Monopsony: Antitrust Law and Economics.
Nissan, Edward
Monopsony: Antitrust Law and Economics is a book which can serve as a
reference, a teaching text at the advanced undergraduate and graduate
levels, as well as a lucid explanation of this theoretical and legal
construct for the economics readers. Written jointly by Roger D. Blair,
Professor of Economics, and Jeffrey L. Harrison, Professor of Law, both
at the University of Florida, the book tackles economic and legal issues
relating to buyers' power. It is easy to read and is well organized
into eight chapters, the first of which is introductory providing
interesting examples of buyers' power. The diverse anecdotes range
in topics from bid rigging at antique auctions to information sharing at
treasury auctions.
In chapter 2, antitrust laws are examined to lay the groundwork for
the analysis of monopsony. The authors tell us that sections of the
Sherman Act which deal with restraint of trade and attempts to
monopolize and sections of the Clayton Act which deal with the
prohibition of price discrimination, prohibition of tying and exclusive
dealing arrangements, and prohibition of mergers are the main laws which
can be used by courts to attack monopsony power. In addition, the
authors point out that from the standpoint of economic efficiency, a
"purpose"-oriented classification is in order, whereby cases
are classified as either unilateral or as collusive use of buying power.
Chapter 3, which changes the tone from the legal aspect to the
economic aspect, focuses on the economic theory of monopsony, providing
a simple model which incorporates considerations for the social welfare
and output price effects. The special case of collusion among buyers is
also addressed. An important feature of this chapter is the provision of
the Buying Power Index (BPI) by which a determination of buyers'
power can be made, which is analogous to indexes of sellers' power.
Because the situation of a pure monopsonist is seldom encountered in
practice, the index is derived from the viewpoint of a dominant
purchaser. Three ingredients are necessary for the calculation of BPI:
the dominant buyer's market share, the overall elasticity of
supply, and the elasticity of demand of the fringe buyers. The authors
argue that the inclusion of the elasticities in the BPI is far superior
to the use of 35 percent market share practiced by the Antitrust
Division as a guide in determining buyers' power. Even though the
estimation of the three components may be difficult, they show that
reasonable estimates are possible.
The thrust of chapter 4 is the use of antitrust tools, namely, the
specific sections of the Clayton and Sherman Acts developed in chapter 2
in monopsony and collusive monopsony as found in court opinions. The
discussion touches broadly on monopsonization and monopsonistic abuses
in which case a group of firms may use their buying power to influence
terms of exchange other than price. The authors also take note of
situations which involve mergers and price discrimination. The analysis
is interspersed with law and economics. The authors find, perhaps
surprisingly, that most court decisions in the sample of cases they
considered were consistent with the promotion of consumer welfare,
taking into account that many of the cases were decided before economic
reasoning became important when dealing with antitrust.
An important part of the book is chapter 5. This is especially so
because the topical area is concerned with cooperative buying. In
general, cooperative buying is viewed as desirable. However, when one
looks deeper into the matter, one may find some such practices to be
contrary to the general welfare, and in reality are similar to collusive
monopsony. Two common types of buyers' cooperatives were discussed.
The first, buyer cooperation, entails the buyers requiring product
standardization. The second is a buying cooperative, which entails
buyers joining together to make purchases. For both types, relevant
economics and antitrust laws were discussed. On the economics side of
the analysis, the authors provide the necessary modelling to explain
three consequent outcomes of joint purchasing. They are (1) efficiency
enhancing; (2) efficiency enhancing with increased buying power; and (3)
welfare trade-offs with increased efficiency and increased buying power.
Therefore, the per se standard which considers buying agreement unlawful
may not be appropriate. The authors propose the employment of what they
term ancillary restraint analysis to test whether cooperative buying
(horizonal restraints) is harmful to the common good. The test is
summarized as:
1. the horizontal agreement is necessary to achieve some productive
2. a price agreement is required to achieve the claimed efficiency;
3. the exertion of monopsonistic buying power to force prices below
market levels is required to achieve the procompetitive efficiencies.
In contrast, the focus of chapter 6 is a discussion of the often
forwarded defense of monopsony as providing a countervailing market
power. Thus, collusion among buyers may be justified when they encounter
a monopolist seller. To this end, the authors provide three instances
where court decisions found such practices not unlawful. The authors
then go on to illustrate a simple bilateral monopoly model in which case
a monopolist of a well-defined product faces a monopsonist with a
conclusion that in some instances collusive monopsony may be beneficial
by promoting economic efficiency.
Chapter 7 turns the attention to antitrust enforcement of monopsony.
The authors explain that the enforcement of laws are conducted by a
mixture of federal agencies, attorneys general of states and private
plaintiffs. The book concludes with a short chapter which summarizes the
preceding seven chapters.
This volume presents a concise and well-organized treatment of
monopsony and the authors should be complimented for a job well done.
They provide a rigorous economic analysis and impressive collection of
specific legal cases to demonstrate the linkages between economics and
Edward Nissan The University of Southern Mississippi