Economic Thought Before Adam Smith: An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought, 2 vols.
Thornton, Mark
The claims grow increasing implausible, but the economics profession
continues to preen its image as a "hard science" like physics
or chemistry. Formalism, positivism, and econometrics are extolled and
venerated, while the study of the history of economic thought is
denigrated and displaced from graduate studies.
As a traditionalist of the Austrian school of economic analysis, I
hope that the publication of Murray N. Rothbard's two-volume
treatise marks the beginning of the end of this unfortunate state of
professional orthodoxy. More than a historian of thought, and more than
an economist, Rothbard was responsible for the survival and rebirth of
Austrian economics in the post-Mises period, while his theory of
political economy gave birth to the modern libertarian movement. These
works, in many ways the culimination of a lifetime of study, appeared
about the time of Rothbard's death on January 7, 1995.
Rothbard's treatise makes a good case for the study of economic
thought and provides a good introduction to Austrian economics by
showing its links with earlier thinkers. Every reader will discover
material to raise hackles, but friend and foe alike will benefit from
Rothbard's atypical approach. His discussions of every thinker are
enriched with insights on philosophy, history, religion, political
movements, and the philosophy of science. The two volumes are jam-packed
with information and research ideas.
This is the first comprehensive treatment of classical and
preclassical economics from an Austrian perspective since Joseph
Schumpeter's History of Economic Analysis. A third planned volume
on the neo-classical period will be completed by Rothbard's
student, Joseph Salerno, who will also now serve as a co-editor for
Rothbard's journals, the Journal of Libertarian Studies and the
Review of Austrian Economics.
There are some notable differences and similarities with Schumpeter
beyond the uncompleted status of both projects. As Austrian economists,
both emphasized theory and method - Schumpeter gravitated to Walras and
technical analysis, while Rothbard became the leading proponent of
Ludwig yon Mises' praxeological method with its deductive method
and its insistence that the basic tools of economic analysis are
applicable to all areas of human action.
Schumpeter paid much attention to the development of the rudimentary
elements of technical economics, which Rothbard considers unimportant,
if not disruptive and harmful. Rothbard demonstrates the important
connection between economic ideas and economic policy by showing the
central role economists have played in the history of the battle between
statism and laissez-faire with Rothbard championing the cause of
economic theory and laissez-faire. Schumpeter, on the other hand,
rejected discussion of economic policy and political economy and
purposefully obscured his own insightful views of the world.
On one matter, however, these two masters concurred. Both were
earnestly unimpressed by the father of economics, Adam Smith. In
complete contrast to the commonly accepted view in the economics
profession, their view could be summed up by saying that there is
nothing important in Smith (especially the Wealth of Nations) that is
both new and true. Rothbard goes beyond Schumpeter in both his
theoretical criticisms and in questioning Smith's laissez-faire
credentials. Readers will be bewildered.
Rothbard eschews the Great Man approach to the study of the history
of economic thought that concentrates on six to ten major contributors.
He examines the detailed and difficult process of the development of
economic theory in which many individuals make contributions and
introduce error. This is an involved process. He spends six chapters and
over two hundred pages covering pre-mercantilist thought, a topic that
is typically covered in one chapter of a textbook. This approach
involves many lesser-known figures, their contributions and lives, and
also makes for interesting and engaging reading.
Another important facet is Rothbard's rejection of what he calls
the Whig theory of history - that history is progress - and that applied
to economics says that economic thought is always improving over time
and that current economic thinking represents the very best of economic
thought as distilled through the ages. Rothbard accepts Kuhn's
theory of paradigms where scientists work within a paradigm and
occasionally shift in mass to new (not necessarily better) paradigms so
that science zigzags along a trend rather than moving along the trend
line itself. Knowledge is lost and error is introduced.
While generally a long-run optimist, Rothbard's detailed and
highly critical approach unveils a series of successes and failures.
Democritus, Lao Tzu, the Spanish scholastics, Cantillon, and Turgot
represented wonderful breakthroughs, while the mercantilists, Smith,
Ricardo, Marx, and even John Stuart Mill were important setbacks.
Because history is not necessarily progress, the study of the history of
economic thought can lead to the discovery of old, but obscured truths
and help avoid the repeating of old errors.
Another interesting aspect of Rothbard's perspective is the
central role that religion plays in the development of economic science.
Until recently, the study of religion in modern economics, like in
public schools, had been virtually eliminated. Stumbling onto Emil
Kauder's hypothesis, Rothbard finds that religion provides a
dividing line between his list of heroes and his list of enemies. He
finds a general tendency for economic theorists and supporters of
laissez-faire to come from cultures influenced by Catholicism and
Aristotelian philosophy while proponents of the labor theory of value and state control tend to be from Protestant cultures influenced by
When I first heard the Kauder thesis, it seemed bizarre, but a decade
of reflection and the study of such issues as slavery and prohibition
has convinced me that it has some validity to the extent that religion
can affect intellectual development and ideology can affect public
policy. The development and confirmation of the Kauder thesis represents
a major contribution.
Besides those already mentioned, Rothbard provides in-depth coverage
of mercantilism, French economic thought, the bullionist controversy,
and Marx's economics. Likewise several important economists receive
scant attention, but as one perceptive reviewer noted, this list
consists of economists who received excellent coverage in the leading
text in the field by Ekelund and Hebert. Because of his untimely death,
it is indeed a shame that Rothbard's informative and entertaining
perspective will not be brought to bear on the neoclassical period and
the likes of Irving Fisher, Thorstein Veblan, Henry Simons, and John
Keynes. His writings on economic history already hold important insights
on economists and economic policy of this period that are tragically
ignored in most histories.
The manuscript does suffer on several accounts. The referencing
system is inadequate and for quotations it is nonexistent. There are
excellent bibliographic essays the reader can use to find his way around
the literature, but this requires more study than should be necessary.
The comprehensive list of references and the indexing seems inadequate
for such a work. So while new ideas for papers may jump off the pages,
it is difficult to use the volumes as a quick and dirty reference tool.
There are also too many typos for something that sells for one hundred
dollars a volume.
Rothbard's treatise will certainly infuriate some historians of
thought, but it should help stimulate the renewed interest in the
history of economic thought that is developing around the world. Like
most of his work, these books will be controversial and should be
considered dangerous to professional cohesion. With Keynesian economics crumbling, modern macro in disarray, and new exciting developments in
micro-based economics, Rothbard's Austrian perspective on the
history of economic thought maybe one of the final straws that breaks
open the dam and floods in a new paradigm shift in the economics
Mark Thornton Auburn University