The Demand for Excess Reserves.
Dow, James P., Jr.
James P. Dow, Jr. [*]
This paper provides an estimate of the demand for excess reserves in the United States. It finds that excess reserves are negatively
related to the Federal funds rate and positively related to transactions
deposits. It also finds that clearing needs significantly affect the
demand for reserves with increases in excess reserves coming in response
to lower required reserve balances and higher clearing volume. Some
implications for monetary policy are discussed.
1. Introduction
The demand for excess reserves is at the center of a number of
issues in monetary economics. While at one time it was featured
primarily in the calculation of money multipliers, more recently it has
figured in Federal Reserve policy through its connection to the
targeting of the Federal funds rate. Each week, the open market desk is
obligated to forecast the demand for reserves, including the demand for
excess reserves, to determine the amount of reserves to supply through
open market operations. This shift in the role of excess reserves is
reflected worldwide; a number of countries have abandoned reserve
requirements altogether, and the entire connection between monetary
policy and the economy is through the demand for "excess"
reserves. This paper looks at recent data on excess reserves in the
United States to determine the sensitivity of demand to changes in
interest rates and other variables affecting the willingness to hold
The standard approach to modeling the demand for excess reserves is
to treat it as part of a bank's liquidity management decision.
Banks want to hold reserves to avoid overdraft or reserve deficiency penalties on their account at the central bank when facing uncertain
flows of funds. This general model of the precautionary demand for
reserves was given by Poole (1968). Two basic propositions fall out of
this approach. The first is that the quantity of excess reserves
demanded should vary inversely with short-term interest rates, which are
the opportunity cost of holding reserves, assuming that excess reserves
pay no interest. The second proposition is that since excess reserves
are providing a buffer against uncertainty about reserve balances,
demand should increase with uncertainty. The textbook model of excess
reserve demand assumes that this uncertainty increases proportionately with the level of transactions deposits. This paper finds support for
both of these propositions. In recent years, excess reserv es have
increased with the growth in transactions deposits and were negatively
related to interest rates, decreasing roughly $120 million for each
percentage-point increase in the Federal funds rate.
The role of excess reserves in monetary policy depends on the
particular operational strategy adopted by the central bank. The
approach in the United States shifted in 1982, when the Federal Reserve
moved to a borrowed reserve target from a policy of targeting the growth
of nonborrowed reserves in response to the high variability of the
Federal funds rate over the preceding years. [1] While some emphasis was
still given to the monetary and reserve aggregates after that time, the
implementation of policy effectively followed an interest rate targeting
rule, although announcements of the intended Federal funds rate did not
begin until 1994. The declared operating strategy of the open market
desk ("the desk" henceforth) was to supply the amount of
reserves demanded by banks less the borrowing target, relying on the
fact that the demand for borrowing from the discount window was a
relatively stable function of the difference between the intended
Federal funds rate and the discount rate. This policy effectively t
argeted the overnight interest rate since the only way to get the
targeted amount of borrowing was by maintaining the appropriate spread
between the Federal funds rate and the discount rate. The demand for
excess reserves was believed to be relatively inelastic, and little
attention was given to its response to changes in the intended Federal
funds rate (e.g., Sellon and Seibert 1982).
By the 1990s, the stable borrowing relationship had fallen apart
(Clouse 1994), so interest rate targeting would have to rely on
something else for interest elasticity in the Federal funds market.
Because excess reserves pay no interest, banks are likely to economize on them when market interest rates increase, which might provide the
necessary elasticity. Given a downward-sloping demand for reserves,
setting the supply of reserves each day would fix that day's
interest rate in the Federal funds market. Of course, required reserves may also be sensitive to changes in the interest rate; an increase in
opportunity cost may cause a shift out of non-interest-bearing deposits,
producing a corresponding decline in required reserves. However, this is
likely to be a slow process and thus difficult to use as the basis for
short-term interest rate targeting. It is the demand for excess reserves
that provides the short-term interest rate elasticity relied on by the
This downward-sloping demand for excess reserves is the conceptual
basis of interest rate targeting in the absence of reserve requirements
(e.g., Longworth 1989; Sellon and Weiner 1996). A number of countries
have already moved to monetary systems without reserve requirements so
that their demand for reserves is entirely a demand for
"excess" reserves (Borio 1997). The United States is also
moving in that direction, although not for any reason of policy.
Commercial banks have implemented "retail sweep programs,"
which have dramatically reduced the level of deposits subject to reserve
requirements (Edwards 1997). As the level of required reserve balances
has fallen, the risk of overdrafts at banks' accounts at the
Federal Reserve has increased. Because of this, the demand for excess
reserves is starting to have less to do with reserve requirements and
more to do with the desire to avoid overdrafts. The latter demand, known
as a clearing demand or payments-related demand, is now one of the
central features of the Federal funds market. Indeed, some banks are no
longer bound by reserve requirements and hold deposits at the Federal
Reserve only because of clearing needs (Edwards 1997). It is thought
that the lower level of required reserve balances and the increased risk
of overdrafts might result in increased volatility of the Federal funds
rate (Clouse and Elmendorf 1997) and an increased demand for excess
reserves. This paper finds some support for an inverse relationship between required reserve balances and excess reserves, although the
effect is small. Part of the reason for the small response may be the
additional margin for adjustment provided by required clearing balances,
which is examined in section 4 of this paper.
The policy of targeting the interest rate on a day-to-day basis
requires high-frequency estimates of the demand for excess reserves in
order to guide the actions of the desk. Each week the staff at the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve and the New York Federal Reserve
Bank make forecasts of this demand. The estimate will depend on
persistent factors, such as the level of transactions deposits or
interest rates, but also on short-run factors that affect clearing
demand. This paper reports the desk's response to several of these
Estimating the demand for excess reserves is complicated by the
fact that what is observed is not the demand but the quantity of excess
reserves supplied, which is determined primarily by the actions of the
desk. This is simplified somewhat by the current operational policy of
the desk, which is to supply the level of reserves demanded at the
targeted Federal funds rate. Since the supply function is trying to
mimic any changes in demand, we can use estimates of supply to infer
changes in demand. The ability to get accurate estimates this way
depends on how well the desk does in matching shifts in demand. Overall,
the effective Federal funds rate is close to the intended rate,
suggesting that the desk does well in meeting its target, making this an
effective way to estimate excess reserve demand. However, the
information from interest rate deviations can also be used to improve
the desk's performance, particularly in reacting to changes in
clearing needs. In the future, there will probably be an increasing ne
ed to use interest rate information of the kind presented in this paper
to guide policy.
2. The Demand and Supply of Excess Reserves
Banks hold balances at the Federal Reserve for two purposes: to
meet reserve requirements and to facilitate transactions that require
the transfer of Federal funds. For purposes of meeting reserve
requirements, the level of reserves are calculated as the average amount
held over a 14-day "maintenance period" (Meulendyke 1998).
Excess reserves refer to balances held at the Federal Reserve above the
required amount and are used to buffer against unexpected fluctuations
in reserve balances or required reserves since there are substantial
penalties to not meeting reserve requirements. [2] The demand for excess
reserves is primarily a "14-day" or maintenance period concept
since reserves held on one day are perfect substitutes for reserves held
on other days of the period in terms of meeting reserve requirements.
However, banks with accounts at the Federal Reserve are also required to
have nonnegative levels of balances each day, or else pay an overdraft
penalty. Because of this, additional balances held on one d ay do not
provide protection against overdrafts on future days, making balances
imperfect substitutes across days.
The basic model of a precautionary demand for excess reserves,
where banks hold extra reserves as a precaution against fluctuations in
reserves or reserve requirements, was developed in Poole (1968). This
approach has been used recently in the discussion of the demand for
clearing balances in the context of both Canadian (Longworth 1989) and
U.S. (Furfine 1998) monetary policy. Most of the recent literature has
tended to concentrate on patterns in the Federal funds rate over the
days of the week and maintenance period (Spindt and Hoffmeister 1988;
Griffiths and Winters 1995; Hamilton 1996; Clouse and Dow 1999) rather
than directly measuring the connection between the Federal funds rate
and the level of reserves.
Because excess reserves have historically not played an important
role in monetary policy, they have received only sporadic empirical
attention. Evanoff (1990) examined nominal excess reserve demand for 13
large banks in the 7th Federal Reserve district (Chicago) for the period
1975-1985. The paper uses the one-month Treasury bill rate as the
opportunity cost of holding reserves and the discount rate and the
spread between the Federal funds rate and the discount rate as measures
of the explicit and implicit cost of reserve deficiencies. Increases in
the Treasury bill rate were found to reduce excess reserve demand by
about $150 million, while increases in either of the penalty costs
decreased demand by slightly less. While not directly about excess
reserve demand, Hamilton (1997) provides another estimate of the
sensitivity of demand to changes in the interest rate. He examines the
interest rate response to unexpected changes in the supply of reserves
during the period 1989-1991. He finds that a one-percenta ge-point
increase in the Federal funds rate was associated with an $300 million
decline in nonborrowed reserves.
Excess reserves are plotted in Figure 1. The most striking change
in the behavior of excess reserves during this time is the spike in
1991. The cut in reserve requirements that year left banks uncertain
about the level of reserves they would like to hold and the desk
uncertain about how much reserves to supply. This uncertainty resulted
in unexpected volatility of the Federal funds rate, and the desk
responded by providing an unusually large amount of reserves. As banks
and the desk adapted to the new reserve requirements, excess reserves
settled down quickly and remained in the neighborhood of $1000 million
afterward. There was another cut in reserve requirements at the start of
1992, but by this time both the banks and the Federal Reserve had a
better understanding of how to handle the change, and there was a much
smaller disruption to the Federal funds market.
To get a basic idea of how excess reserve demand can be inferred
from excess reserve behavior, I will abstract for a moment from the
current institutional structure and imagine the demand for excess
reserves in a one-day maintenance period. Let demand (Ed) be given by
[E.sup.d] = [a.sub.0] + [a.sub.1]I + [a.sub.2]D + [a.sub.3]RRB +
[a.sub.4]Z + [a.sub.5]X, (1)
where Z is a demand factor observed by the desk and X represents an
unobserved factor. The term I is the opportunity cost of holding excess
reserves, which will be assumed to be the overnight interest rate since
excess reserves in the United States pay no explicit return. The term D
is the level of transactions deposits, which is presumed to have a
positive effect on excess reserve demand, and RRB is the level of
required reserve balances that is thought to have a negative effect. In
practice, the demand is likely to depend on the average or expected
level of deposits since banks probably do not reevaluate their response
to these factors on a week-to-week basis.
Excess reserves are defined as the total amount of reserves held
(TR) less the reserve requirement (RR): [3]
E = TR - RR. (2)
Reserves consist of vault cash applied to meet reserve requirements
(AVC) and deposits at the Federal Reserve, which are either supplied by
open market operations (OMO) or borrowed from the discount window. In
this model, open market operations are equivalent to nonborrowed reserve
balances. In the past, borrowed reserves were often thought to be
related to the spread between the Federal funds rate and the discount
rate. However, this relationship has effectively disappeared, although
borrowing is strongly related to deviations of the effective Federal
funds rate from the intended rate (Clouse 1994; Dow 2000). Letting
borrowed reserves be a linear function of this spread, the level of
total reserves is given by
TR = OMO + [b.sub.1] + [b.sub.2](I - [I.sup.T] + AVC. (3)
Reserves can also be divided by how they are used. After banks have
applied their vault cash to meet reserve requirements, the remainder of
their requirement, the required reserve balances (RRB), are met by
holding deposits at the Federal Reserve. Any deposits above that are
excess reserves, so, following Equation 2,
TR = E + RRB + AVC. (4)
The desk is assumed to target a level of excess reserves such that
the Federal funds rate will equal the intended rate ([I.sup.T]) based on
the desk's expectation of required reserves and other factors
affecting reserve demand,
[E.sup.T] = [[a.sup.*].sub.0] + [[a.sup.*].sub.1][I.sup.T] +
[[a.sup.*].sub.2][D.sup.*] + [[a.sup.*].sub.3][RRB.sup.*] +
[[a.sup.*].sub.4]Z, (5)
where * indicates the desk's estimate. The amount of reserves
the desk supplies through open market operations equals the desk's
estimated level of required reserve balances plus their target for
excess adjusted by their estimate of borrowed reserves ([b.sub.1]):
OMO = [RRB.sup.*] + [E.sup.T] - [[b.sup.*].sub.1] + U. (6)
While not strictly part of open market operations, a shock term U
is added here to reflect unexpected changes in the supply of reserve
balances due to factors such as float and changes in treasury balances
(see Edwards 1997 for a description of these factors). Combining
Equations 3, 5, and 6 into Equation 4 produces the excess reserves
E = [[a.sup.*].sub.0] + ([b.sub.1] - [[b.sup.*].sub.1]) +
[[a.sup.*].sub.1][I.sup.T] + [[a.sup.*].sub.2][D.sup.*] +
[[a.sup.*].sub.3][RRB.sup.*] + ([RRB.sup.*] - RRB) + [b.sub.2](I -
[I.sup.t]) + [[a.sup.*].sub.4]Z + U. (7)
Comparing Equation 7 with Equation 1 illustrates a number of points
about excess reserve demand estimation. The first is that we are trying
to recover demand coefficients by looking at the reaction function of
the desk. Since the desk is trying to shift the supply function to mimic
the demand function, we can use changes in the supply function to infer
the behavior of demand as long as the desk is successful in hitting its
target. The second point is that while the coefficient on the intended
rate ([[a.sup.*].sub.1]) will not be affected by the borrowing function,
the other coefficients will to the extent that changes in the demand for
funds are not matched by shifts in supply but instead result in a
deviation of the effective Federal funds rate from the intended rate and
so result in an increase in borrowing.
This interpretation of Equation 7 is modified somewhat by the
14-day length of the maintenance period. The desk can react to errors in
its estimate of the quantity of reserves demanded if it observes
deviations of the Federal funds rate from target early enough in the
maintenance period. This possibility of feedback affects excess reserve
demand estimation much like the borrowing function; it produces an
increase in the supply of reserves if the effective Federal funds rate
is above the targeted rate. The ability of the desk to respond will
depend on the length of the maintenance period. If there were no risk of
overdrafts, then an increase in reserves on one day could just be
matched with a decrease on future days. However, the risk of overdrafts
might limit the desk's ability to cut reserves substantially in the
future, particularly if there are few days remaining in the maintenance
period, so that a one-day increase in clearing demand may translate to a
increase in demand on a period-average basis.
The funds rate can be determined by setting Equation 1 equal to
Equation 7:
I = (1/[a.sub.1] - [b.sub.2])[([[a.sup.*].sub.1] -
[b.sub.2][I.sup.T] + ([[a.sup.*].sub.0] - [a.sub.0]) + ([b.sub.1] -
[[b.sup.*].sub.1]) + ([RRB.sup.*] - RRB) + [[a.sup.*].sub.2][D.sup.*] -
[a.sub.2]D + [[a.sup.*].sub.3][RRB.sup.*] - [a.sub.3]RRB +
([[a.sup.*].sub.4] - [a.sub.4])Z - [a.sub.5]X + U]. (8)
If the desk accurately estimates the effect of persistent shifts in
demand, those due to interest rates, deposits, and the average level of
required reserve balances, Equation 8 reduces to
I - [I.sup.T] = (1/[a.sub.1] - [b.sub.2])[[RRB.sup.*] - RRB +
([[a.sup.*].sub.4] - [a.sub.4])Z - [a.sub.5]X + U]. (9)
The average deviation of the Federal funds rate from the intended
rate provides a measure of how good the desk's estimates of the
demand coefficients are. The maintenance period average deviation of the
effective Federal funds rate from its target for the period
1992:6-1997:12 was 2.1 basis points (0.021%), suggesting that
[[a.sup.*].sub.0], [[a.sup.*].sub.1], [[a.sup.*].sub.2],
[[b.sup.*].sub.1] are near the true values. Another approach to
measuring [a.sub.1], instead of directly estimating Equation 7, would be
to use Equation 9 and regress the deviation of the Federal funds rate
from its target against a shock identified as a component of U. This is
effectively what was done by Hamilton (1997), who examined the effect of
shocks to the Treasury's balances on the daily change in the
Federal funds rate.
3. Estimating the Demand for Excess Reserves
To determine the demand for excess reserves, I estimate Equation 7
using maintenance period data for June 1992 to December 1997, a period
that is relatively free of disruptions to the Federal funds market and
that avoids some of the problems of trying to control for the structural
shift introduced by the 1991 and 1992 cuts in reserve requirements.
The series for the intended Federal funds rate was constructed from
data reported in Rudebusch (1995). The deposits series was constructed
as the sum of demand deposits and other checkable deposits adjusted for
the effect of sweep programs. Retail sweep programs, which began in
1994, transfer funds out of checking accounts to nonreservable savings
accounts to avoid reserve requirements (Edwards 1997). These transfers
do not affect the net flows in and out of an individual's accounts
and so should not directly affect the demand for excess reserves.
Because of this, the reported level of transactions deposits
underestimates the actual level of transactions deposits. To correct for
this, the value of the swept deposits must be added back into the
reported deposits series. The Federal Reserve makes available data on
the dollar value of new sweep programs implemented each month. However,
it reports only the amount of funds initially swept and not the current
reduction in deposits due to sweeps. To get a sweep-adj usted series,
one wants to add the data on initial sweeps back to the series for
transactions deposits while making some adjustment for the general
growth in transactions deposits over that time. To do this, two separate
series were constructed: reported deposits (assumed to be nonswept) and
swept deposits (assumed unreported). It is assumed that both types of
deposits have the same underlying growth rates and that the data series
on initial sweeps represents transfers from the first category to the
second. The growth rate of the reported series is determined assuming
that the swept deposits are removed at the start of the month. The
current value of swept deposits equals its previous value, plus new
sweeps, adjusted for the overall growth of deposits. The series on swept
deposits was then added back into nonswept deposits to get the final
deposits series.
An additional variable must be added to the regression to take into
account the ability of banks to substitute reserves across maintenance
periods due to carryover provisions. If a bank has excess reserves this
period, it can apply some of them (up to 4% of its current reserve
requirement) toward its reserve requirement next period. Equivalently,
if it is short reserves this period, an amount equal to no more than 4%
of its reserve requirement can be made up next period with no penalty.
Reported data on excess reserves (from the Federal Reserve release
F.R.3) is calculated before assessing the effect of carryover. Banks
that actively manage their reserve positions are believed to take
advantage of the carryover provision by alternating their reserve
holdings so that if they have positive carry-in (reserves carried over
from the previous maintenance period), they would run lower or negative
excess reserves this period and then target positive excess reserves the
following period (Friedman and Roberts 1983 and Spindt and Tarhan 1984
contain more detailed discussions of the effect of carryover). To
control for this, carry-in will be added as an explanatory variable to
the excess demand equations. The coefficient on this term should be
between -1 and 0, depending on how aggressive banks are in managing
their reserve positions.
Required reserve balances need to be decomposed into expected and
unexpected components in order to separate the effect of errors in open
market operations from increased overdraft risk due to lower balances.
To do this, required reserve balances were regressed against four own
lags and seasonal dummies. There is a pronounced seasonal effect on
required reserve balances in part because of the increase in vault cash
associated with increased transactions around Christmas and New
Year's Day. This effect is strongest in late January and early
February because of the lag in applying vault cash to reserves. Monthly
dummy variables for the months from January to June along with August
were found to be significant and included in the regression. The
residual from the regression was taken to be the unexpected component,
and the predicted value was used as the desk's estimate. Since the
estimate of required reserve balances made by the desk is going to be
much better than that produced by this simple autoregressive quation,
the unexpected component will include variation that was actually
expected by the desk and the market. While the unexpected component of
reserve balances should have a coefficient of -1 (from Equation 7), the
fact that part of it was expected will bias the coefficient towards
[[a.sup.*].sub.3], the coefficient on expected balances.
It is generally thought that there are certain days when the flow
of funds through banks' accounts at the Federal Reserve tends to be
large and volatile, which will increase the clearing demand for reserves
(Edwards 1997). The desk may recognize this and provide additional
reserves on those days. While the need for additional reserves may last
only one day, the extra reserves supplied by the desk are often not
completely worked off during the rest of the period since that would
require balances to be so low that banks would risk overdrafts. To try
to capture the effect of some of these shocks, dummy variables will be
included for maintenance periods containing federal holidays and days
when two- and five-year government bonds are settled. Since the ability
to run off the funds depends on how many days remain in the maintenance
period, the dummy variables were split according to whether the day was
in the first or the second week of the maintenance period. Only the
dummy variables for the second week were sig nificant, and so only they
were left in the final regressions. Dummy variables were also introduced
for February and year-ends, when there has historically been concerns
about Federal funds rate volatility.
Because of noticeable serial correlation, the regressions were run
in AR(1) form. Lagged values of excess reserves and the intended rate
were included in trial regressions but not found to be significant. All
quantity variables in the regressions are deflated by the consumer price
index (CPI) scaled to the maintenance period frequency. For convenience,
variables are reported in end-of-1997 dollars.
The results of the excess reserves regressions are reported in
Table 1. Column 1 contains the baseline estimate. The coefficient on the
intended rate is significant and implies an increase in excess reserves
of roughly $120 million for a one-percentage-point decline in the
Federal funds rate. The coefficient on carry-in is also significant and
effectively equal to -1. Banks seem to be very efficient in managing
their reserves; an increase in carry-in results in an equal reduction in
excess reserves. The coefficient on sweep-adjusted deposits is also
significant. An increase in deposits of $1 billion (producing an
increase in required reserves of $100 million) corresponds to an
additional $3 million of excess reserves. Overall, the behavior of
excess reserves during this period seems consistent with the standard
precautionary model of the demand for excess reserves.
The importance of clearing demand should show up in two places. It
is hypothesized that the decline in required reserve balances will
result in an increase in the demand for excess reserves. This is borne
out in the regression, with a decrease in expected required reserve
balances of $100 million producing an additional $1 million in excess
reserves. Splitting the change in required reserve balances into
expected and unexpected components was necessary to isolate the effect
of lower average balances but was not so successful in capturing the
response to errors in open market operations. As discussed previously,
the coefficient on unexpected changes in required reserve balances
should be between - 1 and the value of the coefficient on the change in
expected required reserve balances (estimated to be -0.01), depending on
how much of the change was actually expected by the desk. Since the
coefficient is -0.063, most of what I am treating as an unexpected
change was in reality expected by the desk. Several of th e dummy
variables used as proxies for days of unusually high clearing demand are
significant, suggesting that the desk does respond to these times. The
supply of excess reserves increases in maintenance periods with
holidays, at year-end, and in February. However, there seems to be only
a slight response on days with the settlement of two- and five-year
notes, and it is not statistically significant.
The interpretation of the clearing demand terms depends on how well
the desk does in matching its changes in the supply of reserves to
shifts in demand. One measure of this is the deviation of the Federal
funds rate from target. Table 2 reports the results of regressions of
this deviation against the clearing demand dummy variables that were
included in the excess reserves regression along with significant
months. There was a tendency for the Federal funds rate to be firm on
maintenance periods with holidays or on days of the settlement of two-
and five-year notes, although the effect is fairly small. Year-ends, on
the other hand, produce negative average deviations of 11 basis points,
which argues that the desk is aggressive in providing reserves to the
market around this time of year, probably reflecting concern about the
occasional spikes in the Federal funds rate on the very last day of the
year. Combining the information in Tables 1 and 2 indicates that the
desk responds to holidays but not enough, does not respond to days with
the settlement of notes but should, and perhaps overresponds at
The additional reserves needed to be added to keep the Federal
funds rate on target could be calculated as ([a.sub.1] - [b.sub.2])
multiplied by the average deviation of the Federal funds rate on that
maintenance period. Of course, this is the maintenance-period-average
value of reserves; the actual amount added on the particular day would
be 14 times that (or 14/3 if it were a Friday), and while estimates of
[a.sub.1] can be obtained from Table 1, the size of the feedback or
borrowing response is less clear.
The interpretation of the coefficients on the demand shocks also
depends on how the desk and the discount window respond to interest rate
movements during the maintenance period. Column 2 of Table 1 reports the
results when the spread between the effective rate and the intended rate
is added to the regression. Since the unobserved shock to reserve supply
(U) will be highly (negatively) correlated with this deviation, the
coefficients of the regression potentially may be biased, particularly
the coefficient on the interest rate deviation. This coefficient
reflects both the feedback from interest rates to the supply of excess
reserves and the effect of unobserved shocks and so cannot be
interpreted as the response of excess reserve demand (or supply) in
response to interest rate changes. As shown in column 2, the effect of
unobserved shocks dominates, so that the coefficient is negative. The
inclusion of the interest deviation term makes very little difference to
the rest of the regression, suggesting that the estimates of column 1
are little affected by feedback in response to interest rate changes.
Column 3 reports the same regression with excess reserves replaced by
free reserves, which are defined as excess reserves less borrowed
reserves. Using free reserves removes one source of feedback to the
Federal funds market. This has a substantial effect on only two
coefficients. It makes the coefficient on the interest rate deviation
more negative, as would be expected, since it is removing a source of
positive response to changes in interest rates. This difference is, in
principle, equal to (-)[b.sub.2], making it an estimate of the
responsiveness of borrowing to interest rate deviations. Using free
reserves as the dependent variable also substantially reduces the
coefficient on the year-end dummy variable, suggesting that banks get
much of their additional excess reserves at this time of year through
the discount window. The free reserve specification also results in
significantly larger standard errors on the coe fficients for the
intended rate, the forecast of required reserve balances and deposits,
causing the latter term to lose statistical significance. The exclusion
of borrowed reserves seems to add noise to the regression rather than
improving the fit.
Column 4 contains the results of a regression with variables in
logs rather than levels. Discussions of excess reserves are usually in
levels, in contrast to similar money demand regressions, most likely
because the desk makes its need-to-add calculations in levels. Log
specifications present a particular difficulty in excess reserve
regressions since excess reserve data for individual banks, and carry-in
both for individual banks and in the aggregate, can become negative.
Since only aggregate data are being used in the regressions here, only
carry-in is a difficulty. Since the coefficient on carry-in in the
previous equations was very close to -1, carry-in was added directly to
excess reserves before estimating the log equation. As can be seen, the
log specification is qualitatively quite similar to the levels
specification, with the demand curve for excess reserves being quite
Overall, the regressions of Table 1 support a model of the
precautionary demand for excess reserves with demand coming from both
reserve requirements and clearing needs. The effect of changes in the
interest rate is particularly interesting given the current policy of
interest rate targeting. Two papers that provide alternate estimates of
the effect of changes in the intended rate both imply larger responses
than found here. Evanoff (1990) estimates a response of around $150
million for large banks in the Chicago Federal Reserve district. While
he does not extrapolate from this number to estimate the total response
of all banks across districts, it is clear that the implied total
response would be several times larger. However, besides examining a
later time period, this paper differs from Evanoff in several ways. Most
important, by splitting the interest rate effect into intended and
unintended components, this paper is better able to separate the effect
of demand and supply shocks and persistent and tempor ary changes. Also,
this paper incorporates the effects of changes in transactions deposits
and required reserve balances.
Hamilton (1997) finds that a change in reserves of $300 million is
associated with a one-percentage-point change in the Federal funds rate.
Hamilton's method calculates the response of the Federal funds rate
on the final day of the maintenance period to an unexpected change in
nonborrowed reserves. Using the last day is key since there are no later
days in the maintenance period for banks to adjust their reserve
positions, so that the appropriately scaled response to a change in
reserves on the last day of the maintenance period is analogous to the
effect of a persistent change in the supply of reserves. Hamilton uses
unexpected changes in the Treasury's balance at the Federal Reserve
as a measure of the unexpected change in reserves. There are several
reasons why his method may find a more elastic demand curve. Carryover
allows banks to substitute reserves across maintenance periods, making
the shock on the last day not a true permanent shock. Also, banks
probably do not have a good idea of the effect of a T reasury shock and
the size of their reserve balances until later in the day (indeed much
of the volatility in the Federal funds rate comes at the end of the
day). The true reaction of the Federal funds rate to a supply shock is
much larger than what would be estimated when using the effective rate,
which is an average rate over the entire day. Turned around, using the
effective rate would make it look like banks were more sensitive to
changes in interest rates.
How one interprets the interest response depends on the source of
interest elasticity in the Federal funds market. Hamilton assumed that
when there is a reduction in nonborrowed reserves, the reserves are made
up by borrowing at the discount window. If so, his method is providing
an estimate of the interest sensitivity of the borrowing function. This
paper has attempted to distinguish between the long-run response to
persistent changes in interest rates, given by [a.sub.1], and the
shorter-run response, which will mix together adjustments to the level
of nonborrowed excess reserves and borrowing from the discount window.
By using daily data, Hamilton probably provides a better estimate of the
effect of temporary changes in interest rates on reserves, but this
paper may provide better estimates of the longer-run response. Given the
greater opportunities for short-run substitution (the carryover
provision and borrowing), it is not surprising that the longer-run
response is less elastic.
4. The Demand for Required Clearing Balances
While most discussions of excess reserve demand focus exclusively
on excess reserves, there are actually two types of reserves that banks
can voluntarily choose to hold. In addition to excess reserves, banks
can contract with the Federal Reserve to hold a specified amount of
reserve balances above their reserve requirement, which are called
"required clearing balances." These balances earn credits that
can be applied to charges for services the bank receives from the
Federal Reserve. There is a relatively small penalty for not meeting the
clearing balance requirement, making these contracts a good way to
provide a buffer against shocks to the bank's overall reserve
position. While required clearing balances earn income, it can be used
only to pay for Federal Reserve services, which places a limit on the
clearing balance requirement banks wish to have. If the Federal funds
rate increases, it will cause this limit to be lower since the maximum
return can be earned with fewer balances. Even though required clear ing
balances should not be very sensitive to changes in interest rates since
they earn interest, banks at their limit will tend to vary their
clearing balance requirement inversely with interest rates.
Required clearing balances and required reserve balances are
plotted in Figure 2. The Federal Reserve reports the clearing balance
requirement, which is plotted here, rather than balances held to meet
the requirement. Required clearing balances moved sharply upward in
response to the cut in reserve requirements and the drop in required
reserve balances in 1991 and again alter the second cut in reserve
requirements in 1992. The dip in required clearing balances in 1994-1995
was associated with the increase in short-term rates during that period.
While there should be a connection between excess reserves and
required clearing balances since they are alternate ways of providing a
cushion against fluctuations in reserves, how they are connected may
depend significantly on the individual bank. Some banks do not maintain
clearing balance requirements and so are not affected by them. Other
banks hold the maximum allowable clearing balance. If there is an
increase in interest rates, they will reduce their clearing balance
requirement and may choose to compensate for this by holding additional
excess reserves. In this case, the direct effect of an increase in
interest rates is to reduce the amount of excess reserves held, but
indirectly it may cause an increase in the demand for excess reserves
through a required clearing balance channel. This mix of effects would
reduce estimates of the sensitivity of excess reserves to changes in
interest rates. Banks that hold required clearing balances but that are
not at their limit may still choose to hold excess rese rves since there
is some cost to not meeting the clearing balance requirement, but they
would not be as sensitive to changes in the limit on earned credits.
The use of aggregate data on required clearing balances presents
several problems, most significantly heterogeneous behavior across
banks. However, aggregate data might provide some indication of how
required clearing balances and excess reserves interact and so how to
pursue this topic in the future. Table 3 reports the results of
regressions set up to do this. Required clearing balances differ from
excess reserves because the requirement is set in advance. Because of
this, they are less likely to respond to temporary changes in clearing
demand, and so those terms were dropped from the regression. While tests
of excess reserves easily reject a random walk specification, things are
much less clear for required clearing balances. Dicky-Fuller tests could
not reject a unit root, and autoregressive estimates of required
clearing balances find the autoregressive coefficient at or above 0.9.
Columns 1 and 2 of Table 3 report the results of a regression of
required clearing balances against the intended rate and o ther factors
in level and difference specifications. Both specifications imply that
required clearing balances are negatively related to interest rates, as
would follow from binding limits on the amount of required clearing
balances that banks want to hold. The effect of required reserve
balances is small and not even statistically significant in the
difference specification, even though Figure 2 showed that required
clearing balances increased in response to the decline in required
reserve balances in 1991 and 1992.
To see whether required clearing balances would matter for excess
reserve demand, they were added to the excess reserve regression
(reported in column 3), and excess and required clearing balances were
added together to form a new dependent variable: "voluntarily held
balances" (column 4). Regressions were run in levels to match the
preferred specification for excess reserves. Required clearing balances
have only a small negative effect on excess reserves, but their
inclusion serves to increase the size of the coefficient on the intended
rate, which is consistent with the direct and indirect interest rate
effects canceling in the excess reserves equation. The effects on the
other coefficients are small since required clearing balances do not
vary much with short-term changes in clearing demand. When required
clearing balances are added to excess reserves (column 4), the interest
rate effect is much larger, exceeding the sum of the two effects
measured separately. Accurate estimates of the influence of requir ed
clearing balances will likely require bank-level data, but the results
of these regressions suggest that this could be an area of interest.
5. Conclusion
This paper has examined the behavior of excess reserves in the
1990s. This period provides a clean sample of bank behavior and may be a
useful guide for Federal Reserve policy in the future. The estimated
equations are broadly consistent with the hypothesized behavior of
excess reserve demand. Additional transactions deposits increase the
demand for excess reserves, while higher interest rates reduce the
quantity demanded. Clearing needs also seem to be important. The decline
in required reserve balances have resulted in a small increase in excess
reserves. In addition, the desk seems to respond to times associated
with higher clearing activity, although evidence from the interest rate
regression suggests that there may be some opportunity for fine-tuning their operations.
Aggregate data for excess reserves has some advantages: It is
convenient, publicly available, and the basis for Federal Reserve
projections; however, other sources of data may also be useful in
examining specific questions about excess reserves. Examining the
reserve holdings of individual banks may be particularly helpful.
Indeed, Fisher et al. (1998) report that there was an increase in excess
reserve demand in the last half of 1997 that seemed to be due to a few
banks that had limited use of carryover provisions when their required
reserve balances fell near zero. These kinds of issues are likely to
become increasingly important as the focus of monetary policy in the
future shifts to clearing needs and away from reserve requirements.
Developing an understanding of excess reserve demand is the first step
in the analysis of the operations of monetary policy in this new world.
(*.) Department of Economics, California State University,
Northridge CA, 91330-8374, USA; E-mail james.
This paper owes much to extensive conversations with Jim Clouse,
Doug Elmendorf, Chris Hanes, Gerard Sinzdak, Bill Whitesell, and
especially Sherry Edwards.
Received October 1999; accepted March 2000.
(1.) See Meulendyke (1998) and Thornton (1988) for a discussion of
this period.
(2.) Excess reserves do not include vault cash held above the level
needed to meet reserve requirements, nor do they include required
clearing balances, which are deposits held at the Federal Reserve by
contract and earn credits that can be used to pay for services from the
Federal Reserve.
(3.) Abstracting from balances held to meet clearing requirements.
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Excess Reserves Equations
Excess Reserves Free Reserves
(Levels) (Levels)
Constant -281.1 -186.4 212.4
(701.6) (690.2) (1467.0)
Intended rate -119.9 [**] -124.3 [**] -133.5 [*]
(25.5) (25.2) (51.5)
Carry-in -0.97 [**] -1.00 [**]' -1.16 [**]
(0.11) (0.11) (0.12)
Deposits 0.0027 [**] 0.0026 [**] 0.0020
(0.0008) (0.0008) (0.0016)
Required balances -0.010 [*] -0.010 [*] -0.009
forecast (0.004) (0.004) (0.008)
Error in required -0.063 [**] -0.063 [**] -0.068 [**]
balances forecast (0.017) (0.016) (0.019)
Holiday 242.3 [**] 256.1 [**] 206.1 [**]
(42.4) (43.4) (47.2)
Treasury settlement 49.7 60.1 40.9
(37.4) (38.2) (41.2)
Year-end 212.9 [*] 170.4 76.2
(91.3) (96.5) (108.1)
February 174.9 [*] 160.2 [*] 179.4 [*]
(68.6) (69.0) (87.1)
Interest deviation -401.2 -678.4 [*]
(289.6) (330.5)
Rho 0.27 [*] 0.26 [*] 0.58 [**]
(0.12) (0.12) (0.08)
[R.sup.2] 0.55 0.56 0.50
Durbin E Watson 2.04 2.03 2.19
Constant -16.59 [*]
Intended rate -0.33 [**]
Deposits 1.85 [**]
Required balances -0.11 [*]
forecast (0.05)
Error in required
balances forecast
Holiday 0.17 [**]
Treasury settlement 0.09 [**]
Year-end 0.03
February 0.11 [*]
Interest deviation
Rho 0.23 [**]
[R.sup.2] 0.47
Durbin E Watson 1.99
The dependent variable is excess reserves or free reserves in
millions. Maintenance period data from 1992:6:24 to 1997:
12:31. 21. Standard errors in parentheses.
(*.)Significant at 5% level.
(**.)Significant at 1% level.
Federal Funds Rate Deviation
Constant 0.007
Holiday 0.041 [**]
Treasury 0.037 [**]
settlement (0.012)
Year-end -0.114 [**]
Error in 0.00006
required (0.00004)
February -0.044 [**]
September 0.029 [*]
December 0.021
Interest 0.286 [**]
deviation (0.089)
(first lag)
Interest -0.201 [*]
deviation (0.080)
(second lag)
[R.sup.2] 0.29
Durbin E Watson 1.98
The dependent variable is the spread between themaintenance period
average effective Federal funds rate and theintended rate in percentage
points. Maintenance period data from1992:6:10 to 1997:12:31. Standard
errors in parentheses.
(*.)Significant at 5% level.
(**.)Significant at 1% level.
Effect of Required Clearing Balances
Required Clearing Excess
Balances Excess Reserves +
Dependent Reserves RQCB
Variable Levels Differences (Levels) (Levels)
Constant 1300.4 [**] 7.9 48.4 1912.3
(289.6) (8.9) (699.4) (1362.7)
Intended -100.0 [**] -239.8 [**] -223.9 [**] -865.8 [**]
rate (34.9) (90.2) (80.7) (91.6)
Carry-in -0.93 [**] -1.35 [**]
(0.11) (0.17)
Required -0.014 [**] -0.001 -0.02 [*] -0.09 [**]
balances (0.004) (0.006) (0.01) (0.01)
Error in -0.07 [**] -0.08 [**]
required (0.02) (0.02)
Deposits 0.00003 0.0003 0.004 [**] 0.012 [**]
(0.00054) (0.003) (0.001) (0.002)
Holiday 246.6 [**] 252.0 [**]
(42.9) (48.4)
Treasury 51.7 85.1 [*]
settlement (37.9) (42.9)
February 150.1 [*] 51.7
(69.7) (92.8)
Year-end 213.4 [*] 207.2
(91.9) (108.7)
Required -0.11
clearing (0.08)
Dependent 0.91 [**] 0.16
variable (0.04) (0.08)
(first lag)
Rho 0.08 0.23 0.53 [**]
(0.09) (0.12) (0.08)
[R.sup.2] 0.99 0.05 0.56 0.95
Durbin E Watson 2.01 1.87 2.02 2.12
Maintenance period data from 1992:6:24 to 1997:12:3l. Standard
errors in parentheses.
(*.) Significant at 5% level.
(**.) Significant at 1% level.