Proportional income tax and the Ricardian equivalence in a non-expected utility maximizing model.
Basu, Parantap
I. Introduction
A number of papers have examined the issue whether the Ricardian
equivalence holds in a world where tax is proportional to future labor
income. Barro [2] and Tobin [16] discuss deviations from Ricardian
equivalence arising from the interaction between individual income
uncertainty and tax policy. Following the same line of reasoning as Chen
[5], Barsky, Mankiw and Zeldes [3] as well as Kimball and Mankiw [10]
make a persuasive argument that in an environment where future labor
income is uncertain, the marginal propensity to consume out of a deficit
financed tax cut is significantly positive if future taxes are
proportional to income. Their argument is that future taxes provide
insurance to consumers by reducing the variance of after tax future
income. Such an insurance which Barsky, Mankiw, and Zeldes [3] call
"risk-sharing effect" reduces the precautionary saving of the
consumer, thus boosting current consumption.
The purpose of this paper is to reexamine this risk-sharing
hypothesis and the issue of debt non-neutrality using a nonexpected
utility maximizing framework. My analysis builds on recent advances in
the representation of non-expected utility functionals which enable us
to disentangle risk aversion from intertemporal substitution in
consumption. I use a hybrid non-expected utility preferences a la Weil
[17], which is isoelastic in intertemporal substitution but exponential in risk preference. The benefit of using this class of non-expected
utility functionals is that it admits an analytical solution which is
difficult to obtain in the existing permanent income models [18]. Aside
from its analytical tractability, this formulation of the preference
also helps us to have a useful decomposition of the effect of a deficit
financed tax cut into "income" and "information"
effects. The risk-sharing effect of a deficit financed tax cut discussed
by Barsky, Mankiw, and Zeldes [3] depends on the relative strengths of
the aforementioned two effects.
Our results show that the above risk-sharing effect is quantitatively
small for a plausible range of risk aversion and intertemporal
substitution. The marginal propensity to consume out of a deficit
financed tax cut is considerably lower than the Keynesian consumption
propensity proposed by Barsky, Mankiw, and Zeldes [3]. This means that
the Ricardian equivalence may be a reasonable approximation even when
income tax is proportional This conclusion runs contrary to that of
Barsky, Mankiw, and Zeldes [3], and Kimball and Mankiw [10]. The reason
for the difference in result is due to the fact that Barsky, Mankiw, and
Zeldes [3] and Kimball and Mankiw [10] use expected utility functionals.
By assuming expected utility maximization, such a framework imposes a
severe restriction on two inherently unrelated preference parameters,
namely risk aversion and intertemporal substitution in consumption. The
nonexpected utility maximizing approach enables us to understand the
separate roles played by these two preference parameters by making the
utility function, path dependent.(1) The specific nonexpected utility
functional that I employ here admits a closed form solution for the
marginal propensity to consume out of a deficit financed tax cut. The
pay-off to this analytical tractability is that we can identify the
separate roles played by risk aversion and intertemporal substitution in
consumption in determining the quantitative importance of the
risk-sharing effect on consumption caused by a deficit financed tax cut.
A few caveats about the use of nonexpected utility functionals in the
present context are in order. It is important to note that the central
point of this paper is to examine the quantitative significance of the
risk sharing caused by deficit financed tax cut in an environment where
future tax is not lump-sum but proportional in nature. In order to
accomplish this task, it is crucially important to use a choice
theoretic framework which disentangles risk aversion from intertemporal
substitution. This exercise does not necessarily invalidate the
theoretical literature on Ricardian equivalence which widely uses an
expected utility maximizing framework. A number of theoretical results
about the effect of deficit financed tax cut on consumption when taxes
are lump sum in nature are robust to the specification of the utility
function. For example, Blanchard [4] uses an expected utility maximizing
framework to establish a theoretically robust result that Ricardian
equivalence appears as a special case when agent's life horizon
approaches infinity. Evans [6] estimates a discrete time version of
Blanchard's model [4] with cross country data and concludes that
consumers are unlikely to be Ricardian. Since Blanchard [4] assumes
future taxes are lump-sum in nature, the issue of risk-sharing effect
caused by deficit financed tax cut does not arise there.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section
the model is laid out and comparative statics are undertaken. In section
III, I report some simulation results based on the analytical solution
from the model. Section IV ends with concluding comments.
II. The Model
I consider a two period model similar to Barsky, Mankiw, and Zeldes
[3]. All individuals are identical ex ante except for the expost
realization of labor income in the second period of their life. Each
agent works in both periods and supplies one unit of labor in each
period. Income earned from work in the second period is uncertain. Each
individual can borrow or lend at a gross risk free interest rate R. The
government cuts taxes and issues bonds to finance the deficit in the
first period. In the second period, a tax on labor income is imposed to
pay off the debt.
The intertemporal consumption opportunity facing the consumer can be
summarized by the following budget equation:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
where [C.sub.1] = consumption in the first period, [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] = second period consumption, T = tax rebate,
[Y.sub.1] = first period income, [Mathematical Expression Omitted] =
second period labor income, [Tau] = income tax rate and ~ stands for the
random nature of the second period consumption and income.
Notice that the government provides each individual with a tax cut in
the first period and makes sure to raise enough tax revenue to repay the
debt in the second period. In other words, the government sets the tax
rate [Tau] in such a way that the total tax revenue per person exactly
equals the debt per person which means:
[Tau][[Mu].sub.2] = RT (2)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Each agent maximizes the following nonexpected utility functional:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
where [Mathematical Expression Omitted] = ordinal certainty
equivalent consumption a la Selden [15] which is defined as:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Note that in view of (5) the objective functional (4) is not an
expected utility functional because it is not linear in probability.
Also, the curvature of U([center dot]) governs the intertemporal
substitution and the curvature of V([center dot]) characterizes the risk
Following Weil [17], we consider the following representations of
U([center dot]) and V([center dot]):
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Notice that this representation of the preference simply means that
the elasticity of intertemporal substitution is the reciprocal of
[Alpha] and the coefficient of absolute risk aversion is [Lambda].
Use of (1), (5), (4a) and (5a) yields the following expression for
the certainty equivalent consumption, [Mathematical Expression Omitted]:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
Note that Q is nothing but the consumer's certainty equivalent
income in the second period. It depends on his degree of risk aversion,
and the parameters characterizing the probability distribution of future
income, [Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Each consumer, therefore, maximizes (4) subject to (6) which
generates the following optimal consumption function:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Our primary interest centers around the derivative of [C.sub.1] with
respect to T which characterizes the marginal propensity to consume
(MPC) out of a deficit financed tax cut. Differentiating [C.sub.1] with
respect to T, we obtain:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Notice next from (8) that the saving ([S.sub.1] = [Y.sub.1] -
[C.sub.1]) in the first period is given by:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Using (8) and (10) one can, therefore, rewrite (9) as:
d[C.sub.1]/dT = [[[Delta][C.sub.1]/[Delta]T].sub.Q=given] -
[([Delta][S.sub.1]/[Delta]Q)([Delta]Q/[Delta]T)]. (11)
Equation (11) shows a useful decomposition of the effect of a deficit
financed tax cut on consumption. There are two opposing effects which
determine the magnitude of the effect of such a tax cut. The first term
on the right hand side captures the "income effect" which
induces the agent to behave more like a Keynesian consumer because he
ignores the effect of a change in T on Q. This term can, therefore, be
appropriately called the Keynesian MPC. The larger the size of [Alpha],
the greater the magnitude of this Keynesian MPC because the agent tends
to smooth consumption by spreading this tax cut over current and future
The second effect on consumption is analogous to what Lucas [12]
calls "information effect." It incorporates the effect of a
deficit financed tax cut on agent's saving via its effect on his
certainty equivalent income Q. A debt financed tax cut signals a future
tax increase; that is why the certainty-equivalent income is lower. This
induces the agent to save more and behave more like a Ricardian
consumer. The magnitude of this "information effect" depends
on both [Alpha] and [Lambda]. The risk aversion parameter, [Lambda]
determines the magnitude of the decrease in Q because of an increase in
T while [Alpha] determines the saving response due to a tax induced
change in Q.
This decomposition of the effect of a deficit financed tax cut
provides useful insight into the risk-sharing effect expounded by
Barsky, Mankiw, and Zeldes [3]. The magnitude of the risk-sharing effect
depends on the relative strengths of "income" and
"information" effects. If the "income effect"
dominates the "information effect", the risk-sharing effect is
A careful examination of (11) reveals that in the present context,
the risk aversion parameter, [Lambda] is more important than the
intertemporal substitution parameter, [Alpha] in determining the size of
the MPC. This is because an increase in [Alpha] has opposing effects on
the MPC. On the one hand, it strengthens the "income effect"
by raising the magnitude of [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. On the
other hand, it also raises the intensity of the "information
effect" by making the saving propensity ([Delta][S.sub.1]/[Delta]Q)
larger. The latter effect is, however, weaker than the former effect.(2)
Hence MPC still rises when [Alpha] is larger. However, because of this
offsetting effect on saving, MPC in (11) is less sensitive to a change
in [Alpha]. The simulation exercise performed in the next section also
corroborates this property of the MPC.
As far as [Lambda] is concerned, there is no such offsetting effect
when its value changes. [Lambda] directly impacts the "information
effect" via its effect on Q. To see the importance of [Lambda] in
determining the MPC out of a deficit financed tax cut, consider the
following special case.
Case of Near Risk Neutrality
This is the case when [Lambda] [approaches] 0.(3) Applying
L'Hopital's rule (details of which are relegated to the
appendix), one can verify that (7) reduces to:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Since [Delta]Q/[Delta]T = -R, MPC in (9) exactly equals zero. In this
case, the "income effect" exactly cancels the
"information effect" and the debt is neutral in its effect. A
dollar tax cut today reduces the certainty equivalent income by exactly
R. The agent behaves exactly as a Ricardian consumer by saving that
dollar to pay for future taxes. This case is analogous to a perfect
foresight situation because agent's risk neutrality makes income
uncertainty inconsequential. Notice that this result which is now
summarized in the following proposition holds generally without any
assumption about the probability distribution of the random labor
PROPOSITION. If the agents are nearly risk neutral, the Ricardian
equivalence holds even when income taxes are proportional.
Comparative Statics
Without additional distributional assumption about [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] it is difficult to characterize the effect of a
change in [Lambda] on the MPC in (11). I consider the case where
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] is exponentially distributed with the
following density function parameterized by v:(4)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
where v [greater than] 0. The certainty-equivalent income Q in (7)
then reduces to:
Q = -(1/[Lambda]) log[v[{[Lambda](1 - vRT) + v}.sup.-1]] (14)
which means:
[Delta]Q/[Delta]T = -R/[1 + [Lambda]([[Mu].sub.2] - RT)]. (15)
Notice that a larger [Lambda] lowers the magnitude of the
"information effect" because the absolute value of the above
derivative is smaller. If [Lambda] is close to infinity the
"information effect" goes to zero and the agent behaves as a
Keynesian consumer. The risk sharing effect is strongest in this case.
Effect of Temporary vs. Permanent Tax Cuts
In the present framework, both the government and the household are
assumed to have a two period life time. Since the household enjoys the
tax rebate only in the first period and the government balances the
budget over the life time of the household, such a tax cut may be
interpreted as a temporary rather than a permanent fiscal initiative.
One may think of an alternative scenario where a longer lived government
grants a permanent tax rebate to the current household and retires the
debt at a distant future when the present household is not alive. In
such an environment, it is well known that the Ricardian equivalence
does not hold unless the household is altruistic. In my model, the
Ricardian equivalence then ceases to hold primarily because the
"information effect" represented by the second term of (11)
reinforces the "income effect." To see this notice that
[Delta]Q/[Delta]T is positive instead of negative in case of such a
permanent tax cut.(5)
If the household is altruistic the deviation from the Ricardian
equivalence will of course depend on the degree of altruism - an issue
which I do not address in this paper. In Evans's [6] model the
degree of altruism is parameterized by the probability of the
household's "surviving" in each period. He also finds
that the deviation from the Ricardian equivalence is not significant if
tax cuts are short lived rather than long lived in nature. While in
Evans's model [6] this result primarily works through the degree of
altruism, in my model it operates through the "information
effect" of a tax rebate. However, my key result that the Ricardian
equivalence may be a reasonable benchmark in the context of a temporary
fiscal policy is still consistent with Evans's finding [6].
In the present context, the pertinent issue is whether the
risk-sharing effect of a debt financed tax cut is quantitatively
significant in a scenario where the tax rebate is temporary and future
income tax is proportional in nature. Our comparative statics results
indicate that it depends on the relative strengths of the
"income" and "information" effects of a tax cut. In
the next section, I report some simulation results to determine the
quantitative importance of the risk-sharing effect.
III. An Illustrative Simulation
In order to determine the quantitative magnitude of the MPC at
various parameter values, I consider the following three point
distribution which is similar in spirit to Barsky, Mankiw, and Zeldes
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
where 0 [less than] x [less than] 1. The following two cases are
considered: (i) where the agent is taxed in the second period regardless
of his income state. (ii) where the agent is not taxed in the lowest
income state.(6)
Case 1, State Independent Taxes
Here equation (9) reduces to:
Table I. Effect of a Change in [Alpha] and [Lambda] on the MPC:
Case of State Independent Taxes
[Alpha] 0.1 0.5 2.0 5.0 10.0 20.0
0.1 0.0001 0.001 0.004 0.0119 0.0182 0.019
(0.025) (0.025) (0.025) (0.025) (0.025) (0.025)
0.5 0.003 0.0158 0.0671 0.1883 0.2878 0.2999
(0.4) (0.4) (0.4) (0.4) (0.4) (0.4)
2.0 0.004 0.0217 0.0923 0.2591 0.3962 0.4128
(0.55) (0.55) (0.55) (0.55) (0.55) (0.55)
10.0 0.0046 0.0233 0.099 0.2778 0.4248 0.4425
(0.59) (0.59) (0.59) (0.59) (0.59) (0.59)
20.0 0.0047 0.0235 0.0998 0.2801 0.4283 0.4462
(0.595) (0.595) (0.595) (0.595) (0.595) (0.595)
Note: Numbers in the parentheses are the Keynesian MPC which does
not incorporate the effect of a future tax increase. The parameter
values are: R = 1.5, [[Mu].sub.2] = 1, g = 0.2, x = 0.75, p = 0.1.
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Delta] = [pe.sup.-[Lambda][[Mu].sub.2](1 - Rg)(1 - x)] + (1 -
2p)[e.sup.-[Lambda][[Mu].sub.2](1 - Rg) + [pe.sup.[Lambda][[Mu].sub.2](1
- Rg)(1 + x)
and g = T/[[Mu].sub.2] which is a close proxy for the share of
deficit in national income. I choose g = .2 which means deficit is 20%
of GDP. Since the agent is assumed to live for two periods, one may
interpret each period representing half of a single life. I, therefore,
use a real interest rate of 50% following Barsky, Mankiw, and Zeldes
[3]. Further simulation indicates that a higher real interest rate
generally lowers the marginal propensity to consume. Hence, the choice
of a higher R will rather reinforce our main finding. The values of x
and p are set at 0.75 and 0.1 respectively which means the coefficient
of variation for income is .3344 consistent with the estimate of Barsky,
Mankiw, and Zeldes [3].
In the absence of any conclusive evidence about the exact values of
the preference parameters, [Alpha] and [Lambda], our best strategy is to
compute the MPC out of a deficit financed tax cut for a wide range of
parameter values and examine for what range the risk-sharing effect
appears numerically significant. Table I reports the magnitude of MPC at
grids of [Alpha] and [Lambda] values ranging from .1 to 20. Numbers in
the parentheses are the Keynesian MPC, [Mathematical Expression
A couple of observations present themselves. First, as expected, the
overall MPC out of a tax cut is larger for greater values of [Alpha] and
[Lambda] although it is less sensitive to a change in [Alpha] than
[Lambda] for reasons mentioned earlier. Second, the deviation of the
overall MPC from the corresponding Keynesian MPC (which appears in the
parenthesis) decreases as [Lambda] value increases. This difference
represents the quantitative magnitude of the "information
effect" of a tax rebate. This is also consistent with our
theoretical result that the magnitude of the "information
effect" decreases when risk aversion is higher and it washes out
when [Lambda] approaches infinity. Recall that this "information
effect" is at the root of the Ricardian equivalence proposition.
The numbers in Table I clearly suggest that the risk aversion parameter
has to be more than 20 for this "information effect" to
disappear. Since the magnitude of the risk-sharing effect depends
inversely on the "information effect," it is clear from this
simulation that the risk-sharing effect becomes significant when the
risk aversion parameter, [Lambda] becomes inordinately large. If one
takes 0.5 as an overall benchmark for the Keynesian MPC a la Barsky,
Mankiw, and Zeldes [3], that benchmark is also obtained for an
implausibly large value [Lambda].(7)
Case 2, State Dependent Taxes
In this scenario, the individual is not taxed in the bad income state
due to the poverty program of the government. In this case, we are
penalizing Ricardian equivalence hypothesis by giving the agent a free
lunch at the lowest income state and therefore, the overall MPC is
expected to be larger here than in Table I.
The MPC in this case is:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[[Delta].sub.1] = [pe.sup.-[Lambda][[Mu].sub.2](1 - x)] + (1 -
2p)[e.sup.-[Lambda][[Mu].sub.2](1 - Rg)] +
[pe.sup.-[Lambda][Mu].sub.2](1 - Rg)(1 + x)].
Table II reports the MPC at the same grids of [Alpha] and [Lambda]
values. Notice even in this case, the size of the MPC is not
significantly large for a reasonable range of [Alpha] and [Lambda]. Here
also [Lambda] has to be close to 20 for the information effect to wash
What could be the plausible range of [Lambda] values is not a simple
question particularly because of the non-conventional nature of our
utility function here. Although [Lambda] is the coefficient of absolute
risk aversion, [Lambda][[Mu].sub.2] in (17) closely approximates the
coefficient of relative risk aversion. Studies including Hansen and
Singleton [9] and Mankiw [14] indicate that this coefficient is in the
range of 1 to 3. Since these studies use an expected utility functional,
questions remain whether they actually estimate agent's risk
aversion or his intertemporal substitution in consumption. Kocherlakota
[11] makes a persuasive argument that if an econometrician fits an
expected utility functional to the data where the "true"
preference is nontime separable, he will actually be estimating the risk
aversion not the intertemporal substitution.(8)
Since risk aversion is directly related to the risk premium, one may
as well invoke numerous studies based on static capital asset pricing
models which are not vulnerable to the aforementioned identification
problem. For example, Friend and Blume [8] estimate the proportional
risk aversion parameter based on a mean-variance framework and find that
it is in the range of 1 to 2. Arrow [1, 98] makes a theoretical argument
that the proportional risk aversion parameter should hover around 1.
Although Arrow uses an expected utility framework, the issue of path
dependence of the utility function does not arise there because of the
static nature of his model.
In light of these evidences, one may, therefore, conclude that the
value of the risk aversion parameter is unlikely to exceed 2. The
simulation results suggest that the risk-sharing effect of a deficit
financed tax cut is not significantly large in this range. The
"information effect" of a tax cut tends to dominate the
"income effect," in this range thus making the Ricardian
equivalence a reasonable benchmark. This result is reasonably robust
even when we penalize the debt neutrality hypothesis by not taxing the
individual in a bad income state. As long as the bad income state occurs
with a low probability, the "income effect" generated by this
free lunch does not swamp the "information effect" of a
deficit financed tax cut.
Table II. Effect of a Change in [Alpha] and [Lambda] on the MPC:
Case of State Dependent Taxes
[Alpha] 0.1 0.5 2.0 5.0 10.0 20.0
0.1 0.0008 0.0017 0.0051 0.0136 0.0233 0.0253
(0.025) (0.025) (0.025) (0.025) (0.025) (0.025)
0.5 0.0133 0.0269 0.0813 0.2148 0.3673 0.3996
(0.4) (0.4) (0.4) (0.4) (0.4) (0.4)
2.0 0.0184 0.0371 0.1118 0.2957 0.5055 0.5499
(0.55) (0.55) (0.55) (0.55) (0.55) (0.55)
10.0 0.0197 0.0397 0.1199 0.3170 0.5420 0.5896
(0.59) (0.59) (0.59) (0.59) (0.59) (0.59)
20.0 0.0199 0.0401 0.1209 0.3197 0.5464 0.5945
(0.595) (0.595) (0.595) (0.595) (0.595) (0.595)
Note: Same as in Table I.
IV. Summary and Conclusion
In this paper, I address the old issue of debt neutrality in an
environment where future income is uncertain and the income tax is
proportional. Previous papers, including Barsky, Mankiw, and Zeldes [3],
conclude that the Ricardian equivalence breaks down because of the
risk-sharing effect caused by a proportional income tax. The prior
literature because of limiting to a time separable utility function,
does not clearly address what is primarily at the root of this
risk-sharing effect. Using a hybrid nonexpected utility functional a la
Weil [17], it is shown that the size of the risk-sharing effect depends
on the relative strengths of "income" and
"information" effects caused by a debt financed tax cut. These
two effects are endogenously determined by agent's attitude towards
risk and consumption smoothing motive. Our simulation experiment
illustrates that for a moderate degree of risk aversion, Ricardian
equivalence may be a reasonable approximation even when income taxes are
proportional in an environment where future income is uncertain. A
useful extension of this work might be to examine the quantitative
significance of the risk-sharing effect in a multiperiod framework.
Proof of Equation (12)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Equation (7) can, therefore, be written as:
Q = -G([Lambda])/[Lambda]. (A.2)
Since G([Lambda]) [approaches] 0 as [Lambda] [approaches] 0, applying
L'Hopital's rule to (A.2), one can evaluate the limit of Q as:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Next using the Leibnitz rule for differentiation of integrals, we
G[prime]([Lambda]) = A([Lambda])/B([Lambda]) (A.4)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Since A([Lambda]) and B([Lambda]) are continuous functions of
[Lambda], one can use the property that
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
The denominator of the right hand side of (A.6) is just unity and the
numerator is RT - [[Mu].sub.2] which upon substitution in (A.3)
completes the proof.
1. Machina [13] provides an excellent exposition of the path
dependence property of the nonexpected utility functionals.
2. To see this note that when [Alpha] changes [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] changes proportionately less than [Mathematical
Expression Omitted]. Hence MPC still rises when [Alpha] is larger.
3. This is the case of risk neutral constant elasticity of
substitution (RINCE) preference first studied by Farmer [7].
4. The usual normal distribution is not an appropriate assumption
here because income cannot be negative.
5. In case of a permanent tax cut the budget constraint of the
household changes to [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. This means that
the certainty-equivalent income [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
increases as T rises. Under near risk neutrality (when [Lambda]
approaches 0), [Delta]Q/[Delta]T = 1 instead of -R as in (12).
6. This is the case dealt by Barsky, Mankiw, and Zeldes [3]. In this
case, we penalize the debt neutrality proposition by offering a free
lunch to the consumer in his lowest income state. We will see that even
in this case, the quantitative magnitude of the MPC is not very large.
7. Since risk aversion is a temporal attribute of the preference, its
estimate does not need to be adjusted to accommodate the two period life
of the agent. However, the intertemporal substitution parameter may need
some adjustment in view of the fact that each period approximately lasts
30 years. In the present context, this adjustment does not make any
difference for the result because the MPC is not quantitatively very
sensitive to change in [Alpha] values.
8. Kocherlakota further argues that a nontime separable utility
function is observationally equivalent to a standard time separable
preference. However, this observational equivalence needs to be
interpreted carefully only in the context of estimating Euler's
equation from intertemporal asset pricing models. In our context,
disentangling risk aversion from intertemporal substitution is crucially
important for decomposition of different effects that comprise the
risk-sharing effect of a debt financed tax cut.
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