Trade policies and welfare in a Harris-Todaro economy.
Choi, E. Kwan
I. Introduction
In many developing countries rising unemployment is often attributed
to increases in foreign imports, triggered by declining foreign prices
of imports. To correct the chronic unemployment problem, some developing
countries chose an import substitution strategy by shutting off imports,
whereas others adopted an outward-oriented policy by promoting exports.
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was favored by Mexico but
opposed by organized labor in this country because it was feared that
NAFTA may increase unemployment in the U.S. Which of these policies is
more effective$in reducing unemployment and raising domestic income?
Protection has been ardently supported as a practical cure for
unemployment in Chile and Argentina and many other LDCs in Latin
America.(1) Similarly, India adopted import substitution strategies
behind high protection and a considerable bias against exports [1]. The
literature has also justified the use of tariffs for small countries
under uncertainty and unemployment [10; 9]. But in general, protection
distorts the trade pattern and magnify the extent of the Leontief
Paradox by limiting imports of capital intensive products into these
developing countries that suffer from high labor unemployment [7].
In the literature there have been two types of models that analyze
trade problems in the presence of unemployment. The generalized unemployment models have been developed by Brecher [5; 6] and Batra and
Seth [3].(2) In these models, wage rigidity is ubiquitous and
unemployment exists in all sectors, and they are appropriate to analyze
the impact of trade policies on unemployment in developed economies. The
Harris-Todaro (HT hereafter) model [13], on the other hand, assumes
sector-specific wage rigidity and permits unemployment only in the urban
sector. Thus, the HT model is appropriate for investigating the impacts
of trade policies of LDCs that suffer from urban unemployment, and it
has been subsequently used by Hazari [14], Batra and Beladi [2], Chao
and Yu [8], Hazari and Sgro [15], and Marjit [16].
This paper uses the HT model to investigate optimal trade policies
for a developing country with labor unemployment. As in Corden and
Findlay [11], we assume that capital is mobile between sectors. It is
shown that an import tariff is welfare-reducing in an HT economy. If an
optimal production subsidy, which is negative, is used, however, the
optimal tariff is zero. The negative production subsidy on the
importable is equivalent to a production subsidy on the exportable. Our
findings have an important policy implication on trade policies of a
labor surplus economy; an import tariff is welfare reducing, and
therefore, for instance, the reduced tariffs of Mexico implemented by
NAFTA would probably improve welfare of Mexico, which may be viewed as
an HT economy.(3)
II. The Basic Model
Consider a small open HT economy which has two sectors, a rural
sector and an urban sector. Unemployment exists only in the urban area
because of a fixed urban wage, but rural workers are fully employed and
paid a flexible wage. To analyze optimal trade policies of an HT
economy, we employ the following assumptions:
(i) Fixed supplies of capital (K) and labor (L) inputs.
(ii) Capital is fully employed, but labor unemployment exists in the
urban area because the fixed urban wage W is higher than the flexible
rural wage w.
(iii) The economy is small and imports the urban output X and exports
the agricultural output Y, which is used as numeraire.
Let [L.sub.j] and [K.sub.j] denote the labor and capital employed in
sector j, respectively. The output of the urban manufacturing sector is
X = F([L.sub.x], [K.sub.x]), (1a)
and the output of the rural sector is
Y = G([L.sub.y], [K.sub.y]), (1b)
where F ([center dot]) and G ([center dot]) are linearly homogeneous production functions.
Capital is a variable input and is mobile between the two sectors.
Capital rental r is the same in both sectors and capital is fully
utilized. However, due to wage rigidity in the manufacturing sector,
some unemployment exists in the urban area.
Profit of the urban sector is
[[Pi].sub.x] = PF - W[L.sub.x] - r[K.sub.x], (2a)
where P is the producer price of the urban output and W is the fixed
urban wage. Profit of the rural sector is
[[Pi].sub.x] = G - w[L.sub.y] - r[K.sub.y], (2b)
where w is the flexible rural wage and the price of the numeraire Y
is unity. Observe that marginal product of inputs are homogeneous of
degree zero in K and L. In the short run, however, capital input is
fixed, and marginal product of labor is decreasing in L.(4) The first
order conditions for optimal labor employment are:
P[F.sub.L] - W = 0, (3a)
[G.sub.L] - w = 0. (3b)
The solution of (3a) and (3b) yields conditional labor demand
functions, [L.sub.x] = [L.sub.x] ([K.sub.x], P, W) and [L.sub.y] =
[L.sub.y] ([K.sub.y], P, w).
The rural wage w is equal to the expected urban wage. Thus, the
relationship between the wages in the two sectors is given by the HT
w = [Beta]W = W/(1 + [Lambda]). (4)
where [Beta] [is equivalent to] 1/(1 + [Lambda]) is the probability
of employment, and [Lambda] [is equivalent to] [L.sub.u]/[L.sub.x] is
relative unemployment in the urban sector.
In the HT model, labor demand falls short of labor supply,
(1 + [Lambda])[L.sub.x] + [L.sub.y] = L, (5a)
where [Lambda][L.sub.x] = [L.sub.u] represents labor unemployment in
the urban sector. Capital market clearing requires
[K.sub.x] + [K.sub.y] = K. (5b)
Equations (1a)-(5b) complete the description of the production side
of the HT model.
III. Responses of Factor Prices and Urban Unemployment
Perfect competition in product markets implies that the zero profit
condition holds in "long run" equilibrium, although some labor
unemployment exists in the urban sector because of wage rigidity. Thus,
prices are equated to unit costs,
P = W[a.sub.Lx] + r[a.sub.Kx], (6a)
1 = W[a.sub.Ly] + r[a.sub.Ky], (6b)
where [a.sub.ij]'s are the input-output ratios.
First, consider how fixing the urban wage W above that for the full
employment level affects the flexible rural wage w and capital rental r.
Differentiating (6a) and (6b) with respect to W and holding P constant
[Delta]r/[Delta]W = -[a.sub.Lx]/[a.sub.Kx] = -[L.sub.x]/[K.sub.x] =
-1/[k.sub.x] [is less than] 0, (7a)
[Delta]w/[Delta]W = [k.sub.y]/[k.sub.x] [is less than] 1, (7b)
[Delta](w/r)/[Delta]W = (r[k.sub.y]/[k.sub.x] +
w/[k.sub.x])/[r.sup.2] [is greater than] 0, (7c)
where [k.sub.j] [is equivalent to] [K.sub.j]/[L.sub.j] is the
capital-labor ratio in sector j. Thus, an increase in the urban wage
unambiguously lowers the capital rental and the flexible wage-rental
ratio, w/r. The manufacturing sector is assumed to be capital intensive
([k.sub.x] [is greater than] [k.sub.y]), and hence 1 [is greater than]
[Delta]w/[Delta]W [is greater than] 0, i.e., as the manufacturing wage
increases the flexible rural wage increase less than proportionately.
Differentiating (4) with respect to W gives
[Delta][Lambda]/[Delta]W = [[k.sub.x] - (1 +
[Lambda])[k.sub.y]]/w[k.sub.x] [is greater than] 0, (7d)
if the Neary [18] stability condition that the urban sector as a
whole is capital abundant relative to the rural sector ([k.sub.x] [is
greater than] (1 + [Lambda])[k.sub.y]) is satisfied. Thus, an increase
in the urban wage increases unemployment in the urban sector.
In the Heckscher-Ohlin trade model, an increase in the price of a
traded good necessarily raises one factor price and lowers the other,
depending on the capital intensities of traded goods. How does a change
in the producer price of the importable affect equilibrium factor prices
in the HT model? Since the urban wage is fixed, a change in P only
affects capital rental r and the flexible rural wage w. Differentiating
(6a) and (6b) and noting that Wd[a.sub.Lx] + rd[a.sub.Kx] = wd[a.sub.Ly]
+ rd[a.sub.Ky] = 0 yields
dP = [a.sub.Kx]dr,
0 = [a.sub.Ly]dw + [a.sub.Ky]dr.
Thus, we get
[Delta]r/[Delta]P = 1/[a.sub.Kx] = X/[K.sub.x] [is greater than] 0
[Delta]w/[Delta]P = -[k.sub.y](X/[K.sub.x]) [is less than] 0. (8b)
Thus, in the HT model, an increase in the price of the importable
raises capital rental and reduces the flexible wage. Observe that this
result is independent of factor intensities of traded goods.
Intuitively, as the price of the importable increases, the capital
rental in that sector has to rise to maintain the zero profit condition
because the urban wage is fixed, which will attract more capital from
the rural sector so as to equalize the capital rental between the two
sectors. To maintain zero profit, the flexible wage must decline to
offset the rise in unit cost caused by the increase in capital rental.
Differentiating the HT condition (4) with respect to w and P, holding
W constant, yields
[Delta][Lambda]/[Delta]w = -(1 + [Lambda])/w [is less than] 0. (9)
[Delta][Lambda]/[Delta]P =
([Delta][Lambda]/[Delta]w)([Delta]w/[Delta]P) = [(1 +
[Lambda])[k.sub.Y]]/[k.sub.X]](X/w[L.sub.x]) [is greater than] 0. (10)
This implies that an increase in the price of the importable will
decrease the probability of urban employment, [Beta] = 1/(1 + [Lambda]).
Intuitively, an increase in the price of the importable decreases the
rural wage, which in turn induces more workers to seek employment in the
urban area, thereby reducing the chance of urban employment.
The results of this section are summarized in the following
PROPOSITION 1. In a small open HT economy, an increase in the price
of the importable increases capital rental, decreases the rural wage,
and increases urban unemployment.
IV. Welfare Analysis
Consumer preferences are represented by a monotone increasing and
quasi-concave utility function,
U = U(C, D),
where C and D denote the aggregate consumption of the exportable and
the importable, respectively. Let I denote consumer income, p the
domestic consumer price, and let C(p, I) and D (p, I) be the demand
functions obtained by maximizing U subject to a budget constraint, C +
pD = I. Then the indirect utility is written as
V [is equivalent to] V[p, I] = U[C(p, I),D(p, I)].
Import demand is given by
Q = D(p, I) - X(P), (11)
and tariff revenue is
T = (p - p*)Q = tQ, (12)
where p* is the foreign price of the importable, t [is equivalent to]
p - p* is a specific tariff on the importable.
We now investigate the effects of a production subsidy and a tariff
on the HT economy in the short run. For policy analysis, capital inputs
are assumed to be fixed and the supply curves are positively sloped. Let
s denote the domestic subsidy on the production of the importable. Then
the domestic producer price is P [is equivalent to] p + s = p * + t + s.
Profit maximizing competitive firms collectively maximize producer
R = PX + Y. (13)
Consumers receive income from the sale of factor services. Total
factor income is w[L.sub.y] + W[L.sub.x] + r[K.sub.x] + r[K.sub.y].
Profit dividends to consumers are [[Pi].sub.X] + [[Pi].sub.Y] = (PX -
W[L.sub.x] - r[K.sub.x]) + (Y - w[L.sub.y] - r[K.sub.y]). Net government
revenue is G = (tQ - sX). Thus, total income is the sum of factor
payments, profits, and net government revenue, and is equal to the sum
of producer revenue and the net government revenue, I = R + G. Since P =
p + s, we get
I = PX + Y + tQ - sX = pX + Y + tQ. (14)
To analyze the effect of import tariff and production subsidy on
welfare, we first consider their impacts of on import, producer revenue
and income. Differentiating (13) and using the first order conditions,
(3a) and (3b), and the HT condition in (4), we have
dR = XdP + PdX + dY = XdP + Wd[L.sub.x] + wd[L.sub.y] = XdP + w[(1 +
[Lambda])d[L.sub.x] + d[L.sub.y]].
Totally differentiating (5a) gives (1 + [Lambda])d[L.sub.x] +
[L.sub.x]d[Lambda] + d[L.sub.y] = 0. Thus,
dR = XdP - w[L.sub.x]d[Lambda]. (15)
From (10), we have d[Lambda] = [(1 +
[Lambda])[k.sub.y]/[k.sub.x]][X/(w[L.sub.x])]dP =
[[Delta]X/(w[L.sub.x])]dP; [Delta] = (1 + [Lambda])[k.sub.y]/[k.sub.x].
dR = X(1 - [Delta])dP. (15[prime])
Thus, dR/dt = dR/ds = (1 - [Delta])X. Moreover, if the Neary
stability condition is satisfied ([Delta] [is less than] 1), then for
given foreign price p*, dR/dP [is greater than] 0. In other words, if
[k.sub.x] [is greater than] (1 + [Lambda])[k.sub.y], then an increase in
t or s increases the producer revenue.
Next, totally differentiating (14) gives
dI = dR + Qdt + tdQ - sdX - Xds, (16)
where Q = D(p, I) - X, and dQ = [D.sub.p]dp + [D.sub.I](dH + Qdt +
tdQ) - X[prime](dp + ds). Rearranging terms, we have
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
where [Mathematical Expression Omitted] is the slope of the
compensated demand curve. Since [Mathematical Expression Omitted], we
get dQ/dt [is less than] and dQ/ds [is less than] 0. Thus, an import
tariff reduces import more than a production subsidy.
Substituting dR and dQ into (16), we obtain
dI = [1/(1 - t[D.sub.I])]{[D - [Delta]X - (t + s)X[prime] +
t[D.sub.p]]dt + [-[Delta]X - (t + s)X[prime]]ds}. (16[prime])
Thus, dI/ds [is less than] 0 for all t [is greater than or equal to]
0, s [is greater than or equal to] 0. However, the sign of dI/dt is
We now examine the effects of changes in a tariff and a production
subsidy on welfare. The indirect utility function is rewritten as
V[p, I] = V[p, PX + Y + tQ - sX]. (18)
Totally differentiating (18), using the Roy's identity, and
noting dp* = 0, gives
dV = [V.sub.I](-Ddt + dI) = [[V.sub.I]/(1 - t[D.sub.I])]([Alpha]dt +
[Beta]ds), (19)
where [Mathematical Expression Omitted], and [Beta] = -[Delta]X - (t
+ s)X[prime]. Note that dV/ds = [V.sub.I](dI/ds) [is less than] 0 and
dV/dt [is less than] 0 for all t [is greater than or equal to] 0, s [is
greater than or equal to] 0. That is, a tariff or a production subsidy
reduces the welfare of a small country in the HT labor-surplus economy.
The first order conditions for an optimal combination of s and t are
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
[Beta] = 0. (20b)
This implies that
t = 0, s = -[Delta]X/X[prime] [is less than] 0,
since [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. That is, the optimal
production subsidy is negative and the optimal tariff is zero in a HT
open economy.
Many LDCs lack revenue source to finance production subsidies, and
rely instead on import tariffs. Consider an optimal tariff when the
government is constrained to use only tariff (s = 0). From (20a), we get
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], or
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
That is, the optimal tariff is negative when no production subsidy or
tax is used. These results are summarized below.
PROPOSITION 2. An import tariff is welfare-reducing in an HT economy
and the optimal tariff is negative. If a production subsidy is used,
however, the optimal production subsidy on the importable is negative
and the optimal tariff is zero.
In the traditional HT model, capital is sector-specific, and the
optimal policy consists of a wage subsidy in the manufacturing sector
and a restriction of labor migration [13]. Restrictions on labor
migration, however, are often considered infeasible by many economists.
Bhagwati and Srinivasan [4] instead proposed as first best policy, (i) a
uniform wage subsidy, and (ii) a wage subsidy to manufacturing combined
with a production subsidy to agriculture, which they claim to be
"equivalent" to a tariff. Corden and Findlay [11, 75] objected
to tariffs on imports of manufactures because they conjectured that
tariffs may fail to raise net output.
Governments of many LDCs lack revenue source to finance the subsidy
to agriculture. Instead they tend to tax imports of manufactures. When
capital is mobile between sectors, Proposition 2 shows that such an
import tariff is welfare-reducing. Optimal trade policy rather requires
a negative tariff on imports. Specifically, for instance, a reduction in
Mexico's tariff to be implemented by NAFTA would improve welfare of
Mexico, which may be considered an HT economy.
V. Terms of Trade Effect under Tariff and Subsidy
We consider the effects of a change in the terms of trade. Using (15)
and (16[prime]) and noting that dp /dp* = 1 and dt = ds = 0, we get
dR/dp* = (1 - [Delta])X,
dI/dp* = dR/dp* + t(dQ/dp*) - sX[prime] = (1 - [Delta])X +
t[[D.sub.p] + [D.sub.I](dI/dp*) - X[prime]] - sX[prime],
dQ/dp* = [D.sub.p] + [D.sub.I](dI/dp*) - X[prime].
Rearranging terms, we have
dI/dp* = [(1 - [Delta])X + t[D.sub.p] - (t + s)X[prime]]/(1 -
Thus, we have
dV/dp* = [V.sub.I]{-D + [1/(1 - t[D.sub.t])]/[(1 - [Delta])X +
t[D.sub.p] - (t + s)X[prime]]}
= [V.sub.I][-Q -[Delta]X + t[D.sub.p] - (t + s)X[prime]]/(1 -
t[D.sub.I]). (21)
That is, an improvement in the terms of trade necessarily improves
welfare of an HT economy.
PROPOSITION 3. An improvement in the terms of trade necessarily
improves the welfare of a small open HT economy.
VI. Concluding Remarks
This paper uses the HT model to analyze optimal trade policies of a
small open labor-surplus economy with intersectoral capital mobility. An
increase in the price of the importable increases the capital rental but
decreases the rural wage, regardless of the factor intensities of traded
goods. It is shown that an import tariff is welfare-reducing and the
optimal tariff is negative. However, if a production subsidy is used,
the optimal production subsidy on the importable is negative and the
optimal tariff is zero.
East Asia and Latin America have sharply differed in their policies
to correct unemployment and to spur economic growth. For example, during
the last three decades, East Asian countries, including South Korea and
Taiwan, have promoted rapid export expansion, whereas many Latin
American countries such as Chile and Argentina relaxed export promotion
efforts and shifted to inward orientation [17].
Our analysis has two important implications on trade policies some
developing countries adopted during the last three decades. First, when
LDCs lack other revenue sources to finance production subsidies, an
import tariff raises government revenue but reduces domestic welfare.
Thus, an optimal policy is an import subsidy (a negative import tariff),
or equivalently, an equal export subsidy. For example, East Asian
countries such as South Korea and Taiwan chose outward-oriented
strategies. In contrast, Chile and Argentina tightened import controls,
raised tariffs, and overvalued their currencies. Our results suggest
that import restrictions in these countries may be welfare-reducing.
Second, if revenues can be generated, the optimal policy is not an
export subsidy, but a production subsidy on the exportable (which is
equivalent to a production tax on the importable). Production subsidy is
superior to export subsidy, even though the latter promotes export more
1. Chile and Argentina experienced unsatisfactory growth with
fluctuating export earnings and rapid inflation that depressed domestic
output [17]. Theoretically, Rivera-Batiz and Romer [19] suggest that
economic integration increases the long run rate of growth, whereas
Edwards [12] explore the linkage between trade policy and growth.
2. As Batra and Seth [3] point out, the Brecher model has limited
applications because it results in complete specialization or production
3. That is, even if the positive welfare effects of lower U.S. and
Canadian tariffs are not included.
4. In the long run, both capital and labor are variable inputs, and
linear homogeneity implies horizontal input demand curves.
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