Cointegration tests of the Fisher Hypothesis with variable trends in the world real interest rate.
Terrell, Dek
I. Introduction
After seventy years, the Fisher hypothesis has proven to be one of
the most durable and influential theories in economics. Yet after years
of debate and testing, the empirical accuracy of the proposition remains
in question. The Fisher hypothesis simply states that a one point
increase in inflation leads to a one point increase in the nominal
interest rate leaving real interest rates unchanged. This relationship
does not rule out the possibility of other variables influencing the
real interest rate or variable trends in the real interest rate arising
from sources other than inflation. This paper merges the literature on
real interest rate parity with tests of the Fisher hypothesis to control
for variable trends in the real interest rate.
From the beginning, tests of the Fisher hypothesis yielded mixed
results. Studies such as Fama [15], Carr, Pesando and Smith [7], Cargill
[6], Levi and Makin [28], Peek and Wilcox [37], Hoover [24], and Mishkin
[33] have supported inflation neutrality and the Fisher hypothesis.
However, other studies present evidence against the hypothesis [43; 31;
32; 3; 20; 42; 8]. Beginning with Nelson and Plosser [36], evidence of
variable trends in both inflation and nominal interest rates began to
build. Several recent papers address this issue and use cointegration
tests to explore the long-run relationship between inflation and
interest rates.
Unfortunately, the cointegration tests also yield mixed results. For
example, Rose [3<] rejects cointegration between inflation and
interest rates, while Arkins [1] tests support cointegration. Not
surprisingly, MacDonald and Murphy [29] and Wallace and Warner [45] find
that the results of cointegration tests are sensitive to time period and
country. The failure of cointegration tests to find a stationary
combination of nominal interest rates and inflation does not imply the
absence of a long-run equilibrium relationship between the variables or
necessarily reject the Fisher hypothesis. Instead these results may
indicate the need for a richer model specification.
The presence of a variable trend in real interest rates offers one
plausible explanation for the ambiguity of these cointegration tests.
The real interest rate, which is equal in the long-run to the return on
capital, can be influenced by both temporary factors (such as fiscal or
monetary policy) or permanent factors (such as technological shift
parameters and permanent tax rate changes). King, Plosser, Stock, and
Watson [27] supply evidence from the U.S. economy that the real interest
rate is related to business cycle phenomena and is nonstationary. In a
multicountry study, Bosner-Neal [5] reports that monetary regime shifts
influence the real interest rate and Rose [38] shows that the real
interest rate is unstable in the U.S. and other OECD economies.
In addition to evidence on the univariate properties of real interest
rates, theory and empirical evidence indicate a link between real
interest rates across countries. Studies such as Mishkin [31; 36], Cumby
and Obstfeld [11], Cumby and Mishkin [12], Merrick and Saunders [30],
Gaab, Granziol and Horner [21], Modjtahedi [34], and Dutton [13] find
correlations of real rates across economies. Cumby and Mishkin for
instance find that "there is strong evidence that there is a
positive relationship between movements in the U.S. real interest rate
and those in Europe." Using cointegration tests, Modjtahedi [34]
investigates the long-run relationship between real interest rates and
finds cointegration between interest rates across countries. The
existence of a common variable trend in real interest rates across
countries suggests a specification of the Fisher equation that includes
this variable trend.
This paper tests the Fisher hypothesis using quarterly data from
Canada, France, Germany, U.K., Japan, and Italy over the period
1973-1989. Our analysis includes the U.S. real interest rate to account
for variable trends in the world real interest rate. We analyze long-run
relationships between inflation, nominal interest rates, and the U.S.
real interest rate in each of the six countries. This paper explores
these relationships using the multivariate cointegration methodology
proposed by Johansen [25] and Johansen and Juselius [26]. The Johansen
approach allows a test of the Fisher hypothesis in a trivariate
framework and avoids drawbacks of the Engle-Granger regression
methodology. Unlike the static Engle-Granger approach, the Johansen
approach allows for dynamic interrelationships among variables, simple
tests of restrictions, and tests for the number of cointegrating
II. A Basic Model of Interest Rates
The Fisher hypothesis asserts that a one point rise in inflation
leads to a one point rise in nominal interest rates. Tests of this
assertion are complicated by the fact that innovations unrelated to
inflation affect both real and nominal interest rates and that all three
series appear non-stationary. We derive an empirical model based on real
interest parity, which allows for tests of the Fisher hypothesis.
Consider the Fisher equation for country j:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[i.sup.j] = the nominal interest rate in country j,
[[Pi].sup.ej] = the expected inflation rate in country j, and
[r.sup.ej] = the expected real interest rate in country j.
Equation (1) describes a long-run relationship between domestic
nominal interest rates, expected inflation and ex ante domestic real
interest rates in country j. Tests of the Fisher hypothesis often
proceed based on the assumption that the real interest rate is constant
over time. Recently, King, Plosser, Stock, and Watson [27], Bosner-Neal
[5], and Modjtahedi [34] provided evidence that the real interest rate
varies over time and is non-stationary. We account for non-stationary
real interest rates based on the equilibrium relationship between real
interest rates across countries:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
where [r.sup.ew] denotes the expected world real interest rate.
Equation (2) combines real interest parity with the possibility that
inflation effects real interest rates. If real interest rates are
equalized across countries, then [[Beta].sub.0] = 0 and [[Beta].sub.1] =
1. The parameter [[Beta].sub.0] may deviate from zero as a result of a
risk premium. Likewise transaction costs or differences in tax rates
across countries may cause [[Beta].sub.1] to differ from one, and in the
extreme case of a closed economy [[Beta].sub.1] may equal zero.
Empirical evidence supports a relationship between real interest rates
across countries, but suggests that [[Beta].sub.1] lies between zero and
one [10; 21; 30]. Modjtahedi [34] corroborates the existence of such a
relationship, by finding evidence of cointegration among real interest
rates across countries. This result of cointegrated real interest rates
suggests that all permanent innovations to the countries real interest
rate stem from innovations in the world real interest rate, and thus
u(t) denotes a stationary moving average process.
Equation (2) also allows for the possibility that the expected
domestic inflation rate influences the domestic real interest rate. If
[Gamma] = 0, as the Fisher hypothesis asserts, equation (2) reduces to
the standard real interest parity equation. However, several authors
point to reasons for non-neutrality of inflation. Mundell [35] and Tobin
[44] present a model in which higher expected inflation reduces the
demand for real balances, encouraging agents to shift into short-term
assets and reducing their return. The lower returns then stimulate
economic activity.
Fama and Gibbons [16] propose an alternative model that generates a
similar violation of inflation neutrality. Contrary to the Mundell-Tobin
approach, Fama and Gibbons assert that the inverse relationship between
expected inflation and lower real rates of return is a consequence, not
a cause of higher real activity. In the Fama and Gibbons model, money
supply and expected inflation are endogenous variables that depend on
consumption-investment allocation decisions. Both the Mundell-Tobin and
Fama-Gibbons models predict [Gamma] [less than] 0.
On the other hand, Darby [12] and Feldstein [17] note that the
failure of tax codes to index interest income implies that an increase
in the before-tax real interest rate is required to offset additional
tax liabilities from inflation, and thus [Gamma] [greater than] 0. Two
problems make tests of the Feldstein-Darby hypothesis difficult. First,
the Mundell-Tobin effect may offset any tax effects and influence
[Gamma]. Second, the appropriate tax rate is difficult to obtain.
Although MacDonald and Murphy [29] use an average tax rate from Tanzi
[43], Gandolfi [28] and Rose [39] argue that the choice of a relevant
tax rate is difficult and, due to capital gains and depreciation
allowances, the tax effect is likely to be small. For these reasons, we
concentrate on tests of the Fisher hypothesis excluding tax rates rather
than the Feldstein-Darby proposition.
Combining equations (1) and (2) yields the long-run relationship:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
where [[Beta].sub.2] = 1 - [Gamma].
The Fisher hypothesis asserts [[Beta].sub.2] = 1 and the assumptions
in (1) and (2) imply a stationary error in (3) and cointegration.
Non-cointegration indicates the presence of permanent innovations in the
real interest rate not common to the rest of the world. Using the U.S.
real interest rate to proxy for world real interest rates,
non-cointegration may indicate imperfect capital markets or high costs
of transactions between the domestic economy and the U.S. Note that if
the model excludes the world real interest rate, which contains a
variable trend, nominal interest rates and inflation are not
If [[Beta].sub.1] = 1 and [[Beta].sub.2] = 1, real interest rates
move one-for-one and, given the assumption that u(t) is a stationary
moving average, the real interest rate differential is stationary.
Modjtahedi's [34] tests for stationarity of real interest
differentials corresponds to hypothesis tests of this proposition in our
All equations above contain unobserved expectations of inflation and
real interest rates. Assuming no systematic errors in expectations, we
use a simple model relating expected values of interest rates and
inflation to observed inflation and interest rates:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
where [[Pi].sup.j] and [r.sup.j] denote ex post inflation and real
interest rates in country j.
Substituting equation (4) into the other equations normally leads to
the classic errors in variables problem and inconsistent parameter
estimates. However permanent shocks dominate any temporary stochastic errors in the case of cointegrated variables, which allows for
consistent estimation even with the presence of the errors in variables
problem [40; 41]. Therefore, we proceed to cointegration tests using
observed values of inflation and real interest rates based on the
substitution for expected values of the variables as given in equation
We test the importance of the world real interest rate using
Johansen's multivariate co-integration methodology. Define a vector
Z[prime] = [[i.sup.j][[Pi].sup.j][r.sup.w]]. Using this notation
equation (3) may be written as the vector autoregression:
[Z.sub.t] = [summation of] [[Pi].sub.[Tau]][Z.sub.t - [Tau]] where
[Tau] = 1 to k + [[Epsilon].sub.t] (5)
where [[Epsilon].sub.t] is distributed N(0, [Sigma]). Johansen's
methodology requires the reparameterization:
[Delta][Z.sub.t] = [summation of] [[Gamma].sub.[Tau]][Delta][Z.sub.t
- [Tau]] where [Tau] = 1 to k + [[Gamma].sub.k][[Z.sub.t - k], 1] +
[[Epsilon].sub.t] (6)
where [[Gamma].sub.k] = -I + [[Pi].sub.1] + ... + [[Pi].sub.k].
The matrix [[Gamma].sub.k] represents the long-run effects of the
innovation vector [[Epsilon].sub.t] on Z and has rank equal to m, the
number of distinct cointegrating vectors. The number of parameters minus
the rank of [[Gamma].sub.k] supplies the number of unit roots in the
vector representation of the series and the number of stochastic trends
needed to characterize the series. Thus if [[Gamma].sub.k] is of full
rank, all variables in the system are stationary and the system contains
no unit roots. If the rank of [[Gamma].sub.k] is zero then no stationary
linear combination of domestic inflation, domestic nominal interest
rates, and world real interest rates exists, and the series are
characterized by three stochastic trends. Theory and the empirical model
discussed above suggest that two permanent stochastic trends may
completely characterize the three series; thus one cointegrating vector
In addition to estimation of the rank of [[Gamma].sub.k],
Johansen's methodology permits estimation of the cointegrating
vector(s) using the decomposition [Alpha][[Beta][prime],
[[Beta].sub.0]][prime] = [[Gamma].sub.k], where [Beta] denotes a 3 x m
matrix of cointegrating vectors and [Alpha] is a 3 x m matrix of error
correction parameters. Assuming [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE I OMITTED] a
single cointegrating vector, the normalized cointegrating vector
supplies estimates of the parameters from equation (3).
III. Data/Preliminary Tests
The tests described above require nominal interest rates and
inflation data for each country, and a measure of the world real
interest rate. The nominal interest rate data (i) consist of quarterly
call money rates for Canada, France, Italy, Germany, Japan, U.K., and
the U.S. We compute quarterly inflation data ([Pi]) as the annualized percentage change of the end of quarter consumer price index for each
country, and use the ex-post U.S. real interest rate, calculated as the
quarterly call money rate minus inflation, as the real interest rate.
The use of the U.S. real rate for the world real rate is based on the
large country assumption and appears commonly in the literature [34].(1)
All data series are obtained from the Citibase Macroeconomic database
for the period 1973:1 through 1989:4.
Table I presents results of the augmented Dickey-Fuller test for unit
roots for all series. In all cases, the tests fail to reject the null
hypothesis of a unit root in nominal interest rates, inflation, and the
real interest rate at the 5% level for all countries. Additional tests
reject unit roots in differences at the 5% level for both inflation and
interest rates. Based on these results, we proceed with an empirical
model expressing interest rates and inflation as I(1).
IV. Johansen Tests
The empirical model described in section II predicts cointegration
between nominal interest rate inflation, and the U.S. real interest
rate. Combined with the failure to reject a unit root in tt real
interest rate for each country, the equation also predicts that no
stationary combination of [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE II OMITTED] inflation
and nominal interest rates exists when the U.S. real interest rate is
excluded from the model. We explore these predictions using the Johansen
rank test for cointegration in two sets of models, one set including all
three variables and a second excluding the U.S. real interest rate.
Table II presents Johansen rank tests for cointegration. Column 4
presents Johansen statistics for the full model given in equation (3).
Column 3 contains rank tests of the traditional Fisher equation and
excludes the U.S. real interest rate in the Johansen tests. A comparison
of these results reveals striking differences. Excluding the U.S. real
interest rate, the Johansen results fail to reject non-cointegration in
five of the six countries at the 5% significance level. Across the
entire sample, we conclude that the results provide little evidence in
favor of cointegration between nominal interest rates and inflation.
The rank tests in column 4, which include the U.S. real interest
rate, stand in stark contrast to those in column 3. We reject
non-cointegration in favor of a single cointegrating vector at the 5%
level in four of six countries.(2) In Japan non-cointegration is
rejected at the 10% significance level and the critical value of 19.76
indicates that we would reject non-cointegration at near the 10% level
of significance for Canada. When the U.S. real interest rate is
included, the Johansen tests provide strong evidence in favor of
cointegration between the nominal interest rate, inflation, [TABULAR
DATA FOR TABLE III OMITTED] and the U.S. real interest rate. Thus
inclusion of the U.S. real rate removes the variable trend and restores
the long term relationship between inflation and nominal interest rates.
Further, the rank tests fail to supply any evidence of more than one
cointegrating vector in any country.
The results of this exercise are consistent with Blanchard and
Summers [4], Cumby and Mishkin [10], Merrick and Saunders [30], and
Barro and Sala-i-Martin's [2] conjectures of shifts in the world
interest rate over this time period. Burro and Sala-i-Martin [2] report
several shifts in the world real interest rate since 1959, and that the
U.S. real interest rate moved similarly to the average for eight other
major countries.(3) Both Summers [42] and Barro and Sala-i-Martin [2]
argue that high expected stock market profitability during the period
1981-86 served as the fundamental cause of high real interest rates over
that time period. Although our methodology cannot identify sources of
interest rate shifts, our results confirm the presence of world-wide
permanent shifts during the period 1973-1989.
Table III reports the parameter estimates from the Johansen procedure
and hypothesis tests. Columns 2 and 3 find [[Beta].sub.0] near zero and
[[Beta].sub.1] near one for most countries included in the sample. The
general pattern of estimates across countries lends itself to
interpretation. These results suggest that the U.S. real interest rate
exerts a strong influence on nominal interest rates in Canada, U.K., and
Italy with weaker effects on those in Germany, Japan, and France. This
may reflect the close U.S. ties to Canada and U.K., or differences in
restrictions regarding movements of capital and lower transactions costs in some countries included in the sample.
The point estimates of [[Beta].sub.2] in column 3 range from a
prediction of a .6 point rise in nominal interest rates for every one
point increase in inflation in Japan to a 1.48 point rise in Germany.
Comparing results across countries reveals that [[Beta].sub.2] lies
below one for five of six countries, a pattern consistent with the
Mundell-Tobin and Fama-Gibbons models. Column 4 presents a formal test
of the Fisher hypothesis, which is imposed through the restriction
[[Beta].sub.2] = 1 (with the coefficient of nominal interest rates
normalized to -1). This chi-square test statistic rejects the
restriction at the five percent level in Italy, France, and Germany, and
at the ten percent level in Japan.
Columns 6-8 of Table III present tests of restrictions involving
[[Beta].sub.0] and [[Beta].sub.1]. Consistent with the rank tests, the
results in column 6 suppl} a strong rejection of the exclusion of real
world interest rates from the model. As in previous studies, evidence on
risk premiums and real interest equalization vary across country. Column
7 presents tests of the hypothesis [[Beta].sub.0] = 0. These tests find
no evidence of a risk premium in Canada, Germany, or U.K., but strongly
reject the null in favor of a risk premium for France. Column 8 contains
tests of real interest equalization. The results vary across the
countries, rejecting equalization for France, Germany, and Japan.
Overall our results are consistent with most previous studies of real
interest rates, supplying strong evidence of a relationship between real
interest rates across countries, although weaker evidence in favor of
equalization of rates.
Column 9 contains tests for one-for-one movements between domestic
interest rates and interest rates in the U.S., the restrictions
[[Beta].sub.1] = 1 and [[Beta].sub.2] = 1. This test is identical to
Modjtahedi's [34] test for stationarity of real interest
differentials. The test statistics reject this hypothesis at the 10%
level in all countries and at the 5% level in four of six countries.
These results support the findings of Mishkin [32] and Cumby and Mishkin
[10], but vary from Dutton [13] and Modjtahedi [34].(4)
V. Conclusion
This paper conducts tests for cointegration between real word
interest rates, inflation, and nominal interest rates in Canada, France,
Italy, Germany, U.K., and Japan and supplies tests of the Fisher
hypothesis and real interest parity allowing for the presence of a
variable trend in world real interest rates. Results indicate that the
sensitivity of past cointegration tests to the sample country and time
period are explained to a large extent by the presence of a variable
trend in world real interest rates. Johansen trace tests indicate that
cointegration exists between nominal interest rates, inflation and the
U.S. real interest rate in five of six countries, but fail to reject
non-cointegration in five of six countries (at the 5% level) considered
if the traditional Fisher equation is tested with the U.S. real interest
rate excluded from the model. These test statistics provide robust
evidence of an equilibrium relationship between word real interest
rates, domestic inflation and nominal interest rates that cannot be
detected in models excluding world real interest rates.
1. We tested the use of the U.S. real rate versus the German rate in
our model using the non-nested specification tests of Cox [9], Fisher
and McAleer [18], and Godfrey and Pesaran [23]. The tests reject the use
of the German rate in favor of the specification using the U.S. real
rate in three of five countries and are inconclusive in the remaining
two countries.
2. This finding indicates that a long-run equilibrium relationship
exists between domestic nominal interest rates, inflation, and the U.S.
real interest rate in at least four of six countries.
3. Barro and Sala-i-Martin [2] find a correlation coefficient of .73
between the U.S. real interest rate and the average real rate for those
countries for the period 1959-1989.
4. Differences in price indices and interest rates may explain the
deviations. Dutton uses a price index composed only of traded goods,
relevant for trade decisions, while our work uses the interest rate
relevant for the agent's borrowing and lending decisions (see
Mishkin [32] for related discussion). Both Dutton [13] and Modjtahedi
[34] use monthly offshore Eurocurrency rates rather than the call money
rates used in this paper. Eurocurrency rates are more likely to
represent the international return on savings; whereas call money rates
represent the domestic return on savings and investment.
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