Tax policy and endogenous factor supply in a small open economy.
Waschik, Robert G.
I. Introduction
Since a paper by Kemp and Jones [6], there have been few attempts at
modeling the effects of variable factor supply in a simple trade model,
with almost all papers confined to a two-good, two-factor,
small-open-economy model. Papers were typically concerned with the
effect of variable factor supply on the shape of the economy's
production possibility set, and with the result derived in Kemp and
Jones [6] that when one factor is endogenously supplied in a simple
two-good, two-factor general equilibrium trade model, output supply
functions may no longer be upward-sloping, as in Frenkel and Razin [5],
and Martin [7; 8], for example. A more general treatment is given in
Dixit and Norman [3] and Woodland [14], where in an m-good, n-factor
general equilibrium trade model, it is assumed that a subset of the
factors of production are endogenously supplied, but very few
comparative statics experiments are explored. A recent paper by Mayer
[9] synthesizes much of this earlier work in a two-good, two-factor
general equilibrium model, and provides an initial attempt at modeling
the employment effects of tariff changes.
Since the existence of variable factor supply in even a very simple
general equilibrium trade model has been shown to complicate the
simplest comparative statics results, the literature has paid very
little attention to the exploration of the effects of various tax policy
changes on factor supply. As a result, an important channel of the
effects of trade tax changes on equilibrium has been largely ignored,
that being the effect of trade tax changes on factor market equilibrium,
and the concomitant effects on equilibrium in the small open economy.
The question of the effects of variable factor supply is also important
given the obvious attention that policy-makers and various interest
groups pay to the employment effects and industry output effects of
trade and factor tax policy changes.
Another important implication of the lack of attention paid to
endogenous factor supply in international trade models is the inability
of trade models to analyze the effects of taxes on factor supply. In the
standard Heckscher-Ohlin trade model of a small open economy with an
endowment of factors of production, factor taxes can have no real
The objective of this paper is to use the general equilibrium trade
model with endogenous factor supply developed in Dixit and Norman [3]
and Woodland [14] to illustrate the implications of the presence of
endogenous factor supply for many familiar tax policy experiments. We
will also examine the effects of tax policy changes on factor market
equilibrium. Results will be derived using duality theory in an m-good,
n-factor trade model, so that the analysis will not be restricted to the
case where there are only two goods and two factors. Assumptions of
constant returns to scale, perfect competition, and the absence of
externalities will be retained so as to concentrate on the effects of
variable factor supply. The model is presented in section II.
In order to raise revenue, many governments collect taxes on factors
of production whose level of supply ought most appropriately be modeled
as being endogenous. For example, tax on labor income collected in
Canada in 1986 implied an average tax rate of 17.8% of value added by
labor. When some factors are endogenously supplied, these taxes will
have real effects on equilibrium factor supply, so our first step must
be to determine the employment effects of factor tax changes on
endogenously supplied factors in a general equilibrium trade model.
These effects are derived in section III, where we show that factor
taxes will always reduce variable factor supply when those factors are
normal. Since taxes on international trade will also affect equilibrium
factor supply, it also becomes necessary to determine the way in which
trade taxes distort the market for endogenously supplied factors. We
determine the effects of trade taxes on the supply of endogenous factors
in section III, and describe conditions under which trade tax changes
will either raise or lower factor supply. Results in this section imply
a generalization of results in Mayer [9], which uses a two-good,
two-factor general equilibrium trade model with one endogenously
supplied factor, and only considers the effects of tariffs on imports.
Once the effects of trade and factor taxes on general equilibrium
have been determined, we can consider the welfare effects of trade and
factor taxes when some factors are endogenously supplied. In section IV,
we show that zero trade and factor taxes still constitute a
Pareto-optimal equilibrium for a small open economy, so that increases
in trade or factor taxes starting from an initial equilibrium with no
taxes must reduce welfare. However, if there exist trade and factor
taxes, then a reduction in trade taxes may lower welfare. We derive the
characteristics of the vector of optimal second-best trade taxes when
there are taxes on endogenously supplied factors, for a small open
economy, and show how trade taxes can offset or augment the
factor-market distortion imposed by a factor tax in a small open
The volume of trade effects of trade and factor tax changes are given
in section V. For a given trade tax change, volume of trade effects are
derived when all factor supplies are fixed and when the supply of some
factors are determined endogenously. The presence of variable factor
supply is shown to magnify the volume of trade effects whenever the
cross-price elasticities between an endogenously supplied factor and
traded goods are sufficiently small. This result is particularly
important when considering results from general equilibrium trade models
describing the volume of trade effects of trade tax changes, such as
those implied by the recently completed uruguay Round of the GATT or the
North American Free Trade Area between Canada, the U.S., and Mexico,
since these predicted volume of trade effects would generally be
underestimated. Concluding comments are offered in section VI.
II. Dual Trade Model with Endogenous Factor Supply
In constructing the trade model, we must keep in mind the ultimate
objective of carrying out some comparative statics experiments. To this
end, we will not consider the case where there are more goods produced
in equilibrium than there are factors of production, since then the
equilibrium vector of output supplies would not be unique, and the local
analysis using differentiation in subsequent sections could not be
applied. In the interest of simplicity, we will also not consider the
case where there are more factors than goods, since not much insight is
added at the expense of a considerable degree of complication.(1)
Instead we concentrate solely on the case where the number of factors
equals the number of goods produced in equilibrium. In this
"even" model, for a small open economy (SOE) unable to affect
world output prices, the production sector will take output prices as
given by world terms of trade, level of supply of the endogenous factors
as given by the solution to the consumption sector's utility
maximization problem, and the level of supply of the remaining factors
as being exogenously given, and will determine input prices and level of
output supply. The consumption sector will take output prices as given
by world terms of trade, input prices as given by the solution to the
production sector's cost minimization problem, and will determine
the level of output demand and level of supply of the endogenous
factors, subject to an income constraint given by the endowment of
We describe an economy with m perfectly competitive industries
producing outputs y[prime] = ([y.sub.1], [y.sub.2], ..., [y.sub.m]) with
n factors of production. The consumption vector for the economy is
represented by the vector [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. We let
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] be the vector of domestic output
prices corresponding to y and z. Suppose that a subset e [is less than
or equal to] n of the factors of production are endogenously supplied,
while the remaining n - e factors are exogenously supplied. The
endowment vector can be written as:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
with v [is an element of] [R.sup.+], [Mathematical Expression
Omitted]. We correspondingly decompose the factor price vector into
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. To
incorporate the presence of endogenously supplied factors into the
demand side of the economy, assume that there exists a single
representative consumer in the economy who owns all of the productive
factors, some of which he directly consumes. Since the consumer can
substitute between consumption of some factors and consumption of goods,
the supply of these factors will be variable. While there are other ways
of modeling variable factor supply in a general equilibrium model [9],
this method keeps the model relatively simple and facilitates the
comparison of results to those derived in other representative agent
To enable us to analyze the effects of trade and factor taxes, we
allow for the presence of ad valorem taxes or subsidies on international
trade and the level of usage of the endogenously supplied factors.(2)
All tax revenue is costlessly collected and redistributed to the
representative consumer. The only trade policy instrument available to a
nation will be an ad valorem tax or subsidy on exports or imports,
summarized by the vector t[prime] = ([t.sub.1], [t.sub.2], ...,
[t.sub.m]). Define the vector T[prime] [is equivalent to] (1 +
[t.sub.1], 1 + [t.sub.2], ..., 1 + [t.sub.m]), and describe the vector
of world output prices as p*[prime] = ([p*.sub.1], [p*.sub.2], ...,
[p*.sub.m]). The vector of domestic prices can then be expressed as:
p[prime] = T[prime]D(p*),(2)
where D([center dot]) denotes a diagonal matrix with the elements of
([center dot]) on the main diagonal. If we define the vector of net
exports for this economy as x = y - z [is an element of] [R.sup.m], then
total trade tax revenue will be given by the expression:
TR = -t[prime]D(p*)x. (3)
If good i is imported, then an import tariff (subsidy) is represented
by [t.sub.i] [is greater than] 0([t.sub.i] [is less than] 0), while if i
is exported, then an export tax (subsidy) is reflected by [t.sub.i] [is
less than] 0([t.sub.i] [is greater than] 0).
We will take the vector of ad valorem taxes on endogenously supplied
factors as being given by f [is an element of] [R.sup.e]. To motivate
this assumption, we could suppose that the government must raise some
desired level of revenue, say for the provision of a public good.(3) The
tax on the endogenously supplied factors will be paid by the factor
owner. Since the number of goods equals the total number of factors, the
gross wage w paid to the endogenously supplied factors is determined by
the production sector's cost minimization problem. However, the net
wage earned by the representative consumer for supply of the endogenous
factor will vary according to the factor tax. We will define the
net-of-tax return earned by the representative consumer per unit
supplied of the endogenous factor as:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Total factor tax revenue collected per unit of the ith endogenously
supplied factor is [f.sub.i][w.sub.i], and total factor tax revenue is
given by:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Following the general equilibrium trade model with variable factor
supplies in Dixit and Norman [3], we assume that there exists a twice
continuously differentiable strictly quasi-concave utility function
which represents preferences over consumption of goods and the
endogenously supplied factors, U(z, v). The properties of the
expenditure function corresponding to the consumer's expenditure
minimization problem are noted in Dixit and Norman [3] and Woodland
[14], so for our purposes it suffices to note that the output demand
functions are given by:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
and the supply functions of the endogenous factors are given by:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
where [Mathematical Expression Omitted] is the expenditure function.
In equilibrium, the expenditure function is equal to total fixed factor
income, so that [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. This is income from
fixed factors in Woodland [15, 240], lump-sum income in Dixit and Norman
[3, 63], and unearned income in Mayer [9, 107], modified to include
income from factor and trade taxes.
To describe the supply side of the economy, we assume that each
industry produces output [y.sub.i] using inputs [Mathematical Expression
Omitted], i = 1, ..., m, and constant returns to scale technology
summarized by the twice continuously differentiable, strictly
quasi-concave production functions [f.sup.i]([a.sup.i]), i = 1, ..., m.
Once the consumption sector has determined the equilibrium levels of
supply of the endogenous factors v, the set of feasible production
points can be summarized by an appropriately defined production
possibility set. Given output prices, endowments and factor supplies,
the activities of the production sector can be summarized by the revenue
function [Mathematical Expression Omitted], whose properties are noted
in Woodland [14] and Dixit and Norman [3]. The output supply and input
price functions are given by:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
In general equilibrium, total income must equal total expenditures.
This condition is summarized by equation (9):
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
The external sector of this small open economy can be summarized by
the balance of trade function, defined as:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Given our definition of net exports, the net export function is given
by the derivative of the balance of trade function with respect to
output prices:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
In equilibrium, trade is balanced, so that equation (10) is equal to
zero, and all factors are fully employed, reflected by the condition
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
III. Employment Effects of Trade and Factor Taxes
We can solve for the change m endogenous factor supply caused by a
given change in trade taxes or factor taxes by totally differentiating
the representative consumer's factor supply function given in
equation (7):
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
A change in trade taxes dt will cause a change in domestic output
prices dp according to the total differential of equation (2), and a
change in factor taxes and trade taxes will both cause a change in the
net-of-tax return to the endogenously supplied factors according to the
total differential of equation (4). By substituting the total
differential of the income-equals-expenditure constraint (equation (9))
for the change in utility dU, and simplifying using the envelope
properties of the revenue and expenditure functions (equations (6)-(8)),
we can rewrite the change in endogenous factor supply in equation (12)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
where [v.sub.[m.sub.f]] = -[E.sub.wU]/[E.sub.U] is the income effect
on endogenous factor supply.(4) This is the general change in factor
supply caused by any trade or factor tax change. We can isolate the
effects of a factor tax change by considering the following example.
Suppose we begin at an initial equilibrium where trade taxes are fixed
and equal to zero, so that t = dt = 0.(5) If a factor tax change df
results in the SOE producing the same m goods in equilibrium after the
tax change as were produced before the factor tax change, then the
factor price vector w does not change, so that dw = 0. Substituting
these restrictions into equation (13) and premultiplying by
df[prime]D(w) gives:
df[prime]D(w)dv = df[prime]D(w)[E.sub.ww]D(w)df +
df[prime]D(w)[v.sub.[m.sub.f]][f[prime]D(w)dv]. (14)
The term [Mathematical Expression Omitted] is the vector of changes
in per unit factor tax revenue due to the given factor tax change df.
The first term on the right-hand side is a quadratic form about a
negative definite matrix (recall that the expenditure function is
strictly concave in w), so that df[prime]D(w)[E.sub.ww]D(w)df [is less
than] 0. This is the direct effect of the factor tax change on
endogenous factor supply. Essentially, an increase in factor taxes
lowers factor returns and therefore lowers endogenous factor supply. The
second term represents the income effect of a factor tax change on the
supply of the endogenous factors. When evaluated in the neighborhood of
zero factor taxes, the vector f is a null vector, so that:
df[prime]D(w)dv = df[prime]D(w)[E.sub.ww]D(w)df [is less than] 0.
In the neighborhood of zero factor taxes, changes in taxes on any
endogenously supplied factors will be negatively correlated with changes
in the supply of endogenous factors.(6)
A more general result can be obtained by rewriting equation (14) as
df[prime]D(w)[I - [v.sub.[m.sub.f]]f[prime]D(w)]dv =
df[prime]D(w)[E.sub.ww]D(w)df [is less than] 0, (16)
where I is the e x e identity matrix. If all endogenously supplied
factors are normal, then an increase in income leads to a fall in factor
supply (an increase in demand by the representative consumer for the
endogenously supplied factor), so that [v.sub.[m.sub.f]] is a negative
vector. If all factor taxes are positive, every element of the matrix in
square brackets in equation (16) is positive, and we get the following
Result. Changes in factor taxes will be negatively correlated with
changes in endogenous factor supplies.(7)
Only when factor supply is subsidized ([f.sub.i] [is less than] 0)
might the income effect of a factor tax change on factor supply outweigh the substitution effect, in which case an increase in the factor tax
would result in an increase in factor supply.
It is worth noting the seemingly counter-intuitive role played by the
assumption that endogenously supplied factors are normal, since in
partial equilibrium models, this assumption is a necessary condition to
observe backward-bending factor supply curves. However, in our model the
income effect derives from the change in income due to the endogenous
general equilibrium changes in employment. In this case a factor tax
increase which decreases the real return to the endogenously supplied
factor will necessarily result in a decrease in factor supply.
To find the effect of a given trade tax change on supply of the
endogenous factor, in the neighborhood of zero trade and factor taxes,
substitute the restriction t = f = df = 0 into equation (13) and
premultiply by dw[prime] to get:
dw[prime]dv = -dw[prime][E.sub.wp]D(p*)dt - dw[prime][E.sub.ww]dw.
The second term in equation (17) is the negative of a quadratic form
about a negative definite matrix (E is concave in w), and is therefore a
positive scalar. If the first term is a positive scalar, then changes in
the returns to the variable factor due to the trade tax change will be
positively correlated to factor supply changes. This first term is
dependant upon two elements. To illustrate, suppose there is only one
endogenous factor, and consider the effect of applying a trade tax(8) on
a single traded good.(9) If that good uses the endogenously supplied
factor intensively, then the return to the variable factor will rise, dw
[is greater than] 0.(10) Then if the taxed good and the variable factor
are complements in consumption, an increase in the tax on the traded
good will cause consumption of the variable factor to fall, so that
supply of the variable factor to the production sector will rise,
-[E.sub.wp] [is greater than] 0. That is, as sufficient condition for a
trade tax to increase supply of an endogenous factor is to tax a good
which uses the endogenous factor intensively and which is a complement
in consumption for the endogenous factor. A sufficient condition for a
trade tax to decrease supply of an endogenous factor is to tax a good
which does not use the endogenous factor intensively and which is a
substitute in consumption for the endogenous factor. These conditions
imply a generalization of the result in Mayer [9, 111-12], from the
two-good, two-factor model to the case where there can be any number of
goods or factors, and the trade tax is not restricted to being a tariff
on the imported good. Of course, a more general version of this result
is summarized by equation (13) above, where the dimension from which tax
policy instruments can be chosen is relaxed to include taxes on factors.
In either case, the result that dw[prime]dv [is greater than] 0 will
always hold as long as the cross-elasticity between demand for the
endogenous factor and the taxed good is zero or sufficiently close to
zero (since -[E.sub.[wp.sub.i]] = [Delta]v/[Delta][p.sub.i]). If this
condition holds, then the result that dw[prime]dv [is greater than] 0
can be interpreted as follows:
Result. A change in the trade tax on a good will be positively
correlated with changes in the supply of the endogenously supplied
factors used intensively in production of that good, and will be
negatively correlated with changes in the supply of other endogenously
supplied factors of production.
IV. Optimal Trade Taxes in the Presence of Factor Taxes
Now consider the effect of factor taxes on domestic welfare in the
presence of trade taxes. We continue to assume that world output prices
p* are fixed, that the number of goods produced in the initial
equilibrium is equal to the total number of factors of production, and
that all goods continue to be produced after the tax change. If the
initial vector of trade taxes is t, and the initial vector of taxes on
the endogenously supplied factors is f, then the effect of a change in
trade taxes dt and factor taxes df on welfare is found by totally
differentiating the income-equals-expenditure constraint in equation
(9), noting that a trade tax change will cause domestic output prices to
change, which implies that domestic input prices will also change, and
using the envelope properties of the revenue and expenditure functions
in equations (6)-(8):
[E.sub.U]dU = f[prime]D(w)dv - t[prime]D(p*)dx. (18)
The final term in equation (18) is the familiar volume of trade
effect due to the trade tax change. The first term is the effect of the
tax change on variable factor supply, where f[prime]D(w) is the vector
of per unit factor taxes which are redistributed lump-sum to the
representative consumer.
Of course, it must still be optimal for the SOE to set all trade and
factor taxes equal to zero. This can be seen by noting that equation
(18) is set to zero when we substitute t = f = 0. In the neighborhood of
zero trade and factor taxes, any increase (decrease) in the tax on an
endogenously supplied factor causes factor supply to fall (rise), and
any increase (decrease) in the trade tax on any good causes net exports
of that good to fall (rise). As a result, any movement away from zero
trade and factor taxes causes a fall in welfare. If we consider an
initial equilibrium where trade taxes are all zero, trade taxes are not
changing, but there exists a tax on factor supply, so that f [is greater
than] 0, then the reduction in welfare due to the factor tax is a direct
result of the fact that the tax causes the factor to be under-supplied
in equilibrium due to the factor market distortion.
If there does exist a factor tax, the resulting factor-market
distortion can be offset by a tax on trade. For any given factor tax
vector f, we can solve for the optimal second-best vector of trade
taxes, denoted to, by setting equation (18) equal to zero and
[t[prime].sub.o] = f
Given world output prices p* and domestic input prices w, the vector
[t.sub.o] is dependent upon the level of factor taxes, and upon the
responsiveness of variable factor supply and net exports to trade taxes,
represented by the matrices M([Delta]v/[Delta]t) and
M[([Delta]x/[Delta]t).sup.-1], respectively. All other things being
equal, the larger is the tax on any variable factor, the larger will be
the factor market distortion which the trade tax vector [t.sub.o] must
offset, implying a larger value for the optimal second-best vector of
trade taxes. The matrix M([Delta]x/[Delta]t) is composed of elements
which are a function of trade elasticities, so that ceteris paribus,
optimal trade taxes are larger (smaller) on those goods which have
smaller (larger) trade elasticities. Then whether a trade tax or subsidy
is required to offset the factor market distortion is dependent upon the
matrix M([Delta]v/[Delta]t), which describes the effect of a trade tax
change on supply of the variable factor, and was discussed earlier in
section III.
To illustrate, consider the two-good, two-factor version of this
model, where one factor is endogenously supplied, and suppose without
loss of generality that the first good is imported. Assume that the
endogenously supplied factor is normal. If there exists a factor market
distortion due to a tax f on the endogenously supplied factor, what is
the second-best trade tax required to offset the factor-market
distortion? In this two-good model, only relative prices are important,
so it is sufficient to determine the optimal second-best trade tax on
the imported first good, [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. The diagonal
elements of the matrix M[([Delta]x/[Delta]t).sup.-1] are positive since
the balance of trade function is convex in output prices. If the
imported good uses the endogenously supplied factor intensively, then it
would be optimal to have an import tariff on good 1, [Mathematical
Expression Omitted], since the resultant increase in the return to the
variable factor would increase its supply ([Delta]v/[Delta][t.sup.1] [is
greater than] 0). On the other hand, if the imported good does not use
the variable factor intensively, then [Delta]v/[Delta][t.sup.1] [is less
than] 0, so it would be optimal to subsidize imports, increasing
production of the exported good, and increasing variable factor supply.
In this way, equation (19) indicates whether it is necessary to tax or
subsidize trade in a particular good in order to offset the
factor-market distortion introduced by the tax on the endogenously
supplied factor.
Alternatively, we could rewrite equation (19), noting that each
element of equation (19) is a scalar, since we are considering an
example where there is only one endogenous factor and a trade tax on the
single imported good:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
where [[Eta].sub.vt] is the elasticity of supply of the variable
factor with respect to the trade tax, and [[Eta].sub.i] is the import
demand elasticity.(12) The term {w [center dot] v}/{p* [center dot] x}
is the ratio of the value of variable factor supply (gross of taxes)
over the value of trade in the imported good (at world prices). In this
simple illustrative example, this equation gives us an idea of the value
of the optimal import tax for given values of these specific parameters.
For example, if we use a value of [[Eta].sub.i] = -1.19 for the import
demand elasticity, if the share of value added by labor to the value of
trade is (w [center dot] v)/(p* [center dot] x) = -2.08, and if there
exists a tax on the variable factor of f = 0.178, then the optimal
import tax as a function of the elasticity of supply of the variable
factor with respect to the trade tax is given in Table I.(13) Only
positive values are given for the factor supply elasticity [TABULAR DATA
OMITTED] with respect to the price of the imported good, since according
to the data set in Wigle [13], imports into Canada are relatively
V. Volume of Trade Effects of Trade and Factor Taxes
We can solve for the volume of trade effects of a tax policy change
by differentiating the net export equation (11) with respect to trade
and factor taxes to get:
dx=[G.sub.pv]dv + []D(w)df + [[G.sub.pp] - [E.sub.pp]]D(p*)dt
+ [v.sub.[m.sub.f]][f[prime]D(w)dv - t[prime]D(p*)dx] - [][I -
D(f)]dw. (21)
We can describe the volume of trade effects of a factor tax change by
evaluating equation (21) in the neighborhood of zero trade and factor
taxes as follows:
dx = [G.sub.pv]dv + []D(w)df. (22)
We can decompose the change in net exports into a change from the
production and consumption side of the economy. If a factor tax is
introduced (df [is greater than] 0), supply of the endogenous factor
will fall (dv [is less than] 0). Output of those goods which do not use
the taxed factor intensively will rise ([G.sub.[p.sub.i][v.sub.j]] [is
greater than] 0). A sufficient condition for a factor tax to increase
exports (decrease imports) is that the good be a complement in
consumption with the taxed factor ([E.sub.[p.sub.i][w.sub.j]] [is less
than] 0). Alternatively, if cross-price elasticity between the taxed
factor and any good is sufficiently small, then the effect of a factor
tax change on net exports will be given only by the pattern of relative
factor intensity.
A potentially more interesting and important result, given attempts
to model the effects of trade tax changes arising from negotiations such
as those under the Uruguay Round of the GATT or the North American Free
Trade Area between Canada, the U.S., and Mexico, is the effect of trade
tax changes. If we evaluate equation (21) in the neighborhood of zero
trade and factor taxes, then if df = 0, dt [is not equal to] 0:
dx = [G.sub.pv]dv - []dw + [[G.sub.pp] - [E.sub.pp]]D(p*)dt.
In a model where the supply of all factors is fixed, dv = 0 and
[] is a null matrix, so we get the standard result that
dt[prime]D(p*)dx [is greater than] 0. (Recall that G is strictly convex
in p and E is strictly concave in p, so that a quadratic form about
[G.sub.pp] - [E.sub.pp] will be strictly positive.) That is, the
imposition of an import tariff (dt [is greater than] 0) will cause
imports to fall (dx [is greater than] 0), and so on. With variable
factor supply, this result is complicated by the presence of the first
two terms in equation (23). To illustrate, suppose only one factor is
endogenously supplied, and consider the effect of the imposition of a
tariff on an imported good, so that d[t.sub.i] [is greater than] 0,
[x.sub.i] [is less than] 0. The effect of the term [G.sub.pv]dv will
always magnify the volume of trade effect, since if the imported good
uses the endogenous factor intensively, [G.sub.[p.sub.i]v] [is greater
than] 0, and the return to the endogenous factor will rise, so that dv
[is greater than] 0. If not, then [G.sub.[p.sub.i]v] [is less than] 0
and the return to the endogenous factor will fall, so that dv [is less
than] 0. This effect will be magnified further when the imported good
and the endogenous factor are complements in consumption, since then dw
[is greater than] 0 and -[E.sub.wp] = -[] [is greater than]
0.(14) This allows us to state the following result:
Result. The volume of trade effect of a trade tax change will always
be magnified when a single factor is endogenously supplied:
* when the trade tax is imposed on a good which uses the variable
factor intensively and is a complement in consumption for the variable
* or when the trade tax is imposed on a good which does not use the
variable factor intensively and is a substitute in consumption for the
variable factor.
Of course, these are sufficient conditions. Even if these conditions
do not hold, the volume of trade effect would still be magnified as long
as the cross-price elasticity of demand for the variable factor with
respect to the taxes good were zero or sufficiently close to zero. An
important implication of this result is that standard general
equilibrium trade models (computable general equilibrium models, for
example) will generally underestimate the volume of trade effects of a
given trade tax change if factor supplies are all modeled as being
VI. Conclusion
By modifying the standard general equilibrium trade model of a small
open economy to incorporate the presence of endogenously supplied
factors, we have been able to add insight to some oft-considered
comparative statics problems. Modeling factor supply decisions as the
outcome of the consumption sector's utility maximization problem
has enabled us to show how changes in domestic trade taxes affect the
supply of factors of production. This has enabled us to supplement the
well-known direct effects of trade tax changes on trade and welfare with
the indirect effects of trade tax changes through changes in factor
supply. Sufficient conditions were derived under which the volume of
trade effect of trade tax changes were always magnified due to the
presence of variable factor supply.
The model also allows for the consideration of a problem which trade
models were hitherto unable to consider. With fixed factor supplies,
taxes on factors of production in a Heckscher-Ohlin model of a small
open economy cannot have any real effects, since factor supplies cannot
change in response to factor taxes. When factor supplies are
endogenously determined, the imposition of taxes on factors of
production leads to a factor market distortion which causes factors to
be under-supplied. This distortion leads to a reduction in welfare,
which implies a role for trade taxes to offset the factor market
distortion and raise domestic welfare, even in a small open economy. We
derive an expression for this vector of second-best trade taxes, and
provide a simple "back-of-the-envelope" calculation of optimal
import taxes for Canada, given import demand elasticities and non-zero
factor taxes, as a function of the factor supply elasticity with respect
to the import tax. We also show that zero trade and factor taxes must
still be welfare-maximizing for a small open economy facing given world
output prices.
1. For a complete treatment of the case where there are more factors
than goods in this model, see Waschik [12].
2. We will not consider taxes on the exogenously supplied factors,
since it is well known that such taxes will have no real effects in a
model with a representative consumer where revenue from such a tax is
costlessly collected and redistributed to the representative consumer.
3. For example, a simplified version of the model in Atkinson and
Stiglitz [1, 398-99], has the government choosing a wage tax to maximize
utility of the consumption sector subject to the requirement that the
government raise some given amount of revenue.
4. An issue is made in Mayer [9] as to whether or not fixed factor
income is endogenous or exogenous in the literature dealing with
variable factor supply. A completely specified general equilibrium model
should incorporate the effects of endogenous changes in fixed factor
income, and these are reflected by the income effects in equation (13).
5. Trade taxes are chosen to be equal to zero at the initial
equilibrium so as to avoid complicating the following results with the
generally indeterminate income effects [v.sub.[m.sub.f]], and to isolate
and emphasize the effects of factor taxes.
6. If there were only one endogenously supplied factor, df and dv
would be scalars. We could then say that a tax (subsidy) on the
endogenously supplied factor would cause its supply to fall (rise).
However, as is typical for results derived in higher dimensional trade
models, since df and dv are vectors in general, the sign on the scalar
df[prime]D(w)dv in equation (15) enables us to determine only the
correlation between elements of df and elements of dv in general.
7. In the aforementioned literature on trade with variable factor
supply, the ability to observe perverse output effects (downward-sloping
output supply curves) depends upon the existence of backward-bending
factor supply curves [8, 550]. The result we have just derived implies
that factor supply curves must be upward-sloping, since factor tax
changes are inversely related to factor price changes. Our more definite
result obtains because of our earlier assumption that the number of
factors equals the number of goods, so that wages are determined by the
production sector. If this were not the case, our result would be
complicated by the presence of terms describing the substitutability and
complementarity between factors and goods [9, 108; 12, 27].
8. In this case, a trade tax will be a tax on a traded good whose
effect is to raise the domestic price of that good relative to its world
price, so that we needn't specify whether the good is imported or
9. This result is illustrated for the case of one endogenous factor
to simplify the example. The tax is applied to only a single traded good
because otherwise the effect of the tax on factor prices may be
indeterminate, since more than one factor intensity term would be needed
to determine the factor price change resulting from the trade tax
10. Since we may have more than two goods and two factors, our usual
notion of factor intensity becomes ill-defined. We use the notion of
generalized factor intensities [4], where good i is defined as using
factor j intensively if [Delta][y.sub.i]/[Delta][v.sub.j] [is greater
than] 0.
11. A possible interpretation of this problem could be that the
government solves a two-stage problem, first solving for the vector of
optimal second-best trade taxes [t[prime].sub.o] by solving equation
(19) for any given factor tax, and then solving for the vector of trade
and factor taxes which yield a desired level of revenue FTR + TR. At
least in developed countries, it is arguably the case that trade taxes
are motivated more by the desire to affect (protect) domestic employment
than to raise revenue.
12. Note that the last two terms in this expression must have the
same sign, since if the good is imported (exported), the value of trade
will be negative (positive) and the import demand (export supply)
elasticity will be negative (positive). This implies that the sign on
the optimal trade tax is determined only by the sign of the factor
supply elasticity with respect to the trade tax.
13. The value of [[Eta].sub.i] = -1.19 for the import demand
elasticity is taken from Wigle [14, 557]. The factor tax of f = 0.178 is
calculated by taking the ratio of direct taxes on persons to
labour's share of Gross Domestic Product in Canada in 1986, as
reported in Statistics Canada Taxation Statistics [11] and the Bank of
Canada Review [2], respectively. The value of (w [center dot] v)/(p*
[center dot] x) = -2.08 for the ratio of the value of labour supply to
the value of trade in the imported good is calculated using
labour's share of Gross Domestic Product in Canada in 1986, as
reported in the Bank of Canada Review [2], and the value of imports in
Canada in 1986, as reported in Statistics Canada National Income and
Expenditure Accounts [10].
14. In this case, consumption of the endogenous factor falls along
with consumption of the imported good whose price is rising due to the
trade tax, so that supply of the endogenous factor to the production
sector will rise.
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2. Bank of Canada Review. Ottawa: Bank of Canada, August 1992.
3. Dixit, Avinash and Victor Norman. Theory of International Trade.
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4. ----- and Alan D. Woodland, "The Relationship Between Factor
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5. Frenkel, Jacob A. and Assaf Razin, "Variable Factor Supplies
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6. Kemp, Murray C. and Ronald W. Jones, "Variable Labour Supply
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9. Mayer, Wolfgang, "Endogenous Labour Supply in International
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10. Statistics Canada. National Income and Expenditure Accounts, Cat.
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11. -----. Taxation Statistics, Cat. No. 61-208, Ottawa: Supply and
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12. Waschik, Robert G. "International Trade Theory with
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13. Wigle, Randall, "General Equilibrium Evaluation of
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