Modeling Bounded Rationality.
Friedman, Daniel
By Ariel Rubinstein. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1998. Pp. viii,
208. $16.95.
The phrase "bounded rationality" is a Rorschach inkblot for
economists. To some, including Herbert Simon, who originated the phrase,
it is an empirical challenge to study the processes by which actual
people make choices and learn from their mistakes. To other economists,
bounded rationality is an opportunity to put aside standard formal
models in favor of complex computational models or simple verbal models
or no models at all. But to Ariel Rubinstein, bounded rationality is an
opportunity to explore the formal models more deeply and to uncover
strange and wonderful conclusions that follow from tweaking a few of the
less realistic standard assumptions.
Rubinstein begins his slim and elegant monograph Modeling Bounded
Rationality by explaining its scope and purpose. The book started as
class notes for a specialized Ph.D. class and took shape in his 1996
Zeuthen lectures at the University of Copenhagen. Rubinstein excludes
the related topics of evolutionary economics and learning and mentions
empirical work only as an occasional motivation. The formal models he
presents are not intended as definitive replacements for standard models
but rather as attractive and thought-provoking samples of what can
happen when strong rationality assumptions are relaxed.
Most chapters begin by pointing to a standard rationality assumption
that seems problematic. What if a person doesn't have an
established preference relation over the set of available alternatives
but rather tries to simplify the choices (Chapter 2)? What if a person
has imperfect recall (Chapter 4) or blurred perceptions (Chapter 5)? The
focus is on isolated individual choice in the first half of the book but
then turns to strategic interaction: what if players can't backward
induct perfectly (as in solving chess, in Chapter 7) or find it costly
to implement complex strategies (Chapters 8-9)? The chapter typically
reviews the standard model, presents one or two possible modifications,
and works out their consequences in simple cases. Each chapter closes
with a brief guide to the published literature and with a class
assignment that includes additional readings and research topics as well
as routine exercises.
A more or less random example will help convey the flavor. Chapter 7
introduces Luce's choice rule as an alternative to utility
maximization: a person chooses action [a.sup.*] in A with probability
v([a.sup.*])/[[Sigma].sub.A] v(a), where the value v is some given
positive function perhaps (or perhaps not) related to expected utility.
Utility maximization (EU max) is the limiting case that the values of
expected utility maximizing choices [a.sup.*] are arbitrarily large relative to the values v(a) of other actions. In two pages, Rubinstein
crisply presents the definition and the corresponding Nash-type
equilibrium, mentions the limiting behavior (for EU max and also the
opposite direction) in a simple 2 x 2 symmetric matrix game, and goes
off in a different direction in the next subsection. At the end of the
chapter, he cites three important recent papers that use the same basic
equilibrium concept, offers an exercise involving a simple parametric
family of value functions, asks the student to compare and contrast the
treatments in the three cited papers, and challenges the student to find
procedurally rational underpinnings for Luce's choice rule.
The reader will find similar brief and tantalizing introductions to
perceptions (the simplest sort of neural network), to Kripke's
propositional calculus, to Marschak-Radner team theory and its relation
to games of imperfect recall, to Turing machines, and to a host of other
ideas including Rubinstein's own famous concept of complexity in
automata games. Despite occasional typos, these brief introductions are
notable for their clarity and attention to detail. For example, in his
sketch of the folk theorem for repeated games, Rubinstein points out
that his construction only covers outcomes in the relevant convex hull
with rational weights on the extreme points and tells the reader where
to look up the more complicated construction for the other points (with
some irrational weights).
Despite the lucid presentation, the reader eventually will notice
that the boundedly rational models tend to be more complicated than the
original unboundedly rational models. So how can people with such
tightly bounded rationality be smart enough to deal with the complicated
model? Rubinstein's suggested answer is that the bounds apply to
ordinary routine, but the routines are selected very carefully (pp. 98
and 162). I personally am not convinced and think that a story involving
learning or evolution of routines would be more plausible. But such
stories are beyond the chosen scope of this book.
Rubinstein bravely includes a final chapter featuring a critique of
the book by Herbert Simon and a response. Simon writes, "At the
moment we don't need more models; we need evidence that will tell
us which models are worth building and testing" (p. 190).
Rubinstein's defense is not that of a scientist but rather a
mathematician: "The models of economic theory are meant to
establish 'linkages' between statements that appear in our
daily thinking . . . analogous to models in mathematical logic."
To my taste, Simon has the stronger case. But Rubinstein's book
will have served its purpose admirably if it persuades more economic
theorists and aspiring theorists to its viewpoint. And that would
indirectly serve Simon's purpose as well, because the crucial
empirical work is more likely to succeed when it is informed by a
broader range of theoretical models.
The book is largely self-contained and is accessible to many
audiences. Its strongest appeal will be to theoretically minded Ph.D.
students who recently have mastered standard microeconomics and game
theory. I plan to try it as a secondary text in such courses. Rubinstein
evidently has used the material as the core of an advanced theory
course. Not the least, applied economists with a taste for theory might
want to read it just out of curiosity.
Daniel Friedman University of California, Santa Cruz