A note on the specification of the demand for money in open economies.
Ellis, Michael A.
I. Introduction
Open economy models which make a distinction between traded and
non-traded goods have been widely used to analyze a variety of issues.
For simplicity, in many cases the real money stock is defined by using
as the relevant deflator the price of either of those goods. Moreover,
this is true both for the case of models in which the demand for money
is derived via explicit utility maximization, as in [6; 7] and for
models with an "ad-hoc" demand for money [3; 4; 5].
The purpose of this brief note is to show the extent to which the
choice of the deflator can alter the adjustment of a monetary economy to
various shocks in a qualitative, and hence important, way. As it is
shown below, while the qualitative response to monetary innovations will
in general not depend on the choice of the numeraire, the same is not
true for the response to changes that modify the relative price between
traded and non-traded goods (i.e., the "real exchange rate").
For the latter type of changes, different choices of the deflator can
mean the difference between monetary accumulation and a temporary
balance of trade surplus, and a fall in the real money stock and a
temporary balance of trade deficit, both as a response to the same
exogenous change.
In sections II and III we present a very simple model and provide
examples. In section IV we discuss the implications and justify the
importance of the issue.
II. The Model
The main points can be demonstrated in a small open economy model
with traded and non-traded goods.(1) Normalizing the exogenous foreign
price of the traded good to unity, the domestic traded good price is
equal to the nominal exchange rate, E. The deflator used in defining the
demand for real money balances is given by the index
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
where 0 [less than or equal to] [Sigma] [less than or equal to] 1 and
[P.sub.H] is the domestic currency price of the non-traded good. This
index can also be expressed as P = [[Epsilon].sup.[Sigma]][P.sub.H],
where [Epsilon] is the relative price of the traded good in terms of the
non-traded good and is defined as the real exchange rate. The price of
the non-traded good is perfectly flexible so the market clearing
[x.sub.H] = [c.sub.H], (2)
is always satisfied, where [x.sub.H] is non-traded good output and
[c.sub.H] is non-traded good consumption.
Individuals are identical and infinitely lived, and the
representative individual maximizes the functional
[integral of] U([c.sub.T],[c.sub.H],m)[e.sup.-[Delta]t] dt between
limits of [infinity] and 0, (3)
where [Delta] is the constant rate of discount, [c.sub.T] is traded
good consumption, and m is the stock of real money balances, defined as
the nominal money stock deflated by the price index (1). It is assumed
that the utility function is strictly concave and, for simplicity,
separable in real money balances and both consumption goods.
The individual receives fixed flows of the traded good and the
non-traded good,(2) holds domestic real money balances as the only
asset, and receives lump sum government transfers, [Tau]. The
individual's flow budget constraint, expressed in terms of the
traded good, is
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
where [x.sub.T] is traded good output and [Mathematical Expression
Omitted]. It is assumed that the government controls the path of the
nominal exchange rate and rebates the cost of maintaining real cash
balances through the lump sum transfers:
[Tau] = [[Epsilon].sup.[Sigma]-1]m[Pi].(3) (5)
The maximization of (3) by choice of [c.sub.T], [c.sub.H], and m,
subject to (4) and the initial value of m, along with (2), (4), and (5),
yields the following:
[Epsilon] = [U.sub.T]/[U.sub.H] (6)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
where [Mathematical Expression Omitted] is the rate of revaluation set by the government. Equation (6) determines the real exchange rate
where, for normal consumption goods, [Delta][Epsilon]/[Delta][c.sub.T]
[less than] 0 and [Delta][Epsilon]/[Delta][c.sub.H] [greater than] 0.
Equation (7) is the balance of payments equation. Since there is no
capital mobility, the real money stock varies with the trade account.
The steady state conditions from (7) and (8) are as follows:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
where * denotes steady state values. Equation (9) indicates that in
the steady state the trade account is balanced. Equation (10) implicitly
defines a reduced form, steady state demand for real money balances of
the form
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Differentiation of (10) with respect to [[Pi].sub.T], [Mathematical
Expression Omitted], and [Mathematical Expression Omitted] yields
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
The sign of (11) is negative, while the signs of (12) and (13) are
ambiguous for [U.sub.TH], [U.sub.HT] [greater than] 0. An increase in
the consumption of one good affects the real exchange rate (recall
[Delta][Epsilon]/[Delta][c.sub.T] [less than] 0 and
[Delta][Epsilon]/[Delta][c.sub.H] [greater than] 0), causing a
substitution effect away from consumption of the other good. This
implies opposing effects on the demand for money. For long run
consumption of either commodity and the long run real money stock to be
positively related, these substitution effects must be of smaller
magnitude than the direct effects of consumption on money demand, which
will be the case if
[Sigma][U.sub.TH] [less than] -(1 - [Sigma])[Epsilon][U.sub.HH] (14)
(1 - [Sigma])[U.sub.HT] [less than] -[Sigma][U.sub.TT]/[Epsilon].
With the simple model presented above, the implications of different
"definitions" of the real money stock (i.e., of different
deflators or "numeraires") can be seen by considering
different values of [Sigma]. The cases of [Sigma] = 0 and [Sigma] = 1
are of particular interest because they are common simplifying
assumptions employed in open economy models. An important characteristic
of the money demand function derived above is that [Sigma] = 0 implies
that [Mathematical Expression Omitted] and [Mathematical Expression
Omitted], while [Sigma] = 1 implies that [Mathematical Expression
Omitted] and [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. Since the effects of
shocks to the economy on important variables (the trade account, the
real exchange rate, etc.) may in part depend on the effects on real
money demand, the choice of numeraire in the definition of real money
demand is important. Examples presented below serve to clarify and
illustrate this point.
III. Examples
The system (7) and (8) will be used to evaluate the effects of two
exogenous changes: an increase in the rate of devaluation and an
increase in the flow of non-traded good output. It is straightforward to
show that this system is saddle path stable around the steady state. The
phase diagram of this system is shown in Figure 1.(5)
Assume the system has attained the steady state defined in (9) and
(10) and consider an increase in the rate of devaluation, [[Pi].sub.T].
By (2), (6), and (9), the steady state real exchange rate is unaffected,
so the opposing effects on steady state money demand discussed above to
not occur. By (11), [Delta]m*/[Delta][[Pi].sub.T] [less than] 0 for any
value of [Sigma], and the adjustment of the system will be qualitatively
similar, regardless of the price used to deflate nominal money balances
in the utility function: there is a temporary trade deficit and, by (6),
a temporary reduction in the real exchange rate. The adjustment is shown
in Figure 1: if the initial steady state equilibrium was at a point such
as point b, the result is an initial increase in [c.sub.T] to the
indicated saddle path, and a gradual fall of both [c.sub.T] and the real
money stock.
Now, consider a permanent increase in the flow of non-traded good
output, [x.sub.H]. By (2) and (6), this will increase non-traded good
consumption and the real exchange rate, so the resulting substitution
effect implies different effects on the demand for money, depending on
the value of [Sigma]. For [Mathematical Expression Omitted], which
implies an immediate rise (an "improvement") in the trade
account and an immediate rise in the real exchange rate. During the
adjustment the trade account and the real exchange rate decrease until
the steady state is attained. The adjustment is shown in Figure 1, where
the initial steady state equilibrium was at point a. However, if [Sigma]
= 1 the steady state real money stock is decreased by (13) and the
adjustment will be just the opposite: the trade account initially falls
("worsens") and, over time, falls back to zero as individuals
decrease their real money stock, until the system reaches the steady
state. Along this path the real exchange rate increases initially(6) and
continues to increase during the adjustment. The adjustment is shown in
Figure 1, where the system is initially in steady state equilibrium at
point b. Similarly, it is easy to show that an increase in [x.sub.T]
implies a temporary trade account deficit when [Sigma] = 0 and a
temporary trade account surplus when [Sigma] = 1.
IV. Conclusions
Why is this point relevant? In the first place, it conveys a
general-message of caution about the use of the deflator used for the
real money stock, in particular in the specification of models not
derived explicitly from utility maximization: for certain changes, the
effects can be qualitatively different. Secondly, one should notice that
there are two different questions involved. The first is the typical
index number problem, i.e., which is the correct specification of the
general price level. This is not strictly a question in monetary theory.
In the case of form (1), which is the value of the coefficient [Sigma].
The second is a very different question which pertains to monetary
theory, and this is which should the deflator for the money stock be.
The inclusion of the real money stock in the utility function, per se,
does not solve the problem, unless there is a further specification on
the nature of the "utility" provided by money, which would
then indicate the correct deflator to be used. One rationalization for
such an inclusion is that money saves in transaction costs; on this
account, there are conceivable scenarios which would allow to argue that
most transactions take place in either home or traded goods, and this
could make it plausible to specify a coefficient [Sigma] equal to zero
or to unity. Another possible rationale for money providing utility is
related to the "store of value" function of money; on this
account, it would seem logical to use the general price level as the
appropriate deflator. In other words, the choice of the deflator
implies, in a fundamental sense, the choice of a theory of why money is
Leonardo Auernheimer Texas A&M University College Station, Texas
Michael A. Ellis Kent State University Kent, Ohio
1. This model is a simplified version of the model presented in
Auernheimer [1].
2. Assuming fixed outputs reflects the assumption that there are
significant lags in adjusting outputs to changes in relative prices.
3. This is one of the simplest among other possible assumptions
concerning the uses of seigniorage and the inflation tax. See, for
example, Calvo [2].
4. The terms [U.sub.T] and [U.sub.H] denote partial derivatives of
the utility function with respect to traded good consumption and
non-traded good consumption, respectively.
5. To avoid clutter, in the "experiments" that follow the
locus [Mathematical Expression Omitted] indicated in Figure 1 is assumed
to be, in each case, the locus relevant after the change, with point a
or point b being the initial equilibrium point.
6. The initial increase in both traded and non-traded good
consumption has opposing effects on the real exchange rate, but the real
exchange rate must increase to clear the non-traded good market.
1. Auernheimer, Leonardo. "On the Significance of Foreign Debt:
Some Fundamentals," in International Indebtedness, edited by M.
Borchert and R. Schinke. London: Routledge, 1990, pp. 35-50.
2. Calvo, Guillermo, "Devaluation: Levels Versus Rates."
Journal of International Economics, May 1981, 165-72.
3. ----- and Carlos A. Rodriguez, "A Model of Exchange Rate
Determination Under Currency Substitution and Rational
Expectations." Journal of political Economy, June 1977, 617-25.
4. Dornbusch, Rudiger, "Expectations and Exchange Rate
Dynamics." Journal of Political Economy, December 1976, 1161-76.
5. -----, "Devaluation, Money and Nontraded Goods."
American Economic Review, December 1973, 871-80.
6. Engel, Charles, "The Trade Balance and Real Exchange Rate
under Currency Substitution." Journal of International Money and
Finance, March 1989, 47-58.
7. Livitan, Nissan, "Monetary Expansion and Real Exchange Rate
Dynamics." Journal of Political Economy, December 1981, 1218-27.