Competition and prices in USDA commodity procurement.
Plato, Gerald E.
1. Introduction
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is a major food
buyer, spending about $3.4 billion in 1999. Over 70% of those
expenditures supported international food distribution programs, whereas
about $970 million was spent on products for domestic feeding programs,
such as the National School Lunch Program.
USDA food procurement relies primarily on auction mechanisms
designed to induce "hard" manufacturer price competition, in
Sutton's sense (Sutton 1991). The Department limits product
differentiation by designing precise product specifications and by
requiring USDA labels in place of commercial brands. It runs
first-price, sealed-bid auctions each month for products to be delivered
in the following month. The Department also reserves the right, albeit
rarely exercised, to cancel auctions whose winning bids exceed
unannounced reservation prices.
Our report evaluates those auctions. (1) We compare private sector
prices to auction bids, and demonstrate that the auctions do obtain
products at low prices. But auctions frequently attract only a few
bidders, and falling bidder numbers concern policymakers. We therefore
assess the effects of changes in the number of bidders on prices in the
auctions, and find that bidder numbers matter--prices fall as the number
of bidders increases. We also investigate nonlinearity--whether the
effect of an additional bidder varies with the number of bidders--and
find that bids fall more as bidder numbers increase, when bidder numbers
are small (one or two) to begin with.
The results have some general implications. First, they provide
evidence on the effects of competitor numbers on prices in markets with
easy entry and no product differentiation, that is, in real-world
markets that might arguably be called contestable. Second, nonlinearity
is important when one wants to evaluate the likely effects of entry,
exit, and merger on prices. In evaluating the likely effects of such
events on prices, the focus falls to specific questions about the likely
change in price attendant upon a move from three competitors to two or
from four to three. Because it relies largely on aggregated data, the
existing empirical literature on concentration and pricing is rarely
able to consider the effects of incremental changes in competitors in
already concentrated markets, but that issue is often a key question in
policy evaluations.
This study therefore follows on the issues in the collection edited
by Weiss (1989)- whether and how concentration changes affect price,
particularly in highly concentrated markets. Much of the existing
literature on the topic focuses, because of data availability, on
industries with histories of regulation, such as commercial banking,
railroads, and airlines. But a few empirical studies investigate markets
that use auctions.
Auctions are widely used in agriculture and food markets. Examples
include import tenders, sales of feeder cattle through video auctions,
milk procurement by school districts, and priority rights for rail
service for hauling grain. Studies of the role of competition in those
markets generally find that bidder numbers matter. Two studies looked at
school district milk procurement auctions, in Kentucky (Durham and Babb
1997) and Ohio (Porter and Zona 1999). Each found statistically
significant but small effects of competition; Durham and Babb found that
prices in Kentucky milk auctions fell by 1.6% with each additional
bidder, whereas Porter and Zona found strikingly similar results for
Ohio auctions--low bids fell by 1.5% with each additional bidder. Each
found only limited evidence of nonlinearity, but nonlinearity may be
hard to detect in these markets because bidder numbers are tightly
circumscribed; 66% of Kentucky auctions and 97% of Ohio auctions had
three or fewer bidders. (2)
Meyer (1988) investigated 1970s Texas rice auctions, in which mills
bid to buy rice from growers. He found effects that were statistically
significant and fairly large--each additional buyer in an auction drove
bids up by 4.6%. He did not test for nonlinearity, and did not summarize the actual variation in bidder numbers across auctions.
Wilson and Diersen (1999) studied bidding by firms seeking to win
Egyptian import tenders for the sale of three commodities: sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, and palm oil. Bids fell as the number of rival
bidders (sellers) increased. The declines were very small, 0.6%, as a
second bidder enters, and showed evidence of nonlinearity in that the
effect of a fourth or fifth bidder was distinctly less than that of a
Bailey, Brorsen, and Thomsen (1995) reported on the effect of buyer
concentration on winning bids for the purchase of feeder cattle in 103
video auctions, covering almost 3 million cattle, in the 1987-1992
period. They used a measure of geographic bidder concentration, the
degree to which purchases from a particular county are dominated by
buyers from one feeding area, and found that winning bids were lower in
those counties facing geographically concentrated buyers. The effects,
although statistically significant, appear to be fairly small, with
geographic monopsony leading to price reductions of 1.1-1.7%.
Our analysis is based on extensive interviews with auction
participants and empirical analyses of a large data set of USDA auction
records for five commodities. These five commodities display substantial
temporal and cross-sectional variation in bidder numbers, allowing for
closer investigation of the effects of competition on bids.
2. The Design of USDA Procurement Auctions
The Department's clients include school systems and social
service agencies. The clients receive an annual budget allocation and
product information from USDA, and then specify products, package sizes,
quantities, desired delivery dates, and destinations in delivery orders
sent to the auction operator, USDA's Kansas City Commodity Office
(KCCO). KCCO assembles delivery orders into contracts, each to be let in
a separate auction (a contract often aggregates orders from different
clients for a common item and location). Each contract specifies a
precise product type (for flour, the type could be bleached or
unblenched, all-purpose or bakery), a package size (such as 5-, 10-,
50-, or 100-lb. bags), a delivery location, and a delivery time window
(a two-week period). Contracts specify quantities in truckloads, as well
as any distinctive transportation or packaging requirements.
When preparing bids, manufacturers (vendors, in USDA nomenclature)
take account of product costs, including labor, energy, packaging, and
agricultural inputs, as well as expected competition. Bids also reflect
distinctive production requirements, such as USDA labels and required
inspections. Because bidders provide transportation to the specified
locations, bids take transportation costs into consideration.
Vendors enter sealed bids by a specific deadline, and KCCO selects
the lowest bid, subject to certain qualifications. Winning bids that
exceed KCCO reservation (maximum) prices are reviewed. (3) The agency
may decide to accept the bid, or it may reject the bid and cancel the
contract. Orders in cancelled contracts may be reintroduced in the next
month (with late delivery to clients), or KCCO may rebid a supplemental
contract for the same month.
In summary, a USDA auction typically calls for bids for the
delivery of a precise volume (40,000 lb., for example) of a specific
product (all-purpose flour, with precise product specifications and
tests), with specified packaging (10-lb. bags), to a particular
destination (a warehouse in Buffalo), within a rather short time window.
In the lexicon of auction literature, these auctions are more like
independent private value (IPV) auctions than common value auctions; any
one vendor's valuation of the award is statistically independent of
other vendors' valuations, because of vendor-specific differences
in material and production costs. Winning bids in IPV procurement
auctions should vary inversely with the number of bidders; further, bids
should vary nonlinearly with bidder numbers, with bigger effects when
bidder numbers are small (McAfee and McMillan 1987).
3. The Data and the Model
Our data set consists of almost 25,000 records of procurement
auctions for five commodities (all-purpose flour, bakery flour, pasta products, vegetable oil, and peanut butter) carried out on a monthly
basis between January 1992 and December 1996. (4) Table 1 provides
summary statistics by commodity and year. The first row in each panel
reports the annual number of auctions, which fell sharply between 1992
and 1996. Because some commodity purchases are linked to federal farm
programs, which emphasize the purchase of commodities designated as
surplus, the overall farm economy and farm policy affect procurement
volumes. Domestic food procurement peaked in 1983, a year of large grain
and dairy surpluses, at about $2.2 billion, before falling to $800
million in 1996.
The second row shows mean low bids (dollars per hundredweight) in
each year. Bids rose sharply between 1992 and 1996 for wheat-based
products as wheat prices rose (average wheat prices received by U.S.
farmers rose from $3.24 per bushel in 1992 to $4.30 in 1996). Soybean and peanut prices fluctuated sharply during the period, just ahead of
observed bid fluctuations for cooking oil and peanut butter.
The third row in each panel reports the median number of bidders
across auctions for a given commodity in a given year, whereas the
fourth row reports the percentage of auctions that attracted only a
single bidder. Each measure varies sharply across commodities. At one
extreme, the median number of bidders in peanut butter auctions varied
between five and six, with no single bidder auctions. By contrast,
vegetable oil, pasta, and bakery flour auctions frequently attracted
only a single bidder, and the median number of bidders hovered around
two. Bidder numbers also vary over time; the four commodities with
single bidder auctions show wide temporal variations in the share of
single-bidder auctions from year to year.
Auction bids vary widely over time and across places. Our analysis
seeks to identify the effects of competition on low (winning) bids,
while controlling for the effects of other factors affecting bids. Other
factors include the prices for related agricultural commodities (changes
in wheat prices affect flour costs), specified product characteristics
(larger package sizes generate lower per-pound costs, and lower bids),
delivery points (it costs more to place peanut butter in Maine than in
Georgia, where the raw commodity is grown), and purchase volumes.
We assess the factors driving variations in bids in USDA
procurement auctions by estimating regressions for each of the five
commodities. The models were of the following general form:
BID = f ([], CHAR, VOL, COMP),
where BID is the lowest bid in the auction, expressed in dollars
per hundredweight; [] is a vector of prices for related
agricultural products; CHAR is a vector of product and auction
characteristics; VOL is a vector of scale measures; and COMP is a vector
of competition measures.
All continuous variables are expressed in natural logarithms. Bids
ought to be affected by several important cost considerations, including
agricultural prices, delivery locations, and product characteristics. In
[], the series of primary interest is the bid month average
cash price for the related agricultural product. (5) We also entered
changes in cash prices between the bid month and the following
(delivery) month, and changes between the bid month and prior month. (6)
Product and auction characteristics (in CHAR) should matter. Costs
should be lower for larger package sizes. (7) Different commodity
varieties may also affect costs. (8) We enter separate dummy variables capturing the available variety/package size combinations. Finally,
since vendors are responsible for arranging transportation to the
client's designated warehouse, we use fixed state effects (for
destination states) to capture transportation costs.
Scale effects (in VOL) may matter. First, unit transport costs
should decline up to truckload sizes, and may decline with larger
quantities, so we include the number of truckloads in a contract (sample
quantities vary from one to five truckloads). Second, because it might
cost more to ship to lightly used destinations, we entered the total
volume of a commodity directed to the specific destination over the five
years of the data Finally, total monthly USDA purchase volumes could
affect bids. We separately enter monthly purchase volumes for domestic
and, where appropriate, international distribution (the Department
purchases flour and vegetable oils for international distribution).
Because monthly purchase volumes may have nonlinear effects on bids, we
also enter squared purchase volumes.
We capture competition (COMP) by entering separate dummy variables
for each level of the number of bidders (that is, if there were two
bidders, a dummy variable for two bidders would be set to one, and
dummies representing other bidder numbers would be set to zero). The
specification allows for nonlinearity in the effect of bidder numbers on
bids. In contrast, if we simply entered a count of the number of
bidders, we would be forcing the marginal effect of additional bidders
to be constant.
4. Summary of Regression Results
Appendix Table A1 reports the full regression results. We first
summarize the results, then apply the models to the issues at hand. (9)
In general, the models show strong fits, with [R.sup.2] coefficients
ranging between 0.76 and 0.96 for four commodities (peanut butter, with
much weaker measures of monthly agricultural input prices, is noticeably lower, at 0.54). Most coefficients have the expected signs and are
statistically significant. Agricultural prices have powerful effects.
All current month cash price coefficients are positive, highly
significant, and large. Since we don't know the shares of
agricultural commodity prices in processed product costs, we cannot
precisely test for the degree of pass-through of commodity prices to
processed product prices, but the long-term effects are qualitatively
consistent with full pass-through. For example, a 10% increase in wheat
prices would lead to an estimated 7.8% increase in all-purpose flour
bids, consistent with the large factor share that wheat holds in flo ur
production. By contrast, pasta bids would only increase by 3.6% in
response to a 10% increase in durum wheat prices (pasta embodies another
level of processing beyond flour). The coefficients on short-term changes in cash prices, holding current cash price constant, are very
small. They suggest, in line with manufacturer interviews, that bid
prices react much more strongly to long-term commodity price movements,
and that bidders do not pass short-term commodity price fluctuations
through to bid prices.
The models show strong locational effects (unreported in the
tables). Bid prices rise sharply for delivery to distant states.
Transport costs should account for higher shares of delivered prices for
less processed products, and those products (flour) have larger state
effects. (10) Finally, package sizes matter (larger sizes get lower
bids), and variety matters, sometimes by large amounts (reduced-fat
peanut butter carries a 38% price premium).
Why Use Procurement Auctions? Low Bids Compared with Private Sector
Because USDA sets tight product specifications and requires
specific packaging, bidders compete on homogeneous products. The
Department relies on frequent and multiple sealed-bid auctions, and may
cancel auctions with unacceptably high winning bids. These techniques
are designed to intensify price competition and hence to allow
acquisition of products at favorable prices. Evidence presented below
indicates that USDA realizes substantial price discounts when compared
with private sector prices paid for products of comparable quality.
To compare USDA and private sector prices, we solicited the
cooperation of a major food service wholesaler. Such firms take
warehouse deliveries from food manufacturers, and provide food products
and support services to restaurants and fast food chains, schools,
commercial kitchens, hospitals, and other large providers. Food service
warehouses are the appropriate point of price comparison since they are
located at the same level of the distribution chain as the state and
commercial warehouses that receive USDA commodities from manufacturers.
The cooperating firm provided us with data on 1996 manufacturer
prices for delivery of truckload quantities to the firm's
warehouses. We obtained prices for the highest-quality
"private-label" product because that was most comparable. (11)
We then compare manufacturers' price quotes to predicted
manufacturer low bids from our auctions, delivered to the same states
during the same months. Predicted auction bids are based on mean
state-specific values for volumes and competition and actual values for
agricultural prices. USDA product prices vary by geographic region and
by season, so we asked for prices for two time periods (April and
September, 1996) and for three states served by the firm (Texas,
Illinois, and Massachusetts). (12)
Table 2 compares prices. USDA prices generally fall well below
corresponding private sector prices, with typical gaps in the range of
20-40%. Prices narrow only for flour products in the fall, a period when
seasonal increases in industry demand lead to noticeable increases in
auction bids (this is the only price gap that is not statistically
significant). USDA auction mechanisms apparently generate substantially
lower prices.
These differences are quite large, and we emphasize that the prices
refer to comparable products and services: manufacturers' prices
for truckload delivery of high-quality basic food products to a
warehouse. The cooperating firm asserts that clients wishing to make
significant volume commitments can sometimes obtain lower price quotes
from manufacturers, and manufacturers sometimes offer lower prices to
certain classes of buyers. But the cooperator price quotes used here
represent an appropriate basis for comparison, because we compare
cooperator prices with average (predicted) auction prices, not to the
lowest observed auction prices, and because the auctions do not entail long-lasting volume commitments. Moreover, the classes of buyers that
may be offered lower prices are frequently those with opportunities to
purchase through the Agriculture Department, such as local school
systems and social service agencies.
The evidence in Table 2 supports a simple proposition: USDA
auctions induce low prices. We use it to argue, later in the paper, that
competition in the form of bidder numbers matters for prices even in
such environments. We do not suggest that private sector procurement
practices are suboptimal, or that such firms should follow the
government's strategies, but rather that USDA's particular
strategies lead to lower prices.
In judging comparative prices, readers should recall some key
distinctions between government and private-sector procurement
practices. First, the government's strategies suggest that it may
be more price sensitive, as a matter of policy, than food service
providers. USDA aims to obtain large quantities of a few basic food
products, at the lowest possible manufacturers' prices, subject to
product specifications. Price is the primary goal, even at the expense
of service quality. (13) But private-sector food service firms aim to
deliver a wide variety of branded and private-label food products to
clients on a timely basis; their clients target several goals, and
likely place significant emphasis on the food service provider's
variety, timeliness, and responsiveness. USDA and the food service
provider each buys the same bundle of goods and services from
vendors--delivery of truckload quantities of a private-label product to
a warehouse within a specified time window. But because the food service
firm then provid es a different package of products and services to its
clients, the clients (and the food service provider) are less sensitive
to manufacturer prices than is the government. Second, in pursuit of its
primary goal, USDA aims to identify and select that vendor with the
lowest short-run marginal costs of filling a contract. Marginal
processing costs can vary substantially across plants because of
differences in plant design, location, and capacity utilization.
Effects of Competition on Low Bids
The procurement auctions are designed to develop aggressive price
competition, and Table 2 shows that auction prices fall well below
corresponding private-sector prices. Do the number of competitors matter
in such an environment? Table 3 reports the results for analyses of low
bids in auctions for all-purpose and bakery flour. Three bidders is the
base (excluded) variable, so the coefficients report the effects on the
low bid as the number of bidders changes from three, and reported
t-statistics test for significance compared to the three-bidder base.
Consider first the findings for all-purpose flour. Bidder numbers
matter. Low bids increase by statistically significant amounts as the
number of bidders falls to two and then to one, and bids decline by
small but statistically significant amounts as bidder numbers rise from
three to four, five, and six. Moreover, the effects are nonlinear. Low
bids change by much more as we go from two bidders to one (8.5%) than
they do as we go from three to two (1.6%) or from four to three (1.5%).
(14) Similar results obtain for bakery flour; there, single-bidder
auctions result in low bids about 8.9% above those in three-bidder
auctions, whereas low bids in two-bidder auctions are 2.9% above
three-bidder estimates.
The row headed "t-test ordering" summarizes the results
of pairwise t-tests for differences in the coefficients on bidder
numbers, and requires some explanation. The inequality sign indicates
that the difference in coefficients is statistically significant, in the
direction indicated. (15) A string of inequality signs before a
semicolon ([b.sub.1] > [b.sub.2] > [b.sub.3]) indicates strict
dominance: Coefficient [b.sub.1] is significantly greater than
[b.sub.2], which in turn exceeds [b.sub.3]. Equality signs indicate that
there is no significant difference between coefficients.
For all-purpose flour, strict dominance of t-tests holds across
categories from one through four bidders (Table 3). The one-bidder
effect ([b.sub.1]) was significantly greater than the two-bidder
([b.sub.2]) effect; each was significantly greater than the three-bidder
([b.sub.3]) effect, and all three were significantly greater than the
effects for four ([b.sub.4]) and all greater bidder number effects.
Tests among coefficients with many bidders were more mixed. Although
[b.sub.4] significantly exceeded five ([b.sub.5]) and seven ([b.sub.7])
bidders, it was not significantly different from the six-bidder
([b.sub.6]) effect, which was itself not significantly different from
[b.sub.5] or [b.sub.7]. In bakery flour, strict dominance holds from one
through four bidders, although there is no significant difference in low
bids between four- and five-bidder auctions.
Our analyses treat the number of bidders as exogenous. That's
problematic, in that bidder numbers may be correlated with the error
term in our models. That is, unusually profitable auctions, resulting in
high bids relative to costs (errors to the econometrician, but perhaps
explicable to the bidder), might attract entry, leading to increases in
bidder numbers. Ideally, we would deal with that problem by finding an
instrument for bidder numbers, highly correlated with bidder numbers,
yet uncorrelated with the error term.
Effective instruments are hard to find, but flour provides the best
possibility. U.S. Census reports (Current Industrial Reports) provide
monthly industry data on capacity and production, from which one can
generate estimates of capacity utilization. Because USDA purchases
account for a very small share of industry-wide shipments, industry
capacity utilization measures should be exogenous to decisions on
government auctions. Capacity utilization varies widely over time, and
industry participants tell us that excess capacity is an important
determinant of the decision to bid on USDA products (because they are
low-margin contracts).
We obtained an instrument for bidder numbers in flour auctions by
taking predicted values from a regression of bidder numbers on industry
capacity utilization and sets of dummy variables for product
characteristics, destination states, and year. (16) We then used the
instruments in analyses of low bids; the instrumental variable (IV)
estimates are also reported in Table 3. The earlier qualitative
conclusions hold, in that bidder numbers matter and the effects appear
to be nonlinear. The spread between lowest and highest bids in
single-bidder and many-bidder auctions widens with JY estimation, to 15%
from 10% in bakery flour and to 15% from 14% in all-purpose flour.
The broad patterns--that bidder numbers matter and that monopoly
matters most--hold for the other commodities as well (Table 4). Pasta
and vegetable oil show statistically significant increases in low bids
as the number of bidders falls from three to two and to one, and
decreases in bids as bidder numbers increase from three to four and
five. The largest individual price effects occur as bidder numbers fall
from two to one. Moreover, pasta and vegetable oil show strict order
dominance: Each number of bidders coefficient is significantly greater
than all effects involving greater numbers of bidders.
Peanut butter, which has no single-bidder auctions, displays the
only violation of the expected relation between bidder numbers and price
(Table 4). Low bids fall as the number of bidders falls from three to
two. Peanut butter bids do increase steadily, by statistically
significant amounts, as the number of bidders falls from six to five,
from five to four, and from four to three.
There are few two-bidder peanut butter auctions (44, about 0.8% of
all peanut butter auctions). Two-bidder auctions overlap with
reduced-fat (rf) auctions; most two-bidder auctions are for rf peanut
butter, and all but two rf auctions attract only two bidders. Low bids
in rf auctions exceed those in other peanut butter auctions by nearly
38%, on average (Appendix Table A1). The small number of two-bidder
auctions, and the high correlation with rf contracts, may account for
the low coefficient value and high standard error on two-bidder
The full range of the price effect, from many bidders to one,
covers a rather tight range. The maximum price increase, as one goes
from many bidders to a single bidder, ranges from 8.4% to 15.0% across
the four commodities with monopoly auctions. In peanut butter, where
there are no monopoly auctions, the full price effect is 9.8% as one
goes from many bidders to three. (17) The results suggest that auctions
can induce comparatively low prices even in single-bidder auctions, but
that competition continues to have important effects in this
5. Summary and Conclusions
Agriculture Department auctions are designed to obtain large
quantities of basic food products at very low prices, by limiting
product differentiation and encouraging active price competition. The
strategy appears to be successful, albeit at the possible expense of
service quality and other goals. The auctions generate low bids that
generally fall substantially below private-sector prices for comparable
Yet even in this environment, the number of competitors matters. As
the number of bidders declines, the low bids in USDA auctions increase.
The largest increases occur as bidder numbers fall from two to one; in
the four commodity samples with single bidder auctions, low bids rise by
4.2-8.3%, depending upon commodity and specification. Low bids continue
to change, by small but statistically significant amounts, as bidder
numbers in our auction samples increase from two to three, four, five,
six, and seven bidders. In comparing auctions with the fewest bidders
with those with the most bidders in a given commodity category, the
aggregate effect of competition ranges from 8.4 to 15.0%, again
depending on specification and commodity.
The evidence offered above echoes some earlier summary conclusions
in Weiss (1989) in two respects. After a review of a wide variety of
studies, Weiss concluded that the effects of concentration, even
monopoly, on price were modest and indeed much smaller than he expected.
That conclusion holds here; although the effects of changes in bidder
numbers are statistically significant, they are not very large.
But Weiss also pointed out that his evidence referred largely to
markets that we expect to be reasonably competitive, because of their
size and because of the presumed effectiveness of antitrust laws.
Similarly, the markets studied here are designed to be contestable; The
auctions are designed to generate competing bids on homogeneous
products, and entry isn't barred. Yet even here, in a highly
transparent bidding environment, competition does matter.
Appendix A
Detailed Regression Results, Low Bids in USDA Procurement Auctions.
Regression Coefficients and t-Statistics are in Parentheses
Flour Bakery Flour Pasta
Agricultural prices
Cash Price, bid month (1) 0.7755 0.6423 0.3627
(92.64) (58.32) (62.25)
Month ahead change 0.2098 0.0971 -0.0018
(13.16) (2.81) (0.11)
Month behind change -0.7888 -0.5480 0.3687
(40.26) (20.01) (20.18)
Cash price, bid month (2) -- -- --
Month ahead change -- -- --
Month behind change -- -- --
Product characteristics
Base 5-lb. bag bulk 20-lb. spag
10-lb. bag -0.0207 -- --
50-lb. bag -0.0543 0.1165 --
(19.23) (19.21)
100-lb. bag -0.0757 0.0852 --
(2.93) (15.43)
Bleached 0.0022 -0.0072 --
(0.30) (2.08)
Hearth -- 0.0689 --
Spaghetti, 2 lb. -- -- 0.0264
Macaroni, 20 lb. -- -- 0.0216
Macaroni, 1 lb. -- -- 0.0811
Rotini, 20 lb. -- -- 0.0760
Vegetable oil, 48 oz. -- -- --
Vegetable oil, bulk
Shortening, bulk -- -- --
Shortening, 50 lb. -- -- --
Shortening, 1 gal.
Peanut butter, no. 10 can -- -- --
Reduced fat peanut butter -- -- --
Auction volume
Truckloads in contract 0.0012 -0.0018 -0.0087
(1.29) (0.73) (2.09)
Total volume at location -0.0001 -0.0071 -0.0014
(0.10) (3.18) (1.23)
Monthly domestic volume -0.7099 0.1357 -0.0376
(18.23) (2.17) (12.21)
Monthly international volume -0.3175 0.1014 --
(14.92) (10.21)
Domestic volume squared 0.0122 -0.0025 --
(9.64) (1.23)
International volume squared 0.0001 -0.0013 --
(0.98) (10.82)
Domestic * international volume 0.0200 -0.0054 --
(14.64) (7.62)
One bidder (three 0.0956 0.0850 0.0586
is base) (13.55) (13.07) (18.80)
Two bidders 0.0155 0.0289 0.0170
(4.38) (7.86) (6.50)
Four bidders -0.0186 -0.0144 -0.0258
(7.27) (4.52) (7.73)
Five bidders -0.0305 -0.0072 -0.0546
(11.13) (1.97) (12.66)
Six bidders -0.0263 -- --
Seven bidders -0.0358 -- --
Observations 5726 1711 4660
[R.sup.2] 0.80 0.82 0.77
Cooking Oil Peanut Butter
Agricultural prices
Cash Price, bid month (1) 0.4831 0.5005
(74.36) (26.16)
Month ahead change 0.1419 --
Month behind change -0.1790 --
Cash price, bid month (2) 0.3570 --
Month ahead change 0.1878 --
Month behind change -0.2550 --
Product characteristics
Base 1 gal. veg. oi 21 lb. regula
10-lb. bag -- --
50-lb. bag -- --
100-lb. bag -- --
Bleached -- --
Hearth -- --
Spaghetti, 2 lb. -- --
Macaroni, 20 lb. -- --
Macaroni, 1 lb. -- --
Rotini, 20 lb. -- --
Vegetable oil, 48 oz. 0.2987 --
Vegetable oil, bulk -0.2484
Shortening, bulk 0.1816 --
Shortening, 50 lb. -0.0194 --
Shortening, 1 gal. 0.0473 --
Peanut butter, no. 10 can -- -0.0125
Reduced fat peanut butter -- 0.3210
Auction volume
Truckloads in contract -0.0047 0.0021
(3.13) (0.87)
Total volume at location -0.0002 -0.0033
(0.24) (3.64)
Monthly domestic volume -0.3112 0.0518
(7.59) (27.92)
Monthly international volume -0.7709 --
Domestic volume squared 0.0068 --
International volume squared 0.0196 --
Domestic * international volume 0.0068 --
One bidder (three 0.0565 --
is base) (26.60)
Two bidders 0.0096 -0.0434
(7.25) (2.47)
Four bidders -0.0129 -0.0196
(5.75) (4.44)
Five bidders -0.0237 -0.0336
(6.13) (7.28)
Six bidders -- -0.0613
Seven bidders -- -0.1026
Observations 7077 5242
[R.sup.2] 0.96 0.55
Dependent variable is the natural logarithm of the lowest bid.
Agricultural prices, total orders at a location, and volumes are in
natural logarithms, and truckloads takes on values from 1 to 5. All
other variables are dichotomous. Models also include fixed effects
state, and estimates in all- purpose and bakery flour models are
corrected for heteroscedasticity. See footnote 5 for related
agricultural price series, and note that cooking oil uses two
agricultural commodities, soybean oil and cottonseed oil (first set of
coefficient is for soybean oil). Because peanut prices only are
available for marketing year months, model includes last quoted monthly
price of marketing year for off-season prices, and then allows for
coefficient on that price to vary with the off-season month (the
adjuster variables).
Table 1
Selected Characteristics of USDA Commodity Auctions
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
All purpose flour
Auctions (no.) 2518 1087 742 809 561
Mean low bid 13.08 12.27 13.35 15.08 16.60
Median no. bids 5 3 3 3 4
Percent with 1 bidder 1.3 15.6 1.4 13.2 3.7
Bakery flour
Auctions (no.) 722 342 264 231 141
Mean low bid 12.27 12.50 14.02 14.81 16.81
Median no. bids 2 2 1 3 3
Percent with 1 bidder 27.8 13.8 62.9 12.6 19.6
Auctions (no.) 1076 1047 784 893 688
Mean low bid 27.46 26.27 29.77 30.36 32.24
Median no. bids 2 2 3 3 2
Percent with 1 bidder 25.4 33.1 12.7 4.2 19.9
Vegetable oil
Auctions (no.) 1821 1727 1650 1022 857
Mean low bid 32.27 36.64 42.59 42.21 39.50
Median no. bids 2 2 2 2 2
Percent with 1 bidder 10.3 18.6 12.8 2.2 4.2
Peanut butter
Auctions (no).) 1711 1348 1046 637 427
Mean low bid 83.07 78.07 74.62 70.93 78.82
Median no. bids 5 5 6 6 5
Percent with 1 bidder 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Source: USDA Farm Service Agency auction records data, described in text
and footnote 4.
Table 2
Comparing USDA Prices with Comparable Private-Sector Prices
USDA Price/Private-Sector Price
Product and location April 1996 September 1996
Liquid shortening
Texas 0.734 0.683
IL/IN/WI 0.733 0.685
Vegetable oil
Texas 0.712 0.683
IL/IN/WI 0.764 0.718
New England 0.670 0.552
All-purpose flour
Texas 0.685 0.867
IL/IN/WI 0.689 0.826
Bread flour-IL/IN/WI 0.793 0.965
Spaghetti n.r. 0.629
Macaroni n.r. 0.621
Rotini n.r. 0.622
Peanut butter-nationwide n.r. 0.824
n.r. means that no cooperator price was reported for that month. The
numberator in each cell is the predicted low bid from regressions
reported in Table A1, for single truckload shipments and state- specific
means for volume and competition variables. The denominator is the
manufacturer's price quote to a cooperating food service wholesaler for
truckload delivery of a comparable product to the locations listed.
Table 3
Effects of Bidder Numbers on Low Bids in USDA Flour Auctions
All-Purpose Flour
Bidders OLS
(Base = 3)
1 0.0956
2 0.0155
4 -0.0186
5 -0.0305
6 -0.0263
7 -0.0358
t-test ordering [b.sub.1] > [b.sub.2] > [b.sub.3] >
[b.sub.4] >; [b.sub.4] > [b.sub.5];
[b.sub.4] > [b.sub.7];
[b.sub.4] = [b.sub.6];
[b.sub.5] = [b.sub.6] = [b.sub.7];
Obs. 5726
All-Purpose Flour
Bidders IV
(Base = 3) Coefficients and t-Statistics
1 0.0928
2 0.0532
4 -0.0469
5 -0.0436
6 -0.0425
7 -0.0440
t-test ordering [b.sub.1] > [b.sub.2] > [b.sub.3] >
[b.sub.4] = [b.sub.5] = [b.sub.6] =
Obs. 5726
Bakery Flour
Bidders OLS
(Base = 3)
1 0.0850
2 0.0289
4 -0.0144
5 -0.0072
6 --
7 --
t-test ordering [b.sub.1] > [b.sub.2] > [b.sub.3] >
[b.sub.4] = [b.sub.5]
Obs. 1711
Bakery Flour
Bidders IV
(Base = 3)
1 0.0950
2 0.0301
4 -0.0130
5 -0.0467
6 --
7 --
t-test ordering [b.sub.1] > [b.sub.2] > [b.sub.3] >
[b.sub.4] > [b.sub.5];
Obs. 1711
Reported coefficients from regressions explaining log of winning bid,
expressed as price per hundredweight. Full results are reported in
Appendix Table A1.
Table 4
Effects of Bidder Numbers on Low Bids in USDA Pasta, Vegetable Oil, and
Peanut Butter Auctions
(Base = 3) Pasta
1 0.05867
2 0.0170
4 -0.0258
5 -0.0546
6 --
7 --
t-test [b.sub.1] > [b.sub.2] > [b.sub.3] >
ordering [b.sub.4] > [b.sub.5];
Obs. 4660
(Base = 3) Vegetable Oil
1 0.0565
2 0.0096
4 -0.0129
5 -0.0238
6 --
7 --
t-test [b.sub.1] > [b.sub.2] > [b.sub.3] >
ordering [b.sub.4] > [b.sub.5];
Obs. 7077
(Base = 3) Peanut Butter
1 --
2 -0.0434
4 -0.0196
5 -0.0336
6 -0.613
7 -0.1026
t-test [b.sub.3] > [b.sub.4] > [b.sub.5] >
ordering [b.sub.6] > [b.sub.i];
[b.sub.2] = [b.sub.4], [b.sub.5],
[b.sub.2] > [b.sub.1]; [b.sub.2] <
Obs. 5242
Reported coefficients from regressions explaining log of winning bid,
expressed as price per hundredweight. Full results are reported in
Appendix Table A1.
Received February 2001; accepted November 2001.
(1.) Two USDA agencies purchase food for Agriculture and State
Department food support programs. The Farm Service Agency buys dairy,
grain, and oilseed-based products, whereas the Agricultural Marketing
Service buys fruit, vegetable, meat, and egg products.
(2.) Each study used data collected as part of price-fixing litigation, but the reports analyze data for districts where conspiracy
was not alleged. Porter and Zona (1999) estimate that prices in rigged auctions rose by 6.5%, on average.
(3.) In practice, few bids exceed reservation prices (called
constructed prices by KCCO). In the sample used in this study, low bids
equaled or exceeded reservation prices in 5% of pasta auctions, but in
only 0.3% of peanut butter and bakery flour auctions, and 0.1% of
all-purpose flour and vegetable oil auctions.
(4.) Auction records were provided to us by the Farm Service
Agency, and the data are available from the authors upon request. The
five commodities chosen for study were closely tied to related
agricultural products and had extensive and accurate auction records.
(5.) USDA (1998a and b) reports monthly average cash prices for
agricultural inputs. We use no. 2 soft red winter wheat (St. Louis) for
all-purpose flour, no.1 hard red winter wheat (Kansas City) for bakery
flour, and no.1 hard amber durum (Minneapolis) for pasta. We use two
crude vegetable oil prices: wholesale prices for crude soybean oil (Decatur) and crude cottonseed oil (Mississippi Valley points). USDA
only reports peanut prices received by farmers for August through
January, when peanuts are harvested and marketed. For peanut butter
auction months between January and August, we used the January price
(the most recent observed peanut price), hut the model allows the
coefficient on the January price to vary with each succeeding month.
(6.) Bidders know current and past commodity prices, and have good
forecasts of near future prices. In interviews, bidders explain that
they rely on long-term trends in commodity prices and discount
short-term spot market fluctuations. By using the current level along
with month-before and month-after changes, we can distinguish the
effects of short-term fluctuations in agricultural prices from
longer-term shifts (results suggest that short-term fluctuations have
limited effects on bid prices, whereas longer-term movements have strong
(7.) USDA offers all-purpose flour in 5-, 10-, 50-, and 100-lb.
bags, whereas bakery flour can be purchased in 50- or 100-lb. bags, or
in bulk. Pasta comes in 1-, 2-, and 20-lb. boxes, whereas vegetable oil
is obtained in 48-oz., 1-gallon, or 3-lb. containers, in 50-lb. cubes,
or in bulk. Peanut butter comes in 2-lb. cans or #10 cans.
(8.) Clients can purchase vegetable oil or shortening; bleached or
unbleached flour; macaroni, spaghetti, or rotini pasta; and reduced-fat
or regular peanut butter.
(9.) Estimates were corrected for heteroscedasticity in the bakery
and all-purpose flour samples, where Breusch-Pagan tests showed OLS and
IV error variances to be inversely related to bidder numbers. Tests
found no evidence of heterosecedasticity in the other samples.
(10.) The lowest bids are in Kansas for flour (wheat), Minnesota
for pasta (durum wheat), Iowa for vegetable oil (soybeans), and Georgia
for peanut butter (peanuts). Highest bids are in Maine (flour), New
Hampshire (pasta), Nevada (vegetable oil), and Rhode Island (peanut
(11.) According to our interviews, USDA sets consistently high
product specifications, and the avoidance of commercial brands is
consistent with a private label program.
(12.) The cooperating firm was able to provide us only with
September data for peanut butter and pasta, and only on a nationwide
price quote. We therefore compared those prices to nationwide average
USDA prices for September 1996.
(13.) KCCO may cancel an auction. Although this strategy may make
bidders more aggressive, it also results in late delivery to clients,
since cancelled auctions aren't rebid until the following month.
(14.) In semilogarithmic regressions, the coefficient [beta] on a
dummy variable only approximates the percentage change in the bid
attendant upon a one-unit change in the dummy variable, and the
approximation weakens for larger values (Halvorsen and Palmquist 1980).
The correct percentage change, given in the text, is ([e.sup.[beta]] -
(15.) The smallest "significant" t-statistic was 2.21
(97.5% confidence); most were much higher.
(16.) The model explained about 50% of the variation in bidder
numbers in all-purpose flour auctions, and 40% in bakery flour
regressions. Increases in capacity utilization led to reductions in
bidder numbers, which also varied sharply across states and product
types. Similar attempts outside of flour led to poor fits and weak
(17.) The range is calculated as the difference in predicted low
bids between the maximum number of bidders (six in all-purpose flour,
five in the others) and monopoly for those commodities with
single-bidder auctions, and the difference in predicted low bids between
six and three bidders in peanut butter.
Bailey, DeeVon, B. Wade Brorsen, and Michael R. Thomsen. 1995.
Identifying buyer market areas and the impact of buyer concentration in
feeder cattle markets using mapping and spatial statistics. American
Journal of Aricultural Economics 77:309-18.
Durham, Catherine A., and Emerson M. Babb. 1997. The impact of the
number of bidders and costs on school milk prices. Unpublished paper,
Purdue University.
Halvorsen, Robert, and R. Palmquist. 1980. The interpretation of
dummy variables in semilogarithmic equations. American Economi Review
McAfee, R. Preston, and John McMillan. 1987. Auctions and bidding.
Journal of Economic Literature 25:699-738.
Meyer, Donald J. 1988. Competition and bidding behavior: Some
evidence from the rice market. Economic Inquiry 26: 123-32.
Porter, Robert H., and J. Douglas Zona. 1999. Ohio school milk
markets: An analysis of bidding. RAND Journal of Economics 30:263-88.
Sutton, John. 1991. Sunk costs and market structure: Price
competition, advertising, and the evolution of concentration. Cambridge,
MA: The MIT Press.
United States Department of Agriculture. 1998a. Oil crops situation
and outlook yearbook. Washington, D.C.: Economic Research Service.
United States Department of Agriculture. 1998b. Wheat situation and
outlook yearbook. Washington, D.C.: Economic Research Service.
Weiss, Leonard W., ed., 1989. Concentration and price. Cambridge,
MA: The MIT Press.
Wilson, William A., and Matthew A. Diersen. 1999. Competitive
bidding on import tenders: The case of minor oilseeds. Department of
Agricultural Economics, North Dakota State University, Agricultural
Economics Report No. 428.
James M. MacDonald, * Charles R. Handy, + and Gerald E. Plato +
* Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Washington, DC 20036, USA; corresponding author.
+ Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Washington, DC 20036, USA.
Thanks are due to the editor and referees for useful comments and
to Mark Denbaly and Bonnie Tanner for providing data and support for
this project. The views expressed herein are our own, and not
necessarily those of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.