The impact of regulation on input substitution and operating cost.
Lovell, C.A. Knox
1. Introduction
Input-based regulation restricts a firm's input choices to a
subset of those allowed by the structure of production technology. It
follows that regulation distorts a firm's input demands and the
substitutability between various input pairs. The distortion of input
demands caused by rate-of-return regulation was the subject of the
Averch-Johnson (1962) hypothesis, which spawned an extensive theoretical
and empirical literature. The distortion of input substitutability has
received less attention in the literature and is the subject of this
paper. The subject is of some significance because regulation raises
operating cost for fixed input prices. However, to the extent that
regulation also affects input substitutability, as input prices
inevitably change, the fixed-price cost consequences of regulation are
dampened or magnified accordingly as regulation enhances or retards
input substitutability.
Smith (1981) derived Allen-Uzawa elasticities of substitution (AUES)
for a cost-minimizing firm subject to rate-of-return regulation. Nelson
(1983) applied Smith's results to a translog specification of a
rate-of-return regulated cost function derived by Cowing (1981) and Fuss
and Waverman (1977). Nelson used U.S. electric utility data to estimate
the unregulated and regulated translog cost functions and then to
calculate the unregulated and regulated AUES. He found little impact on
the AUES between pairs of rate base and non-rate-base inputs, but he
found a large impact on the AUES between pairs of non-rate-base inputs.
Blackorby and Russell (1989) demonstrated that if the number of
inputs exceeds two, or if technology cannot be characterized with
constant elasticities of substitution, the AUES concept is
uninformative. On the reasonable presumption that the AUES concept is as
uninformative in a regulated environment as it is in an unregulated
environment, this finding casts serious doubt on the value of the
research cited in the previous paragraph. Blackorby and Russell also
demonstrated that an alternative notion of the elasticity of
substitution, due originally to Morishima (1967), is informative if the
number of inputs exceeds two or if the substitution elasticities are not
constant. They showed that Morishima elasticities of substitution (MES)
can also be obtained from the firm's cost function and are
informative in the sense that (i) they do provide a measure of the
curvature of an isoquant; (ii) they do provide measures of the effects
of changes in input price ratios on relative input shares; and (iii)
they are equal to elasticities of input quantity ratios with respect to
input price ratios. They also showed that AUES are uninformative on each
of these three criteria. In a subsequent paper, Blackorby and Russell
(1990) derived formuli for the MES between various pairs of
non-rate-base and rate base inputs and contrasted these with the formuli
for the MES between the corresponding pairs of inputs in the unregulated
firm. They did not, however, attempt to sign the differences between the
unregulated and the regulated MES.
At a purely analytical level it is of interest to determine if the
differences between any pair of unregulated and regulated MES can be
signed and, if so, which ones. We know that for a given input price
structure, regulation raises operating cost by distorting input choice
as regulated firms respond to regulated shadow prices of capital that
are lower than true capital costs. However, if regulation also enhances
input substitutability, then, as input prices change, the cost increase
is dampened. Conversely, if regulation retards input substitutability,
then, as input prices change, the cost increase is magnified. At an
empirical level it is of interest to seek quantitative evidence first of
the impact of regulation on firms' propensity to substitute between
various pairs of inputs as their relative prices change but also, more
important, of the impact of the input substitutability distortions on
firms' operating costs.
The objective of this paper is to conduct just such a combined
analytical and empirical investigation into the effect of regulation on
the MES and on operating cost. The regulation we consider is the
familiar rate of return regulation, and the industry we examine is the
U.S. interstate natural gas pipeline industry, which was subject to
rate-of-return regulation during the 1977-87 period we study.
We begin by examining unregulated and regulated MES and then conduct
an analytical investigation into the differences between the two sets of
elasticities. Theory does not allow us to sign the difference between
any pair of MES, although it does enable us to offer conjectures on the
sign of the difference between each pair of MES. Armed with these
conjectures, we conduct an empirical exercise in which we estimate sets
of unregulated and regulated MES in the interstate natural gas pipeline
industry. Results indicate that regulation increased the willingness of
firms to substitute each rate base input for our sole non-rate-base
input when the non-rate-base input price increased. Regulation decreased
the willingness of firms to substitute (i) between the rate base inputs
and (ii) our sole non-rate-base input for each rate base input when a
rate base input price increased. The finding that regulation decreased
the willingness to substitute between some input pairs and increased the
willingness to substitute between other input pairs suggests that the
secondary substitutability impacts of regulation neither reinforced nor
retarded to any significant degree the initial fixed-price impact of
Finally, we find that regulation led to an increase in operating cost
of 16% on average, although we are unable to decompose this estimate
into an initial fixed-price component and a secondary substitutability
This paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we examine the
unregulated and regulated MES and exploit what little guidance theory
provides to make some conjectures concerning the relationships between
the unregulated and the regulated MES. In section 3 we present our
empirical model, which we use to estimate the parameters of unregulated
and regulated translog cost functions from which the unregulated and
regulated MES are derived. In section 4 we describe our data sample.
Section 5 contains our empirical analysis of the impact of regulation on
input substitutability and on operating cost. Section 6 concludes.
2. Unregulated and Regulated Morishima Elasticities of Substitution
Let x = ([x.sub.n], [x.sub.c]) denote a nonnegative vector of inputs,
with [x.sub.n] = ([x.sub.n1], ..., [x.sub.nN],) and [x.sub.c] =
([x.sub.c1], ..., [x.sub.cM]) denoting subvectors of the non-rate-base
and rate base inputs, respectively. Let w = ([w.sub.n],[w.sub.c]) denote
a corresponding strictly positive vector of input prices. Denote a
firm's desired level of output y [greater than] 0 and its
production function f(x). The firm's unregulated cost function is
c(y,w) = [min.sub.x]{[w.sup.T]x: y [less than or equal to] f(x)} (1)
where c(y,w) is nondecreasing in y and nondecreasing, concave, and
homogeneous of degree +1 in w. Shephard's lemma yields the
cost-minimizing input demand equations x(y,w) = [Nabla].sub.w]C(y,w).
Blackorby and Russell (1989, 1990) showed that the Morishima
elasticities of substitution,
[MES.sub.ij] (y, w) = [w.sub.i][[c.sub.ji] (y, w)/[c.sub.j] (y, w) -
[c.sub.ii] (y, w)/[c.sub.i](y, w)]
= [[Epsilon].sub.ji](y, w) - [[Epsilon].sub.ii](y, w), (2)
describe the substitution possibilities for all pairs of inputs for
an unregulated firm.(1) The subscripts on c(y,w) indicate partial
differentiation with respect to the indicated input price(s), and
[[Epsilon].sub.ji](y,w) and [[Epsilon].sub.ii](y,w) are the cross-price
and own-price elasticities of input demand, respectively. The variable
[MES.sub.ij](y,w) describes how the quantity of input j changes (the
substitution of input j for input i) in response to a change in the
price of input i. It should be clear from Equation 2 that
[MES.sub.ij](y,w) and [MES.sub.ji](y,w) are not in general symmetric.(2)
Suppose that the firm faces the inverse product demand function p(y)
and that rate-of-return regulation is applied to the input subvector
[x.sub.c]. The regulatory constraint is
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (3)
where [[Theta].sub.c] is the allowed user cost of capital.(3) The
firm's regulated cost function is
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (4)
Fare and Logan (1983a) showed that [c.sup.r](y,w,p, [[Theta].sub.c])
satisfies the properties (i) [c.sup.r](y, [Lambda]w, [Lambda]p,
[[Theta].sub.c]) = [Lambda][c.sup.r](y, w, p, [[Theta].sub.c]), [Lambda]
[greater than] 0, and (ii) [min.sub.[Theta]c][c.sup.r](y, w, p.
[[Theta].sub.c]) = c(y, w). The first property states that [c.sup.r](y,
w, p, [[Theta].sub.C}) is homogeneous of degree + 1 in (w,p); unlike
c(y,w), [c.sup.r](y,w,p, [[Theta].sub.c]) is not homogeneous of degree +
1 in w alone. The second property states that there exists a value of
[[Theta].sub.c] (call it [Mathematical Expression Omitted]) sufficient
to cause [c.sup.r](y,w, p, [[Theta].sub.c]) to coincide with c(y,w). At
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] the rate-of-return constraint becomes
nonbinding. Fare and Logan (1983b) also showed that [c.sup.r](y,w,p,
[[Theta].sub.c]) is not necessarily concave in w.
Blackorby and Russell (1990) derived MES for a regulated firm. In our
notation the regulated MES can be written as
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (5)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (6)
For pairs of non-rate-base inputs and also for pairs of rate base
inputs, [MES.sub.ij] (y,w) and [Mathematical Expression Omitted] have
the same structure. It is difficult to compare them, however, because
(i) although they involve the same partial derivatives, they are
derivatives of different cost functions and (ii) the cost functions have
different properties. For a rate base input and a non-rate-base input,
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] takes on a different structure than
that of [MES.sub.ij](y,w), making a comparison in this case even more
difficult. Nevertheless, it is possible to speculate.
Consider [MES.sub.ij](y,w) and [Mathematical Expression Omitted] for
non-rate-base inputs i and j. We know that [c.sub.i](y,w) [greater than]
0 and that [Mathematical Expression Omitted]; that is, an increase in
the price of a non-rate-base input raises both unregulated and regulated
cost. Since c(y,w) is concave in w, [c.sub.ii](y,w) [less than or equal
to] 0. Since [c.sup.r](y,w,p, [[Theta].sub.c]) is not necessarily
concave in w, there is a possibility that [Mathematical Expression
Omitted] and an even greater possibility that [Mathematical Expression
Omitted]. Comparing the second terms in Equations 2 and 5, the latter
possibility leads to the conjecture that [Mathematical Expression
Omitted]. We are thus led to hypothesize that regulation reduces the
willingness of firms to substitute between pairs of non-rate-base
inputs. Since there is no analytical difference between the structures
of Equations 2 and 5 for pairs of non-rate-base inputs and pairs of rate
base inputs, we also conjecture that regulation reduces the willingness
of firms to substitute between pairs of rate base inputs.
Next consider [MES.sub.ij](y,w) and [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
for non-rate-base input i and rate base input j. Now we focus on the
terms [Mathematical Expression Omitted] and [Mathematical Expression
Omitted] in Equation 6. We know from Baumol and Klevorick (1970) and
Petersen (1975) that [Mathematical Expression Omitted]; that is,
tightening the regulatory constraint induces the firm to adopt an
allocatively inefficient input mix, which raises the cost of producing
its chosen rate of output. We also know from the same sources the
direction of the misallocation: a reduction in the use of non-rate-base
inputs relative to rate base inputs. Although [Mathematical Expression
Omitted] is not the demand for non-rate-base input i and [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] is not the demand for rate base input j, the two
expressions are positively related to the respective demands. This leads
us to conjecture that [Mathematical Expression Omitted] and that
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]; that is, tightening the regulatory
constraint induces the firm to reduce its use of (at least some)
non-rate-base inputs and to increase its use of rate base inputs. In
addition, the impact of the second term is lessened if, as we
hypothesized above, [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. Consequently, we
are led to conjecture that regulation leads to an increase in the
willingness of firms to substitute (at least some) rate base inputs for
non-rate-base inputs when prices of non-rate-base inputs increase.
Finally, consider [MES.sub.ji](y,w) and [Mathematical Expression
Omitted] for rate base input j and non-rate-base input i. We noted above
that [Mathematical Expression Omitted], and we conjectured above that
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. Consequently, both the numerator and
the denominator of the second term in Equation 6 are reduced. However,
if [Mathematical Expression Omitted], we are led to conjecture that
regulation leads to a reduction in the willingness of firms to
substitute non-rate-base inputs for rate base inputs when the prices of
rate base inputs increase.
Summarizing, we conjecture that rate-of-return regulation is likely
to reduce the willingness to substitute (i) between pairs of
non-rate-base inputs, (ii) between pairs of rate base inputs, and (iii)
a non-rate-base input for a rate base input when the price of the rate
base input increases. Rate-of-return regulation is likely to enhance the
willingness to substitute a rate base input for a non-rate-base input
when the price of the non-rate-base input changes. If these conjectures
are correct, then the first three effects reinforce the fixed-price
impact of regulation on operating cost, whereas the fourth effect
dampens the impact of regulation on operating cost. However, these
conjectures are based on very limited theoretical guidance, and so, in
the following section, we develop an empirical model capable of testing
3. The Empirical Model
We estimate a transcendental logarithmic (translog) cost function, as
developed by Christensen, Jorgenson, and Lau (1971). The translog cost
function places no a priori restrictions on returns to scale or
substitution elasticities. Let [[Theta].sub.c] =
([[Theta].sub.pc],[[Theta]]) denote a vector of the allowed user
costs of transmission pipeline capital ([[Theta].sub.pc]) and compressor station capital ([[Theta]]). Following Nelson and Wohar (1983)
and Fare and Logan (1986), the translog regulated cost function is
In [c.sup.r](y, W, p, [[Theta].sub.c]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (7)
where i,j = {l,f,p,c} denote labor, fuel, transmission pipeline
capital, and compressor station capital inputs, respectively.(4) Input
cost share equations for the non-rate-base inputs and the rate base
inputs are(5)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (8)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (9)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Although the regulated cost function is not homogeneous of degree + 1
in input prices, the unregulated cost function derived from it satisfies
all the properties of a minimum cost function. To impose linear
homogeneity in input prices on the unregulated cost function,(6) we
first derive the functional form of the unregulated cost function by
minimizing the regulated cost function with respect to [[Theta].sub.c].
At [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. Note that
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (10)
Setting [[Nabla].sub.[[Theta].sub.c]] ln [c.sup.r](y, w, p,
[[Theta].sub.c]) = 0 and solving for [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (11)
where d = [[Alpha].sub.pp] + [[Pi]]. Substituting
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] for [[Theta].sub.c] into Equation 7
gives the unregulated cost function ln c(y, w)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (12)
from which we obtain the parameter restrictions implied by linear
homogeneity in input prices (of the unregulated cost function).
4. The Natural Gas Pipeline Data
The data sample consists of 20 major interstate natural gas pipeline
companies over an 11-year period from 1977 to 1987.(7) The sample covers
more than 75% of total output of the major pipeline companies. The
primary inputs for pipelines are fuel, labor, compressor station
capital, and transmission pipeline capital. Total expenditures on fuel
and labor are divided by the physical quantity of each input to obtain
the prices of fuel and labor.(8) The quantity of compressor station
capital is measured as the sum of the horsepower ratings of all
compressor stations on the transmission pipeline. The quantity of
transmission pipeline capital, measured as tons of line pipe on the
transmission pipeline, is derived from the engineering relationship
between the diameter and volume of steel in a pipeline. Callen (1978)
showed that for a pipeline of length m and average diameter d, the
quantity of pipeline capital is 0.382 [d.sup.2]m.
Following Jorgenson (1963), the user cost of capital and the allowed
cost of capital are
[w.sub.c] [equivalent to] ((1 - k - [Tau]z) [multiplied by] (r +
[[Delta].sub.c] + [m.sub.c] + [o.sub.c]))/(1 - [Tau]),
[[Theta].sub.c] [equivalent to] ((1 - k - [Tau]z) [multiplied by] (s
+ [[Delta].sub.c] + [m.sub.c] + [o.sub.c]))/(1 - [Tau]),
respectively, where k is the investment tax credit, [Tau] is the
corporate tax rate, [[Delta].sub.c] is the rate of depreciation of
capital, [m.sub.c] is a component for operation and maintenance,
[o.sub.c] is a component for overhead, r is the financial cost of
capital, s is the allowed rate of return, and z is the present value of
depreciation allowances for tax purposes on a dollar's investment
over the lifetime of the asset.
The output measure we use is the volume of compressor station
fuel.(9) With this output measure the underlying production function has
a Leontief form
y = f(x) = min(g([]),f/e),
where [] are the nonfuel inputs, g is a quasi-concave
function, f is the volume of fuel, and e [greater than] 0 is a
proportionality factor. A regulated firm selects the amount of fuel for
which f/e = y and the amount of nonfuel inputs to minimize its
expenditures subject to y = g([]) and the regulatory constraint.
Since the quantity of the fuel input is proportional to the level of
output, the share of fuel in total cost does not vary with time, the
allowed user cost of capital, or input prices. The system of equations
to be estimated consists of a cost equation and input cost share
equations for the three nonfuel inputs.
Since the input cost shares for the nonfuel inputs sum to one, in
estimating the system we delete the labor cost share equation. Since the
quantity of the fuel input is proportional to the level of output,
neither labor nor capital can be substituted for fuel. We can only
compute the [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE 1 OMITTED] MES between (i) labor and
each type of capital, (ii) each type of capital and labor, and (iii)
each type of capital.
5. Empirical Analysis
We estimate a random-effects model with a two-component error
structure for each equation in the system.(10) The error structure of
the disturbance term for each equation has a firm-specific and a purely
random component. The firm-specific component reflects unmeasured
persistent effects (e.g., terrain and management skill). The
firm-specific components are assumed to be correlated across equations
for each firm but not across firms. The purely random components are
assumed to be correlated across equations for each firm but not across
firms. The firm-specific and purely random components are assumed to be
uncorrelated across equations and across firms.(11) We estimate the
system using nonlinear least squares because the homogeneity
restrictions on the unregulated cost function imply nonlinear
restrictions on the parameters of the regulated cost function.
Table 1 provides a list of the variables used in the regression as
well as the mean and the standard deviation of the variables in the
model. Table 2 provides the parameter estimates that [TABULAR DATA FOR
TABLE 2 OMITTED] were used to compute the unregulated and the regulated
MES, and Table 3 provides estimates of the unregulated and the regulated
MES averaged over the entire sample.(12)
Regulated and Unregulated Cost Functions
We check whether our estimates of the unregulated and regulated cost
functions satisfy the properties of monotonicity in input prices and
output and, for the unregulated cost function, concavity in input
prices. The estimated unregulated cost function satisfies monotonicity
in input prices and output in all 220 observations and satisfies
concavity in input prices in 190 of the 220 observations. The estimated
regulated cost function satisfies monotonicity in output in 215 of the
220 observations, and monotonicity in input prices in 143 of the 220
We use the parameter estimates reported in Table 2 to test two
hypotheses regarding regulation. The first test is whether
rate-of-return regulation has affected transmission cost. If regulation
has had no effect on transmission cost, then (i) the regulated and the
unregulated cost functions coincide and (ii) the regulated and the
unregulated MES coincide. We perform a likelihood ratio test of the
following hypothesis:
[[Alpha].sub.p] = [[Alpha].sub.pp] = [[Alpha]] =
[[Alpha]] = [[Alpha]] = [[Alpha].sub.p1] = [[Phi].sub.c] =
[[Phi]] = [[Phi]] = [[Phi].sub.ct] = [[Phi]] =
[[Phi].sub.c1] = 0. (13)
Table 3. Morishima Elasticities of Substitution
Labor Pipeline Compressor
Unregulated [MES.sub.ij]
Labor 0.3656 0.3665
(0.1592)(*) (0.1972)
Pipeline 0.2481 0.5384
(0.1810) (0.1750)(*)
Compressor 0.3218 0.5929
(0.1532)(*) (0.1723)(*)
Regulated [MES.sub.ij]
Labor 0.4702 0.6501
(0.3685) (0.3781)
Pipeline 0.2223 0.5139
(0.2859) (0.1106)(*)
Compressor 0.2747 0.5675
(0.2679) (0.1091)(*)
Entries in the rows and columns denote the ith and the jth inputs,
respectively. Standard errors in parentheses.
* Significant at the 5% level.
With a chi-square test statistic of 76.77, the hypothesis that
regulation has had no effect on transmission cost is rejected at the 1%
level. We computed the total costs for the regulated and unregulated
cost functions at every observation in the sample to obtain estimates of
the extent to which regulation has affected transmission costs. On
average for our sample, a regulated firm produced its output level at a
cost 16% higher than the minimum cost at which the firm could have
produced its output in the absence of regulation.(13)
The second test is whether increasing the allowed rate of return
lowers transmission cost. If increasing the allowed rate of return
lowers transmission cost, then [Mathematical Expression Omitted], which
would be consistent with economic theory (this test is similar to
testing whether the regulatory constraint is binding over the sample
period). Using Equation 10, note that
[[Nabla].sub.[Theta]c][c.sup.r](y,w,p,[[Theta].sub.c]) =
[c.sup.r](y,w,p,[[Theta].sub.c]) [multiplied by] [[Nabla].sub.[Theta]c])
and that [[Nabla].sub.[Theta]c](y,w,p,[[Theta].sub.c] [less than] 0
if and only if [[Nabla].sub.[Theta]c] [lnc.sup.r](y,w,p,[[Theta].sub.c]
[less than] 0. The functional form for the hypothesis
[[Nabla].sub.[Theta]c] [lnc.sup.r](y,w,p,[[Theta].sub.c]) [less than] 0
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (14)
For our sample, the derivative is negative and significantly
different from zero at the 5% level for 111 of the 220 observations.(14)
For the remaining observations, the derivative is not significantly
different from zero, with 42 observations positive and 67 observations
negative. Almost all the observations for which the derivative is not
negative and significantly different from zero are in the early years of
our sample (1977-80).
One reason that the regulatory constraint on natural gas pipelines
was not binding during the late 1970s could be the changes in the
natural gas market during the period. Gas shortages in interstate
markets developed in the 1970s as the market price of oil increased
while the federally regulated well head price of natural gas remained
virtually unchanged. The Natural Gas Policy Act was passed in 1978 to
gradually deregulate the well head price of natural gas. At the same
time the market price of oil increased, leading to an increase in the
demand for natural gas. The FERC may have been more occupied with the
consequences of the natural gas shortages and the process of natural gas
deregulation than with the regulation of gas pipeline transmission fees
until 1980 or 1981, when the crisis of a gas shortage had passed.
Regulated and Unregulated Morishima Elasticities of Substitution
The results reported in Table 3 indicate that all unregulated and
regulated MES are positive and less than unity, most of them
significantly so. Unregulated substitution possibilities are limited,
and regulated substitution propensities are not much different. Turning
to our conjectures, we find that regulation has led to a reduction in
the willingness to substitute between the two capital inputs, as we
conjectured in section 2. However, these reductions are small (5% in the
case of pipeline capital for compressor station capital and 4% in the
case of compressor station capital for pipeline capital), and they are
not statistically significant. A possible explanation for the small
difference in the willingness to substitute could come from the
regulatory constraint (Eq. 3), which can be rewritten as
f(x) [multiplied by] p[f(x)] - [w.sup.T]x [less than or equal to]
([[Theta].sub.c] - [w.sub.c])[x.sub.c].
An increase in [w.sub.c] reduces the actual profit a firm earns (f(x)
[multiplied by] p[f(x)] - [w.sup.T]x) and the allowable profit the
regulated firm can earn ([[Theta].sub.c] - [w.sub.c])[x.sub.c] and in
essence tightens the regulatory constraint. Substituting noncapital for
capital instead of one type of capital for another would reduce
allowable profit even further (by reducing [x.sub.c]), in essence
tightening the regulatory constraint even more. The regulated firm would
thus have an incentive to substitute one type of capital for another,
which would suggest that regulation has had a small impact on the
willingness to substitute between the capital inputs. This effect is
difficult to identify, however, because the prices of the two capital
inputs changed similarly during the period.(15)
Regulation has led to a somewhat larger reduction in the willingness
to substitute labor for of each type of capital when the prices of
capital rise, as conjectured: 10% (0.2481 to 0.2223) in the case of
pipeline capital and 15% (0.3218 to 0.2747) in the case of compressor
station capital, although neither reduction is statistically
significant. The suggestion from the previous paragraph could be used to
explain this result. When [w.sub.c] rises, regulated firms have an
incentive to substitute capital for capital rather than tighten the
regulatory constraint even further by substituting labor for capital.
This would suggest that regulation leads to a reduction in the
willingness to substitute noncapital for capital inputs when [w.sub.c]
Finally, regulation has led to an increase in the willingness to
substitute each type of capital for labor when the price of labor rises,
as conjectured. These increases are relatively large: 29% (0.3656 to
0.4702) for pipeline capital and 77% (0.3665 to 0.6501) for compressor
station capital. However, once again they are not statistically
significant. Referring back to the regulatory constraint (Eq. 3), an
increase in [w.sub.n] reduces regulated firms' profits but not
their allowable profits ([[Theta].sub.c][x.sub.c]). Substituting capital
for labor instead of one type of noncapital for another would increase
allowable profits (by increasing [x.sub.c]), in essence relaxing the
regulatory constraint and enhancing the incentive of regulated firms to
substitute capital for noncapital when [w.sub.n] rises. This would
suggest that regulation has had a large impact on the willingness to
substitute capital for labor in response to the 10% annual increase in
the price of labor that has occurred in this industry.(16)
6. Conclusions
We began this paper with a set of four conjectures concerning the
directions of the impacts of rate of return regulation on input
substitutability. Although theory does not provide signs for these
impacts, it does provide guidance. This guidance enabled us to predict
that regulation leads to a reduction in the willingness to substitute
between pairs of non-rate-base inputs and between pairs of rate base
inputs and of non-rate-base inputs for rate base inputs but to an
increase in the willingness to substitute rate base inputs for
non-rate-base inputs. Each conjecture was based on Morishima
elasticities of substitution.
We tested our conjectures using a 1977-87 panel of 20 U.S. interstate
natural gas pipeline companies that use labor, pipeline capital, and
compressor station capital to distribute natural gas (proxied by fuel
consumption) to their customers. Results are supportive of our
conjectures. It appears that rate-of-return regulation has restricted
the willingness to substitute between pipeline capital and compressor
station capital and restricted the willingness to substitute labor for
both types of capital. However, regulation has enhanced the willingness
to substitute both types of capital for labor. The first effect was
probably unimportant since the two capital prices varied together during
the entire period. The second effect was significant during the early
part of the time period, when both capital prices increased by over 20%
per annum. The third effect was significant during the latter part of
the time period, when the labor price increased by 10% per annum and
both capital prices were falling by about 5% per annum.
Finally, we estimated that the distorting impact of regulation led to
an increase in operating cost of 16% on average.(17) In dollar terms, in
1977 for example, a 16% increase in cost amounts to $265 million for the
20 firms combined. Since regulation restricted the willingness to
substitute labor for capital and enhanced the willingness to substitute
capital for labor, we conjecture that the 16% average cost increase was
substantially higher than it would have been had input prices not varied
so much. At least in this industry, the secondary substitution effects
of regulation appear to have reinforced the initial fixed-price
consequences of regulation.
We are grateful to Karen Bauer, Philip Budzik, Ronald Colter and Mary
Streitwieser for their assistance in compiling the data sample, to Gary
Biglaiser, David Guilkey, John Stewart and Helen Tauchen for their
suggestions, and to the Editor and two referees for their helpful
1 Blackorby and Russell (1981) showed that the MES can also be
derived from the input distance function, which is dual to the cost
2 The MES are symmetric only if (i) there are only two inputs or (ii)
the MES are constant. By contrast, the Allen-Uzawa elasticities of
substitution are symmetric in all cases and can be written as
[AUES.sub.ij](y,w) = [[Epsilon].sub.ij](y,w)/[S.sub.j](y,w) =
[[Epsilon].sub.ji](y,w)/[S.sub.i](y,w) = [AUES.sub.ji](y,w)
where [S.sub.i](y,w) and [S.sub.j](y,w) denote the expenditure shares
of inputs i and j in total cost, respectively.
3 The rate of return to capital is the firm's earnings net of
the noncapital expenditures and allowed expenditures on capital divided
by the value of the capital stock. Regulators set the allowed rate of
return s that the firm can earn on capital, with the allowed rate of
return s assumed to exceed the financial cost of capital r. Once the
regulators determine the allowed rate of return and the allowed
expenditures on capital, they in essence determine an allowed user cost
of capital [[Theta].sub.c], with [[Theta].sub.c] assumed to exceed
[w.sub.c]. In essence, the difference between [[Theta].sub.c] and
[w.sub.c] is s - r.
4 The output price, set to allow the firm to earn the allowed rate of
return on the rate base, does not appear in the estimated regulated cost
function because the regulatory agency determines the output price. The
firm observes only a point on the demand curve, not the entire demand
curve (the output price may not change when demand conditions change).
5 A detailed description of the derivation of the input share
equations is available on request.
6 We do not impose the parameter restrictions implied by homogeneity
of the regulated cost function in output and input prices because the
output price does not appear in the regulated cost function.
7 For the time period of our sample, a major pipeline company is
defined as one that transported more than 50 billion cubic feet in each
of the three previous years (or in the case of a new firm on the
projected volume for the next three years). The primary reason the data
sample stops in 1987 is because a large portion of the data on pipeline
companies was available only for that time period. The last year for
which data could be obtained to compute the financial cost of capital by
firm was 1987.
8 Over the period 1977-87, expenditures on natural gas for compressor
station fuel accounted for 93.25% of total expenditures on compressor
station fuel by all the major pipeline companies. For the companies in
the sample, expenditures on natural gas for compressor station fuel
accounted for 85.16% of total expenditures on compressor station fuel.
9 The ideal output measure for natural gas transmission is the sum
across all shipments of the volume times the distance transported. The
FERC does not require firms to report this information for all types of
shipments. A more detailed description of the variables and the data
sources is contained in the appendix.
10 We estimated a random-effects model instead of a fixed-effects
model for the following reasons. First, the random-effects model
provided a more accurate description of the production technology (more
plausible estimates of scale economies) and thus a more accurate
description of the elasticities of substitution. Second, estimating the
fixed-effects model would significantly reduce the degrees of freedom on
the model, making it difficult to consistently estimate the
fixed-effects model (there would be 55 parameters to estimate using 220
11 For detailed explanations on the derivation and decomposition of
the inverse covariance matrix of the error terms, see Baltagi (1980) and
Prucha (1984).
12 The following pairs of variables are not interacted in order to
lessen the effects of multicollinearity: [[Theta].sub.pc] with
[[Theta]], [[Theta].sub.pc] with [], and [[Theta]]
with [], where [w.sub.pc] and [w.sub.pc] are the user costs of
compressor capital and pipeline capital, respectively. The output price
p does not appear on the right side of Equation 7 because the regulated
firm does not observe the entire market demand curve for output. The
regulated firm observes only the output price determined by the
regulators (a point on the market demand curve) that enable the firm to
earn the allowed rate of return s on capital.
13 The percentage by which cost increases due to regulation decreases
from 54.8% in 1977 to 7.1% in 1979 and 2.91% in 1982, then increases to
8.5% in 1984 to 38.7% in 1987. In the absence of regulation, Mississippi
River would experience the smallest percentage reduction in cost
(3.27%), whereas Trunkline would experience the largest percentage
reduction in cost (44.14%).
14 We could also test whether the estimated direction of the effect
of regulation is consistent with economic theory by computing the
Lagrange multiplier on the regulatory constraint. If rate-of-return
regulation is binding, then the Lagrange multiplier, [[Lambda].sub.2],
should be between zero and one. For the translog cost function, the
multiplier is
[[Lambda].sub.2] = -([c.sup.r]/[x.sub.c])
The multiplier [[Lambda].sub.2] is between zero and one and
significantly different from zero for the 111 observations for which the
derivative [[Nabla].sub.[Theta]c][lnc.sup.r](y,w,p,[[Theta].sub.c]) is
negative and significantly different from zero. The observations for
which [[Lambda].sub.2] is not significantly different from zero are the
same observations for which the derivative
[[Nabla].sub.[Theta]c][lnc.sup.r](y,w,p,[[Theta].sub.c]) is not
significantly different from zero.
15 Mean prices of transmission pipeline capital and compressor
station capital increased by 20.7% and 22.7% per annum during 1977-81,
then declined by 4.8% and 5.0% per annum during 1981-87, respectively.
The mean price of labor increased by 9.4% per annum during 1977-81 and
by 10.0% per annum during 1981-87.
16 We computed and listed the regulated and unregulated Allen-Uzawa
elasticities of substitution in Appendix Table 1 to determine whether
our conjectures about the impacts of regulation on the elasticities of
substitution apply to the Allen-Uzawa elasticities. The results indicate
that regulation leads to a 7% reduction in the willingness to substitute
between the capital inputs and a 12% reduction (0.8984 to 0.7950) in the
willingness to substitute labor for pipeline capital. Regulation leads
to a 67% increase (0.5011 to 0.8378) in the willingness to substitute
labor for compressor station capital. Note that the Allen-Uwaza
elasticities are symmetric, whereas the Morishima elasticities of
substitution are asymmetric.
17 This estimate of 16% is similar to Courville's (1974)
estimate of an 11.4% increase in the cost of electric power generation
due to regulation.
18 Over the period 1977-87, expenditures on natural gas for
compressor station fuel accounted for 93.25% of total expenditures on
compressor station fuel for all the major pipeline companies. For the
companies in the sample, expenditures on natural gas for compressor
station fuel accounted for 85.16% of total expenditures on compressor
station fuel.
19 Data on the horsepower ratings of compressor stations and the
diameter of pipelines after 1980 come from the Cost of Pipeline and
Compressor Station Construction under Non-Budget Certificate
Authorization (U.S. Department of Energy, various years) and the Cost of
Pipeline and Compressor Station Construction under Natural Gas Act
Section (7c) (U.S. Department of Energy, various years).
The data sample consists of 20 major interstate natural gas pipeline
companies over an 11-year period from 1977 to 1987. All data, unless
otherwise indicated, come from Statistics of Interstate Natural Gas
Pipeline Companies (U.S. Department of Energy 1977-1987). The primary
inputs for pipelines are labor, fuel, compressor station capital, and
pipeline capital. Total expenditures on fuel and labor are divided by
the physical quantity of each input to obtain the prices of fuel and
labor.(18) The quantity of compressor station capital is measured as the
sum of the horsepower ratings of all compressor stations on the
transmission pipeline. Callen (1978) showed that for a pipeline of
length m and average diameter d, the quantity of pipeline capital is
.382 [d.sup.2]m.(19)
Following Jorgenson (1963), the user cost of capital and the allowed
user cost of capital are
[w.sub.c] [equivalent to] ((1 - k - [Tau]z) [multiplied by] (r +
[[Delta].sub.c] + [m.sub.c] + [o.sub.c]))/(1 - [Tau])
[[Theta].sub.c] [equivalent to] ((1 - k - [Tau]z) [multiplied by] (s
+ [[Delta].sub.c] + [m.sub.c] + [o.sub.c]))/(1 - [Tau]),
where k is the investment tax credit, [Tau] is the corporate tax
rate, [[Delta].sub.c], is the rate of depreciation of capital, [m.sub.c]
is a component for operation and maintenance, [o.sub.c] is a component
for overhead, r is the financial cost of capital, s is the allowed rate
of return, and z is the present value of depreciation allowances for tax
purposes on a dollar's investment over the lifetime of the asset.
Data on the investment tax credit and the corporate tax rate come from
the U.S. Masters Tax Guide (Commerce Clearing House, various years). We
follow the method of Hazilla and Kopp (1986) in computing z. The allowed
rate of return for each firm comes from the National Association of
Regulatory Utility Commissioners (1973-1988) and the Capitalization-Rate
of Return Report, a company report (Texas Eastern Transmission
Corporation 1991).
The financial cost of capital is a weighted average of the after-tax
cost of debt capital ([r.sub.b]) and the cost of equity capital
([r.sub.e]), where the weights are the fraction of the rate base
financed by debt and equity capital, respectively. Statistics on
interest payments and the dollar amount of the rate base financed by
debt and equity capital come from the Financial Performance of U.S.
Interstate Pipeline Companies (Natural Gas Supply Association 1989). The
cost of equity capital, computed using the capital asset pricing model,
E([r.sub.e]) = [r.sub.f] + [Beta](E([r.sub.p]) - [r.sub.f]),
where [r.sub.f] is the expected return on a risk free asset,
E([r.sub.p]) is the expected return on a market portfolio, and [Beta] is
a firm's beta coefficient. The risk-free rate and the risk premium
(E([r.sub.p]) - [r.sub.f]) for every year come from the annual Federal
Reserve Bulletin and Ibbotson and Sinquefield (1989). Beta coefficients
for each firm by year come from the Value Line Investment Survey (Value
Line Publishing 1977-1987).
The compute [m.sub.c], transmission labor and compressor station fuel
expenses are subtracted from the total operation and maintenance
expenses of the transmission plant. The remaining operation and
maintenance expenses are for compressor station capital, pipeline
capital, and measuring and regulating stations. These remaining
operation and maintenance expenses are allocated to capital by the total
value of the capital stock to obtain [m.sub.c]. To compute [o.sub.c],
overhead expenses are defined as the sum of expenses for the following
accounts: customer, clearing, customer service and information, sales,
and administrative and general. Wages and salaries, along with pensions
and benefits, are netted out from overhead expenses to obtain nonlabor
overhead expenses. Nonlabor overhead expenses are multiplied by the
ratio of the value of the transmission plant to the value of the total
plant in order to allocate a portion of the expenses to the transmission
plant. Nonlabor overhead transmission expenses are then multiplied by
the ratio of expenditures on capital to the value of the transmission
plant to obtain [o.sub.c].
The ideal output measure for natural gas transmission is the sum
across all shipments of the volume times the distance transported. The
FERC does not require firms to report this information for all types of
shipments. Published records from FERC include the amount of gas
transported but not the distance transported. Pipeline maps show the
complete and complex layout of most systems as well as receiving and
delivery points, but there is no supplementary information available on
the total volume of gas received or sold at each point. The output
measure that we use, the volume of compressor station fuel, is based on
the technology of transporting natural gas. The amount of compressor
station fuel required to produce output y is directly related to the
amount of gas transported and the distance transported.
Table A1. Allen-Uwaza Elasticities of Substitution
Labor Pipeline Compressor
Labor 0.8984 0.5011
Pipeline 0.8984 1.0405
Compressor 0.5011 1.0405
Labor a a
Pipeline 0.7950 0.9468
Compressor 0.8378 0.9648
a According to Smith (1981), comparative static properties of the
regulated cost function imply that these elasticities are zero.
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