The Economics of Earnings.
Idson, Todd L.
In The Economics of Earnings, Solomon Polachek and W. Stanley Siebert
provide a thorough and comprehensive review of the theoretical structure
of the human capital labor market paradigm, as well as an extensive
review of the basic supporting empirical evidence. Chapters are largely
organized into four parts, first, a basic statistical profile of the
issue at hand, second, an exposition of the theoretical structure used
to analyze the topic, third, an evaluation of key empirical findings,
and fourth, a discussion of related policy issues. Throughout the text
the discourse integrates not only theory, evidence, and policy within
each chapter, but also elucidates how the topics covered in different
chapters link together to form a coherent explanation of labor market
For each topic the core exposition is accessible to readers with
little more than a command of rudimentary economic principles, yet
progresses to a level of complexity that requires a knowledge of
intermediate level theory, elementary calculus, and a basic knowledge of
regression analysis. Since much of the formal analytical analysis is
confined to appendices, the more general reader may omit this material
without losing the flow of the presentation, while at the same time both
advanced undergraduates and graduate students will find the technical
sections quite informative.
Though the emphasis in the text is on the human capital approach to
analyzing such labor market phenomena as earnings differentials, labor
supply and mobility behavior, and the demand for labor by firms, topics
such as the rationale for long-term contracts, tournament models,
efficiency wages, and internal labor markets are also covered in a
separate chapter. Transition to these topics from the first part of the
text, that develops the basic human capital model, is deftly accomplished by introducing the challenges raised for labor market
analysis by consideration of imperfect information--this is done quite
well in the context of a clear presentation of basic search theory. It
is particularly interesting how the authors integrate these developments
into the human capital structure, elucidating the fashion in which they
either complement the existing theory or may be seen as extensions of
the basic paradigm.
Throughout the text the authors manage to create a sense of ongoing
intellectual discovery, involving the reader in the subject as a
participant in the unfolding of the paradigm. Chapters tend to begin
with the posing of questions that are raised by empirical patterns, and
the theoretical material is then introduced as coherent explanations for
these patterns. Empirical work is presented less as a survey of extant
findings, than as a process of searching for evidence. This approach has
substantial pedagogical value in that the development of the empirical
implications of the theory acts to draw the reader more deeply into the
theoretical explanations themselves, and functions to encourage the
facility to critically assess the quality of evidence that has been
brought to bear on the theory--this is especially true of discussions of
causality, exogeneity, and omitted variable misspecification that
permeate the text. The emphasis placed on the critical importance of
theory for the design of appropriate social policy, in addition to the
drawing out of the empirical implications of labor market theories,
constitute two of the major strengths of this book.
While the book admirably covers a wide range of topics in labor
market analysis, two rather prominent omissions are dual labor market
and job matching theories. Some discussion of the former would
potentially be quite valuable since this approach stands largely at
variance with the human capital approach. As a result, a section on dual
labor markets would not only introduce the reader to an alternative view
of how markets for labor operate, but would also provide greater
understanding of the human capital model through its comparison to an
alternative paradigm. Omission of explicit reference to job matching
models is rather surprising, since matching constitutes an integral
element of the human capital explanation of wage profiles and mobility
behavior, not to mention forming the basis for one strand in the
important literature on whether concave wage-tenure profile actually
reflect the returns to increases in worker productivity (a topic which
is covered in the section of the text on specific training).
Another area that receives scant attention is the treatment of sample
selection bias. While selectivity issues are mentioned at a number of
points in the text, the topic is never developed in any more then the
most general terms. In fact, in the context of union wage differentials
while there is a discussion of panel data techniques to control for
unobservables, there is no explicit reference to Heckman/Lee statistical
techniques for dealing with these problems (similarly, in the context of
the labor supply of women, more explicit and extensive treatment of
selection issues would greatly enhance the value of the exposition to
both students of the subject and the layman). Although the analytics of
truncated probability distributions may be a bit above the level of
analytical complexity of the text, a simplified and relatively intuitive
approach to the subject is not much more difficult than some of the
material covered in the appendices on search theory. Since selectivity
issues are of great importance to students of labor economics, and also
essential for informed assessment of empirical studies and public
discourse that cites refuting or supporting statistics for a wide
variety of disparate policy initiatives, the book would be greatly
strengthened if this topic had been given substantially greater
treatment. Finally, one other topic of great current interest that has
received extensive attention by researchers, and which aptly represents
the application of the human capital approach, is changes during the
past decade in the wage structure, and especially the role of
skill-biased technological change in generating these changes--this
topic would naturally fit in a text on earning determination.
Reservations aside, this book is a masterful synthesis of theory and
evidence. It provides a thoughtful and highly readable presentation of
the central questions and methodological issues that constitute current
day understanding of, and research on, labor markets.