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  • 标题:On output price uncertainty and the comparative statics of industry equilibrium.
  • 作者:Horbulyk, Theodore M.
  • 期刊名称:Southern Economic Journal
  • 印刷版ISSN:0038-4038
  • 出版年度:1993
  • 期号:July
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Southern Economic Association
  • 摘要:The analysis of firm response to output price variability has, until recently, been incomplete due to a failure to consider explicitly the effect of firm response on the attainment of competitive equilibrium at the industry level. A recent paper by Appelbaum and Katz [1] has addressed the issue of industry equilibrium under output price uncertainty. They show how the optimal number of firms might change through the process of exit and entry, and they characterize the collective influence of firms' decisions on expected market price. However, their analysis focuses on firms with a single-stage production process which allows no production flexibility (in the form of adjustment of output levels) after output price is revealed.
  • 关键词:Microeconomics;Prices

On output price uncertainty and the comparative statics of industry equilibrium.

Horbulyk, Theodore M.

1. Introduction

The analysis of firm response to output price variability has, until recently, been incomplete due to a failure to consider explicitly the effect of firm response on the attainment of competitive equilibrium at the industry level. A recent paper by Appelbaum and Katz [1] has addressed the issue of industry equilibrium under output price uncertainty. They show how the optimal number of firms might change through the process of exit and entry, and they characterize the collective influence of firms' decisions on expected market price. However, their analysis focuses on firms with a single-stage production process which allows no production flexibility (in the form of adjustment of output levels) after output price is revealed.

An earlier paper by Hartman [3] has shown that, at the firm level, the optimal response to output price uncertainty will depend on whether production flexibility exists. Specifically, if firms employ a two-stage production process which is characterized by the presence of a quasi-fixed factor, then firm-level output may increase or decrease in response to changes in output price variability even if firms are risk neutral. The assumption that production flexibility exists changes those results initially developed by Sandmo [7], and applied more recently by Appelbaum and Katz [1], which are based on a single-stage production process.

This paper provides an extension of the Appelbaum and Katz analysis to admit production flexibility. Equivalently, it extends the analysis of Hartman to consider explicitly the effect of firm response on the attainment of competitive equilibrium at the industry level.

Appelbaum and Katz show that for an industry of identical risk-averse firms with a single-stage production technology, the effect of a mean-preserving increase in price uncertainty is to decrease industry output and to raise market price. A more recent comment by Ishii [5] shows that output per firm will also fall, yet none of these authors shows unambiguously whether the number of firms increases or decreases. Although not explicitly stated, the analysis in Appelbaum and Katz suggests there would be no firm or industry response to a mean-preserving change in price spread if firms were risk-neutral (expected-profit maximizers).

The model employed in this paper is analogous to that of Appelbaum and Katz with two principal exceptions: (i) here an industry is composed of firms all of which are either risk neutral or risk averse,(1) and (ii) firms employ a two-stage production process such as the one analyzed by Hartman. There are two parts to the first-stage decision: whether to produce at all, and if so, how much of a quasi-fixed (or capital) input to commit before output price is revealed. Once output price is revealed, the second-stage decision determines the level of variable input use, and thus the output level. The effects of price uncertainty on industry equilibrium are shown to vary according to the assumptions which are made about the firms' preferences and technology.

In particular, it is shown for an industry of identical risk-averse firms which employ a two-stage production technology that, in long-run equilibrium, industry output might rise or fall in response to a mean-preserving increase in the dispersion of output price. This is in contrast to the result of Appelbaum and Katz who show that when risk-averse firms employ a single-stage production technology, the industry output will decrease unambiguously. in the special case of risk-neutral firms, conditions are given here under which industry output could increase or decrease in response to a mean-preserving increase in output-price uncertainty.

It is implicit in this result, as in the work of Epstein [2], Hartman [3] Turnovsky [8]and Wright [9], that under a two-stage production technology firms may have an affinity for price variability. Such an affinity may be present even where firms are averse to variability of profits.

For example, suppose the technology at the firm level is such that, under price uncertainty, increased use of a quasi-fixed factor ex ante increases a firm's short-run elasticity of supply ex post. An expected-profit-maximizing firm would choose to increase its use of the quasi-fixed factor in response to greater output price uncertainty. Provided that the factors used in each stage of production are technical complements, this will result in increased output as well.(2) For firms which are risk averse, there will be an offsetting tendency, described by Sandmo [7], to produce less output when price uncertainty increases. The optimal (short-run) firm response has thus been described in the literature in terms of the firm's preferences and technology. This paper extends that analysis by characterizing the long-run industry equilibrium. The direction of firm response will depend on the offsetting forces described above, as well as on adjustments in expected price which result from changes in output per firm and the number of firms.

Section II characterizes industry demand and the behavior of individual firms. The following two sections describe two industry equilibria and provide comparative-static analyses of industry responses to a mean-preserving change in the dispersion of output prices. Section III considers an industry composed of identical firms which are risk-averse whereas section IV considers an industry of fisk-neutral firms.

II. Industry Demand and Individual Firm Behavior

Expected price will be inversely related to industry output and thus is influenced by entry and exit. Industry demand is stochastic, as given by

[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (1)

where [micro] is expected price and Q is the industry output of a homogeneous good such that [micro](Q) < 0, and where [epsilon] is a random variable such that E[epsilon] = 0 and E[epsilon.sub.2] = 1. When the positive constant, [gamma], increases there is a mean-preserving spread in output price, p, signifying increased output price uncertainty.

Consider an industry composed of representative (identical) firms which produce a homogeneous good, the demand for which is variable in successive periods. Production follows a two-stage process which requires some commitment of resources by a firm before its uncertainty about output prices is resolved. The firm employs two factors which may be denoted capital, K, and labor, L, and which have the following properties. Capital decisions must be made before a random output price is revealed, and, once made, represent sunk costs to the firm. Labor decisions are not binding until after the output price has been revealed, but before production is in fact completed. Production is a single-period process, with capital decisions made before the start of a period and labor inputs chosen at the start of the period.

With such a two-stage production process, there are two parts to the first-stage decision: whether to produce at all, and if so, how much of the capital or quasi-fixed input to commit before output price is revealed. Once output price is revealed, the second-stage decision determines the level of variable input use, and thus the output level.

Let the number of identical firms, n, be continuous, so that the output per firm, q, is given by Q/n where q = f(K, L) and where f is strictly concave. A firm which chooses not to produce in some period incurs fixed cost T but can avoid costs, c and w, associated with K and L, respectively. Thus, a firm's profit per period will be [pi] = pq - wL - cK - T = ([micro](Q) + [gamma][epsilon])f(K, L) - wL - cK - T.

For firms which are risk averse, let U([pi]) be the von Neumann-Morgenstem utility function of each, such that U'([pi]) > 0 and U"([pi]) < 0. Let b denote the benchmark expected utility level below which existing firms will exit and switch to their next best activity, and above which new firms will be drawn into the industry. For firms which are risk-neutral, U'([pi]) > 0 and U"([pi]) = 0. Assuming U(0) = 0, the benchmark expected utility level for risk-neutral firms will be b = 0, which implies the expectation of (positive) economic profit shall signal entry of firms.

III. Industry Equilibrium with Risk-Averse Firms

Following Appelbaum and Katz, risk-averse firms will choose to enter the industry (or to stay in the industry) and to produce some output provided the expected utility gained from so doing is no worse than in the next best alternative activity. Entry and exit are not instantaneous, so the industry need not always be in equilibrium. However, in industry equilibrium, this condition must hold with equality. If firms choose to produce, they will commit capital to that level where the expected marginal utility from its product, net of marginal cost, is zero. With two-stage decision making this optimal level of capital use is conditional on choosing the optimal level of the variable input, L*, in the second stage once output price is revealed. These two conditions are given by

E[U(pi)][greater than or equal to]b, (2)


[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (3)

By assumption, the decision to produce some positive quantity and the decision of how much capital to employ are made simultaneously, based on the same information and expectations.

To facilitate the exposition of comparative-static responses, the analysis of equilibrium adjustment will focus on mean price, [micro], and the level of capital commitment by firms, K. Graphical representation of the relations (2) and (3) would be accomplished by representing each as a locus of points in (K,[micro]) space. Using (3) and (2), it is useful to define each such locus and to determine its slope. From (3) one may define

[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (4)

Here, g (K, p, w) represents the maximized value of restricted profit given by the solution to the firm's second-stage choice of L. From (2), one gets

[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (5)

Thus, G (K, [micro]) = 0 will be a locus of points in (K, [micro]) space consistent with optimal use of K, ex ante. The locus H(K,[micro]) = b will represent the set of points where firms would expect to achieve exactly their benchmark level of utility, b, such that there would be no incentive for further exit or entry.(4) Therefore, long-run equilibrium will be described by that expected peice and output level

3. With risk aversion, the firm's problem is to

The second stage (choice of L) is solved first, which defines the optimal level of the variable input, L*, in terms of any positive values of p and K which might occur. The second stage of the maximization problem occurs under certainty, and is given by

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

the solution of which gives, L* = L* (K, p, w). The maximized short-run profit function i when L* is employed will be denoted by g (K, p, w), where

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

The capital decision is based on

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

such that

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

which satisfies both G = 0 and H = b. In the short run, firms will always strive to satisfy G = 0 through their expected-utility-maximizing choice of K each period. Attainment of H = b might only occur in long-run equilibrium once firms have entered or exited causing expected price to fall or rise, respectively.(5)

The slope of the G = 0 locus may be determined as follows

[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (6)


[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (7)

It is shown in section a of the Appendix that the first term on the right-hand side will be positive (non-negative) when firms' preferences exhibit decreasing (or non-increasing) absolute risk aversion, provided [f.sub.12][greater than or equal to][0.sup.6] It will be indeterminate in sign otherwise. It is also shown that the second term on the right-hand side will be strictly positive when fixed and variable inputs are not technically competitive. If these inputs are technically competitive ([f.sub.12] < 0), the sign of this second term is shown to be indeterminate. Thus, sufficient conditions for G[micro] > 0 will be non-increasing absolute risk aversion and technical complementarity (or independence) of fixed and variable inputs ([f.sub.12][greater than or equal to]0).

Consider next

[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (8)

The first term on the right-hand side of (8) is always negative (by U"(lt) < 0) whereas the second term is always negative by concavity of the restricted profit function in K.

Therefore, from (6), the slope of the G = 0 locus in (K,[micro]) space will take the sign of [G.sub.micro], which implies that it is not determinate but will be positive, for example, when firms exhibit decreasing absolute risk aversion and employ a technology with [f.sub.12] [greater than or equal to]0.

The slope of the H = b locus may be determined similarly, using

[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (9)


[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (10)


[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (11)

Since H[micro] is strictly positive, the slope of the H = b locus will be opposite in sign to [H.sub.K]. By (4) and (11), [H.sub.K] is equivalent to G (K,[micro]), so [H.sub.K] Will equal zero when G (K,[micro]) = 0, which

will occur when the H = b and G = O loci coincide. From the definition of G(K,[mu]) = O given in (4), it is evident that if K < [K.sup.*], then G(K, [mu]) = [H.sub.K] > O. Conversely, for any K > [K.sup.*], [H.sub.K], < O. Thus, from (9) the H = b locus will be U-shaped: negatively sloped if K < [K.sup.*] (that is, to the left of the G = O locus in (K, [mu]) space) and positively sloped if K > [K.sup.*].

The two possible configurations of the G = O and H = b loci in Figure 1 are the same as given in Appelbaum and Katz [1, 525], except that here the horizontal axis measures K instead of q. The intersection of the two loci indicates the level of capital use per firm and the expected price level which define industry equilibrium. Given any price expectation, [[mu].sub.o], firms will decide whether to produce, and will choose their optimal level of K, which is indicated by the coordinates on the G = O locus. If these coordinates are below (above) the H = b locus, this will induce some firms to exit (enter) which will have the effect of raising (lowering) the expected industry price in the long run.

Following Appelbaum and Katz [1, 526], it can readily be shown that the system of industry equilibrium conditions will be stable under these assumptions about the dynamic response by firms when the industry is not in equilibrium.

Having described the industry equilibrium, one may examine the comparative-static effect of changes in various system parameters. Of particular interest here is the effect on the expected price and on the level of use of the quasi-fixed input of a mean-preserving change in price variability. For any equilibrium value of [K.sup.*], one can compare the relative magnitudes of the vertical shifts in the two loci to assess how equilibrium values of [mu], q, and n will change.

Proposition 1. (a) In an industry composed of identical risk-averse firms which employ a two-stage production technology, a mean-preserving increase in price uncertainty may increase or reduce industry output. (b) The effect of a mean-preserving increase in price uncertainiy on the output of individual firms and on the number of firms appears to be ambiguous.

Proof. Considering first the effect of the increase in the shift parameter, [gamma], on the position of the H = b locus gives

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

The sign of [H.sub.[mu] is strictly positive so the sign of d[mu]/d[gamma] will be opposite to the sign of [H.sub.[gamma]. Section b of the Appendix shows that positive or negative values are possible for the sign of [H [gamma]] depending in a specific way on properties of the production function and of the firm's preferences. A positive value of [H [gamma]] would correspond to a price decrease in long-run equilibrium with increased industry output.

This result may be contrasted with the Appelbaum and Katz result for a single-stage production technology. In that case, [H [gamma] was unambiguously negative and d [mu]/d [[gamma]\.sub.H=b] was was unambiguously positive. This allowed those authors to conclude that a mean-preserving increase (decrease) in price dispersion reduces (increases) industry output. With a two-stage technology, however, industry output changes are not governed by risk aversion alone. Here one finds an offsetting tendency to increase output which is due to the increased short-run elasticity of supply in which the firm has invested. Either effect may dominate.

To sign the direction of change in q and n, one could examine the shift of the G = 0 locus. Appelbaum and Katz were able to sign the shift in their G = 0 locus as positive in the case of decreasing absolute risk aversion but the change in output per firm and in the number of firms was ambiguous.

For the two-stage production process employed above, the shift of the G = O curve will be given by

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

From (7), G [mu] is indeterminate in sign but will be positive, for example, in the case of decreasing absolute risk aversion with [f.sub.12] [is greater than or equal to] O. The numerator, G [gamma] will be given by

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

As shown in section of the Appendix, it is not apparent that this can be signed unambiguously even with the adoption of specific assumptions about the degree of absolute or relative risk aversion. In particular, the value of G [gamma] is shown to depend on properties of the firm's preferences [Mathematical Expression Omitted] about which no general assumptions have been made.(7)

To compare the relative magnitudes of the vertical shifts in the two loci, one would need to evaluate the sign of the difference d [mu]/ d [[gamma]\.sub.H=b] - d [mu]/d [[gamma]\.sub.G=O]. Given the indeterminacy of the sign of G [gamma], it does not appear that this difference can be signed unambiguously.

To recap, expected industry price, [gamma], and output, Q, can increase or decrease under risk aversion. The direction of response in output per firm, q, and number of firms, n, apparently cannot be signed. Depending on the technology, there may be opposing influences on the optimal output level: increases due to a firm's affinity for price variability which is independent of its preferences, and decreases due to the firm's aversion to variability of profits. The optimal output levels will also depend on the equilibrium adjustments in expected output price.

IV. Industry Equilibrium with Risk-Neutral Firms

When the industry is composed of representative firms which are risk-neutral, the foregoing analysis is altered by setting U"([pi]) = O and re-interpreting the above expressions.

The G = O locus will again be of indeterminate slope under risk neutrality, but will be positively sloped when [f.sub.l2] [is greater than or equal to] O (as a sufficient but not necessary condition). This is seen by evaluating G [mu] in (7) with U ([mu]) = O. In a similar manner, re-evaluation of (8) under risk neutrality shows [G.sub.K] is again unambiguously negative. These results imply the slope of the G = O locus will take either sign (according to the sign of G [mu]) but that under risk neutrality, knowledge that [f.sub.12] [is greater than or equal] O is sufficient to ensure G = O is upward sloping.

Assuming U(O) = O, the equilibrium condition H = b becomes H = b = O. The slope of the H = b locus is not influenced by the firm's preferences towards risk, and will be U-shaped, as given by (9) through (11).

Thus, the possible configurations of the two loci and of industry equilibrium under risk neutrality are generally the same as for risk aversion.

Proposition 2. (a) In an industry composed of identical risk-neutral firms which employ a two-stage production technology, a mean-preserving increase in price uncertainty may increase or reduce industry output. (b) The effect of a mean-preserving increase in price uncertainty on the output of individual firms and on the number of firms will depend on specific characteristics of the production technology.

In examining a change in the value of the shift parameter, [gamma], when U"([mu]) = O, it is evident from the earlier analysis (see section b of the Appendix) that [H [mu] will now take the opposite sign of [f1/fl2 + f2/f22]. Thus, for example, if (f1/f12]) < \f2/f22/ and if f12 > O, then H [gamma] will be strictly positive, and by (12) the H = b locus will shift down in response to an increase in the parameter [gamma]. If f12 < O, these results also hold regardless of the specific magnitudes of the other terms shown. In such a case, a mean-preserving increase in the variability of output prices would cause industry output to-rise and expected industry price to fall in equilibrium. Conversely, if (f1/fl2) > \f2/f22\ and fl2 > O, then H [gamma] will be strictly negative, the H = b locus will shift up, and equilibrium output would fall.

Again, the response of q and n is less clear. In the case of the G = O locus under risk neutrality, the sign of G [gamma] is no longer indeterminate, but can be evaluated using the second term of (14). It is shown in the Appendix ((A. 15), section c) that G [gamma] will take the sign of [Mathematical Omitted] which, from Hartman [3, 677] is a critical value in determining optimal firm response in the absence of adjustment to industry equilibrium. Evaluating (7) with U"([pi]) = O shows that G [mu] can take either sign, where f12 [is greater than or equal to] O is a sufficient condition for G [mu] > O.

Using (13), the shift in the G = O locus can be up or down depending on the signs of G [gamma] and G [mu]. To construct an example, when [Mathematical Expression Omitted] > O and fl2 [is greater than or equal to] O one obtains

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

which signifies the (upward sloping) G = O locus will shift down when price uncertainty is increased. These are conditions (from Hartman [3, 677]) under which, in the short run, a risk-neutral firm would have an affinity for price variability and would increase output as variability increased. This example is consistent with conditions under which H = b could also be shifting down.

To summarize the movements in each locus associated with an increase in price variability under risk neutrality, the direction of change will be ambiguous for each, but will depend on various parameters of the firm's production technology. Specific parameters such as f12 and [Mathematical Expression Omitted] describe the technology per se, and can, in principle, be estimated empirically [4]. The shifts in the two curves are given by

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

For the specific example above, where [Mathematical Expression Omitted], the (determinate) signs are given by (13') and

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

Although industry output will rise unambiguously, the effect on output per firm in the above example will depend on the choice of K per firm (given fl2 [is greater than or equal to] O) which will in turn depend on the relative magnitudes of the shifts in the two loci. This difference can be represented by d [mu]/d [[gamma]\.sub.H=b] - d [mu]/d [[gamma]\.sub.G=O] which can be evaluated, in general, using the above expressions.

If the two loci move the same distance vertically, the difference will be zero and [K.sup.*] will be constant. If the H = b locus shifts down further, the difference will be negative, and [K.sup.*] will fall. If the G = O locus shifts further, the difference will be positive, and [K.sup.*] will increase.

It does not appear to be possible to sign the difference between the vertical shifts in the two loci under risk neutrality. This is so even with the specific set of conditions which make up the above example. This contrasts with the result of Appelbaum and Katz which suggests there would be no firm or industry response to a mean-preserving change in the price spread if firms employ a single-stage productiqn technology and are risk neutral.

V. Concluding Comments

These results demonstrate that, in equilibrium, a competitive industry's investment and output response to increased output price uncertainty (i.e., a mean-preserving spread in output price) may be positive or negative. In general, the direction of response depends on specific attributes of the firms' preferences and technology. In the special case of firms which are risk-neutral with respect to profits, the direction of response is shown to depend on properties of the production technology which, in principle, can be estimated empirically.

An implication of these results is that industry response to uncertainty may not be predictable in the manner suggested previously in the literature. Tastes, technology and the timing of information used by firms will each condition industry response. Capital investment, and the relation between current aggregate output and previous factor choices, may respond to output price volatility in ways beyond those suggested by the risk preferences of firms.


a. Evaluation of the Sign of (7)

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

It is possible to evaluate the sign of the two right-hand-side terms separately, and by providing conditions under which they will each be positive, to show when their sum, [G.sub.[mu]] will be positive.

[Mathematical Expression Omitted] To sign the first term in (7) it is noted that output, f(K,[L.sup.*]) will be strictly positive, so that it remains to sign the expected product of the remaining two parts of the first term. This is done following the approach of Sandmo [7, 68] who analyzes firms with a single-stage production process.

This expression is shown to be positive under certain conditions which employ the Arrow-Pratt measure of absolute risk aversion

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

It will be shown for firms with decreasing (non-increasing) absolute risk aversion that the sign of [Mathematical Expression Omitted] will be non-negative provided f12 [is greater than or equal to] O (as a sufficient but not necessary condition). Recalling that f (K,[L.sup.*]) will be positive, the entire first expression of (7) will then be non-negative.

Whereas Sandmo [7] shows similar results for a single-stage production process, it is now evident that they are also valid for a two-stage production process, where f12 [is greater than or equal to] O is a sufficient condition for this to be so. Start with the first-order condition

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

Hartmant [3,677] shows that

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

Noting f1 > O, f2 > O, and f22 < O, the sign of the entire expression will be strictly positive when fl2 [is greater than or equal to] O and indeterminate when f12 < O. None of the assumptions made about f puts a general restriction on fl2. Technical complementarity or independence of fixed and variable factors ([f12 [is greater than or equal to] O) represents a sufficient condition for [Mathematical Expression Omitted] to be strictly positive. This says that in periods when the realization of output price is higher than its expected value, the marginal value product of capital will also be higher. This will be true, even though the level of K is fixed in the short run, because the level of use of variable inputs is increased to accommodate the higher output price. It may not be true if K and L are technically competitive.

As a result, under the sufficient condition f12 [is greater than or equal to] O, realizations of output price above (below) the expected value will result in higher (lower) values of profit and higher (lower) values of [Mathematical Expression Omitted] (marginal value product of capital) than if the expected price were realized.

Denote the value of [pi] when [Mathematical Expression Omitted] as [Mathematical Expression Omitted] and denote the value of [pi] when the realized output price is higher than expected as [Mathematical Expression Omitted] which from the foregoing would have

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

at [Mathematical Expression Omitted] provided f2 [is greater than or equal to] O. For a firm with decreasing (non-increasing) absolute risk aversion

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

or equivalently

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]


[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

Using (A.3) gives

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

This will hold for [Mathematical Expression Omitted] for in the latter case, (A.4) becomes

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

which would leave (A.5) unchanged.

Taking expected values of (A.5) gives

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

where [Mathematical Expression Omitted] is a certain value and where the last term on the right-hand side equals zero by (3'), the firm's first-order condition.

Thus the left-hand-side expression will be zero or positive, with non-increasing or decreasing absolute risk aversion and fl2 [is greater than or equal] O as a sufficient condition.

Recalling that f (K, [L.sup.*]) will be positive, the entire first expression of (7) will be non-negative under the conditions given. Whereas Sandmo [7] shows similar results for a single-stage production process, it is now evident that they are also valid for a two-stage production process, where f12 [is greater than or equal to] O is a sufficient condition for this to be so.

ii. Evaluation of [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. The sign of the second right-hand-side term of (7) depends on U'([pi]) which is strictly positive, and on [Mathematical Expression Omitted] which can be shown to be positive under prescribed conditions. Recall from (A.2) that [Mathematical Expression Omitted] will be strictly positive when fl2 [is greater than or equal to] O and indeterminate when fl2 < O. Technical complementarity or independence of fixed and variable factors (f12 [is greater than or equal to] O represents a sufficient condition for the entire second term of (7) to be strictly positive.

b. Evaluation ofthe Sign of [H.sub.[gamma]]

From (12), [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. Proceed by re-defining [H.sub.[gamma]] where

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

It follows that [H.sub.[gamma]] = cov(A,[epsilon]), given E[epsilon] = O, using

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

The sign of cov(A, [epsilon]) will be the sign of [Mathematical Expression Omitted], which measures whether larger [epsilon] values are associated with larger values of A. Using (A. 7)

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]


[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

Implicit differentiation of the first-order condition [pf2(K,[L.sup.*] - w = O] gives: [Mathematical Expression Omitted], and [Mathematical Expression Omitted], so that

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

Therefore, to evaluate the sign of [H.sub.[gamma]] which is the sign of [Mathematical Expression Omitted], use

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

The first term will be negative unambiguously by risk aversion. The first part of the second term will be strictly positive, i.e., [U'([pi])(f2 [gamma]/mu]. > Therefore, when the second part of the second term in (A.9') (in square brackets) is positive or zero, [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. When the tertn in square brackets is negative, the sign of [Mathematical Expression Omitted] may be positive or negative.

By inspection, [Mathematical Expression Omitted] and f2/f22 < O, so [f1/f12 + f2/f22] [is greater than or equal to] O and (f1/f12) [is greater than or equal to] /f2/f22/. If fl2 < O, then the term in square brackets is negative, and if f12 = O, then it is undefined. Thus, under risk aversion, [H.sub.[gamma]], will be negative when fl2 > O and (f1/fl2) [is greater than or equal to] /f2/f22/, where these conditions are sufficient but not necessary. When the entire second term of (A.9') is negative and exceeds the first term in absolute value, [H.sub.[gamma]] will be positive. Using (A.9'), a set of sufficient conditions for [Mathematical Expression Omitted] would be f12 > O, [Mathematical Expression Omitted].

c. Evaluation of the Sign of G [gamma]

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

Given the complexity of the two terms in (14), it is necessary to evaluate each separately, using the methods employed to sign H [gamma]

[Mathematical Expression Omitted

It is clear from the first of these terms that the sign of [Mathematical Expression Omitted] will depend, in part, on the sign of U'''([pi]) None of the assumptions about U([pi]) places any restriction on the sign of this term, so the value of [Mathematical Expression Omitted] and thus of G [gamma] will be indeterminate. When one assumes that the Arrow-Pratt measure of absolute risk aversion (A.1) is decreasing, one is implicitly assuming that U'''([pi]) > O. However, even under such an assumption it does not appear possible to sign the remaining terms in (A. 13) which make up [Mathematical Expression Omitted]

It will prove useful in the analysis of industry equilibrium with risk neutrality (which follows) to know the sign of the second term in (14), which is evaluated next.

ii. Sign of [Mathematical Expression Omitted] Define C [Mathematical Expression Omitted] so the term of interest becomes E[C [epsilon]], which will equal cov(C, [epsilon]) because E [epsilon] = O. As before, the sign of cov(C, [epsilon] ) will be the sign of [Mathematical Expression Omitted] where

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]


[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

so the first term on the right-hand side of (A.14) becomes [Mathematical Expression Omitted] From section a.i. of this Appendix, the sign of a [Mathematical Expression Omitted] will be positive when fl2 [is greater than or equal to] and indeterminate otherwise. The product of the other parts of this expression is unambiguously negative.

The second term on the right-hand side of (A. 14) gives

[Mathematical Expression Omitted]

where U'([pi]) > O, [gamma] > O and [Mathematical Expression Omitted] The final right-hand-side term here is the same critical value employed by Hartman [3, 677] to determine optimal firm response under risk neutrality in the absence of adjustment to industry equilibrium. A positive value corresponds to the case where ex ante investments in K increase the short-run supply elasticity ex post.

As G [gamma] is expressed as the sum of two expressions in (14), the sign of the first of these will depend on the sign of U''' ([pi]) and is thus indeterminate. The sign of the second of these can be shown to be positive or negative, depending on the sign of fl2 and [Mathematical Expression Omitted] (among others).


[1.] Appelbaum, Elie and Eliakim Katz, "Measures of Risk Aversion and Comparative Statics of Industry Equilibrium." American Economic Review, June 1986, 524-29. [2.] Epstein, Larry G., "Production Flexibility and the Behaviour of the Competitive Firm under Price Uncertainty." Review of Economic Studies, June 1978, 251-61. [3.] Hartman, Richard, "Factor Demand with Output Price Uncertainty." American Economic Review, September 1976, 675-81. [4.] Horbulyk, Theodore M., "Functional Forms and Multivariate Risk Independence." Economics Letters, September 1992, 67-70. [5.] Ishii, Yasunori, "Measures of Risk Aversion and Comparative Statics of Industry Equilibrium: Correction." American Economic Review, March 1989, 285-86. [6.] Pazner, Elisha A. and Assaf Razin, "Industry Equilibrium under Random Demand." European Economic Review, October 1975, 387-95. [7.] Sandmo, Agnar, "On the Theory of the Competitive Firm under Price Uncertainty." American Economic Review, March 1971, 65-73. [8.] Turnovsky, Stephen J., "Production Flexibility, Price Uncertainty, and the Behavior of the Competitive Firm." International Economic Review, June 1973, 395-413. [9.] Wright, Brian D., "The Effects of Price Uncertainty on the Factor Choices of the Competitive Firm." Southern Economic Journal, October 1984, 443-55.

(1.) Pazner and Razin [6] analyze the structure of an industry in long-run equilibrium when the industry is composed of otherwise identical firms which are not identical in risk preferences. With free entry and an unlimited number of potential entrants, risk-averse firms will be driven out by those which are risk neutral. The latter will in turn be driven out by those which are risk-loving. In this paper, it is assumed initially that all potential entrants are risk averse. Subsequently, an unlimited number of risk-neutral potential entrants are admitted to the analysis. (2.) Firms may invest in automation for a production process ex ante in order to gain more latitude in the level of variable inputs employed later. Cattle ranchers may initially invest in a larger breeding herd in order to be more supply-responsive later as (future) market prices become known with certainty. (4.) Appelbaum and Katz label a curve such as the H (K,[micro]) locus an iso-expected utility curve. (5.) These loci are analogous to those portrayed by Appelbaum and Katz for a single-stage production process. Those authors show the possible configurations of corresponding G - 0 and H = b loci in (q,[micro]) space. (6.) Quasi-fixed and variable inputs are hereinafter described as technically complementary, technically independent, and technically competitive as [f.sub.12] > 0, [f.sub.12] = 0, and [f.sub.12] < 0, respectively. There is no general a prior assumption about the production technology which would restrict the sign of [f.sub.12] (7.) Although Ishii [5] has provided an alternate analysis of the comparative statics of the Appelbaum and Katz model, that approach and those results apparently do not extend to the two-stage model. Ishii concludes that output per firm will fall with the single-stage technology, and he does not sign the direction of change in the number of firms.