Labor Market Discrimination Against Men with Disabilities in the Year of the ADA.
Johnson, William G.
Marjorie L. Baldwin [*]
William G. Johnson [+]
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provides civil rights
protections to persons with disabilities, but the debate that preceded
passage of the Act was not based on empirical estimates that could be
used to measure its performance. This article estimates the extent of
wage discrimination against men with disabilities in 1990, providing a
reference that can be used to evaluate the impact of the ADA. The
results show large productivity-standardized wage differentials between
disabled and nondisabled men that are weakly correlated with the
strength of prejudice against different impairments. Physical
limitations explain part, but not all, of the wage differentials. The
results also show that low employment rates are a more serious problem
than wage discrimination for workers with disabilities.
1. Introduction
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) is the first
federal legislation to provide civil rights protections to persons with
disabilities. The Act's supporters promised that it would increase
the employment and wages of persons with disabilities and reduce their
dependency on public programs. The promises were not based on empirical
estimates of discrimination, and there is no empirical base against
which to compare the promises to the performance of the ADA. This
article estimates the extent of wage discrimination against men with
disabilities in 1990, providing a reference that can be used to evaluate
the impact of the Act.
The ADA does not grant a right to employment to all persons with
disabilities. It requires that persons with disabilities be able to
perform the jobs they seek, subject to "reasonable
accommodations" by employers. This article, therefore, considers
men who are able to work even though their health limits the amount or
kind of work they can perform.
The ADA's provisions assume that low wages and low employment
rates for persons with disabilities are the result of discrimination
caused by prejudice. Prejudice against persons with disabilities is well
documented, but so are the limiting effects of physical impairments on
workplace productivity (Hahn 1987; Margolis and Shapiro 1987; Clogston
1990). The core of the debate concerning the value of the ADA is whether
the poor labor market outcomes of persons with disabilities are the
result of discrimination or the limiting effects of health conditions.
The relative importance of the two effects is a question that this
article answers, within the limits of the methods used to study
The fundamental assumption of the discrimination argument is that
employers incur disutility if they hire persons against whom they are
prejudiced (Becker 1971). We use measures of negative attitudes toward
persons with disabilities to test the influence of prejudice on the size
of productivity-standardized wage differentials. The measures are from
recent studies that use preferences for social distance to measure
attitudes, similar to the concepts Becker (1971) used to represent
preferences for discrimination.
We estimate wage discrimination by decomposing between-group
differences in mean offer wages into a part attributed to differences in
productivity and a part attributed to discrimination and residual
effects (Oaxaca 1973; Reimers 1983; Cotton 1988). Some of the elements
used to control for differences in productivity between disabled and
nondisabled workers are health-related limitations on physical
functioning, such as lifting and carrying. Although the decomposition
method has been used by most studies of discrimination, its estimates of
wage discrimination include nondiscriminatory differences in wages, if
significant variables are omitted from the wage functions. We address
the problem in part by estimating alternative specifications of the wage
functions and using the alternative results to represent a range of
estimated discrimination effects.
Wage discrimination affects employment as well as wages. If labor
supply curves are upward-sloping, some men who would have worked at a
nondiscriminatory wage will not accept a lower discriminatory wage
offer. We use Baldwin and Johnson's (1992b) estimator to measure
the disincentive effects of wage discrimination on the employment of men
with disabilities.
The results show that there are large productivity-standardized
wage differentials between disabled and nondisabled men. The wage
differentials are weakly correlated with the strength of negative
attitudes toward different health conditions. Differences in physical
limitations are an important factor explaining disabled-nondisabled wage
differentials, but controlling for differences in physical limitations
does not eliminate the wage differences.
The results also indicate that low employment rates are a more
serious problem than wage discrimination for workers with disabilities.
The disincentive effects of wage discrimination account for only a small
part of the difference in employment rates between disabled and
nondisabled men.
2. Definitions
Disability refers to activities, such as working, rather than
attributes, such as gender or race. It is important to distinguish
"disability" from "impairment" and "functional
limitation," two terms that are often used incorrectly as synonyms
for disability.
An impairment is a "physiological or anatomical loss or other
abnormality." An impairment may or may not cause a functional
limitation, that is, a restriction of sensory, mental, or physical
capacities. A disability occurs when functional limitations restrict the
ability to perform activities such as working or attending school. [1]
Consider, for example, a worker with a neurological impairment,
such as epilepsy. Epilepsy causes a functional limitation, namely, the
inability to walk and perform physical tasks during severe seizures.
Seizures can restrict the person's ability to work, creating a work
disability. If seizures are controlled by medication, a typical
situation for most persons with epilepsy, the worker's job
performance is not affected and the worker is not disabled. Workers with
epilepsy are, however, still subject to discrimination.
Economic discrimination occurs when groups of workers with equal
average productivity have different mean offer wages or different
opportunities for employment. Discrimination in employment can be
expressed as refusals to hire, differentially high rates of job
terminations, or refusals to rehire workers following work absences. We
use data from the 1990 Survey of Income and Program Participation (Bureau of the Census 1992) to estimate wage discrimination against men
with disabilities, and the disincentive effects of wage discrimination
on employment. The next section describes the data and methods.
3. Data and Methods
The data come from Wave III of the 1990 panel of the SIPP. Wave III
includes questions on health and disability, including 18 functional
limitations. One or more of 29 impairments are listed as the cause of
the limitations. We define a person with a disability as someone with
health-related limitations on work.
Defining Comparison Groups
We use Royal and Roberts' (1987) and Westbrook, Legge, and
Pennay's (1993) studies of attitudes toward disabilities to rank
the 29 impairments on our SIPP data by the intensity of prejudice they
elicit. Each study uses social distance scales to rank attitudes from
most acceptable to least acceptable. [2] The Royal and Roberts'
study is older but includes a measure of visibility, which is an
important influence on the extent of discrimination. [3] The Westbrook
study is more recent and includes attitudes toward some conditions on
the SIPP that are omitted by Royal and Roberts. The rankings of
attitudes that appear in both studies are highly correlated, permitting
us to take advantage of the unique features of each. [4]
The SIPP samples are too small to analyze each of the 29 impairment
groups. Instead, we classify men with disabilities into two groups,
namely, men with impairments that are less visible or subject to less
prejudice (LP) and men with impairments that are visible and subject to
more prejudice (MP). The groups are described in Table 1.
The scores for each impairment group are mean ratings from Royal
and Roberts' (1987) survey, truncated to integer values. The
Westbrook, Legge, and Pennay (1993) mean social distance ratings are
reported in parentheses whenever they differ from the Royal and Roberts
results. The Westbrook scores are used for heart disease, stroke,
alcoholism, and AIDS, which are omitted from the earlier study.
The LP (less prejudice) group includes all conditions that are
unranked on the attitudes studies, and six conditions with high
acceptability rankings and/or low visibility rankings. The MP (more
prejudice) group includes 13 conditions, most with acceptability
rankings of 3 or less and visibility rankings of 2 or more. The
exceptions are cancer, speech disorder, and deafness, which have
visibility rankings of 1 (not at all visible). We classify these
impairments with the MP group because an employer is likely to have
knowledge of the impairment even though it is not literally visible. [5]
The sample consists of 11,708 nondisabled men (ND), 662 men with
impairments subject to less prejudice (LP), and 240 men with impairments
subject to more prejudice (MP). [6] The samples represent populations of
approximately 54 million (ND), 3.1 million (LP), and 1.1 million (MP)
The use of attitude studies to test for the effect of prejudice on
discrimination toward minority workers is unusual. It is surprising,
however, that studies of discrimination never test the fundamental
assumption that prejudice, or "tastes for discrimination," is
the cause of discrimination. The power of the two comparison groups to
test for links between preferences and discrimination is limited, but we
hope it encourages others to develop better tests.
One of the important differences between disabled workers and other
protected classes is the fact that productivity can be limited by the
same health conditions that make disabled workers eligible for civil
rights protection. The next section describes the methods we used to
estimate the effects of health-related limitations on productivity.
Controlling for the Effects of Functional Limitations on
An ideal approach to measuring the effect of functional limitations
on productivity would be to create a profile of the physical functions
required to perform a job and then compare the profile to a
worker's abilities to perform the required functions. Worker-job
matching systems are sometimes used by vocational rehabilitation agencies and insurers but profiles of job demands are not included in
the SIPP. We must, therefore, rely on the profiles of workers'
functional limitations alone.
The SIPP data indicate, for each of 18 functions, whether a person
has no difficulty performing the function, has some difficulty
performing the function, or is unable to perform the function at all.
[7] The responses to the limitation questions are appropriate measures
of the effect of impairments on a person's ability to work, but
there is uncertainty concerning the best method of combining individual
limitations to represent the total effect of impairments on
productivity. [8] Because of the uncertainty, we estimate two models,
namely: a model in which a set of dummy variables controls for
functional limitations, and a model in which limitations are measured by
a set of factors created from principal components analysis. [9]
Dummy Variable Specification
We construct two dummy variables for each of 14 functional
limitation categories. [10] The first dummy equals one if an individual
has difficulty performing the function (otherwise zero) and the second
equals one if the individual cannot perform the function (otherwise
zero). Seven limitations are included in the models in the form of these
two dummy variables. The limitations are: climbing, hearing, lifting,
seeing, walking, getting in and out of bed, and personal care. The
remaining limitations collapse to single dummy variables (where 0 equals
no difficulty and 1 equals has difficulty or cannot perform the
function) because there are some subgroups with no observations in the
"cannot perform" category. These limitations are: bathing,
speaking, doing housework, getting around, handling money, preparing
meals, and using the phone.
The primary advantage of the binary variable specification is that
the estimated coefficients are cardinal measures of the effects of
limitations on wages and employment. The disadvantage is that the 21
binary variables are highly correlated, so the estimated coefficients
tend not to be statistically significant.
Factor Analytic Specification
An alternative specification uses factor analysis to combine the
individual limitations (Johnson and Lambrinos 1985; Baldwin and Johnson
1994, 1995). Different limitations can be highly correlated because one
impairment, such as arthritic degeneration of the joints, can limit
several functions (e.g., climbing, lifting, walking).
The results, shown in Appendix A, are intuitively appealing. The
variables loaded most heavily on the first factor, which we interpret as
a measure of mobility, include: "getting around inside and
outside," "using an aid to get around," and the personal
care variables. Variables loaded most heavily on the second factor, a
measure of strength and endurance, include, "lifting and
carrying," "walking a short distance," and "climbing
stairs." Variables loaded most heavily on the third factor, a
measure of cognitive and sensory limitations, include hearing, seeing,
speaking, using the telephone, and handling money and bills. We use the
variable loadings to construct three composite factors that are
continuous, increasing measures of functional limitations. The three
factors are included as control variables in the second specification of
the wage and employment functions.
The advantage of the factor approach is that it allows correlations
among the data to determine how the limitations variables will be
combined. The primary disadvantage of the approach is that it is
impossible to interpret the regression coefficients as cardinal
Estimating Wage Discrimination
Log linear wage equations of the form
ln [W.sub.i] = [beta][X.sub.i] + c[[lambda].sub.i] +
[[epsilon].sub.i] (1)
are estimated separately for the ND, LP, and MP groups. The wage
equations are estimated for the 10,928 men who were employed at some
time between June and December 1990.
The dependent variable in Equation 1 is the natural log of the
hourly wage rate of the ith worker; [X.sub.i] is a vector of variables
representing worker productivity and labor market characteristics;
[[epsilon].sub.i] is a mean-zero, random disturbance term. [11] The
sample selection variable, [[lambda].sub.i], is included to correct the
bias that results because offer wages are not observed for nonworkers.
Productivity is represented by years of education, the functional
limitations variables, and three measures of work experience. [12] Labor
market variables include union membership, race, and two occupational
categories (professional or manager, laborer).
Substituting means and coefficient estimates of the variables in
the wage equation into Equation 2, we obtain an expression for the offer
wage differential between ND and LP men:
ln [W.sub.ND] - ln [W.sub.LP] - ([c.sub.ND][[lambda].sub.ND] -
[c.sub.LP][[lambda].sub.LP]) = ([X.sub.ND] -
[X.sub.LP])[d[[beta].sub.ND] + (1 - d)[[beta].sub.LP]] + [[X.sub.ND] (1
- d) + [X.sub.LP]d]([[beta].sub.ND] - [[beta].sub.LP]), (2)
with a similar decomposition for the nondisabled (ND) and more
prejudice (MP) groups. The left side of Equation 2 represents the
difference between mean offer wages for disabled and nondisabled
workers. The first term on the right represents the difference in offer
wages attributable to differences in average productivity, as
represented by means of the variables in the wage equation; the second
term represents the unexplained part of the wage differential attributed
to discrimination and residual effects.
The second term cannot be decomposed into discriminatory and
nondiscriminatory components because the difference in intercepts varies
with differences in the units of measurement (Jones 1983). Thus, the
second term is an unbiased measure of discrimination only if no
significant variables are omitted from the wage equations and all
variables are accurately measured. Our estimates must be interpreted
with this constraint in mind. [13]
The weight d, valued from 0 to 1, represents the relationship of
the nondiscriminatory wage structure to observed wages. We assume the
nondiscriminatory wage structure is the observed wage structure for
nondisabled men (d = 1) because workers with disabilities are a small
fraction of the employed labor force. [14]
Estimating the Employment Effects of Wage Discrimination
Most studies of wage discrimination assume that labor supply
functions are perfectly inelastic, implying that discrimination affects
wages but not employment (Cain 1986). In reality, wage discrimination
reduces minority employment because some workers who would accept a
nondiscriminatory wage will not work at the lower, discriminatory wage
offer. [15] We use the Baldwin--Johnson (1992a) technique to estimate
these "disincentive effects of wage discrimination" on the
employment of men with disabilities. The technique imposes no a priori
assumptions about the elasticity of the labor supply curves.
The observed probability of employment for the average man in the
LP or MP group, [II.sub.j], is derived from probit estimates of the
likelihood function
log L = [[sigma].sub.i[epsilon]E] log
F([gamma]'/[sigma][Z.sub.i]) + [[sigma].sub.i[epsilon]E] log[1 -
F([gamma]'/[sigma][Z.sub.i])], (3)
where i [epsilon] E if a man is employed and i [epsilon] E
otherwise. In Equation 3, F is the standard normal cumulative
distribution function, [Z.sub.i] is a vector of variables that determine
offer wages and reservation wages, and [gamma]/[sigma] is a
corresponding vector of coefficients estimated separately for the LP/MP
groups. Independent variables in the employment function include age,
education, race, functional limitations, marital status, and six sources
of nonwage income.
Using the coefficient estimates and means of the independent
variables in Equation 3, the observed probability of employment is
[[pi].sub.j] = F[([gamma]/[sigma])Z], j = LP, MP, (4)
where ([gamma]/[sigma])Z represents the difference in the log offer
wage and log reservation wage of the average LP/MP man, standardized by
the adjustment factor [sigma].
Probabilities of employment in the absence of discrimination,
[[pi].sup.*].sub.j], are obtained by correcting the log offer
wage-reservation wage differential, ([gamma]/[sigma])Z, for the effect
of discrimination in offer wages. Let ln [[W.sup.o*].sub.j] represent
the mean log offer wage to LP/MP men in the absence of discrimination
(computed by substituting the mean characteristics of the LP/MP group
into the offer wage function for nondisabled men). Then,
[[pi].sup.*].sub.j] = F([gamma]/[sigma])Z - (ln[[W.sup.o*].sub.j] -
ln[[W.sup.0].sub.j])/[sigma]. (5)
The number of jobs lost to men in the LP/MP group because of wage
discrimination is estimated by multiplying the discriminatory
differential in the probability of employment for the average man by the
size of the group, [N.sub.j]. The loss of employment, [E.sub.j], is
given by
[E.sub.j] = ([[[pi].sup.*].sub.j] - [[pi].sub.j])[N.sub.j]). (6)
The estimator of employment effects assumes that employers are free
to express their tastes for discrimination as low offer wages and that
the unexplained difference in offer wages measured by the wage
decompositions is entirely attributed to employer wage discrimination.
[16] To the extent that employers' wage offers are constrained by
minimum wage floors or that important variables have been omitted from
the wage equation, our estimates may understate or overstate the
employment effects.
4. Results
Wage and Employment Functions
Means and estimated coefficients of the employment and wage
functions are reported in Appendices B and C. Considering the employment
function, the functional limitations variables are negative and
significant in four of nine occurrences in the factor model. In the
binary model, the functional limitations variables are significant in
only one-fourth of occurrences and occasionally have a counterintuitive sign reflecting the collinearity among the variables. The coefficients
of the non-health-related variables in the employment function have the
expected signs and satisfy the usual significance tests. Likelihood
ratio tests show that the structure of the employment function is
significantly different for each of the three groups. [17]
In the wage equations, the functional limitations variables are
significant in only one of nine occurrences in the factor model and in
only eight of 63 occurrences in the binary model. Other variables in the
wage equation are generally significant and have the expected signs. The
wage model for nondisabled men is significantly different from the
models for LP and MP men, but there is no significant difference between
the models for the two disabled groups. [18]
The finding that functional limitations are more often significant
as influences on employment than on wages is consistent with previous
research (Reimers 1983; Johnson and Lambrinos 1985). The previous
studies interpret the result to suggest that the primary effect of
physical limitations is as an obstacle to employment. Persons with
disabilities who obtain employment have convinced employers that they
are physically capable of meeting job requirements. Thus, the effect of
functional limitations on wages is, the studies suggest, likely to be
small. Their interpretation is consistent with our results, but it
cannot be tested empirically in this study.
Wage Discrimination
Average hourly wages are $13.35 for nondisabled men, $11.13 for men
in the LP group, and $10.90 for men in the MP group. The observed wage
differentials are converted to offer wage differentials by adjusting for
sample selection bias. The offer wage differentials are then decomposed
into a part attributed to between-group differences in
productivity-related characteristics and an unexplained part attributed
to discrimination and residual effects. [19] The offer wage differential
between nondisabled and LP (MP) men is approximately 19% (28%) of the
mean offer wage for nondisabled men. Decompositions of the offer wage
differentials are reported in Table 2 for both the binary and factor
The results show that physical limitations depress wages, but the
size of the effect varies greatly with the specification of the model.
Limitations account for 16% (0.029/0.181) of the offer wage differential
between ND/LP men in the factor model compared to 25% (0.047/0.190) in
the binary model. The two models yield even greater differences for
ND/MP men: limitations account for 10% of the offer wage differential in
the factor model compared to 39% in the binary model. [20] There is no
clear choice between the two specifications, although the binary model
has a higher log likelihood in the employment function for both LP and
MP groups, and a higher adjusted r-square in the wage equation for the
MP group. The discussion that follows uses the more conservative
estimates of wage discrimination from the binary model.
The explained differential, attributed to differences in human
capital and job characteristics, is 17% of the offer wage differential
for ND/LP men and 41% of the differential for ND/MP men. Disabled
men's offer wages are lower in part because they are less well
educated and work in less skilled occupations than nondisabled men. [21]
These differences are somewhat offset by the fact that disabled men have
more work experience, on average, than nondisabled men.
The productivity-standardized wage differential, attributed to
discrimination and residual effects, is 83% of the offer wage
differential for ND/LP men and 59% for ND/MP men. The relative sizes of
the unexplained wage differentials for LP and MP men provide little
support for the hypothesis that the men who are subject to more
prejudice experience more discrimination. The unexplained wage
differential is 15.7% of the nondisabled offer wage for LP men and 16.4%
for MP men. Sensitivity tests based on alternative specifications of the
model yielded larger estimates of the unexplained wage differential than
the model discussed above. [22]
Employment Effects of Wage Discrimination
There are large differences in observed probabilities of employment
for disabled and nondisabled men. Part of the employment differentials
reflect the disincentive effects of unexplained differences in the offer
wages of the two groups. In other words, some disabled men whose
reservation wages fall between the observed offer wage and the
productivity-standardized offer wage are deterred from working. We call
this the "disincentive effect of wage discrimination,"
although we recognize that factors other than discrimination may
contribute to the unexplained part of the wage differential.
As shown in Table 3, the estimated probabilities of employment
([[pi].sub.j] in Equation 4) are 75% for LP men and 62% for MP men,
compared to 93% for nondisabled men. The disincentive effects of wage
discrimination explain less than two percentage points of the 18
percentage point difference in employment rates between nondisabled and
LP men and less than two percentage points of the 31 percentage point
difference between nondisabled and MP men.
The estimated employment effects are small in terms of percentage
points, but the losses of jobs and income to the disabled groups are not
trivial. An additional 44,000 LP men and 11,000 MP men would be employed
in 1990 if disabled men were offered productivity-standardized wages. If
we assume these men would obtain jobs at the mean
productivity-standardized wage rate for their group, the annual earnings
loss to men in the LP group is $1.02 billion and the annual earnings
loss to MP men is $0.24 billion. In total, the disincentive effects of
wage discrimination cost not-employed men with disabilities $1.2 billion
in lost earnings in 1990. It is probable that some of these men seek
disability benefits from private or social insurance plans to compensate
for their losses of income.
There still remains a large (approximately 17 percentage points for
LP men and 30 percentage points for MP men) employment differential that
is not explained by the disincentive effects of the wage differentials.
Part of the differential represents differences in the
productivity-related characteristics of disabled and nondisabled men,
the most important of which are education and functional limitations. On
average, disabled men have no formal schooling after high school,
whereas nondisabled men complete one year of college (means reported in
Appendix B). The education differential likely reflects the older ages
of the disabled groups, rather than an outcome of disability, because
relatively few persons are affected by disabling health conditions
during childhood.
The probability of employment decreases as functional limitations
increase, and mean values of the limitations variables increase as one
moves from ND to LP to MP men. [23] Thus, even in the absence of
employer discrimination, we would expect to observe lower employment
rates for disabled men than for nondisabled men.
The results show that workers with more functional limitations have
lower wages, all else equal, than workers with fewer limitations,
supporting the contention that disabled workers' wages reflect
lower average levels of productivity. Even so, approximately 60% of the
offer wage differential between disabled and nondisabled men is
attributed to unexplained differences in productivity-standardized wages
by the more conservative (binary) model. The remaining question is the
extent to which the productivity-standardized wage differentials
represent discrimination.
The great limitation of the decomposition technique is the
inability to decompose the estimates of productivity-standardized wage
differentials into discriminatory and nondiscriminatory components. It
seems unlikely that the wage equations have not omitted
productivity-relevant variables. It is equally unlikely that all the
proxies for worker productivity are, as assumed, free from the effects
of prior discrimination.
Interpretations of our results must, therefore, recognize the
effects of the following assumptions and choices. First, we assume that
education and work experience have not been affected by
disability-related discrimination. The increase in the incidence of
disabling health conditions with age suggests that the assumption is
reasonably correct regarding education but not correct with respect to
work experience. Second, we choose the binary model as the most
appropriate specification of functional limitations. The part of the
offer wage differential attributed to differences in productivity is
four times larger in the binary model than in the factor model that has
been used in previous studies. Thus, the choice of binary measures of
functional limitations, and the assumption of no prior discrimination,
contribute to conservative estimates of discrimination relative to other
assumptions and choices. Nevertheless, no discrimination study can claim
an exact measure of wage discrimination. The results that we hav e
described must be interpreted as boundaries within which the true
measure of wage discrimination is likely to fall.
The assumption that prejudice (preferences) is the root cause of
discrimination is implicit in most studies of discrimination against
African Americans and other minority groups but has not been tested
directly. This article attempts to investigate the extent to which the
assumption is valid.
The results show that persons with disabilities are subject to wage
discrimination, but they do not conclusively demonstrate that
discrimination is caused by prejudice. One source of uncertainty is the
weakness of the test. A second problem is the sensitivity of the results
to the specification of the functional limitation measures. The results
from the binary model indicate that there is no difference in
unexplained wage differentials for LP and MP men, but the factor results
indicate that the unexplained wage differential is 50% larger for MP men
(Table 2). The factor model, therefore, more strongly supports the
presumption that wage discrimination is a reflection of prejudice.
Uncertainties regarding the interpretation of our results should
not obscure the fact that a relatively small group of workers bears
rather substantial losses because of discrimination toward their health
conditions. The results suggest losses of wage income ranging from $10
to $12 billion in 1990 that are in part or in whole attributable to wage
discrimination. [24] Were the true measures only half as large, the
absolute losses to disabled workers would be substantial.
Income losses attributed to disability-related discrimination have
implications for nondisabled persons as well. The primary income support
program for disabled persons with Social Security coverage is Social
Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). The program pays more than $28
billion annually to employment-aged individuals who are disabled and not
working (GAO 1994). It is well known that decreases in employment rates
generally lead to increases in SSDI applications (Kreider 1998). It is
reasonable to expect that disabled men who are disadvantaged by wage
discrimination find SSDI an attractive alternative.
5. Conclusions
The ADA was enacted in response to the political activism of
persons with disabilities, who adopted the strategies used by African
Americans and other minority groups in their fight against
discrimination. The Act is based on the premise that prejudice creates
obstacles to employment and limits wages for persons with disabilities.
The existence of prejudice against persons with disabilities is
well documented, but the extent to which prejudice is translated into
employment and wage differentials is not. Our results include empirical
tests of the importance of prejudice as a cause of poor labor market
outcomes for men with disabilities. The tests are only the beginning of
a badly needed development of empirical tests of discrimination, for all
minority groups, that reflect the theoretical propositions on which
economic analyses of labor market discrimination are based.
Our results suggest that advocates of the ADA were correct in
asserting that labor market discrimination is an important problem for
persons with disabilities. In 1990, there were unexplained wage
differentials between nondisabled and disabled men that reduced the
wages of working men and discouraged others from accepting employment.
The total income lost to men with disabilities is large: we estimate
approximately $11 billion in 1990. The size of the estimate is
conditional on our definition of the disabled population, which excludes
men who are physically unable to work and subject to the caveat that
unexplained wage differentials include unmeasured differences in
productivity, as well as discrimination effects. Nevertheless, the size
of the estimate suggests that if the ADA is successful in eliminating
discrimination against men with disabilities, it has the potential to
increase their incomes substantially and to decrease their reliance on
public support programs.
Our comparisons of differences in employment rates between disabled
and nondisabled men suggest that employment is an even more important
problem than wage discrimination. Only a small fraction of the large
differences in employment rates are attributable to the disincentive
effects of wage discrimination, suggesting that the remainder is
influenced by differences in employability and refusals to hire in cases
where discriminatory offer wages fall below the legal minimum.
Ultimately, the success of the labor market provisions of the ADA should
be judged by their success in increasing employment rates among these
The best chance for success appears to begin with a recognition
that the majority of men with disabilities are able to work, but
discrimination reduces their wages and opportunities for employment. It
is equally important to recognize that impairments do limit
productivity, contradicting the assertions of some disability rights
activists that the only limits on the employment of persons with
disabilities are the perceptions and prejudices of nondisabled persons.
Our tests for the importance of prejudice as a cause of wage
differentials suggest that prejudice has a strong effect for a
relatively small minority of men with disabilities. Prejudice appears to
be relatively unimportant in determining wage differentials for a much
larger group.
The results in this article establish a reference to which the
effects of the ADA in the years since 1990 can be compared. Although the
implementation of the ADA's provisions lagged the passage of the
Act by more than a year, the data should soon be available to perform
such a comparison.
(*.) Department of Economics, East Carolina University, A433
Brewster, Greenville, NC 27858-4353, USA; corresponding author.
(+.) School of Health Administration and Policy and Department of
Economics, College of Business, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
85287-4506, USA.
The authors acknowledge helpful comments from Richard Burkhauser,
David Salkever, participants in the "Work Disability" session
of the 1994 AEA meetings, and two anonymous referees. Any remaining
errors are our own.
Received January 1998; accepted April 1999.
(1.) Our definitions combine concepts from Nagi (1969) and the
World Health Organization (WHO 1980). The ADA definition of disability
is more comprehensive. It includes anyone with "a physical or
mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major
life activities," anyone with a record of having such an
impairment, or anyone who is perceived as having such an impairment. Any
individual who satisfies one of the three criteria is protected from
wage or employment discrimination by the Act.
The distinctions between impairment, limitation, and disability are
useful but do not completely eliminate ambiguities because certain
illnesses or injuries create multiple impairments. We will, therefore,
sometimes use the term "disabling condition" rather than
"impairment" in our discussion.
(2.) The Royal and Roberts (1987) survey asks, "How much would
you like to have this person as a friend?" Respondents rate each
disability on a scale of 1 (least acceptable) to 5 (most acceptable).
The Westbrook, Legge, and Pennay (1993) survey asks respondents to
"consider what level of acceptance is most usually found for each
disability ... circle the number that best describes the typical
acceptance level" (Wcstbrook, Legge, and Pennay 1993, p. 617). The
following scale is provided: (i) No acceptance (people would prefer a
person with this disability to be kept in an institution or out of
sight); (ii) Low acceptance (people would try and avoid a person with
this disability); (iii) Moderate acceptance (a person with this
disability would be acceptable as a fellow worker); (iv) High acceptance
(a person with this disability would be acceptable as a friend); (v)
Full acceptance (people would accept a person with this disability
marrying into their immediate family) (Westbrook, Legge, and Pennay
1993, p. 617).
(3.) The survey asks "How easily could you tell that people
have (disability name) just by looking at them?" Disabilities are
ranked on a scale of 1 (not at all visible) to 5 (very visible) (Royal
and Roberts 1987).
(4.) Westbrook, Legge, and Pennay (1993, p. 615) also report that
their disability hierarchy is "remarkably similar to other
hierarchies reported over the last 23 years," suggesting little
change in attitudes toward disabilities over time.
(5.) The acceptability score for cancer is on the borderline in the
Royal and Roberts (1987) study (4.00) but ranked considerably lower in
the Westbrook, Legge, and Pennay (1993) results (3.75). We also report
the results of sensitivity analyses when the three borderline conditions
are moved to the LP group.
(6.) Men who receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or
who are institutionalized are excluded from the sample because they are
unable to work. Applicants for SSDI must prove they have not worked for
five months, are unable to work, and have no prospect of gainful employment in the future to qualify for benefits (USDHHS 1984). The
exclusions restrict the severity but not the types of impairments
included in the analysis.
(7.) Self-reported measures of functional limitations have been
shown to be reasonably accurate correlates of the capacity to work
(Stern 1989).
(8.) The scores for different functional limitations are correlated
because one impairment can produce multiple limitations. The use of a
dummy variable for each limitation in a wage equation typically produces
results in which none of the individual limitation variables are
statistically significant. In addition, some less common limitations do
not occur in some samples, reducing the regression models to less than
full rank for those samples. One solution to these problems is to use
principal components analysis to produce a combined score. Principal
components analysis reduces collinearity, but it is difficult to
interpret the coefficients of the factors that replace the direct
measures of functional limitations. In addition, some information is
lost when 18 measures of functional limitations are reduced to three
(9.) We thank a referee for suggesting the binary model.
(10.) We first constructed dummy variables for each of the 18
functional limitations reported on the SIPP. The variables equal zero if
an individual has "no difficulty" performing a function and
one if the individual "has difficulty" or "cannot"
perform the function. Perfectly colinear variables are then combined
into logically associated groups (e.g., limitations in dressing, eating,
or toileting are included in a variable for "personal care").
The result is 14 limitations categories.
(11.) The system is identified by including the following variables
in the employment function that are not included in the wage equation:
nonwage incomes, marital status, age. In theory, all variables in the
wage equation should also be included in the employment function;
however, some of the variables in the wage equation, namely occupation,
union membership, and work experience, are not observed for nonworkers.
This may severely limit the selectivity bias correction in our model.
Nevertheless, we prefer not to estimate a more restrictive wage equation
because the residual is our estimate of discrimination. The sample
selection variable, defined as the inverse of Mill's ratio (Heckman
1980), is constructed from coefficient estimates of the employment
function described in the following section. The hourly wage rate is
computed by dividing total wages for the four-month reference period by
total hours worked.
(12.) The experience variables are "specific experience"
(years worked for current employer), "general experience"
(years worked for other employers), and "missing experience"
(years in which a man was of labor force age but was neither employed
nor in school). Specific experience squared is also included to control
for declining investments in job-specific training over time.
(13.) The estimates of wage discrimination may, for example, be too
large or too small because the occupation variables do not control
adequately for interactions between job demands and functional
(14.) The nondiscriminatory wage structure for minority workers is
not observable but is assumed to be bounded by the observed wage
structures of the majority and minority groups. Most studies of
discrimination use weights of one (the nondiscriminatory wage structure
is the wage structure of the majority group), zero (the
nondiscriminatory wage structure is the wage structure of the minority
group), or 0.5 (Reimers 1983). Cotton (1988) argues that the weights
should represent the proportions of majority and minority workers in the
employed labor force. Our choice of d = 1.0 is consistent with
Cotton's rule that would set d = 0.96 for LP men and d = 0.98 for
MP men. There is an alternative weighting scheme suggested by Neumark (1988), in which the nondiscriminatory wage structure is obtained from a
pooled regression over the majority and minority groups. Oaxaca and
Ransom (1988) argue that the pooled regression approach is less
attractive in models that control for sample selection bias because the
estimated p arameters from the pooled sample are not a linear function
of the estimated parameters from the separate regressions.
(15.) That is, labor supply schedules are upward sloping. Becker
predicts discrimination will increase majority worker employment but
reduce total employment. The net effect of discrimination on total
employment depends on the elasticities of supply and demand for majority
and minority workers (Becker 1971; Thurow 1975). Baldwin and Johnson
(1992a) test the weighting schemes proposed by different studies of wage
discrimination and find that Cotton's (1988) and Neumark's
(1988) weights produce estimated employment effects consistent with
Becker's model of discrimination.
(16.) A wage floor fixed by legislation or collective bargaining
agreements can prevent this assumption from being satisfied (Gilman 1965). An employer whose tastes for discrimination can only be satisfied
by offering wages below the legal minimum will refuse to hire minority
workers. The extent to which discrimination is expressed by refusals to
hire because of wage floors cannot be predicted a priori because it
depends on worker productivity, workers' reservation wage
functions, the strength of employers' tastes for discrimination,
and the prevalence and structure of wage floors.
(17.) The values of the test statistic in the factor model are:
([[X.sup.2].sub.16] = 129.16) for ND/LP men, ([[X.sup.2].sub.16] =
145.70) for ND/MP men, and ([[X.sup.2].sub.16] = 24.54) for LP/MP men.
The values in the binary model are ([[X.sup.2].sub.34] = 146.12) for
ND/LP men, ([[X.sup.2].sub.34] = 158.91) for ND/MP men, and
([[X.sup.2].sub.34] = 48.71) for LP/MP men.
(18.) In the binary model, the test statistics are
([F.sub.3,10,724] = 1.36) for ND/LP men, ([F.sub.31,10,399] = 1.68) for
ND/MP men, and ([F.sub.31,547] = 1.06) for LP/MP men, in the factor
model, the test statistics are ([F.sub.31,10,760] = 2.56) for ND/LP men,
([F.sub.13,10,435] = 2.00) for ND/MP men, ([F.sub.13,583] = 1.04) for
LP/MP men. We attribute the failure to find significant differences
between the LP and MP wage equations to the loss of degrees of freedom
when the test is restricted to the small samples of disabled men and to
the large standard errors for some of the coefficients. When the wage
equation is reestimated jointly for the disabled groups with a binary
variable identifying MP men and interaction terms between MP and all
other variables, the results show significant between-group differences
in the intercept term and in the slope coefficients for the experience
variables. We cannot, however, use a joint equation for the wage
(19.) Estimates of wage discrimination against workers with
disabilities have been reported by Johnson and Lambrinos (1985) using
data from the 1972 Social Security Survey of Disabled and Nondisabled
Adults (Bureau of the Census 1992) and by Baldwin and Johnson (1994,
1995) using data from the 1984 SIPP.
(20.) The alternative specifications of the limitations variables
produce large differences in the measured effects of functional
limitations on wages but have little effect on the coefficients of other
variables in the wage equations.
(21.) Relative to nondisabled men, LP men are underrepresented in
high-wage professional and managerial occupations, while MP men are
overrepresented in low-wage laborer occupations.
(22.) The decompositions do not change substantively when we
re-estimate the wage equations without the control for sample selection
bias and decompose observed wage differentials. The results do change
when we reestimate the model assuming that the wage structure for
disabled men is the nondiscriminatory wage structure. The change in
weights increases the unexplained component to approximately 95% of the
offer wage differential for LP men and 120% for MP men. We prefer the
model with d = 1 because we believe it represents the wage structure
that would prevail in the absence of discrimination more accurately and
because it yields more conservative estimates of discrimination.
We also reestimated the wage models with alternative definitions of
the LP and MP groups to see whether our results are sensitive to changes
in the cutoff point on the acceptability scale. In particular, we
reclassified the less visible impairments (cancer, speech, hearing) into
the LP group. The decompositions for the LP group are virtually
unchanged. For the MP group, the positive component attributed to
functional limitations increases, but the negative component attributed
to experience decreases in absolute value. The changes are offsetting,
so there is no change in the explained and unexplained components of the
wage differential. The overall effect of the change in definitions is to
move some impairment categories with relatively low levels of functional
limitations and work experience to the LP group.
Finally, we reestimated the models excluding the controls for
occupation because these variables may be endogenous to discrimination.
When occupation is excluded, a larger part of the wage differential is
explained by functional limitations and education, but there is no
substantive difference in the results of the decompositions. Results are
available from the authors.
(23.) The one exception is the factor measuring strength and
endurance, which has a higher average value for LP men than for MP men.
The extreme values of the limitations variables for the ND group are,
however, within the range of values for the disabled men. This result is
consistent with previous research showing that impairments of the same
severity are not always equally disabling because of differences in
compensatory technologies.
(24.) The estimates of income losses are computed as follows. We
estimate mean offer wages in the absence of discrimination by
substituting mean characteristics for the disabled groups into the
estimated wage function for nondisabled men. We then compute income
losses for working disabled men by multiplying the unexplained
difference in offer wages, by 2000 hours per year, by the weighted
population totals. We compute income losses for nonworking disabled men
by multiplying the mean nondiscriminatory offer wage, by 2000 hours per
year, by the number of job losses attributed to the disincentive effects
(Table 3).
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Classification of Impairments
Disability Category Distance
SIPP Impairment Category from Attitudes Studies Ranking [a]
Impairments that are less visible or
subject to less prejudice (LP)
Back or spine problems -- --
Broken bone/fracture -- --
Head or spinal cord injury -- --
Hernia or rupture -- --
High blood pressure -- --
Kidney stones or chronic kidney
trouble -- --
Stiffness or deformity of the foot,
leg, arm, or hand -- --
Thyroid trouble or goiter -- --
Tumor, cyst, or growth -- --
Learning disability Learning disability 3
Stomach trouble Ulcer 4
Lung or respiratory trouble Asthma 4
Diabetes Diabetes 4
Heart trouble Heart disease (4)
Arthritis or rheumatism Arthritis 4
Impairments that are visible and subject
to more prejudice (MP)
Missing legs, feet, arms, hands,
or fingers Amputation 3
Cancer Cancer 4 (3)
Speech disorder Speech deficit 3
Blindness or vision problems Blindness 3
Deafness or serious trouble
hearing Deafness 3
Stroke Stroke (3)
Epilepsy Epilepsy 3
Paralysis of any kind Paraplegia 3
Cerebral palsy Cerebral palsy 3 (2)
Alcohol or drug problem Alcoholism (2)
Mental or emotional problem Mental illness 2
Mental retardation Mental retardation 2 (1)
SIPP Impairment Category Ranking [a]
Impairments that are less visible or
subject to less prejudice (LP)
Back or spine problems --
Broken bone/fracture --
Head or spinal cord injury --
Hernia or rupture --
High blood pressure --
Kidney stones or chronic kidney
trouble --
Stiffness or deformity of the foot,
leg, arm, or hand --
Thyroid trouble or goiter --
Tumor, cyst, or growth --
Learning disability 1
Stomach trouble 1
Lung or respiratory trouble 1
Diabetes 1
Heart trouble --
Arthritis or rheumatism 2
Impairments that are visible and subject
to more prejudice (MP)
Missing legs, feet, arms, hands,
or fingers 4
Cancer 1
Speech disorder 1
Blindness or vision problems 3
Deafness or serious trouble
hearing 1
Stroke --
Epilepsy 2
Paralysis of any kind 4
Cerebral palsy 4
Alcohol or drug problem --
Mental or emotional problem 2
Mental retardation 4
(a.)Social distance rankings range from 1 (low acceptance) to 5
(high acceptance). Visibility rankings range from 1 (not visible) to 5
(very visible). Rankings are derived from Royal and Roberts (1987) mean
acceptability and visibility ratings, and truncated to integer values.
Rankings in parentheses are derived from Westbrook, Legge, and Pennay
(1993) mean social distance ratings. The latter rankings are reported
only when they differ from the Royal and Roberts results or when the
impairment is not included in the earlier study.
Decompositions of Wage Differentials Between
Disabled and Nondisabled Men [a]
Disabled (LP) Disabled (MP)
Binary Model Factor Model Binary Model
Wage differential $2.22 $2.22 $2.45
Difference in log wages 0.153 0.153 0.228
Difference in offer wages 0.190 0.181 0.280
Components of the differential
Functional limitations 0.047 0.029 0.109
Education 0.026 0.026 0.030
Race -0.006 -0.006 -0.003
Union 0.001 0.001 0.001
Experience -0.049 -0.049 -0.034
Occupation 0.015 0.015 0.013
Explained differential 0.033 0.016 0.116
Unexplained differential 0.157 0.165 0.164
Factor Model
Wage differential $2.45
Difference in log wages 0.228
Difference in offer wages 0.271
Components of the differential
Functional limitations 0.027
Education 0.031
Race -0.003
Union 0.001
Experience -0.034
Occupation 0.013
Explained differential 0.034
Unexplained differential 0.237
Source: Bureau of the Census (1992) Wave III 1990 panel.
(a.)Components of the differential equal
([X.sub.ND] - [X.sub.j])[[beta].sub.ND],
j = LP, MP.
Employment Effects of Wage Discrimination [a]
Disabled (LP)
(Pop. = 3,118,864)
Binary Factor
Model Model
Estimated probability of employment
([[pi].sub.j]) 75.67 74.99
Estimated probability of employment in
the absence of wage discrimination
([[[pi].sup.*].sub.j]) 77.08 76.50
Difference in probabilities of employ-
ment ([[[pi].sup.*].sub.j] - [[pi].sub.j]) 1.41 1.51
Jobs not taken as a result of the disin-
centive effects of wage discrimination 43,976 47,095
Disabled (MP)
(Pop. = 1,091,308)
Binary Factor
Model Model
Estimated probability of employment
([[pi].sub.j]) 62.70 61.51
Estimated probability of employment in
the absence of wage discrimination
([[[pi].sup.*].sub.j]) 63.73 63.10
Difference in probabilities of employ-
ment ([[[pi].sup.*].sub.j] - [[pi].sub.j]) 1.03 1.59
Jobs not taken as a result of the disin-
centive effects of wage discrimination 11,240 17,352
Source: Bureau of the Census (1992) Wave III 1990 panel.
(a.)j = LP, MP. Probabilities expressed as percents.
Appendix A
Factor Analysis of Functional Limitation Variables
Rotated Factor Pattern [a]
Factor 1
Variable Mobility
Difficulty seeing 0.121
Difficulty hearing 0.007
Difficulty speaking 0.089
Uses an aid to help get around 0.355
Difficulty lifting and carrying something as
heavy as 10 lbs. 0.299
Difficulty walking for a quarter mile 0.227
Difficulty climbing a flight of stairs 0.243
Difficulty getting around outside the house 0.523
Difficulty getting around inside the house 0.575
Difficulty getting in and out of bed 0.485
Needs help to prepare meals 0.566
Needs help with light housework 0.535
Difficulty using the telephone 0.092
Needs help to take a bath or shower 0.687
Needs help to get dressed 0.599
Needs help eating 0.268
Needs help to use the toilet 0.623
Difficulty keeping track of money and bills 0.211
Eigenvalues 3.139
Percent total variance 17.44
Factor 2
Strength Commun-
and Factor 3 ality
Variable Endurance Sensory Estimates
Difficulty seeing 0.183 0.204 0.090
Difficulty hearing 0.092 0.267 0.080
Difficulty speaking 0.020 0.668 0.455
Uses an aid to help get around 0.297 0.067 0.219
Difficulty lifting and carrying something as
heavy as 10 lbs. 0.515 0.123 0.369
Difficulty walking for a quarter mile 0.817 0.116 0.732
Difficulty climbing a flight of stairs 0.766 0.115 0.659
Difficulty getting around outside the house 0.327 0.176 0.411
Difficulty getting around inside the house 0.246 0.083 0.398
Difficulty getting in and out of bed 0.313 0.077 0.340
Needs help to prepare meals 0.188 0.222 0.405
Needs help with light housework 0.261 0.077 0.361
Difficulty using the telephone 0.024 0.662 0.448
Needs help to take a bath or shower 0.185 0.074 0.512
Needs help to get dressed 0.110 0.127 0.387
Needs help eating 0.051 0.234 0.130
Needs help to use the toilet 0.076 0.138 0.414
Difficulty keeping track of money and bills 0.076 0.379 0.194
Eigenvalues 2.080 1.383 --
Percent total variance 11.56 7.68 36.68
Source: Bureau of the Census (1992) Wave III 1990 panel.
(a.)The factor patterns are obtained from principal components
analysis with varimax rotation. Three factors satisfied the selection
criterion of preliminary eigenvalues greater than one. The communality
estimates are the proportion of the variation of each variable involved
in the factor patterns. The percent total variance is the percentage of
variation among all the variables involved in each pattern.
Appendix B
Means and Estimated Coefficients of Variables in
the Employment Function [a]
(N = 11,708)
(Pop. = 54,125,633)
Variable Mean Coefficient
Employed 0.89
Demographic characteristics
Education 13.2 0.082 [*] 0.082 [*]
Race (1 = white) 0.86 0.441 [*] 0.443 [*]
Age 35.7 0.028 [*] 0.027 [*]
Functional limitations
Factor 1 (mobility) -0.05 0.107
Factor 2 (strength) -0.13 -0.121 [*]
Factor 3 (sensory) -0.03 0.023
Functional limitations (binary)
Difficulty seeing 0.01 -0.189
Cannot see 0.00 -0.087
Difficulty hearing 0.03 0.052
Cannot hear 0.00 0.282
Difficulty speaking 0.00 -0.241
Difficulty lifting 0.00 -0.376
Cannot lift 0.00 0.159
Difficulty climbing 0.01 -0.509 [*]
Cannot climb 0.00 -0.373
Difficulty walking 0.01 -0.208
Cannot walk 0.00 -0.781 [*]
Difficulty with phone 0.00 6.819
Difficulty getting around 0.00 6.356
Difficulty getting in/out bed 0.00 3.802
Disabled (LP)
(N = 662)
(Pop. = 3,118,864)
Variable Mean Coefficient
Employed 0.71
Demographic characteristics
Education 12.4 0.133 [*] 0.127 [*]
Race (1 = white) 0.87 0.488 [*] 0.497 [*]
Age 41.6 0.003 0.002
Functional limitations
Factor 1 (mobility) 0.12 -0.080 [*]
Factor 2 (strength) 0.15 -0.126 [*]
Factor 3 (sensory) 0.17 -0.011
Functional limitations (binary)
Difficulty seeing 0.07 -0.380
Cannot see 0.00 -0.311
Difficulty hearing 0.14 0.267
Cannot hear 0.00 -1.006
Difficulty speaking 0.01 2.274 [*]
Difficulty lifting 0.13 -0.282
Cannot lift 0.06 -0.512 [*]
Difficulty climbing 0.15 -0.037
Cannot climb 0.08 0.164
Difficulty walking 0.15 -0.447 [*]
Cannot walk 0.09 -0.539 [*]
Difficulty with phone 0.01 -0.736
Difficulty getting around 0.04 -0.187
Difficulty getting in/out bed 0.03 -0.538
Disabled (MP)
(N = 240)
(Pop. 1,091,308)
Variable Mean Coefficient
Employed 0.58
Demographic characteristics
Education 12.3 0.120 [*] 0.091 [*]
Race (1 = white) 0.83 0.667 [*] 0.736 [*]
Age 41.5 -0.012 -0.012
Functional limitations
Factor 1 (mobility) 0.56 -0.003
Factor 2 (strength) 0.69 -0.090 [*]
Factor 3 (sensory) 1.23 -0.001
Functional limitations (binary)
Difficulty seeing 0.15 -0.144
Cannot see 0.05 -1.127 [*]
Difficulty hearing 0.13 0.859 [*]
Cannot hear 0.04 0.132
Difficulty speaking 0.09 -0.373
Difficulty lifting 0.03 -0.312
Cannot lift 0.07 -0.699
Difficulty climbing 0.11 0.814 [*]
Cannot climb 0.08 -0.388
Difficulty walking 0.10 -0.683 [*]
Cannot walk 0.06 0.145
Difficulty with phone 0.05 0.442
Difficulty getting around 0.10 -1.353 [*]
Difficulty getting in/out bed 0.02 2.173 [*]
Cannot get in/out of bed 0.00 5.439 0.05 0.247
Difficulty bathing 0.00 5.156 0.02 0.145
Difficulty with personal care 0.00 4.679 0.02 0.251
Cannot personal care 0.00 6.084 0.01 -0.546
Difficulty with money 0.00 0.315 0.02 -0.983
Difficulty with meals 0.00 6.398 0.01 0.864
Difficulty with housework 0.00 -0.801 [*] 0.02 -1.473 [*]
Log Likelihood -- -3278 -3287 -- -297 -311
Cannot get in/out of bed 0.05 0.694
Difficulty bathing 0.05 1.059
Difficulty with personal care 0.02 -1.866
Cannot personal care 0.02 -0.305
Difficulty with money 0.09 0.440
Difficulty with meals 0.07 0.065
Difficulty with housework 0.06 -0.034
Log Likelihood -- -118 -130
Source: Bureau of the Census (1992) Wave III 1990 Panel.
(a.)Population totals equal sum of the sample weights.
An (*.) identifies variables significant at the 10% level or better.
Models also include controls for nonwage incomes and three marital
status dummies. Complete results available from the authors.
Appendix C
Means and Estimated Coefficients of Variables
in the Wage Equation [a]
(N = 10,319)
(Pop. = 47,967,041)
Variable Mean Coefficient
Wage $13.35
Worker characteristics
Education 13.3 0.045 [*] 0.045 [*]
Race (1 = white) 0.87 0.147 [*] 0.146 [*]
Union member 0.22 0.134 [*] 0.133 [*]
Disabled (LP)
(N = 467)
(Pop. = 2,214,022)
Variable Mean Coefficient
Wage $11.13
Worker characteristics
Education 12.8 0.044 [*] 0.043 [*]
Race (1 = white) 0.91 0.039 0.050
Union member 0.21 0.207 [*] 0.226 [*]
Disabled (MP)
(N = 142)
(Pop. = 636,541)
Variable Mean Coefficient
Wage $10.90
Worker characteristics
Education 12.6 0.053 [*] 0.072 [*]
Race (1 = white) 0.89 0.120 0.132
Union member 0.22 0.233 [*] 0.300 [*]
Functional limitations
Factor 1 (mobility) -0.05 -0.011 -0.001
Factor 2 (strength) -0.13 -0.028 [*] 0.86
Factor 3 (sensory) -0.03 -0.006 0.16
Functional limitations (binary)
Difficulty seeing 0.01 0.023 0.05 -0.089
Cannot see 0.00 -0.366 [*] 0.00 -0.785
Difficulty hearing 0.03 -0.034 0.13 0.124 [*]
Cannot hear 0.00 -0.078 0.00 0.269
Difficulty speaking 0.00 0.037 0.02 0.046
Difficulty lifting 0.00 -0.052 0.11 -0.048
Cannot lift 0.00 0.154 0.03 -0.036
Difficulty climbing 0.01 -0.095 0.13 -0.064
Cannot climb 0.00 0.095 0.06 0.079
Difficulty walking 0.01 -0.058 0.12 -0.027
Cannot walk 0.00 -0.101 0.07 -0.043
Difficulty with pone 0.00 -0.104 0.01 -0.018
Difficulty getting around 0.00 -0.767 [*] 0.02 -0.014
Difficulty getting in/out bed 0.00 0.158 0.02 0.167
Cannot get in/out of bed 0.00 -0.261 [*] 0.04 0.082
Difficulty bathing 0.00 0.031 0.02 0.018
Difficulty with personal care 0.00 0.194 0.01 -0.011
Cannot personal care 0.00 0.149 0.01 -0.109
Difficulty with money 0.00 -0.243 0.01 -0.089
Difficulty with meals 0.00 -0.078 0.00 -0.149
Difficulty with housework 0.00 -0.057 0.01 -0.052
Adjusted r-square -- 0.37 0.37 -- 0.34
Functional limitations
Factor 1 (mobility) 0.001 0.36 -0.005
Factor 2 (strength) -0.003 0.46 0.017
Factor 3 (sensory) 0.007 1.08 0.005
Functional limitations (binary)
Difficulty seeing 0.15 0.082
Cannot see 0.04 -0.434
Difficulty hearing 0.15 0.097
Cannot hear 0.05 -0.192
Difficulty speaking 0.07 -0.399 [*]
Difficulty lifting 0.03 0.119
Cannot lift 0.04 -1.218 [*]
Difficulty climbing 0.13 0.243
Cannot climb 0.04 2.200 [*]
Difficulty walking 0.08 -0.088
Cannot walk 0.04 -0.983
Difficulty with pone 0.04 0.484 [*]
Difficulty getting around 0.06 0.195
Difficulty getting in/out bed 0.02 -0.197
Cannot get in/out of bed 0.05 0.193
Difficulty bathing 0.02 0.624
Difficulty with personal care 0.01 0.091
Cannot personal care 0.01 -0.101
Difficulty with money 0.08 -0.039
Difficulty with meals 0.06 0.117
Difficulty with housework 0.03 -0.802
Adjusted r-square 0.35 -- 0.53 0.49
Source: Bureau of the Census (1992) Wave III 1990 panel.
(a.)Population totals equal sum of the sample weights. An (*.)
identifies variables significant at the 10% level or better. Models also
include controls for work experience, two occupational dummies, and the
sample selection variable. Complete results available from the authors.