The resale price maintenance policy dilemma: comment.
Ekelund, Robert B., Jr.
I. Introduction
The issue of quality valuation, especially as it relates to
"imperfectly competitive" markets, has a long lineage in the
history of economic theory. E. H. Chamberlin made the issue a central
feature in his paradigm of monopolistic competition in 1933. More
recently, the issue of quality has arisen with respect to monopoly [19]
and, even closer in time, to the matter of the efficiency of vertical
restraints, including resale price maintenance (RPM) and exclusive
territories [7].
In a recent contribution to this Journal, Roger D. Blair and James M.
Fesmire (hereafter BF) [1] analyzed an alleged RPM policy dilemma
created by product-quality changes made possible by vertical restraints.
BF did so with respect to the effects that the introduction of price or
non-price restraints might have on consumer (and consumer/producer)
surplus. Using the Spence-Comanor argument concerning the possible
existence of so-called inframarginal consumers (who do not value quality
changes initiated by producers as much as do marginal consumers), BF
show that RPM can cause welfare to decline. Thus the policy dilemma:
Neither per se legality nor illegality of vertical restraints can be
defended due to ambiguous effects of RPM on welfare. And worse, the rule
of reason criterion on which decisions currently are based "appears
to be unavailing as well due to measurement problems" [1, 1046].
We have little quarrel with the formal analysis BF used to arrive at
this unhappy conclusion. The purpose of this note is to explore the
analysis and logic that undergirds the Spence-Comanor-BF notion of
"inframarginal consumers." We show that vertical restraints
should indeed be per se legal. The policy conundrum suggested by
BF's analysis is less of a dilemma than they believe.
II. Vertical Restraints and Consumer Welfare
The important issues and contributions to the theory of vertical
restraints are adequately treated in BF and elsewhere [2]. A few
considerations are key for the present investigation. In Bork's
view "consumer choice will dictate the use or non-use of r.p.m.
When r.p.m. is the more profitable course for the manufacturer of
product x, we know that consumers as a whole prefer product x with the
reseller-provided information and service that is purchased by r.p.m....
The consideration of consumer choice supports the proposal to legalize manufacturer r.p.m." [3; 4, 742-43]. Many explanations of the kinds
of quality improvements that might accompany RPM followed [13; 14;
Others demurred from the "efficiency rationale," chief
among them Comanor [7] and Comanor and Kirkwood [8]. Building on
Spence's analysis of product quality and monopoly, Comanor argued
against per se legality of RPM on grounds that the economic welfare of
inframarginal consumers may be substantially damaged by the development
and introduction of new product qualities through vertical restraints.
Specifically, Comanor claims to have identified particular
"circumstances in which manufacturers' interests conflict with
those of consumers" [7, 983]. According to this argument, important
differences among consumers have been ignored by those who endorse per
se legality of vertical restraints. Only so-called marginal consumers
affect sellers' policies in Comanor's view, but the net
welfare outcome is determined by all consumers, marginal and
inframarginal. When a significant number of inframarginal consumers
attach little or no value to new dealer services introduced through
vertical restraints, inframarginal consumers pay higher prices for goods
that are of no higher value to them. The welfare gains to marginal
consumers may be offset, or more than offset, by the loss inflicted upon
inframarginal consumers. Comanor also argues that price and non-price
vertical restraints judged by a rule of reason make more sense for
"new products or products of new entrants into the market"
than for established products. For the latter he advocates per se
illegality, or a rule of reason in which the defendant bears the burden
of proving that the change in net welfare is positive [7, 1001-2]. BF
cogently summarize this argument [1, 1045].
III. Analytical Weaknesses in the "Inframarginal" Rationale
BF's argument raises some fundamental theoretical questions
concerning the how and why of the different consumer valuations.(2)
Comanor simply argues that "If the amount that a marginal consumer
is willing to pay for higher quality even slightly exceeds the
accompanying increase in price, he will generally buy more of the
product. Similarly, if he does not find the improvements worth the
increased price, he will generally purchase less" [7, 991].
Inframarginal consumers, who are "relatively insensitive to any
price increase needed to fund a change in product quality," appear
to be virtually unmoved. According to Comanor, "Even if, according
to their valuations, the improvement does not warrant the additional
cost, they will not buy less of the product as a result" [7, 991].
Marginal consumers alone consume marginally here and determine
profitability to manufacturers, but inframarginal consumers are not
allowed (by assumption) to consume marginally, thus creating the
ambiguous welfare effects of vertical restraints. This is, in effect,
similar to an externality argument with respect to vertical
restraints.(3) The introduction of quality changes is independent of the
overall welfare changes in the market.(4) Any quality change, inspired
by RPM or not, would be subject to the externality.
There are clear limitations to the argument concerning the behavior
of inframarginal consumers. While superficially plausible, the argument
does not stand up well to even a reasonable amount of scrutiny. Consider
Figures 1(a) and 1(b) as regards inframarginal consumer behavior.(5) In
Figure 1(a) a "Dupuit-Stigler" theory of quality-adjusted
demand is shown. Product quality is held constant along any specific
demand curve. A new quality dimension would (ordinarily) increase the
marginal evaluations of consumers and the negative slope simply suggests
the expected demand relation for any specific product. Comanor's
(and Spence's) analysis assumes (within broad limits) that the
price increase will have no effect on inframarginal consumers (as in
Figure 1(b)). Here the manufacturer has latitude to raise prices with no
effect on demand. But that effect must certainly contain limits.
Inframarginal consumers - already earning consumer surplus from
consuming the product - would have to experience a cost increase at
least equal to the amount of consumer surplus in order to react.(6) We
assume, therefore, that an inelastic portion of the demand curve exists
for the average inframarginal consumer. Over this range inframarginal
consumers continue to purchase the same quantity of the product after
the new product is introduced. In this extreme form of the individual
demand curve, consumers who place little or no value on the new product
characteristics will continue to purchase and will not substitute among
competing products in the face of price increases or of net (but not
maximum) reductions in consumer surplus.
The welfare effects are clear from the figures. Price increases under
the behavioral characteristics suggested in Figure 1(b) reduce consumer
surplus by an amount [P.sub.0][P.sub.1]HG. But when inframarginal
consumers exhibit behavior as depicted in Figure 1(a) - that is when
they purchase the product in marginal fashion in a competitive
environment - valuations are directly compared with additional costs.
The rise in price could be accompanied, as in Figure 1(a) by a rise in
valuation (represented by the shift in the demand curve from [D.sub.1]
to [D.sub.2]). A price increase from [P.sub.0] to [P.sub.1] means that
the consumer will purchase more, less, or the same amount of the item
depending on her calculation of the marginal gain and the marginal cost of the quality change.
If the buyer purchases marginally but places little or no value on
the product quality changes, the demand curve of Figure 1(a) remains
invariant (at [D.sub.1]) and the consumer reduces consumption of the
product from [q.sub.0] to [q.sub.1] in response to the
quality-change-induced price increase. Any industry offering an array of
price-quality combinations for consumers would ensure some new welfare
optima. In a competitive general equilibrium context, the
consumer's behavior ensures that little or no loss occurs because
she acquires approximately [P.sub.2][P.sub.1]FCB in welfare from some
alternative consumption.
In plainer language, the existence of a significant number of
inframarginal consumers suggests that a good deal of consumer surplus
exists. In a competitive industry, however, it is implausible to assume
that the actions of any one producer can cause substantial diminution in
consumer welfare. Other producers are available to pick up the slack. A
marginal consumer might offer Sony a higher price for compact-disc
players in exchange for greater on-site product demonstrations at retail
outlets. Inframarginal consumers, in contrast, may care nothing for this
service. If the retail price of Sony CD players rises as a result of
Sony's decision to provide these on-site demonstrations, and if
enough inframarginal consumers are harmed by Sony's decision, then
other electronics manufacturers can profit by producing the particular
product mix demanded by these inframarginal consumers. If no other firm
can profit by producing a product mix that better appeals to the
inframarginal consumers harmed by Sony's change in product quality,
it must be the case that the number of inframarginal consumers is so
small (or the magnitude of their loss so modest) that the costs of
supplying a separate good for these inframarginal consumers exceeds the
amounts that these consumers are willing to pay for a separately
provided good.
It is only because of economies of scale in production or
distribution that inframarginal consumers exist in the first place. With
no economies of scale in production or distribution, then each
consumer's specific level of product quality can and will be
produced. Every producer instituting vertical restraints would have an
incentive to continue satisfying the precise demands of each of its
inframarginal consumers. Thus, when a firm fails to optimize the number
of different varieties of a product that it produces (i.e., when a firm
is not producing all those varieties the costs of which are less than
the prices each group of consumers is willing to pay for its respective
variety), then profit opportunities exist not only for rivals, but for
the firm itself, to offer a more optimal selection of products.(7)
There are other problems with the inframarginal consumer argument.
Under standard neoclassical analysis social loss (or gain) is measured
as the sum of consumers and producers surplus. Given the logic of Figure
1(b), consumers placing little or no value on product improvements take
a hit on their surplus equal to that amount - in this event consumers
are made worse off because they do not consume marginally. But for
social welfare to fall, at least some of the inframarginal
consumer's loss must not be gained by anyone else. But this is
clearly not so because the higher price on goods purchased by
inframarginal consumers is a gain to producers. Of course, no marginal
consumers are driven from the market. Further, inframarginal consumers -
because they are inframarginal consumers - remain in the market. Thus,
no social welfare loss occurs because the additional product costs borne
by the inframarginal consumers profit the producers (who in turn may
increase research, production, or marketing efforts to alter their
products for still newer marginal consumers). When welfare distributions
between consumers and producers are considered appropriate for policy,
the case for anything other than per se legality of vertical restraints
is weakened.
Where no freedom of entry exists, of course, manufacturers are better
able to affect exchange conditions.(8) Inframarginal consumers lacking
substitutability in the final product market and are less able to react
to vertical restrictions designed to improve the product for marginal
consumers. Under horizontal monopoly and given an ability to accurately
measure welfare changes between marginal and inframarginal consumers, on
the one hand, and between consumers of all stripes and producers, on the
other, social welfare might well be concluded to fall in consequence of
some vertical restriction. But the root problem here is unrelated to
vertical restrictions such as RPM. Rather, the problem is monopoly. And
horizontal monopoly is subject to adjudication and prosecution under the
Sherman and other antitrust laws.(9)
IV. Quality Changes And Inframarginal Consumers: Other Considerations
A more basic problem with the "inframarginal consumers"
argument is that it proves too much. This argument applies mutatis
mutandis to any quality or product change, whether or not made possible
through vertical restraints.(10) Vertical restraints are only a means of
enabling manufacturers to change their product mix. Product changes are
integral to the competitive process in which "large enough"
groups of consumers direct product differentiation. Thus, consistency
requires BF to cast their suspicions upon any product-quality change
instituted by sellers. For example, when IBM stopped producing its
initial line of double-floppy-disk personal computers and began
producing its PC-IIs, there were surely some consumers who would have
preferred to pay the lower price for a new double-floppy rather than the
higher price of the PC-II. When Safeway supermarket upscaled the
appearance of its stores to attract more customers, some consumers no
doubt valued the upscaled appearance of Safeway stores less than they
valued lower prices. And when an electronics manufacturer improves the
quality of its product in order to receive the stamp of approval from
Underwriters Laboratory, some consumers who do not especially value
safer electronic gear must nevertheless pay higher prices if they choose
to continue purchasing goods from this manufacturer. Product-quality
changes causing prices to be higher than otherwise are literally an
everyday occurrence in market economies. There is nothing about
product-quality changes instituted via vertical restraints making such
changes more suspicious than such changes instituted in other ways.(11)
And note that what is true for improvements in product quality is
equally true for decreases in product quality. A firm reducing both
product quality and price - say, by no longer insisting on vertical
restraints with retailers - causes ambiguous welfare effects according
to the logic of BF's argument. Consumers who prefer the
higher-quality, higher-price good are harmed. Only consumers who prefer
the lower-priced, lower-quality good are benefited. Thus BF's
skepticism about the introduction of vertical restraints applies equally
to removal of existing restraints.
Pared to its essentials, the analysis of vertical restraints
formalized by BF turns out to be an argument justifying agnosticism about the welfare effects of all changes in product quality accompanied
by corresponding changes in price. (Again, vertical restraints are
implicated only insofar as they are a means of begetting product-quality
changes). This agnosticism about product-quality changes, however, is
itself unjustified as long as markets are competitive. As pointed out
above, if enough inframarginal consumers are harmed by a product-quality
change inaugurated by firm A, then rival B can profit by producing the
product mix demanded by these consumers.
Analysts are wrong who argue that "only the preferences of
marginal consumers determine whether the product improvements will
increase sales and manufacturers' profits" [7, 991]. A
decentralized market economy tailors, as closely as is cost effective,
particular products to particular groups of demanders. Consumers will
not purchase goods or services of less value to them when sellers -
either extant or waiting in the wings - are ready to sell goods
promising a certain group of consumers more welfare bang for their
V. Conclusions
The model developed by Blair and Fesmire accurately depicts the
policy conundrum raised in the theoretical literature on vertical
restraints. Our purpose of this note has been to examine the arguments
put forth by proponents of the theoretical possibility that vertical
restraints might diminish rather than enhance net social welfare. This
diminution would be due, as explained in the literature, to the behavior
of inframarginal consumers vis-a-vis product or quality differences
wrought by vertical integration.
We argue that this position - which is actually an argument against
any change in product quality - loses force on several grounds. Under
generally competitive conditions, inframarginal consumers are not
captives of upstream (or of any!) sellers. If a sufficient number of
consumers reduce demands or stop purchasing the good entirely, whatever
the nature or purchase profile of the good, the producer will retract the offending quality change or the new product.(12) Moreover, new
products will be introduced, through the device of vertical restraints
or otherwise, when they are profitable in light of the behavior of all
consumers, marginal and inframarginal. For these reasons, direction of
welfare change from the introduction of vertical restraints (in a
competitive setting) is less ambiguous than depicted in the literature
[1, 1046].
If welfare maximization (the sum of consumer and producer surplus) is
the aim of antitrust policy, then the argument for rule of reason or per
se illegality rather than per se legality in dealing with RPM is largely
ad hoc. Most generally, advocates of a rule of reason or per se
illegality for vertical restraints must also advocate similar legal
treatment of product-quality changes unrelated to vertical restraints.
But even if discussion is confined to vertical restraints, the
amounts of interbrand competition is a key element in assessing the
efficiency consequences. Few empirical studies exist relating directly
to this matter. However, in a recent and careful investigation of the
prohibition of exclusive territories for beer distributors in the state
of Indiana, investigators found that "Indiana's statutory
proscription of exclusive territories has significantly and permanently
reduced the equilibrium quantity of beer sold in Indiana by five percent
per year" and that "the results are at odds with those who
argue that exclusive territories are primarily anti-competitive"
[18, 23].(13) Any caveat that inframarginal consumers are damaged by
vertical restraints is misplaced unless monopoly exists at one or
another level of distribution. Monopoly might be a real problem in
certain markets, but it is unrelated to the efficiency argument or
welfare optima under RPM or non-price vertical restraints. Further, such
monopoly is fully prosecutable under existing antitrust laws.
Courts have available one of only three possible options for treating
vertical restraints: (1) per se illegality, (2) a rule of reason under
which courts sit in judgment of the welfare effects of each challenged
instance of vertical restraints, and (3) per se legality. BF correctly
recognize that enforcement agencies and courts are ill-equipped to
assess the detailed welfare consequences of product-quality changes
sponsored by vertical restraints. But, rather mysteriously, BF
nevertheless conclude that the economic case for per se legality of
vertical restraints is equally weak.
BF are inappropriately cautious. If it is conceded (as BF concede)
that vertical restraints are too often beneficial to justify per se
illegality, then the issue boils down to a choice between empowering
courts and administrative agencies to sit in judgment on the
appropriateness of allowing firms to alter their product quality via
vertical restraints, or letting the market make these judgments.
Competitive markets harbor incentives for firms to supply products
matching consumer demands as closely as possible. Thus, there is little
reason to fear that inframarginal consumers' demands for particular
product options will remain unsatisfied when the benefits to
inframarginal consumers of having these demands met exceed the costs of
meeting them. Because there is good reason to suppose that the market
will generally get it right, and little reason to trust case-by-case
assessments of courts, a rule of per se legality for vertical restraints
is clearly justified.
We are grateful to David Kaserman for helpful comments on earlier
drafts of this paper. We, however, assume complete responsibility for
its contents.
1. It is interesting to note, as BF point out, that economists and
businesspersons were long ago very well aware of the efficiencies of the
various forms of vertical restraints [6; 12] as well as the pitfalls of
the passage of the prior restraint provisions of some of the antitrust
laws [9].
2. Obviously, the welfare change is not ambiguous when price remains
the same or falls when quality changes are introduced through RPM, as BF
3. Externalities are also created when heterogeneous consumers are
assumed to be "efficient" or "inefficient"
information gatherers in a world of costly information. Agents who
become informed create a positive externality for the uninformed if
their higher level of information keeps prices lower for all consumers
[17]. However, in the context established by Comanor, the new product
quality or the new product need not consist solely or mainly of
"product with more information." Indeed the new quality or
product may take many corporeal or non-corporeal forms.
4. The form of the quality change is irrelevant for purposes of our
(or Comanor's) analysis. The change might include all feasible
forms of product and service differentiation such as increased
information from retailers or advertising, storage efficiencies,
physical product quality improvements such as "freshness" or
safety, on-site product demonstrations, or any one of a thousand other
5. A variation of this argument is presented in Boudreaux and Ekelund
6. In effect, the demand curve of Figure 1(b) would end at some
vertical price where consumer surplus was entirely eliminated.
7. Put another way, competitive markets tend to minimize the
proportion of inframarginal to marginal consumers. There will always be
inframarginal consumers because of the costs of sorting consumers into
ever-narrower demand groups, and of producing products tailored ever
more precisely to each of these groups. But there are profits available
to firms that cost-effectively transform formerly inframarginal
consumers into marginal consumers.
8. The Spence model, for example, pertains explicitly to constraints
placed by monopolists on downstream competitive suppliers of the final
9. The possibility of monopoly leveraging into related downstream
markets also exists, but we do not consider these cases here. See
Ordover, Sykes, and Willig [15] or Kaserman and Mayo [10, 17-22] for
analysis of some of the possibilities.
10. Comanor implicitly conceded this point when he notes that
"to the extent that [product] alterations fail to reflect the
preferences of inframarginal consumers, the interests of consumers in
general may not be served" [7, 991]. White [20, 17-18] was the
first to raise the point that Comanor's objections to the per se
legality of producer-directed vertical restraints may be reduced to the
old Chamberlinian-standard neoclassical debate over the efficiency and
welfare effects of product differentiation. White, while generally
accepting Comanor's distinction between marginal and inframarginal
consumers, disputes Comanor's allegation that inframarginal
consumers possess more information concerning the "product"
than marginal consumers.
11. Imagine two manufacturers of consumer electronics. The first firm
is fully vertically integrated into retailing, while the second owns no
retail outlets. These two firms are otherwise identical. If economists
do not question the welfare effects of the first firm's decision to
upgrade its product quality (say, by offering greater on-site sales
services), what reason is there to question the same decision by the
non-integrated firm? Alternatively, if economists question a
product-quality change instituted by the non-integrated firm via
vertical restraints, why not question such a change instituted by the
integrated firm?
12. Coca-Cola realized quickly in 1985 that product differentiation
that eliminated "Classic Coke" from sale was a non-optimal
form of product differentiation. Other examples are easy to come by.
13. Indiana is the one and only state that prohibits exclusive
territories in beer distribution. In the case analyzed by Sass and
Saurman [18], a good deal of interbrand competition existed both before
and after the prohibition.
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