The political economy of trade liberalization and environmental policy.
Fredriksson, Per G.
1. Introduction
The global trading system is currently undergoing another round of
multilateral trade liberalization, and regional economic integration is
occurring in several pans of the world. The trade-environment link has
become an important pan of trade liberalization talks. It is commonplace
for industry representatives to argue that less stringent environmental
regulations give less developed countries (LDCs) a comparative advantage
in pollution-intensive goods and that industries with high abatement
costs will migrate to LDCs. Environmentalists argue that international
differences in environmental laws and regulations may be reduced to
their lowest common denominator through political pressure.(1) This is
not a fear of trade liberalization itself but of the effects of lower
trade barriers on the political determination of environmental
There is little empirical work explicitly studying the effect of
openness on the stringency of environmental regulations. Husted and
Logsdon (1997) report that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has induced Mexico to strengthen its environmental policies.(2)
In simulations by Perroni and Wigle (1994), trade policy is found to
have little impact on the quality of the environment, given the level of
environmental regulation. However, they found that global increases of
pollution taxes to the optimal levels would improve environmental
quality significantly. It follows that, if environmental policy
determination is influenced by changes in the trade policy regime,
environmental quality will be affected.
This paper investigates the underlying forces determining
environmental policy, in particular the nature of the political economy
effects of trade liberalization on environmental tax policy. In the
model used, the pollution tax policy choice of the government is
influenced by industry and environmental lobby groups. The lobby groups
offer the government prospective political contributions, the size of
which corresponds to the pollution tax policy selected (see Bernheim and
Whinston [1986] for the original model and Grossman and Helpman [1994],
Fredriksson [1997, 1998], Schleich [1997], and Aidt [1998] for
applications). In addition to contributions, the government values
aggregate social welfare.
This paper contributes to the literature by predicting and
explaining the political equilibrium pollution tax policy in
tariff-protected sectors when pollution abatement is possible, thus
extending Fredriksson (1997) and Aidt (1998). The politically determined
tax is compared to the welfare-maximizing pollution tax. Whereas the
latter tax is found to be inefficiently stringent because of the need to
correct the economy's two distortions (pollution and trade
protection) with only one policy instrument, the politically determined
tax depends also on the relative political pressures in equilibrium.
Second, I show the effects of trade liberalization on the special
interest groups' lobbying incentives on the pollution tax issue.
Ceteris paribus, when output contracts in the polluting sector following
trade liberalization, both lobby groups reduce their lobbying on the tax
issue in the new equilibrium because the marginal return to a change in
the tax decreases.(3) Thus, this paper contributes to the literature on
"ecological dumping," which discusses the government's
incentive to set environmental regulations such that marginal abatement
costs deviate from the marginal damage from pollution. In a model of
lobbying with sector-specific interest groups, Rauscher (1994) finds
that export industry lobby groups have ambiguous lobbying incentives.(4)
A change in environmental policy has implications for environmental
quality. I show that, if the pollution tax falls (increases)
sufficiently as a result of trade liberalization, pollution increases
(decreases) through the political channel discussed.(5) These are new
effects of economic integration not previously discussed in the
Fourth, I study the effect of trade liberalization on pollution tax
revenues. Several OECD countries are currently considering implementing
or raising pollution taxes in order to raise revenues (see Pearce 1991;
Oates 1993; Barde and Owens 1996). I study the impact of freer trade on
the amount of pollution tax revenues raised in political equilibrium.
Tax revenues may fall due to the political economy effect on the
pollution tax rate. This is consequently not a traditional Laffer curve effect. I also show that pollution may increase simultaneously as tax
revenues decrease. Finally, the political economy effects on
environmental policy may yield counterintuitive effects on trade
patterns of lower trade protection.(6) Changes in tax policy
accompanying trade reform may counteract or reinforce the basic effects
expected from trade liberalization.
Hillman and Ursprung (1992, 1994), Leidy and Hoekman (1994), and
Schleich (1997) discuss political economy links between trade regimes
and environmental policy. Hillman and Ursprung examine how environmental
concerns influence the political determination of trade policy
decisions. Leidy and Hoekman discuss the impact of environmental
instrument choice on trade barriers. They argue that industry lobby
groups will favor inefficient pollution control because this leads to an
increase in the level of protection.(7) Schleich discusses the choice
between environmental and trade policy instruments in the presence of
consumption and production externalities.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 outlines the model.
Section 3 explains the game and characterizes the political equilibrium.
Section 4 shows the welfare-maximizing tax rate, which is contrasted
with the political equilibrium. It also examines the impacts of trade
liberalization on lobbying, the pollution tax policy, environmental
quality, pollution tax revenues, and trade patterns. Section 5
2. The Model
A small, open, competitive economy has two sectors: one produces
the nonpolluting numeraire good z, the other produces the polluting good
x. The economy is populated by industrialists (I), environmentalists
(E), and workers (W). The population is normalized to one. All
individuals have labor income, industrialists have factor income from
production of good x, and environmentalists derive disutility from the
pollution associated with the local production of good x. The
environmentalists have an interest in the physical quality of the local
environment because they are affected by pollution themselves.(8)
Industrialists' and workers' utilities are given by
[U.sub.I] = [c.sup.zI] + u ([c.sup.x]),
[U.sub.w] = [c.sup.zW] + u([c.sup.x]), (1)
and the environmentalists' utility is given by
[U.sub.E] = [c.sup.zk] + u([c.sup.x]) - [Theta]X, (2)
where [c.sup.zk] is consumption of the numeraire good z by an
individual of type k [element of] I, W, or E and [c.sup.x] is the
consumption of good x, with world market price equal to one and
[p.sup.*], respectively.(9) u([c.sup.x]) is a strictly concave and
differentiable subutility function.
Production of good x is given by X, and [Theta] is per-unit damage
that is a function of per-unit abatement A, that is, [Theta] =
[Theta](A). The disutility suffered by an environmentalist equals total
damage. Abatement requires labor alone and has decreasing returns, that
is, [[Theta].sub.A] [less than] 0, [[Theta].sub.AA] [greater than]
0.(10) The government is restricted to one environmental policy tool, a
pollution tax t [element of] T, T [subset] R, levied on pollution from
production. Whereas the numeraire sector enjoys free trade, imports of
good x have an ad valorem tariff denoted by [Tau] [greater than] 0, and
thus the domestic price in the latter sector equals [p.sup.*](1 +
[Tau]).(11) The ad valorem tariff is assumed to be determined by
multilateral trade negotiations in which this small country has
negligible bargaining power, and therefore the tariff rate is taken as
given by all domestic agents.
Industrialists' and workers' consumption of x is given by
the individual demand curves, which are the inverse of
[u.sub.[c.sup.x]]. The aggregate demand curve for good x is given by
D([p.sup.*](1 + [Tau])) and the aggregate consumer surplus derived from
consumption of good x is
C([p.sup.*] (1 + [Tau])) = [summation over [for every]I, E, W] u
[D([p.sup.*](1 + [Tau]))] - [p.sup.*] (1 + [Tau])D([p.sup.*](1 +
The remaining income is spent on good z.
Each individual has one unit of labor, and the total labor
endowment equals l. The numeraire good z is produced by labor alone with
constant returns to scale and an input - output coefficient equal to
one. The economy's labor supply is sufficiently large for the
supply of z to be positive, which implies that the equilibrium wage rate
equals one. Disregarding labor costs, each producer faces a net price
given by
p = [p.sup.*](1 + [Tau]) - t[Theta](A) - A. (3)
The inputs into production of good x are labor and an immobile sector-specific input.(12) The technology is constant returns to scale.
With a wage rate equal to one and the world market price fixed, the
specific factor reward [Pi] depends only on the producer's price,
that is, [Pi](p). By Hotelling's lemma, the supply curve for good x
is given by [[Pi].sub.p](p) = X(p), where [X.sub.p] [greater than] 0 and
[X.sub.pp] [greater than] 0. Given t, the first-order condition of each
firm's profit function with respect to abatement, omitting any
firm-specific notation, yields
d[Pi]/dA = -X(t[[Theta].sub.A] + 1) = 0. (4)
Taking the total derivative of Equation 4 yields
dA/dt = [[Theta].sub.A]/t[[Theta].sub.AA] [greater than] 0. (5)
Assuming [[Theta].sub.AAA] is not too negative,
[d.sup.2]A/d[t.sup.2] is unambiguously negative and A is a concave
function of t, A = A(t). We define the tariff and tax revenue function
as R(t) = t[Theta]X(p) + [Tau]M(t), where M(p) = [p.sup.*][D([p.sup.*](1
+ [Tau])) - X(p)] is the net import demand function.(13) For analytic
convenience, the revenues generated are assumed redistributed lump-sum
and equal to all individuals.(14)
Environmentalists and industrialists are assumed to organize into
lobby groups coordinating campaign contribution offers to the
government, whereas workers have no stake in the policy outcome and thus
do not organize.(15) There is no free-riding within the organized lobby
groups, and the lobby groups do not cooperate. Let i denote lobby group
type and [[Alpha].sup.i] the fraction of the population with membership
in lobby i.(16) The lobby groups make campaign contributions denoted by
[[Lambda].sup.i](t), i [element of] E, I, contingent on the pollution
tax set by the government. Workers do not make campaign payments. The
gross (of contributions) indirect utility functions of the environmental
and industry lobby groups are
[[Omega].sup.E](t) [equivalent to] [[Alpha].sup.E] [-[Theta]X(p) +
C([p.sup.*](1 + [Tau])) + R(t) + l], (6)
[[Omega].sup.I](t) [equivalent to] [Pi](p) +
[[Alpha].sup.I][C([p.sup.*](1 + [Tau])) + R(t) + l], (7)
respectively, where [[Alpha].sup.i][C([p.sup.*](l + [Tau])) + R(t)
+ l] is the share of total consumer surplus, tax and tariff revenues,
and labor income of lobby group i. The gross aggregate social welfare
attained at policy t, ignoring political contributions, is given by
[[Omega].sup.A](t) [equivalent to] l + C([p.sup.*](1 + [Tau])) +
[Pi](p) + R(t) - [[Alpha].sup.E][Theta]X(p). (8)
The incumbent government is assumed to maximize a weighted sum of
aggregate campaign contributions and aggregate social welfare. Campaign
contributions are used for campaign advertising, whereas a higher
average social welfare increases the probability of re-election.
However, in some societies, the contributions paid may take the form of
illegal bribes or gifts.(17) Only interest groups make contributions,
and hence the government's utility function is given by
[V.sup.G](t) = [summation over i [element of] E, I]
[[Lambda].sup.i](t) + a[[Omega].sup.A](t),(9)
where a [greater than or equal to] 0 is the government's
exogenously given weight on aggregate social welfare relative to
revenues and political contributions.
3. The Political Equilibrium
In stage one of a two-stage game, each lobby group i offers the
government a contingent political contribution schedule taking the other
lobby's strategy as given. A lobby i's strategy is a
differentiable function [[Lambda].sup.i]: T [approaches] [R.sub.+]; it
offers the government a nonnegative contribution for selecting a policy
t. In stage two, the government maximizes its utility, given the
strategies of the lobby groups. The government selects its optimal tax
policy and receives the corresponding contribution from each lobby. The
lobby groups receive payoffs represented by the function
[[Omega].sup.i]: T [approaches] [R.sub.+]. The lobby groups keep the
commitments made in the first stage.
A Nash equilibrium is a policy [t.sup.[convolution]] and a set of
contribution schedules [{[[Lambda].sup.[i.sup.[convolution]]]}.sub.i],
where each contribution schedule is feasible, that is, nonnegative and
lower or equal to the lobby group's members' aggregate income;
[t.sup.[convolution]] maximizes the government's welfare
[V.sub.G](t) taking the contribution schedules as given; and given lobby
j's schedule and the government's anticipated decision rule,
no lobby i has a feasible dominant strategy.
Following Grossman and Helpman (1994), I characterize the political
equilibrium using Lemma 2 of Bernheim and Whinston (1986), which shows
all necessary and sufficient conditions for a subgame perfect Nash
equilibrium. The two necessary conditions used to find the political
equilibrium are(18)
[t.sup.[convolution]] maximizes [summation over i [element of] E,
I] [[Lambda].sup.[i.sup.[convolution]]](t) + a[[Omega].sup.A](t) on T;
[t.sup.[convolution]] maximizes [[Omega].sup.j](t) -
[[Lambda].sup.[j.sup.[convolution]]] (t) + [summation over i [element
of] E, I] [[Lambda].sup.[i.sup.[convolution]]](t) + a[[Omega].sup.A](t)
on T for j [element of] E, I. (C2)
Assume that the political contribution schedules are differentiable
around the equilibrium point. Take the first-order conditions of C1 and
C2 and substitute the expression resulting from the maximization of
condition C1 into the first-order condition of C2. It follows that,
around [t.sup.[convolution]],
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (10)
This equation implies that, at the equilibrium point, the political
contribution schedules are locally truthful.(19) Substituting Equation
10 into the first-order condition of Equation 9 (i.e., using condition
C1), we obtain
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (11)
which is the characterization of the pollution tax that emerges in
the political equilibrium when the political contribution schedules are
4. Results
In order to have a benchmark, I first find the tax rate set by a
social welfare maximizing government. Note that the Pigouvian tax equals
[[Alpha].sup.E] since this is the marginal social disutility from
PROPOSITION 1. The pollution tax set by a social planner satisfies
[t.sup.*] = [[Alpha].sup.E] +
[Tau][p.sup.*][[Gamma].sup.[convolution]]/([[Gamma].sub.[convolution]] +
[[Psi].sup.[convolution]])[[Theta].sup.[convolution]], (12)
where [[Gamma].sup.[convolution]] =
([X.sub.p][p.sub.t][t.sup.[convolution]])/X [less than] 0 represents the
tax elasticity of output and [[Psi].sup.[convolution]] =
([[Theta].sub.A][A.sub.t][t.sup.[convolution]])/[[Theta].sup.[convolution]] [less than] 0 represents the tax elasticity of pollution intensity.
PROOF. The partial derivative of Equation 8 equals ([[Alpha].sup.E]
- t) ([[Theta].sup.2][X.sub.p] - [[Theta].sub.A][A.sub.t]X) +
[Theta][X.sub.p][Tau][p.sup.*] = 0, which yields Equation 12 after
conversions to elasticities and rearrangements. QED.
The tax rate set by a social planner unambiguously exceeds the
Pigouvian tax [[Alpha].sup.E] since the second term in Equation 12 is
positive. This can be interpreted as an application of second-best
theory. The economy has two distortions: a tariff and pollution from
production. However, the pollution tax is the only available policy
instrument. Since the tariff causes an excessive amount of polluting
domestic production, the second-best pollution tax must exceed the
Pigouvian tax rate in order to discourage production.(21)
I define political pressure (or pressure) as the intensity of a
(lobby) group's political effort to change the policy in the
political equilibrium. This is formally represented by Equation 10. We
now solve for the political equilibrium pollution tax policy
characterized by Equation 11.
PROPOSITION 2. The equilibrium pollution tax policy satisfies
[t.sup.[convolution]] = [[Alpha].sup.E] (1 +
a)([[Gamma].sup.[convolution]] +
[[Psi].sup.[convolution]])[[Theta].sup.[convolution]] + ([[Alpha].sup.E]
+ [[Alpha].sup.I] + a)[Tau][p.sup.*][[Gamma].sup.[convolution]]/([[Alpha].sup.E] + [[Alpha].sup.I] + a)(1 + [[Gamma].sup.[convolution]] +
[[Psi].sup.[convolution]])[[Theta].sup.[convolution] - (1 +
a)[[Theta].sup.[convolution]]. (13)
PROOF. Take the partial derivatives of (6), (7), and (8) and
substitute the
results into Equation 11. Using Equation 4 yields
(1 + a)[[[Alpha].sup.E]([[Theta].sup.2][X.sub.p] -
[[Theta].sub.A][A.sub.t]X) - [[Theta].sub.X] + ([[Alpha].sup.E] +
[[Alpha].sup.I] + a)[[Theta]X + [Theta][X.sub.p] ([Tau][p.sup.*] -
[Theta]t) + t[[Theta].sub.A][A.sub.t]X] = 0, (13[prime])
which characterizes the political equilibrium tax policy.
Rearrangements and conversions yield Equation 13. QED.
Even with the two lobby groups present, the government is concerned
about the two distortions in the economy, as in Equation 12.(22)
However, lobbying activities distort this equilibrium and
[t.sup.[convolution]] [not equal to] [t.sup.*] is likely unless all
individuals are organized in lobby groups, in which case
[t.sup.[convolution]] = [t.sup.*] (see Grossman and Helpman [1994] for a
discussion of this feature of the model). The first term in the
numerator of Equation 13 represents the positive political pressure of
the environmental lobby group on the tax. Ceteris paribus, this pressure
is higher the greater the marginal effect on pollution of a change in
the tax and is represented by ([[Gamma].sup.[convolution]] +
[[Psi].sup.[convolution]]). The second term in the numerator represents
the taxpayers' pressure for tariff revenues (where lobby group
members have a weight of [1 + a]). The greater are [Tau] and
[[Gamma].sup.[convolution]] (in absolute value), the greater the
incentive to raise the tax rate and thus tariff revenues through
increased imports. The first term in the denominator represents the
pressure for pollution tax revenues. This is a positive (negative)
pressure on the tax policy if tax revenues are increasing (decreasing)
in the tax rate (represented by (1 + [[Gamma].sup.[convolution[greater
than] [less than] [[Psi].sup.[convolution]]) [greater than] ([less
than]) 0). The environmental and industry lobby group members favor
higher revenues to the extent that these groups benefit (represented by
lobby group size). The second term in the denominator is the industry
lobby's pressure for a lower pollution tax. Since the equilibrium
per-unit damage influences the effect on pollution, factor rewards, and
tax revenues, all terms except the pressure for trade revenues are
multiplied by [[Theta].sup.[convolution]](23) We now turn to the effect
of tariff liberalization on the pollution tax.
PROPOSITION 3. Suppose that the polluting sector contracts
following trade liberalization. In equilibrium, trade liberalization has
three partial effects on the pollution tax: (i) It reduces the lobbying
effort of the environmental lobby group; (ii) It reduces the lobbying
effort of the industry lobby group; and (iii) It has a positive
(negative) effect on the pressure for revenues if it increases
(decreases) the tax elasticity of revenues.
PROOF. Taking the total derivative of Equation 13[prime] yields
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (14)
where the denominator is required to be negative (see footnote 20).
The first two terms in the numerator, (1 +
a)[[Alpha].sup.E]([[Theta].sub.A][A.sub.t][X.sub.p] -
[[Theta].sup.2][X.sub.pp]), represent the change in the lobbying by the
environmental lobby group. Since their sum is negative, trade
liberalization induces the environmental lobby group to reduce lobbying
for a higher tax on the margin. The third term in the numerator, (1 +
a)[Theta][X.sub.p], is positive and indicates that trade liberalization
implies reduced industry lobby group pressure for a lower tax. The sum
of the last four terms in the numerator, ([[Alpha].sup.E] +
[[Alpha].sup.I] + a)([Theta][X.sub.pp](t[Theta] - [Tau][p.sup.*]) -
2[Theta][X.sub.p] - t[[[Theta].sub.A][A.sub.t][X.sub.p]), represents the
change in the tax payers' pressure for tax revenues. If this sum is
negative (positive), the tax payers increase (reduce) their pressure on
the tax. QED.
The sum of the three partial effects in the numerator of Equation
14 is indeterminate. The intuition is the following. In equilibrium, the
environmental lobby group's political pressure on the pollution tax
falls with a lower import tariff because production falls ceteris
paribus. This implies that, on the margin, a change in the pollution tax
gives a smaller effect on pollution. The industry lobby group's
political pressure falls with the tariff because, on the margin, the
pollution tax affects fewer units of pollution when production falls.
Thus, the impact of the tax on factor rewards is reduced.(24)
Figure 1 illustrates a special case of Proposition 3, where, for
simplicity, we assume that the pressure for tax revenues is independent
of the tariff rate.
The length of the left-hand (right-hand) side arrow represents the
equilibrium political pressures from the industry (environmental) lobby
group. Part (a) shows a case where the lobby groups' political
pressures are equal (in absolute value) before trade liberalization. In
part (b), the environmental lobby group's lobbying effort falls by
more than the industry lobby group's lobbying effort, and
[t.sup.[convolution]] falls as a result of trade liberalization. In part
(c), the environmental lobby group's lobbying effort falls by less
than the industry lobby group's lobbying effort, and
[t.sup.[convolution]] increases.
We now explore the effects of trade liberalization on the lobbying
incentives of the interest groups. I define political polarization as
the difference in absolute value of the political pressures. This is
illustrated by the distance between the end points of the arrows in
Figure 1. Since the focus here is the behavior of the lobby groups, we
maintain the assumption that the pressure for revenues is independent of
the tariff.
PROPOSITION 4. Suppose that the polluting sector contracts
following trade liberalization. In equilibrium, trade liberalization
reduces the political polarization between the environmental lobby group
and the industry lobby group on the pollution tax issue.
PROOF. This follows from the proof of Proposition 3. From Equation
14, since both lobby groups reduce the political pressure on the
pollution tax, political polarization falls with a lower tariff. QED.
When the polluting sector contracts, trade liberalization reduces
the level of political polarization on the pollution tax policy since
both lobby groups' incentive to spend resources on obtaining a more
favorable tax falls in equilibrium. This is illustrated in Figure 1 by
the reduced distance between the end points of the arrows in parts (b)
and (c) relative to part (a).
On the other hand, in a model where the polluting sector expands as
a result of trade liberalization, it follows that the lobbying effort of
both lobby groups and, consequently, the political polarization
We now show the impact of trade liberalization on pollution when
the tax rate is endogenously determined. This can be illustrated with
the help of an elasticity. Define [[Lambda].sup.[convolution]] =
dt/d[Tau]([Tau]/t) as the equilibrium tariff elasticity of the pollution
PROPOSITION 5. In equilibrium, trade liberalization increases
pollution if [[Lambda].sup.[convolution]] is sufficiently positive.
PROOF. Pollution is given by [[Theta](A(t))X(p)]. Using the
envelope theorem, differentiation yields
d[[Theta](A(t))X(p)]/d[Tau] = X[[Theta].sub.A][A.sub.t] dt/d[Tau] +
[Theta][X.sub.p] ([p.sup.*] - [Theta] dt/d[Tau]), (15)
which, after rearrangement, can be shown to be positive iff
[[Lambda].sup.[convolution]] [greater than]
-[Theta][X.sub.p][p.sup.*][Tau]/[t.sup.[convolution]](X[[Theta].sub.A][A.sub.t] - [[Theta].sup.2][X.sub.p]),
where both the numerator and the denominator are negative, and thus
[[Lambda].sup.[convolution]] [greater than] 0. QED.
A lower tariff reduces output in the polluting sector, given the
pollution tax. Proposition 5 shows, however, that if the equilibrium
pollution tax falls sufficiently (i.e., if [[Lambda].sup.[convolution]]
is sufficiently positive), pollution may increase. This occurs through
two effects. First, pollution per unit of output increases. This is the
first term on the right-hand side of Equation 15. Second, the fall in
output is reduced and may even be reversed if
[[Lambda].sup.[convolution]] is sufficiently positive. Output increases
if the sum of the last two terms in Equation 15 is negative. This is a
political route to increased pollution through trade liberalization.
It must be pointed out that if, on the other hand,
[[Lambda].sup.[convolution]] [less than] 0, tariff reform has an extra
"cleaning" effect in the polluting sector in addition to the
effect of reduced output. Then per-unit pollution intensity falls, and
output falls further than otherwise would be the case.
We now study the effects of trade liberalization on pollution tax
PROPOSITION 6. In equilibrium, (i) trade liberalization may reduce
pollution tax revenues, and (ii) this may occur simultaneously as
pollution increases.
PROOF. Pollution tax revenues equal [t[Theta](A(t))X(p)]. Using the
envelope theorem, total differentiation yields
d[t[Theta](A)X(p)]/d[Tau] = ([Theta]X + t[[Theta].sub.A][A.sub.t]X)
dt/d[Tau] + t[Theta][X.sub.p] ([p.sup.*] - [Theta] dt/d[Tau]), (16)
The effect on pollution is given by the three last terms. In
equilibrium, pollution tax revenues are increasing in the tariff rate in
two cases.
Case (a).
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (17a)
where the numerator is negative and the denominator is positive.
Case (b).
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (17b)
where both the numerator and the denominator are negative. QED.
In both cases (a) and (b), [[Lambda].sup.[convolution]] is
indeterminate. A positive (negative) denominator in Equations 17a and
17b implies that the tax elasticity of pollution tax revenues is
negative (positive), that is, we are on the right-hand (left-hand) side
of the top of the revenue curve. The numerator is negative and
represents the direct effect on pollution tax revenues from a change in
output due to a tariff change. In case (a), a sufficiently large
[[Lambda].sup.[convolution]] (i.e., [t.sup.[convolution]] falls
sufficiently) implies a negative effect on pollution tax revenues of
trade reform. This occurs because the pollution tax falls faster than
pollution increases. If at the same time the sum of the last three terms
of Equation 16 is negative, pollution increases simultaneously as
pollution tax revenues fall. Case (b) requires a sufficiently small [[Lambda].sup.[convolution]] (i.e., [t.sup.[convolution]] increases
sufficiently). Here the pollution tax increases at a lower rate than the
decrease in pollution. It follows that, in this case, pollution does not
increase simultaneously. Note that the effects are not traditional
Laffer curve effects but are of a political economy nature.
We finally turn to an analysis of the effect on the pattern of
PROPOSITION 7. Assume that the country imports the polluting good.
In equilibrium, net imports of the polluting good may decrease with
trade liberalization if the effect on the pollution tax is sufficiently
PROOF. Using the envelope theorem, taking the total derivative of
the net import demand function M(p), with respect to the tariff [Pi],
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (18a)
which is positive if
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (18b)
Ceteris paribus, a lower tariff increases imports (demand
increases, domestic output falls), which is represented by the first and
second terms on the right-hand side of Equation 18a, respectively. From
Equation 18b, this effect is reversed if the tax increases sufficiently
in the tariff rate (and thus the tax falls with a lower tariff). This
has a positive effect on output. If the domestic output increases by
more than the domestic demand increases, imports consequently decrease.
The discussion in this paper has mainly focused on the case when
the polluting good is produced by an import competing sector and thus
freer trade implies a contraction of this sector ceteris paribus. Assume
instead that the polluting good is the exported good (i.e., M(p) [less
than] 0) and the form of protection is an export subsidy. This case is
analogous to Proposition 7 in that exports increase if the tax falls
sufficiently when the export subsidy is reduced. The effect on domestic
output may outweigh the effect on domestic demand, and net exports
In order to discuss the case when production in the polluting
sector increases as a result of trade liberalization, assume that the
country exports the polluting good and an export tax is levied.(26) It
is easy to show that a reduction in the export tax increases lobby group
polarization and, depending on the relative sizes of the increases in
lobby group pressures, the pollution tax may rise or fall. The change in
the pollution tax naturally determines the effects on pollution,
pollution tax revenues, and trade patterns.
5. Conclusion
The paper presents a pressure group model with rival environmental
and industry lobby groups that seek to influence the incumbent
government's pollution tax policy in a tariff-protected sector. The
theory developed explains and predicts the political equilibrium
pollution tax policy, and this was contrasted to the tax set by a social
planner, yielding a testable hypothesis of lobby group influence. Next,
a number of effects of trade liberalization in an import-competing
sector were identified. First, the political pressures on the pollution
tax from the two lobbies fall as the tariff decreases, and the relative
changes in lobbying efforts determine the final impact on the tax rate
ceteris paribus. The pollution tax decreases (increases) with a lower
tariff if the lobbying effort by the environmental lobby group decreases
more (less) rapidly than the lobbying effort by the industry lobby
group. I also found that, as a consequence, trade liberalization reduces
the level of "political polarization" in the area of
environmental policy, that is, the difference in the intensity of the
lobby groups' equilibrium lobbying efforts.
Moreover, I showed that total pollution may increase with more
liberal trade because the equilibrium pollution tax falls. Pollution tax
revenues may also decrease when trade is liberalized. This may occur
simultaneously as pollution increases. Finally, the expected effects on
foreign trade may be reversed by the discussed changes in environmental
policy. These political economy effects of trade liberalization are new
contributions to the literature on trade and the environment.(27)
The model predicts that the change in lobbying activities on
environmental issues following trade reform will depend on the resulting
pattern of specialization. Countries with a comparative advantage in
pollution intensive goods are predicted to experience an increase in
political lobbying (in the sectors with increased output), and the
opposite is true in countries shifting towards production in
"clean" sectors following trade reform. Since
"dirty" sectors tend to be capital intensive and
"clean" sectors labor intensive, the model thus predicts that
capital (labor) intensive countries will experience increased (reduced)
levels of political conflict following trade reform. Another implication
of this paper is that tariffs do not only distort consumption and
production patterns but may increase the lobbying incentives in other
areas of regulation, such as environmental policy, with a consequent waste of scarce resources.
I would like to thank Dicky Damania, Wilfred Ethier, Noel Gaston,
Steven Lim, Jonathan Pincus, T. K. Rymes, two helpful referees, and
seminar participants at the Universities of Adelaide, Sydney, Waikato,
and Pennsylvania for insightful suggestions and comments. A travel grant
from the University of Adelaide and partial funding from the Swedish
International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) is gratefully
acknowledged. This paper was partially written while visiting the
Department of Economics at the University of Pennsylvania. and I thank
the Department for its hospitality. The opinions expressed are those of
the author and not those of the World Bank or Sida. All remaining errors
are my own.
1 The 1989 free trade agreement between Canada and the U.S.
requires harmonization in technical regulations, standards, and test
methods (Kaufmann, Pauly, and Sweitzer 1993). This applies to the
licensing of pesticides. Canada has a more stringent licensing procedure
than the U.S., and Canadian regulations do not require the consideration
of economic benefits, which is mandatory in the U.S. (see Cropper et al.
2 For example, regulatory inspections of plants have increased from
1425 in 1990 to 13,993 in 1995 (Husted and Logsdon 1997).
3 On the other hand, if output expands (because the country has a
comparative advantage in the polluting good), both lobby groups increase
their lobbying.
4 Rauscher (1994). however, calls for a more explicit modeling of
political decisions of environmental policy in open economies.
5 This is because when the tax rate falls (increases), pollution
per unit of output increases (decreases). If, in addition, production in
the polluting sector rises because the pollution tax falls sufficiently,
the level of pollution unambiguously increases through trade
liberalization. This is in contrast to Anderson (1992), who argues that
tariff liberalization unambiguously reduces pollution.
6 In a static model, we expect output to fall in import competing
and exporting sectors if they are protected by an import tariff and
export subsidy, respectively.
7 The effects discussed in the present paper are of particular
relevance to a small, open economy with a negligible impact on
multilateral trade talks. Such a country must take the level of
protection as given. Industry and environmental special interests,
however, have a direct impact on environmental regulation. Hillman and
Ursprung's (1992, 1994) and Leidy and Hoekman's (1994)
research primarily applies to a large country with strong bargaining
power in global trade negotiations.
8 The environmentalists may live in an area downstream on a river
or in the direction of the wind leading from a polluting industrial
plant or, alternatively, they may be altruists with a moral concern for
the environment even though they are not personally harmed by pollution.
9 With quasi-linear preferences, corner solutions may arise.
However, I assume interior solutions.
10 Subscripts denote partial derivatives.
11 In section 4, we discuss the case when the polluting good is
exported and an export subsidy is used.
12 Many pollution-intensive industry sectors are resource-based
according to United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
(1982) (see Low 1992). These industries are immobile due to their main
factor of production being a natural resource. The sectors are, for
example, pulp and waste paper, petroleum products, organic chemicals,
fertilizers, and nonferrous metals.
13 When the polluting good x is the exported commodity, the net
import demand function is negative (see section 4).
14 In the Scandinavian countries, carbon taxes are channeled
directly into general revenues (Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development [OECD] 1989). We recognize that this redistribution role
does not represent a realistic description of all economies and that
tariff revenues no longer are important for trade policy in most
countries. As discussed below, this assumption does not drive our
results, however.
15 See Olson (1965) for a discussion of lobby group formation.
16 Since the population is normalized to one, [[Alpha].sup.i] also
represents the absolute number of members in lobby i.
17 Grossman and Helpman (1994) discuss some evidence of the
corruptibility of politicians, and Potters and Sloof (1996) survey the
empirical literature on the influence of interest groups. Pashigian
(1985) shows how environmental policies are determined with political
benefits in mind, and Cropper et al. (1992) find that lobbying has a
significant impact on pesticide regulations in the U.S. Grier and Munger
(1986, 1991), Endersby and Munger (1992), and Stratmann (1992) discuss
the supply price of politicians' services and the relationship with
lobby groups' strategies.
The game modeled here is a complete information game, and thus the
campaign contribution schedules are known to all players (as in Grossman
and Helpman [1994] and others). I have nothing to add to the model in
this respect and recognize that the contributions may in some societies
take the form of illegal bribes, and thus the informational assumption
made does not correspond to all situations.
18 Condition C1 is taken from the definition of Nash equilibrium.
It stipulates that the local government sets the pollution tax to
maximize its own welfare, given the offered political contribution
schedules. Condition C2 follows from the definition of the Nash
equilibrium and states that the equilibrium tax maximizes the joint
welfare of each lobby group j and the government, given the other lobby
group's equilibrium contribution schedule. If this were not true,
lobby j could alter its contribution schedule to induce the government
to select the jointly optimal tax and capture most of the surplus from
the change. Since the government would select the new tax and lobby j
would benefit from the change, the original tax could not have been an
19 Intuitively, each contribution schedule is determined so that
the marginal change in the contribution for a small change in policy
matches the effect of the policy change on the lobby group's gross
welfare, given that the contribution remains strictly positive. Thus,
the curvatures of the contribution schedules accurately represent the
lobby groups' preferences around the equilibrium. This implies that
the contribution is the compensating variation (as long as it is
positive). Dixit, Grossman, and Helpman (1997) show that, in a common
agency model such as mine, a Pareto-efficient truthful equilibrium
exists where the lobby groups use truthful strategies. They argue that
such an equilibrium may be focal. Moreover, since there is complete
information, truthful strategies is a way to obtain an efficient
equilibrium in a noncooperative game.
20 For Equation 11 to be a maximum requires that the second-order
condition satisfies [(1 + a)([[Alpha].sup.E][K.sub.1] + [K.sub.2]) +
([[Alpha].sup.E][K.sub.1] + [K.sub.2]) + ([[Alpha].sup.E] +
[[Alpha].sup.I] + a)[K.sub.3]] [less than] 0, where [K.sub.1] =
[Theta][[Theta].sub.A][A.sub.t](2[X.sub.p] + X) -
[[Theta].sub.3][X.sub.pp] - X ([[Theta].sub.AA][[A.sub.t].sup.2] +
[[Theta].sub.A][A.sub.u]) [less than] 0, [K.sub.2] =
[[Theta].sup.2][X.sub.p] - [[Theta].s [[Theta].sub.A][A.sub.t] (2X +
[X.sub.p] [[Tau][p.sup.*]) - 2[Theta][X.sub.p]([Theta] +
t[[Theta].sub.A][A.sub.t]) + [[Theta].sup.2][X.sub.pp](t[Theta] - [Tau]
[p.sup.*]) + tX([[Theta].sub.AA][[A.sub.t].sup.2] +
[[Theta].sub.A][A.sub.u]) - t[[Theta].sub.A
21 The author is grateful to a referee for clarifying this
22 Note that [t.sup.[convolution]] is unambiguously positive.
23 The impact of the lobby groups is illustrated by the differences
between Equations 12 and 13.
24 Note that tariff revenues do not by themselves drive the results
stated in Proposition 3. although these play a role for the final effect
of trade liberalization on the pollution tax policy. Our focus is on
lobby group behavior. In contrast to Fredriksson (1997). the
availability of pollution abatement and the convexity of the supply
function here play roles for the resulting effect of the domestic price
on the lobby groups' behavior and thus on the tax policy.
25 See also the discussion below.
26 Grossman and Krueger (1993, p. 46) estimate that NAFTA will
cause the U.S. and Canada to specialize in physical and human
capital-intensive, pollution-intensive production. Mexico will
specialize in relatively "clean" sectors (labor-intensive
manufacturing and agriculture), a "composition effect."
27 The previously identified effects are the scale, composition,
and technique effects (Grossman and Krueger 1993).
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