Legal versus illegal U.S. immigration and source country characteristics.
Bratsberg, Bernt
I. Introduction
Both legal and illegal immigration to the United States surged over
the last two decades. Between 1971 and 1991, the number of legal
immigrants soared from 370,478 to 1,827,167 per year [26].(1) For
illegal immigration, a number of studies estimate the volume of both the
flow and the stock of migrants. While there is some disagreement
regarding these numbers, generally accepted figures on the stock of
illegal immigrants give ranges of 2 million to 4 million in 1980, and 3
million to 6 million in 1986 [4; 10]. Empirical studies of population
growth conclude that the net population increase due to illegal
immigration ranged from 100,000 to 300,000 per annum between 1980 and
1986 [29]. And despite the intent of the Immigration Reform and Control
Act (IRCA) of 1986, there is no indication that the yearly flow of
illegal immigrants has decreased since the passage of the act [8; 9].
The immigration literature devotes much attention to estimating the
size of the illegal immigrant population and to assessing the impact of
both legal and illegal immigration on the welfare of the native-born
population,(2) and a number of studies address the determinants of the
volume of immigration.(3) However, due to lack of reliable data, few
empirical studies examine the determinants of illegal immigration flows
to the United States.(4) In particular, no empirical study has yet
addressed the variation in the volume of illegal immigration across
source countries. Such a study is important for a number of reasons.
First, at a conceptual level, the literature uncovers serious
contradictions in the way the profession views illegal immigration. For
example, the theoretical approaches of Fogel [14] and Ethier [12] have
fundamentally different implications regarding the relationship between
the volume of illegal immigration and source country earnings. An
empirical analysis of the relationship provides a test of these
theoretical approaches. Second, an examination of the differential
impact of underlying determinants on legal and illegal immigration flows
adds to our understanding of international migration flows. Chiswick [6]
raises this point, and implicitly calls for a systematic comparison of
the impact of determinants when he hypothesizes that illegal immigration
is more elastic with respect to migration cost than is legal
immigration. Third, a quantitative assessment of the causal
relationships between source country characteristics and the volume of
illegal immigration is important for purposes of evaluating policies
directed at stemming illegal immigration flows.
Based on micro data from the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) on legal immigrants as well as on legalization applications that
followed the passage of IRCA, this study exploits the variation in legal
and illegal immigration flows across seventy source countries to examine
the sensitivity of immigration flows to underlying source country
characteristics. The study finds that earnings in the source country and
the distance from the United States form significant deterrents of both
legal and illegal immigration flows. We also find that illegal
immigration is more sensitive to such factors than is legal immigration.
For example, while the elasticity of legal immigration with respect to
source county earnings is close to zero, for illegal immigration the
relationship is close to unit elastic.
The study also makes contributions to the recent policy debate
regarding the impact of the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
on U.S. immigration from Mexico. We find that both legal and illegal
immigration flows from Mexico are highly responsive to GNP growth in
Mexico. For example, a 10 percent increase in Mexico's GNP will
reduce legal immigration by 6.3 percent and illegal immigration by
perhaps as much as 10.3 percent.
II. Legal and Illegal U.S. Immigration Flows
To assess the volume of legal and illegal immigration to the United
States, this study uses data drawn from both unpublished and published
statistics from the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS),
as well as the public use tapes "Immigrants Admitted into the
United States as Legal Permanent Residents (various fiscal years)"
also available from the INS. Table I reports the estimates of legal and
illegal immigration flows to the United States by continent-of-origin,
as well as separately for seventy foreign countries.
For legal immigration flows, we focus on immigrants who arrived in
the United States between 1975 and 1980. Unfortunately, published
statistics on immigrant admissions between 1975 and 1980 include some
immigrants who entered the United States before 1975, and exclude some
immigrants who entered within that time-frame but adjusted visa status
at a later date.(5) From the published immigration statistics, we
therefore net out persons who had entered the United States as
non-immigrants or refugees before 1975, and add persons who were
admitted as immigrants between 1980 and 1986 but had entered the United
States as non-immigrants or refugees between 1975 and 1980. Column 2 of
Table I reports the resulting number of legal immigrant arrivals in the
United States. In total, roughly 2.6 million legal immigrants entered
the United States between [TABULAR DATA OMITTED] 1975 and 1980. The
majority arrived from Asia and North America (43 percent and 31
percent), with Mexico (13 percent), the Philippines (8 percent), and
Korea (6 percent) forming the major source countries.
We use the amnesty applications resulting from the Immigration Reform
and Control Act of 1986 as measures of illegal immigration flows to the
United States. The act contained two provisions under which illegal
immigrants could apply for amnesty, I-687 and I-700. While the I-687
provision required that the illegal immigrant had resided in the United
States since before 1982, the I-700 (or SAW for seasonal agricultural
worker) provision contained no requirement regarding length of stay in
the United States. The SAW provision required instead that the illegal
immigrant could document recent employment in U.S. agriculture. Columns
3, 4, and 5 of Table I report the number of amnesty applications
processed by the INS as of 9 May 1989. By that date, the INS had
processed a total of 2.9 million amnesty applications, of which 60
percent were based on the I-687 provision and 40 percent on the I-700
(SAW) provision. The majority of the amnesty applicants originated in
North America (89 percent), with Mexico (75 percent) again serving as
the major source country.
The last two columns of Table I list estimates of the legal and
illegal immigration flows as percentages of the source country
population. We compute the percentages by dividing the measures of legal
and illegal immigration flows (Columns 2 and 3) by the 1977 population
of the foreign country. Using this metric, Jamaica becomes the major
source country for legal immigrants (3.64 percent), with other large
legal immigrant flows originating in Trinidad and Tobago (2.61 percent)
and the Dominican Republic (1.53 percent). Similarly, El Salvador (3.72
percent) and Mexico (3.50 percent) are the major source countries of
illegal immigrants, with Guatemala (1.07 percent) and Haiti (1.05
percent) also supplying substantial illegal immigrant flows.
The columns reporting legal and illegal immigration as percentages of
the source country population document substantial variation in these
series across source countries. The empirical analyses below exploit
this variation to address the determinants of the size of immigration
III. The Empirical Model
Economic theory dating back to Hicks [18] points to regional earnings
differentials and the cost of migration as the fundamental determinants
of the size of migration flows. Empirical studies typically use distance
to proxy for migration cost since the distance between origin and
destination captures both the monetary and the psychic costs of
migration [23; 24]. Our measure of distance is the direct air distance
between the capital of the foreign country and the closest U.S. port of
New York City; Miami; Brownsville, Texas; or Los Angeles. A standard
convention in the immigration literature, we use the natural logarithm of the source country's per-capita GNP as a measure of average
earnings at the origin [1; 20].(6)
We estimate the following empirical specification:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
where [p.sub.i] denotes the legal or the illegal immigration rate
from country i; [y.sub.i] and [d.sub.i] denote log per-capita GNP and
distance; [x.sub.i] denotes a vector of control variables; [u.sub.i]
denotes a random error term; and [Phi] denotes the cumulative standard
normal distribution function.(7)
The empirical specification is rich in the two regressors log
per-capita GNP and distance. For regressions involving legal immigration
flows, we expect both [[Beta].sub.1] and [[Beta].sub.2] to be negative
since economic theory suggests that migration rates are decreasing with
higher mean earnings at the origin and with larger migration costs. A
number of empirical studies of both internal and international migration
flows have verified these relationships for legal migrants [3; 15; 16;
For illegal immigrants, the theoretical literature contains
conflicting predictions regarding the sign of [[Beta].sub.1]. Drawing on
a standard neoclassical migration framework,(8) Fogel [14] predicts a
negative relationship between the size of the illegal immigration flow
and source country earnings as the returns to migration increase with
the earnings gap. Conversely, Ethier [12] predicts a positive
relationship between source country wages and the number of illegal
entrants. In Ethier's model, the difference between the expected
wage in the United States and the wage in the source country is
determined by the level of enforcement of border policies aimed at
stemming illegal entry. Thus the model predicts a positive (negative)
relationship between border enforcement (the number of illegal entrants)
and the wage gap. Indeed, Ethier concludes "... increases in the
wage gap ... will be associated with decreases in the actual volume of
illegal immigration. A large part of the substantial empirical
literature on migration proceeds, by contrast, from the presumption that
actual migration ought to be positively correlated with the wage
gap" [12, 59].
This contradiction is important. If the volume of illegal immigration
indeed increases with higher source country earnings, then the decision
rule that guides illegal migration behavior differs fundamentally from
that guiding legal migration behavior, and the knowledge that we have
accumulated for legal migration behavior does not generalize to illegal
migration. While the empirical literature examining time-series
variation in apprehensions of illegal immigrants at the U.S.-Mexican
border reports a negative association between Mexican wages and the
number of apprehensions [11; 28],(9) the relationship has not yet been
formally tested in a cross-section sample of illegal immigrants from a
number of countries. For illegal immigration flows, estimation of (1)
therefore provides a first empirical test of Ethier's proposition.
The specification in (1) also includes distance squared and the
cross-product of distance and log per-capita GNP. A priori, we expect
positive coefficients on both regressors. Paired with a negative
[[Beta].sub.2], a positive [[Beta].sub.3] indicates that distance
reduces migration flows at a decreasing rate, and a positive
[[Beta].sub.4] indicates that migration cost is a lesser deterrent of
migration flows the richer the source country. A simple budget
constraint argument motivates such a result. If the cost of migration is
large relative to the individual's earnings capacity, higher mean
earnings at the origin could have the opposing indirect effect of
increasing emigration as more individuals afford to migrate to the
United States. The interaction term between the cost of migration
(distance) and income controls for this effect.
The empirical specification adds control variables for the political
regime and for the language of the source country. The regressors
include dummy variables set to unity if the source country has a
communist regime and if English is an official language of the source
country.(10) While it is unclear what impact communist regimes will have
on overall emigration flows from such countries, immigrants from
communist countries should be less likely to be illegal immigrants as
the United States long has fostered a liberal policy of accepting
immigrants from communist countries as political refugees. In
regressions involving the volume of illegal immigration, we therefore
expect negative coefficients on the communist dummy variable. Other
things equal, fluency in English reduces an immigrant's implicit
cost of settling in the United States. We therefore expect a positive
coefficient on the English dummy variable in both legal and illegal
immigration regressions.
In regressions where the illegal immigration flow forms the dependent
variable, we also control for the difficulty of obtaining a legal
immigrant visa by adding to the regressors the number of numerically
restricted immigrant visas that were issued to the source country during
1980 and 1981. The preference system that controls numerically limited
immigration places a yearly cap of 20,000 on the number of restricted
immigrant visas that may be issued to any given country.(11) The closer
a country is to this cap, the longer is the backlog in visa applications
and the greater the implicit cost of obtaining an immigrant visa. The
likelihood of illegal immigration should therefore increase with the
number of numerically restricted visas issued to the source country.
IV. Empirical Results
Table II reports separately results from grouped probit regressions
for legal and illegal immigration flows. In the regressions, the legal
and the illegal immigration rates reported in Table I form the dependent
variables. The table presents two sets of regression results for the
illegal immigration flow - one based on the total number of amnesty
applications, and one based on I-700 (SAW) applications only.(12) While
the latter measure of illegal immigration applies to agricultural
workers only, it has the advantage over the former measure that it does
not add a minimum requirement regarding years of residence in the United
States. As such the number of SAW applications may supply a better
measure of the cross-country variation in illegal immigration since the
measure will not be as distorted by potential return migration. Several
studies have shown that as many as 20 percent of legal immigrants leave
the United States within a few years of arrival [3; 19; 27]. Because a
prolonged stay in the United States increases the likelihood of
detection, return migration is likely to be equally significant among
illegal immigrants.
The table reveals that per-capita GNP and distance from the United
States are important deterrents of both legal and illegal immigration
flows. Both legal and illegal immigrants are more likely to originate in nearby and poor countries than in distant and rich countries. The
empirical evidence therefore contradicts Ethier's proposition that
the volume of illegal immigration is positively correlated with source
country earnings. Moreover, the coefficients on distance-squared and the
interaction term between distance and log per-capita GNP are both
positive. Distance impacts migration flows to the United States
negatively at a decreasing rate, and distance becomes a less important
deterrent of migration the richer the source country. The latter result
is consistent with the budget constraint argument that, while fewer
persons have an incentive to leave a rich country, more persons could
afford to migrate to the United States the richer the source country. In
addition to having the expected signs, the coefficients on regressors
involving log per-capita GNP or distance (with the occasional exception
of distance-squared) are significantly different from zero at the five
percent level in every reported specification.
Table II also demonstrates that immigrants from communist countries
are much less likely to be illegal immigrants than are immigrants from
non-communist countries. From 1970 to 1987, the United States granted
1,294,330 refugees and asylees, mostly from communist countries, lawful
permanent resident status [26]. Given such preferential treatment, it is
not surprising that the coefficient on the communist dummy variable is
negative and significant in the regressions of illegal immigration
flows. Based on specification (3) and evaluated at the sample mean,
illegal immigrant flows from communist countries are 86 percent less
than those from non-communist countries.
As expected, immigrant flows from English speaking countries are
larger than those from non-English speaking countries. However, the
coefficient on the English language dummy is significantly different
from zero at a five percent level only in the legal immigration
regression. Evaluated at sample means, legal immigration flows from
non-English speaking are 56 percent less, and based on specification
(3), illegal immigration flows are 40 percent less than those from
English speaking countries.
The table also shows that the volume of illegal immigration increases
with the number of restricted visas issued to the source country during
1980-1981. A larger number of restricted visas brings the source country
closer to the per-country cap dictated by immigration policy, and
therefore increases the difficulty and the implicit cost of obtaining
legal visas for potential immigrants from the source country. Given the
20,000 per annum cap and evaluated at sample means, increasing a source
country's issues of numerically limited visas by one thousand adds
4.3 percent to the total illegal immigration flow and 5.9 percent to the
SAW based illegal flow. Because of potential problems of endogeneity,
the table also reports results from regressions that exclude the
number-of-restricted-visas variable.(13) However, the table reveals that
inclusion of this variable has only minor impacts on estimates of other
coefficients. Estimation of coefficients of interest therefore appears
robust to the endogeneity problem.
Table III. Estimated Point Elasticities of Immigration Flows
Illegal Immigration Flow:
Determinant Legal Immigration Flow Total SAW
Per-Capita GNP -0.0525 -0.6016 -1.0199
(0.1332) (0.1499) (0.1661)
Distance -1.4740 -2.0564 -2.1026
(0.3167) (0.3686) (0.3840)
Notes: Numbers in parentheses are estimated standard errors.
Elasticities are evaluated at sample means.
Of considerable interest is a comparison of the impact of source
country characteristics on legal and illegal immigration flows. Because
of the inclusion of non-linear regressors, and because coefficients in
probit models are difficult to interpret, we calculated elasticities of
the three migration flows with respect to source country GNP and
distance from the United States.(14) Table III reports these
elasticities evaluated at mean values of the regressors, along with the
estimated standard errors.(15)
The elasticities in Table III reveal that legal immigration is rather
insensitive to changes in source country GNP. Evaluated at the sample
mean, a one percent increase in source country GNP reduces legal
immigration by about one-twentieth of a percent. With a large standard
error, the estimated elasticity of legal immigration is not
significantly different from zero. However, the reduction in illegal
immigration is substantial. A one percent increase in source country GNP
will reduce illegal immigration by .60 percent according to the
regression model based on the total number of amnesty applications, and
1.02 percent according to the regression model based on agricultural
workers only. All three immigration flows are more sensitive to distance
than to GNP. Evaluated at sample means, a one percent increase in
distance reduces legal immigration by 1.47 percent, and illegal
immigration by 2.06 or 2.10 percent depending on specification.
Table IV. t-statistics from Pairwise Tests of Equality of Legal and
Illegal Immigration Elasticities
Illegal Immigration Flow:
Determinant Total SAW
GNP 2.739 4.543
(4.286) (6.853)
Distance 1.198 1.263
(2.237) (2.161)
Notes: The null hypothesis is [H.sub.0]: [[Epsilon]] -
[[Epsilon].sub.illegal] = 0. The t-statistics are based on least
squares and seemingly unrelated regression (SUR, in parentheses).
As with the responsiveness to source country GNP, both measures of
illegal immigration flows appear to be more elastic with respect to
distance between the source country and the United States than is the
legal immigration flow. Table IV reports test statistics from pairwise
t-tests of equality of legal and illegal immigration elasticities.
Because least squares estimation ignores cross-equation covariance of
regression errors, the table also reports t-statistics based on
seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) estimation.(16) For GNP
elasticities, the tests unambiguously reject the null hypotheses of
equality at the one percent significance level. For distance
elasticities, the least squares based tests fail to reject the null
hypotheses, while the SUR based tests reject the null hypotheses at the
five percent significance level. Not surprisingly, the SUR based test
statistics exceed the least squares based statistics as the SUR
estimation accounts for the large positive cross-equation covariance of
regression errors. In sum, the tests support Chiswick's contention
that illegal immigration is more sensitive to underlying determinants
than is legal immigration [6, 103].
From Table I it is obvious that Mexico is an important source of both
legal and illegal immigration to the United States. Both the migration
literature and policy discussion have to a large extent focused on
immigration from Mexico. In fact, a frequent argument in the recent
policy debate regarding the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
concerned the potential impact of the agreement on illegal immigration
from Mexico. The regression models in Table II indirectly provide
estimates of the impact of NAFTA on Mexican migration flows to the
United States.
Brown, Deardorff, and Stem estimate that NAFTA will lead to a GNP
growth in Mexico of four percent per year, implying a five year growth
of about 22 percent [5]. Table V lists the estimated reductions in legal
and illegal immigration from Mexico resulting from increases in
Mexico's GNP. Besides reporting the point elasticities, the table
also lists the estimated reductions in immigration flows resulting from
discrete increases in GNP. Not surprisingly, immigration from Mexico is
more responsive to changes in GNP than is the overall U.S. immigration.
According to the estimated point elasticities, a one percent increase in
GNP will reduce legal immigration from Mexico by 0.68 percent, and
illegal immigration by 0.90 or 1.13 percent depending on the [TABULAR
DATA OMITTED] specification. A 10 percent growth in Mexico's GNP
will reduce legal immigration by 6.30 percent, and illegal immigration
by 8.30 or 10.30 percent.(17) According to these estimates, if NAFTA
spurs GNP growth in Mexico, the trade agreement could have a significant
impact on lowering both legal and illegal immigration flows to the
United States.
V. Conclusion
This paper presented a first empirical examination of the
determinants of illegal immigration flows to the United States. The
study uses the legalization applications that followed the passage of
the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 to obtain a handle on the
variation in the volume of illegal immigration across source countries.
The empirical analysis finds that differences in illegal immigration
rates are attributable to variation in economic and political
characteristics of source countries.
An important contribution of the study is the contrast of
determinants of the volume of illegal and legal U.S. immigration. We
find that source country earnings and distance from the United States
form significant deterrents of both types of immigration flows. The
empirical evidence therefore supports the conventional approach of Fogel
[14] and rejects theoretical predictions from Ethier's model of
illegal immigration [12]. Moreover, the empirical analysis supports
Chiswick's contention that illegal immigration is more responsive
to underlying determinants than is legal immigration [6].
1. The figure for 1991 includes 1,123,162 former illegal immigrants
who were legalized as part of the 1986 IRCA (see below). Netting out
these leaves 704,005 "regular" immigrant admissions in 1991,
roughly doubling the immigrant flow from 1971.
2. Borjas [2] and Chiswick [7] summarize this literature.
3. For example, Borjas [1] examines the empirical relationships between the legal immigration flow and source country characteristics
for 41 foreign countries, and Jasso and Rosenzweig [20] examine the
relationships between the 1980 stock of foreign-born (which includes
both legal and illegal immigrants as well as many non-immigrants such as
students) in the United States and source country characteristics for
107 countries.
4. Some studies indirectly approach this issue by examining time
series variation in apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexican border [4; 11;
28]. However, Borjas, Freeman, and Lang acknowledge that the number of
apprehensions chiefly reflects Border Patrol activity, and therefore
serves as a poor indicator of illegal immigration [4, 78].
5. For example, in 1982, 47 percent of all immigrants who were
admitted had in fact entered the United States at an earlier date [26].
6. Data sources are Fitzpatrick and Madlin [13] and U.S. Arms and
Disarmament Agency [25].
7. The estimating equation is therefore a grouped probit model, which
involves regressing the normit (i.e., the standard normal z-value) of
the immigration probability on the listed regressors. For details, see
Maddala [21]. It is worth noting that because the observed immigration
probabilities are close to zero, the probit model is much preferable to
the linear probability model in this application.
8. An exposition of this framework is given in Greenwood [15].
9. Note that the finding of a positive relationship between the wage
gap and the number of border apprehensions does not necessarily reject
Ethier's prediction of a negative association between the wage gap
and the volume of illegal entrants (who successfully cross the border).
However, the literature typically assumes a positive relationship
between apprehensions and illegal entries [4; 11].
10. These data are drawn from Wright [30].
11. A majority of legal immigrants are in fact exempt from these
restrictions. For example, in 1982, 56.3 percent of all legal immigrants
were exempt from numerical limitations [26].
12. Note that the SAW based regressions have one less observation
because no SAW applicants originated in Finland.
13. The endogeneity issue arises because the number of restricted
visa issues forms a component of the dependent variable in the legal
immigration regression and may therefore be correlated with the error
14. Elasticities also have the added advantage of being independent
of the choice of unit. Here, the time period over which we measure legal
immigration is somewhat arbitrary. The regression coefficients (but not
the computed elasticities) are sensitive to the underlying choice of
time period.
15. We compute the elasticity of the immigration flow with respect to
a factor x as
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
where z denotes the normit of the immigration probability, [Phi]
denotes the standard normal density function, and [Phi] denotes the
cumulative standard normal distribution function. For GNP (g) and
distance (d), we compute the partial derivatives as
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
where [Mathematical Expression Omitted] denotes the sample mean of
log per-capita GNP. Standard errors are computed from the variance
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
where, for example,
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
16. Results from the complete SUR estimation are reported in the
appendix. It is worth emphasizing that coefficient estimates are very
similar across estimation methods, and that standard errors in general
are smaller in the SUR estimation. However, because of substantial cross
equation covariances, tests of equality of coefficients across equations
are very sensitive to the estimation method.
17. Interestingly, these figures are slightly higher than that we
compute from Espenshade [11]. Espenshade bases his study on time-series
variation in apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexican border and relates the
flow of illegals to the ratio of U.S. to Mexican wages. Using the
coefficient from Espenshade's study and a starting wage-ratio of
eight [28], we compute a 5.3 percent reduction in illegal immigration
associated with a ten percent increase in Mexican wages.
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