Spatial Price Discrimination and Merger: The N-Firm Case.
Rothschild, R.
John S. Heywood [*]
Kristen Monaco [+]
R. Rothschild [++]
The consequences of merger are analyzed in an N-firm model of
spatial price discrimination. The merger occurs with known probability
after location decisions have been made. The possibility of merger
alters locations, generates inefficiency, and increases the profit of
the merging firms. In the case of corner mergers, but never in the case
of interior mergers, the possibility of merger may also reduce the
profit of the excluded firms.
1. Introduction
Spatial models often provide unique insights. Using a three-firm
spatial model, earlier research shows that mergers can hurt the excluded
rival and benefit both merging firms. While this result would not be
expected outside the spatial context, it may not be general even within
it. This paper presents a complete generalization of two firms merging
in an N-firm model of spatial price discrimination. The results show
that only mergers of the corner firms have the potential for
simultaneously hurting rivals and being in the self-interest of the
merging firms. All interior mergers either hurt rivals or increase
profits of the merging firms, but not both.
In Cournot-Nash models outside the spatial context, mergers are
profitable only when they capture three-fourths or more of the market.
Moreover, the excluded firms typically benefit more than the
participants in the merger (on both points, see Salant, Switzer, and
Reynolds 1983). Such results are difficult to reconcile with the many
voluntary mergers involving smaller market shares and the fact that
excluded rivals are the most common source of antitrust complaints
regarding mergers (White 1988). As a consequence, merger models
involving differentiated products, including spatial models, have
received increasing attention (Deneckere and Davidson 1985). This makes
sense because the antitrust guidelines recognize that the
"closeness of competitors" can be a critical determinant of
the welfare consequences of merger. [1]
Spatial models capture more than just geography. They present a
general method of examining markets in which an ordered product
characteristic differentiates output (Schmalensee and Thisse 1988).
Thus, airline flights between city pairs differ by departure time from
early morning to late evening, and the editorial policy of newspapers
differ from liberal left to conservative right.
Mergers in markets with spatial price discrimination have been
investigated because such pricing commonly occurs (Thisse and Vives 1988). In these markets, a firm's price is dictated by the
delivered cost of its adjacent rivals, and, a consequence, only mergers
between adjacent firms influence price. Indeed, when location choices do
not anticipate merger, such merger increases the prices and profits of
the participants but leaves those of all other firms unchanged (Reitzes
and Levy 1995). When a merger is anticipated, Gupta, Heywood, and Pal
(1997) show that it influences the location choices of duopolists
engaging in spatial price discrimination [2] Rothschild, Heywood, and
Monaco (2000) expand on this idea, showing that an anticipated merger of
two adjacent firms in a three-firm market generates location choices
that can lower the profits of the excluded firm.
The connection between merger and location choices has not been
generally proven. In the earlier work, the number of firms is at most
three, with two merging and one excluded. Thus, the adjacent merging
firms always have the fixed has not been considered. Moreover, the
assumption of only one excluded firm eliminates the possibility that
some excluded firms could be hurt by merger while other benefit.
This paper develops an N-firm model of spatial price discrimination
in which the possibility of merger is anticipated prior to location
choices being made. This possibility generates inefficient locations and
increased profit to the merging firms. The profit of the excluded firms
may decrease but only in the case of corner mergers. Interior mergers
that increase the profit of the participants always increase the profit
of the excluded firms.
The next section describes the model, and the third and fourth
sections present results for the corner and interior cases,
respectively. The fifth section concludes and suggests further research.
2. The Model
The market is a unit line segment with consumers uniformly
distributed with density one. Each consumer has inelastic demand for one
unit of the good, with reservation price r. Assume that r is
sufficiently high that it is profitable, with or without merger, for
firms to serve all consumers. If a consumer is offered identical
delivered prices from two firms, she buys from the nearer firm.
We model a three-stage game. In stage 1, N firms enter
simultaneously and choose locations. High relocation costs make this
choice irreversible for the duration of the game. In stage 2, a pair of
adjacent firms consider merger in order to capture the profits that
would otherwise be lost through price competition in the later stage. In
stage 3, the firms, both those included and those excluded from the
merger, engage in spatial discriminatory pricing and announce delivered
price schedules. [3]
This sequence is the same as that adopted by Gupta, Heywood, and
Pal (1997) and Rothschild, Monaco, and Heywood (2000) and makes sense
because firms must usually make investment and location decisions before
becoming involved in mergers. If, as an alternative, firms were to merge before locating, the two plants would always locate so as to minimize
costs and maximize profits.
Let [L.sub.i], i = 1, 2 ... N, denote the location of firm i on the
unit line segment, where [L.sub.i] [less than] [L.sub.i+1]. Let x
[epsilon] [0, 1] be the location of a consumer. Firms incur no fixed
costs of production, and marginal cost is constant and normalized to
zero. Each firm transports the good from the point of production to the
consumers within its market segment. The cost of transport is a constant
t per unit of distance. Thus, the total cost to firm i of supplying all
consumers in the line segment g to h is
[[[integral].sup.h].sub.g] (t/x - [L.sub.i]/) dx.
Now suppose that two adjacent firms, j and j + 1, consider a
horizontal merger. They both possess complete and accurate information
and anticipate that the merger will occur with probability p [epsilon]
[0, 1]. Should the merger occur, an incremental profit, [II.sup.M], will
be generated, and firm j will receive share [lambda] [epsilon] [0, 1] of
that profit, and firm j + 1 will receive the remainder, share 1 -
We proceed by recognizing two mutually exclusive and exhaustive
alternatives. First, the merging firms may be located against the market
edge, with j = 1 or j + 1 = N, the corner case. Second, the merging
firms may be in the interior of the market with N - 1 [greater than] j
[greater than] 1.
3. Analysis of the "Corner" Case
The first subsection derives location choices and examines
comparative statics, while the second subsection examines the issues of
profitability, efficiency, and competitive harm to the excluded rivals.
Location Choices
As the market is symmetrical, the two corner cases, j = 1 and j + 1
= N, are identical. Figure 1 illustrates the case of j = 1, showing the
profit of firms 1, 2, i and the incremental profit, [II.sup.M],
generated by a merger of firms 1 and 2. Note that [II.sup.M] is
generated when the pricing constraint on the merged firm becomes the
delivered cost of firm 3. We solve for locations by maximizing the
profit of each of the N firms, with respect to their own location, as a
function of all firm locations. This generates N reaction functions with
N unknown locations.
The excluded firms, 3 to N, locate symmetrically within the market
from [L.sub.2] to 1. This follows because spatial price discrimination
with simultaneous entry (and no opportunity for merger) results in
transport cost minimizing locations along any line segment (Lederer and
Hurter 1986). Thus, [L.sub.i](i [greater than] 2) can be expressed as
[L.sub.i](i [greater than] 2) = [L.sub.2] + (i - 2)(1 -
[L.sub.2])[2/(2N - 3)]. (1)
Given [L.sub.2], the location of all firms i [greater than] 2 are
known. The location of firm 3 can be expressed as a function of
[L.sub.3]([L.sub.2]) = [L.sub.2] + (1 - [L.sub.2])[2/(2N - 3)]. (2)
The expected profit of firms 1 and 2 is then a function of the
parameters [alpha], N, [rho] and the locations [L.sub.1] and [L.sub.2]:
[[[pi].sup.M].sub.1] = [[pi].sub.1] + [alpha][rho][[pi].sup.M]
[[[pi].sup.M].sub.1] = [[[integral].sup..5[L.sub.1] +
.5[L.sub.2]].sub.0] ([L.sub.2] - x)t dx -
[[[integral].sup.[L.sub.1]].sub.0] ([L.sub.1] - x)t dx -
[[[integral].sup..5[L.sub.1] + .5[L.sub.2]].sub.[L.sub.1]] (x -
[L.sub.1])t dx
+ [alpha][rho]{[[[integral].sup..5[L.sub.1]] + .5[L.sub.2]].sub.0]
[([L.sub.3] - x) - ([L.sub.2] - x)]t dx + [[[integral].sup..5[L.sub.1] +
.5[L.sub.3]].sub..5[L.sub.1] + .5[L.sub.2]] [([L.sub.3] - x) - (x -
[L.sub.1])]t dx}, (3)
where [L.sub.3] = [L.sub.3]([L.sub.2]) as given in Equation 2 and
[[[pi].sup.M].sub.2] = [[pi].sub.2] + (1 -
[[[pi].sup.M].sub.2] = [[[integral].sup..5[L.sub.1] +
.5[L.sub.3]].sub..5[L.sub.1] + .5[L.sub.2]] (x - [L.sub.1])t dx +
[[[integral].sup..5[L.sub.2] + .5[L.sub.3]].sub..5[L.sub.1] +
.5[L.sub.3]] ([L.sub.3] - x)t dx -
[[[integral].sup.[L.sub.2]].sub..5[L.sub.1] + .5[L.sub.2]] (x -
[L.sub.2])t dx
- [[[integral of].sup..5[L.sub.2] + .5[L.sub.3].sub.[L.sub.2]
([L.sub.2] - x)t dx
+ (1 - [alpha])[rho]{[[[integral].sup..5[L.sub.1] +
.5[L.sub.2]].sub.0] [([L.sub.3] - x) - ([L.sub.2] - x)]t dx +
[[[integral].sup..5[L.sub.1] + .5[L.sub.3]].sub..5[L.sub.1] +
.5[L.sub.2]] [([L.sub.3] - x) - (x - [L.sub.1])]t dx}, (4)
where, again, [L.sub.3] = [L.sub.3]([L.sub.2]) from Equation 2.
Each firm maximizes profit with respect to its own location,
[partial][[[pi].sup.M].sub.1]/[partial][L.sub.1] = 0 and
[partial][[[pi].sup.M].sub.2]/[partial][L.sub.2] = 0. These conditions
generate reaction functions [L.sub.1]([alpha], [rho], N, [L.sub.2]) and
[L.sub.2]([alpha], [rho], N, [L.sub.1]), which are jointly solved to
yield [[L.sup.*].sub.1]([alpha], [rho], N), [[L.sup.*].sub.2]([alpha],
[rho], N) and, from Equation 1, [[L.sup.*].sub.i]([alpha], [rho], N).
The general expressions are presented in Appendix A, but the case when
merger is certain, [rho] = 1, is shown here: [[L.sup.*].sub.1]([rho] =
1) = (3 - 2N + 6[alpha] - 3[[alpha].sup.2] - 4[alpha]N +
2[[alpha].sup.2]N)/(-3 + 2N)(6 - 6N - 6[alpha] + 4[alpha]N -
[[L.sup.*].sub.2]([rho] = 1) = (-3 - [[alpha].sup.2])/(6 - 6N -
6[alpha] + 4[alpha]N - [[alpha].sup.2]). (5)
Table 1 sets out the case in which [rho] = 1 and N = 5. The
location and profits of all firms are shown for [alpha] between zero and
one. The case with no opportunity for merger ([rho] = 0) is shown in the
first line.
We derive several comparative statics using the locations from
Appendix A in which 0 [alpha] [rho] [less than or equal to] 1. The first
two are also illustrated in Table 1.
PROPOSITION 3.1. [partial][[L.sup.*].sub.1]/[partial][alpha]
[greater than] 0, [partial][[L.sup.*].sub.2]/[partial][alpha] [greater
than] 0 [forall] [alpha], [rho], N.
PROOF. Sign the derivatives of [[L.sup.*].sub.1] and
[[L.sup.*].sub.2] from Appendix A.
As the share of profit captured by firm 1 increases, both firms
move to the right. Firm 1 has a fixed market edge on the left and
expands both market and profit by moving right, an action accommodated
by firm 2.
PROPOSITION 3.2. ([partial][[L.sup.*].sub.2]/[partial][alpha] -
[partial][[L.sup.*].sub.1]/[partial][alpha]) [greater than] 0 [forall]
[alpha], [rho], N.
PROOF. Compare the magnitudes calculated for Proposition 3.1.
As the profit share for firm 1 increases, firm 2 moves further to
the right than firm 1, thereby increasing the distance between them.
This follows from the fact that firm 2 moves right against accommodating
firms but firm 1 moves left against a fixed market edge. [4]
PROPOSITION 3.3. [partial][[L.sup.*].sub.1]/[partial][rho] [less
than over greater than] 0 as [alpha] [less than over greater than]
[[alpha].sub.1], [partial][[L.sup.*].sub.2]/[partial][rho] [less than
over greater than] 0 as [alpha] [less than over greater than]
[[alpha].sub.2] [forall] N.
PROOF. From Appendix A, [partial][[L.sup.*].sub.i]([alpha], [rho],
N)/[alpha][rho] is derived, set equal to zero and the value of
[[alpha].sub.i], solved out. [5] The value [[alpha].sub.i] depends on
[rho] but not on N. The sign of
[pratial][[L.sup.*].sub.i]/[pratial][rho] is unambiguous when [alpha] is
either above or below [[alpha].sub.i].
As [rho] goes toward zero, locations tend toward those adopted when
[rho] = 0. If [[L.sup.*].sub.i] with merger is to the right of that
without (true for high values of [alpha]), a reduction in [rho]
generally causes the firm to move left. If [[L.sup.*].sub.i] with merger
is to the left of that without (true for low values of [alpha]), a
reduction in p generally causes the firm to move right. In particular,
[[alpha].sub.2] varies from .860 when [rho] = 0 to .889 when [rho] = 1.
Profits, Efficiency, and Competitive Harm
The profit of the excluded firms declines whenever the possibility
of merger has firm 2 moving to the right of the location that would have
been chosen in the absence of merger, [rho] = 0. The symmetrical
location of the excluded firms guarantees that any decline in profit is
equally shared.
PROPOSITION 3.4. The excluded firms will suffer reduced profit
whenever [alpha] [greater than] [[alpha].sub.2]([rho]),
.873[\.sub.[rho]=1] [greater than or equal to] [[alpha].sub.2] [greater
than or equal to] .858[\.sub.[rho]=[epsilon]] as [epsilon] [right arrow]
0, [forall] N.
PROOF. Set [[L.sup.*].sub.2]([alpha], [rho], N) = [L.sub.2]([rho] =
0) = 3/(2N) and solve for [alpha]. [6] The resulting function,
[[alpha].sub.2]([rho]), depends on [rho] but not N (see Appendix A).
From Proposition 3.1, [alpha] [greater than] [[alpha].sub.2] implies
[[L.sup.*].sub.2] [greater than] [L.sub.2]([rho]) = 0).
Thus, whenever firm 1's profit share exceeds a critical value
that falls within a narrow band and depends on the possibility of
merger, the excluded firms are hurt. Firm 1 pushes firm 2 sufficiently
far right to reduce the market of the excluded firms.
The cost of transport measures efficiency and provides the basis
for comparing the merger and no merger outcomes.
PROPOSITION 3.5. Mergers reduce social welfare for all N, p
[greater than] 0 and [alpha].
PROOF. When [rho] = 0, the locations uniquely minimize transport
cost (Lederer and Hurter 1986). If [[L.sup.*].sub.2]([alpha], [rho], N)
= [L.sub.2]([rho] = 0), then from Proposition 3.4, [alpha] =
[[alpha].sub.2]([rho]). Yet, [[L.sup.*].sub.1]([[alpha].sub.2]([rho]),
[rho], N) [greater than] [L.sub.1]([rho] = 0). Thus, there exist no N,
[alpha], and [rho] [greater than] 0 yielding the cost-minimizing
Mergers result in inefficient location choices and increased
transport cost. When N = 5, the smallest possible cost associated with a
merger occurs when [alpha] = .8327 and is .0525t. The cost associated
with the no merger outcome is .0500t.
With certain merger, [rho] = 1, the combined profit of the merging
firms exceeds that which occurs when there is no possibility of merger,
[rho] = 0.
PROPOSITION 3.6. [[[pi].sup.M].sub.1]([rho] = 1) +
[[[pi].sup.M].sub.2]([rho] = 1) [greater than] [[pi].sub.1]([rho] = 0) +
[[pi].sub.2]([rho] = 0) [forall] [alpha], N.
PROOF. From Propositions 3.1 and 3.2 the merged firms have smallest
market and so profit when [alpha] = 0. This profit can be directly
compared with that associated with the no merger case.
With certain merger, individual profits of the merging firms may
increase or decrease from their premerger level, depending on [alpha].
PROPOSITION 3.7. There exists a range of a such that
[[[pi].sup.M].sub.1]([rho] = 1) [greater than] [[pi].sub.1]([rho] = 0)
and [[[pi].sup.M].sub.1]([rho] = 1) [greater than] [[pi].sub.2]([rho] =
0) [forall] N.
PROOF. For any given N and [rho] = 1, solve for the upper and lower
bounds of [alpha] from [[[pi].sup.M].sub.1]([rho] = 1) =
[[pi].sub.1]([rho] = 0) and [[[pi].sup.M].sub.2]([rho] = 1) =
[[pi].sub.2]([rho] = 0) respectively.
When N = 5, the merging firms each earn greater profit whenever
.445 [less than] [alpha] [less than] .909. Other ranges can similarly be
derived for any given N.
The propositions yield the following conclusion:
COROLLARY 3.1. For any N, there exists a range of a such that a
merger of corner firms increases individual profits, harms excluded
rivals, and reduces efficiency.
Any [alpha] [greater than] [[alpha].sub.2]([rho]) hurts excluded
rivals (by Proposition 3.4), is inefficient (by Proposition 3.5), and
increases joint profit (by Proposition 3.6). Individual profits increase
if [alpha] also falls in the range identified by Proposition 3.7.
Figure 3 identifies the critical profit regions associated with
Corollary 3.1. In region 1, firm 2 earns less profit than it does in the
absence of merger. In region 2, Corollary 3.1 holds, with individually
profitable mergers hurting excluded rivals. In region 3, all firms,
merging and excluded, earn higher profits. In region 4, firm 1 earns
less profit than it does in the absence of merger. The figure presents
the ranges of [alpha] for all [rho] and also illustrates the role of
increasing N. As N increases, the size of regions 2 and 4 grow, while
that of regions 1 and 3 shrink. [7]
In region 3, firms 1 and 2 move toward each other to capture their
respective shares of the additional profit from merger. This creates a
positive externality as the reduced market share of the merged firms
increases the profits of the excluded firms. In region 2, firm 1 commits
to a location far to the right of that without merger. This commitment
is sustainable because there is no firm to the left to occupy the market
firm 1 vacates. The result is that firm 2 is forced to the right of its
no merger location, and the excluded firms are harmed.
4. Analysis of the Interior Case
Figure 2 illustrates an interior merger. It shows the profit of
firms j, j + 1, i and the profit generated from a merger of firms j and
j + 1, [[pi].sup.M]. Neither merging firm is at the market corner, and,
as will be shown, it is never possible for merging firms to each gain
profit and simultaneously harm excluded rivals.
Location Choices
Locations are obtained, as before, by maximizing the individual
profit of the N firms, with respect to their own location, as a function
of all other firms' locations. The excluded firms, 1 to j - 1 and j
+ 2 to N locate symmetrically within their respective market segments
(Lederer and Hurter 1986). Thus, location [L.sub.i](i [less than] j) can
be expressed as
[L.sub.i](i [less than] j) = [L.sub.j] - (j - i)[L.sub.j]/[(j - 1)
+ (1/2)], (6)
and location [L.sub.i](i [greater than] + 1) can be expressed as
[L.sub.i](i [greater than] j + 1) = [L.sub.j+1] + (i - j + 1)(1 -
[L.sub.j+1])/[N - j - (1/2)]. (7)
The [L.sub.j-1] and [L.sub.j+2] depend on the locations of the
merging firms:
[L.sub.j-1]([L.sub.j]) = [L.sub.j] - [L.sub.j]/[j - (1/2)]
[L.sub.j+2] ([L.sub.j+1]) = [L.sub.j+1] + (1 - [L.sub.j+1])/[(N - j -
(1/2)]. (8)
The expressions in Equation 8 are returned to profit functions
analogous to Equations 3 and 4. Each merging firm's profit is a
function of the other merging firm's location, given [alpha],
[rho], N, and j. Maximizing yields
[partial][[[pi].sup.M].sub.j]/[partial][L.sub.j] = 0 and
[partial][[[pi].sup.M].sub.j+1]/[partial][L.sub.j+1] = 0, which are
solved for [L.sub.j] and [L.sub.j+1]. The Reaction functions,
[L.sub.j]([alpha], [rho], N, [L.sub.j+1]) and [L.sub.j+1]([alpha],
[rho], N, [L.sub.j]), are in Appendix B and yield [[L.sup.*].sub.j]
([alpha], [rho], N), [[L.sup.*].sub.j+1] ([alpha], [rho], N) and, from
Equations 6 and 7, [[L.sup.*].sub.i] ([alpha], [rho], N).
The general expressions for firm locations when 0 [less than or
equal to] [rho] [less than] 1 are complicated, but those for [rho] = 1
[[L.sup.*].sub.j]([rho] = 1) = (2j + 2j[alpha] - 1 -
[alpha])/(4j[alpha] - 2j - 1 - 2N[alpha] - 2[alpha] + 2[[alpha].sup.2] +
[[L.sup.*].sub.j+1]([rho] = 1) = (2j[alpha] + 2j + 1 - 3[alpha] +
2[[alpha].sup.2])/(4j[alpha] - 2j - 1- 2N[alpha] - 2[alpha] +
2[[alpha].sup.2] + 4N). (9)
Comparative statics emerge. The first two are illustrated in Table
2, which gives locations and profits for firms 2 and 3 when these merge
in a market containing five firms.
PROPOSITION 4.1. ([partial][[L.sup.*].sub.j+1]/[partial][alpha] -
[partial][[L.sup.*].sub.j]/[partial][alpha]) [less than] 0 [forall]
[alpha], [rho], N and j.
PROFF. Evaluation of the derivatives.
Thus as the share of profit captured by firm j increases, both
firms continue to move toward the right.
PROPOSITION 4.2. ([partial]{[L.sup.*].sub.j+1]/[partial][alpha] -
[partial][[L.sup.*].sub.j]/[partial][alpha]) [less than] 0 [forall]
[alpha] [less than].5, [rho], N, and j
([partial][[L.sup.*].sub.j+1]/[partial][alpha] -
[partial][[L.sup.*].sub.j]/[partial][alpha]) [greater than] 0 [forall]
[alpha] [greater than] .5, [rho], N, and j.
PROOF. The difference in derivatives is evaluated and minimized at
[alpha] = .5.
As [alpha] increases, firm j + 1 initially moves less far to the
right than firm j, thereby decreasing the distance between the two
firms. Beyond [alpha] = .5, an increase in a induces firm j + 1 to move
farther to the right than firm j, thereby increasing the distance
between the two firms. Thus, the distance between the two firms is
greatest for extreme values of [alpha], near zero or one. The difference
between this and the "corner" case arises because each of the
merged firms is bordered by other firms rather than by the market
Finally, we consider the direct consequence of the probability of
Again, as the probability of merger declines, the locations tend to
move toward those that exist when there is no possibility of merger.
PROPOSITION 4.3. [partial][[L.sup.*].sub.j]/[[partial].sub.[rho]]
[less than over greater than] 0 as [alpha] [less than over greater than]
[[alpha].sub.j], [partial][[L.sup.*].sub.j+1]/[[partial].sub.[rho]]
[less than over greater than] 0 as [alpha] [less than over greater than]
[[alpha].sub.j+1] [forall] N, j.
PROOF. [partial][[L.sup.*].sub.i] ([alpha], [rho],
N)/[[partial].sub.[rho]] (j = j, j + 1) is derived, set equal to zero
and the value of [alpha], solved out. [8] The value [[alpha].sub.i]
depends on [rho] but not N. The sign of
[partial][[L.sup.*].sub.i]/[[partial].sub.[rho]] is unambiguous when
[alpha] is either above or below [[alpha].sub.i].
In particular, [[alpha].sub.j] varies with [rho] from .331 when
[rho] = 1 to .417 when [rho] = 0 and [[alpha].sub.j+1] varies with [rho]
from .621 when [rho] = 0 to .735 when [rho] = 1.
Profits, Efficiency, and Competitive Harm
Now consider the consequences of merger for the excluded firms.
PROPOSITION 4.4. When [rho] = 1, excluded firms will suffer reduced
profit whenever [alpha] [less than] [[alpha].sub.j](N) or [alpha]
[greater than] [[alpha].sub.j+1](N - j).
PROOF. Set [[L.sup.*].sub.j]([rho] = 1) and
[[L.sup.*].sub.j+1]([rho] = 1) from Equation 9 equal to [L.sub.j]([rho]
= 0) and [L.sub.j+1]([rho] = 0), respectively, and solve for
[[alpha].sub.j] and [[alpha].sub.j+1], functions of N and of N - j.
When [alpha] [less than] [[alpha].sub.j](N), firm j moves to the
left of its no-merger location, reducing the profits of the excluded
rivals to its left. When [alpha] [greater than] [[alpha].sub.j+1](N -
j), firm j + 1 moves to the right of its no-merger location, reducing
the profit of the excluded rivals to its right. Symmetrical location of
the excluded firms guarantees that any decline in profit will be equally
shared. The relationship between N, j, and the range of critical values
of [alpha] is presented in Appendix B and can be summarized
[[alpha].sub.j](N - j = 2) = .321, [[alpha].sub.j](N - j [right
arrow] [infinity]) = .500 and [[alpha].sub.j+1](J = 2) = .679,
[[alpha].sub.j+1](j [right arrow] [infinity]) = .500. (10)
Since the critical values never overlap, either excluded rivals on
the left are hurt or those on the right are hurt, but never both. As N
increases, the range of [alpha] for which some excluded rivals are hurt
becomes larger. As N approaches [infinity], virtually the entire range
of [alpha] results in harm to rivals. [9]
The cost of transport remains the measure of efficiency.
PROPOSITION 4.5. Mergers reduce social welfare for all N, [rho] = 1
and [alpha].
PROOF. When [rho] = 0, the locations uniquely minimize transport
cost (Lederer and Hurter 1986). If [[L.sup.*].sub.j+1]([alpha], [rho],
N) = [L.sub.j+1]([rho] = 0), then from Proposition 4.4, [alpha]
[[alpha].sub.j+1]([rho]). Yet,
[[L.sup.*].sub.j]([[alpha].sub.j+1]([rho]), [rho], N) [greater than]
[L.sub.j]([rho] = 0). Thus, there exist no N, [alpha], and [rho] = 1
yielding the cost-minimizing locations.
The cost associated with a merger always exceeds the cost when no
merger is possible. [10]
The merged firms will obtain increased joint profit.
PROPOSITION 4.6. [[[pi].sup.M].sub.j]([rho] = 1) +
[[[pi].sup.M].sub.j+1]([rho] = 1) [greater than] [[pi].sub.j]([rho] = 0)
+ [[pi].sub.j+1]([rho] = 0) [forall] [alpha], N, and j.
PROOF. From Propositions 4.2 and 4.3, [[[pi].sup.M].sub.j]([rho] =
1) + [[[pi].sup.M].sub.j+1]([rho] = 1) is minimized when [alpha] = .5.
This profit exceeds that associated with [rho] = 0, t/[n.sup.2].
The merger may increase or decrease the individual profits of the
merging firms, depending on [alpha].
PROPOSITION 4.7. [[[pi].sup.M].sub.j] [greater than]
[[pi].sub.j]([rho] = 0) and [[[pi].sup.M].sub.j+1] [greater than]
[[pi].sub.j+1]([rho] = 0) i.f.f. [[alpha].sub.j] [less than] [alpha]
[less than] [[alpha].sub.j+1] [forall] N and j.
PROOF. [[L.sup.*].sub.j] and [[L.sup.*].sub.j+1] from Equation 9
and [[L.sup.*].sub.j-1] and [[L.sup.*].sub.j+2] from Equation 8 are
placed in profit expressions analogous to Equations 3 and 4.
[[[pi].sup.M].sub.j] ([rho] = 1) and [[[pi].sup.M].sub.j+1] ([rho] =
1)are functions of N, j, and [alpha] and are Set equal to [[pi].sub.j]
([rho] = 0) = [[pi].sub.j+1] ([rho] = 0) = t/2[N.sup.2]. The equalities
are solved for [alpha], yielding exactly [[alpha].sub.j] and
[[alpha].sub.j+1] as shown in Appendix B.
The foregoing propositions yield the following conclusion, which
throws into sharp relief the distinction between the corner and interior
COROLLARY 4.1. It is impossible for two interior firms to merge,
increase their individual profits, and simultaneously harm excluded
The range of [alpha] in which both firms individually increase
profit (Proposition 4.7) is identical to that in which neither firm
moves outside of its no-merger location. Thus, individually rational
interior mergers will be inefficient but will always benefit rivals. As
an illustration, when N = 5 and firms 2 and 3 merge, all firms, merging
and excluded, earn greater profit whenever .378 [less than] [alpha]
[less than] .679. For [alpha] outside this range, merger is not
individually rational.
Returning to Figure 3, we observe that there exists no equivalent
to region 2 for interior mergers. Instead, the externality exists for
all individually rational mergers. To capture their respective shares of
the profit from merger, the participants move toward each other. This
increases the market share for the excluded firms and so also their
profits. In this respect, the result for interior mergers parallels the
case of Cournot-Nash competitors outside of the spatial context (Salant,
Switzer, and Reynolds 1983).
5. Conclusions
This research demonstrates the substantial differences between
corner and interior mergers. The former may simultaneously harm rivals
and be individually rational, while the latter can never simultaneously
harm rivals and be individually rational. The corner case is unique
among all mergers in that the first merging firm can move to the right
without losing any of its previous market. Consequently, the externality
so clear in the interior case fades. Only with the corner merger is it
possible for the distance between the merging firms to shrink but for
the merging firms not to lose market share to the excluded rivals. It is
this fact that allows both merging firms to increase profit and move to
the right, thereby hurting the excluded rivals. To the extent that
markets are not closed, such as on circle, the corner case is
irrelevant. Yet, when the market is linear, the corner case is obviously
more likely to be relevant when there are only a few firms.
Note the critical role that the sharing rule plays: All interior
mergers remain jointly profitable, and the sum of profits from both
firms is higher, even when rivals are harmed. Consequently, a side
payment after the location decision could generate an interior merger
that is individually rational and harms rivals. The difficulty is the
timing. If both firms knew a side payment was to be made, their location
choices would be influenced. The knowledge of the potential for a side
payment would have to be acquired after the location decision is made.
However, the location decision would then not be individually rational
on the basis of the information available at the time it was taken. It
would be so only after the realization of the side payment.
Avenues remain for further research. First, the number of firms in
a given merger could be increased beyond the two we consider. Second,
the reservation price could be lowered so as to be binding on the price
merged firms could charge. Third, fixed costs could be introduced, and
the possibility of "shutting down" one of the merged firms
could be considered. These further possibilities for research
notwithstanding, this paper has demonstrated the importance of
considering both the N-firm case and the distinction between corner and
interior mergers.
(*.) Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee,
P.O. Box 413, Milwaukee, WI 53201, USA; E-mail;
corresponding author.
(+.) Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire,
Eau Claire, WI 54702, USA.
(++.) Department of Economics, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1
4YX United Kingdom.
The authors thank Jonathan Hamilton, an anonymous reviewer, and
participants in the Graduate Economics Forum at the University of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Several results were generated using Mathematica,
and all programs are available from the authors.
Received December 1998; accepted June 2000.
(1.) The 1984 guidelines were the first to make this explicit.
(2.) This follows earlier work in which Friedman and Thisse (1993)
examine the influence of anticipated mergers (and/or collusion) on
location choice in a spatial model without price discrimination.
(3.) These schedules indicate the location-specific price for which
the firm is willing to produce and deliver the good. Thisse and Vives
(1988) make clear that the assumption of delivered pricing rests on the
increasingly accepted notion that such pricing is a natural consequence
of profit maximization. Moreover, alternative assumptions, such as
freight-on-board pricing, often have no equilibrium or can achieve
equilibrium only with a restricted transportation cost function.
(4.) Indeed, when [alpha] = 1, the distance between the merging
firms is greatest, and the location of firm 2 is exactly twice that of
firm 1. When firm 1 obtains all the gains from merger, it locates in the
middle of its market, thereby minimizing the cost of serving that market
and maximizing its individual profit.
(5.) Multiple roots exist, but only one places a between zero and
(6.)Again, there are multiple roots but only one in the zero-to-one
(7.) When N = 5 and [rho] = 1, the range for which Corollary 3.1
holds is .873 [less than] [alpha] [less than] .909. When N = 20 and
[rho] = 1, the range for which Corollary 3.1 holds is .873 [less than]
[alpha] [less than] .947.
(8.) Multiple roots exist, but only one places a between zero and
(9.) Nonetheless, a value of [alpha] = .5 might be considered an
equilibrium for two interior firms, each of which could always merge
with its rival on the other side.
(10.) Alternatively, one could simply note from Equation 10 that
[[alpha].sub.j+1] always exceeds [[alpha].sub.j].
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Corner Merger with N = 5 [a]
(Locations) (Profits)
[L.sub.1] [L.sub.2] [L.sub.3] [L.sub.4] [L.sub.5] [[pi].sub.1]
[rho] = 0 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.03
[rho] = 1
1.0 0.182 0.364 0.545 0.727 0.909 0.099
0.9 0.163 0.312 0.509 0.705 0.902 0.081
0.8 0.146 0.271 0.479 0.688 0.896 0.066
0.7 0.130 0.238 0.455 0.673 0.891 0.053
0.6 0.115 0.211 0.436 0.662 0.887 0.043
0.5 0.101 0.188 0.420 0.652 0.884 0.034
0.4 0.088 0.170 0.407 0.644 0.882 0.027
0.3 0.076 0.155 0.397 0.638 0.880 0.020
0.2 0.064 0.143 0.388 0.633 0.878 0.015
0.1 0.053 0.133 0.381 0.629 0.876 0.010
0.0 0.042 0.125 0.375 0.625 0.875 0.005
[[pi].sub.2] [[pi].sub.3] [[pi].sub.4] [[pi].sub.5]
[rho] = 0 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03
[rho] = 1
1.0 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.025
0.9 0.021 0.019 0.019 0.029
0.8 0.024 0.022 0.022 0.033
0.7 0.027 0.024 0.024 0.036
0.6 0.031 0.025 0.025 0.038
0.5 0.034 0.027 0.027 0.040
0.4 0.037 0.028 0.028 0.042
0.3 0.039 0.029 0.029 0.044
0.2 0.042 0.030 0.030 0.045
0.1 0.044 0.031 0.031 0.046
0.0 0.047 0.031 0.031 0.047
(a.)All profits are measured in units of t.
Profit from Merger: Critical Regions
Region 1: Region 2:
Change in Change in
[[pi].sub.1] [greater than] 0 [[pi].sub.1] [greater than] 0
Change in Change in
[[pi].sub.2] [less than] 0 [[pi].sub.2] [greater than] 0
Change in Change in
[[pi].sub.1] [greater than] 0 [[pi].sub.1] [less than] 0
Region 1: Region 3:
Change in Change in
[[pi].sub.1] [greater than] 0 [[pi].sub.1] [greater than] 0
Change in Change in
[[pi].sub.2] [less than] 0 [[pi].sub.2] [greater than] 0
Change in Change in
[[pi].sub.1] [greater than] 0 [[pi].sub.1] [greater than] 0
Region 1: Region 4:
Change in Change in
[[pi].sub.1] [greater than] 0 [[pi].sub.1] [less than] 0
Change in Change in
[[pi].sub.2] [less than] 0 [[pi].sub.2] [greater than] 0
Change in Change in
[[pi].sub.1] [greater than] 0 [[pi].sub.1] [greater than] 0
Interior Merger with N =5 [a]
(Locations) (Profits)
[L.sub.1] [L.sub.2] [L.sub.3] [L.sub.4] [L.sub.5] [[pi].sub.1]
[rho] = 0 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.03
[rho] = 1
1.0 0.154 0.462 0.615 0.769 0.923 0.071
0.9 0.146 0.438 0.578 0.747 0.916 0.064
0.8 0.138 0.413 0.541 0.725 0.908 0.057
0.7 0.129 0.387 0.507 0.704 0.901 0.050
0.6 0.120 0.360 0.474 0.685 0.895 0.043
0.5 0.111 0.333 0.444 0.667 0.889 0.037
0.4 0.102 0.306 0.418 0.650 0.883 0.031
0.3 0.093 0.279 0.392 0.635 0.878 0.026
0.2 0.084 0.252 0.370 0.622 0.874 0.021
0.1 0.075 0.226 0.350 0.610 0.870 0.017
0.0 0.067 0.200 0.333 0.600 0.867 0.013
[[pi].sub.2] [[pi].sub.3] [[pi].sub.4] [[pi].sub.5]
[rho] = 0 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03
[rho] = 1
1.0 0.047 0.012 0.012 0.018
0.9 0.043 0.015 0.014 0.021
0.8 0.038 0.017 0.017 0.025
0.7 0.033 0.020 0.019 0.029
0.6 0.029 0.022 0.022 0.033
0.5 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.037
0.4 0.021 0.027 0.027 0.041
0.3 0.017 0.030 0.030 0.044
0.2 0.014 0.033 0.032 0.048
0.1 0.011 0.036 0.034 0.051
0.0 0.009 0.040 0.036 0.053
(a.)All profits are measured in units of t.
Appendix A: The Corner Case
Propositions 3.1 to 3.3 follow from the relevant derivatives of
[[L.sup.*].sub.1]([alpha], [rho], N) and [[L.sup.*].sub.2]([alpha],
[rho], N):
[[L.sup.*].sub.1] = (2/3)(2.25 - 1.5N + 2.25[alpha][rho] -
1.5N[alpha][rho] + 2.25[alpha][[rho].sup.2] - 1.5N[alpha][[rho].sup.2] -
2.25[[alpha].sup.2][[rho].sup.2] + 1.5N[[alpha].sup.2][[rho].sup.2])
[divided by] (-4.5 + 3N)(N - 3[rho] + 2N[rho] + 3.5[alpha][rho] -
2N[alpha][rho] - .5[alpha][[rho].sup.2] +
[[L.sup.*].sub.2] = (1.5 + .5[alpha][rho] - .5[alpha][[rho].sup.2]
+ .5[[alpha].sup.2][[rho].sup.2])/(N - 3[rho] + 2N[rho] +
3.5[alpha][rho] - 2N[alpha][rho] - .5[alpha][[rho].sup.2] +
Proposition 3.4 follows from setting [[L.sup.*].sub.2]([alpha],
[rho], N) = [L.sub.2]([rho] = 0) = 3/(2N) and solving for [alpha]. This
yields [[alpha].sub.2]([rho]) = (.5/[rho])[-7 + [rho] + [(49 + 10[rho] +
Appendix B: The Interior Case
Propositions 4.1 to 4.3 follow from the relevant derivatives of
[[L.sup.*].sub.j]([alpha], [rho], N), [[L.sup.*].sub.j+1]([alpha],
[rho], N). Solving the following reaction functions generates those
[L.sub.j] = 2(j - .5)(.25 + .5j - .5N)[alpha][rho]
+ [-.125 - .5[j.sup.2] + .5N - .5[N.sup.2] - .25[alpha][rho] +
.5[alpha][rho] -j(.5 - N + .5[alpha][rho])][L.sub.j+1]/-(.5 + j)[(.5 + j
- N).sup.2]
[L.sub.j+1] = (.25 - .5j) + [.125 + .5[j.sup.2] + .25N - .25[rho] +
.5N[rho] + .25[alpha][rho] - .5N[alpha][rho] + j(-.5N - .5[rho] +
[divided by] [.125 + .5[j.sup.2] + .25N - .5j(l + N)].
Proposition 4.4 is proved by setting [[L.sup.*].sub.j]([rho] = 1)
and [[L.sup.*].sub.j+1]([rho] = 1) equal to [L.sub.j]([rho] = 0) = (2j -
l)/(2N) and [L.sub.j+1]([rho] = 0) = (2j + 1)/(2N), respectively, and
solving for [[alpha].sub.j] and [[alpha].sub.j+1]. The derived
expressions are
[[alpha].sub.j]([rho] = 1) = -j + N + 1/2 + 1/2[(4[j.sup.2] - 8jN +
4[N.sup.2] + 3).sup.1/2] [[alpha].sub.j+1]([rho] = 1) = -j + 1/2 +
1/2[(4[j.sup.2] + 3).sup.1/2].
Note that these are the relevant roots and are identical to the
values for which the respective firm earns exactly what it would earn in
the absence of merger.