEFINITION 2.1. The policy at time t is popular if [[PHI].sub.t]
[greater than or equal to] [[PHI].sub.t] where [[PHI].sub.t] is defined
by [[PHI].sub.t][W.sub.tH] + (1 - [[PHI].sub.t])[W.sub.tL] = 0. In other
words, the policy is popular if and only if it is ex ante efficient. The
policy is unpopular if it is not popular. In addition, the policy is
interim efficient if the economic state is high yield.
Therefore, a policy can be popular but interim inefficient, and can
be unpopular but interim efficient.
Each politician can be either strong or weak, and the type is the
politician's private information. The current period utility of a
type i politician at period t is [w.sub.t] if she is not in office, and
[w.sub.t] + [k.sub.i] if she is in office, i = S. W. In the above
stipulation, [w.sub.t] is the social welfare of period t and [k.sub.i]
is the politician's utility derived from holding office where 0
[less than or equal to] [k.sub.s] < [k.sub.w]. Therefore, the
objective of a politician of type i, i S, W, at time t is to maximize
the expected value of [summation over ([infinity]/t'=t)]
[[delta].sup.t'-t][[p.sub.t'][k.sub.i] + [w.sub.t'] where
[p.sub.t'] is the (endogenously determined) probability of being in
office at time t'. The preferences of each type of politician are
commonly known. Denote by [[lambda].sub.t] the prior probability that
the incumbent in period t is strong. The parameter [[lambda].sub.1] is
chosen by nature, whereas the determination of [[lambda].sub.t], t = 2,
3, ... will be explained later.
At the end of each period t, an election takes place in which the
incumbent is matched with a random challenger whose probability of being
strong is drawn from a cumulative function [M.sub.t]([[micro].sub.t]).
Each voter chooses either the incumbent or the challenger. The one who
receives more votes will be the incumbent in the next period. Since
there are two candidates only, the single peakedness condition of
preferences (defined over the two candidates) trivially holds.
Therefore, the median voter's preferences will dictate the election
outcome. I assume that the median voter will use the voting strategy
that the politician with a greater probability of being strong is
selected. (5) This voting strategy is natural since the median
voter's preferences coincide with that of social welfare, and a
strong politician cares relatively more about social welfare than a weak
politician does. Hereafter, unless otherwise stated, I will use
"reputation" and "probability of being strong"
interchangeably. I also assume t hat an incumbent, once defeated, has no
chance of returning to office. This assumption will be relaxed in
section 5. The efficiency of alternative voting strategies is also
discussed in section 5.
The sequence of moves of the game is summarized in Figure 1. The
only information asymmetry between voters and politicians concerns the
actual state of economy and the actual type of each politician, as
explained earlier. The structure, parameters, and payoffs of the game,
and the preferences of the two types of politicians, are commonly known.
REMARK 1. In particular, the reputation of the first period
incumbent, [[lambda].sub.1], the discount factor [delta], the parameters
regarding policy efficacy [[PHI].sub.t], [[theta].sub.tH],
[[theta].sub.tL], [w.sub.tG], [w.sub.tB], t = 1, 2,... , and the
cumulative functions of the challenger's reputation
[M.sub.t]([[micro].sub.t]), t = 1, 2, ... are fixed and known to all
agents in the model throughout the game.
3. Preliminaries
Because the initial reputation of the first period incumbent
[[lambda].sub.1], parameters of policy efficacy [[PHI].sub.t],
[[theta].sub.tH], [[theta].sub.tL], [w.sub.tG], [w.sub.tB], t = 1,
2,..., and cumulative functions [M.sub.t]([[micro].sub.t]), t = 1, 2,
... are data of the model, I will not explicitly state them as arguments
when specifying strategies. Let [h.sub.t] be a history at the beginning
of period t that includes all publicly observed information. Let
[H.sub.t] [h.sub.t] be the set of all such histories at the beginning of
period t. Specifically, [h.sub.1] = [[lambda].sub.1] and [H.sub.1] =
{[h.sub.1]}, I define recursively [h.sub.t] = ([h.sub.t-1], [d.sub.t-1],
[w.sub.t-1], [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t-1], [[micro].sub.t-1], [e.sub.t-1]),
t = 2, 3, ... where [d.sub.t-1] [member of] {A, R} is the policy choice
in period t - 1 with [d.sub.t-1] = A denoting an acceptance of the
policy and [d.sub.t-1] = R a rejection; [w.sub.t-1] [member of]
{[w.sub.t-1,G], [w.sub.t-1,B], 0} is the economic outcome in p eriod t -
1 with [w.sub.t-1] = [w.sub.t-1,G] denoting a good outcome payoff,
[w.sub.t-1] = [w.sub.t-1,B] a bad outcome payoff, and 0 the status quo
payoff; [[lambda].sub.U.sub.t-1] [member of] [0, 1] is the updated
probability at the end of period t - 1 that the incumbent politician is
strong; [[micro].sub.t-1] [member of] [0, 1] is the probability that the
challenger in period t - 1 is strong; and [e.sub.t-1] [member of] {0, 1}
is the incumbent's re-election outcome in period t - 1 with 0
denoting a failure and 1 a success. Hence, [H.sub.t] [equivalent to]
[H.sub.t-1] X {A, R} X {[w.sub.tG], [w.sub.tB], 0} X [0, 1] x [0, 1] X
{0, 1}, t = 2,3, ...
REMARK 2. Defining histories to contain beliefs, as I have done
here, is somewhat unusual. My justification is as follows. For [h.sub.1]
(which equals [[lambda].sub.1]), [[lambda].sub.1] is the probability
chosen by nature and is taken by all voters as a datum on which their
decisions are based. Hence it should be viewed as part of [h.sub.t].
Similarly, for any history [h.sub.t], t = 2, 3, ... all the beliefs
contained in the history are in fact data being used by voters in
previous periods to make voting decisions. It is in this sense that they
are part of the histories.
I denote the mixed (behavioral) strategy of the incumbent i at
period t by [[sigma].sub.ti]: [H.sub.t] [right arrow] [0, 1] as the
probability of accepting the policy where i = SH, SL, WH, WL indicates
the type of the incumbent (strong S or weak W) and the state of the
economy (high-yield state H, or low-yield state L). Define
[[sigma].sub.t] [equivalent to] ([[sigma].sub.tSH], [[sigma].sub.tSL],
[[sigma].sub.tWH], [[sigma].sub.tWL): [H.sub.t] [right arrow] [[0,
1].sup.4]. Let [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t]: [H.sub.t] X {A, R} X {[w.sub.tG],
[w.sub.tB], 0} [right arrow] [0, 1] be a mapping from histories
[H.sub.t], current policy decisions, and current outcomes to the
posterior probability about the incumbent's being strong at the end
of period t. Then [([[sigma].sub.t]).sub.t=1,2,...] and
[([[lambda].sup.U.sub.t]).sub.t=1,2,...], together with the voting
strategy that the politician with the greater reputation is elected,
constitute a perfect Bayesian equilibrium (PBE, hereafter) if (i) under
any circumstance, given the beliefs,
[([[lambda].sup.U.sub.t]).sub.t=1,2,...], no agent can gain by
unilaterally deviating from his or her prescribed strategy and (ii) the
beliefs [([[lambda].sup.U.sub.t]).sub.t=1,2,...] are updated via Bayes rule whenever applicable. Note that the first condition applies to both
politicians and voters, and hence the proof of a PBE involves the
optimality of not only politicians' strategies but also
voters' voting strategies. I have assumed that voters will simply
vote for the one with a greater reputation. To economize the notation, I
will not state this voting strategy in a PBE. The optimality of this
voting strategy will be discussed later. Another remark is that the
voting strategy implies [[lambda].sub.t] = max
{[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t-1], [[micro].sub.t-1]}, Together with the
realization of the reputation of the challenger in each period, I know
how [[lambda].sub.t] evolves across time in a PBE.
Consider the moment when the incumbent in period t facing a history
[h.sub.t] [member of] [H.sub.t] has learned the state [[xi].sub.t]
[member of] {H, L}, but has yet to make a policy choice. Given a PBE, I
define [V.sup.S*.sub.t]([h.sub.t], [[xi].sub.t]) as a politican's
discounted utility or value function measured at time t when she is
strong and is the incumbent of period t, [V.sup.W*.sub.t]([h.sub.t],
[[xi].sub.t]) when she is weak and is the incumbent of period t,
[Y.sup.S*.sub.t]([h.sub.t], [[xi].sub.t]) when she (being either strong
or weak) is no longer the incumbent and the actual incumbent of period t
is strong, and [Y.sup.W*.sub.t]([h.sub.t], [[xi].sub.t]) when she (being
either strong or weak) is no longer the incumbent and the actual
incumbent of period t is weak. (6) (Note that the prior reputation of
the incumbent for period t is contained in h1 through the relation
[[lambda].sub.t] = max {[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t-1], [[micro].sub.-1]}.) I
define [V.sup.j.sub.t]([h.sub.t], [[xi]sub.t], A) and
[V.sup.j.sub.t]([h.sub.t], [[xi].sub.t], R]) as a j-type (j = S, W)
incumbent's discounted utility earned by accepting the policy and
rejecting the policy, respectively with when facing history [h.sub.t]
and knowing state [[xi].sub.t], given that all other simultaneous and
future simultaneous and future strategies stipulation in the PBE will be
REMARK 3. Whenever the expectation notation [E.sub.t] or
[E.sub.t+1] is used, the information set is that available to the agent
at the beginning of the period (t or t+1) before the economic state is
revealed to the incumbent.
Let me evaluate the value of [V.sup.j.sub.t]([h.sub.t],
[[xi].sub.t], A), j = S, W. First of all, it contains a current payoff
of [w.sub.t[xi]] + [k.sub.j]. To compute future payoffs, first consider
the case in which a good outcome results. The incumbent either wins or
loses. If the incumbent wins, then her discounted payoff starting from
the beginning of period t + 1 will be
[E.sub.t+1] [V.sup.j*.sub.t+1]{[[h.sub.t], A, [w.sub.tG],
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G), [[micro].sub.t], 1], [[xi].sub.t+1]}
[equivalent to] [[PHI].sub.t+1] [V.sup.j*.sub.t+1]{[[h.sub.t], A,
[w.sub.tG], [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G), [[micro].sub.t], 1], H} + (1 -
[[PHI].sub.t+1])[V.sup.j*.sub.t+1]{[[h.sub.t], A, [w.sub.tG],
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G), [[micro].sub.t], 1], L} (3.1)
where [[micro].sub.t] < [[lambda].sup.U.sup.t](G), which is the
incumbent's posterior reputation given that the accepted policy
yields a good outcome. (7) If the incumbent loses, provided that the
challenger's type is i, i = S, W, her discounted payoff starting
from the beginning of period t + 1 will be
[E.sub.t+1][Y.sup.i*.sub.t+1]{[[h.sub.t], A, [w.sub.tG],
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G), [[micro].sub.t], 0], [[xi].sub.t+1]
[equivalent to] [[PHI].sub.t+1][Y.sup.i*.sub.t+1]{[[h.sub.t], A,
[w.sub.tG], [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G), [[micro].sub.t], 0], H} + (1 -
[[PHI].sub.t+1])[Y.sup.i*.sub.t+1]{[[h.sub.t], A, [w.sub.tG],
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G), [[micro].sub.t], 0], L} (3.2)
where the new incumbent's reputation is [[lambda].sub.t+1] =
[[micro].sub.t] [greater than or equal to] [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G).
Likewise, the payoffs when a bad outcome results can be calculated.
Putting all these together, I have
[V.sup.j.sub.t]([h.sub.t], [[xi].sub.t], A) = [w.sub.t[xi]] +
[k.sub.j] + [summation over (i=G,B)]
t](i).sub.0] [E.sub.t+1] [V.sup.j*.sub.t+1]{[[h.sub.t], A, [w.sub.ti],
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](i), [[micro].sub.t], 1], [[xi].sub.t+1]}
[dM.sub.t]([[micro].sub.t]) +
[[integral].sup.1.sub.[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](i)] [[summation over (t=S,
W)] [[micro].sup.l.sub.t][E.sub.t+1][Y.sup.l*.sub.t+1]{[[h.sub.t], A,
[w.sub.ti], [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](i), [[micro].sub.t], 0],
[[xi].sub.t+1]}] [dM.sub.t]([[micro].sub.t])} (3.3)
where [[theta].sup.G.sub.t[xi]] = [[theta].sub.t[xi]],
[[theta].sup.B.sub.t[xi]] = 1 - [[theta].sub.t[xi]],
[[micro].sup.S.sub.t] = [[micro].sub.t], [[micro].sup.W.sub.t] = 1 -
[[micro].sub.t], and [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](B) is the incumbent's
posterior reputation given that the accepted policy yields a bad
outcome. In the same fashion, I evaluate the value of
[V.sup.j.sub.t]([h.sub.t], [[xi].sub.t], R) as follows:
[V.sup.j.sub.t]([h.sub.t], [[xi].sub.t], R) = [k.sub.j] +
[E.sub.t+1][V.sup.j*.sub.t+1]{[[h.sub.t], R, 0,
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](R), [[micro].sub.t], 1], [[xi].sub.t+1]}
[dM.sub.t]([[micro].sub.t]) +
[[integral].sup.1.sub.[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](R)] [[summation over
(l=S,W)] [[micro].sup.l.sub.t][E.sub.t+1][Y.sup.l*.sub.t+l]{[[h.sub.t],
R, 0, [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](R), [[micro].sub.t], 0], [[xi].sub.t+1]}]
[dM.sub.t]([[micro].sub.t])} (3.4)
where [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](R) is the incumbent's posterior
reputation given that the policy is rejected.
4. Efficient Equilibrium
With the preliminaries in the last section, I now show the
existence of a PBE where [[sigma].sub.tSH]([h.sub.t]) =
[[sigma].sub.tWH]([h.sub.t]) = 1, and [[sigma].sub.tSL]([h.sub.t]) =
[[sigma].sub.tWL]([h.sub.t]) = 0 for all [h.sub.t] [member of]
[H.sub.t], t = 1, 2, . . . . Intuitively, such a description states that
regardless of history, policy popularity, and incumbent type, the policy
is accepted when the economy is of a high-yield state and the status quo
is maintained otherwise. It is straightforward to establish the
following lemma (proof omitted), which is key to my main result.
LEMMA 4.1. Given any history [h.sub.t]. Suppose
[[sigma].sub.tSH]([h.sub.t]) = [[sigma].sub.tWH]([h.sub.t]) = 1, and
[[sigma].sub.tSL]([h.sub.t]) = [[sigma].sub.tWL]([h.sub.t])= 0. Let
[[lambda].sub.t] and [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](i) be the prior and
posterior reputation of the incumbent in period t where i = G
(acceptance with a good outcome), B (acceptance with a bad outcome), R
(rejection). We have [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G) =
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](B) = [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](R) =
In other words, an incumbent's updated reputation is exactly
the same as her prior reputation, regardless of policy choice and
outcome. The idea is in fact very simple. Since both the strong and the
weak behave exactly the same, the policy choice and corresponding policy
outcome do not provide further useful information to distinguish the
type of the incumbent, and therefore, the prior belief is retained. I
also have the following lemma:
LEMMA 4.2. Consider any pair of [h.sub.t], [h'.sub.t] [member
of] [H.sub.t] that are consistent with the same [[lambda].sub.t].
Suppose [[sigma].sub.[tau]SH]([h.sub.[tau]]) =
[[sigma].sub.[tau]WH]([h.sub.[tau]]) = 1 and
[[sigma].sub.[tau]SL]([h.sub.[tau]]) =
[[sigma].sub.[tau]WL]([h.sub.[tau]]) = 0 for all [h.sub.[tau]] [member
of] [H.sub.[tau]], [tau] = t, t + 1, . . . . I have:
(i) [E.sub.t][V.sup.j*.sub.t]([h.sub.t], [[xi].sub.t]) =
[E.sub.t][V.sup.j*.sub.t]([h'.sub.t], [[xi].sub.t]), j = S, W and
(ii) [E.sub.t][Y.sup.S*.sub.t]([h.sub.t], [[xi].sub.t]) =
[E.sub.t][Y.sup.S*.sub.t]([h'.sub.t], [[xi].sub.t]) =
[E.sub.t][Y.sup.W*.sub.t]([h.sub.t], [[xi].sub.t]) =
[E.sub.t][Y.sup.W*.sub.t]([h.sub.t], [[xi].sub.t].
PROOF. See the Appendix.
The lemma states that all aspects of any history [h.sub.t] other
than [[lambda].sub.t], are pay-off irrelevant. The reason is that these
other aspects affect neither incumbent's strategy nor the
re-election chance of period t's incumbent.
To show that the proposed strategies and beliefs constitute a PBE,
I first show that given any arbitrary history [h.sub.t], no i [member
of] { SH, SL, WH, WL } will have an incentive to deviate unilaterally
once and then conform to the prescription thereafter. Consider period
t's incumbent i's payoff by accepting the policy and rejecting
the policy, respectively, where i = SH, SL, WH, WL. Substituting
[[lambda].sup.U](G) = [[lambda].sup.U](B) = [[lambda].sup.U](R) =
[[lambda].sub.t] (Lemma 4.1) into Equations 3.3 and 3.4, I have
[V.sup.j.sub.t]([h.sub.t], [[xi].sub.t], A) = [w.sub.t[xi]] +
[k.sub.j] + [summation over (i=G,B)]
.0] [E.sub.t+1][V.sup.j*.sub.t+1][([h.sub.t], A, [w.sub.ti],
[[lambda].sub.t], [[micro].sub.t], 1), [[xi].sub.t+1]]
[dM.sub.t]([[micro].sub.t]) + [[integral].sup.1.sub.[[lambda].sub.t]]
[[summation over (l=S,W)]
[[micro].sup.l.sub.t][E.sub.t+1][Y.sup.l*.sub.t+1][([h.sub.t], A,
[w.sub.ti], [[lambda].sub.t], [[micro].sub.t], 0), [[xi].sub.t+1]]
[dM.sub.t]([[micro].sub.t])} (4.1)
where [[theta].sup.G.sub.t[xi]] = [[theta].sub.t[xi]],
[[theta].sup.B.sub.t[xi]] = 1 - [[theta].sub.t[xi]],
[[micro].sup.S.sub.t] = [[micro].sub.t], [[micro].sup.W.sub.t] = 1 -
[[micro].sub.t], [[xi].sub.t] = H, L, and
[V.sup.j.sub.t]([h.sub.t], [[xi].sub.t], R]) = [k.sub.j] +
[E.sub.t+1][V.sup.j*.sub.t+1][([h.sub.t], R, 0, [[lambda].sub.t],
[[micro].sub.t], 1), [[xi].sub.t+1]] [dM.sub.t]([[micro].sub.t]) +
[[integral].sup.l.sub.[[lambda].sub.t]] [summation over (l=S,W)]
[[micro].sup.l.sub.t][E.sub.t+1][Y.sup.l*.sub.t+1][([h.sub.t], R, 0,
[[lambda].sub.t], [[micro].sub.t], 0), [[xi].sub.t+1]]
[dM.sub.t]([[micro].sub.t])} (4.2)
where [[xi].sub.t] = H, L. Note that the proposed strategies depend
only on the state of the economy, but not on the history itself. Given
that all agents are to follow the prescription onwards from period t +
1, using Lemma 4.2, [E.sub.t+l][V.sup.j*.sub.t+1]([h.sub.t+1],
[[xi].sub.t+1]) is independent of [h.sub.t+1] as long as
[[lambda].sub.t+1] (which is contained in [h.sub.t+1]) is the same. So
are the values of [E.sub.t+l][Y.sup.S*.sub.t+1]([h.sub.t+1],
[[xi].sub.t+1]), and [E.sub.t+l][Y.sup.W*.sub.t+1]([h.sub.t+1],
[[xi].sub.t+1]). Therefore, by subtracting Equation 4.2 from Equation
4.1, I obtain: [V.sup.j.sub.t]([h.sub.t], [[xi].sub.t], A) -
[V.sup.j.sub.t]([h.sub.t], [[xi].sub.t], R) = [W.sub.t[xi]] > 0 if
[xi] = H and <0 if [xi] = L. This suggests that given the stated
prescription and beliefs, at time t no incumbent i [member of] {SH, SL,
WH, WL} will have an incentive to deviate unilaterally from her
prescribed strategy at time t and conform to it thereafter. Using the
one-stage-deviation principle in s ubgame perfection (Theorem 4.2 in
Fudenberg and Tirole 1991, p. 110), I establish that nobody will gain
from unilaterally deviating more than once. I therefore establish the
following proposition:
PROPOSITION 4.3. There exists a PBE ([sigma], [[lambda].sup.U]) in
which the incumbent always accepts the policy if the economy is of a
high-yield state, and always rejects the policy if the economy is of a
low-yield state. Formally, in that PBE ([sigma], [[lambda].sup.U]),
[[sigma].sub.tSH]([h.sub.t]) = [[sigma].sub.tWH]([h.sub.t]) = 1, and
[[sigma].sub.tSL]([h.sub.t]) = [[sigma].sub.tWL]([h.sub.t]) = 0 for all
[h.sub.t] [member of] [H.sub.t], t = 1, 2,... and voters have beliefs
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G) = [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](B) =
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](R) = [[lambda].sub.t], t = 1,2,....
The result is fairly intuitive. Given that voters view the
incumbent equally strong regardless of policy choice and outcome, the
incumbent cannot gain any future benefit from manipulating policy choice
to influence re-election chances. Since manipulating policy choice will
bring an immediate loss in the current period, the incumbent simply
makes the efficient decision, which better maximizes her objective.
The proposition can be alternatively understood as follows. Since
voters would like to vote for strong politicians, weak incumbents would
like to mimic strong incumbents. Note that, a priori, weak incumbents do
not have preferences on the policy that are different from those of
strong incumbents. Therefore, as long as strong incumbents are
prescribed to act efficiently, weak incumbents will follow suit. This
accounts for our pooling, but efficient, equilibrium. The insight
differs from that revealed in many signaling games (e.g., Spence 1973)
in which signaling is more costly for weak-type agents to make.(8)
Salmon (1993) argues that reputation may play a role in making
unpopular but efficient policies feasible. The idea is that although
adopting unpopular but efficient policy now may hamper re-election
chances, it may also build up a reputation in the long run. Such a
reputation is useful, of course, only when the incumbent can be
re-elected once defeated. The analysis here, however, does not utilize
such a reputation argument. I will modify the model to allow losing
incumbents to return for election in section 5.
One final observation about the equilibrium is that the reputation
of office holders must be monotonically nondecreasing, with the only
changes occurring when an incumbent is replaced by a challenger with a
better reputation. Since [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t] = [[lambda].sub.t], the
incumbent in period t + 1 will have a greater reputation if and only if
the incumbent in period t is replaced. Once I assume that incumbents may
have a fixed chance of not running for re-election, the monotonicity of
the incumbents' reputation is no longer guaranteed.
Although the equilibrium I have identified has a quite simple
structure, I do not expect it to be unique. One cause of multiple
equilibria in incomplete information games is that there are few
restrictions on off-the-equilibrium-path beliefs. To avoid multiple
equilibria of this sort, I confine my focus to equilibria where both
acceptance and rejection are observed with positive probability along
the equilibrium path. In addition, two more conditions are required. (i)
In equilibrium, [[lambda].sup.U*.sub.t](G) [greater than or equal to]
[[lambda].sup.U*.sub.t](B) for all [h.sub.t], t = 1, 2,... and (ii) in
equilibrium, [[sigma].sub.tSH] [greater than or equal to]
[[sigma].sub.tWH] for all [h.sub.t], t = 1, 2,... The first condition
states that voters consider an incumbent more likely to be strong when
the policy outcome is good instead of bad. The second condition states
that, provided the economy is of high yield, the strong incumbent is
more likely to accept the policy than the weak incumbent.
PROPOSITION 4.4. (Unique equilibrium outcome) For every PBE in
which (i) both acceptance and rejection are observed with positive
probability, (ii) [[lambda].sup.U*.sub.t](G) [greater than or equal to]
[[lambda].sup.U*.sub.t](B), and (iii) [[sigma].sub.tSH] [greater than or
equal to] [[sigma].sub.tWH] for all histories [h.sub.t], t = 1, 2,...,
it must be true that [[sigma].sup.*.sub.tSH]([h.sub.t]) =
[[sigma].sup.*.sub.tWH]([h.sub.t]) = 1, and
[[sigma].sup.*.sub.tSL]([h.sub.t]) = [[sigma].sup.*.sub.tWL]([h.sub.t])
= 0, t = 1, 2,...
PROOF. See the Appendix.
Since in the PBE studied both strong and weak politicians make
decisions efficiently, the reader may wonder why the strong type is
preferred in the first place. In addition to the justification provided
in section 2, it would still be helpful to think of a different
consideration--moral hazard. Suppose that occasionally the incumbent may
be required to put in an unobservable effort to achieve a task, the
outcome of which promotes voters' welfare in an expected value
sense. Since the strong incumbent is concerned relatively more about
social welfare than the weak, it is reasonable to assume that her level
of effort would be more appropriate, and hence voters should prefer the
strong incumbent to the weak. In fact, this argument does not require
that the extra benefits be substantial or the incumbent need make an
effort in every period. As formally putting this moral hazard issue into
the model will significantly complicate the analysis, I am content to
simply point out the issue here.
5. Extensions
In this section, I maintain the voting strategy stipulated in
section 2 to study a few extensions, while leaving the extension
involving three types of politicians to the next section.
Policy Outcome Revealed after the Election
I argue here that an efficient PBE similar to that stipulated in
section 4 exists even in the case when the policy outcome is revealed
after the election. Suppose, specifically, the policy outcome is
revealed at the beginning of the next period. Although an exact analysis
for this case is even more involved (which is part of the reason why I
chose to present a model with contemporary outcomes), the basic insight
is very similar. Suppose that each incumbent is thought to behave
efficiently hereafter. Thus, the incumbent's posterior reputation
will be the same as the prior one, whatever policy outcome is revealed.
This suggests that by deviating in the current period the incumbent
gains neither greater re-election chances for the current election nor
greater chances in the next period. However, by choosing an inefficient
policy, the incumbent is expected to receive a smaller gain at the
beginning of the next period. The incumbent thus has a strict incentive
to act efficiently. The belief that the incumbent choo ses efficiently
is thus supported.
Different Definitions of Strong and Weak Incumbents
Coate and Morris (1995) assume that a politician, either strong or
weak, cares about social welfare only when she is the incumbent. A
plausible explanation of such a utility function is that the politician,
whenever not the incumbent, may have a reservation price that is not
directly related to the current economic situation, but, whenever in
office, gains from a more prosperous economy that confers her with a
greater material or psychological benefit.
PROPOSITION 5.1. Consider a model with the same specification as
that stipulated in section 2 but with the following new definitions of
politician: A politician is strong if her current period utility equals
w + [k.sub.s] when she is the incumbent and equals 0 otherwise, where w
is the social welfare of the current period and [k.sub.s] is the utility
that she derives from holding office; a politician is weak if her
current period utility equals w + [k.sub.w] when she is the incumbent
and equals 0 otherwise, where w is the social welfare of the current
period and [k.sub.w] is the utility that she derives from holding office
(0 [less than or equal to] [k.sub.s] < [k.sub.w]). Then there exists
a PBE in which the incumbent always accepts the policy if the economy is
high yield and always rejects the policy if the economy is low yield.
The proof is again achieved by the one-stage-deviation principle.
The intuition behind the result is similar to that I have already
Losers Can Come Back for Re-election
So far I have assumed that an incumbent who once loses is unable to
stand for re-election in the future. Here I argue that the relaxation of
this assumption does not nullify the efficient equilibrium. The basic
insight of the previous sections holds true. Given that the updated
probabilities that voters have about an incumbent being strong do not
alter with the incumbent's decision, policy manipulation affects
neither the chances of re-election nor the expected future payoffs
conditional on the election outcome; the only concern is the direct
effect of the policy decision. The efficient equilibrium is thus
supported. (9)
Bi-Party Competition
Another interesting extension posits a partisan model in which two
parties compete and dominate the political arena. Suppose that each
party's leadership can be either strong or weak, with the weak
putting a greater weight on the utility gained from holding office.
Suppose the reputation of each party evolves in the following way:
During its incumbency each party's leadership remains unchanged and
so does its type; but once the incumbent party loses in an election, I
assume that there will be a possibility of leadership change in that
party. The latter assumption gives rise to uncertainty about the type of
the leadership of the challenging party, serving the role of
[M.sub.t]([[micro].sub.t]), and thus replicates the basic model in
section 2, with another modification that the losing party can return
for re-election. Putting aside the issue of ideology and party's
policy preferences, it can be shown that the insight prevailing in
previous models also works in this case.
Alternative Voting Strategies
So far I have found that there exists a PBE in which the incumbent
always acts efficiently when voters use the voting strategy that elects
the politician with a greater reputation. When alternative voting
strategies are used that explicitly penalize (reward) the choice of
unpopular policy but reward (penalize) the choice of popular policy, the
efficient equilibrium cannot, in general, be supported. Those that
explicitly penalize (reward) the choice of unpopular policy will force
incumbents to reject (accept) unpopular policies that are interim
efficient (inefficient). Such voting strategies are not optimal, even if
all politicians are of the same type. There are circumstances in which
efficient policy making dictates the adoption of an unpopular policy
while the precommitted voting strategy penalizes such a policy choice.
In this case, the incumbent may act inefficiently to enhance her chance
of re-election. Thus, the voting strategy described in this paper is
6. Three Types of Politicians
The previous discussion suggests that re-election motives need not
lead to the infeasibility of efficient but unpopular policies. A crucial
assumption is that politicians differ solely in the utility that they
gain from holding office. Once other sorts of heterogeneity are
introduced, however, the result may be different. Suppose, for instance,
that there is an additional type of politician who is stupid or dumb in
the sense that she is less familiar with a policy than the public. That
is, the dumb incumbent in period t does not know [[phi].sub.t]; nor does
she observe the state of economy. I assume that she simply randomizes
with equal probability between the policy and the status quo. (10)
Consequently, to avoid being viewed as dumb, weak incumbents may accept
popular policies that are interim inefficient or reject unpopular
policies that are interim efficient.
To examine this possibility, I focus on a simplified, two-period
version of my model. I denote a politician's type by i, where i =
S, W, D, when she is strong, weak, and dumb, respectively. I assume that
the second period will be solved so that the expected second period
welfare resulting from a type i second-period incumbent will be
[w.sub.2i], where i = S, W, D, and that these values are commonly known
and agreed upon by all parties at the outset of the game. It is natural
to assume that [w.sub.2S] > [w.sub.2W] > [w.sub.2D].
Denote the prior probability that the first-period incumbent is of
type i by [[lambda].sub.1i], where i = S, W, D. At the end of the first
period, upon observing policy outcome I, voters update their beliefs
about the incumbent's type, coming up to
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.1](i\j), the posterior probability that the
incumbent is of type i, where i = S, W, D and j = G, B, R. If the
incumbent is retained, then the median voter foresees an expected payoff
of [[sigma].sub.i=S,W,D][[lambda].sup.U.sub.1](i\j)[w.sub.2i]
conditional on the observation of policy outcome j, where j = G, B, R.
The incumbent is retained as long as that expected payoff is not less
than the expected payoff resulting from the challenger, [w.sup.C]. The
probabilities associated with the challenger's true type are random
variables and are not realized until immediately before the election.
Once these probabilities are realized, voters can compute [w.sup.C] to
make their election choices. Let N([w.sup.C]) be the resulting
cumulative function of [w.sup.C] perceived by the public at the
beginning of the game. I assume that the random variable [w.sup.C] has a
support of [[w.sub.2S], [w.sub.2D]]. I further assume that the
parameters of the game are set such that the strong incumbent's
dominant strategy is always to choose efficiently.
I call the strategy profile that [[sigma].sub.1SH], = 1,
[[sigma].sub.1SL] = 0, [[sigma].sub.1WH] = 1, and [[sigma].sub.1WL] = 0
the efficient strategy profile, and call the resulting outcome the
efficient outcome. With the additional information that
[[sigma].sub.1DH] = [[sigma].sub.1DL] = 0.5, the updated probabilities
of the incumbent's type in the first penod, after some computation,
are as follows:
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.1](i\R) = [[lambda].sub.i]/(1 -
[[lambda].sub.D]) + [[lambda].sub.D]/[2(1 - [[PHI].sub.1])],
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.1](i\G) = [[lambda].sub.i]/(1 -
[[lambda].sub.D]) + [[lambda].sub.d]{1 + [(1 -
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.1](i\B) = [[lambda].sub.i]/(1 -
[[lambda].sub.D]) + [[lambda].sub.D]{1 + [(1 -
[[PHI].sub.1])/[[PHI].sub.1]][(1 - [[theta].sub.L])/(1 -
[[theta].sub.H])]}/2, (6.1)
where i = S, W, and [[lambda].sup.U.sub.1](D\j) = 1 -
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.1](S\j) - [[lambda].sup.U.sub.1](W\j) where j = R,
G, B. Given the efficient strategy prescription, I can compute, as in
sections 3 and 4, the payoff to the incumbent of each type (strong and
weak) under each state (high, low) for each policy choice (acceptance or
rejection) and check if any type under any circumstance has a unilateral incentive to deviate. The following proposition is obtained (proof
PROPOSITION 6.1. Suppose [k.sub.w] is sufficiently large. Consider
the efficient strategy profile and corresponding updated beliefs. (i)
Given [[lambda].sub.1] = ([[lambda].sub.1S], [[lambda].sub.1W],
[[lambda].sub.1D]), as [[PHI].sub.1] decreases (increases), the weak
incumbent facing a high (low) state is more likely to have a unilateral
incentive to deviate from her strategy prescription. (ii) Given
[[PHI].sub.1], for [[lambda].sub.1D] = 0, the efficient outcome is
always feasible. (iii) Given [[PHI].sub.1], for sufficiently large
[[lambda].sub.1D], the efficient outcome is always feasible.
Result (i) confirms my earlier intuition that the weak
incumbent's policy choice is responsive to policy popularity. When
[[PHI].sub.1] approaches zero, it follows from Equation 6.1 that
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.1](i\R) [right arrow] 2[[lambda].sub.i]/(2 -
[[lambda].sub.D]), [[lambda].sup.D.sub.1](i\G) [right arrow] 0, and
[[lambda].sup.D.sub.1](i\B) [right arrow] 0, where i = S, W. That is, a
weak incumbent at the high state, by following the prescribed strategy,
will be regarded as a dumb politician with certainty, which implies a
zero probability of being re-elected. However, by unilaterally
deviating, she still has some chance of being re-elected. Therefore, the
efficient outcome is less likely to be feasible when [[PHI].sub.1]
approaches zero, and likewise when [[PHI].sub.1] approaches one.
Result (ii) corresponds to the efficiency result for the main model
of this paper, where there are only two types of politicians. Recall
that voters are aware that the incumbent's information about
efficacy is superior to the voters' prior information. When
[[lambda].sub.1D] is negligible, voters consider policy popularity as
useless information. However, when [[lambda].sub.1D] becomes larger,
unwise decisions on the part of the incumbent become probable, and
foreseeing this, voters consider policy popularity informative.
Therefore, weak incumbents will condition their decisions on policy
popularity, even though from their viewpoint policy popularity is
completely uninformative. However, their responsiveness to policy
popularity is not monotone in [[lambda].sub.1D]. Result (iii) states
that, for a very large [[lambda].sub.1D], any updated beliefs must
assign the incumbent with a very large probability of being dumb. From
the viewpoint of the weak incumbent, the increase in re-election chances
from a unilatera l deviation is too little to justify the deviation.
(According to Equation 6.1, as [[PHI].sub.1] [right arrow] 1, lim [[lambda].sup.U.sub.1](D\j) [right arrow] 1 where j = R, G, B.)
To further the understanding of the proposition, I now report some
simulation results. The following parameterization is used: [w.sub.2S] =
5, [w.sub.2W] = 4, [w.sub.2D] = 0, [w.sub.1G] = 10, [w.sub.1B] = - 10,
[w.sub.1R] = 0, [[theta].sub.H] = 0.8, [[theta].sub.L] = 0.2, [delta] =
0.9, [k.sub.S] = 0, [k.sub.W] = 30, and the random variable [w.sup.C] is
uniformly distributed in [[w.sub.2S], [w.sub.2D]]. With this
specification, a policy is popular if and only if [[PHI].sub.1] >
Some simulation results are depicted in the four panels of Figure 2
for different values of [[PHI].sub.1]. For each panel, an equilateral
triangle (unit simplex) is drawn to represent the space of
[[lambda].sub.1]. Each side of the triangle has a length of 2/[square
root of (3)] so that the sum of the distance of any point, say A in
Figure 2b, in the triangle to each side always equals unity. Therefore,
each point in the triangle uniquely determines a 3-tuple
[[lambda].sub.1] where the distance from the point to the bottom side is
[[lamabda].sub.1S], to the top left side [[lambda].sub.1w], and to the
top right side [[lambda].sub.1D]. Conversely, each 3-tuple
[[lambda].sub.1] can be uniquely represented by one and only one point
in the space. (If the 3-tuple has one element equal to zero, then it
will be located on a side of the triangle. In case it has two elements
equal to zero, it will be located on a vertex of the triangle.)
My simulation shows that the efficient outcome is always feasible
for all [[lambda].sub.1] [equivalent to] ([[lambda].sub.1S],
[[lambda].sub.1W], [[lambda].sub.1D]) for [[PHI].sub.1] [member of]
[0.186, 0.776]. However, this is not true for more extreme values of
[[PHI].sub.1]. For [[PHI].sub.1] <0.186, there are 3-tuples
[[lambda].sub.1], that, given the efficient strategy profile and
corresponding beliefs, the weak type in the high state finds it
beneficial to unilaterally deviate by rejecting the policy. The set of
3-tuples [[lambda].sub.1] where such a unilateral deviation occurs is
depicted as a shaded region in Figure 2a and b where [[PHI].sub.1] = 0.1
and 0.15, respectively. First, note that the shaded region in Figure 2a
is much larger than that in Figure 2b. This suggests that when the
policy is getting more unpopular, the unilateral tendency of the weak
incumbent to reject an efficient policy is more profound. This is
consistent with part (i) of Proposition 6.1. Second, the shaded region
will expand t oward but never reach the top left side and the bottom
left vertex as [[phi].sub.1] approaches zero. This is consistent with
parts (ii) and (iii) of the proposition.
For [[PHI].sub.1] > 0.776, the simulation shows that there are
3-tuples [[lambda].sub.1] that, given the efficient strategy profile and
corresponding beliefs, the weak type might have a unilateral incentive
to deviate. But unlike the case where [[PHI].sub.1] < 0.186, now it
is in the low state that the weak type will deviate. The set of 3-tuples
[[lambda].sub.1] where such a unilateral deviation occurs is depicted as
a shaded region in Figure 2c and d where [[PHI].sub.1] = 0.8 and 0.9,
respectively. That the shaded region in Figure 2d is much larger than
that in Figure 2c is consistent with part (i) of Proposition 6.1. That
the shaded region will expand toward but never reach the top right side
and the bottom left vertex as [[PHI].sub.1] approaches unity is
consistent with parts (ii) and (iii) of the proposition.
My 3-type 2-period model shows that re-election concerns may lead
to policy manipulation; the irrelevance or neutrality of policy
popularity breaks down once other sorts of heterogeneity exist among
politicians in addition to the differing utility gained from holding
office. Although I have defined this third type of politician as one who
is completely ignorant of the economy, she could also be driven by
corruption, for example, or simply by interests that diverge in various
ways from the interests of the median voter (such as special interest
lobbying). In that way, it is not hard to see that the policy choices of
weak politicians will still be responsive to policy popularity. However,
the exact relationship between policy popularity and the weak
incumbents' policy choices is, in general, model specific. Suppose
the third type of politician is dumb in the sense that she always makes
the popular choices. Then to avoid being viewed as dumb, weak incumbents
may reject popular policies even if they are interim e fficient, or
accept unpopular policies even if they are interim inefficient.
It is worthwhile relating these results to those in a recent paper
by Mon-is (2001) about political correctness, which contains a model
very similar to the model in this section. His model is similar in the
sense that one gives bad advice to avoid looking like someone who is
biased in a certain way. Therefore, the "politically correct"
advisor in his paper is a lot like the weak politician when she is
trying to avoid looking like a dumb politician. Incidentally, the Morris
model suggests that even a politician who is only concerned about social
welfare may try to increase her re-election chances by choosing popular
but suboptimal policies. If a strong politician thinks that she might
get replaced by a bad politician once she loses re-election, this may
pressure her to choose popular policies to assure good policies in the
future. I do not have such a result because I have explicitly assumed
that acting efficiently is the strong politician's dominant
strategy. But presumably the result is feasible once the lat ter
assumption is relaxed. Whereas Morris is interested in a detailed look
at the pattern of inefficiency, here I am interested in investigating
when efficiency is still feasible.
7. Concluding Remarks
We often hear complaints about the interference of political
objectives on good policy making. A particular form of these complaints
is political decision making: Re-election concerns lead incumbent
politicians to select policies that, although popular among the
electorate, are inferior to available, less popular alternatives. One
contribution of this paper is to pose and analyze the question in a
formal way.
In my core model and its various extensions with two types of
politicians, I have shown that the efficient outcome can generally be
supported as an equilibrium outcome. (11) All these models assume that
politicians differ only in the utility gained from holding office. In
the model studied in section 6, where I introduced a third type of
politician who differs from other types in the knowledge about the
economy, I found that the weak incumbent starts to condition her policy
decisions according to policy popularity, which she knows contains no
extra information about policy efficacy. The contrast between the
results from section 6 and those from earlier sections shows that for
policy manipulation to occur, a difference in re-election concerns
(i.e., the difference in utility gained from holding office) per se is
in general not sufficient, and other sorts of heterogeneity among
politicians are needed. I have also related the model in section 6 with
Morris's (2001) interesting work about political correctness.
Plausible reasons why political decision making may be inefficient
have been raised in the literature. One particular reason is that voters
and politicians have different time preferences. The mortality of agents
and the time-to-build nature of investment presumably create a different
time preference between voters and the incumbent. This line of argument
has been put forward by Glazer (1989), Tabellini and Alesina (1990), and
Garfinkel (1994). Another source of inefficiency is due to private
interest lobbying. For the influence of private interests on policy
making, see the seminal paper by Stigler (1971). Since self-interested politicians also derive utility from the private interest that lobbies
for the available policy (or the status quo), it is not hard to imagine
that the motivation of the self-interested incumbent's policy
choice would be distorted. Although clearly interesting, these studies
differ from this one in an important aspect: Inefficient policy making
will arise even in the absence of re-ele ction concerns. Moreover, their
studies do not explore the very issue of whether re-election concerns
per se might lead office-seeking politicians to choose popular but
inefficient policies.
Finally, some remarks about two pieces of related work are in
order. Wittman (1995) maintains, as I do here, that voters will take the
possibility of policy manipulation into consideration. However, he does
not spell out the effect of choosing unpopular policies on re-election
chances. It is unclear whether he also agrees with the common concern
that choosing unpopular policies may lead to lower chances of
re-election. Salmon (1993) maintains, as I do here, that voters are
aware of the limitation of their information and hence do not tend to
pressure the incumbent on policy choices. However, he seems to admit
that mob rule does exist, at least in the short run. Specifically, he
argues that to gain reputation politicians might be willing to sacrifice
short-term re-election chances. Another difference is that no formal
model is provided in Wittman (1995) and Salmon (1993).
Appendix A: Proof of Lemma 4.2
PROOF. Note that each politician derives utility from two sources:
the economy and holding office. Recall that a politician cannot run for
election once losing her office. Her utility in this case derives solely
from the economy. When all future policies are efficiently made, the per
period social welfare is [[phi].sub.[tau]][W.sub.[tau]H], [tau] = t, t +
1,... Hence a not-in-office politician's utility, denoted by
[EY.sup.J*.sub.t]([h.sub.t],[[xi].sub.t] = [summation over
([infinity]/i=0)] [[delta].sup.i][[phi].sub.t+1][W.sub.t+i,H], is
independent of [h.sub.t], as long as [h.sub.t] is such that the
politician is no longer an incumbent at period t. Note that
[EY.sup.j*.sub.t]([h.sub.t], [[xi].sub.t]) =
[EY.sup.i*.sub.t]([h.sub.t], [[xi].sub.t]) where j = S, W, i = S, W, i
[not equal to] j. This proves part (ii). For part (i), it is clear that
[EV.sup.j*.sub.t]([h.sub.t], [[xi].sub.t]) = [summation over
([infinity/i=0)] [[delta].sup.i][[phi].sub.t+i][W.sub.t+i,H] +
[summation over ([infinity]/i=0)] [p.sub.t+i][[delta].sup.i][k.sub.j],
where [p.sub.t+i] is the expected probability that the incumbent at time
t will still be in incumbency at time t + i. Clearly, [p.sub.t] = 1 and
[p.sub.t+i] = [[PHI].sup.i-1.sub.l=0] [M.sub.t+l]([[lambda].sub.t+l], i
= 1, 2,... Thus I have [EV.sup.j*.sub.t]([h.sub.t], [[xi].sub.t]) =
[EY.sup.j*.sub.t]([h.sub.t], [[xi].sub.t]) + {1 + [summation over
[M.sub.t+l]([[lambda].sub.t+l][[delta].sub.i]]} [k.sub.j], which is
independent of [h.sub.t], as long as [[lambda].sub.t] is fixed. This
proves (i). QED.
Appendix B: Proof of Proposition 4.4.
PROOF. I divide the proof into several parts.
CLAIM 1. [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G) [greater than or equal to]
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](B) implies that in equilibrium, (i)
[[sigma].sub.tSH] < 1 [right arrow] [[sigma].sub.tSL] = 0 and (ii)
[[sigma].sub.tWH] < 1 [right arrow] [[sigma].sub.tWL] = 0.
PROOF. Consider (i). [[sigma].sub.tSH] < 1 implies that
[V.sub.S.sup.t]([h.sub.t], H, A) [less than or equal to]
[V.sup.S.sub.t]([h.sub.t], H, R). But I have (a)
[V.sup.S.sub.t]([h.sup.t, H, A) > [V.sup.S.sub.t]([h.sub.t], L, A) by
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G) [greater than or equal to]
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](B), and (b) [V.sup.S.sub.t]([h.sub.t], H, R) =
[V.sup.S.sub.t]([h.sup.t], L, R). Altogether, I have
[V.sup.S.sub.t]([h.sub.t], L, A) < [V.sup.S.sub.t]([h.sub.t], L, R).
Hence the strictly optimal strategy of SL is [[sigma].sub.tSL] = 0. The
proof for (ii) is exactly the same and is omitted. QED.
Strategies that are admitted by Claim 1 are as follows:
strong incumbents' strategies weak incumbents' strategies
a. [[sigma].sub.tSH] < 1, i. [[sigma].sub.tWH] < 1,
[[sigma].sub.tSL] = 0 [[sigma].sub.tWL] = 0
b. [[sigma].sub.tSH] = 1, ii. [[sigma].sub.tWH] = 1,
[[sigma].sub.tSL] < 1 [[sigma].sub.tWL] < 0
c. [[sigma].sub.tSH] = 1, iii. [[sigma].sub.tWH] = 1,
[[sigma].sub.tSL] = 1 [[sigma].sub.tWL] = 1
CLAIM 2. Refer to Table Al. The left-hand side gives the only
strategies that are permitted by [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G) [greater than
or equal to] [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](B). The right-hand side gives the
beliefs consistent with each set of strategies on the left-hand side.
Table A1.
Strategies Corresponding beliefs by Bayes rule
a.i. subcase [alpha] where [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](R) <
[[sigma].sub.tSH] > [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G) =
[[sigma].sub.tWH] [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](B)
a.i. subcase [beta] where [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](R) >
[[sigma].sub.tSH] < [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G) =
[[sigma].sub.tWH] [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](B)
a.i. subcase [gamma] where [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](R) =
[[sigma].sub.tSH] = [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G) =
[[sigma].sub.tWH] [not equal [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](B)
to] 0
a.i. subcase [delta] where [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](R) =
[[sigma].sub.tSH] = [lambda.sub.t],
[[sigma].sub.tWH] = 0 [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G) and
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](B) cannot
be determined by Bayes rule
a.ii [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](R) >
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G) [greater
than or equal to]
a.iii [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](R) >
b.i where [[sigma].sub.tWH] = 0 [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](R) <
or [[sigma].sub.tSL] = 0 [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G) =
b.ii where [[sigma].sub.tSL] [less [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](R) [greater
than or equal to] than or equla to]
[[sigma].sub.tWL] [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G) =
[greater than or equal to]
b.iii [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](R) >
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G) >
c.i where [[sigma].sub.tWH] = 0 0 = [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](R) <
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G) =
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](B) = 1
c.iii [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G) =
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](B) =
[[lambda].sub.t], but
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](R) cannot
be determined by Bayes rule
PROOF. The claim is easy to verify. One remark is about the
strategies of b.i. With these strategies, with some manipulation, I have
updated beliefs
[lambda](G) = 1/1 + [(1 - [lambda])/[lambda]][[sigma].sub.WH]/{1 +
[[sigma].sub.SL][(1 - [phi])/[phi]]([[theta].sub.L]/[[theta].sub.H])}
[lambda](B) = 1/1 + [(1 - [lambda])/[lambda]]/[[sigma].sub.WH]/{1 +
[[sigma].sub.SL][(1 - [phi])/[phi]][(1 - [[theta].sub.L])/(1 -
so that [lambda](G) < [lambda](B) if [[sigma].sub.WH] > 0 and
[[sigma].sub.SL] > 0. QED.
Given these preliminaries, I can prove Proposition 4.4 now. The
plan of attack is to examine all eases listed in Claim 2 and to knock
off all of them save the case b.ii in which [[sigma].sub.tSL] =
[[sigma].sub.tWL] = 0.
a.i. subcase [alpha]: The strategy [[sigma].sub.tSH] < 1
suggests that [V.sup.S.sub.t]([h.sub.t], H, A) [less than or equal to]
[V.sup.S.sub.t]([h.sub.t], H, R). But given the updated belief that
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](R) < [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G) =
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](B),SH can obtain a strictly greater payoff by
accepting than rejecting the policy. (Accepting the policy gives her a
greater payoff now, as well as greater future payoffs since re-election
chances are greater.) This is a contradiction.
a.i. subcase [beta]: The strategies such that [[sigma].sub.tSH]
< [[sigma].sub.tWH] are not allowed.
a.i. subcase [gamma]: Given that [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](R) =
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G) = [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](B), SH should have
found it optimal to adopt [[sigma].sub.tSH] = 1. A contradiction.
a.i. subcase [delta]: In this case, acceptance of the policy will
not be observed with positive probability. This case is ruled out
a.ii and a.iii: That [[sigma].sub.tSH] < [[sigma].sub.tWH] is
not allowed according to the third condition in the proposition.
b.i: Given the beliefs that [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](R) <
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G) = [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](B), WH would have
played [[lambda].sub.tWH] = 1 to increase both the current payoff and
the re-election chances. However, [[sigma].sub.tWH] 1 is ruled
explicitly in this subcase. A contradiction.
b.ii: Suppose [[sigma].sub.tSL] < [[sigma].sub.tWL], which does
not equal zero. It follows that [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](R) >
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G) > [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](B). Foreseeing
these updated beliefs, WL would have chosen a strategy of
[[sigma].sub.tWL] = 0. (This could have avoided an expected loss of
welfare in the current period and could have brought greater re-election
chances too.) Hence a contradiction. Suppose [[sigma].sub.tSL] =
[[sigma].sub.tWL]. It follows that [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](R) =
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G) = [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](B). Foreseeing these
beliefs, SL would choose [[sigma].sub.tSL] = 0. So would WL choose
[[sigma].sub.tWL] = 0 too.
b.iii: Given the updated beliefs that [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](R)
> [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G) > [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](B), the said
strategy [[sigma].sub.tWL] = 1 could not be optimal for WL. She should
have used [[sigma].sub.tWL] = 0 to avoid making current period loss and
to obtain greater re-election chances.
c.i: Given the stated updated beliefs, WH would have played
[[sigma].sub.tWH] = 1 to increase both the current payoff and the
re-election choice. A contradiction.
c.iii: Since rejection of the policy is not observed with positive
probability, this case is ruled out. QED.
Received October 1999; accepted July 2001.
(1.) Although there is a vast literature on the policy making of
rational incumbents (see, e.g., Alesina 1987; Bernhardt and Ingberman
1985; Rogoff and Silbert 1988; Rogoff 1990; to name a few), only Salmon
(1993) and Wittman (1989, 1995) have touched on this issue so far as I
have been able to determine. Harrington (1993) touches upon the issue
tangentially. However, his approach is different from most economic
writings by assuming uncommon beliefs among agents, and allows the
result that politicians are penalized for choosing policies that they
consider the best.
(2.) Similar insights can be found in Salmon (1993) and Wittman
(1989, 1995). See section 7 for a comparison.
(3.) When the policy is simply a public project, like building a
new airport or a new conference center, it is likely that the incumbent
knows more about its efficacy than the public does.
(4.) Allowing noncoincidence of the median voter's interest
with social welfare introduces another force in the model. Since this
force is not the point on which I shall focus, it will not be pursued
further. For the role of uncertainty in identifying the median voter,
see Glazer (1989), Tabellini and Alesina (1990), and Garfinkel (1994).
(5.) The tie-breaking rule is inconsequential, as the probability
of having a tie is zero.
(6.) Note that given [h.sub.t] and [[xi].sub.t] a politician,
regardless of type, receives the same [Y.sup.S*.sub.t]([h.sub.t],
[[xi].sub.t]) when she is no longer the incumbent and the actual
incumbent of period t is strong. The reason is that a politician,
regardless of type, receives the same per period utility when not in
incumbency. The same argument works for the same
[Y.sup.W*.sub.t]([h.sub.t], [[xi].sub.t]) as well.
(7.) To abuse the notation a little bit, I omit the term [h.sub.t],
in [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](G). Likewise, I will omit it in
[[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](B) and [[lambda].sup.U.sub.t](R), which I will
define later.
(8.) This point also helps clarify the difference in insights
between the current paper and that of Coate and Morris (1995). Coate and
Morris assume that the bad incumbent, unlike the good incumbent, has a
financial tie to a special interest group, which in turn benefits from
government transfers and implementation of a policy. This implies that
it is more costly for the bad incumbent to adopt decisions that hurt the
interest group. A semiseparating equilibrium thus results.
(9.) Presumably, the loser's possibility of running for
election makes the cumulative function [M.sub.t]([[micro].sub.t]), at
least partly, endogenized, and this presumably alters the expected
future payoffs through changes in the value functions
[V.sup.S*.sub.t+1]([h.sub.t+1], [[xi].sub.t+1]),
[V.sup.W*.sub.t+1]([h.sub.t+1], [[xi].sub.t+1]),
[Y.sup.S*.sub.t+1]([h.sub.t+1], [[xi].sub.t+1]), and
[Y.sup.W*.sub.t+1]([h.sub.t+1], [[xi].sub.t+1]). However, as these terms
enter both [V.sup.j.sub.t]([h.sub.t+1], [[xi].sub.t+1], A) and
[V.sup.j.sub.t]([h.sub.t+1], [[xi].sub.t+1], R), j = G, B, and what
matters in the incumbent's policy decision is the comparison of the
two, cancellation of those terms under the equilibrium belief makes such
a modification inconsequential. It is worth pointing out that in this
model as well as the efficient equilibrium described in the last
section. an incumbent, once she has lost office, would never be able to
return. This is because she has been replaced by an opponent with a
greater reputation, and the opponent's reputation never changes
once elected.
(10.) Alternative definitions also will lead to similar
inefficiency results, though the exact conditions under which
inefficiency occurs will differ.
(11.) In the calculation of social welfare, because the incumbent
(and the set of politicians) is of measure zero, I do not take the
incumbent's welfare into account. This is consistent with the
general practice that a planner's welfare is not viewed as part of
social welfare. However, this may not be appropriate if there are a
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Y. Stephen Chiu (*)
(*.) Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong. E-mail
I thank Jonathan Hamilton (the editor), two anonymous referees, and
seminar participants at The Chinese University of Hong Kong for helpful
Comments. Helpful research assistance from Timothy Ng is acknowledged.
Any remaining errors are mine.