International Economic Sanctions.
Feldman, David H.
Economists often view economic sanctions as a weak policy instrument.
Sanctions are thought to work poorly because they frequently fail to
impose significant economic costs and because whatever costs are imposed
may have little impact on political decision-making in the target nation
|2; 1~. Yet sanctions are increasingly a part of the international (and
especially American) foreign policy tool kit.
This is the conundrum that motivates Kaempfer's and
Lowenberg's public choice analysis of the sanctions process. The
book brings together and extends their work on sanctions that has
appeared recently in the professional journals. In their view sanctions
are another aspect of the general proliferation of special interest
politics in majoritarian democracy. Sanctions emerge endogenously from
the same clash of interests that motivates public choice modelling of
other redistributive government policies.
Kaempfer and Lowenberg effectively describe the politics of sanctions
using methodology familiar to economists: individual (group) welfare
maximization and comparative statics of competitive political
equilibria. In their work the nation-state becomes an artifact of the
collective choice process. I am willing to grant them this
simplification (though I suspect many political scientists are not) in
order to discover the causal pathways their models chart. The modelling
is carefully done and suggests a number of testable hypotheses, though
they do not follow up many of the leads (next book?). They do, however,
provide ample descriptive analysis to motivate the models' causal
channels. They claim two broad contributions from their public choice
approach to sanctions. First, our understanding of the process improves
if we separate sanctions from their stated goals. In the models
presented here, the political usefulness of sanctions is not
functionally related to their supposed objectives. The second
contribution involves explicitly modelling political processes in a
representative target nation. They argue that the economic or market
mechanisms through which sanctions are usually presumed to work may be
less important than the selective signals sanctions send to key interest
groups within the target country.
Sanctions optimists see them as surgical scalpels while
economist-pessimists view them as bludgeons that usually miss their
mark. Kaempfer and Lowenberg offer public choice pessimism (realism?) as
an alternative. They conclude that sanctions can play a significant role
in effecting political change in the target but that policies emanating
from the sender nations often are far from the optimal instruments.
Maximizing influence (or harm) in the target is unlikely to form a
domestic political equilibrium since sanctions are primarily tools of
domestic redistribution.
The book is most useful to students of political economy (in
economics and political science), though it is also quite accessible to
advanced undergraduates who are moderately fluent in calculus. The
authors suggest that others can read around the hard parts, which is
true, though not without losing some of the flavor.
Following the authors' introduction, chapters two and three
outline for the non-expert the distinctions between traditional
political (international relations) and economic analyses of sanctions
and the public choice approach. The authors spare us an encyclopedic literature review, choosing instead to place in context the substantive
modelling that comes later.
Chapter four is an equilibrium model of the sanctions process that
draws heavily on the authors' 1988 American Economic Review
article. They assume Becker-style (i.e., efficient) interest group
competition within the sanction-imposing nation. In their framework
sanctions are income increasing to some groups and income reducing to
others. The struggle between interests is conditioned by i)
organizational difficulties (free rider issues) and ii) the magnitude of
potential income shifts, which depends in part on the sanctions'
social (deadweight) costs. They also explore the interesting possibility
that sanctions may directly enhance (or reduce) the welfare of group
members in addition to any indirect effects on income.
Chapter five reviews the general equilibrium impact of sanctions on
both target country and sender. This is the standard approach in which
offer curve elasticities determine the aggregate incidence of sanctions
on each party and in which damage to the target nation is inversely
related to the number of countries in the model. In an interesting
curiosum, they show how sanctions may increase income in the target if
increasing returns are present. In general, the social costs to the
sender may exceed the burden on the target. This reinforces their claim
that aggregate analysis usually fails to explain sanctions unless the
distributional struggle also is modeled.
Chapters six and seven concentrate on financial and investment
sanctions. They draw heavily on the authors' work on apartheid in
South Africa. Chapter six reviews the types of capital sanctions
available and explores the aggregate effects (or non-effects) of
disinvestment. Chapter seven offers a formal model of the South African
economy to assess the political and economic consequences of investment
sanctions. Their model divides South Africa into three interests--white
workers, white capitalists, and black workers--and a government whose
utility depends on the shareweighted utilities of the white electorate.
Not surprisingly, unambiguous conclusions are not possible even in a
simple general equilibrium model of South African politics. Although
investment sanctions raise the exogenous costs of apartheid, perverse
results are possible if they strengthen a class which benefits from the
existing system (white workers in their model). If, however, sanctions
lower the costs of black political organizing, this raises the internal
costs of defending apartheid and offers a clear channel linking
sanctions with positive political change. The final two chapters address
more generally the political economy of a representative target nation.
Chapter 8 models the political response to sanctions using the same
structure of interest group competition as in chapter 4, while chapter 9
develops a threshold model of political change. These chapters stress
the signal/threat role sanctions can play in changing the relative
political effectiveness of groups within the target polity.
In threshold models, individuals join in collective action when a
minimum number of their peers are also involved. The authors effectively
use the threshold technique to formalize the role of ideology in
motivating collective action. Ideology here refers to utility
individuals derive from associating their interests with that of the
group. Sanctions can signal to individuals that group action is now more
likely to succeed (or to confer greater individual benefit). This
reduces the individual's personal threshold and helps groups obtain
the critical mass necessary to initiate collective action. The authors
again use South Africa as an example to show how threshold effects may
cut both ways. Foreign pressure may enlarge and strengthen opposition
groups while also creating "rally-round-the-flag" effects that
benefit the ruling group.
David H. Feldman College of William and Mary
1. Frey, B. S. "Are Trade Wars Successful?" Chapter 6 of
International Political Economics. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1984.
2. Hufbauer, G. C., and Schott, J. J. Economic Sanctions in Support
of Foreign Policy Goals. Washington, D.C.: Institute for International
Economics, 1983.