Optimal taxation in a federal system of governments.
Sobel, Russell S.
1. Introduction
Within a federal system of governments there are several ways to
allocate the power of taxation to provide revenues for all levels of
government. The current structure in the United States (U.S.) gives
federal, state, and local governments the power to tax individual
citizens. Commonly there are more than three levels of taxing authority
if special districts are included. The current literature on optimal
taxation contains little consideration of how the power of taxation
should be allocated in a federal system, and instead concentrates on the
best way for a single government to raise revenue across its tax
instruments. This issue is also directly relevant to whether
international organizations, such as the United Nations (U.N.) or
European Union should have the power of taxation.
This paper demonstrates that allowing multiple levels of government
the power of taxation creates a common pool problem, with the result
being that the combined tax rates of all governments are higher than
would be optimal. The central idea is that a change in the tax rate of
one level of government affects the revenues of other levels of
government, resulting in an intergovernmental revenue externality. The
adverse effects of allowing multiple levels of government the power of
taxation are an increase in the deadweight loss of taxation, an
inefficiency bias in government spending, and possibly lower total tax
After showing these results, I discuss alternative taxing
institutions to internalize the externality. In this paper I argue that
the system where only states have the power of taxation, and the federal
government is financed through a system of contributions from the state
governments, is the strictly preferred system of taxation in a federal
system of governments. The feasibility of this solution is discussed
within the context of the fiscal system that was present under the first
constitution of the United States, the U.S. Articles of Confederation (1777-1789), and the current financing method of the United Nations
Organization. An alternative taxing institution that also overcomes the
problems inherent in a federal system was present in the Confederate
States of America during the American Civil War (1861-1865). In this
alternative structure, states are allowed to submit revenues to the
federal government (raised in any way the state wants) to offset
federally imposed taxes on the state's citizens.
2. The Problem with Multiple Taxation in a Federal System
Revenue externality between governments is the main problem that
characterizes a system where multiple governments have the power of
taxation. This externality can be demonstrated in a simple graphical
model. Assume that some original government, government 1, is currently
levying a unit tax of the amount [T.sub.1] on a good produced at
constant marginal cost. A diagram of the impact of this unit tax is
given in Figure 1a.
Now, suppose a second government, government 2, is allowed to tax
this good as well and levies a unit tax of the amount [T.sub.2]. The
impact of this is shown in Figure 1b. The combined tax is now [T.sub.1]
+ [T.sub.2]. The areas in Figure lb are divided into sections identified
by letters. When only government 1 was taxing the good, its tax revenue
was the area corresponding to the combined area of B + D, and the excess
burden of the tax was the area E. After the addition of the second
government's tax, the combined revenues of both governments are the
area A + B. Area B is the first government's new level of tax
revenue, and area A is the second government's tax revenue. The
addition of the second government's tax lowers the revenues of the
first government by area D because of the additional shrinkage in the
tax base. Throughout the remainder of this paper, the negative impact of
one government's tax on the revenues of another government will be
referred to as the intergovernmental revenue externality.
The combined revenues of both governments (area A + B) could either
be smaller, larger, or the same as the revenues raised by the first
government (area D + B) when it was the only government taxing the good.
Whether total tax revenue will rise, fall, or stay the same depends on
whether area A (the revenue of the second government) is larger,
smaller, or the same as area D (the lost revenue of the first
government). Which direction total revenue changes depends primarily on
the tax rate elasticity of the tax base.
Turning to the excess burden of taxation, with both governments
levying taxes, the combined excess burden is the area C + D + E, which
is strictly larger than the original excess burden of area E. A very
important point in this analysis is that the portion of the new excess
burden given by area D is the lost revenue of the first government.
Thus, the addition of the second government's tax not only lowers
the revenue of the first government, but it converts that lost revenue
into excess burden.
The situation depicted in the above model is descriptive of several
real world taxes. For example, both the federal and state governments
levy taxes on tobacco, gasoline, individual income, and corporate
income. Other examples include federal import tariffs and state excise or sales taxes both applying to the same goods. When either one of these
governments changes its tax rate, it will affect the revenues of the
other government in a negative fashion. The presence of these
intergovernmental revenue externalities is a very important, but usually
neglected, issue within public finance. The most extensive work done in
this area concerned the impact of the federal Tax Reform Act of 1986 on
the revenues of state governments, which was generally positive.(1)
Although this change concerned more than just the tax rate, it is an
example showing the importance of this phenomenon.
The reason this issue is so important is because governments tend to
systematically ignore the impact they have on each other's
revenues.(2) Take, for example, the recent proposals for a federally
imposed national sales tax. If imposed, this would result in a reduction
in the size of the retail sales tax base as the rate of sales taxation
increased. The 45 states that already have a retail sales tax would see
a reduction in revenue at the current tax rate because of the shrinkage
in the retail sales tax base. This impact of a federal national sales
tax has been completely absent from the debate about the costs and
benefits of this reform at the federal level.
One might think that a reform forcing governments to consider the
impact of their tax policy on other governments in a cost-benefit
analysis would solve this problem. Unfortunately, estimating the
external revenue impacts on other governments would often be impossible.
For example, suppose that the tax of the first government in Figure lb
was not a tax on the final product, but an increased final product price
due to taxes on inputs in the production process (perhaps payroll or
other taxes born by the firm and reflected in the cost of production).
Without knowledge of what the price of the product would be in the
absence of the preexisting taxes, it would be impossible to estimate
both the external revenue impacts and the actual deadweight loss of
taxation. In addition, this example shows that the taxes need not be on
the exact same tax base for the externality to exist. Taxes on final
products also affect taxes on factors of production, and interrelated markets and income effects also produce these affects, a phenomenon that
will be discussed later.
When governments ignore the impact of tax policy on other
governments, it will result in a systematic underestimation of the cost
of taxation. This has serious implications for the efficiency of the
government sector. In fact, there is strong reason to believe that these
revenue externalities will result in the funding of more inefficient
projects when multiple levels of government are allowed to tax. For
example, suppose the federal government is considering a project that
creates a benefit of $100 million. Further suppose that the federal
government could finance the project at a cost of $95 million (inclusive
of relevant deadweight loss) through an increase in the federal income
tax. This appears to be an efficient project. However, the $95 million
cost underestimates the total cost of the tax revenue because it ignores
the negative impact that the increase in the federal income tax rate has
on state government revenues.(3) Because the increase in the federal tax
rate lowers the incentive to work, the income tax base will fall,
meaning that states will now collect less revenue at existing state
income tax rates (and sales tax revenues if consumption falls). Suppose
that total state tax revenues fall by $6 million. Without an increase in
the state income tax rates to offset this revenue reduction, state
expenditures must fall by $6 million. This sacrifice of $6 million in
state government spending programs (or the $6 million in additional
taxes the state must now raise) should be included as costs in the
federal decision-making process. Including this cost, the total cost
becomes $101 million - greater than the $100 million benefit. Because
these costs are not considered, however, a program in which total
economic cost exceeds the benefits may easily pass, even through a
political process that is apparently efficient. Thus, revenue
externalities cause an inefficiency bias in government spending because
they lead to an underestimation of the true cost of federal (and state)
An interesting extension of the above model is to continue with the
optimal reactions of the first government when the second government
introduces its tax. Returning to the example of a national sales tax,
recall that state government sales tax revenues will fall with the
addition of the federal sales tax. State governments must now decide how
to cope with this loss of revenues. One reaction might be for states to
raise state sales tax rates even further. This increase in state sales
tax rates will, in turn, lower federal revenues from the national sales
tax. The federal government may then attempt to maintain revenues by
raising its national sales tax rate, which further reduces state tax
A paper whose results can be easily interpreted within this framework
is Flowers (1988). Under the assumption that the governments'
objectives are leviathan revenue maximization, she demonstrates that
when two governments are allowed to tax the same good, the combined tax
rate will lie on the backward-bending portion of the Laffer curve. To
understand the logic behind her result, consider Figure 2a and b.
If only one government taxes a particular tax base, it could maximize
tax revenue by setting a tax rate corresponding to the point at the peak
of the Laffer curve. This is shown in Figure 2a. At point A, the
government has maximized its tax revenue at a level of [R.sub.1] with a
tax rate of [T.sub.1]. Now suppose that a second government is given the
option of also taxing this tax base. It must be true that the second
government could generate positive revenue through a tax on this tax
base compared with not taxing it. Thus, there is a revenue incentive for
the second government to levy a positive tax rate. Figure 2b shows the
impact of this double taxation. The governments are now operating at
point B on the Laffer curve, with a combined tax rate of [T.sub.1] +
[T.sub.2] and combined tax revenues of both governments of [R.sub.1] +
[R.sub.2].. To identify the revenues received by each government
requires a straight line drawn from the origin to point B on the Laffer
curve. Point C shows the revenue of the first government ([R.sub.1])
where the revenue line intersects the tax rate. The difference between
the combined revenue of both governments ([R.sub.1] + [R.sub.2]) and the
revenues of the first government ([R.sub.1]) shows the revenues raised
by the second government ([R.sub.2]). The point of this model is to show
that the second government, acting in its own interest, may undertake a
policy that is beneficial to it (in generating more revenue), but that
results in an outcome on the backward-bending portion of the Laffer
curve. Of course, the first government may now alter its tax rate in
response to the second government imposing the tax. The Nash equilibrium result for this problem, as derived by Flowers, remains on the
backward-bending portion of the Laffer curve. The intuition is that
reductions in tax rates from this point create external revenue
benefits. The government reducing its tax rate would lose revenue, while
the other government would gain revenue. The combined revenue of both
governments would rise because the gains outweigh the losses. This
external benefit, however, is not individually incorporated into the
decision-making calculus of each government.
This result implies that a single monopoly taxing authority can raise
more revenue (taxing at point A, the peak of the Laffer curve) than the
combined revenues of two taxing governments. Total social welfare is
also lower with two governments because the resulting revenues could
have been raised by a single monopoly government operating on the lower
portion of the Laffer curve.(4) Although it may, or may not, be
realistic to assume that governments are leviathan revenue maximizers,
the main idea is that combined state and federal taxes (on income for
example) may be higher than would be optimal because of
intergovernmental revenue externalities.(5) In addition, the importance
of this phenomenon is clearly increasing as government budgets become
more pressed for revenue.
In the above models, one might assume that the revenue externalities
are due to both governments taxing the same tax base. An idea often
proposed in public finance is that the power of taxation should meet the
separation norm, where each government has its own tax base. Even if the
separation norm is met, however, and each government taxes a different
tax base, the revenue externality will still be present through
interrelated markets and income effects. An increase in the federal
income tax, for example, will reduce earned income, reducing
consumption, and thus state retail sales tax revenues.(6) Excise taxes on specific goods also are affected, as well as tax revenues derived
from taxes levied on factors of production. The phenomenon of
intergovernmental revenue externalities is not confined to cases where
governments tax the same base, but in fact is the norm across all forms
of taxation.
The problem present when two governments have the power of taxation
is analogous to a common pool problem. When the right to tax is held in
common by at least two governments, the tax base will be over-utilized
because of the failure of one unit to consider the impact of its actions
on the other unit.
3. The Optimal Structure of Taxation in a Federal System: A Coasian
In the state of Louisiana, within each parish, multiple jurisdictions
are allowed to levy a sales tax without consulting or cooperating with
any other jurisdiction. The state legislature has attempted to control
this problem by setting an upper bound on the combined level of the
sales tax rates (Beck 1993). Setting a maximum limit on the combined tax
rates of the governments is one possible solution to the problem. This
solution, however, requires that the policy makers who implement the
maximum limit be independent, unbiased observers with perfect
information. An alternative method for controlling this problem is to
design a system where the external revenue impacts are internalized.
Because the externality is due to the common property nature of the
right to tax, following the Coase theorem (Coase 1960), one way to
correct this externality is to assign the right of taxation to a single
level of government, the one that could make the most out of that right.
The use of the term "right" within the context of the power of
taxation is used here to describe a situation where a single government
is given the exclusive use of the power of taxation.(7) The problems
present in the previously discussed models are due to this right being
shared in common. Thus, the similarity with the Coase theorem is that
the optimal solution is generated when there is a well-defined and
enforced right to the exclusive use of the power of taxation within the
geographic locality. Thus, allowing only one level of government to have
the power of taxation is consistent with a Coasian model of
This idea is similar to the system of taxation present in the U.S.
under the Articles of Confederation, and the current system in the
United Nations, where one level of government is given the sole power of
taxation and the other relies on contributions from the taxing
governments. In real-world cases of this type of federal system, the
subfederal level was allowed to tax and the federal level received its
revenues from the lower level governments.(9)
There are two ways to show that the assignment of the right of
taxation to a single government solves the externality problem.
Returning to the Laffer curve diagram in Figure 3a, the Nash equilibrium
result for two revenue-maximizing governments occurs at point A. Now,
consider what would happen if the right to tax was given only to
government 1, and government 2 received its revenues by assessing
government 1 an amount equal to the revenue government 2 raised when it
had the power of taxation in Figure 3a. The impact of this is shown in
Figure 3b. Government 1 would now be faced with having to raise revenue
to support both its own activities and the activities of the other
government. This government would find that it could tax at the peak of
the Laffer curve (point C) generating revenues of [R.sub.1]. The
government could then send [R.sub.2] of revenue to the second
government, leaving government 1 with [R.sub.1] - [R.sub.2] revenue left
over for its own use (shown by point D). This is strictly more revenue
for government 1 than was available at point B when both governments
were imposing direct taxes. The main idea is that with only one
government having the power of taxation, there is no incentive to move
onto the backward-bending portion of the Laffer curve. Given any fixed
assessment of revenue by the second government, the first
government's net revenues (after subtracting the contribution) will
still be maximized at the peak of the Laffer curve. Any movement onto
the backward-bending portion of the Laffer curve would hurt the revenues
of the taxing government and leave the revenues of the assessing
government unchanged. Thus, the Coasian assignment of the exclusive
right of taxation solves the problem of overtaxation because it
internalizes the revenue externality.
To this point, little argument has been made about which level of
government should have the sole power of taxation. The next section of
this paper will explore this idea in further detail.
4. Revenues and the Excess Burden of Taxation in a Federal System
Because of the interjurisdictional competition present at lower
levels of government, one might assume that the revenue raising
potential of the federal government would be larger than the
revenue-raising potential of a system of state-only taxation. This
factor would not be present, however, in a system of state contributions
where each state was assessed a fixed percent of the federal budget.
Because all states must come up with the money requested by the federal
government, all states would have to increase tax rates. The competition
between states would only come into play when the states were deciding
how to raise the revenue. If both California and Florida were assessed a
certain sum of money, the competition between states would focus on how
to raise the taxes in the most efficient way possible. Thus, this system
creates an incentive for all tax revenue (the state's own revenue
and the revenue collected for the federal government) to be raised in
the most efficient manner possible. Having states raise the entire
system's tax revenue puts intergovernmental competition between the
states to work in a way that will enhance the efficiency with which
federal government revenue is raised.
A second major conclusion is that states can raise more revenue than
the federal government (or at least the same amount of revenue at a
lower deadweight cost). With heterogeneous states, the federal
government, which is constrained to levy equal tax rates across all
subfederal jurisdictions, cannot raise as much revenue as a system of
subfederal governments who could levy different tax rates.
Following the Ramsey optimal tax rule, total deadweight loss is
minimized when tax bases are taxed at different rates depending on the
elasticities.(10) Thus, to minimize the welfare cost of taxation, tax
rates should be different in every state depending on the elasticity of
the tax base in the state. The U.S. federal government is, however,
constrained to levy equal tax rates across all states.(11) This
constraint means that federal taxes are strictly worse, in a welfare
sense, than state taxes that can be independently set for each state.
When each state is able to set a different tax rate corresponding to
the nature of the state's tax base, states can raise any given
amount of total revenue with less excess burden than the federal
government. An alternative way of stating this is that for any given
excess burden of taxation, states can raise more revenue than the
federal government. Even the fact that price levels differ across states
implies that federal income tax rates (based on nominal income) apply
different tax rates to the same level of real income across states.
Thus, even if the optimal tax rates on real income were identical across
states, the federal government could still not minimize the welfare cost
of taxation.
A graphical model can be used to demonstrate the general propositions
presented above. Figure 4 contains a graphical representation of the
Ramsey inverse elasticity rule applied to the case of two states.(12)
Appendix 1 contains a mathematical derivation of this model. In the
graph, each axis measures the tax rate in the state. The
isoexcess-burden curve shows all combinations of the two states'
tax rates that create a total combined excess burden of the amount
E[B.sub.0]. The slope of the isoexcess-burden curve is equal to the
ratio of the marginal excess burden of the two taxes (note the
similarity with isoquant/indifference curve analysis). The
isoexcess-burden curve is necessarily concave to the origin because the
excess burden of taxation increases with the square of the tax rate. The
isoexcess-burden curves are everywhere dense, and any curve further from
the origin represents a higher level of excess burden. The isorevenue
curve shows all combinations of the state tax rates that generate
identical combined revenue of the amount [R.sub.0]. The isorevenue
curves are also everywhere dense, and any curve further from the origin
represents a higher level of revenue. The slope of the isorevenue curve
is equal to the ratio of the marginal revenue from the two taxes. The
isorevenue curve is necessarily convex to the origin because the
additional revenue from an increase in the tax rate is diminishing in
the tax rate. In fact, the Laffer curve relationship would imply that
eventually the isorevenue curves would turn back on themselves and have
a positive slope. This feature will become important in an extension of
this model.
The Ramsey tax problem is to minimize the excess burden for any given
level of revenue. For the level of revenue shown by [R.sub.0], the
Ramsey solution corresponds to point A, with the tax rates denoted in
the figure with asterisks. If one were to trace the expansion path
connecting all such points of tangency, they would all lie on the
straight line denoted in the figure as the "Ramsey Line." At
every point along this line, the ratio of the tax rates is equal to the
inverse of the ratio of the elasticities of demand for the tax bases.
Thus, all points satisfying the Ramsey inverse elasticity rule lie along
this line. In addition, one may use the equality of the slopes of the
two curves to illustrate that the marginal excess burden per marginal
tax revenue dollar is equal across both states along the Ramsey line.
The model developed in Figure 4 can be extended to analyze the excess
burden created by the forced equality of federal tax rates across
states. This is done in Figure 5, which shows the solution from Figure 4
as point A. Added to this figure is a 45 [degrees] line from the origin
representing all combinations of tax rates in the two states that are
identical. The federal government must remain along this line, as they
are constrained to levy equal tax rates in the two states. To raise the
same amount of revenue generated at point A would require moving along
the [R.sub.0] isorevenue curve to where it meets the 45 [degrees] line
at point B. Thus, for the federal government to raise this amount of
revenue would require an excess burden of E[B.sub.1], which is strictly
larger than the excess burden created by the states raising this revenue
(E[B.sub.0]). As was mentioned before, the corollary of this result is
that for the same amount of excess burden associated with the federal
tax (E[B.sub.1]), the states could generate a higher level of revenue
([R.sub.1]) by moving along the isoexcess-burden curve to point C. One
needs only to draw an analogy to the monopoly price discrimination model
to see the revenue benefits of allowing tax rates to differ among
heterogeneous groups.(13)
A final extension of this graphical model is to consider the maximum
revenue potential of the government. Figure 6 shows a more comprehensive
version of the isorevenue curves that includes the backward-bending
portion of the Laffer curves. The main characteristic present in this
extension is that beyond some tax rate [T.sup.*], tax revenue falls with
marginal increases in the tax rate. The exact inflection points of the
isorevenue curves would be at the tax rates that maximize tax revenue in
each state, denoted with asterisks. There is a "satiation point" (point A) where the combined revenue from both states is
maximized at [R.sub.4] (associated with the tax rates that maximize
revenues in both states). Brennan and Buchanan (1980) show that this
point must satisfy the Ramsey rule (and thus it must lie along the
Ramsey line). In other words, the maximization of revenue across two tax
bases requires setting the two tax rates in a manner than satisfies the
Ramsey rule.
Consider the revenue potential of the federal government when it is
constrained to levy equal tax rates across the two states. Along the 45
[degrees] line, maximum revenue occurs at point B, where the line is
tangent to the highest isorevenue curve. Note that the highest possible
level of revenue for the federal government is [R.sub.2], which is
smaller than [R.sub.4]. Because the two states have different tax rates
at which revenue from the state is maximized, the federal government
must set its rate as a weighted average of these two maximizing rates.
Thus, the federal rate will be higher than the revenue maximizing rate
in one state (here state B) and lower than the maximizing rate in the
other state (here state A). Because of this weighted averaging process,
the federal tax rate will lie on the upper (or backward-bending) portion
of the Laffer curve in one state and on the lower portion of the Laffer
curve in the other. The main conclusion here is that if states are
heterogeneous, two states have the potential to raise more revenue than
a federal government who must levy equal tax rates across the two
states. Thus, even a revenue-maximizing federal government could raise
more revenue under the state contribution mechanism than it can with its
own taxes when it is constrained to levy equal tax rates across
Beyond the increased efficiency of tax revenue collection, and the
potential for higher tax revenue for the entire system, a state-level
monopoly in the power of taxation would also yield other beneficial
gains, particularly in the compliance costs of tax collection. Because
the best way to administer taxes may differ across states, state-level
competition would result in more innovation in the area of tax
collection. Some states may become testing grounds for new innovations
such as the flat tax.(15)
The conclusion from this section is that from the revenue side, a
system of state-only taxation is the preferable alternative. In this
system, the federal government might assess each state a fixed share of
the federal budget as is done currently in the United Nations.(16)
5. Efficiency Impacts of State-Only Taxation on Government Spending
There is reason to believe that expenditure patterns may also
systematically differ under a system where only state governments had
the power of taxation. One reason is that with lower excess burdens of
taxation, more spending projects become efficient to undertake. However,
other impacts would be more influential. Most notably, the incentive to
undertake special interest spending would fall as the cost of taxes is
more concentrated. In the current system, very few individuals would
devote resources to resist a federal tax increase of $5 per person, but
in the proposed system, a state would bear the cumulative cost for all
of its citizens, giving it a larger incentive to fight against federal
government special interest programs that do not yield benefits beyond
the costs. The state of California, for example, with a population of
31.4 million, would stand to lose $157 million from a $5 per person
federal tax increase. Lee (1985, 1994) mentions that if the state
contribution rates to the federal government are set equal to a fixed
percent of state tax collections, an interesting cost saving incentive
would be present. If the state had to turn over to the federal
government a percent of its tax revenues, the state could gain anytime
it could reduce the cost of providing goods and services. That is, for
any given level of state government production, the less tax revenue
that needs to be raised to finance it, the lower the state's
contribution to the federal government.(17)
As was discussed in a previous section of this paper, the revenue
externalities present when two levels of government have the power of
taxation cause a systematic underestimation of the cost of federal and
state taxation. When only one level of government is granted the power
of taxation, all of the revenue impacts are internal and the government
with the monopoly power of taxation will take into account the full
impact of tax rate changes on the tax base. Thus, for example, if a
state decided to increase its income tax rate, it is the one that would
suffer the entire consequences of the decline in the income (and sales)
tax base. Thus, a system of state-only taxation would result in an
increase in the efficiency of government as the cost of taxation would
no longer be systematically underestimated.
It appears that from both the taxation and expenditure sides of
public finance, the arguments seem to suggest that allowing states to
have the monopoly power of taxation is the preferable outcome.
Eliminating the federal power of taxation may appear radical, but only
to those who are unfamiliar with American history and the workings of
organizations such as the United Nations. The next section of this paper
discusses several practical issues present under this type of financing
system during the early U.S. experience and the experience of the United
6. How Practical is a System of State-Only Taxation?
The United States was governed by the Articles of Confederation for
over a decade before the U.S. Constitution became effective on March 4,
1789.(18) Under the Articles of Confederation, the federal government
did not have the power of direct taxation, but rather relied on
contributions from state governments. One often-heard criticism of the
Articles is that it was an inadequate document for financing the federal
government because states were often reluctant to pay their
contributions.(19) The collection rate experienced by the federal
government under the Articles over all of its requisitions to the states
was approximately 50%. This figure has been used by many to conclude
that the system present under the Articles was inadequate. This
conclusion, however, is based on a comparison with the collection rates
the federal government receives today from its direct taxes on citizens.
When this collection rate is viewed with respect to the states'
collection rates at that time, and the federal government's
collection rate during the early 1800s, after it obtained the power of
direct taxation under the new U.S. Constitution, a much different
picture emerges. The collection rate under the Articles was, in fact,
higher than the collection rate experienced by the states from their own
citizens during this period, and also higher than the federal
government's collection rate from individual citizens in the early
1800s when it did use its new power of direct taxation.(20) The new
federal government's collection rate was so poor that President
Jefferson did away with all direct taxes on citizens in 1802. They were
reimposed for a few years during the War of 1812, but collection rates
never exceeded 50 percent and the tax was repealed in 1817. Direct
federal taxes were not again used until the Civil War, when the federal
government created the Commission of Internal Revenue in the Treasury
Department revolutionizing the process of tax collection in the United
States. The point is that the federal government's "poor"
collection rate from the states under the Articles of Confederation was
actually quite good compared with the collection rate from individuals
at that time. This analysis calls into question the widely accepted view
that the Articles provided inadequate funding for the federal government
relative to giving the federal government the power of taxation. The
second implication of this analysis is that the "low"
collection rate experienced during the late 1700s cannot be used to
infer what might happen today under a system like that present under the
The delegates who wrote the new U.S. Constitution decided to give the
power of direct taxation to the federal government. The delegates at the
constitutional convention were fighting to secure the interests of their
constituents (and their own interests) in the new constitution. It is
important to remember that the delegates, and their constituents, were
the wealthier individuals who were major holders of the federal debt
accumulated during the Revolutionary War. Based on this type of
analysis, Beard (1935) concludes that the main reason delegates wanted
to give the federal government the power of taxation in the new
constitution was to ensure the government's repayment of the debt
that the delegates and their constituents were holding. No written
history of the discussion surrounding the federal government's
power of taxation contains even a single mention of the overall economic
impact, efficiency, or excess burden of federal taxation. The federal
government was given the power of taxation because it benefitted the
group of American citizens represented by delegates at the convention.
As in many other cases, special interest groups, here the debt holders,
were successful in altering the structure of government in their
favor.(21) Thus, simply because the federal government currently has the
power of taxation, and that the current system was adopted over the
alternative, does not mean that it is a more efficient, nor a
social-welfare-enhancing, system of taxation relative to the one present
under the Articles.
Another example of this type of system is the financing structure of
the current United Nations Organization. In several respects, the U.N.
may be viewed as a higher federal system to which the U.S. belongs. The
U.N. raises its revenue by assessing each member country a certain
proportion of the total budget based on the economic characteristics of
the country. Each country can then raise the money any way it wants. The
U.N., however, sometimes has trouble getting member countries to provide
the money in a timely fashion because of its lack of enforcement
power.(22) Throughout the history of the U.N., and even during the
tenure of its predecessor the League of Nations, a hotly debated issue
has been whether to give the organization the power to directly tax the
citizens of member nations. Many people believe that the current system
provides a valuable constraint against unwarranted growth of the U.N.
system, especially in the area of world income redistribution. If this
is true, one must consider the possibility that the framers of the U.S.
Constitution, in giving the power of direct taxation to the U.S. federal
government, are partially responsible for removing the constraint that
might have prevented the U.S. federal government from adopting its
massive income transfer orientation.(23)
Many times in the U.N. system, nations have used the threat to
withhold their contributions as a bargaining tool in the political
process. Additionally, in the current U.N. system, nations can easily
withdraw from being members of the organization. This provides a
valuable constraint against the power of the U.N. to impose policies
that are not in the interest of all nations.(24) It is interesting to
contrast this ease of withdrawal, and voluntary nature of membership,
with what happened in the U.S. when the Southern states attempted to
secede from the Union in the early 1860s. These Southern states believed
that a state had the right to withdraw from the voluntary association of
states formed by the U.S. Constitution. In fact, the first state to
secede, South Carolina, did so through an act repealing its 1788
ratification of the U.S. Constitution, negating a previous act, rather
than as a new act proclaiming its independence (as was done by colonies
to begin the U.S. Revolutionary War). Clearly the U.S. federal
government did not agree that states had this right. In the words of
Abraham Lincoln, the U.S. President at that time, regarding his view of
the objective of the war, "My paramount objective is to save the
Union, and not either to save or destroy slavery."(25) By
precedent, the structure of the U.S. federal system is clearly such that
a state cannot threaten to leave the Union to avoid payment of its share
of a federal tax. A state may, however, threaten to withhold payment
until a later date, or just fail to pay the amount owed as its
contribution to the federal government. Although this is possible, it is
very unlikely. If the federal government can design a system that
fosters the compliance of 250 million taxpayers, they can certainly
design one that fosters the compliance of 50 taxpayers (the states).
A second alternative structure that not only allows state-only
taxation, but also builds into the system an enforcement mechanism, is
the one taken by the federal government of the Confederate States of
America for its 0.5% property tax levied during the early stages of the
American Civil War. Although the Confederate government did have the
power to collect this tax directly from individuals, it gave states the
option to submit revenues that negated their citizens' tax
liability.(26) The states could raise this revenue any way they wanted,
by actually imposing the tax, by imposing another different tax, by
using existing revenues, or by borrowing.(27) This structure is relevant
to the current issue because under a system such as this, states could
choose whether to keep their monopoly power of taxation or allow the
federal government to tax the citizens of the state directly.(28) As an
extra incentive to the states, the Confederate government gave a 10%
discount on the total tax liability to states choosing to submit the
revenues for their citizens. Only two of the states chose not to assume
the payments of the tax, and the ones who did assume the payments came
up with the revenue by issuing state bonds or by imposing other types of
taxes. The 10% discount given to the states was much greater than the
actual cost of collecting the tax. In Mississippi, where the federal
government collected the tax, the cost of collection was only two
percent.(29) The Confederacy's overall collection rate for this tax
was almost 100%. This structure of taxation adopted by the Confederacy is important because it shows that there is a way to allow for a system
where only states levy taxes, but the federal government is given an
enforcement mechanism to overcome any free-rider problems with states
not complying with requisitions.
A modern reform along these lines would be to adopt a law that a
state could submit revenues to the federal government to negate its
citizens' tax liabilities on any one federal tax, or all federal
taxes. This would allow the state to keep its monopoly power of taxation
if it chose to submit the revenues directly, and it would also overcome
the problem of the high deadweight cost of federal taxes due to its
inability to discriminate across states when imposing tax rates. For
example, a mineral-rich state could levy higher severance taxes to
collect the revenue to offset citizens' federal personal income tax
7. Concluding Remarks
This paper has shown that allowing multiple levels of government the
power of taxation is not the optimal way of financing a federal system
of governments. When multiple levels of government have the power of
taxation, changes in the tax rate of one government directly affect the
revenues of other levels of governments. The presence of this
intergovernmental revenue externality results in a common pool problem
and the resulting outcome is that tax rates are higher than would be
optimal. This not only implies a higher deadweight loss of taxation, but
also an inefficiency bias in government spending as each level of
government systematically underestimates the cost of taxation.
Several alternative institutional structures internalize this
externality and result in preferable outcomes. The first allows only
state governments the power of taxation and the federal government
raises its revenues through contributions from the states. This is a
practical structure of government that was actually used during the
early history of the United States under the Articles of Confederation.
It is also analogous to the structure currently in practice in the
United Nations Organization. Thus, this paper also serves as an argument
for why the U.N. and the European Union should not be given the power of
taxation, both of which are policies that repeatedly come up for
A second alternative is to allow states the option of submitting
revenues directly to the federal government in lieu of the federal taxes
levied on the citizens of the state. This was the approach used by the
Confederate States of America during the beginning of the American Civil
War. In fact, they encouraged states to do this by giving a discount if
the money was submitted directly from the state government. This system
not only preserves the possibility of a welfare-enhancing move to
state-only taxation, but it also builds into the system an enforcement
mechanism under which the federal government may overcome any free-rider
problems with states that do not comply with federal revenue
requisitions. Under either of these reforms, state-level competition is
also put to work in a way that reduces the welfare cost of raising
federal revenues.
Appendix: Derivation of the Graphical Ramsey Rule Model
The main results and characteristics of the graphical model of the
Ramsey rule are derived here.
The Isoexcess-Burden Curves
The standard expression for the excess burden of an ad valorem tax is
EB = 1/2[t.sub.2][Epsilon]QP and the marginal excess burden with respect
to the tax rate (MEB) is MEB = dEB/dt = t[Epsilon]QP. The excess burden
is positive and increasing in the tax rate. The total excess burden
across two states, A and B, is EB = E[B.sub.A] + E[B.sub.B]. The
isoexcess burden curves can be found through total differentiation, dEB
= ME[B.sub.A][dt.sub.A] + ME[B.sub.B] [dt.sub.B]. Setting dEB = 0 and
solving for [dt.sub.A]/[dt.sub.B] yields [dt.sub.A]/[dt.sub.B] -
-ME[B.sub.B]/ME[B.sub.A] - -MR[S.sub.EB]. This shows the rate at which
the tax rates can be substituted for one another leaving total excess
burden unchanged. Call this the marginal rate of substitution in excess
burden (MR[S.sub.BB]), which is positive and increasing in each tax
rate, yielding negatively sloped (and concave to the origin)
isoexcess-burden curves.
The Isorevenue Curves
Total tax revenue (for an ad valorem tax) is TR = tPQ where Q(t) and
dQ/dt [less than] 0. The marginal revenue from an increase in the tax
rate (MR) is equal to the inverse of the slope of the Laffer curve,
which is initially positive, goes to zero at the revenue-maximizing tax
rate, then becomes negative. The formula for MR can be found through
differentiation of the TR equation with respect to t, which is MR =
dTR/dt = PQ + tP(dQ/dt). Because dQ/dt is negative, MR is decreasing in
the tax rate. Now the total revenue across the two states A and B is TR
= T[R.sub.A] + T[R.sub.B]. The isorevenue curve can be found through
total differentiation dTR = M[R.sub.A][dt.sub.A] + M[R.sub.B][dt.sub.B].
Setting dTR = 0 and solving for [dt.sub.A]/[dt.sub.B] yields
[dt.sub.A]/[dt.sub.B] = -M[R.sub.B]/M[R.sub.A] = -MR[S.sub.R]. This
shows the rate at which the tax rates can be substituted for one another
leaving total revenue unchanged. Call this the marginal rate of
substitution in revenue (MR[S.sub.R]), which is decreasing in each tax
rate when both taxes are on the lower portion of the Laffer curve (both
M[R.sub.A] and M[R.sub.B] are positive), yielding a negatively sloped
(but convex to the origin) isorevenue curve. When both taxes are on the
backward-bending portion of the Laffer curve, the isorevenue curve is
also negatively sloped (both M[R.sub.A] and M[R.sub.B] are negative).
When one is on the lower portion of the Laffer curve while the other is
on the backward-bending portion (one MR is negative, one positive), the
isorevenue curves are positively sloped. The inflection points in the
isorevenue curves occur when either (or both) MR are zero. This is when
the tax rate is exactly at the peak of the Laffer curve and revenues are
being maximized.
The Ramsey Optimal Tax Rule
For the Ramsey optimal tax rule solution, the tangency of both curves
implies MR[S.sub.EB] = MR[S.sub.B]. From above, these are equal to
ME[B.sub.B]/ME[B.sub.A] = M[R.sub.B]/M[R.sub.A], which can be
equivalently written as ME[B.sub.A]/M[R.sub.A] = ME[B.sub.B]/M[R.sub.B].
Thus, the marginal excess burden per dollar of marginal tax revenue must
be equal across the two taxes. To derive the Ramsey rule, equations for
MEB and MR can be substituted with one exception. Standard derivations
of the Ramsey result require assuming that the second order effect in
the MR equation is zero. Thus, for solution purposes, MR and MEB may be
written as M[R.sub.A] = [P.sub.A][Q.sub.A] and ME[B.sub.A] =
[t.sub.A][[Epsilon].sub.A][Q.sub.A][P.sub.A]. Substitution yields
ME[B.sub.A]/M[R.sub.A] = [t.sub.A][[Epsilon].sub.A]. Equations for
ME[B.sub.B] and M[R.sub.B] can be derived similarly. Finally, equating yields [t.sub.A][[Epsilon].sub.A] = [t.sub.A][[Epsilon].sub.B]. This
solution can be written as [t.sub.A]/[t.sub.B] =
[[Epsilon].sub.B][[Epsilon].sub.A], which is the familiar Ramsey rule.
I would like to thank Dwight Lee, Larry Kenny, Mike Stroup, Dan
Sutter, Kwabena Gyimah-Brempong, Bill Trambull, Tom Garrett, Subhayu
Bandyopadhyay, and an anonymous referee of this journal for helpful
comments and suggestions. Earlier versions of this paper were presented
at the 1995 Southern Economic Association Meetings and the 1996 Public
Choice Society Meetings.
1 See Courant and Rubinfeld (1987) and Ladd (1993) for discussions of
this issue.
2 For example, assume that the first government is the federal
government and the second government is the state government. The
addition of the state tax generates revenues for the state of area A and
lowers federal tax revenues by area D. Area C represents the additional
welfare loss to consumers in the state. Area D is also part of the new
excess burden; however, it does not directly change consumer welfare,
because it was previously taken from consumers by the original federal
tax. It does, however, represent some indirect loss in welfare through
reductions in the output of the federal government or higher federal
taxes in other areas. Because federal revenue and expenditures are split
across all 50 states, this state's voters would have an incentive
to consider only a very small fraction of area D. A similar argument can
be made for why federal voters would not consider the full value of the
impact of federal taxes on state revenues.
3 See footnote 2 for an explanation of why the politically relevant
deadweight loss will not include the full value of the loss in the other
government's revenue.
4 Interpreting the result in this way has important implications for
empirical tests of the leviathan model of government. Empirical papers
often test the leviathan model by estimating whether total revenues rise
or fall with the number of governments in a country (Oates 1985; Nelson
1987; Forbes and Zampelli 1989; Zax 1989). The logic has been that with
a fewer number of governments, there is less intergovernmental
competition, and thus more power to extract tax revenue. The result here
is that revenues decrease with the number of taxing authorities, not
because of beneficial interjurisdictional competition, but because of
the overtaxation of the tax base pushing the governments onto the
backward-bending portion of the Laffer curve. It is relatively
straightforward to extend the model to the case of n governments, and
the result is that the combined tax rate increases with the number of
taxing governments, but combined revenues fall.
5 Readers familiar with the industrial organization literature may
draw a comparison between the overtaxation problem in a federal system
and double marginalization between a monopoly production firm and its
downstream monopoly retailer (Spengler 1950; Bresnahan and Reiss 1985;
Tirole 1988, ch. 4). In this model, if both firms maximize profits
independently, the final retail price of the product will be higher than
the monopoly price, and the profit of the two firms will be smaller than
the maximum profit possible if a single firm operated both stages
(vertical integration). The similarity with the federalism model is in
the impact that the increased price of one firm has on the sales, and
thus the profits, of the other firm. Within the context of the
downstream monopoly problem, this is called the basic vertical
externality, or the price externality. Because the total unit sales are
a common base for both firms, a price increase by one firm exerts an
external impact on the revenues of the other firm.
6 A paper whose results are somewhat related to this issue is Wagoner
(1995). He considers the optimal provision of public goods in a case
where there are two distinct governments, and two tax bases, each
government restricted to taxing only one base. The objective of the
governments in his model is to maximize the utility of the
representative citizen. He finds that the addition of a second
government still leads to an increase in the combined tax rate, even
though the governments are taxing separate and distinct tax bases. The
logic behind this result is that the external revenue impact is still
present because the addition of the second tax creates an income effect
which lowers the level of economic activity undertaken in the original
tax base. Thus the result of higher combined tax rates is not dependent
on the assumptions made about the objective function of government
(leviathan revenue maximizing or social welfare maximizing) nor on
whether the two governments tax the same tax base or two different and
distinct tax bases.
7 Whether the power of taxation should be considered a
"right" is clearly debatable. Within some definitions, such as
Rand (1967), it could not be considered a right; under others, such as
Holcombe (1994), it could be considered a right. Given the ambiguity of
this issue, I do not want to make a claim in either direction. The use
of the rights concept here provides some clear intuition into the
problem, especially in reference to the common pool problem, and is used
solely for this purpose.
8 The solution to the double marginalization between a monopoly
production firm and its downstream monopoly retailer in the industrial
organization literature (see footnote 5) is to have the upstream firm
levy a fixed franchise fee against the retailer, and let the retailer
set the price of the product. In this manner, only one firm (the
retailer) is in charge of maximizing the profits and the other can
capture some of those profits without exerting an impact on the pricing
decision of the retailer at the margin. This closely corresponds to the
case where one level of government is given the monopoly power of
taxation and the other level(s) of government are supported by revenues
directly from the taxing government through a system of fixed fees.
9 This structure of taxation has been called reverse revenue sharing by authors such as Lee (1985, 1994).
10 See the familiar derivation of Harberger (1963) based on Ramsey
11 See Brennan and Buchanan (1977, 1980) for other interesting
insights into the effects of the constraint that federal tax rates must
be equal across states.
12 To my knowledge, this graphical representation of the Ramsey rule
has never been done. A teacher of public finance may want to give this
model further thought. I use it in my undergraduate class to derive the
Ramsey rule without calculus. As long as students understand the
indifference curve analysis, they can easily understand this model with
the simple ideas of diminishing marginal tax revenue in the tax rate and
increasing marginal excess burden in the tax rate. Some very simple
algebra yields both the condition that the ratio of the tax rates must
equal the inverse of the elasticity ratio, and the idea that the
solution requires equating the marginal excess burden per marginal
dollar of tax revenue across tax bases.
13 Note that it would require very large differences in tax rates
across states if states want to levy tax rates that bring about the
Ramsey result for the combined state and federal tax rate. In addition,
the differential across states would need to grow as the federal tax
rate becomes higher.
14 Note several things. First, to satisfy the Ramsey rule, the
equimarginal principle (equating the slopes of the curves) requires that
the ratio of marginal tax revenues equals the ratio of marginal excess
burdens. Rearranging terms yields that the marginal excess burden per
dollar of marginal revenue must be equal across the two states. In the
federally constrained case, the marginal excess burden per dollar of
revenue is higher in the state with the more elastic tax base. Second,
although the isoexcess-burden curves are not shown in Figure 6, one may
envision how they would appear. Depending upon the shapes of the curves,
total excess burden at point A may be either higher, lower, or the same
as total excess burden at point B. The intuition is that the larger
combined state revenue can be divided into (i) the original revenue from
point B now raised at a lower excess burden and (ii) the additional
revenue raised which creates additional excess burden. The relevant
question is whether the decreased excess burden on the
federal-equivalent revenue is larger or smaller than the increased
excess burden from the higher state revenue.
15 Regarding the administrative costs of taxation, some authors have
theorized that there are economies of scale in tax collection, implying
that federal tax collection is less costly than state-level collection.
The existence of these economies of scale has never been found in
empirical studies on this issue, however.
16 As Lee (1985, 1994) points out, however, the assessment shares
should be established in a way that discourages rent-seeking by the
states to change the assessments. This could be accomplished, for
example, by setting these rates in an inflexible formula specified in
the U.S. Constitution.
17 Lee also discusses several other efficiency-enhancing features of
a system where only states impose taxes and the federal government is
funded through a system of grants from the states.
18 The Articles of Confederation was passed by the Continental
Congress on November 15, 1777, but was not ratified by the states until
March 1781. Nonetheless, the Continental Congress' requisition authority over the states, given to them in the Articles, was first
exercised on November 22, 1777.
19 For a discussion of the workings of the Articles, see Jensen
(1940). Studenski and Krooss (1963) and Bullock (1979 [1895]) both give
a detailed account of government finances during this period.
20 Data on requisitions is from Bullock (1979 [1895]). Studenski and
Krooss (1963) state that in both colonial times and under the Articles,
state taxes were only paid by the patriotic and conscientious, with
widespread evasion and inefficiency. The first federal direct tax under
the new U.S. Constitution was levied in July 1798 on population, house
values, and land. As of 1801 only half of the total amount due had been
21 Many people might believe that they had a legitimate claim, but
there were other ways to ensure repayment without giving the federal
government the power of taxation. Additionally, many people would argue
that other special interest groups have legitimate claims. Thus, the
legitimacy of the claim does not have a bearing on the argument that
they were a special interest group and that they altered the structure
of government in their favor.
22 For discussions relating to the system of U.N. financing, and
suggested reforms, see Mendez (1992) and United Nations (1986, 1992).
23 See Holcombe (1991) for a similar argument.
24 The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO) is an interesting case of nations leaving a U.N.
organization. In December 1984, the U.S. withdrew from UNESCO partially
because of the organization's rapid budget growth and partially
because of its anti-Western orientation. Several other major nations
followed the U.S. by also withdrawing from the organization, sending its
budget into disarray, and causing major reforms in the organization.
25 The source for this quote is Compton's Interactive
Encyclopedia for Windows (on CD ROM), 1995 edition.
26 Statute 3, chapter 23, sections 4 and 24, adopted in 1861 by the
Provisional Congress of the Confederate States of America. For the full
text of the statutes see Confederate States of America (1864). For a
discussion of the finances of the Confederacy see Schwab (1901) and
Smith (1901).
27 The U.S. federal government allowed states to collect the revenues
for the tax bill of the War of 1812 and also in the Federal direct tax
of 1861 (Smith 1901). States only collected the revenues, however, and
did not have the flexibility to substitute alternative revenue sources
in these instances.
28 Holcombe (1992) discusses the differences between the Confederate
and U.S. Constitutions and concludes that the Confederate Constitution
contained better constraints against the government's ability to
grant favors to special interest groups. Holcombe (1991) shows that the
U.S. Constitution relaxed some of the constraints imposed on the federal
government by the Articles, and the Confederate Constitution added
additional constraints over the U.S. Constitution.
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