Have air pollutant emissions converged among U.S. regions? Evidence from unit root tests.
List, John A.
1. Introduction
An important implication of Solow's (1956) neoclassical growth
model is that a region's growth rate in per capita income is
inversely related to its initial per capita income, suggesting that
poorer regions should "catch up" to relatively richer regions
over time. This proposed phenomenon has received considerable attention
since the mid-1950s, inducing many fruitful lines of research. For
example, motivated by findings of persistent disparities of intercountry
incomes, Romer (1986) and Lucas (1988) initiated a new branch of
endogenous growth literature that has led to empirical tests using
cross-section and time-series techniques to test if economies have
exhibited cross-sectional and/or stochastic (time-series) convergence.
Recent studies of cross-sectional and stochastic convergence have
found evidence supporting the neoclassical theory of income convergence.
For instance, using U.S. regional per capita income data from 1929-1990,
Carlino and Mills (1993) find that as many as three of the eight Bureau
of Economic Analysis (BEA) regions have converged. In a related study,
Loewy and Papell (1996) use an endogenously determined break point model
to show that per capita incomes in five BEA regions have converged
during the 1929-1990 period. Finally, Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1992)
find that per capita income and gross state product have converged
across states from 1880 to 1988.(1)
Although the available evidence indicates that the disparity
between regional per capita incomes has lessened across the U.S., a
potential shortcoming in these studies is that only one measure of
well-being is considered - a measure of wealth linked to incomes or
production. Inherent in many theoretical models (e.g., Wilson 1987) is
the possibility that regions may converge in incomes when specialization
occurs - poorer regions specialize in the production of
pollution-intensive goods and experience large increases in per capita
income, whereas richer regions specialize in the production of clean
goods and subsequently have a lower growth rate in per capita income. In
this scenario, it is quite possible that regions are converging in
monetary wealth but diverging in "green incomes," or income
levels adjusted for environmental quality. If this phenomenon has
occurred, then previous findings of income convergence may not be as
appealing as first implied.
This paper uses data on two indicators of environmental quality -
missions of sulfur dioxides and nitrogen oxides - to examine if
environmental quality has converged across the U.S. during the 1929-1994
period. The main empirical results provide initial evidence that
regional per capita emissions have stochastically converged. These
results suggest that poorer regions have not had to trade off
environmental quality for their relative gains in income levels. A
possible interpretation of this result, explored more fully below,
regards the optimal institutional arrangements for pollution control.
Although a key underlying premise of U.S. environmental policy in the
last three decades has been that if states were allowed to do so, they
would compete with each other for industry by adopting weaker
environmental regulations,(2) these results suggest that empowering the
states to carry out environmental programs will not lead to some sort of
bleak world where rivers catch on fire and air becomes routinely
The remainder of this paper proceeds as follows: Section 2 provides
a brief review of the income convergence literature, describes the data,
and outlines the conditional convergence hypothesis. Section 3 presents
the empirical methods and regression results and discusses policy
implications. Section 4 provides concluding comments.
2. Previous Research, the Data, and the Hypothesis
Previous Research
Given the implications of the neoclassical growth model, research
on income convergence has been the subject of continuing debate.
Empirical methods to analyze income convergence include both
cross-sectional and time-series techniques. Cross-sectional research
includes tests for [Beta]-convergence, attributable to Baumol (1986),
and [Sigma]-convergence, attributable to Barro (1991). Baumol (1986) and
Barro (1991) find evidence in favor of [Beta]-convergence using
cross-country data. Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1991) present evidence that
supports [Beta]- and [Sigma]-convergence across 73 regions of Western
Europe, whereas Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1992) find that U.S. states
have [Beta]- and [Sigma]-converged. Furthermore, using rank dominance
techniques, Bishop, Formby, and Thistle (1992) present evidence that
suggests that U.S. South and non-South incomes have converged from 1969
to 1979. In sum, cross-sectional studies support the income convergence
Although the cross-sectional notion of convergence is appealing,
Quah (1990) and others have argued that the more relevant issue is how
persistent the effects of random shocks are on regional per capita
incomes. This premise has led researchers to formulate a time-series
(stochastic) notion of convergence. In these models, convergence is
evident if per capita income disparities between economies follow a zero
mean stationary process. An alternative definition of stochastic
convergence, attributable to Carlino and Mills (1993, 1996), is that the
log of relative (to that of the overall economy) per capita income is
Unlike the findings of cross-sectional studies, results from the
time-series literature are mixed. Quah (1990) finds little evidence of
cross-country stochastic convergence among capitalist economies, whereas
Campbell and Mankiw (1989) and Bernard and Durlauf (1995) present
similar results for OECD economies. In addition, Brown, Coulson, and
Engle (1990) find limited evidence of stochastic convergence across U.S.
states. On the other hand, Carlino and Mills (1993) use regional data
from 1929-1990 to show that as many as three of the eight BEA regions
have stochastically converged. In a related study, Loewy and Papell
(1996) use an endogenously determined break point model to show that as
many as five of the eight BEA regions have converged from 1929-1990.
These latter time-series studies complement the aforementioned
cross-section work and serve to provide further evidence that incomes
have converged across U.S. regions.
Data Description
To test whether air pollutant emissions have converged across
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Regions, I use data on two
indicators of environmental quality--emissions of sulfur dioxides and
nitrogen oxides.(3) These data are for the period 1929-1994 and come
from the EPA publication National Air Pollutant Emission Trends (NAPET),
1900-1994. Over this period, EPA's methodologies for estimating
emissions fall into two major categories, corresponding to the periods
1929-1984 and 1985-1994. The EPA calculated emissions from 19291984
using a "top-down" approach in which national information was
used to create an emission estimate based on economic activity, material
flows, consumption of fuel, and, in the case of combustion sources, the
fuel type. The EPA then allocated these national estimates to regions
based on regional production activities. From 1985 to 1994, the EPA
estimated emissions using a "bottom-up" methodology in which
emissions were derived at the plant or county level and aggregated to
the regional level. Although one potential problem with analyzing the
results of the EPA's estimation procedures concerns the uniting of
two potentially heterogeneous data sets, empirical methods described
below control for this potential aggregation problem.
Another possible concern relates to the pollution regulatory
regimes during the sample period - with the writing of the Clean Air Act
Amendments in 1970, the U.S. federal government effectively reversed
more than 90 years of state and local authority of polluters. The
centralization of standard-setting provided uniformity to environmental
policies across space as maximum pollution concentration levels and
minimum installation of Best Available Control Technology laws were
included in early environmental legislation. Since environmental
enforcement has long been left to the states (Portney 1990), however,
uniform standards at the federal level do not imply that emission levels
have converged.(4) Nevertheless, empirical methods account for this
potential problem by allowing a trend break in the time path of regional
emission levels.
To provide a feel for the nature of the time-series paths, I plot
the regional trends of the log of relative per capita emissions of
oxides of nitrogen (N[O.sub.x]) and sulfur dioxides (S[O.sub.2]) from
1929-1994 in Figure 1. Trends for the N[O.sub.x] series indicate that,
from 1929 to 1994, EPA Regions 6 and 8 typically experienced per capita
emissions above the national average, whereas Regions 1 and 2 had per
capita emissions below the national average. Figure 1 also reveals that
EPA Regions 5 and 8 had above average S[O.sub.2] emission levels,
whereas Regions 1, 2, and 10 had below average per capita emission
levels for the majority of the sampling period. Many factors may play a
role in determining a region's relative trend in emissions. For
example, EPA Region 8, which had above average emission levels for both
pollutant types during the 1929-1994 period, is comprised of sparsely
populated low-income states. On the other hand, EPA Region 2, which
contains two high-income states, New York and New Jersey, had emission
levels below the national average for both pollutant types. One possible
interpretation of these trends is that in regions with higher incomes,
industry faces greater public pressure to make pollution abatement
expenditures, which yields lower per capita emission levels. This
pressure could operate through several channels, including the
activities of environmental public interest groups or the regulatory
action taken by state departments of environmental quality.
Conditional Convergence Hypothesis
Economic theory offers many explanations for the spatial
heterogeneity of air pollutants observed in Figure 1. Differences in
willingness-to-pay (WTP) for environmental amenities is arguably the
most popular because it is embodied in the theory of profit
maximization: assuming spatial differences in WTP, rational polluting firms will locate where the expected losses from polluting will be at a
minimum, ceteris paribus. Economic factors should therefore influence
environmental outcomes because compensation demands by relatively richer
constituents will most likely be larger than demands by the economically
disadvantaged. Consequently, microeconomic theory does not rule out the
premise that income convergence induces a regional equilibrium where
emissions vary by a constant differential.(5)
Mankiw, Romer, and Weil (1992) term this type of convergence
"conditional" because it is characterized by regions
converging to a constant differential. When empirically testing for
emission convergence below, I use Mankiw, Romer, and Weil's 1992
nomenclature and follow Carlino and Mills' 1996 proposition of
convergence: (i) regions having per capita emissions initially above
their compensating differential should exhibit slower growth in
emissions than those regions having per capita emissions below their
compensating differential (cross-sectional convergence), and (ii) shocks
to relative regional per capita emissions should be temporary
(stochastic convergence).
3. Empirical Methods and Results
Because previous studies of income convergence approach the problem
using both cross-sectional and time-series methods, I present results
from both techniques. I should also note that the concept of emission
convergence is inherently an out-of-equilibrium phenomenon. This
assumption makes sense, as the convergence hypothesis presumes that EPA
Regions begin in disequilibrium and achieve equilibrium through time.
Cross-Sectional Convergence
To test for cross-sectional convergence, I use the technique called
[Beta]-convergence that was developed by Baumol (1986). For our
purposes, [Beta]-convergence tests whether regions having per capita
emissions above their compensating differentials in 1929 had slower per
capita emissions growth than those regions having per capita emissions
below their compensating differentials in 1929. The Baumol (1986)
empirical test of convergence involves estimating the following
[g.sub.pi] = [Alpha] + [Beta][E.sub.pio] + [[Epsilon].sub.pi] (1)
where [g.sub.pi] is the growth rate in per capita emissions (p =
N[O.sub.x], S[O.sub.2]) in EPA Region i over the entire sample period,
[E.sub.pio] is the initial level of emissions per capita in Region i,
[[Epsilon].sub.pi] is the random error component, and [Alpha] and [Beta]
are estimated parameters. [Beta]-convergence is evident if [Beta] [less
than] 0, implying that regions with high initial levels of per capita
emissions have lower emission growth rates than non-pollution-intensive
regions. In Equation 1, emissions are measured in thousands of short
Primary results from estimation of Equation 1 are:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (2a)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (2b)
t-statistics are in parentheses beneath coefficient estimates.
The coefficient estimate of [E.sub.pio] in Equation 2a suggests
that per capita emissions of N[O.sub.x] [Beta]-converged at the p [less
than] .01 confidence level. Although the results in Equation 2b imply
that per capita emissions of S[O.sub.2] also [Beta]-converged from 1929
to 1994, [Beta] is not significantly different from zero at conventional
levels. In terms of economic significance, parameter estimates in the
N[O.sub.x] (S[O.sub.2]) regression indicate that for every 1000 short
tons that a region's per capita emissions were above the national
average in 1929, that region's growth rate of N[O.sub.x] emissions
was lowered by 0.21 percentage points per year during the 1929-1994
period, and the rate of S[O.sub.2] emissions was lowered by 0.04
percentage points during the same period. These results provide some
evidence that per capita emission levels in non-pollution-intensive and
pollution-intensive regions became more similar during the 1929-1994
period.(6) However, given the numerous econometric shortcomings of the
Baumol technique, emphasizing these findings alone would be
inappropriate. For example, the Baumol technique is inefficient because
it ignores intermediate data points in the sampling period. Thus, any
trend in per capita emissions that occurs in intermediate years is
completely lost when testing for [Beta]-convergence.(7)
Stochastic Convergence
Stochastic convergence among the 10 EPA Regions implies that the
effects of temporary shocks dissipate over time, or, likewise, that the
time series does not possess a unit root. If shocks to per capita
emissions are permanent, then the time series has a unit root, and
regions are not converging. Following Carlino and Mills (1996), I
analyze the log of per capita emissions of one region relative to that
of the economy as a whole. The log of relative per capita emissions in
Region i at time t, R[E.sub.it], consists of two parts, the time
invariant equilibrium differential, [Mathematical Expression Omitted],
and the deviations about this equilibrium,(8) [u.sub.it]:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (3)
where [u.sub.it] is a stochastic process with drift:
[u.sub.it] = [c.sub.o] + [[Epsilon].sub.it] (4)
and [c.sub.0] is the initial deviation from equilibrium.
Substituting Equation 4 into Equation 3 yields:
R[E.sub.it] = [Mu] + [[Epsilon].sub.it] (5)
where [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. The time-series notion of
stochastic convergence is contained in Equation 5: per capita emissions
of a specific region are considered converging if the deviations,
[[Epsilon].sub.it], are temporary.
The Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test for convergence is obtained
by adding a simple lag operator to both sides of Equation 5 and
including a lagged change in RE as a right-hand side variable (region
subscripts suppressed):
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (6)
where R[E.sub.t], is the log of relative regional per capita
emissions at time t, [Delta]R[E.sub.t] represents the change in the log
of relative regional per capita emissions, and [Delta]R[E.sub.t - j] is
the lagged change in the log of relative per capita emissions. Equation
6 is the standard ADF test for a unit root. If [Alpha] = 0, then shocks
to relative regional emissions are permanent and emissions have a unit
root, or follow a random walk. Interpretation of this result would be
that regional per capita emissions have not converged. Instead, if
[Alpha] [not equal to] 0, then shocks to regional per capita emissions
are temporary, the unit root null is rejected, and stochastic
convergence is evident.
The lag length, k, is often set equal to 1 using the ADF approach.
Recent evidence, however, suggests that an endogenous k is superior to
choosing a fixed k (Loewy and Papell 1996). As such, I follow the
procedure used by Perron (1989): start with an upper bound of k = 8, and
use the approximate 10% value of the asymptotic normal distribution,
1.60, to assess the significance of the last lag, k. If the last
included lag is significant, choose k = 8; if not, reduce k by 1 until
the last lag becomes significant. If no lags are significant, set k = 0.
Empirical Results
The left panels of Table 1 contain estimation results of the ADF
tests. The null hypothesis of a unit root is rejected if the t-statistic
for [Alpha] is greater (in absolute value) than the appropriate critical
value. Critical t values for the ADF test, which appear in the notes to
Table 1, are much larger in absolute value than standard t-ratios and
are calculated based on MacKinnon (1991). Coefficient estimates in the
left portion of the N[O.sub.x] section of Table 1 suggest that per
capita emissions of nitrogen oxides have converged conditionally in EPA
Regions 3 and 10 at the p [less than] .01 confidence level. The results
for S[O.sub.2] are not as promising. Although Regions 1, 5, 6, 7, and 10
have t-ratios exceeding 1.5 in absolute value, estimates of
[t.sub.[Alpha]] suggest that only Region 5 is converging at the
conventional 5% statistical level.
These results provide some initial evidence that emissions have
conditionally converged, but it is well known that stationarity tests
ignoring the possibility of a structural break may cause nonrejection of
the unit root null due to mis-specification (see, e.g., Perron 1989). In
the present context, allowing for a structural break in the time path of
emissions is particularly important given that the U.S. pollution
regulatory structure changed during the sample period. Following Loewy
and Papell (1996) and Zivot and Andrews (1992), among others, I allow
for a one-time break in the trend of per capita emissions that is data
dependent. The model estimated is Perron and Vogelsang's (1992)
innovation outlier (IO) trend break model, which allows for intercept
and slope changes in a gradual manner:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (7)
where [Delta]R[E.sub.t], [Mu], R[E.sub.t], R[E.sub.t - 1], and
[Delta]R[E.sub.t - j] are as defined above, [T.sub.B] is the estimated
break date, D([T.sub.B]) = 1 if t = [T.sub.B] + 1, and 0 otherwise;
[Du.sub.t] = 1 if t [greater than] [T.sub.B], and 0 otherwise.(9) The
endogenous trend break is implemented by estimating Equation 7
sequentially for each break year [T.sub.B] = k + 2, . . ., T - 1, where
T is the number of observations, and the year (T) that minimizes the
t-statistic for [Alpha] is considered the break year. The lag length,
[Delta]R[E.sub.t - j], is chosen by using the endogenous k method
described above. As in the ADF test, the unit root null is rejected if
the t-statistic for [Alpha] is greater (in absolute value) than the
appropriate critical value. I use the T = 50, k(t) critical values
provided in Perron and Vogelsang (1992, their Table 2).
Results of the IO trend break models are in the right panels of
Table 1. A first issue regards the estimated break years presented in
column 7. The estimated trend breaks in the N[O.sub.x] emission models
are intuitively appealing, as eras of the Great Depression, World War
II, and the environmental movement of the 1970s serve as endogenously
determined break years. This finding illustrates the importance of the
added generality of the IO model. Coefficient estimates from the
N[O.sub.x] regression models suggest that Regions 3 and 10 have
conditionally converged at the 1% significance level. Although
[t.sub.[Alpha]] in the other EPA Regions does not exceed the appropriate
critical values, all of the remaining 8 regions have [t.sub.[Alpha]]
(absolute) values greater than 2.40. These findings provide some
evidence that emissions of N[O.sub.x] have conditionally converged in
the U.S. during the 1929-1994 period.
The right panel of the S[O.sub.2] section of Table 1 contains
estimation results for emissions of sulfur dioxide. The estimated break
years for S[O.sub.2] are primarily around 1970, as 7 of the 10 EPA
Regions have a structural break between 1965-1975. This finding again
illustrates the importance of allowing the emission paths to have a
structural break and suggests that the trend of S[O.sub.2] emissions
significantly changed during the great environmental movement. This
finding is reasonable, because the original Clean Air Act in 1963 and
the first Clean Air Act Amendments in 1970 targeted large Class A
emitters of S[O.sub.2]. Estimated t-ratios in Table 1 provide evidence
of emission convergence in EPA Regions 2 and 10 at the 5% significance
level. In addition, four of the other EPA regions have [t.sub.[Alpha]]
values exceeding three in absolute value. For S[O.sub.2]. the added
generality of the trend break model appears to pay off as the empirical
results from the IO model provide more evidence against the unit root
than the standard ADF tests.
Given that the power to reject the unit root null remains
relatively low in these estimation procedures, these findings provide
some evidence that one indicator of environmental quality-air pollutant
emissions - has conditionally converged across regions in the U.S. These
results significantly strengthen previous income convergence findings
and do not refute the conjecture that "green incomes" have
converged in some EPA Regions. From a Pareto viewpoint, these findings
move us one step closer to the tantalizing possibility that overall
welfare levels are conditionally converging in the U.S.
Policy Implications
Given the continued interest in devolving formerly federal
government operations onto state and local governments,
interjurisdictional competition has become a central issue in local
public finance. Although a key underlying premise of U.S. environmental
policy from 1963 through the early 1980s was that if states were allowed
to do so, they would compete with each other for industry by
compromising enforcement,(10) these findings provide evidence that
states may not be interested in "racing to the bottom" by
adopting weaker environmental regulations or by compromising enforcement
to attract mobile capital.
In a related vein, if emission convergence is a repercussion of
environmental policy convergence, these results may provide an
explanation for the recent findings in the firm location literature.
Although conventional wisdom implies that economic growth and
environmental quality are incompatible policy objectives, recent
empirical evidence suggests that stringency of environmental regulation
is only weakly (or not at all) associated with decreased manufacturing
activity (List 1998). One plausible explanation for this
counter-intuitive result is that while compliance expenditures have
steadily risen, environmental policies have become more similar across
space, confounding any effects of increased environmental compliance
expenditures. Consequently, if federal budgets continue to tighten, the
empirical results above may suggest an expanded future role for state
and local governments in providing environmental protection.
4. Concluding Remarks
Recent studies of income distribution have found evidence
supporting the neoclassical theory of income convergence. Whether income
convergence implies that standards of living have become more similar is
an open issue because "green incomes," or income levels
adjusted for environmental quality, may be diverging. This paper uses
data on per capita emissions of nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxides to
test if one indicator of environmental quality has converged across U.S.
regions from 1929 to 1994. Empirical results from unit root tests
provide some evidence that per capita emissions of nitrogen oxides and
sulfur dioxides have conditionally converged across the 10 EPA Regions.
These results strengthen previous income convergence findings and do not
refute the conjecture that "green incomes" have converged
across U.S. regions. In addition, certain empirical results provide an
appealing explanation for the extant literature that suggests that the
stringency of environmental regulations is only weakly associated with
decreased manufacturing activity, even though pollution compliance
expenditures have steadily risen since the early 1970s.
Future research is warranted. Although numerous indicators of
environmental quality are important, this paper focuses on only one
attribute of the amenity base of a region. Other measures of
environmental quality, such as ecosystem and species preservation,
regulatory expenditures to monitor polluters, or pollution concentration
levels, represent viable proxies that could be used in lieu of
emissions. Another potential extension is a cross-country analysis.
Since many intercountry studies indicate that incomes are converging,
from a welfare standpoint, "real" convergence again becomes an
important issue.
Appendix: Environmental Protection Agency Regions
Region 1 Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode
Island, Vermont
Region 2 New Jersey, New York
Region 3 Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West
Region 4 Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North
Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee
Region 5 Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin
Region 6 Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
Region 7 Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska
Region 8 Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah,
Region 9 Arizona, California, Nevada
Region 10 Idaho, Oregon, Washington
Thanks to Kevin Grier and to an anonymous referee for very helpful
comments. Michael Margolis, Mark Strazicich, and Junsoo Lee provided
useful suggestions on an earlier version of this paper. The usual
caveats apply.
1 See Gottschalk and Smeeding (1997) for a good discussion of
previous research on income inequality.
2 Justification for these worries can be found in theoretical
studies of environmental quality provision (see, e.g., Oates and Schwab
1988; Markusen, Morey, and Olewiler 1995) and of public goods provision
when financed by taxing geographically mobile factors (Wildasin 1989).
3 The Appendix lists states as categorized by Environmental
Protection Region. Regional population estimates are from the Bureau of
Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1929-1994.
4 See List and Gerking (1996) for a more complete treatment of this
5 Of course this is a simplification; polluting firms most
definitely take into account other important factors in the production
and political processes as well as the natural capacity of their local
6 Testing for a Kuznets' (1955) curve and [Sigma]-convergence
are other cross-sectional tests of convergence. I also computed the Gini
coefficient and [Sigma] for each pollutant type. The Gini is defined as:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
where N = number of states, [Mu] is the overall mean of per capita
emissions, and [x.sub.j] represents per capita emissions for state i.
Results imply that S[O.sub.2] followed an inverted U shape, whereas
emissions of N[O.sub.x] were not quadratic. Concerning
[Sigma]-convergence, which considers the cross-sectional dispersion in
per capita emissions, I find evidence supporting emission convergence
for both pollutant types. All results are available upon request.
7 See Carlino and Mills (1996) for a good discussion of the
numerous limitations of this technique.
8 The modeling of the time-series notion of time-invariant
compensating-differentials equilibrium is similar to Carlino and Mills
9 Since equations 6 and 7 do not contain a time trend, the
alternative hypothesis is a level stationary series.
10 A cornerstone of the Clean Air and Water Acts of the early 1970s
was that "[t]he promulgation of [f]ederal emission standards for
new sources...will preclude efforts on the part of [s]tates to compete
with each other in trying to attract new facilities" (U.S. House
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