Certificate-of-need regulation and entry: evidence from the dialysis industry.
Kaserman, David L.
I. Introduction
Certificate-of-need (CON) regulation is widely used in the health
care industry.(1) The primary alleged purpose of this regulatory tool is
to reduce industry costs by preventing "unnecessary duplication of
facilities."(2) While specific CON regulations vary from state to
state, virtually all require new firms planning to enter the industry
and incumbent firms planning an expansion of productive capacity to
submit an application in which the applicant must demonstrate: (1) a
market demand (or "need") for the incremental output,
investment, or new service being proposed, and (2) the inability or
unwillingness of existing firms to meet that demand with facilities
already in place. Moreover, incumbent firms are offered the opportunity
to formally intervene during the CON review process to express their
opposition to the proposed entry or expansion plans.
Economists have long been skeptical of this form of regulation. At
least three fundamental reasons underlie this skepticism. First, private
investors are likely to have vastly superior information to that held by
regulators on the need for new capacity. These investors are much more
familiar with industry conditions than regulators, and they are placing
their own money at risk by entering and/or expanding. Second, given the
obvious incentive of existing firms to oppose virtually any entry,
expansion of capacity, or introduction of new services by competitors
and the fact that this policy provides an open forum for such
opposition, the likelihood that CON regulation actually serves the
interests of consumers by fostering lower industry costs is remote. And
third, to the extent that CON regulation is effective in reducing net
investment in the industry, the economic effect is to shift the supply
curve of the affected service back to the left. Since most medical
services are thought to exhibit inelastic demand (due to the general
unavailability of substitutes and the high frequency of third-party
payments), the effect of such supply shifts is to raise both equilibrium
price and total expenditures on the affected service, which is precisely
opposite of the stated objective.(3) Despite these criticisms, however,
CON regulation remains a pervasive force in the health care industry.
The economic criticisms outlined above assume that CON regulation
represents a binding constraint on capacity expansion decisions. There
has been some recent debate in the literature, however, about whether
CON regulation is, in fact, effective in reducing net new investment in
the industry.(4) Some authors have argued that the CON review process
does not prevent new firms from entering or existing firms from
expanding but merely requires these firms to justify their capacity
expansion plans to regulators. Any investments warranted by market
conditions, they argue, are generally approved. Thus, there is some
doubt as to whether CON regulation represents a binding constraint on
investment in the affected industry.
In this paper, we investigate this issue by examining the impact of
CON regulation on entry into the dialysis industry over the decade of
the 1980s.(5) This industry grew substantially during this period of
time. On December 31, 1980, there were 1,041 dialysis clinics with
12,329 stations in the U.S. By December 31, 1989, there were 1,830
clinics with 23,654 stations |20~. In part, this growth is attributable
to a 1972 amendment to the Social Security Act which authorizes the
federal government to pay 80 percent of the cost of treatment (by either
dialysis or kidney transplantation) of all citizens suffering from renal
failure. The End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) program, which is operated
under Medicare, has grown from $229 million in its initial year (serving
11,000 patients) |7~ to $3.7 billion in 1988 (serving 110,000 patients)
|23~. Such increases in funding have provided strong incentives for
entry into this industry. And the presence of these incentives, in
conjunction with changes in CON regulation, provides an ideal
experimental situation in which to measure the impact of such regulation
on observed entry.
An attractive feature of our study is that we are able to utilize two
alternative measures of entry. Consequently, our results are important
not only for policy decisions regarding CON regulation in this and other
health-related industries but also for evaluating the empirical
performance of the different entry measures used. Given the recent
re-emergence of the perceived role of entry (or potential competition)
as an important disciplining force affecting market behavior,(6) our
findings should be of widespread interest.
The paper is organized as follows. First, we describe two alternative
measures of entry used in this study. These measures are made possible
by the very detailed accounting of both firms and capacity reported in
the dialysis industry. Second, we specify a simple empirical model of
the determinants of observed entry into this industry. Next, we describe
our data and present our empirical results. These results indicate that
CON regulation has significantly retarded new firm entry and total
capacity expansion in this industry, thereby restricting supply and
fostering increased levels of industry concentration. Finally, we
summarize our findings and conclude the paper.
II. Measures of Entry
Most prior empirical studies of the entry process have measured entry
by the net change in the number of firms in the industry over some
specified period of time |3; 5; 15~. This measure, however, is widely
recognized as being deficient in two important respects. First, it does
not account for the size of the new firms that have entered the industry
nor the size or any incumbent firms that have exited. And second, a
simple count of the net change in the number of firms also fails to
reflect expansion or contraction of capacity by incumbent firms already
in the market. For both reasons, this traditional entry measure falls
short of the general concept of entry as an overall expansion of
productive capacity in an industry.
Here, we utilize two different measures of entry into the dialysis
industry. First, we employ the traditional measure--the annual net
change in the number of dialysis clinics in each state in each year in
our sample (1982 through 1989). This measure (|E1.sub.it~) is included
in order to compare the results obtained with our alternative entry
Second, we employ the annual net change in the total number of
dialysis stations (i.e., machines) in each state in each year. This
measure (|E2.sub.it~) reflects both new firm entry (including size of
firms and number of firms) and incumbent firm capacity expansion. Thus,
it represents a broader measure of entry than the traditional one in
that it reflects capacity additions by existing firms. At the same time,
it is a more refined measure, because it accounts for the size of both
the new firms coming into the market and existing firms leaving.
III. Model Specification
In this section, we explain the theoretical justification for
including the various exogenous variables incorporated in our empirical
model of entry into the dialysis industry. The variable that is of
primary interest for this study is our measure of the presence of CON
regulation in each state.(7) Accordingly, |CON.sub.it~ is a binary
variable equal to one if CON regulation of dialysis clinics was in place
in state i in year t and is zero otherwise.(8)
If CON regulation has been effective in curtailing entry and
expansion in this industry, the coefficient of this variable should be
negative and significant in our entry equation.(9) If, on the other
hand, CON regulation represents a non-binding constraint on new
investment in the dialysis industry, the coefficient of this variable
should be insignificant in this equation. Thus, our empirical results
should help resolve the issue of whether this regulatory tool is
effective in reducing entry and/or expansion in the dialysis industry.
In those states where CON regulation is applied to dialysis industry
investments (i.e., where |CON.sub.it~ = 1), the stringency of the
regulatory constraint may vary depending upon the threshold investment
levels required to trigger a CON review. These thresholds vary from a
low of zero in several states to a high of $1,000,000 in Alaska and
North Carolina.(10) To account for these threshold investment levels, we
define a binary variable, |T.sub.i~, that is equal to one for those
states specifying a zero threshold and is zero otherwise. This variable
is then interacted with |CON.sub.it~ to provide a binary variable that
is equal to one only when (a) the state has a CON review program
applicable to dialysis clinics, and (b) that program applies to all
investments, regardless of their magnitude. This interaction variable is
incorporated along with |CON.sub.it~ to measure the additional impact on
entry that CON regulation is likely to exert where thresholds are zero.
Together, |CON.sub.it~ and |CON.sub.it~ |center dot~ |T.sub.i~ will
reflect the overall effect of this type of regulation on entry.
Because the size of the investment required to open a new dialysis
clinic is much greater than that required to expand an existing clinic,
|CON.sub.it~ |center dot~ |T.sub.i~ is more likely to have a significant
effect where entry is measured as a net change in the number of dialysis
machines in place (|E2.sub.it~). New dialysis machines can generally be
purchased for less than $15,000. Consequently, in those states where CON
regulation is subject to a positive threshold (i.e., where |T.sub.i~ =
0), capacity expansion in existing clinics can often escape the review
process. New clinics, however, generally require an investment that
exceeds most, if not all, threshold levels. Thus, the size of the
threshold level is likely to be irrelevant to the entry of new firms,
and the interaction variable is unlikely to be significant where entry
is measured as a net change in the number of firms (|E1.sub.it~).
Consequently, |CON.sub.it~ |center dot~ |T.sub.i~ is included in the
|E2.sub.it~ (number of machines) equation but not in |E1.sub.it~ (number
of firms).
Additional variables are included in the model to control for other
important influences on entry into this industry. Six such variables are
incorporated.(11) First, we include registered nurses' wages
(|WAGE.sub.i~) in our model.(12) The dialysis business is relatively
labor intensive--labor costs may account for as much as 70-75 percent of
the total costs of operating a clinic. Generally, one registered nurse,
licensed practitioner nurse, or technician is required for every two or
three patients being dialyzed. Patients must be monitored fairly closely
during their treatments to control the amount of fluid being removed and
to respond to various problems that commonly arise during treatments
(e.g., cramps, nausea, and hypotension). Thus, |WAGE.sub.i~ reflects the
observed variation in one of the principal determinants of costs in this
industry. Consequently, it should reflect the variation in profitability
of the firms in this industry. And, because |WAGE.sub.i~ is positively
related to costs, it is negatively related to profitability. Thus, we
expect a negative sign on the coefficient of this variable in our entry
Second, we include the percent of the state's population that is
black (|PB.sub.i~). The incidence of renal failure (and, therefore,
dialysis) is relatively high among the black population. Moreover, due
to improved funding, information, transportation facilities, and the
increasing availability of dialysis clinics in rural areas, many more
blacks began receiving dialysis treatments during the decade of the
1980s. Consequently, as a determinant of demand, the percent of the
state's population that is black should have a positive effect on
entry into the dialysis industry over this period of time. Thus, we
anticipate a positive sign on the coefficient of |PB.sub.i~.
Third, renal failure is more prevalent among older citizens.
Specifically, the incidence of kidney disease is significantly higher
among those over forty-five years of age |21~. Consequently, we include
the percent of each state's population that is forty-five years old
or older, |PA.sub.i~, as an additional determinant of the demand for
dialysis services. We expect the coefficient of |PA.sub.i~ to obtain a
positive sign in our entry equation.
Fourth, we include average per capita income in state i in year t,
|PCI.sub.it~. Theoretically, we should expect a positive coefficient for
this variable as higher incomes may increase demand. Although dialysis
treatment is covered under the End Stage Renal Disease program of the
Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), patients' incomes may
still exert a positive impact on demand for two reasons. First, HCFA
does not provide full coverage of the costs of dialysis. Rather, they
reimburse clinics 80 percent of the estimated costs of dialyzing
patients. The patient's ability to pick up the remaining 20 percent
depends upon their income, either through direct payment or through
insurance coverage. Thus, clinic profitability is likely to be
positively influenced by patient's incomes. Second, higher income
individuals are relatively more inclined to seek out whatever medical
care is needed. Thus, for a given population and a given incidence of
renal failure, higher incomes are likely to generate a higher demand for
dialysis services. Therefore, both profitability and the level of demand
are likely to be positively associated with |PCI.sub.it~.
Fifth, the overall demand for dialysis service is likely to be
positively affected by the population of the state, given some average
probability of renal failure. Thus, we include the population in state i
in year t, |POP.sub.it~, in our entry equation, and we anticipate a
positive sign for the coefficient of this variable.
And sixth, as a result of interstate migration and divergent rates of
population growth, states have experienced different changes in
population over the decade of the 1980s. Consequently, the growth of
demand for dialysis service is likely to have differed from state to
state. To account for the influence of this factor, we incorporate the
annual change in each state's population in each year over the
sample period, |CPOP.sub.it~, in our entry equation. Since population
growth should also increase the demand for dialysis services, ceteris
paribus, we hypothesize a positive sign for the coefficient of this
Our empirical specification of the two entry equations, then, is
given by
E1 = ||Beta~.sub.0~ + ||Beta~.sub.1~CON + ||Beta~.sub.2~WAGE +
||Beta~.sub.3~PB + ||Beta~.sub.4~PA + ||Beta~.sub.5~PCI
+ ||Beta~.sub.6~POP + ||Beta~.sub.7~CPOP + ||Epsilon~.sub.1~ (1)
E2 = ||Delta~.sub.0~ + ||Delta~.sub.1~CON + ||Delta~.sub.2~CON
|center dot~ T + ||Delta~.sub.3~WAGE + ||Delta~.sub.4~PB +
+ ||Delta~.sub.6~PCI + ||Delta~.sub.7~POP + ||Delta~.sub.8~CPOP +
||Epsilon~.sub.2~, (2)
where we have dropped the subscripts denoting states and time, and
||Epsilon~.sub.1~ and ||Epsilon~.sub.2~ are random disturbance terms.
Variable names, definitions, and data sources are provided in Table I.
IV. Data and Empirical Results
Because our sample contains annual observations on individual states
over the 1982-1989 time period, we have panel data. Entry is measured as
annual changes in either the number of firms (E1) or the number of
dialysis machines (E2). Consequently, the data for these two variables
actually begin in 1981. All fifty states are included in the sample, and
we have eight annual observations. Thus, our sample contains 400
observations. Data for four of our exogenous variables (T, WAGE, PB, and
PA) are available only for a single year. Thus, we are assuming that CON
thresholds, nurses' wages, percent black, and percent over
forty-five years of age do not vary over our sample period. This
assumption seems reasonable in light of the fact that these factors tend
to vary considerably more across states than across time.
Because these data contain both time-series and cross-sectional
observations, efficient estimation requires use of a panel estimator.
Here, we utilize the Parks |16~ estimation technique, which assumes
heteroskedasticity, a first-order autoregressive error structure, and
contemporaneous correlation between cross sections |12, 512-514~. Given
these assumptions, the covariance matrix for the vector of random errors
can be estimated by a two-stage procedure, and the model's
parameters can then be estimated with generalized least squares. These
estimates are unbiased, consistent, and asymptotically efficient. The
results of this estimation are reported in Table II.
Table II. Panel Estimates Using Parks Method(a)
Variable E1 E2
CON -1.490* -3.369***
(-3.28) (-1.88)
CON|center dot~T -- -29.254*
WAGE -0.196* 0.370
(-4.00) (0.24)
PB 0.075* 0.964*
(3.05) (3.28)
PA 0.036*** 2.252*
(1.62) (3.41)
PCI 0.175* 1.496**
(3.27) (2.28)
POP 0.115 1.816**
(1.44) (2.17)
CPOP 0.012* 0.105*
(7.95) (5.49)
Intercept 3.520* -74.228***
(2.84) (-1.76)
|R.sup.2~ 0.42 0.36
a. t-statistics are in parentheses under each coefficient
* = significant at the .01 level.
** = significant at the .05 level.
*** = significant at the .10 level.
Overall, these results are quite encouraging. Virtually all of the
coefficients attain the hypothesized signs, and all but one are
statistically significant in each equation. Moreover, the |R.sup.2~s
indicate a reasonably high degree of explanatory power for pooled
time-series, cross-sectional data.
Turning to the individual coefficient estimates, we find that the
presence of CON regulation has had a significant negative impact on both
the entry of new firms and the expansion of capacity in this industry
over our sample period. The CON variable exhibits a negative and
significant coefficient in both of our entry equations. Moreover, when
entry is measured as a change in the total number of machines in the
industry (E2), we find that having a zero threshold for CON review
reduces entry even further.(13) Thus, both the presence and the
stringency of the CON program reduces entry into the dialysis industry.
Turning to the remaining coefficient estimates, we find mixed results
for nurses' wages, WAGE. The coefficient of this variable is
negative and significant in the firm entry equation (E1) but is positive
and insignificant in the capacity equation (E2). This result could be
due to substitutability between nurses and dialysis machines in the
production of dialysis services. One can easily substitute nurses for
machines simply by keeping the clinic open longer hours. Given such
substitutability in the production process, an increase in nurses'
wages will increase the demand for machines at a given output.
The coefficient associated with the percent of a state's
population that is black, PB, is positive and significant in both entry
equations. Thus, increases in the demand for dialysis services caused by
variations across states in racial composition have led to new entry and
expansion in this industry. Similarly, the percent of the population
that is forty-five years old or older, PA, is also found to exert a
positive and significant effect on entry whether E1 or E2 is employed as
the entry measure.
The coefficient associated with per capita income, PCI, is also
positive and significant in both equations. Thus, despite the funding
provided by the End Stage Renal Disease Program, higher income areas
have attracted greater entry by dialysis clinics. The greater profits
available where more patients are either covered by insurance or are
financially able to pay the additional twenty percent not covered by the
federal program have attracted more clinics and greater capacity in this
Finally, both population and the change in population over the sample
period (both demand side variables) have also exerted a positive and
generally significant effect on entry (although POP is not significant
in the E1 equation). Therefore, while CON regulation appears to have
constrained new investment in the dialysis industry below what it would
have been in the absence of such regulation, it has not completely
curtailed the ability of the industry to respond to demand growth.
V. Conclusion
The evidence presented here demonstrates that CON regulation has
provided an effective constraint on entry and expansion in the dialysis
industry over the decade of the 1980s. It has retarded the growth of new
capacity by both new and incumbent firms, as well as growth in the
number of firms, thereby contributing to reduced capacity and increased
levels of concentration in this industry.
Prior research |9~ has shown that heightened levels of industry
concentration in dialysis markets leads to an overall deterioration in
the quality of care provided as firms with market power attempt to
increase profits by lowering costs in the face of fixed (regulated)
prices. Additional evidence also suggests that declining quality has
contributed to increased patient mortality in this industry |10~.
The results presented here suggest that CON regulation has
contributed to this increasingly serious quality problem. By maintaining
unnecessarily high levels of industry concentration and by restricting
supply, CON regulation of the dialysis industry has sustained the
monopoly power of incumbent clinics and, thereby, provided the
wherewithal to increase profits by reducing service quality. Thus, CON
regulation has promoted the interests of incumbent suppliers to the
detriment of consumers (patients).
The authors thank Bob Ekelund, John Mayo, John Jackson, Steve
Caudill, and an anonymous referee for helpful comments on a previous
draft. The usual caveat applies.
1. See Fine and Super |6~, Graham |8~, and Coyte |4~. Lanning,
Morrisey, and Ohsfeldt |13, 151~ provide a brief synopsis of the history
of CON regulation of hospitals:
Although some states implemented CON programs in the 1960s, most
states implemented CON programs in the mid 1970s, due at least in part
to the federal Health Planning and Development Act of 1974. By 1980, all
states except Louisiana had enacted a CON review program. However,
federal funding for CON review programs was substantially cut in
1981-82, and the Health Planning Act was repealed outright in 1986. By
1987, 13 states had ended CON review for hospitals.
2. Other alleged purposes are identified in Sloan |18~.
3. The idea that holding down investment in an industry can reduce
costs apparently originates in some confusion about fixed costs versus
total costs and long-run costs versus short-run costs. Advocates of CON
regulation correctly argue that restricting entry and capacity expansion
will lead to increased utilization of existing facilities (which will
cause movement down the short-run average fixed cost curve). There is no
guarantee or even likelihood, however, that increased utilization will
lead to lower average total costs. Moreover, there is even less
likelihood that restrictions on capacity expansion will cause long-run
average (or total) costs to be minimized at any given level of output.
4. See Sloan and Steinwald |19~, Sloan |17~, and Mayo and McFarland
|14~. Lanning, Morrisey, and Ohsfeldt |13, 144~ state that: "The
general consensus in the literature is that CON review has had little or
no effect on hospital costs or expenditures ..."
5. In this study, we focus on independent for-profit clinics
performing hemodialysis. Hemodialysis is, by far, the predominant form
of dialysis, accounting for 98.9 percent of the total number of
patients. See U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |20~. Among
the independent (i.e., non-hospital based) dialysis clinics, for-profit
facilities account for approximately 83 percent of the total number of
firms. See U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |21~.
6. See Baumol, Panzar, and Willig |2~ and the subsequent literature.
7. Prior to the widespread adoption of CON programs, states had been
encouraged to implement planning programs to prevent "unnecessary
capital expenditures" under Section 1122 of P.L. 92-603, a 1972
amendment to the Social Security Act. Later, in 1974, the National
Health Planning and Resource Development Act (P.L. 93-641) specifically
required states to develop CON review programs or lose their Public
Health Service funds |22~. By 1980, these CON programs had largely
replaced the 1122 planning programs; and, as Joskow |11~ argues, the
remaining 1122 programs are redundant in states with a CON program.
Consequently, a separate variable for 1122 programs is not included.
8. Information regarding the status of CON regulation in each state
over our sample period was obtained through a survey of state health
planning agencies administered by the authors. In this survey, we asked
the following question: "Did your state have certificate-of-need
regulation applying to dialysis facilities for the following years:
1981, 1982, ... 1989." Thus, we are able to determine which states
had CON programs that specifically applied to dialysis clinics for each
year in our sample.
9. Mayo and McFarland |14~ measure the stringency of state CON
programs by the ratio of denials to total applications. Such a measure
may or may not be superior to the one used here, because it fails to
reflect the "discouraged applicant" effect--that is, projects
that never get proposed due to an expectation that they wilt not be
approved. We are unable to employ such a measure here due to data
10. See American Health Planning Association |1~. These data are
available only for a single year. Assuming that the individual states
with CON review programs have not varied their threshold levels over
time, however, this limitation should not affect our results.
11. We are unable to incorporate a direct measure of industry
profitability or price in our model. Data on profitability are simply
unavailable. Price (or reimbursement) data do exist, but the Health Care
Financing Administration sets the price in this industry. Moreover,
these reimbursement rates do not vary substantially from state to state,
and what little variation does exist is intended to reflect
interregional differences in nurses' wages, which is included as a
variable in our model. The correlation coefficient between price and
nurses' wages is 0.68. In addition, these reimbursement rates have
been changed only twice over the decade of the 1980s. Thus, the
available price data exhibit insufficient variation in the sample and
are correlated with another variable included in the model.
12. Data for this variable and two others introduced below are
available only for one year. For clarity, we shall drop the time
subscript for these three variables.
13. The program providing the Parks estimates would not run when CON
|center dot~ T was included in the E1 entry equation due to collinearity problems. As noted above, however, there are theoretical reasons to
believe that CON review thresholds should have no impact on new firm
entry because of the investment required for such entry. Moreover, when
the E1 equation is estimated with OLS with the interaction variable
included, the coefficient of this variable is insignificant, as
hypothesized. The results of that estimation are available from the
authors upon request.
1. American Health Planning Association. National Directory of Health
Planning Policy and Regulatory Agencies, 3rd edition. 1991.
2. Baumol, William J., John C. Panzar and Robert D. Willig.
Contestable Markets and the Theory of Industry Structure. New York:
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982.
3. Chappell, William F., Mwangi S. Kimenyi and Walter J. Mayer,
"A Poisson Probability Model of Entry and Market Structure with an
Application to U.S. Industries during 1972-77." Southern Economic
Journal, April 1990, 918-27.
4. Coyte, Peter C., "Alternative Methods of Reimbursing
Hospitals, and the Impact of Certificate-of-Need and Rate Regulation for
the Hospital Sector." Southern Economic Journal, April 1987,
5. Duetch, Larry L., "Structure, Performance, and the Net Rate
of Entry into Manufacturing Industries." Southern Journal of
Economics, January 1975, 450-56.
6. Fine, Jennifer and Kari E. Super, "Repeal of Some
States' CON Spurs Psychiatric Hospital Construction." Modern
Healthcare, October 1986, 74-76.
7. Fisher, Anne B. "Washington Reins in the Dialysis
Business." Fortune, 25 July 1983, 66-69.
8. Graham, Judith, "Cleveland Clinic's Plans to Build
Hospital in Florida Worrying Other Facilities in State." Modern
Healthcare, November 1987, 110-11.
9. Held, Philip J. and Mark V. Pauly, "Competition and
Efficiency in the End Stage Renal Disease Program." Journal of
Health Economics, 1983, 95-118.
10. -----, Nathan W. Levin, Randall R. Borbjerg, Mark V. Pauly and
Louis H. Diamond, "Mortality and Duration of Hemodialysis
Treatment." Journal of the American Medical Association, February
1991, 8710075.
11. Joskow, Paul L. Controlling Hospital Cost: The Role of Government
Regulation, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1981.
12. Kmenta, Jan. Elements of Econometrics. New York: Macmillan
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13. Lanning, Joyce A., Michael A. Morrisey and Robert L. Ohsfeldt,
"Endogeneous Hospital Regulation and Its Effects on Hospital and
Non-hospital Expenditures." Journal of Regulatory Economics, June
1991, 137-54.
14. Mayo, John W. and Deborah A. McFarland, "Regulation, Market
Structure, and Hospital Costs." Southern Economic Journal, January
1989, 559-69.
15. Orr, Dale, "The Determinants of Entry: A Study of the
Canadian Manufacturing Industries." Review of Economics and
Statistics, February 1974, 58-66.
16. Parks, Robert W., "Efficient Estimation of a System of
Regression Equations when Disturbances are both Serially and
Contemporaneously Correlated." Journal of the Royal Statistical
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17. Sloan, Frank A., "Regulation and the Rising Cost of Hospital
Care." Review of Economics and Statistics, November 1981, 479-87.
18. -----. "Containing Health Expenditures: Lessons Learned from
Certificate-of-Need Programs," in Cost, Quality, and Access in
Health Care: New Roles for Health Planning in a Competitive Environment,
edited by Frank A. Sloan, James F. Blumstein and James M. Perrin. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1988.
19. ----- and A. Bruce Steinwald, "Effects of Regulation on
Hospital Costs and Input Use." Journal of Law and Economics, April
1980, 81-109.
20. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. National Listing of
Providers Furnishing Kidney Dialysis and Transplant Services. HCFA
Publication No. 03305. Baltimore, Maryland, January 1990.
21. -----. Health Care Financing Research Report: End Stage Renal
Disease, 1988. HCFA Publication No. 03299. Baltimore, Maryland,
September, 1990.
22. U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Certificate of
Need Programs: A Review, Analysis, and Annotated Bibliography of the
Research Literature. Health Planning Bibliography Series, 1978.
23. Winslow, Ron, "Cost Control May Harm Dialysis
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