Reinventing Rationality: The Role of Regulatory Analysis in the Federal Bureaucracy.
Williams, Bob
Increased awareness of consumer and environmental problems bred a
wave of governmental rules and regulations in the 1960s and 1970s.
Fearing the economic consequences of these regulations, many within the
affected industries and in academia called for "regulatory
reform". The reformers argued that federal agencies were ignoring
the economic burdens of their regulations. With Reagan's election
in 1980, the federal rulemaking process was modified to assure that
federal regulations met the test of economic efficiency. Known as
regulatory analysis, McGarity examines how this new approach affected
rulemaking in the early Reagan years in five federal agencies. From
these experiences he assesses the strengths and weaknesses of regulatory
analysis and offers his insights on its future use and potential.
In Part I McGarity outlines the development of regulatory analysis
within the federal government. A month after taking office, Reagan
signed Executive Order 12,291 which required all federal agencies to
undertake a Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) for all "major"
rules. The executive order placed the burden of proof on each agency to
demonstrate that its proposed rule passed the cost-benefit test. This
emphasis on regulatory analysis offered a significant departure from the
traditional rulemaking process. In the traditional approach, technical
experts rely on intuition and experience to develop remedies to highly
complex problems in which accurate information is either inadequate or
nonexistent. Rules are developed that accommodate as many interest
groups as possible in order to reduce resistance to the proposed rule.
Labelled techno-bureaucratic rationality by McGarity, this approach
identifies rules that will survive the inevitable political and legal
challenges as well as those which are enforceable. On the other hand,
regulatory analysis attempts to identify all regulatory options,
quantify the societal costs and benefits of each option, and thereby
solve the regulatory problem in a systematic and objective manner. Only
those regulatory actions in which the net social benefit can be clearly
demonstrated are to be taken. Rules that achieve the remedy in the most
cost-effective manner are chosen. As McGarity suggests, this approach
affected the selected remedies as well as the kinds of regulatory issues
to which agencies gave future consideration.
In Part II, McGarity uses five case studies to examine the regulatory
conflicts that arose between the traditionalists and the new regulatory
analysts. These detailed case studies include the EPA, OSHA, NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), and FSIS (Food Safety
and Inspection Service). Often, the conflict pitted the agency proposing
the rule against the OMB, which now had the power to veto all major
regulations through its review of agency RIAs. The conflict also put
different departments within the agency at odds with each other as each
side attempted to influence the agency's proposed rule. From these
case studies, McGarity identifies both the virtues and weaknesses of
regulatory analysis in practice. Its virtues include its ability to
identify policy options, its increased sensitivity to small business
concerns, its explicit identification of information gaps and underlying
assumptions, and its mitigation of political considerations. In
practice, regulatory analysis is limited by the paucity of reliable
data, the bias that results from the increased difficulties in
quantifying the benefits of regulation, its lack of consideration for
the distributional effects of proposed solutions, and the subjectivity
of the analysts, who must provide the assumptions and values on which
the analysis is based.
In Part III, he examines the different methods in which agencies have
attempted to incorporate regulatory analysis into their rulemaking
processes. He identifies five models: the hierarchical model, the
outside advisor model, the team model, the adversarial model, and the
hybrid model. He provides case studies of each model. He analyzes each
of the models as to how well it permits the regulatory analyst to
perform seven functions, including information analyst, justifier of the
decision, policy communicator, options identifier, institutional
skeptic, advocate for efficiency, and influential participant in the
agency's policymaking. Arguing that there is no best model for all
agencies, he identifies the conditions that make some models more
appropriate than others.
In Part IV he discusses the review functions provided by OMB and, to
a lesser extent, the courts. As he suggests, the impact of OMB has been
significant. More than elsewhere in the government, regulatory analysis
in OMB assumed the goal of stemming the flow of federal regulations. As
such, OMB was involved in many highly visible fights with federal
agencies during the 1980s. As these conflicts frequently centered over
such issues as the level of acceptable risk and whether one should use
best case or worst case scenarios in determining the efficient solution,
these fights reflected ideological rather than technical differences.
While OMB lost several of these high profile fights, McGarity believes
that OMB exerted a much broader influence as agencies proposed rules
that would better accommodate the OMB's objections.
The book represents an exhaustive and generally well balanced
treatment of regulatory analysis. The attention to actual case studies
is exemplary. The depth and detail of this book as well as its use of
bureaucratic acronyms will daunt the casual reader. He is equally
willing to exhibit the excesses and drawbacks of its practice as he is
its successes and strengths. However, in arguing for the future role of
regulatory analysis, I believe that he is more willing to overlook its
drawbacks than I. Far too frequently, numerical data is perceived as far
more objective and authoritative than is justified by the values and
assumptions that underlie the data. While it can be convenient to
collapse moral, political, and economic issues into a formula, it is
rarely wise to do so. Yet, the book is a solid work and a necessary read
for those who are interested in understanding the decisionmaking process
that is forging the social regulation emanating from the federal