Experience, Tenure, and the Perceptions of Employers.
Terrell, Dek
Danielle Lewis [*]
Dek Terrell [+]
This paper examines how group-based assessments concerning employee
ability impact employee compensation. The employer learns about worker
ability through Bayesian updating, creating an additional channel for
wage growth that is not available to those workers with only general
labor market experience. Consistent with the model's predictions,
results from National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) indicate that
black workers fare much better relative to white workers in returns to
tenure than in returns to experience. Finally, parameter estimates in
the structural model suggest that employers initially undervalue black
males but that their wages rise with learning by employers over time.
1. Introduction
On average black males earn lower wages than white males, just as
average wages differ across many groups. This paper examines one
explanation for this wage gap: the possibility that employers
underestimate the ability of workers in one or more groups. In
particular, this paper proposes a model that provides explicit
predictions about the affect of employer's perceptions on
workers' returns to general experience and tenure on the job. We
then examine the wage growth of young males to see whether patterns are
consistent with the model.
Economic theory provides many other explanations for differences in
wages across groups. One possible explanation is that, on average, the
marginal product of labor is lower for one group than other groups.
There are many possible explanations for the disparity in the marginal
productivity across groups. Card and Krueger (1992) argue that
differences in the quality of education between black and white workers
have been a key factor in generating the wage gap over time. However,
wages may also differ due to some unobservable factors. Herrnstein and
Murray's (1994) controversial Bell Curve asserts that wage
differences simply reflect differences in average intelligence across
groups. Lundberg and Startz (1998) offer a dynamic model where one group
possesses lower ethnic capital, perhaps as the result of past
discrimination, which leads to persistent wage gaps.
Discrimination offers another explanation for observed wage gaps.
Dainty and Mason (1998) summarize the theories and empirical evidence of
discrimination. In Becker's (1971) neoclassical "taste for
discrimination model," discrimination occurs because employers,
managers, or customers prefer not to associate with the members of a
specific group. Statistical discrimination provides another explanation.
In these models, the variance of ability is higher for one group than
another group. It is interesting to note that the implications of
statistical discrimination vary across models. In Phelps's (1972)
original model, some individuals in the high-variance group earned
higher wages than the other group, while others earn lower wages.
However, the average wage of the high-variance group and low-variance
group was equal. Lundberg and Startz's (1983) extension of this
model generates lower average wages for the high-variance group.
However, Berk (1999) offers an alternative model where the high-variance
group earns higher wages.
Still another potential explanation for wage differences is that
employers inaccurately perceive some groups as less productive. The
literature contains both survey evidence and experiments that suggest
that employers perceive blacks negatively in terms of one or more
attributes that affect worker productivity. [1] Furthermore, learning
may not quickly eliminate misperceptions. Almeida and Kanekar (1989) and
Wong, Derlega, and Colson (1988) provide evidence that agents tend to
attribute positive outcomes to good luck if they begin with negative
opinions about a group. Given these results, Farmer and Terrell (1996)
suggest the possibility that employers underestimate the ability of
workers in some groups.
Farmer and Terrell (1996) examine the impact of inaccurate
perceptions of ability in a model with two types of learning. In their
model, employers learn about individual ability through observing
individual output but use group averages to estimate group ability. A
key result of that model is that employers' perceptions of average
group ability do not always converge to the true average. This result is
driven by the fact that perceptions affect the return to investment in
human capital.
This paper proposes a variant of the Farmer and Terrell model that
provides explicit predictions about wage growth of undervalued workers
as they accumulate tenure on the job and experience. Implicitly, we take
employer perceptions of group ability as given and do not allow them to
change with observations of individual ability. [2] Clearly, the output
of a single worker tells the employer much more about her ability than
the average ability of a group of millions. Thus, we focus exclusively
on the problem of learning about individual ability. The key prediction
of our model is that undervalued employees benefit from employer
learning, which boosts the returns to tenure on the job.
To investigate the empirical content of this model, we analyze the
returns to general labor market experience and tenure on the job for
black and white workers in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
(NLSY). Then we estimate the parameters of the employer's prior
distribution. The prior mean summarizes the extent to which the
employer's prior assessments undervalue black workers and the prior
variance measures the strength of these beliefs and ascertains the rate
of learning.
Section 2 of this paper specifies the theoretical model, and
section 3 summarizes the data. Section 4 contains estimates of the
returns to general labor market experience and tenure on the job for
blacks and whites and examines returns across groups stratified on the
basis of occupation and AFQT score. Section 5 includes the structural
model's prior parameter estimates, and section 6 contains some
final remarks.
2. The Model
We assume a competitive labor market where a worker supplies one
unit of labor each period and is paid his expected marginal product. The
output of the worker is determined by the Cobb-Douglas production
y = [A.sup.[alpha]][X.sup.[beta]][J.sup.[gamma]][e.sup.[epsilon]],
where y denotes worker output, A denotes worker ability, X denotes
general labor market experience, J denotes job specific experience, and
[epsilon] is a stochastic error component. We assume that [epsilon]
[sim] IID N(O, [[sigma].sup.2]). Following, Becker's (1975) and
Mincer's (1974) human capital models, workers accumulate general
human capital with general work experience and specific human capital
with tenure on the job. We assume that the parameters [alpha], [beta],
and [gamma] are constant over time and add subscripts to y, X, J, and
[epsilon] to denote values for specific time periods. Adding subscripts
and taking the natural logarithms implies that the employee's
output in period t is
ln [y.sub.t] = [alpha] ln A + [beta] ln [X.sub.t] + [gamma] ln
[J.sub.t] + + [[epsilon].sub.t]. (2)
We assume that worker ability (A) remains constant over time.
However, wages are determined by the employer's perception of
worker ability, which does change with observations of output. We
summarize the employer's initial belief about employee ability with
the prior distribution:
P([alpha] ln A) [sim] N([[micro].sub.prior],
[[[sigma].sup.2].sub.prior] (3)
As in most applications, the mean of a normal prior distribution
reflects the best guess about the parameter, and the variance is a
measure of the certainty of beliefs. Because prior opinions depend on
the employee's group, [[micro].sub.prior] and
[[[sigma].sup.2].sub.prior] vary across worker groups. [3] For new
employees, the employer has no other information regarding ability;
thus, E[[alpha] ln A] = [[micro].sub.prior], and the employee's
initial log wage is 1n [w.sub.0] = E[ln [y.sub.0] = [[micro].sub.prior]
+ [beta] 1n [X.sub.0]. [4] In later periods, the employer updates priors
on the basis of observations of output. [5] Thus, after T observations
of output, the employer sets the wage in T + 1 based on the conditional
ln [w.sub.T+1] = E[ln
[y.sub.T+1]\[y.sub.1],[y.sub.2],...,[y.sub.T]] = E[[alpha] ln
A]\[y.sub.1],[y.sub.2],...,[y.sub.T]] + [beta] ln [X.sub.T+1] + [gamma]
ln [J.sub.T+1]. (4)
The key problem is to determine E[[alpha] ln A]\ [y.sub.1],
[y.sub.2],...,[y.sub.T]], the employer's perception of ability
conditional on T observations of output. We approach the problem by
assuming that the employer updates priors using Bayesian updating. In
this approach, the first step requires finding the distribution of
output conditional on ability. Based on Equation 2, we know that
P(ln [y.sub.t]\[alpha] In A) [sim] N([alpha] ln A + [beta] ln
[X.sub.t] + [gamma] ln [J.sub.t], [[sigma].sup.2]) or (5)
f(ln [y.sub.t]\[alpha] ln A) = 1/[sigma][square root]2[pi] exp [[-1/2[[sigma].sup.2][(ln [y.sub.t] - [alpha] ln A - [beta] ln [X.sub.t]
- [gamma] ln [J.sub.t]).sup.2]]. (6)
Assuming independence of the errors over time, we can summarize the
distribution for these T observations of output, conditional on ability,
f(ln [y.sub.t], ln [y.sub.2], ..., ln [y.sub.T]\[alpha] ln A)
= [(2[pi][[sigma].sup.2]).sup.-T/2] exp[-1/2[[sigma].sup.2]
[[[sigma].sup.T].sub.t=l] [(ln [y.sub.t] - [alpha] ln A - [beta] ln
[X.sub.t] - [gamma] ln [J.sub.t]).sup.2]]. (7)
We combine the employer's prior information with the observed
levels of output to summarize the employer's assessment of worker
ability after T periods using Bayes's rule:
P([alpha] ln A\ln [y.sub.1],..., ln [y.sub.T]) = P(ln [y.sub.1],
..., ln [y.sub.T]\[alpha] ln A)P([alpha] ln A)/P(ln [y.sub.t], ..., ln
[y.sub.T]) (8)
This problem simply combines a normal prior with known variance
with a normal likelihood function with known variance and implies the
following posterior density function: [6]
P([alpha] ln A\ln [y.sub.1], ..., ln [y.sub.T]) [sim]
N([[micro].sub.T], [[[sigma].sup.2].sub.T]). (9)
[[micro].sub.T] = [[[sigma].sup.2].sub.T][[[[sigma].sup.T].sub.t=l]
(ln [y.sub.t] - [beta] ln [X.sub.t] - [gamma] ln
[J.sub.t])/[[sigma].sup.2] +
[[micro].sub.prior]/[[[sigma].sup.2].sub.prior]], and
[[[sigma].sup.2].sub.T] = [(T/[[sigma].sup.2] +
A closer look at Equation 9 reveals some interesting features of
the model. The mean perceived log ability level of the worker
conditional on T observations is a weighted average of two components.
The first component consists of the level of ability that would be
predicted from observed output by solving the production function for
[alpha] ln(A) and assuming that the error term has mean zero. This
predicted ability is the employer's best guess of the worker's
ability from the T observations of output. The second term is the
employer's prior assessment of worker ability. The posterior mean
log ability is a weighted average of the prior about ability and the
level of ability predicted on the basis of job performance. The weights
of the two terms are the inverse of the respective variances. The
variance of the updated distribution for log ability is a combination of
the prior variance and the variance of the average log ability
calculated from observed output.
The link between updating and tenure occurs because the employer
learns only whether the employee accumulates tenure on the job. More
observations of employee output reduce the influence of prior beliefs,
thereby raising the weight on observed output. This implies that
undervalued employees will benefit from increased tenure with the same
employer because of more observations of the employee's
productivity. Likewise, for employees whose ability is initially
overvalued, the learning process will partially offset any increases in
job-specific human capital and retard wage growth.
To further clarify the link between tenure, learning, and wages,
consider the simplest case where the employer observes output once for
every period of tenure. In this case, we can simply replace T with the
employee's current level of tenure on the job (J) in Equation 9 to
get [7]
[[micro].sub.J] = [[[sigma].sup.2].sub.J][[[[sigma].sup.J].sub.t=l]
(ln [y.sub.t] - [beta] ln [X.sub.t] - [gamma] ln t)/[[sigma].sup.2] +
[[micro].sub.prior]/[[[sigma].sup.2].sub.prior]], and
[[[sigma].sup.2].sub.J] = [(J/[[sigma].sup.2] +
1/[[[sigma].sup.2].sub.prior]).sup.-1]. (10)
Plugging Equation 10 in for [alpha] ln A in Equation 2 provides the
employee's wage rate after J + 1 periods of tenure on the job:
ln [w.sub.J+1] = [[[sigma].sup.2].sub.J][[[[sigma].sup.J].sub.t=1]
(ln [y.sub.t] - [beta] ln [X.sub.t] - [gamma] ln t)/[[sigma].sup.2] +
[[micro].sub.prior]/[[[sigma].sup.2].sub.prior]] + [beta] ln [X.sub.T+1]
+ [gamma] ln(J + 1). (11)
From Equation 11, we see that tenure plays two roles in the model.
The last term in the equation, [gamma] ln(J + 1), reflects the return to
specific human capital. The first term indicates that tenure also
affects wages by influencing the employer's assessment of worker
ability through learning. If a worker is initially undervalued,
additional years of tenure lead to increases in perceived ability and
thus a second channel for wage growth. Notice that there is no learning
with only general experience. Knowledge of past output is not
transferred to new employers, and thus the prior again determines the
initial wage in each new job. [8]
Clearly, the next issue is whether there is any empirical evidence
to support the model. We investigate this issue on the basis of a
comparison of wages for black and white male workers. The earlier
discussion suggests that employers may systematically underestimate the
ability of black workers. If this indeed occurs, the model suggests that
returns to tenure for black workers should include a learning component
not included for white workers. We investigate this possibility first by
computing estimates of the returns to tenure and experience for black
and white workers in section 4. In section 5, we return to the model to
directly estimate the structural parameters.
3. Data
The empirical portion of this paper is based on wage growth
analysis for young black and white males using panel data taken from the
1979--1994 NLSY. The NLSY consists of individuals who were between the
ages of 14 and 21 as of January 1, 1978. The goal of our analysis is to
determine whether there is any evidence that black workers are initially
undervalued and, if so, to determine how fast employers update
inaccurate assessments of ability.
Following Wolpin (1992) and Bratsberg and Terrell (1998), we
address these questions using a sample of terminal high school
graduates. We define a terminal high school graduate as someone whose
last month enrolled in school coincides with the month he graduated from
high school. [9] The NLSY data provide information concerning the
respondent's last month and year enrolled in school as well as the
month and year the respondent graduated from high school. We assume that
graduation and the last date of enrollment occur on the 15th of each
Eliminating agricultural, military, and government workers leaves a
sample of 339 black respondents and 703 white respondents who were
terminal high school graduates. Each individual in our sample has up to
16 observations corresponding to the years 1979-1994. The sample
respondents enter the sample during the year following graduation. This
leaves a final sample of 2653 observations for black workers and 5985
observations for white workers. [10] Each observation focuses on
information related to the job reported as the Current Population Survey
(CPS) job in the NLSY data set. Bratsberg and Terrell (1998) find that
potential experience exaggerates actual experience for black workers and
that using potential experience lowers the estimated return to
experience. For this reason, we construct a measure of experience using
the NLSY work history data. In particular, the data set includes a
variable summarizing each worker's employment status for each week
after January 1, 1979. Our algorithm adds one week of expe rience for
every week the individual worked between high school graduation and the
interview date for the observation. [11] For tenure, we use the NLSY
tenure variable that is also based on actual weeks of work. Table i
contains summary statistics for the data that reveal substantial
differences in many attributes across groups.
4. Estimates of the Return to Tenure and Experience from Wage
The first goal of the empirical analysis is to search for evidence
that employers' priors initially undervalue black workers. The most
basic prediction of the model is that returns to tenure for black
workers reflect an employer learning component not present in returns to
experience. Thus, the model predicts that black workers will fare better
in returns to tenure than in returns to general experience.
This section estimates the wage growth attributable to tenure and
experience for black and white terminal high school graduates. Our
initial approach is to estimate returns for both groups, with and
without AFQT in the model. The remainder of this section investigates
whether patterns of wage growth differ in subgroups, divided on the
basis of occupation and AFQT score. After investigating general patterns
in returns, we turn to the problem of estimating the parameters of the
employer's prior distribution for both races in section 5.
Many studies (Abraham and Farber 1987; Altonji and Shakotko 1987;
Marshall and Zarkin 1987; Topel 1991) note that estimates of tenure and
experience may be biased because of the correlation between tenure and
experience and unobservable determinants of wages. Our initial wage
regression is identical to a model used by Bratsberg and Terrell (1998).
However, this paper has the advantage of using three more years of data
than the Bratsberg and Terrell (1998) study. Although Bratsberg and
Terrell (1998) find that the returns differed substantially across the
estimators, the relative returns to tenure and experience for black and
white workers did not appear very sensitive to the estimator choice.
Given this result, we focus on ordinary-least-squares (OLS) estimates
for the model parameters.
Table 2 contains the results of a regression of log wages on
individual characteristics, including tenure and experience. Following
Bratsberg and Terrell (1998), we include a quadratic term in tenure and
experience to allow for a diminishing return to both types of human
capital. Columns 1 and 2 contain OLS estimates for the model considered
in the previous study with three additional years of data. These results
correspond closely to the OLS results reported by Bratsberg and Terrell
The critical question is whether the returns to tenure and
experience, defined by the coefficients on experience, experience
squared, tenure, and tenure squared, differ across the two groups. Table
3 contains the cumulative wage growth attributable to tenure and
experience for both groups of workers, and Figure 1 graphs these
returns. The top left panel contains a graph of the cumulative wage
growth due to tenure over an eight-year period of tenure for black and
white workers, computed from the numbers in columns 1 and 2 of Table 2.
The results show very similar returns to tenure for black and white
workers, with black workers earning a slightly higher return to tenure.
Black workers earn 37.7% (exp[0.320] - 1) cumulative wage growth due to
eight years of tenure, while wages of white workers rise by 31.0% with
eight years of tenure. Moreover, a t-test fails to reject the hypothesis
that cumulative wage growth due to two, four, six, or eight years of
tenure is equal for both groups at the 5% significance level. [12] Thus,
the difference in returns to tenure might be attributable to sampling
Below this graph is a similar graph for experience. White workers
earn much higher returns to general labor market experience than do
black workers. This difference in returns to general experience
translates into much higher wage growth over time for white workers. The
cumulative return to eight years of experience is 24.1% for white
workers but only 9.4% for black workers. Not surprisingly, a t-test
using standard errors in Table 3 rejects the hypothesis of equal wage
growth due to experience across races at all time horizons considered.
Several other studies also find this pattern of results in a
comparison of returns for black and white workers. Altonji and Shakotko
(1985) focus on returns to tenure and experience for workers in the
Panel Study of Income Dynamics. They find roughly equal returns to
tenure for black and white workers but find that the white worker's
returns to general experience greatly exceed those of black workers.
Wolpin (1992) estimates the parameters of a structural model and finds
similar results for terminal high school graduates in NLSY data.
Likewise, Bratsberg and Terrell (1998) obtain similar results for NLSY
wage regressions using several alternative estimators.
In the context of the model derived in section 2, this stark
contrast is easily explained. We would assume that if learning did not
occur, the disparity between the returns to tenure and experience for
black and white workers would be the same. This suggests that black
workers would trail in returns to both experience and tenure. The fact
that the returns to tenure are equal across groups reflects the
employer's learning that boosts the returns to tenure for the
undervalued black workers.
Neal and Johnson (1996) suggest including the Armed Forces
Qualification Test (AFQT) in the wage regression to proxy for such
unobserved skills and find that this variable eliminates much of the
racial gap in wages. Columns 3 and 4 in Table 2 address this issue by
adding the AFQT score to the basic regression. Some coefficients are
affected by the variable--notably the intercepts appear to converge in
these models. However, the tenure and experience coefficients are
virtually unaffected by the addition of the AFQT to the model, and Table
3 shows that the profiles do not change at all. Controlling for AFQT
does not change the fact that black workers experience lower wage growth
and that the gap stems from lower returns to general experience for
black workers.
Another question lies in the source of these gaps. Perhaps black
workers simply work in occupations that generate lower growth in wages
with experience. To address this issue, we divide the sample into worker
subsamples based on occupation using Boston's (1990)
categorization. Boston categorizes all CPS occupation codes as either
primary or secondary sector on the basis of training. The primary-sector
occupations include professionals, technical workers, clerical workers,
managers, officials, and proprietors. The secondary-sector occupations
include workers reporting occupations such as laborer, retail sales, or
food service. [13] For white workers, 3011 of 5985 observations (50%)
fall into the primary-sector classification, while 848 of 2653
observations (32%) of black workers are considered primary-sector
Table 4 contains parameter estimates for these subsamples. Table 5
and the remaining graphs of Figure 1 contain the predicted wage growth
due to tenure and experience for these groupings. Surprisingly, there
appears to be little or no difference in the returns to tenure or
experience in the primary-sector samples, and t-tests based on the
numbers in Table 5 fail to reject the hypothesis of equal returns to
tenure and experience at two-, four-, six-, and eight-year horizons.
Black workers with primary-sector occupations appear to enjoy the same
wage growth as white workers in the same group.
The final column of Figure 1 contains the wage profiles for
secondary-sector workers. For both groups, cumulative wage growth due to
general experience is lower than that in primary-sector occupations. In
fact, as can also be seen in Table 5, black workers receive almost no
return to general experience in secondary-sector occupations, earning
only 1.8% wage growth with eight years of experience compared to a 16.2%
received by secondary-sector white workers.
Given this difference in returns to experience, one might also
expect a similar result for returns to tenure for the secondary-sector
occupations. However, the results for black workers stand in stark
contrast. Black workers in secondary-sector occupations receive higher
returns to tenure than those in primary-sector occupations (37.6% vs.
28.7% with eight years of tenure) and in fact earn higher returns to
tenure than white workers of either occupational category. [14] Of the
four groupings by race and occupation, black workers in secondary-sector
occupations stand out. They earn far lower returns to general experience
and higher returns to tenure than all other workers do. Because 68% of
black workers fall into this category, they also drive the results for
the full sample. In the context of the theoretical model, these results
suggest that employers undervalue black workers in secondary-sector
occupations. We will return to this and other explanations for this
result later.
Another interesting grouping is on the basis of AFQT score. Altonji
and Pierret (1997) find that the correlation between AFQT and wages
grows over time and attribute this to the fact that employers are
learning about ability over time. This finding reinforces the idea that
AFQT may serve as a measure of unobserved ability and suggests that
returns to tenure may differ with AFQT score. For example, one
possibility is that high-AFQT black workers might benefit from more
learning and thus possess much higher returns to tenure. To investigate
this possibility, we group all workers into two categories, those
scoring above the 20th percentile on the AFQT (high AFQT) and those
scoring in the 20th percentile or below (low AFQT). The majority of
white workers fit into the high-AFQT category (79% of observations),
while the majority of black workers fit into the low-AFQT category (71%
of observations).
Tables 6 and 7 present results for the AFQT subgroups by race, and
Figure 2 contains graphs of the predicted wage growth with tenure and
experience. [15] These results contain no evidence of greater learning
among black high-AFQT workers and closely mirror the occupation results.
For high-AFQT workers, the profiles are virtually identical for black
and white workers, but low-AFQT white workers earn lower returns to
experience and tenure, while low-AFQT black workers earn very small
returns to general experience but very large returns to tenure on the
job. [16]
In our samples, 71% of black workers and 61% of white workers with
low AFQT hold secondary-sector jobs. Thus, there is an overlap between
the occupational and test score groupings, though the groups are not
identical. However, low-AFQT workers likely share other attributes as
well. Neal and Johnson (1996) find that family background and secondary
school attributes explain a good portion of the variation in AFQT
scores. Workers who fall in these groups also may live in poorer
geographic areas and perhaps share common cultural attributes. While our
results should not be considered as identifying a single defining
attribute, one group, whether defined on the basis of occupation or test
score, stands out. Secondary-sector black workers or black workers with
low AFQT scores earn almost no returns to general experience but very
high returns to tenure on the job.
There are many potential explanations for the results. For example,
Lazear's (1979) contract theory asserts that employers may choose
steeper earnings profiles to reduce worker shirking. If employers
perceive the risk of shirking to be larger among black workers, they may
choose a contract with lower initial wages but higher returns to tenure.
Likewise, differences in training and affirmative action legislation
could generate differences in the earnings profiles of black and white
workers. While our model can explain results for the full sample,
employers must identify only a subset of black workers as less
productive than other workers for the theory presented in section 2 to
explain the results in subsamples. If that model does provide all or
part of the explanation, the critical question is, How fast do employers
learn? The reduced forms cannot answer this question, so we now turn to
the problem of estimating the structural parameters of the model.
5. Estimating the Parameters of the Structural Model
The general model summarized in section 2 describes how initial
perceptions of employers affect wages of employees. In this section, we
estimate the parameters of the structural model, allowing the
perceptions to differ across races. The estimation requires translating
the model of individual wage growth to averages across groups and also
requires several simplifying assumptions. However, this exercise serves
to illustrate the model outlined in section 2 and allows an assessment
of whether the model can generate the same patterns found in section 4.
The key feature of that structural model is Equation 9, which
summarizes the employer's assessment of employee ability after
observing T periods of output. The model allows for the possibility that
employee's ability varies across groups. Let [micro] denote the
mean value of [alpha] ln A in a particular group. The employer's
assessment of [alpha] ln A based on output is ln [y.sub.t] - [beta] ln
[X.sub.t] -- [gamma] ln [J.sub.t] and furthermore E[ln [y.sub.t] --
[beta] ln [X.sub.t] - [gamma] ln [J.sub.t]] = [micro] because [epsilon]
has mean zero. Substituting the expected value into Equation 9 and
normalizing the variance of output to one reduces Equation 9 to
E[[[micro].sub.t]] =
T[[[sigma].sup.2].sub.prior][micro]/T[[[sigma].sup.2].sub.prior] + 1 +
[[micro].sub.prior]/T[[[sigma].sup.2].sub.prior] + 1. (12)
Notice that Equation 12 is quite intuitive. The first term contains
true ability [micro], which reflects the observations of output weighted
by T[[[sigma].sup.2].sub.prior]/(T[[[sigma].sup.2].sub.prior] + 1). The
second term contains the prior mean, weighted by
1/(T[[[sigma].sup.2].sub.prior] + 1). As the number of observations of
employee output grows, the employer places more weight on the level of
ability implied by output (which on average is [micro]) and less weight
on the prior assessment. As previously stated, larger values of
[[[sigma].sup.2].sub.prior] imply that the employer has less confidence
in the initial assessment of ability. Not surprisingly, Equation 12
implies that larger [[[sigma].sub.2].sup.prior] cause the
employer's assessment of ability to converge to true ability much
faster. Finally, notice that if the employer's prior assessment is
accurate ([[micro].sub.prior] = [micro]), we expect perceived ability to
equal actual in every period.
With our assumption of a perfectly competitive labor market,
Equation 2 supplies wages of each employee. Taking the expected value of
this equation generates expected wages:
E[ln [w.sub.T] = E[[alpha] ln A + [beta] ln [X.sub.T] + [gamma] ln
[J.sub.T]] = E[[micro].sub.T] + [beta] ln [X.sub.T] + [gamma] ln
= T[[[sigma].sup.2].sub.prior][micro] /
T[[[sigma].sup.2].sub.priorA] + 1 +
[[micro].sub.prior]/T[[[sigma].sup.2].sub.prior] + [beta] ln [X.sub.T] +
[gamma] ln [J.sub.T]
= [J.sub.T][[[sigma].sup.2].sub.prior][mirco] /
[J.sub.T][[[sigma].sup.2].sub.prior] + 1 + [[micro].sub.prior] /
[J.sub.T][[[sigma].sup.2].sub.prior] + 1 + [beta] ln [X.sub.T] + [gamma]
ln [J.sub.T]. (13)
Notice that in the final step, we assume that the employee's
tenure supplies the number of observations of output and substitute
[J.sub.T] for T.
Let the subscripts 0 and 1 denote the model parameters for white
workers and black workers, respectively. Because we are interested in
whether black workers are undervalued, we assume that prior assessments
are accurate for white workers, or [[micro].sub.prior] = [mirco] for
this group. This implies no learning on average for white workers, and
under this assumption wages of white workers are simply
E[ln [w.sub.t0] = [[micro].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.0]ln [X.sub.t0] +
[[gamma].sub.0]ln [J.sub.t0]. (14)
Black workers may benefit from learning, and thus wages are still
determined by Equation 13:
E[ln [w.sub.tl] =
[J.sub.tl][[[sigma].sup.2].sub.prior,l][[micro].sub.l] /
[J.sub.tl][[[sigma].sup.2].sub.prior.l] + 1 + [[micro].sub.prior.l] /
[J.sub.tl] [[[sigma].sup.2].sub.prior.l] + 1 + [[beta].sub.t] ln
[X.sub.tl] + [[gamma].sub.t]ln [J.sub.tl]. (15)
Letting the subscript i refer to specific individuals, [D.sub.i]
denotes a dummy variable set equal to one for black workers, and
combining Equations 14 and 15 yields
E[ln [w.sub.ti]] = [[micro].sub.0] +
[D.sub.i]([J.sub.t1][[[sigma].sup.2].sub.prior,1]([[micro].sub.1] -
[[micro].sub.0])/[J.sub.t1][[[sigma].sup.2].sub.prior,1] + 1 +
[[micro].sub.prior,1] -
[[micro].sub.0]/[J.sub.t1][[[sigma].sup.2].sub.prior,1] + 1) +
[[beta].sub.1] ln [X.sub.t1] + [[gamma].sub.1] In [J.sub.t1] +
[D.sub.i]([[beta].sub.t] - [[beta].sub.0]) ln [X.sub.ti] +
[D.sub.i]([[gamma].sub.1] - [[gamma].sub.0] ln [J.sub.ti]. (16)
In principle, Equation 16 could be estimated using nonlinear least
squares. However, the likelihood function for this problem proved quite
flat. Intuitively, this occurs because it is difficult to separate
learning from the group-specific returns to tenure. Thus, we add two
simplifying assumptions to estimate the model.
First, we assume that the difference in returns to tenure across
groups equals the difference in returns to experience, or [[beta].sub.1]
- [[beta].sub.0] = [[gamma].sub.1] - [[gamma].sub.0] = [delta]. This
assumes that any gap in returns to experience would also appear in
returns to tenure in the absence of any learning. This helps to identify
the model because any difference in the tenure and experience profiles
is attributed to learning.
Second, we choose values for [[micro].sub.1] - [[micro].sub.0] and
estimate the other parameters conditional on this assumed difference in
true ability. Intuitively, it is difficult to determine whether the
initial wage gap should be attributed to a gap in true or perceived
ability, and thus parameter estimates in a model with both parameters
are imprecise. The statistical model conditional on an assumed value for
the gap in true ability eliminates this problem and leads to precise
estimates for the other parameters.
Table 8 contains parameter estimates for the structural model.
Column 1 results are based on assuming no difference in true ability,
while columns 2, 3, and 4 assume that wages of black workers trail those
of white workers by 3%, 6%, and 9%, respectively, because of premarket
factors. The results in column 1 indicate that employers initially
perceive black workers as 39% less productive, while those in columns 2,
3, and 4 suggest that initial perceptions place black workers at roughly
17% to 18% less productive. The parameter [[[sigma].sup.2].sub.prior]
measures the strength of the employer's beliefs in the initial
assessments, with higher values implying less faith in the prior and
faster learning. The results for [beta] and [gamma] suggest substantial
wage growth with tenure and experience, and the estimates of [delta]
indicate lower wage growth with both for black workers.
Over time, employers should update their assessments of black
workers. The first panel of Table 9 contains the employer's average
perception of ability for black workers after observing zero through
eight years of output. The second panel of Table 9 contains total wage
growth due to employer learning. This portion of Table 9 shows 8% to 25%
cumulative wage growth attributable to learning predicted by the model
for black workers.
Focus on the results on column 3, which assume that black
workers' true ability trails that of white workers by 6%. The
results in the first row of Table 9 indicate that employers initially
perceive black workers as 17.7% less productive than white workers.
Because results assume that black workers are indeed 6% less productive,
this implies that employers initially undervalue black workers by 11%.
After one year of tenure, the perceived difference in ability falls to
12.7%, and wages of black workers rise by 5% because of learning. After
eight years of tenure on the job, the perceived ability gap is 7.7%, and
black workers have received 10% cumulative wage growth with tenure due
to employer learning. The results in column 4 assume a larger true gap
and thus generate faster learning, while columns 1 and 2 assume smaller
differences in true ability.
Figure 3 presents the cumulative wage growth attributable to tenure
and experience for both groups for assumptions of 0%, 3%, and 6%
difference in true ability. For white workers, the graphs are simply
based on estimates of [beta] and [gamma]. For black workers, the
cumulative growth in log wage due to experience is ([beta] + [delta])In
X. The cumulative growth in wages due to tenure for black workers
includes the gap [delta] and the rise in wages with tenure due to
In all three panels of Figure 3, black workers earn much lower
returns to general experience than white workers, just as in the earlier
results reveal. However, the returns to tenure also include the learning
component that boosts wage growth for black workers. Assuming no gap in
true ability, the results imply much larger returns to tenure for black
workers than white workers, and the magnitudes greatly exceed those
found in section 4. However, the results based on an assumed
productivity gap of 3% or 6% lead to more similar returns for both
groups. In both cases, the model seems to explain the observed patterns
of wage growth quite well.
Before leaving this discussion, several caveats are worth noting.
First, we make no assumption regarding the source of any productivity
difference. Using the language of Neal and Johnson (1996), this could
stem from any number of premarket factors or even reflect discrimination
that does not diminish with learning. In addition, the assumption that
deficits in returns to tenure and experience would be similar in the
absence of learning plays a crucial role in the estimation. Although the
assumption seems reasonable, further research into the source of the low
returns to general experience among black workers is needed to provide
additional support for this assumption.
6. Discussion
This paper examines the possibility that employers'
assessments systematically undervalue workers from some groups. The
model outlined in section 2 examines the returns to general experience
and to tenure when worker output is observed with some error. The
employer begins with an initial assessment of worker ability conditional
on the worker's group, which may differ from actual ability. When
undervalued workers perform better than anticipated, they are rewarded
with higher wage growth if they continue on their current job because
the employer can directly observe their productivity. Conversely,
undervalued workers do not benefit from learning if they change jobs and
accumulate general experience without tenure. Thus, undervalued workers
should earn higher returns to tenure on the job than they can earn from
general experience.
Our empirical work examines patterns of wage growth of young black
and white males in the NLSY. The results show that black males earn much
lower returns to general experience than white workers, but they earn
similar if not higher returns to tenure. Interestingly, this result is
concentrated among black workers who have low AFQT scores and/or who
work in secondary-sector occupations. Although in this subsample black
workers earn almost no returns to general experience, they earn higher
returns to tenure on the job than high-AFQT black workers with
high-skill occupations as well as all white workers. In the context of
our model, the high returns to tenure reflect employers learning that
their initial assessment undervalued black workers. Estimates of the
structural parameters of the model suggest that if black workers trail
white workers by 9% in true productivity, employers initially perceive
an 18% productivity deficit. These results also predict that black
workers continuing on the same job for eight year s will receive 9%
additional wage growth because of employer learning.
This paper also raises several interesting questions. For example,
several extensions of the model might provide interesting insights.
First, the assumption that no information is transmitted from an old
employer to new employers might be relaxed. Second, the model could be
extended to allow multiple employers with different priors. Such a model
could allow workers to search over employers for those with more
favorable opinions of their own group.
With regard to the empirical work, future research should focus on
finding the source of very low returns to general experience among
low-AFQT and secondary-sector black workers. As a starting point, such
research might focus on what attributes are shared by these groups.
Geographic location, family background, secondary school attributes, and
more detailed breakdowns of occupation are among potential explanations
for the result. Until further evidence emerges, inaccurate initial
assessments of ability among young black workers offers one plausible
explanation for the observed patterns of wage growth.
(*.) SLU Box 813, Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA
70402, USA; E-mail dlewis2@slu.edu.
(+.) Department of Economics, Louisiana State University, Baton
Rouge, LA 70806-4001, USA; E-mail mdterre@unixl.sncc.lsu.edu;
corresponding author.
We would like to thank David Allen, Bernt Bratsberg, Jeff Moore,
and two anonymous referees for helpful comments.
Received July 1998; accepted March 2000.
(1.) For example, see Smith (1990); Cross (1991); Turner, Fix, and
Struyk (1991); and Blanchflower, Levine, and Zimmerman (1998).
(2.) Understanding the source of employer perceptions about the
group ability is an important but difficult issue. The empirical
findings of O'Neill (1990); Donohue and Heckman (1991); Juhn,
Murphy, and Pierce (1991); Grogger (1996); and Gottschalk (1997) suggest
that the wage differential between blacks and whites diminished between
the mid-1960s and 1970s, but empirical evidence recording progress since
has been nil. In fact, Darity, Guilkey, and Winfrey (1996); Rodgers and
Spriggs (1996); and Gottschalk (1997) attribute approximately 12% to 15%
lower wages for black men due to discrimination in the labor force.
These empirical results do not appear consistent with a narrowing wage
gap due to updating perceptions of group ability on this basis and warn
that many factors may influence employer priors on group ability.
(3.) In this general model, the only assumption required is that
these parameters exist for each individual. Thus, any assumption is
possible about the source of priors. However, the later empirical work
focuses on the possibility that prior parameters differ across black and
white workers.
(4.) Note that the new worker begins with no tenure on the job, so
[J.sub.0] = 0.
(5.) Farmer and Terrell's (1996) model uses a general human
capital variable (H) in the production function. In the Farmer and
Terrell model, human capital can be purchased directly through education
and is not accumulated simply through labor market experience. Thus,
Farmer and Terrell's human capital variable best captures
education, while this paper focuses on the human capital accumulated
with work experience only. It is also useful to note that results of
Farmer and Terrell (1996) were driven by an interaction of employee
purchases of human capital and employer learning. In this model, because
employees are not allowed to purchase human capital, employer learning
drives the model.
(6.) See Berger (1980, 92-6) for details and examples of
conjugating normal priors.
(7.) Note that because the employee accumulates one period of
tenure each period, we can also replace [J.sub.t] with t. Because they
may have experience from other jobs, it remains as before in the
(8.) An alternative version of the model would allow other
employers to observe worker output with probability p. This allows one
to relax the assumption that workers earn their expected marginal
product, which is strong in this setting, where some information is firm
specific. Because the more complex model yields identical qualitative
predictions, this paper presents this simple, more intuitive model.
(9.) To allow for differences between high school graduation and
enrollment dates, anyone reporting a high school graduation date within
three months of the last date of enrollment is included in the sample.
To further check the sample, we exclude anyone who reports enrolling in
college in any other year.
(10.) To avoid reporting and coding errors in the data, the sample
also excludes observations with wages greater than $300 per hour or less
than $1.50. Results are not sensitive to these restrictions.
(11.) For those who graduated prior to 1979, the algorithm gives
the individual credit for experience equal to the minimum of weeks after
graduation and reported tenure in each year.
(12.) The t-test assumes independent samples and is computed using
cumulative returns and standard errors in Table 3.
(13.) Tables 1 and 2 of Boston (1990, pp. 102-3) provide a full
listing of the categories.
(14.) T-tests of the difference reject the hypothesis of equal
returns to experience across workers for secondary occupations at all
time horizons but fail to reject the hypothesis of equal returns to
tenure at all time horizons (at the 5% significance level).
(15.) We also ran a model with a time trend and interactions
between AFQT and time. The results from this model revealed similar
patters and are available from the authors.
(16.) For four-, six-, and eight-year horizons, one-railed t-tests
reject the hypothesis of equal returns in the low-AFQT samples in favor
of lower returns to experience and higher returns to tenure for black
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White Workers Black Workers
Standard Standard
Mean Deviation Mean Deviation
Log hourly wage 1.878 0.438 1.667 0.420
Tenure 3.365 3.467 2.422 2.817
[Tenure.sup.2] 23.349 43.379 13.823 30.805
Experience 7.382 4.060 7.596 3.963
[Experience.sup.2] 70.975 64.784 73.408 63.680
Part time 0.060 0.237 0.097 0.296
Spouse present 0.480 0.500 0.244 0.429
Union 0.247 0.431 0.287 0.453
Northeast region 0.216 0.412 0.132 0.338
North-central region 0.398 0.489 0.136 0.343
West region 0.117 0.322 0.047 0.211
Health limits work 0.026 0.160 0.018 0.135
Hourly wage 7.216 3.676 5.892 5.238
AFQT 43.098 23.492 15.796 14.066
In the sample, there are 5985 observations for white workers and
2653 observations for black workers for all variables except AFQT. There
are 2596 observations reporting AFQT for black workers and 5629
observations reporting AFQT for white workers.
Wage Regressions
Full Sample (Excludes AFQT)
Variable White Black
Intercept 1.405 1.330
(0.019) (0.029)
Tenure 0.052 0.055
(0.004) (0.007)
[Tenure.sup.2]/100 -0.232 -0.188
(0.034) (0.066)
Experience 0.038 0.020
(0.005) (0.008)
[Experience.sup.2]/100 -0.142 -0.106
(0.031) (0.047)
Part time -0.214 -0.071
(0.021) (0.025)
MSP 0.104 0.132
(0.010) (0.018)
Union 0.278 0.221
(0.011) (0.016)
DNE 0.018 0.161
(0.014) (0.023)
DNC -0.021 -0.031
(0.012) (0.022)
DWEST 0.144 0.222
(0.017) (0.035)
Health -0.094 -0.031
(0.030) (0.053)
SMSA 0.052 0.028
(0.005) (0.007)
Full Sample (Includes AFQT)
Variable White Black
Intercept 1.295 1.278
(0.020) (0.029)
Tenure 0.053 0.053
(0.004) (0.007)
[Tenure.sup.2]/100 -0.252 -0.213
(0.035) (0.065)
Experience 0.040 0.019
(0.005) (0.008)
[Experience.sup.2]/100 -0.157 -0.098
(0.032) (0.047)
Part time -0.194 -0.074
(0.021) (0.025)
MSP 0.096 0.135
(0.011) (0.018)
Union 0.281 0.204
(0.011) (0.016)
DNE 0.005 0.137
(0.014) (0.023)
DNC -0.030 -0.049
(0.012) (0.022)
DWEST 0.106 0.159
(0.017) (0.036)
Health -0.078 -0.010
(0.030) (0.055)
SMSA 0.045 0.017
(0.005) (0.007)
AFQT 0.003 0.005
(0.000) (0.001)
Standard errors are in parentheses. There are 2653 observations for
black workers and 5985 observations for white workers when AFQT scores
are excluded. There are 2596 observations for black workers and 5629
observations for white workers when AFQT scores are included because of
missing observations of AFQT.
Cumulative Wage Growth Attributable to Tenure and Experience
AFQT Excluded AFQT Included
Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative
Returns to Returns to Returns to
Experience Tenure Experience
Years White Black White Black White Black
2 0.071 0.035 0.095 0.102 0.073 0.035
(0.009) (0.013) (0.007) (0.012) (0.009) (0.013)
4 0.131 0.062 0.172 0.190 0.134 0.061
(0.015) (0.023) (0.012) (0.020) (0.015) (0.023)
6 0.179 0.080 0.230 0.262 0.182 0.080
(0.020) (0.029) (0.015) (0.023) (0.020) (0.029)
8 0.216 0.090 0.270 0.320 0.217 0.091
(0.022) (0.032) (0.016) (0.025) (0.022) (0.032)
Returns to
Years White Black
2 0.096 0.098
(0.007) (0.012)
4 0.171 0.178
(0.012) (0.019)
6 0.227 0.242
(0.015) (0.023)
8 0.262 0.288
(0.016) (0.024)
This table presents the cumulative growth in log wages attributable
to tenure and experience. Standard errors are in parentheses. The
samples include 2653 observations for black workers and 5985
observations for white workers when AFQT scores are excluded from the
model. Sample sizes are 2596 observations for black workers and 5629
observations for white workers when AFQT scores are included. The
cumulative returns to experience are calculated as [b.sub.x][X.sub.t] +
[b.sub.xx][[X.sup.2].sub.t], where [b.sub.x] and [b.sub.xx] are the
regression coefficients for experience and experience squared. The
standard error of the cumulative return is calculated using the usual
formula for the variance of a linear combination of random variables,
var([b.sub.x][X.sub.t] + [b.sub.xx][[X.sup.2].sub.t]) =
[[X.sup.2].sub.t]var([b.sub.x]) + [[X.sup.4].sub.t]var([b.sub.xx]) +
2[[X.sup.3].sub.t]cov([b.sub.x], [b.sub.xx]). Similar calculations are
used to compute the results for the cumulative returns to tenure.
Regression Results Grouped by Occupation
Primary-sector Secondary-sector
Occupations Occupations
Variable White Black White Black
Intercept 1.425 1.312 1.400 1.348
(0.028) (0.052) (0.026) (0.034)
Tenure 0.049 0.036 0.057 0.059
(0.006) (0.012) (0.006) (0.009)
[Tenure.sup.2]/100 -0.198 -0.033 -0.321 -0.239
(0.045) (0.115) (0.053) (0.079)
Experience 0.045 0.049 0.028 0.006
(0.007) (0.014) (0.007) (0.009)
[Experience.sup.2]/100 -0.165 -0.248 -0.110 -0.043
(0.046) (0.084) (0.042) (0.055)
Part time -0.189 -0.139 -0.195 -0.047
(0.034) (0.046) (0.025) (0.029)
MSP 0.093 0.111 0.110 0.144
(0.014) (0.030) (0.015) (0.022)
Union 0.269 0.250 0.312 0.217
(0.016) (0.030) (0.015) (0.019)
DNE 0.026 0.140 0.021 0.158
(0.019) (0.037) (0.020) (0.028)
DNC -0.010 -0.059 -0.015 -0.006
(0.017) (0.040) (0.017) (0.026)
DWEST 0.162 0.212 0.141 0.229
(0.023) (0.058) (0.024) (0.062)
Health -0.052 0.138 -0.121 -0.103
(0.044) (0.100) (0.039) (0.062)
SMSA 0.050 0.032 0.035 0.023
(0.007) (0.012) (0.007) (0.008)
Standard errors are in parentheses. Primary-sector occupations
include professionals, technical workers, sales workers, managers,
officials, and proprietors, while secondary-sector workers are defined
as workers reporting laborer, service, or clerical worker as an
occupation. The sample sizes for black workers are 848 observations for
primary-sector occupations and 1805 for secondary-sector occupations.
For white workers, the sample sizes are 3011 observations for
primary-sector occupations and 2974 for secondary-sector occupations.
Cumulative Learning Grouped by Occupation
Primary Sector Secondary Sector
Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative
Returns to Returns to Returns to
Experience Tenure Experience
Years White Black White Black White Black
2 0.088 0.093 0.087 0.070 0.051 0.010
(0.013) (0.024) (0.010) (0.021) (0.012) (0.016)
4 0.163 0.166 0.159 0.137 0.092 0.016
(0.023) (0.041) (0.017) (0.033) (0.020) (0.027)
6 0.215 0.220 0.215 0.201 0.125 0.018
(0.029) (0.053) (0.021) (0.039) (0.026) (0.035)
8 0.273 0.273 0.255 0.262 0.150 0.018
Returns to
Years White Black
2 0.101 0.108
(0.011) (0.015)
4 0.177 0.198
(0.017) (0.024)
6 0.227 0.268
(0.021) (0.028)
8 0.252 0.319
This table presents the cumulative growth in log wages attributable
to tenure and experience. Standard errors are in parentheses.
Primary-sector occupations include professionals, technical workers,
sales workers, managers, officials, and proprietors, while the
secondary-sector includes workers reporting laborer, service, or
clerical worker as an occupation. The sample sizes for black workers are
848 observations for primary-sector occupations and 1805 for
secondary-sector occupations. For white workers, the sample sizes are
3011 observations for primary-sector occupations and 2974 for
secondary-sector occupations. The cumulative returns to experience are
calculated as [b.sub.x][X.sub.t] + [b.sub.xx][[X.sup.2].sub.t], where
[b.sub.x] and [b.sub.xx] are the regression coefficients for experience
and experience squared. The standard error of the cumulative return is
calculated using the usual formula for the variance of a linear
combination of random variables, var([b.sub.x][X.sub.t] +
[b.sub.xx][[X.sup.2].sub.t]) = [[X.sup.2].sub.t]var([b.sub.x]) +
[[X.sup.4].sub.1]var([b.sub.xx]) + 2[[X.sup.3].sub.t]cov([b.sub.x],
[b.sub.xx]). Similar calculations are used to compute the results for
the cumulative returns to tenure.
Regression Results Grouped by AFQT Score
Low AFQT Scores High AFQT Scores
Variable White Black White Black
Intercept 1.114 1.321 1.344 1.166
(0.045) (0.035) (0.025) (0.065)
Tenure 0.041 0.060 0.058 0.043
(0.010) (0.009) (0.005) (0.013)
[Tenure.sup.2]/l00 -0.239 -0.291 -0.271 -0.133
(0.082) (0.086) (0.038) (0.110)
Experience 0.024 0.005 0.047 0.051
(0.010) (0.009) (0.006) (0.014)
[Experience.sup.2]/100 -0.063 -0.033 -0.198 -0.247
(0.070) (0.054) (0.036) (0.091)
Part time -0.169 -0.0867 -0.170 -0.025
(0.037) (0.029) (0.026) (0.047)
MSP 0.113 0.134 0.087 0.113
(0.023) (0.021) (0.012) (0.034)
Union 0.302 0.148 0.268 0.299
(0.025) (0.020) (0.012) (0.030)
DNE -0.047 0.091 0.025 0.201
(0.030) (0.028) (0.016) (0.037)
DNC -0.106 -0.048 -0.014 -0.042
(0.027) (0.026) (0.013) (0.042)
DWEST 0.044 0.149 0.114 0.147
(0.045) (0.045) (0.018) (0.061)
Health -0.047 -0.138 -0.040 0.257
(0.053) (0.065) (0.036) (0.102)
SMSA 0.090 0.020 0.039 -0.003
(0.012) (0.008) (0.006) (0.014)
AFQT 0.022 0.009 0.001 0.004
(0.002) (0.002) (0.003) (0.001)
Standard errors are in parentheses. An AFQT score that is in the
20th percentile or lower is considered a low AFQT score, while a score
above the 20th percentile is considered a high AFQT score. Our full
sample includes 2596 observations for black workers and 5629
observations for white workers. The low-AFQT subsample contains 1840
observations for black workers and 1207 for white workers, and the
high-AFQT subsample includes 756 observations for black workers and 4422
observations for white workers.
Cumulative Learning Grouped by
the Level of AFQT Score
Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative
Returns to Returns to Returns to Returns to
Experience Tenure Experience Tenure
Years White Black White Black White Black White
2 0.045 0.009 0.071 0.108 0.086 0.093 0.105
(0.018) (0.015) (0.016) (0.015) (0.010) (0.025) (0.008)
4 0.085 0.015 0.124 0.193 0.156 0.165 0.187
(0.026) (0.027) (0.027) (0.023) (0.018) (0.044) (0.014)
6 0.120 0.019 0.157 0.254 0.210 0.218 0.249
(0.040) 0.034) (0.033) (0.027) (0.022) (0.056) (0.017)
8 0.150 0.020 0.171 0.292 0.249 0.252 0.288
(0.043) (0.037) (0.036) (0.030) (0.025) (0.061) (0.018)
Years Black
2 0.080
4 0.150
6 0.209
8 0.258
This table presents the cumulative growth in log wages attributable
to tenure and experience. Standard errors are in parentheses. An AFQT
score that is in the 20th percentile or lower is considered a low AFQT
score, while a score above the 20th percentile is considered a high AFQT
score. The full sample includes 2596 observations for black workers and
5629 observations for white workers. The low-AFQT subsample contains
1840 observations for black workers and 1207 for white workers, and the
high-AFQT subsample includes 756 observations for black workers and 4422
observations for white workers. The cumulative returns to experience are
calculated as [b.sub.x][X.sub.t] + [b.sub.xx][[X.sup.2].sub.t], where
[b.sub.x] and [b.sub.xx] are the regression coefficients on the
variables experience and experience squared. The standard error of the
cumulative return is calculated using the usual formula for the variance
of a linear combination of random variables, var([b.sub.x][X.sub.t] +
[b.sub.xx][[X.sup.2].sub.t]) = [[X.sup.2].sub.t]var([b.sub.x]) +
[[X.sup.4].sub.t]var([b.sub.xx]) + 2[[X.sup.3].sub.t]cov([b.sub.x],
[b.sub.xx]). Similar calculations are used to compute the results for
the cumulative returns to tenure.
Parameter Estimates for the Structural Model
Parameter 1 2 3 4
[[micro].sub.1] - [[micro].sub.0] 0 -0.03 -0.06 -0.09
[[micro].sub.prior,1] - [[micro].sub.prior,0] -0.389 -0.174 -0.177 -0.177
(.028) (.028) (.032) (.032)
[[sigma].sub.prior]32 0.217 0.476 0.759 0.759
(.176) (.475) (.820) (.219)
[beta] 0.118 0.117 0.116 0.116
(.007) (.007) (.007) (.007)
[gamma] 0.088 0.088 0.088 0.088
(.004) (.004) (.004) (.004)
[delta] -0.035 -0.038 -0.035 -0.035
(.010) (.008) (.006) (.006)
All estimates are conditional on the assumed
value for [[micro].sub.1] - [[micro].sub.0].
Asymptotic standard errors are given in
parentheses or all estimated parameters.
The Evolution of Employer Priors over Time
Parameter 1
[[micro].sub.1] - [[micro].sub.0] 0
Years of Tenure [[micro].sub.prior,1] -
0 -0.389
1 -0.320
2 -0.271
3 -0.236
4 -0.208
5 -0.187
6 -0.169
7 -0.154
8 -0.142
Cumulative Wage Growth Due to Learning
1 0.069
2 0.118
3 0.153
4 0.181
5 0.202
6 0.220
7 0.235
8 0.247
Parameter 2 3 4
[[micro].sub.1] - [[micro].sub.0] -0.03 -0.06 -0.09
Years of Tenure [[micro].sub.prior,0]
0 -0.174 -0.177 -0.177
1 -0.128 -0.127 -0.123
2 -0.104 -0.106 -0.110
3 -0.089 -0.096 -0.104
4 -0.080 -0.089 -0.101
5 -0.073 -0.084 -0.099
6 -0.067 -0.081 -0.098
7 -0.063 -0.079 -0.097
8 -0.060 -0.077 -0.096
Cumulative Wage Growth Due to Learning
1 0.046 0.051 0.055
2 0.070 0.071 0.067
3 0.085 0.081 0.073
4 0.095 0.088 0.076
5 0.101 0.093 0.078
6 0.107 0.096 0.079
7 0.111 0.099 0.080
8 0.114 0.101 0.081