Strategy and Choice.
Leitzel, Jim
Edited volumes have a well-deserved reputation for eliciting low
effort from their contributors, at least relative to peer-reviewed
journals. The reasons are understandable, given the nature of the
(perhaps implicit) contract between contributors and editors and the
resulting potential for opportunistic behavior. And the reputation is
self-enforcing. Once contributors understand that others will be
suspicious of the quality of their work in non-refereed outlets, they
will have less incentive to provide high quality. The occasional edited
volume that nevertheless succeeds in presenting an array of high-quality
work therefore presents a puzzle--how was it accomplished, and can
similar methods succeed more generally? Richard Zeckhauser's
excellent collection poses such questions. One answer that it suggests
is to rely on non-pecuniary forms of motivation, perhaps by tying the
contribution to personal relationships with an admired and renowned
colleague. Strategy and Choice is a tribute to Thomas Schelling.
In general, it is a worthy tribute, with most of the topics closely
aligned to subjects in which Schelling's research was pioneering.
Most of the chapters are also accessible to non-economists; indeed, a
substantial minority are written by non-economists. Those who provided
endorsements for the back cover of the volume signal the wide
appeal--Solow and Hirshleifer are not surprising, but they are joined by
Linda Wertheimer of National Public Radio and U.S. Court of Appeals
Judge Stephen Breyer. The chapters, other than Zeckhauser's
introduction, are grouped into 3 areas, distinguished by whether the
problems they address generally involve one, a few, or many
decisionmakers. Space considerations necessitate a selective review.
Robert Frank kicks off the initial, "many player" section
by looking at "positional externalities," situations marked by
the players' interest in their relative positions. The wars of
attrition that arise from the battle to achieve the best relative
position are used by Frank to examine such diverse phenomena as
excessive formalism in economics, bureaucratic jargon, and restrictions
on the length of work weeks. These situations might feature occasional
abrupt changes, as the social waste arising from the war of attrition may eventually provide incentives for some individuals to opt out of the
competition, and governmental limits on the wasteful competition may
also be appropriate. The positional externality theme is picked up later
in the book by Amos Tversky and Dale Griffin. These authors note, as
does Frank, that an individual actually is composed of multiple
selves--the Schelling influence is obvious--and the decisions of earlier
selves may impact on later selves. Tversky and Griffin examine the
channels through which current happiness is influenced by positive
experiences in the past. They identify two transmission channels. The
first, the "endowment effect," follows the expected route
whereby positive experiences contribute, positively, to happiness. The
"contrast effect," however, consists of how one's present
position compares with an earlier experience. Here, prior positive
developments tend to result in diminished current happiness. Tversky and
Griffin describe some interesting experiments that have been devised to
measure these two influences.
Beyond Frank's article, the "many players" section is
distinguished by an extensive and entertaining catalogue of envy, envy
pre-emption, envy-provocation, envy-reduction, envy-etc., by Jon Elster.
While Elster's analysis of envy is perhaps less successful than his
descriptive efforts, he demonstrates convincingly the importance of envy
in human behavior. Political scientist Robert Jervis contributes a
chapter on systems effects, an area in which he has been working for
many years. The term "systems effects" refers to those results
of behavior that are not straightforward, but rather are brought about
by changing the behavior of other actors or the environment. Clearly,
systems effects play a role in a wide variety of circumstances, but as
applied to politics and statesmanship it is hard to determine when the
systems effects are or are not important. At any rate, this volume will
serve to bring Jervis' influential ideas to the attention of many
economists, who may find themselves hankering for some of that
oft-maligned economic formalism.
The "few players" section is the strongest in the volume.
Avinash Dixit and Barry Nalebuff start it off with a slightly modified
version of their "Credible Commitments" chapter from Thinking
Strategically |1~. Russell Hardin, a professor of political science,
philosophy, and public policy studies at Chicago, follows with an
article on trust. While interesting, this chapter may again make
economists uncomfortable. For example, the notion that a completely
trusting society may not form an equilibrium, because unscrupulous
people could then gain by betraying trust, appears to be missing. Robert
Klitgaard writes what is essentially a 3-part chapter, and all of the
parts are quite good. The first section is a Schelling-inspired musing
on the strategy of tributes; second is a brief methodological account of
Schellingesque policy analysis; and, third is a case study of
anti-corruption measures in the Philippines Bureau of Internal Revenue
that profitably employs basic economic reasoning. Jerry Green follows,
in the most technically demanding of the chapters, with a model testing
Schelling's contention that bargainers might improve their payoffs
by hiring agents to conduct negotiations. Employing a cooperative
game-theoretic approach to a 3-person bargaining game, Green finds that
the validity of the contention depends on whether the partnership formed
by the original player and his agent involves a silent partner, and
whether their payoffs are monotonically increasing in the size of the
negotiated settlement. Though they differ dramatically in style and
subject matter--one, a non-technical piece of applied political economy,
and the other, a formal economic model aimed at answering a specific
question--the Klitgaard and Green chapters are perhaps the best in the
collection. Vincent Crawford completes the "few players"
section by describing Schelling's influence on bargaining and
coordination games. The result is a sort of non-technical, historical
tour of the economic analysis of coordination games. (One interesting
tidbit Crawford uncovers is Schelling's apparent priority in the
discussion of "common knowledge" in games.) While the paper
satisfactorily explains how the analysis of such games has been
influenced by Schelling, I was disappointed to find that it did not
attempt to provide an intellectual biography of the tributee.
The concluding, "individual decision maker" section begins
with the Tversky and Griffin piece already noted, and eventually closes
with W. Kip Viscusi taking on the Schellingesque topic of valuing human
life. His review of standard methodologies and estimates is workmanlike,
but it is in the second half of the paper, which deals more closely with
policy issues, that the subject comes, well, alive. Combined with
Klitgaard's chapter, Viscusi's contribution suggests that this
fine volume may have been improved by a greater emphasis on policy. As
Schelling |2, vi~ noted, in a passage that is twice quoted in the
Zeckhauser volume |215, 266~: "Motivation for the purer theory came
almost exclusively from preoccupation with (and fascination with)
'applied' problems; and the clarification of theoretical ideas
was absolutely dependent on the identification of live examples."
Jim Leitzel Duke University
1. Dixit, Avinash, and Barry Nalebuff. Thinking Strategically. The
Competitive Edge in Business, Politics, and Everyday Life. New York: W.
W. Norton & Company, 1991.
2. Schelling, Thomas C. The Strategy of Conflict. Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press, 1960.