Economic growth, energy prices and technological innovation.
Joutz, Frederick L.
I. Introduction
Energy economists are repeatedly asked to analyze the short run and
long run macroeconomic effects of energy price shocks. We examine the
effect of energy prices in a dynamic model of economic growth as a
function of capital, labor, energy prices, and technological innovation.
Our approach extends earlier studies in two ways. First, we depart from
the standard approach of modeling strictly in either levels or
differences by using an error correction model. The advantage of this
approach is that both short run and long run information is used in the
model. Second, we construct a measure of technological innovation with
patent filings. Typically, deterministic trends have been used to
capture technological growth. The increase in energy efficiency since
1974 has been due to energy conservation and improvements in energy
intensive capital stock and production processes. We try to
simultaneously use energy prices and technological innovation in a model
of macroeconomic growth.
If energy price symmetry is imposed, we conclude that the short run
energy price effects are approximately half the long run energy price
effects. When the restriction is relaxed short run price symmetry does
not hold. In particular, short run price increases are associated with
economic downturns while short run price declines have no significant
impact on economic activity. Also, the results show that technological
innovation, measured through the stock of patents, contributes both
directly to economic growth and indirectly through improvements in the
economy's capital stock.
Section II briefly reviews empirical and theoretical research on
energy and economic activity. The use of patents as measures of
technological innovation and their relationship to macroeconomic growth
are discussed in section III. In section IV we present a model of
macroeconomic growth with technological change and empirical results are
presented in section V. The conclusion follows.
II. Energy and Macroeconomic Growth
The U.S. GDP to energy consumption ratio (billions of 1987$ to
quadrillion BTUs) and the relative price of composite energy are plotted
annually from 1949 to 1991 in Figure 1. (The data is described in
Appendix A.) There are two distinct periods, pre- and post-1974. The
efficiency of aggregate energy use rose in the first half of the 1950s,
fell in 1955 and remained steady until 1966. At this point energy use
increased relative to GDP until 1970, when it leveled off for three
years. During the period 1949 to 1970 the relative energy price
experienced no major fluctuations. Figure 2 contains plots of the level
and growth rate of the relative energy price. Between the first oil
price shock in late 1973 and 1982 the relative composite energy price
increased 500%. Energy efficiency rose slowly; it took from 1974 to
1979, the second oil price shock, to reach the efficiency level of 1955.
Since then aggregate energy efficiency has increased by 25%. The
relative composite price started falling in 1983 with a major collapse
of nearly 40% in 1986, the third oil price shock. Since then energy
efficiency has remained steady.
Douglas Bohi [2] conducted a comprehensive study of energy price
shocks and macroeconomic performance. His approach employed a
traditional static model of growth and cross-section data. He tested
whether the three energy price shocks of 1973, 1979, and 1986 had an
important effect on output and employment in the United States and other
industrialized countries. He finds little support for the conventionally
assumed importance of energy prices in explaining aggregate economic
performance. He concludes that energy's share of GNP is too small
to account for the large fluctuations in economic activity and that
macroeconomic stabilization policies may shoulder the blame.
John Tatom [28; 29; 30] tests the hypothesis that the effect of oil
price declines are asymmetric to those of oil price increases. He begins
by addressing the theory of economic effects of oil price shocks. He
addresses the following issues (1) whether oil price shocks are
transitory, (2) whether capital obsolescence is important, (3) whether
adjustments are symmetric in response to price changes, and (4) role of
domestic oil production.
On the aggregate supply side, Tatom finds that following an oil price
increase the resulting effects go beyond a simple increase in the cost
of output, as standard theory predicts. In addition, the shocks alter
the incentives to employ energy resources and alter the optimal methods
of production. These incentives are reversed during an oil price
decrease leading to a symmetric analysis. The basic outcome when energy
prices rise is a higher price level, lower output, lower real wages,
and, over time, a reduced capital stock relative to labor.
He attacks the argument that firms react differently to an energy
price cut than a price rise, because this view ignores maximizing
behavior, a firm's self-interest in efficiency, and pressure from
competitors. He states that at best any difference in a firms behavior
is a matter of timing. In contrast, Hamilton [14] offers a theoretical
rationale for asymmetric behavior in his paper on unemployment and the
business cycle.
Tatom claims that the argument asserting that the domestic oil
industry impacts dominate other industries is overstated. This confusion
arises as a result of the slow change in unemployment. The shock
initially affects productivity and supply, which result in supply
outracing demand changes. Thus, the inventory buildup/drawdown creates
pressure on prices and cyclical pressure on unemployment.
Timothy Considine [6] develops a neoclassical model to look at the
impact of the 1986 collapse in energy prices on the macroeconomy. The
economic performance following the 1986 price drop challenged three
existing paradigms of energy price interactions.
His first challenge was to the view that since world oil reserves are
fixed and that as consumption rises oil prices will increase faster than
overall inflation. Considine points out that real oil prices from 1859
to 1986 have resembled a random walk and argues the 1986 plunge was a
correction to the price increases in 1979-1981.
The second challenge was to the idea that lower oil prices are
unambiguously "good" for the U. S. economy. Based on numerous
accepted studies showing higher energy prices leading to higher
inflation, lower output, and higher unemployment, symmetry would call
for lower oil prices to generate economic "benefits". With the
data from 1986 showing only minor benefits Considine asks whether other
factors offset the presumably stimulative effects of lower oil prices or
is the macroeconomic response asymmetric? He concludes that other
factors, like the fall in output and the unemployment increase in the
energy sector offset the assumed positive effects. In 1986 the
combination of a 3 percent fall in domestic petroleum's production,
a 4 percent decline in natural gas' production, and the increase in
the trade deficit's reduced the macroeconomic response to the
energy price drop.
His third challenge is that large increases or decreases in energy
prices impose adjustment costs on the economy. The common wisdom was
that resource allocation may take time due to delays in obtaining
information. As an example of informational delay laid off workers in
the oil industry remained in the oil producing region(s) anticipating
the layoff as a temporary downturn and expecting imminent rehiring.
After the extended downturn and displacement, experienced workers were
reluctant to return to the fields when the oil industry recovered,
because they feared the upswing would be temporary. Similar bottlenecks
were observed in investment resources. Considine classifies adjustments
as either consumer spending, producer decisions, or wage and price
adjustment and notes that these adjustments are intertwined with
monetary and fiscal policies. He concludes that for offsetting reasons
the adjustment costs are low.
Hamilton [15] finds that oil price "shocks" proceeded seven
of the eight post World War II recessions by about three-quarters of a
year. (If data through 1991 is added the record runs to eight of nine
recessions.) He finds that the oil price shocks are best interpreted as
events exogenous to the U.S. economy. Hamilton concludes that they are
contributing factors to the duration and depth of the recession(s), but
not necessary or sufficient conditions.
Mork [20] modifies Hamilton's choice of oil price to remove oil
price control distortions and expands the sample to include the negative
oil price shock in 1986. He continues to find a strong correlation
between oil prices and macroeconomic activity. Furthermore, he finds
evidence in favor of an asymmetric response; there is a relatively large
negative response of output to positive price shocks and an
insignificant response to price declines. Both authors estimate VAR
models so that elasticities are not computable.
III. Patents, Technological Innovation, and Macroeconomic Growth
Griliches, Pakes, and Hall [13] and Schmookler [26] argue that patent
applications are a valuable resource for the analysis of innovative
activity. A brief discussion of the advantages and disadvantages in
using patent data is provided in this section.
We feel it is a better proxy than just R&D expenditures for three
main reasons. First, there is a measurement problem with the R&D
data. Cordes [7] finds that reporting of R&D expenditures varies by
company size and tax policy. Second, the expenditures are more properly
thought of as inputs to technological change while patents are an
output. Third, the applications data captures valuable economic
information. Firms have decided to invest resources in developing a
technology or modifying an existing one. Their initial investment has
produced a product or innovation which they feel has economic value,
thus they are willing to submit the application to earn the rents from
their effort.
Griliches [12] agrees that patents (grants) are an imperfect
indicator of inventive input or output. All inventions do not result in
patents and patents vary considerably in their economic impact. We argue
that the same holds true for R&D expenditures. He does argue that
the aggregate count of patents can serve as a measure of shifts in
The use of patent data in growth modeling is controversial. Archibugi
[1] reviews the value of patents as an indicator of technological
change. She concludes that, "Patents are a fascinating indicator
because they lead the analyst into the process of invention and
innovation. They can help to gather information on the intangible
phenomenon that is knowledge: a fact which leads a growing number of
scholars to optimism about their employment. As any indicator, patents
are full of traps, some of which can be avoided by careful use. But it
is difficult to persuade the platoons of skeptics on their validity.
Their criticism is often bitter, but it plays an important role in
preventing the misuse of the indicator and forces the analyst to test
and improve the quality of their data. However in return, they are
entitled to ask their critics to provide better measures, if they
In this paper we measure technological innovation using patent
applications rather than patent grants by date of issue. A complete
series of patents granted by date of application was unavailable. We try
to avoid or account for trap(s) in the relationship between the capital
stock and the technology stock in the model specified below.
The technology stock variable calculated using patent filings and
real GDP are displayed in Figure 3. The two series move closely together
throughout the sample. However, there appears to be a stronger
relationship through 1970. Real GDP has increased nearly 270% from 1950
to 1991 while the technology stock has increased only 90% over the same
period. This suggests a simple 3:1 relationship between real GDP and
patent measure of technological innovation. Average annual GDP growth
over the sample is slightly above 2.7 percent. Growth accounting studies
by Denison [8] and Kendrick [18] suggest technological innovation
contributes only about one per cent to economic growth.
IV. A Model of Output and Economic Growth
Saunders [24; 25] addresses the different paradigms between short and
long run effects of energy shocks using a theoretical model. He contends
that in the short run people generally consider an effect on the economy
to be dramatic, resulting in "inflation, recession, unemployment,
inertia in the capital stock, and myopia of economic agents." While
in the long run a relatively weak effect is observed where these same
economic agents have the foresight to adjust the capital stock, and
balanced growth paths exist and optimal growth theory holds.
Saunders reconciles these dichotomous views by extending the usual
two factor optimal growth theory to include energy as a factor of
production and notes the bridge between the two paradigms is investment
and factor competition. He shows the transition from short to long term
through a simulation model. In this study we have taken Saunders basic
model and tested it with the use of real data. We do not distinguish
between price changes and price shocks.
We employ a traditional aggregate production function except we
replace deterministic trends with the stock of technological change.
[Y.sub.t] = f ([L.sub.t], [K.sub.t] [Pe.sub.t], [A.sub.T]) (1)
where [Y.sub.t] is real GDP, [L.sub.t] is total civilian employment,
[K.sub.t] is lagged real private and public capital stock, [Pe.sub.t] is
the real composite price of energy, and [A.sub.t] is the lagged stock of
total application filings at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The
real price term enters through a "first order condition" for
energy "employment" as in papers by Rasche and Tatom [23],
Tatom [28; 29; 30], and Bohi [2]. The stock of patent filings represents
the stock of technological innovation in our model.(1) The output,
capital stock, and relative composite energy price series are in 1987
We propose the following functional form
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
The last term is a random disturbance. An interactive term,
[e.sup.[A.sub.t]][K.sub.t], is included to capture embodied
technological change in the capital stock. This measures the relative
quantity versus quality spill-over effects. If the coefficient,
[[Beta].sub.3], is positive, there are quality spillovers. A negative
sign suggests that quantity spillovers dominate. This implies that there
is "double counting" in the capital stock variable. The later
embodies technical innovations as firms invest in equipment and
structures which are more efficient. Thus, there are direct and indirect
effects from technological innovation. The diffusion and impact of
technological change is assumed to be nonlinear.
Traditionally, the model is estimated by taking natural logarithms and applying ordinary or restricted least squares to impose constant
returns to scale.
[y.sub.t] = [[Beta].sub.0] + [[Beta].sub.1][l.sub.t] +
[[Beta].sub.2][k.sub.t] + [[Beta].sub.3][k.sub.t][A.sub.t] +
[[Beta].sub.4][pe.sub.t] + [[Beta].sub.5][a.sub.t] + [[Epsilon].sub.t]
Lower case letters represent variables in natural logarithms and
upper case are in levels. A white noise error term, [[Epsilon].sub.t],
captures the unexplained movements in output. The classical statistical
assumptions of stationary stochastic data generating processes are
violated with most macroeconomic data and these series are no exception.
Nelson and Plosser [21] have suggested that macroeconomic series are
driven by stochastic trends. These processes are said to have a unit
root in their autoregressive representation or to be integrated of order
one, I(1). Simple first differencing of the data will remove the
nonstationarity problem, but with a loss of generality about the long
run relationships among the variables.
Engle and Granger [11] solve this filtering problem with the
cointegration technique. They suggest that, if all or a subset of the
variables are I(1), there may exist a linear combination of the
variables which is stationary, I(0). Despite the fact that each of the
series has no affinity for a mean value and trend away from their
initial values, they may be linked together in long run relationships.
When this is true, the variables are said to be cointegrated. The new
series [z.sub.t], the estimated residual from equation (3), represents
the deviation between the current level and the level based on the
long-run relationship.
[z.sub.t] = [y.sub.t] - [[Beta].sub.0] - [[Beta].sub.1][l.sub.t] -
[[Beta].sub.2][k.sub.t] - [[Beta].sub.3][k.sub.t][A.sub.t] -
[[Beta].sub.4][pe.sub.t] - [[Beta].sub.5][a.sub.t] (4)
Series which are cointegrated can always be represented in an error
correction model. The growth rate of output is a function of the growth
rates in labor, capital stock, the technology embodied in the capital
stock, energy prices, stock of technology, plus the error correction
term. The latter represents the deviation of actual output from the
predicted level from the production function.
[Delta][y.sub.t] = [[Pi].sub.0] + [[Pi].sub.1] [Delta][l.sub.t] +
[[Pi].sub.2][Delta][k.sub.t] + [[Pi].sub.3][Delta][pe.sub.t] +
[[Pi].sub.4][Delta][a.sub.t] + [[Pi].sub.5][z.sub.t-1] + [u.sub.t] (5)
Lags of the independent and dependent variables are often included to
capture additional short and medium term dynamics of growth. The
advantage of the model in this form over that in equation (3) is that
the model is stationary so that estimation and statistical inference can
be performed using standard statistical methods. The contemporaneous coefficients are interpreted as short run elasticities. The coefficient
on the ECM term represents the speed of adjustment back to the long run
equilibrium relationship among the variables.
V. Empirical Results
In this section, we present the empirical results from tests for
stationarity, cointegration, the dynamic model, and tests for symmetry
in the output elasticity with respect to energy prices. Plots of the
data suggested that the series were nonstationary and could contain unit
roots in their autoregressive representations. We follow Campbell and
Perron's [4] rules (of thumb) for investigating whether these
series contain unit roots. To begin, we estimate the following three
forms of the augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test where each form differs
in the assumed deterministic component(s) in the series:
[Delta][Y.sub.t] = [[Alpha].sub.1][Y.sub.t-1] + [summation of]
[[Beta].sub.i][Delta][Y.sub.t-i] where i=1 to p + [[Epsilon].sub.t]
[Delta][Y.sub.t] = [[Alpha].sub.0] + [[Alpha].sub.1][Y.sub.t - 1] +
[summation of] [[Beta].sub.i] [Delta][Y.sub.t-i] where i=1 to p +
[[Epsilon].sub.t] (6.2)
[Delta] [Y.sub.t] = [[Alpha].sub.0] + [[Alpha].sub.1] [Y.sub.t-1] +
[[Alpha].sub.2]t + [summation of] [[Beta].sub.i][Delta][Y.sub.t-i] where
i=1 to p + [[Epsilon].sub.t]. (6.3)
The [[Epsilon].sub.t] is assumed to be a white noise disturbance. In
the first equation there is no constant or trend. The second contains a
constant but no trend. Both a constant and a trend are included in the
third equation. The number of lagged differences, p, is chosen to insure
that the estimated errors are not serially correlated.
Table I presents the unit root test results following equations
(6.1), (6.2), and (6.3). Real GDP, employment, and the capital stock are
difference stationary with a constant term included. Equation (6.2)
appears to be the relevant model for output. The F-test for an
insignificant constant and lagged level (row 3 - column 3) is rejected
with a value 32.29. The t-ratio for the coefficient on the lagged level,
-1.86, is not less than the critical value, therefore, the null
hypothesis of a unit root cannot be rejected. Labor and the capital
stock also appear to follow a random walk with drift. The relative price
of energy, the capital stock of innovations, and interaction term follow
random walks without drift or trend.
The cointegration test procedure follows the maximum likelihood
approach recommended by Johansen and Juselius [16]. We begin by modeling
all the variables in a VAR system:
[x.sub.t] = [[Pi].sub.0] + [[Pi].sub.1] [x.sub.t-1] + . . . +
[[Pi].sub.k][x.sub.t-k] + [[Epsilon].sub.t]. (7)
In this case x is a (p x 1), where p = 6, vector of nonstationary
I(1) variables and the [[Pi].sub.i] are (p x p) coefficient matrices at
different lags. [[Pi].sub.0] is a (p x 1) vector of constant terms; it
could include other deterministic components like trend terms. The
disturbances are assumed to be white noise. The system in levels can be
transformed to one in differences and the error correction term without
loss of generality.
[Delta][x.sub.t] = [[Pi].sub.0] + [[Gamma].sub.1] [Delta][x.sub.t-1]
+ . . . + [[Gamma].sub.k - 1] [Delta][x.sub.t-k+1] + [Pi][x.sub.t-k] +
[[Gamma].sub.i] = - I + [[Pi].sub.1] + . . . + [[Pi].sub.i]; [for
every]i = 1, . . ., k-1,
[Pi] = - I + [[Pi].sub.1] + . . . + [[Pi].sub.k] (8)
Table II. Cointegration Analysis on the system of y, l, k, pe,
[e.sup.A] x k, and a
p - r [Lambda] maximal eigenvalue trace statistic
0 0.65 43.02 100.72
1 0.55 32.95 57.69
2 0.29 14.27 24.74
3 0.19 9.07 10.47
4 0.03 1.40 1.40
5 0.2e - 3 0.007 0.007
The number of cointegrating vectors in the hypothesis tests are
given by p, the number of variables, minus r, the reduced
dimension of the system.
The rank of the matrix for the level terms, [Pi], is of reduced rank
when cointegrating relationships exist. In that case it can be
partitioned as [Pi] = [Alpha][Beta][prime] where [Alpha] is the (p x r)
matrix of speed of adjustment coefficients and [Beta] is the (p x r)
matrix of cointegrating vectors or long run relationships. Cointegration
testing and the maximum likelihood estimation of [Beta] is derived from
a series of regressions and reduced rank regressions. Linear hypotheses
on the cointegrating vector(s) like constant returns to scale or price
elasticities can be conducted using the [[Chi].sup.2]-distribution.
Table II presents the results from a multivariate cointegration test
on the six variables employed in our study: y, l, k, pc, [e.sup.A] x k
and a. We employ the Johansen procedure to test for cointegration. One
lag in differences were used in the model; the system lag length was
determined by the Schwartz Criterion and the Akaike Information
Criterion. The first column gives the null hypotheses of more than p - r
= 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 cointegrating vectors. When there are no
cointegrating vectors, p - r = 0, the model in differences is
appropriate. The results from the maximum eigenvalue and trace
statistics indicate the presence of a single cointegrating relation
based on the critical values from Osterwald-Lenum [22, Table 1].
Below we focus only on the output equation, because the employment,
capital stock and relative energy price series appear to be weakly exogenous. There is marginal evidence rejecting weak exogeneity for the
stock of innovation. Granger causality tests using all the variables
found feedback between output and the technology stock. In that case the
hypothesis of strong exogeneity of the technology stock is rejected.
This result is consistent with Schmookler's findings that invention
and innovation are demand driven [26]. Also, it reflects the supply and
demand interpretations attributed to technological innovations (stock of
patent activity) with GDP. The long run model estimates for the period
1950-1991 are:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Variables in lower case are in natural logarithms, upper case are in
levels. T-statistics are reported in parentheses. While we cannot draw
much inference from this model there are several interesting points. The
assumption of constant returns to scale is rejected. However, the ratio
of the labor coefficient to the capital coefficient is "close"
to the 2:1 ratio often found in the conventional models.
The long run elasticity of output with respect to energy price is
slightly higher than that found by Tatom [30] and other authors, minus 7
percent vs. minus 6 percent. The interactive term with technology
embodied capital stock is negative. This is consistent with the
hypothesis that greater efficiency or technological diffusion decreases
the capital input requirements given labor and energy. The effect of
technological innovation falls between estimates by Denison [8] of 1%
and Jorgenson [17] of 0.7%.
The estimated residuals from the cointegrating regression above are
used as the ECM in a model of short run economic growth. In this model,
there is a single price change variable, in effect symmetry is imposed.
The estimated residuals from models using a depreciation rate of 15% and
4% are plotted in Figure 4. There are no significant differences in the
model fit or coefficient estimates, suggesting the results are fairly
robust. We reduced the first order autoregressive distributed lag model
to the following by deleting insignificant variables.
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
(di denotes the growth rate of the variable i)
[RBAR.sup.2] = 0.7463 SE = 1.16 D.W. = 1.93
LM Chi-Square Statistic for Serial Correlation with 12 lags is 9.49
with 12 dof
Heteroskedasticity tests (p-values in parentheses)
Breusch-Pagan Godfrey test = 6.0 with 6 dof (0.42)
Harvey test = 3.9 with 6 dof (0.69)
Glejser test = 4.6 with 6 dof (0.60)
ARCH test (4 lags) = 0.48 with 1 dof (0.99)
Jarque-Bera Asymptotic LM Normality Test Chi-Square 0.9655 with 2 dof
The ECM term is negative as theory predicts. A deviation from long
run growth this period is corrected by about 30% in the next year. The
immediate impact of changes in employment growth and capital stock
growth are positive. There is a slowdown in the following year, but the
overall effect on output is positive. The output elasticity effect of a
change in the relative energy price is about half that of the long run
impact. Technological innovation in the short run does not have an
immediate effect on output growth.
The growth model's predictive power denoted by [RBAR.sup.2] is a
respectable 0.75. Tests for autocorrelation of the residuals at lag one
through lag twelve are rejected. The null hypothesis of no
heteroskedasficity cannot be rejected using the Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey,
Harvey, Glejser, and ARCH tests. The recursive Chow test procedure did
not reveal any structural breaks in the model at 5 percent, but there
appears to be some model instability at 10 percent between 1974 and
When we divided the price variable into a positive price change
vector, dpup, and a negative price change vector, dpdown, the symmetry
hypothesis is rejected. The likelihood ratio statistic of 7.8 with one
degree of freedom is significant at one percent. We tested if the growth
in the innovation and technology, Ak and a, contributed to the short run
model's fit by adding the current and lagged values.(2) The null
hypothesis of no explanatory power could not be rejected using either
the Wald Chi-square test or the individual t-statistics. Below are the
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
(the constant was included, but was insignificant)
[RBAR.sup.2] = 0.7922 SE = 1.05 D.W. = 2.11
LM Chi-Square Statistic for Serial Correlation with 12 lags is 11.2
with 12 dof
Heteroskedasticity tests (p-values in parentheses)
Breusch-Pagan Godfrey test = 10.9 with 7 dof (0.14)
Harvey test = 3.8 with 7 dof (0.80)
Glejser test = 6.9 with 7 dof (0.43)
ARCH test (4 lags) = 3.0 with 1 dof (0.89)
Jarque-Bera Asymptotic LM Normality Test Chi-Square 1.37 with 2 dof
The labor and capital coefficients are barely changed. The lagged
capital growth rate is slightly more positive and significant. The ECM
coefficient is the same as in the case where symmetry is imposed.
However, the output elasticity with respect to price increases, dpup, is
minus 7.9 percent, numerically larger than the long run elasticity,
although not statistically. The response to negative price shocks is
insignificant from zero. Output falls in the short run in response to
energy price increases, but is not affected by energy price declines.
The Wald Chi-square statistic that the coefficients are equal and of
opposite sign is 4.13 with a p-value of 0.042.
The [RBAR.sup.2] is higher and the variance from this model is
significantly lower than the model where symmetry is imposed. Thus,
based on variance, the model with asymmetric price responses variance
dominates the first model. There continues to be no problem with
heteroskedasticity or autocorrelation. Furthermore the recursive Chow
tests for model stability are not rejected at 10 percent. This model
provides a better fit and is more robust than the model where symmetry
is imposed. This result is similar to that found by Mork [19; 20].
VI. Conclusion
Economic growth is modeled as a function of labor, capital stock,
energy prices, and technology stock. An ECM approach is used to depart
from the standard approach of modeling strictly in either levels or
differences. The advantage of the ECM approach comes from the ability to
incorporate both short run and long run information in the model. Also,
a measure of technological innovation is constructed using patent data
to replace deterministic trends. Efficient estimates of output
elasticities are obtained.
We find that the short run output elasticities with respect to energy
price are half the long run price effects when a symmetric response is
imposed. However, we conclude that the output response to energy price
increases and decreases is asymmetric in the short run. Positive price
shocks lead to a slowdown in economic growth while energy price declines
have no significant impact on aggregate output.
The stock of patents contributes directly to economic growth and
indirectly through the economy's capital stock. Our estimate of the
output elasticity with respect to technological innovation is 0.9 per
cent. The estimate is consistent with previous research.
Our model of economic growth does not include government policy and
international trade. These two factors may account for the lack of
response as suggested by Bohi [2]. Future research can examine the
issues relating to human capital and technology and the
output-technology stock feedback relationship.
Appendix A. Description of the Data
We use annual data from 1949 through 1991 in this study. The
macroeconomic data series in this study are GDP, total civilian
employment, capital stock. All nominal series are converted to real 1987
dollars using the GDP implicit price deflator. The GDP and employment
data came from Citibase [5] and The Economic Report of the President [9].
The capital stock is published in the Survey of Current Business
(October, 1992) [27]. We use the sum of both public and private total
capital stock. The share of private capital stock as a percentage of
total stock increased from 52% to 65% over the sample.
The total energy consumption series is measured in quadrillion Btu.
The composite nominal price of total energy consumption is also deflated by the 1987 GDP implicit price index. The source for the quantity and
price energy data is the U.S. Energy Information Administration's
Annual Energy Review - 1991 [10, 25, 69].
Patent and R&D data came from the U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office [31; 32]. Patent fillings and patent grants starting in 1837 to
1991 are used to construct technology stock variables. They are created
using an assumed 15% depreciation factor in the following form:
[Stock.sub.t] = [(New Filings).sub.t] + [Stock.sub.t-1] x (1 - d)
where d = 0.15.
1. We tried several capital stock measures using different
depreciation rates. The reported results are based on the assumption of
a 15% declining balance formula used by Griliches [12, 1701). In
addition we used a 4% depreciation rate reported by Cabellero and Jaffee
[3]. However, they estimate that depreciation rates had increased over
time and were in the 12-15% range during the 1980s. The 15% depreciation
rate suggests that the stock of knowledge is doubling every 7 years. Gus
Mastrogianis from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office claims this is
consistent with anecdotal evidence.
2. Recall that the levels of the capital stock and technological
stock variables are already lagged one period to reflect the stock(s) in
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