Public capital and private production in Australia.
Voss, Graham M.
I. Introduction
Recent empirical research by Ratner [31], Aschauer [4; 5] and others
seeks to demonstrate that publicly provided capital should enter as a
complementary input to private production.(1) The general approach of
these studies is to specify and estimate a functional form for private
production which is dependent upon both private inputs to production and
some measure of public capital. With few exceptions, see for instance
Holtz-Eakin [18], across a variety of economies and at different levels
of aggregation, public capital is shown to be a significant input to
private production.
This paper uses a newly constructed quarterly data set for the
Australian economy to examine two specific criticisms levelled at many
of the previous empirical studies. The first is the possibility that the
estimated relations reflect a spurious correlation between variables
with purely coincidental low frequency movements; that is, the variables
are non-stationary and the regressions are spurious. This criticism is
addressed by Aschauer [3] where he argues that his previous results are
valid even if the variables are non-stationary. More recently, Clarida
[10] and Lynde and Richmond [21] use techniques suitable for
non-stationary variables to confirm Aschauer's [4] results for the
United States as well as for a number of European countries. We also
employ co-integration techniques, those developed by Phillips and Hansen
[29] and Hansen [17], to estimate a production function for the private
economy in Australia during the post-war period.
The second issue we address is the question of causality between
public capital and private production. Aschauer [4] argues that
causality runs from public capital to private output (or private factor
productivity). However, an equally plausible interpretation of the
estimated relationships is that they reflect the response of public
investment to private production; in other words, public capital stocks
are possibly endogenous. This endogeniety may arise from various
political constraints on public expenditure or, alternatively, the
relationship may reflect aspects of the public decision-making process
where public investment decisions are a response to private output
growth or possibly private investment. To examine this second criticism,
we employ vector autoregression (VAR) techniques associated with Sims
[33] to examine the effect of public capital on private sector variables
and also to examine whether there is any feedback from the private
sector variables to the public capital stock. Unlike previous studies,
which use annual data, our quarterly data provides us with a sample size
large enough to effectively use these techniques.
The paper proceeds as follows. Section II presents the basic
representation of private production used in the empirical analysis. In
section III, single equation cointegration techniques are used to
estimate the long run relationship between private production and
private and public inputs. A VAR analysis is used in section IV to
examine the dynamic interactions among the variables of interest.
Section V concludes.
II. Representations for Private Production
Private production is represented using a Cobb-Douglas production
function. We allow for three inputs: private capital, public capital,
and private labor. The justification for treating public capital as an
input to private production is discussed by Arrow and Kurz [2]; the
Cobb-Douglas functional form is employed for its suitability in
empirical analysis. Four alternative specifications for private
production are considered:
y - k = [[Alpha].sub.n1](n - k) + [a.sub.1] (1)
y - k - g = [[Alpha].sub.n2](n - k - g) + [a.sub.2] (2)
y - k = [[Alpha].sub.n3](n - k) + [[Alpha].sub.g3] (g - k) +
[a.sub.3] (3)
y - k = [[Alpha].sub.n4](n - k) + [[Alpha].sub.g4] [multiplied by] g
+ [a.sub.4] (4)
where y is private sector output, n is private sector labor, k is
private sector capital, g is public capital and [a.sub.i], i = 1 . . .
4, is a non-observable measure of technology. All variables are in
These four models represent alternative ways of treating public
capital as an input to private production. Model (1) assumes constant
returns to scale (CRS) between private inputs and no role for public
capital. Model (2) includes public capital as an input to production but
as a perfect substitute for private capital; the model assumes CRS
across all inputs. In many studies of aggregate production, for example
the real business cycle studies initiated by Kydland and Prescott [20],
it is common to aggregate public and private capital stocks, effectively
treating them as perfect substitutes. As far as private production is
concerned, comparison of model (2) with the other specifications
provides some information about the suitability of doing so. Models (3)
and (4) treat public capital as a complementary input. Model (3) assumes
CRS across all inputs and, necessarily, decreasing returns to scale in
private inputs. This representation is suitable if public capital is not
a pure public good. Model (4) assumes CRS between private labor and
capital but allows increasing returns to scale (IRS) across all three
inputs. This representation is suitable if public capital is a non-rival
input in private production.
The latter two models form the basis of much of the empirical
literature on public capital provision. Ratner [31] estimates model (3)
for the United States and obtains an estimate for the output elasticity of public capital of 0.06. Aschauer [4] estimates both (3) and (4) for
the United States, finding greatest support for the CRS specification.
His elasticity estimates are in the order of 0.40, notably larger than
Ratner's estimates. Otto and Voss [25] estimate models (3) and (4)
for the Australian economy using annual data and obtain results very
similar to Aschauer's.
A feature of Aschauer's results, and by implication our results
for Australia, is that the elasticity estimates imply very high rates of
return to additional investment in public capital compared to estimates
obtained from project based cost-benefit studies. Consequently, a number
of authors, for example Winston and Bosworth [34], have argued that the
public capital marginal productivity estimates from aggregate production
functions are implausibly large.(2)
Thus we are interested in seeing if these large elasticities are
robust to the use of econometric techniques which can account for
non-stationary series.
III. The Long-Run Elasticities
In this section, we use techniques suitable for non-stationary data,
specifically integrated processes, to estimate each of the four models
of private production. We first establish that the variables of interest
are indeed integrated of order one, 1(1), and then seek to determine if
the input variables and private production are cointegrated. If these
variables are cointegrated then we can reject the argument that
previously estimated relationships in levels are spurious and in
addition obtain consistent output elasticity estimates from the
low-frequency components of the data.
Each model is estimated using quarterly time series data for
Australia over the period 1959:3 to 1992:2. The data we use is not
directly available from published sources. Measures of output, capital
stock and hours worked for the private sector are constructed along with
a series for government capital, which includes both general government
capital and the capital stock of public trading enterprises. Full
details on primary data sources and the method of construction are
provided in an appendix.
Since the technology variable [a.sub.i] is itself not observable, we
follow standard practice and treat this as part of the disturbance term.
This creates the additional possibility that evidence of no
cointegration between the other variables may be indicative of an
integrated technology process and not a rejection of the model
itself.(3) Pursuit of these matters, however, is beyond the scope of
this paper and we are limited to simply recognising the possibility.
The first step is to perform tests for unit roots on all observable
variables in equations (1) to (4), both in levels and in
first-differences, to determine if these variables are: I(1). Table I
presents augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) tests. The evidence suggests that
the variables y - k, y - k - g, n - k, and n - k - g are I(1) variables.
The results of the ADF test for the variables g - k and g are not as
sharp. Whether we can view these two variables as being stationary in
first-differences is sensitive to the choice of lag length in the ADF
test regression. Of the two series, the latter seems least likely to be
first-difference stationary. In fact, a two-sided ADF test leads to the
rejection of the null hypothesis that g is I(1) in favor of the
alternative that it follows an explosive autoregressive process. This
indicates that g behaves more like an I(2) than an I(1) process and
leads us to suspect that model (4), the IRS specification, is unlikely
to perform well on the quarterly data set.(4)
Given these results which suggest that most of the variables in
models (1) to (4) are I(1), we now estimate each of the models and test
whether any of them represent valid cointegrating relationships. To
estimate these models we embed them in a triangular representation for
cointegrated systems of the following form:
[Z.sub.t] = [mu] + [Beta]t + [X[prime].sub.t] [Alpha] + [u.sub.1t]
[Delta][X.sub.t] = [Delta] + [u.sub.2t] (6)
where [Z.sub.t] is the dependent variable in models (1) to (4) and
[X.sub.t] is a vector of the stochastic regressors. A set of conditions
on the vector of error terms [u.sub.t] = ([u.sub.1t], [u.sub.2t])[prime]
for (5) and (6) to be a valid cointegrating system are given by Park and
Phillips [28]; these are assumed to be satisfied here.
Table I. Augmented Dickey-Fuller Tests
Variable Lags (m): 1 2 3 4
y - k -2.83 -3.13 -3.14
n - k -0.86 -0.93 -1.18
g - k -3.05 -2.70 -2.34
y - k - g -2.57 -2.72 -3.07
n - k - g -0.51 -0.63 -0.97
g 0.04 -0.47 -0.15
[Delta](y - k) -7.57 -5.93 -6.51
[Delta](n - k) -8.07 -5.78 -5.64
[Delta](g - k) -2.43 -3.02 -3.32
[Delta](y - k - g) -7.73 -6.01 -6.63
[Delta](n - k - g) -7.52 -5.39 -5.23
[Delta]g -2.85 -2.43 -3.69
The ADF test regression includes a constant, a time trend and up to
m lags of the dependent variable. Critical values are from Fuller
[16, 381-82]. The one, five and ten per cent, critical values are
-3.96, -3.41, and -3.12 respectively. All models are estimated
quarterly data for the period 1959:3 to 1992:2.
Conditional on the assumption that each of our models represents a
valid cointegrating relationship, we can obtain both consistent and
(asymptotically) efficient estimates of the model parameters using
Phillips and Hansen's [29] "fully modified" (FM)
estimator. The version of this estimator used in this study is the one
developed in Hansen [17]. This involves the use of a pre-whitened kernel estimator with a plug-in bandwidth to estimate the long-run covariance matrices; for further details see Hansen. The results obtained for
models (1) to (4) are reported in Table II. We are interested in
discovering whether one (or more) of the models containing public
capital provides relatively strong evidence of a cointegrating
For each model we perform two tests for cointegration. The first is a
residual-based test of the null hypothesis of no cointegration, using
the ADF test and the FM coefficient estimates. In addition, we perform a
variable addition test due to Park, Ouliaris and Choi [27] which sets up
cointegration as the null hypothesis. This test can be viewed as a
general test for a misspecified cointegrating relationship. The
variables used to augment each model are powers of the time trend:
[t.sup.2], [t.sup.3], [t.sup.4]. Under the null hypothesis of no
misspecification in the cointegrating model, these trend variables will
have no additional explanatory power. A Wald test (adjusted for the FM
estimate of the long-run error variance) is used to test the joint
significance of these additional regressors. The test statistic is
denoted H(1,4) and has a limiting chi-squared distribution with three
degrees of freedom under the null hypothesis, see Ogaki and Park [23]
for an application.
The ADF statistics in Table II indicate that the strongest evidence
against the null of no cointegration arises for models (2) and (3), both
of which include public capital as an input and impose CRS. This
supports the argument that public capital does play a role in private
production; however, the similarity of the results for these two models
does not allow us to discriminate between a model that treats public and
private capital as separate inputs and one that treats public and
private capital as perfect substitutes. For models (1) and (4), evidence
against the no cointegration hypothesis is much weaker and is sensitive
to the choice of the lag length for the ADF test. The absence of
cointegration for model (1) is consistent with the view that public
capital is an important input to the private production process. The
lack of cointegration for model (4) is likely to be a reflection of our
previous findings relating to the time series properties of the variable
Turning to the variable addition test we find significant H(1,4)
statistics for all four models. Strictly speaking this suggests that
none of the models is a completely adequate specification of long run
private sector production. However, the strongest evidence against the
null of cointegration arises from models (1) and (4) which is consistent
with the ADF results above.
Although the H(1,4) test statistic does point to the need for some
caution, we view the results in Table II as providing further support of
the importance of public capital for private production. In addition,
the parameter estimates of the output elasticities associated with
either model (3) or (4) are quite reasonable. Consider model (3) which
is the least restrictive representation of private production. The
associated output elasticities are: private labor, 0.44; private
capital, 0.39 and public capital, 0.17. An interesting feature of these
results is that the point estimate for the public capital elasticity is
less than half that obtained by Aschauer [4] and Otto and Voss [25]. The
estimate is, however, very similar to that obtained by Lynde and
Richmond [21], which uses similar statistical techniques for the United
States. We note, however, that there is considerable uncertainty about
the point estimate: the 95 percent confidence interval is 0.01 to 0.32.
IV. Short-Run Dynamics
While the preceding single equation approach provides information
about the long-run relationships, it does not tell us anything about the
short-run dynamic relationships between public capital and the private
sector variables. To examine these relationships, we specify a vector
autoregression (VAR) model and use the variance decomposition and
impulse response techniques developed by Sims [33]. We motivate our
investigation of these short run relationships from three. perspectives,
each of which focuses on the relationship between public capital levels
and one of the other variables considered in the estimated production
First, and of primary interest, is the possibility that the estimated
long run relationship of the preceding section does not represent a
description of private sector production but rather arises because
public investment responds to levels of private production. Aschauer [4]
suggests that this reverse causation might occur if public expenditure
is a superior good, rising more than proportionally with increases in
per capita income, an example of Wagner's Law. Alternatively,
reverse causation may be motivated from a political economy perspective.
For example, during recessionary periods of the business cycle, with a
consequent fall in tax revenues, governments may be unwilling to finance
public investment, especially if the returns are not immediately
visible.(5) During expansionary periods of the business cycle, public
investment is more easily funded and possibly in higher demand by the
private sector. If this adequately describes the public decision making
process then we might expect a positive relationship between levels of
public capital and private production. In this case, it is difficult to
know how to properly interpret the estimated coefficients of the long
run analysis.
The causality issue is considered elsewhere but not in a complete
manner. Aschauer [3] argues, from a number of perspectives, that the
causality argument cannot fully explain the empirical results he and
other authors obtain. While generally convincing, he does not offer any
direct empirical evidence. Holtz-Eakin [19], Munell [22], and Easterly
and Rebelo [12] provide some preliminary evidence for aggregate
economies although none of these authors provides any conclusive
The second motivation is the relationship between public and private
levels of capital. While not directly affecting the interpretation of
the long-run results, the direction of causality between these variables
is of considerable interest. The first possibility, similar to the
reverse causality discussion, is that public investment responds to
private investment. In this case, the interest is the nature and length
of adjustment process. The second possibility is that public capital
provision can initiate private investment and hence private production
and employment. Given the results of the previous section which indicate
that the marginal product of private capital is an increasing function of the level of public capital, this seems intuitive. Baxter and King
[6] demonstrate this argument formally using a neo-classical growth
model with production similar to that considered here. In their model,
the result on private investment and output is unambiguously positive
because of the increased marginal productivity of private capital; the
effect on private employment, however, is ambiguous because of
off-setting wealth effects. Empirical evidence of these sorts of effects
might provide support to arguments for the use of public infrastructure
programmes to initiate recovery from periods of recession. Finally, it
is possible that public capital crowds out private capital; this might
be the case if private and public capital are highly substitutable and
both are, on average, near optimal levels. These latter two arguments,
potentially offsetting, are the focus of Aschauer [5]. He finds evidence
of both effects for the United States with the suggestion that the
crowding out effect is dominated by private investment responding to
increased public capital investment.
This issue of causality between public and private capital is also
addressed by Eberts and Fogarty [13]. The authors consider municipal
data for the U.S. and find evidence of causality in both directions,
depending upon the time period and location. While interesting in its
own right, this evidence does not directly extend to the issue of
causality at the aggregate level because of the degree of capital
mobility within the U.S. While local public investment may attract
private investment, if it does so at the expense of private investment
elsewhere, then on aggregate, little or no increase in private
investment occurs. To this end, the issue of causality at an aggregate
level must be settled using aggregate data.(6)
The third motivation is the relationship between public capital and
employment. While not generally presented as an argument in the
literature on public investment, there is considerable evidence that
some policy makers view public investment as a suitable means of
reducing unemployment during recessionary periods of the business cycle.
Whether or not such considerations are likely to lead to socially
efficient levels of public investment is simply beyond the analysis
here; we are, however, able to provide evidence on the efficacy of such
programs by considering the response of private employment to changes in
the level of public capital.
To pursue these issues, we consider an unrestricted vector
autoregression model using the four variables of interest in levels: (y,
k, g, n). Such a model does not impose the long-run restrictions
identified in the previous section but does allow for these restrictions
to be satisfied asymptotically. Although this is not as efficient as a
model which imposes these restrictions, we use the unrestricted model to
minimize problems associated with the imposition of invalid long-run
The results reported are based on a VAR model with four lags of each
variable and a linear time trend. The VAR(4) specification reflects the
use of quarterly data; the findings are not qualitatively sensitive to
marginal changes in the lag length. Nor are the results qualitatively
sensitive to re-estimation without a time trend.
The residual correlation matrix for the VAR model is reported Table
III. The largest correlations are among the residuals of the private
sector variables with the correlations between the public sector
innovations and the other private sector variable innovations very close
to zero (the largest is that between public capital and private labor
input, a value of -0.14). This result should not be too surprising; one
might expect private inputs, determined by decentralized behaviour, to
experience innovations quite different from the collectively determined
stock of public capital.
The low correlations between public and private capital presented in
Table III also provide further support for the treatment of these
variables as separate inputs to private production. If one interprets
the innovations on the private capital stock as the response of
investment to technological shocks (as is true in a simple stochastic
growth model with Hicks neutral technological change), then the evidence
that the two capitals have uncorrelated innovations suggests that the
two capital stocks are determined quite differently and should not be
treated as an aggregate in a general equilibrium model.
Table III. Residual Correlation Matrix for VAR(4) Model
g k n y
g 1.00 -0.02 -0.15 -0.13
k 0.02 1.00 0.25 0.42
l -0.14 0.25 1.00 0.38
y -0.06 0.40 0.38 1.00
The correlations above the diagonal are from a VAR model
excluding a linear time trend while those below are from a VAR
including a time trend.
Figure 1 presents the impulse response functions and associated
standard errors for the four variables of the system based on Doan [11].
The ordering for the variables is (g, k, n, y). The effects of a one
standard deviation shock to the orthogonalized innovation of each
equation are traced out for 40 quarters. Since each variable is in
logarithms, the vertical axes indicate (approximate) percentage changes.
A key feature of the results is that the one standard deviation bounds
on the estimated impulse response functions are relatively large,
suggesting there must be a non-trivial degree of uncertainty about our
In general, the strongest interactions occur among the private sector
variables. Innovations to public capital have very little effect on
private sector hours and output. To underscore this result, compare the
effect on these variables of a shock to public capital to that of a
shock to private capital. For both, the response is much larger in the
case of the private capital innovation; indeed, in response to the
public capital shock there is only weak evidence of a significant
response in hours and output and this is negative. The main impact of a
shock to the stock of public capital is on private capital. A positive
shock to public capital tends to have a positive lagged effect on
private capital. This is consistent with the argument that public and
private capital are complementary inputs to private production. This
positive response provides some evidence for the view that public
capital provision can induce private investment in aggregate, as
suggested by Aschauer [5] and Baxter and King [6].(9)
We may also consider what evidence there is for the reverse causation
argument. In this regard, the impulse response functions indicate quite
dramatically that public capital shows almost no response to innovations
in private output. Similarly, public capital does not respond to
innovations to private hours. However we do observe, as we might expect
from two complementary inputs, that public capital responds to private
capital innovations. These results provide evidence against the reverse
causality argument that has been raised concerning the relationship
between public capital and private output/productivity. An additional
conclusion available from the impulse response functions is that the
absence of any significant response of public capital to a shock to
private output suggests that public investment has not been used to
pursue counter-cyclical fiscal policy.
To ensure that choice of the ordering for the variables in the VAR is
not responsible for the above results, Figure 2 presents the impulse
response functions for the alternative ordering (k, n, y, g). With this
ordering, we allow public capital to respond to contemporaneous innovations in the other three variables; that is, public capital is
treated as the 'most endogenous' of the four variables. As is
evident from Figure 2 the alternative ordering does not produce
qualitatively different results to those reported above.
Table IV. Variance Decomposition, Ordering (g, k, n, y)
Quarters g k n y
Forecast variance of g (percent) explained by shock to:
1 100 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
4 93 (4) 0 (1) 7 (4) 0 (1)
12 58 (13) 18 (11) 23 (11) 1 (3)
20 40 (15) 41 (17) 18 (13) 0 (3)
28 34 (15) 53 (18) 13 (13) 0 (4)
40 31 (16) 57 (20) 12 (14) 0 (4)
Forecast variance of k (percent) explained by shock to:
1 0 (1) 100 (1) 0 (0) 0 (0)
4 1 (3) 94 (4) 2 (2) 3 (2)
12 6 (8) 86 (10) 4 (6) 3 (4)
20 12 (11) 84 (13) 2 (6) 2 (5)
28 16 (13) 81 (15) 2 (7) 1 (5)
40 19 (14) 75 (18) 5 (10) 1 (5)
Forecast variance of n (percent) explained by shock to:
1 2 (3) 6 (4) 92 (5) 0 (0)
4 1 (3) 26 (9) 62 (9) 11 (5)
12 2 (4) 41 (14) 44 (13) 13 (9)
20 2 (6) 49 (17) 37 (14) 12 (9)
28 2 (7) 53 (17) 34 (15) 11 (9)
40 2 (8) 54 (18) 33 (15) 10 (9)
Forecast variance of y (percent) explained by shock to:
1 0 (2) 16 (6) 8 (4) 75 (6)
4 0 (2) 35 (9) 16 (7) 49 (9)
12 4 (6) 42 (12) 17 (9) 36 (10)
20 5 (7) 52 (13) 14 (9) 29 (10)
28 7 (8) 57 (14) 11 (9) 25 (10)
40 10 (10) 58 (15) 11 (10) 21 (10)
These results are based on VAR(4) model including a linear time
trend. Standard errors are given in brackets and were computed
using the procedure described in Doan [11] with 500 draws from
the posterior distribution of the VAR coefficients.
To get a clearer indication as to the quantitative importance of the
above effects, we report the variance decompositions associated with the
above models. These indicate the proportion of the variance of the
k-step ahead forecast error of a variable that is due to its own
innovation and to the innovations of the variables in the system. The
variance decompositions corresponding to Figures 1 and 2 are reported in
Tables IV and V respectively.
Consider the ordering (g, k, n, y). From the first cell of Table IV
it is apparent that over longer horizons (about 5 to 10 years) a
significant percentage of the forecast error variance for public capital
is due to private capital shocks; specifically, over 50 percent of the
forecast error variance in public capital is due to private capital.
This result reinforces our conclusion from the impulse response
functions that public capital responds to changes in private capital. In
contrast to the impulse response function results, however, the variance
decompositions indicate that private capital tends to be largely
exogenous, with its own innovations explaining about 75 percent of its
forecast error variance, even after 10 years. This argues against the
conclusions that public investment can motivate private investment. The
variance decompositions also indicate that shocks to private output
account for almost none of the variation in public capital.
Table V. Variance Decomposition, Ordering (k, n, y, g)
Quarters k n y g
Forecast variance of k (percent) explained by shock to:
1 100 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
4 95 (4) 2 (2) 3 (2) 1 (1)
12 87 (10) 3 (6) 6 (5) 7 (7)
20 85 (13) 2 (6) 2 (5) 12 (10)
28 82 (14) 3 (8) 1 (5) 14 (11)
40 77 (17) 6 (11) 1 (5) 16 (11)
Forecast variance of n (percent) explained by shock to:
1 6 (4) 94 (4) 0 (0) 0 (0)
4 26 (10) 63 (10) 11 (6) 0 (1)
12 41 (15) 43 (14) 13 (10) 2 (6)
20 49 (17) 36 (15) 12 (10) 3 (7)
28 53 (18) 33 (15) 10 (10) 3 (7)
40 54 (18) 32 (16) 10 (9) 3 (8)
Forecast variance of y (percent) explained by shock to:
1 16 (6) 8 (4) 75 (6) 0 (0)
4 35 (10) 16 (8) 49 (10) 1 (1)
12 43 (13) 16 (9) 36 (11) 5 (6)
20 52 (14) 13 (9) 29 (11) 6 (7)
28 58 (15) 11 (9) 24 (11) 7 (8)
40 59 (15) 11 (10) 21 (11) 9 (9)
Forecast variance of g (percent) explained by shock to:
1 0 (1) 2 (3) 0 (1) 98 (3)
4 0 (2) 16 (8) 0 (2) 84 (8)
12 20 (11) 34 (14) 0 (3) 47 (12)
20 43 (16) 26 (15) 0 (4) 31 (12)
28 55 (17) 18 (14) 0 (4) 26 (12)
40 59 (19) 17 (15) 0 (5) 24 (13)
As in Table IV.
The second feature of Table IV is that it confirms the previous
result that public capital shocks do not explain a quantitatively
important amount of the variation in either private hours or private
output. Rather it is shocks to private capital that explain most of the
longer-term forecast error variance in private hours and output.(10)
One final feature of the VAR results merits comment. As noted, the
response of the private sector to a shock to public capital is largely
confined to private capital and production; there is very little
evidence of a significant response of private hours. Consequently,
private labor productivity must rise because of the increase in public
capital. One possible explanation for this is that a dominant component
of public investment, in terms of contributing to increased private
production, are those investments which improve the effective labor
force. At this level of aggregation, there is simply insufficient
information to extend this interpretation any further. However, it does
suggest possible directions for further consideration. First, to
explicitly model the role for public investment to improve the effective
labor force. Arrow and Kurz [2] considers some of these issues. Second,
to consider a disaggregated public capital stock in an attempt to
quantify the contributions of various components of public investment to
private production. This is pursued to some extent in Easterly and
Rebelo [12] using cross-country data as well as in Finn [15].
V. Conclusions
Aschauer's [4] study of private production and the role of
public capital has received considerable attention and criticism. The
analysis of the Australian economy presented here, by focusing on both
the long-run and short-run components of the data, provides further
evidence of the nature of private production and its dependence upon
publicly provided capital.
The cointegration analysis points to an estimated elasticity of
public capital of approximately 0.17, one half of that of private
capital. This result, similar to Lynde and Richmond [21], is about one
half of our own previous estimates and seems to be a much more plausible
number. By implication our estimate of the marginal (private) product of
public capital does not imply implausibly large returns to public
capital. Care must be taken when interpreting these numbers, however, as
there seems to be a fair degree of uncertainty about the parameter
The short-run analysis provides some very useful additional
information about private production. First, we are able to provide some
evidence against the claim that the long-run relationship arises solely
because public capital is endogenous, directly related to private
production. We find no evidence of causality from private production to
public capital stocks. The short-run analysis also confirms that the two
capital stock are highly complementary with the strongest evidence
indicating that public investment is highly responsive to private
investment. Somewhat weaker evidence suggests that private investment is
responsive to public investment, a result consistent with Aschauer [5].
Data Appendix
This appendix details the approach used to construct measures of
private sector production and the inputs to private production, both
privately and publicly owned. In Otto and Voss [25], we construct annual
data for the private sector of the Australian economy by accumulating
data for a number of sectors. This strategy is limited, however, because
while production in some sectors of the economy (for example, mining,
agriculture, manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade, and recreation
and personal services) is predominantly done by the private sector,
other sectors (for example, transport, storage and communication)
encompass both public and private production and could not be included
in our measure of private sector output; as a result, our previous
measure of private sector output accounted for just under 50 percent of
constant price GDP. In an effort to improve on this number we adopt a
different approach to separating the aggregate economy into its public
and private components.
All of the series constructed below are seasonally adjusted and cover
the period 1959:3 to 1992:2.
Private and Public Sector Output
We follow Carmichael and Dews [8] in separating aggregate output into
its private and public components. Total output is measured by the
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) income-based measure of GDP. To
obtain that part of this measure which accrues to the private sector, we
sum the following components, all of which are quarterly and in current
prices. Private sector GDP equals private sector wages, salaries and
supplements plus gross operating surplus of companies and unincorporated enterprises plus dwellings owned by persons and private financial
enterprises less private sector imputed bank charges plus net indirect
taxes paid by the private sector. This series is then converted to
constant 1989/90 prices using the implicit price deflator for the ABS
income-based measure of GDP.
Private and Public Hours Input
The measure of aggregate labor input used is total hours of the
private sector. The ABS does not publish this data so we construct it
using published data on total and government employment and average
hours worked.
Total employment (excluding defence) is available on a quarterly
basis from the Australian NIF Database. Government employment can be
obtained on an annual basis from 1959/60 to 1991/92. To create a
quarterly series from this annual series, we assume that government
employment grows smoothly within each year. Private employment is then
simply total employment less government employment. To obtain an
estimate of total hours of the private sector per quarter we use the
average weekly hours series from the NIF Database. This is available
quarterly from 1966:3 to 1992:2. For the period 1959:3 to 1966:2, we set
average weekly hours worked equal to its value in 1966:3. Private sector
total hours per quarter are calculated as private employment times
average weekly hours times twelve.
Private and Public Capital
The ABS publishes annual constant price estimates of the net capital
stocks for both private and public sectors for the years 1966/67 to
1991/92. We measure both public and private capital as the sum of
non-dwelling construction and equipment. We construct three quarterly
series: the private capital stock, the general government capital stock
and the capital stock of public trading enterprises.
We begin by constructing an annual net capital stock for each of
these definitions for the period 1959/60 to 1991/92. Taking the ABS
capital stock estimates from 1966/67 to 1991/92, we need estimates for
the years 1959/60 to 1965/66. These figures are obtained by iterating backwards using the capital accumulation equation:
[K.sub.t] = (1 - [Delta])[K.sub.t-1] + [I.sub.t]
where [K.sub.t] is the net capital stock (at end-June), [I.sub.t] is
gross fixed capital expenditure and [Delta] is the rate of depreciation.
An estimate of the annual depreciation rate for the years 1966/67 to
1991/92 can be obtained using a method suggested by Carmichael and Dews
[8]. Let D be annual capital consumption (depreciation); then
[Delta] = [D.sub.t]/[K.sub.t].
Using ABS data for capital consumption and net capital stocks we
obtain an annual estimate of the depreciation rate. Setting [Delta]
equal to the estimate for the year 1966/67 and using data for gross
fixed capital expenditure allows us to use the accumulation equation to
compute annual capital stock estimates for the years 1959/60 to 1965/66.
We now have annual capital stock estimates for the period 1959/60 to
1991/92, which we wish to make quarterly; more specifically, suppose we
have capital stock estimates for June 1991 and June 1992 and we wish to
interpolate the interceding quarters. We do this in the following
manner. We take the change in the yearly net capital stock,
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
which gives annual net investment and divide this by annual gross
fixed capital expenditure. This gives a fraction, which can be negative
and is for the year 1991/92. Assuming this fraction is constant for each
quarter of the year and using the resulting quarterly series to multiply the quarterly series for gross fixed capital expenditure provides a
quarterly estimate for net investment. Since
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
we can construct quarterly estimates for the net capital stock. One
advantage of this procedure over a simpler strategy of straightforward
accumulation is that June stocks for our quarterly series from 1966/67
onwards are consistent with the published ABS data.
The data used in this study are available on request.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Australian
Research Council and a UNSW Dean's Grant. Earlier versions of this
paper were presented at the 1994 Conference of Industry Economics at the
Australian National University and at the 1994 Australasian Meetings of
the Econometric Society.
1. These studies, at various levels of aggregation, are now numerous.
Munell [22] provides a discussion of the main issues and survey of the
literature. More recent studies include Lynde and Richmond [21] and
Holtz-Eakin [18] for the United States and Otto and Voss [25] for
2. Munnell [22] provides a general discussion of this issue.
3. An I(1) technology shock is not an uncommon assumption in
equilibrium models of business cycle fluctuations. See for example
Christiano and Eichenbaum [9].
4. As a general rule, we might expect measures of the capital stock
to behave as an I(2) series. The equation for capital accumulation is:
[K.sub.t] = (1 - [Delta])[K.sub.t - 1] + [I.sub.t]. So if gross
investment [I.sub.t] is an I(1) variable, then as the depreciation rate
[Delta] goes to zero, the capital stock will approximate an I(2) series.
5. The lack of immediate and visible benefits of public investment
has been identified as a possible bias against its efficient provision
by Rogoff [32]. This argument has been used by Alesina, Gruen and Jones
[1] to explain the reductions in public investment in Australia in the
late 1980s. It also has considerable support at an institutional level,
see for example Berne and Stiefel [7].
6. Munell [22] and others cite this paper when discussing the issue
of causality between private production and public capital. Since
private production and private investment are obviously highly
correlated, the relationship between public and private investment may
provide indirect information in this regard. The Eberts and Fogarty
study, however, is still not strictly appropriate because of its
disaggregated nature. There is an obvious extension of these ideas to
the international location of investment; Clarida [10] investigates this
issue in a neo-classical growth model.
7. A complete set of results, including those for the vector
error-correction model, are contained in Otto and Voss [26].
8. Such uncertainty is typical of unrestricted VAR models, see
Eichenbaum [14].
9. The results concerning output and employment, however, are
inconsistent with the predictions of Baxter and King. This may reflect
the fact that we have not imposed any long-run restrictions on the
estimated VAR.
10. For completeness, the variance decomposition results for the
alternative ordering (k, n, y, g) are presented in Table V. These
results do not substantially alter the above conclusions.
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2. Arrow, Ken and Mordecai Kurz. Public Investment, the Rate of
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3. Aschauer, David A. "Infrastructure, Productivity, and
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6. Baxter, Marianne and Robert G. King, "Fiscal Policy in
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7. Berne, Robert and Leanna Stiefel, "Cutback Budgeting: The
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11. Doan, T. A. Rats User's Manual, Version 4. Evanston,
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12. Easterly, William and Sergio Rebelo. "Fiscal Policy and
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4499, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1993.
13. Eberts, Randall W. and Michael S. Fogarty. "Estimating the
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14. Eichenbaum, Martin, "Comments." European Economic
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15. Finn, Mary, "Is All Government Capital Productive?"
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16. Fuller, Wayne A. Introduction to Statistical Time Series. New
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17. Hansen, Bruce E., "Tests For Parameter Stability in
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