The market response to environmental incidents in Canada: a theoretical and empirical analysis.
Lanoie, Paul
I. Introduction
There is a growing concern that regulations that promote safety
(e.g., automobile safety and product safety) may have little impact on
the level of risk associated with the utilization of such products |21;
29~. A similar concern has been recently raised with respect to
regulations that promote safety in the workplace |12~. A reason often
advocated to explain this phenomenon is the lack of adequate enforcement
mechanisms. In particular, it is often argued that fines imposed on
agents not complying with these regulations are not severe enough to
have a deterrence effect |30~. With respect to the enforcement of the
Ontario Environmental Protection Act (R.S.O. 1980, c. 141), Saxe writes
that "the majority of fines were too low to act as effective
deterrents" |23, 104~. However, some authors have challenged this
view in showing that the market provides additional monetary incentives
for firms to comply with the regulations by punishing non-complying
firms through lower stock market prices. For example, some analyses have
shown that public announcements of lawsuits against American firms not
complying with workplace safety |8~, product safety |31~ and
environmental regulations |19~ have caused significant drops of the
equity value of these firms. In this last study, it was found that the
announcement of lawsuits against firms violating the American Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA 1976) had a significant negative
impact on their equity value on the day of the announcement, while
announcements of suit settlements (e.g., fines) had no effect. In most
studies, authors argue that the reductions in stock prices have some
deterrence effect on firms.
Following Muoghalu, Robison and Glascock |19~ (henceforth MRG), this
paper examines the impact of the announcement of environmental incidents
on the firm's equity value using a sample of 47 events involving
Canadian firms between 1982 and 1991. Like its American counterpart,
Canadian environmental regulations (both federal and provincial) are of
a "command-and-control" nature.(1) However, it is claimed that
enforcement of the regulation has been more severe in the United States.
In a comparative qualitative analysis of the regulatory approach in
Canada and the United States, Marchant notes that "the United
States has one of the most adversarial industry-government relationships
in the world, and the hardball attitude of some U.S. industry on some
issues may have been the cause of stiffer and less compromising
enforcement on the part of the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency" |18, 46~.(2) Our analysis extends MRG's study in two
different directions. First, unlike previous papers concerned with
similar questions, our analysis is based on a theoretical model that
describes how shareholders update their beliefs as to the profitability
of the firm when certain environmental incidents are announced. Second,
in addition to the announcement of lawsuits and suit settlements,(3) we
examine shareholders' reaction to two other categories of events:
the announcement of environmental incidents likely to lead to a lawsuit
(e.g., levels of pollution above provincial/federal limits, spills) and
the announcement of investments in emissions control equipment.
The paper is organized as follows. In section II we present the main
features of our theoretical model. In section III our data set is
presented and discussed. The event-study methodology is briefly
described in section IV and our results presented in section V. We find
that the announcement of investments in emissions control equipment are
followed by a decrease in the equity value of firms. We also find,
contrary to MRG, that Canadian shareholders react negatively to the
announcement of suit settlements, not to the announcement of lawsuits.
These results yield support to the view that the enforcement of
environmental regulations has generally been more severe in the United
States than in Canada. Section VI provides concluding remarks.
II. A Theoretical Model of Optimal Timing of Compliance
How is the regulator to decide whether or not there is violation of
the emissions standards in a situation where not only the firm's
rate of discharge is stochastic, but where also the regulator obtains an
imperfect measure of that rate of discharge? Presented this way, the
problem is one of statistical quality control to which a number of
authors have provided answers |2; 15; 28~. However, these answers are
not entirely satisfactory. In all these models, the optimal sample size
is chosen before the monitoring process actually takes place. The
firm's optimal strategy (choice of pollution level) is also
determined at the beginning of the regulatory process. This lack of
dynamics prevents the firm's optimal strategy to evolve from a
state of no compliance to a state of compliance: in these circumstances,
the firm's optimal solution is always either to comply or not
comply. There is no room for the firm to change (update) its compliance
strategy as the regulator samples its pollution level. Such models
cannot explain why a firm would suddenly announce that it will invest in
emissions control equipment. How can it be that it was not optimal for
the firm to comply with the environmental regulation yesterday, but that
it is today?
Moreover, the literature has so far ignored an important
characteristic of the enforcement of environmental regulations: even if
a violation is correctly detected (i.e., the regulator judges there is a
violation while indeed there is one), it does not necessarily follow, as
implicitly assumed in previous papers, that the regulator will try to
obtain compliance through legal prosecution. There is ample evidence
that environmental regulators prefer to obtain "voluntary"
compliance from polluters |4; 20~. Legal action is a last resort. Hence,
we prefer to model the regulator's monitoring and enforcement
problem in such a way as to offer dynamics not only to its decision
process, but also to the firm's optimal compliance strategy. Not
only shall we observe the regulator updating its belief with respect to
the firm's compliance with the emissions standard, but we shall
also be able to determine the exact moment for which it becomes optimal
for the firm to comply with the emissions standard. Immediate compliance
is in general not optimal since the probability of enforcement through
penalties is too small. While previous authors have argued that the
small number of court cases related to the violation of environmental
standards is the prima facie evidence of poor monitoring and
enforcement, we show that it may simply be the result of good
anticipation by the firm as to the probability of being sued in any
given period. This framework of analysis also allows us to provide an
explanation for a firm's incentive to announce investments in
emissions control equipment. We first present a theoretical model of the
regulator's behavior. Then, given this behavior, the firm's
compliance strategy is derived.
A Model of Regulator's Behavior
Our main objective is to describe a process by which the regulator
updates its belief as to the state of compliance of the firm with the
emissions standard. As one would like to observe, we show that the
higher the measured level of pollution the higher the regulator's
belief that the firm does not comply with the emissions standard.
A firm produces a good |x.sub.t~ and emits a pollutant in quantity
|P.sub.t~ in period t. This quantity is stochastic and is a function of
whether or not the firm complies with the emissions standard. Let
|P.sub.t~ = |P.sup.c~ + ||Theta~.sub.t~ (1)
be the level of pollution if the firm complies with the regulation,
|P.sub.t~ = | + ||Theta~.sub.t~ (2)
if it does not comply. ||Theta~.sub.t~ is a pollution shock in period
t. We assume that |Mathematical Expression Omitted~. Hence, the
firm's mean (expected) level of pollution is |P.sup.c~ if the firm
complies with the regulation, and | if it does not comply. If
the emissions standard is strictly smaller than the firm's
unregulated level of pollution, then |P.sup.c~ |is less than~
In each period, the regulator obtains a measure |Mathematical
Expression Omitted~ of the firm's stochastic pollution level. In
period t, we thus have
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~
where ||Psi~.sub.t~ captures the possibility of a measurement error.
We assume that |Mathematical Expression Omitted~. Hence, the measure
obtained in period t is unbiased. It follows that |Mathematical
Expression Omitted~ if the firm complies with the emissions standard and
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~ if it does not comply.
Before measuring the firm's level of emissions, the regulator
cannot observe whether the firm complies with the emissions standard.
Nonetheless, it holds a prior belief ||Rho~.sub.0~ that the firm does
not comply. The value of this prior belief is determined by a number of
factors among which is the presence or absence of an emissions control
equipment. Indeed, given that emissions standards are technology
based,(4) it seems reasonable to postulate that if the regulator
observes an emissions control equipment in place (or knows that such an
equipment has been installed), then it holds a prior belief of
compliance larger than if such an equipment is not installed.(5)
Upon observing |Mathematical Expression Omitted~, the regulator
updates his belief on the state of compliance of the firm. Let
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~ be the density function of
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~ if the firm does not comply with the
environmental regulation and |Mathematical Expression Omitted~ if it
complies. Hence, the probability of observing any given level of
pollution |Mathematical Expression Omitted~ if the firm complies is
defined as
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~
and if the firm does not comply, as(6)
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~.
Denote by ||Rho~.sub.t~ the regulator's updated belief, in
period t, that the firm does not comply with the emissions standard.
Following Bayes's rule,
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~.
Let E(|P.sub.t~) be the regulator's expectation of the
firm's true level of pollution in period t,
E(|P.sub.t~) = (1 - ||Rho~.sub.t~)|P.sup.c~ +
||Rho~.sub.t~| (7)
It is then easy to show that the higher the measured level of
pollution, the higher is the regulator's expectation of the
firm's true level of pollution in period t, i.e. |Mathematical
Expression Omitted~. Indeed, note from (6) that
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~.
The monotone likelihood ratio implies that
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~.
Hence, given that the firm violates the emissions standard, with
sufficient time the regulator will come to believe correctly that the
firm does not comply with the environmental regulation. We think this
process captures the dynamics of the regulator's problem at
monitoring a firm's level of emissions and its compliance with
specific emissions standard. Given these characteristics of the
regulator's behavior, we can now analyse the firm's optimal
compliance strategy.
Optimal Compliance Strategy
At any time t, the problem of the firm is to calculate its expected
present value net of the pollution abatement costs and stochastic
penalties for violation of the environmental regulation. The appropriate
course of action (install the emissions control equipment or do not
install) is obviously indicated by the one that yields the highest
expected present value.
The penalty for violation of the emissions standard is stochastic for
two different sets of reasons. First, for every period in which the firm
does not comply with the emissions standard, it faces a strictly
positive probability of being sued in that period. This probability is
an increasing function of the regulator's expectation of the
firm's level of emissions, which is itself a function of the
regulator's belief that the firm does not comply with the emissions
standard (||Rho~.sub.t~). Second, conviction is not the necessary
outcome of a legal prosecution. Moreover, if convicted, the court has a
considerable amount of flexibility as to the type and level of penalty
to impose on the firm. As most often described in environmental
regulations, upon conviction the court may impose a fine of which only
the maximum is determined by law. The court may also require the firm to
remedy the problem by installing the appropriate emissions control
equipment. In the context of this paper, this means there is a positive
probability that the firm will have to incur the total costs of
complying with the standard in every period after conviction. Denote by
|Omega~ the probability of conviction and by |Gamma~ the probability
that the court sentences the firm to remedy the problem. Hence, upon
prosecution, the expected penalty in period t, noted |Mathematical
Expression Omitted~, is
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~
where T|C.sub.t~ (|P.sup.c~) is the total cost of complying with the
emissions standard |P.sup.c~, F is the expected value of the fine and L
represents the legal fees incurred by the firm upon prosecution.
Given the present state of environmental awareness, it is
increasingly recognised that the most important penalty a firm may incur
for being sued for violation of emissions standards lies on losing its
ability to maintain any given level of profits. This loss may be a more
important threat than simply the legal fees and expected penalty imposed
by the court. Let |R.sub.t~ be the firm's profits in period t, not
accounting for pollution abatement costs and stochastic penalty. We
assume in this paper that |R.sub.t~ is adversely affected if the firm is
sued for alleged violation of the environmental standards. Denote by
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~ the profits of the firm upon legal
prosecution. Obviously, |Mathematical Expression Omitted~. These are
otherwise assumed constant. Hence the expected profits of the firm if it
does not comply with the emissions standard in period t are
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~
where |Mathematical Expression Omitted~ is the expected probability
of being sued in period t.(7) If the firm complies with the emissions
standard in period t, its profits are
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~.
Given that |R.sub.t~ and T|C.sub.t~(|P.sup.c~) are time independent
and since the firm does not face the possibility of penalties (since it
fully complies with the regulation), |Mathematical Expression Omitted~
is constant over time. Note that for any |Gamma~ and |Omega~ strictly
positive, a necessary condition to observe a firm complying with the
environmental regulation is
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~.
Otherwise, it would not be optimal for the firm to comply with the
regulation even if the probability of being sued were to be one. We
assume in this paper that (13) holds. Notice that for any given level of
probability of being sued, the loss in reputation reduces the fine that
is necessary to bring the firm into compliance.
As observed in equation (11), the expected profits of the firm (hence
its optimal compliance strategy) are a function of its expectations
about the probability of being sued in period t which is itself a
function of the firm's expectation of the regulator's belief
of non-compliance. Denote the latter by |Mathematical Expression
Omitted~, in period t. Given that the firm knows the process of belief
updating followed by the regulator, it can form an expectation, in any
period t, as to the regulator's belief of non-compliance.
THEOREM 1. Given that |Mathematical Expression Omitted~, then
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~, for as long as |Mathematical
Expression Omitted~. Moreover, as t |right arrow~ |infinity~,
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~.
Proof. From the firm's point of view,
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~.
This latter equation can more generally be written as
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~
where |Mathematical Expression Omitted~ and |Xi~ |is equivalent to~
|f.sup.c~ (|| (| In particular,
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~ and |Mathematical Expression Omitted~.
Since |Mathematical Expression Omitted~ it follows that ||Gamma~.sub.1~
|is less than~ ||Gamma~.sub.0~. Hence, |Mathematical Expression
Omitted~. Obviously, |Mathematical Expression Omitted~ and, more
generally, |Mathematical Expression Omitted~. Moreover, note that the
limit of ||Gamma~.sub.t-1~ as t |right arrow~ |infinity~ is zero. Hence
the limit of |Mathematical Expression Omitted~ as t |right arrow~
|infinity~ is one. Q.E.D.
COROLLARY. The expected profits of a firm that does not comply with
the environmental regulation fall over time.
Let t* = t + n be the time period for which |Mathematical Expression
Omitted~. Let |Mathematical Expression Omitted~ be the expected value of
the firm in period t given that it complies with the standard in period
t. Since |Mathematical Expression Omitted~ is assumed constant,
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~ is constant in all period t.
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~
where |Beta~ is the discount rate. Denote by |Mathematical Expression
Omitted~ the expected value of the firm in any period |Mathematical
Expression Omitted~ given that it complies with the standard in period
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~. It is then easy to show that the
value of the firm is maximised if |Mathematical Expression Omitted~
i.e., |Mathematical Expression Omitted~. The relationship between those
values is illustrated in Figure 1 where |Mathematical Expression
Omitted~ denotes the expected value of the firm in period t given that
it were not to comply with the emissions standard from period t onward.
Hence, it is optimal for the firm to comply with the standard or
announce compliance (e.g., public announcement of investments in
emissions control equipment) exactly at period t*. Given that agents are
rational and profit maximisers, a clear prediction of this model is that
a public announcement of an investment in emissions control equipment
should have no effect on the value of the firm unless the firm is forced
by the regulator to undertake such an investment at an earlier date than
t*. Moreover, for as long as expectations are fulfilled, legal
prosecution is never observed. Legal prosecution is observed if the
firm, for example, has under-estimated the expected probability of being
sued, hence has over-estimated t*.
Upon prosecution, it is easy to calculate the change in the value of
the firm. Without any further details, the measured loss in the value of
the firm is simply equal to the difference, discounted in period
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~, between the expected and realised
profits from period |Mathematical Expression Omitted~ to period t*
(where |Mathematical Expression Omitted~ is the period where prosecution
is announced). Note that even if the firm is not found guilty, we should
observe a reduction in its present value. Indeed, not only its
reputation is adversely affected, but also the firm may end-up investing
in an emissions control equipment at an earlier period than the one that
maximizes its present value.
In the above model, we have assumed that the regulator's belief
of non-compliance is updated through time using only the measured level
of pollution. It would be straightforward to extend the model so as to
have this belief also function of environmental incidents in which the
firm would be involved. Upon such an incident occurring, one could
observe a discrete jump in the regulator's belief of non-compliance
and therefore a fall in the value of the firm at the time the incident
occurs. This would lead the firm to announce compliance at an earlier
date than t*. Finally, it would also be easy to introduce a lag between
the date where legal prosecution is announced and the date where suit
settlement is announced. Would that be the case, given rational agents,
it shall be obvious that there would be no change in the value of the
firm upon the announcement of suit settlement unless the market has made
an error (upward or downward) in its estimation of the penalty. The next
sections are devoted to testing these theoretical predictions. III. Data
and Limitations
Our sample consists of 47 events published in Canadian print media
(mostly the Financial Post and the Globe and Mail) between 1982 and
1991.(8) These events are divided in four types of announcement: 12
announcements of violation of environmental regulation for which it is
likely that the regulator will undertake legal action; 9 announcements
of legal action undertaken against firms that violated environmental
regulations; 13 announcements of suit settlement; and 13 announcements
of investment in emissions control equipment. For four of the 13 suit
settlements, the initial announcement of legal action is also available.
Note that of the 47 cases, 18 involve firms in the pulp and paper
industry, 10 in the mining industry, 6 in the petroleum industry, 6 in
the chemical industry and 7 in other industries.(9) These events concern
firms operating in Canada and registered at the stock exchange. However,
certain subsidiaries of foreign firms are not registered at any Canadian
stock exchange. In addition to Canadian-owned firms, we kept in the
sample those firms that are totally owned by one American corporation
registered at the New York Stock Exchange (14 of the 47 cases). Cases of
firms owned by Europeans or jointly owned by more than one corporation
were discarded since the impact of the event on the equity of the head
firm would likely be too negligible to be detectable.
For each of the four types of announcement, four subsamples are
considered. The first subsample contains every case available within a
specific type of announcement. The second contains only those cases
involving Canadian-owned firms. The third subsample contains all cases
(Canadian and American) with the same level of media exposure, i.e.,
cases that are presented in a feature article(10) of the Financial Post
and/or the Globe and Mail. Suret and Pauchant argue convincingly that
event studies should be based on events that have the same extent of
coverage in the media |26~. Finally, the fourth subsample is composed
solely of the Canadian cases with the same level of media exposure. IV.
Event-Study Methodology
We use the Capital Assets Pricing Model (CAPM) version of the
standard event-study methodology to analyze reactions of a firms'
equity value to the announcement of the different events.(11) The
event-study methodology is based on the assumption that the market is
sufficiently efficient to fully evaluate the impact of different events
on future profits of the firms |6~.
The reaction to the announcement of an event is obtained by
predicting a normal return for each firm on each day following the
announcement and then subtracting this predicted normal return from the
actual return. Normal returns are generated by estimating the following
CAPM model:
| = (1 - ||Beta~.sub.i~)|R.sub.ft~ +
||Beta~.sub.i~| + | (15)
| the rate of return on security i for day t;
|R.sub.ft~: the rate of return on the risk-free asset |Treasury Bills
(90 days) of the Canadian federal government~;
| the rate of return on the Toronto Stock Exchange market
||Beta~.sub.i~: estimated parameter;
| error term for security i on day t.
In absence of unexpected information, the relationship between the
firm's return, the market's return and the risk-free asset
should be unchanged. Hence, these returns can be used to forecast the
"normal" return for the firm. A prediction error is generated
when unexpected information affects the return for the firm without
affecting the market's return and the risk-free asset. The
prediction error, commonly referred to as the abnormal return (AR) for
security i is computed as the following:
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~.
The day the event is announced in the print media is referred to as
day 0, and all other days are measured relative to day 0. The CAPM model
is estimated for each firm over the 210 day interval before the
announcement of the event.(12) The average abnormal return is then
computed across firms:
AA|R.sub.t~ = (1/|N.sub.t~) |summation of~ A| where i = 1 to
|N.sub.t~ (17)
where |N.sub.t~ is the number of securities in a given subsample. A
t-test is used to determine the level of significance of abnormal
returns for a given subsample. The test uses the estimated standard
error of the returns computed for the estimation period:
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~
where |Mathematical Expression Omitted~ is the estimated standard
error of abnormal returns during the estimation period (T = 210).(13)
This test statistic follows a Student at T - 1 degrees of freedom.
In order to test for the persistence of the impact of the
announcement during the period t to t + n, the abnormal returns must be
cumulated. The cumulated abnormal return in a period from t to t + n is
given by:
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~.
The t test is then defined by(14):
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~
V. Results
Tables I to IV present the average abnormal returns and the cumulated
average abnormal returns for the four types of events under study:
incidents (potential violations), lawsuits, suit settlements and
investments respectively. In each table, results for the four different
subsamples are presented: all cases, cases involving Canadian-owned
firms, cases with the same media exposure and Canadian cases with the
same media exposure.
Table I and II indicate that announcements of incidents and lawsuits
are not followed by any significant abnormal returns in any of the
different subsamples of firms. That shareholders do not react to the
announcement of environmental incidents may indicate that they do not
expect the regulator to launch any procedure (including legal action) so
as to bring the firm into compliance with the environmental regulation.
Furthermore, that shareholders do not significantly react to the
announcement of lawsuits may indicate little or no worry as to the
outcome of the legal procedure. Indeed, during the last decade, lawsuits
in Canada were generally long, and fines, if any, were relatively low
|3; 32~. For example, Hetu has calculated that for the period 1984-88,
the average penalty under the Quebec Environmental Quality Act has been
$667,16 |10~.
Table III indicates that suit settlements with fines imposed on firms
result in stockholders experiencing abnormal losses on day 0. Not
unexpectedly, this is true only for the two last subsamples of cases
(cases with the same media exposure and Canadian cases with the same
media exposure) where abnormal losses of respectively 1.65% and 2% of
market value are observed. This result is maintained when we consider
only the four firms for which we have both the announcement of the
lawsuit and the suit settlement: they suffer significant abnormal losses
of 2.7% on the day of the announcement of the suit settlement and no
loss when the lawsuit is announced.(15) These results suggest that the
size of fines, or the fact that there is a fine in itself, is an
unexpected surprise for shareholders. This is plausible in a legal
context in which, as described above, fines TABULAR DATA OMITTED are the
exception rather than the rule. Interestingly, these results contrast
with those of MRG who find abnormal losses on day 0 for lawsuits, but
not for suit settlements. This suggests that American environmental
authorities have been more successful than their Canadian counterpart in
designing enforcement mechanisms in which a lawsuit can impose a
credible threat on investors |17; 18~.
Whether or not a loss of equity value on the day of announcement of
the lawsuit is large enough to have some deterrence effects on firms is
debatable |27~. A decline in the equity value of a firm for a few days
or a few weeks does not necessarily have a strong wealth effect on
shareholders except those who need cashflows in that particular period
and have to sell their shares. In fact, there is a transfer of wealth
between impatient shareholders and those who are more opportunist, and
it is unlikely that this transfer has a strong deterrence effect on
firms. Therefore, given our results showing abnormal returns only on day
0, we cannot conclude that the market has the TABULAR DATA OMITTED power
to discipline firms not complying with environmental regulation.
However, it shall be noted that firms are affected differently by the
announcement of environmental incidents. For instance, one firm
experienced a loss of 7% of its equity value for a period of 10 days.
The deterrence effects of such announcement, if any, would certainly be
an increasing function of the extent of the loss and the number of days
for which this loss persists. Finally, Table IV indicates that
investments in emissions control equipment result in stockholders
experiencing abnormal losses on day 0. This is true for two subsamples
of cases (cases involving Canadian-owned firms and cases with the same
media exposure) where abnormal losses of respectively 1.1% and 1.6% of
market value on day 0 and -1 are observed.(16) Recent empirical analysis
have found that environmental regulations have a negative impact on
industry TABULAR DATA OMITTED productivity. Smith and Sims, for example,
have shown that environmental regulations reduced the growth rate of
productivity in the Canadian brewing industry |25~. More recently,
Barbera and McConnell have analysed the impact of required abatement capital on total factor productivity growth in five U.S. manufacturing
industries |1~.(17) They found that the average annual reduction in
total factor productivity, for the period 1961-1980, varies between 0.08
and 0.24 percentage points. Jorgenson and Wilcoxen have also found
significant impact of environmental regulations on the growth rate of
the chemicals, coal mining, motor vehicles, and primary processing
industries |11~. At first glance, the reaction of investors as measured
in this analysis is consistent with those empirical findings. However,
it should be noted that investors react to the announcement TABULAR DATA
OMITTED of the investments and not to the investment per se. If
investors had no expectation of a firm needing to purchase the
equipment, the observed reaction would be an unbiased estimate of the
opportunity cost of the expenditure. But this is unlikely to be the
case. Would investors have complete information with respect to the
required investment in emissions control equipment, as assumed in the
previous theoretical model, the value of the firm on the day of
announcement shall remain unchanged. We can identify at least two
circumstances for which losses would follow the announcement of
investments in emissions control equipment. First, as suggested above,
investors may have incomplete information as to the need of such
investment. Second, the investment may have been imposed on the firm by
the regulator at an earlier date than t*. This second factor may explain
our results. Indeed, except for one case, it appears that all cases of
announcement of investments were forced by the regulator upon the firm.
VI. Conclusion
This paper has examined the impact of the announcement of diverse
environmental incidents and investments in emissions control equipment
on firms' equity value. First, a theoretical model formalized how
shareholders change their expectation about the profitability of firms
when different categories of events related to environmental regulation
are announced. The model was then tested, using the standard event-study
methodology, with a sample of 47 events involving Canadian firms between
1982 and 1991. These events were divided in four categories:
announcements of potential violations of environmental regulations,
lawsuits, suit settlements and investments in antipollution equipment.
Our results showed that the stock value of Canadian-owned firms declined
on the day of the announcement of suit settlements resulting in fines
(about -2%) and investments (about -1.2%). These results contrasted with
those of MRG who showed that American stockholders react, on the day of
the announcement, to lawsuits and not to suit settlements. This
difference may have been expected given the more conciliatory approach
adopted by Canadian authorities responsible of the enforcement of
environmental regulation. It supports the view that the enforcement of
environmental regulations in the United States is more severe (credible)
than in Canada. 1. For a detailed description, see Dewees |4~, Laplante
|13~, and Portney |22~. 2. In a personal communication with one of the
authors, Professor Don Dewees expressed the same opinion, i.e., that the
monitoring and enforcement of environmental regulations is more rigorous
in the United States than in Canada. However, it shall be noted that
Canadian data on monitoring and enforcement activities are rather
dispersed and not readily available. For example, despite his extensive
study of the environmental regulation in the Canadian pulp and paper
industry, Sinclair writes "the data available on prosecutions are
limited" |24, 102~.
3. These are the only events considered in MRG.
4. Emissions standards are generally based on the anticipated
performance of the best practicable or best available emissions control
technology |7; 13; 16~.
5. For the purpose of this presentation, we assume away operation and
maintenance costs. In absence of such costs, there is no need to control
the firm's state of compliance with the regulation if the regulator
observes that an emissions control equipment has been installed.
However, other initial compliance activities may also have been
undertaken by the firm (e.g., substitution of inputs, reduction of
output, etc.). We assume that the performance of these other activities,
in terms of reducing the firm's level of pollution to the required
standard, is unknown to the regulator. With operation costs, one needs
to distinguish between initial compliance and full compliance
activities. Full compliance with the emissions standard is achieved at a
later time than initial compliance |14~. Results are qualitatively the
same. 6. These are obviously ex post probabilities as the ex ante
probability of observing any given level of pollution is zero.
7. Dewees writes: "Three principal forces generate incentives
for firms to reduce pollution discharge. The first is the cost
associated with violating government regulations. The most obvious such
cost is the amount of any fine levied upon the firm for its offence (captured by F; brackets are ours, as are following ones). That these
explicit penalties are often small, however, does not mean that
enforcement is without effect. Ontario's Ministry of the
Environment may order a firm to reduce its discharge when that discharge
is unlawful (captured by |Gamma~T|C.sub.t~(|P.sup.c~)). The second
factor inducing firms to reduce pollution discharge is potential
liability for any harm that might result from those discharges (included
in F). The third factor is the polluter's concern about its public
image (captured by |Mathematical Expression Omitted~)" |5~.
8. Our initial sample was made of 58 events. However, following
Suret, Pauchant and Desnoyers, eleven events were discarded since
another event was occurring within 10 days before or after the
announcement of the "environmental event" |27~. These other
events include an announcement of dividend pay-offs, profits, merger,
take-over or new share emissions.
9. Given the dimension of the Canadian economy, the size of our
sample is comparable to that of MRG who consider 128 lawsuits and 74
suit settlements in the United States for the period 1977-86.
10. This contrasts with events that are announced in
"News-Brief" type columns. 11. A number of alternative tests
were made to test the robustness of the results with the single-index
market model (SIMM) and the market adjusted returns model. Results were
not altered using these two other techniques. For more discussion on
these techniques, see Henderson |9~.
12. Daily returns were obtained from the TSE/Western Data Base.
13. Specifically,
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~
where |Mathematical Expression Omitted~.
14. Where |Mathematical Expression Omitted~.
15. The magnitude of these losses is larger than what is reported by
16. The significant abnormal return on the day prior to the
publication date suggests that information about the investment may have
been available to shareholders prior to day 0.
17. These are Paper, Chemicals, Stone, Clay and Glass, Iron, and
Steel and Non-Ferrous Metals.
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2. Beavis, Brian and Ian Dobbs, "Firm Behavior under Regulatory
Control of Stochastic Environmental Wastes by Probabilistic Constraints." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,
June 1987, 112-27.
3. Conway, Tom. "Taking Stock of the Traditional Regulatory
Approach," in Getting it Green: Case Studies in Canadian
Environmental Regulation, edited by G. Bruce Doern. Toronto: C. D. Howe
Institute, 1990, pp. 25-57.
4. Dewees, Don. "Evaluation of Policies for Regulating
Environmental Pollution." Ottawa: Economic Council of Canada,
Working paper 4, 1980.
5. -----. "The Effect of Environmental Regulation: Mercury and
Sulphur Dioxide," in Securing Compliance: Seven Case Studies,
edited by M. L. Friedland. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990,
pp. 354-91.
6. Fama, Eugene F. Foundations of Finance. New York: Basic Books
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8. Fry, Clifford L. and Insup Lee, "OSHA Sanctions and the Value
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9. Henderson, Glenn V., Jr., "Problems and Solutions in
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10. Hetu, Jean, "Les sanctions penales et la protection de
l'environnement." Revue du Barreau, May-June 1989, 494-513.
11. Jorgenson, Dale W. and Peter J. Wilcoxen, "Environmental
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12. Lanoie, Paul, "Occupational Safety and Health: a Problem of
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13. Laplante, Benoit. "Environmental Regulation: Performance and
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14. -----. "Optimal Timing of Compliance with Stochastic
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15. Linder, Stephen H. and Mark E. McBride, "Enforcement Costs
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16. Luken, Ralph A. Efficiency in Environmental Regulation, A
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17. Magat, Wesley A. and W. Kip Viscusi, "Effectiveness of the
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18. Marchant, Gary E. "Environmental Protection in North
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19. Muoghalu, Michael I., Robison, H. David and John L. Glascock,
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20. Russell, Clifford S. "Monitoring and Enforcement," in
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21. Peltzman, Sam, "The Effects of Automobile Safety
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22. Portney, Paul R. Public Policies for Environmental Protection.
Washington D.C.: Resources for the Future, 1990.
23. Saxe, Diane, "Fines Go Up Dramatically in Environmental
Cases." Canadian Environmental Law Reports, 1989, 104-21.
24. Sinclair, William F. "Controlling Effluent Discharges from
Canadian Pulp and Paper Manufacturers." Canadian Public Policy,
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25. Smith, J. B. and W. A. Sims, "The Impact of Pollution
Charges on Productivity Growth in Canadian Brewing." Rand Journal
of Economics, Autumn 1985, 410-23.
26. Suret, Jean-Marc and Thierry Pauchant, "La reaction des prix
des titres aux catastrophes majeures." Universite Laval, 1991.
27. -----, -----, and M. Desnoyers, "Prevention et marches
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29. Viscusi, W. Kip, "Consumer Behavior and the Safety Effects
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