Estimating a non-minimum cost function for hospitals: reply.
Kniesner, Thomas J.
I. Introduction
There were typographical errors in equations (18), (19), (27), and
(28) in the theoretical section of our original manuscript [5]. The
corrected equations are (18) [Mathematical Expression Omitted] (19)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (27) [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
(28) [Mathematical Expression Omitted] where T [Mathematical Expression
Omitted] There were no programming errors and all estimates we reported
in our original paper [5] are unchanged.
In what follows, we clarify three issues--that
1. If the shadow price of the ith input exceeds its market price
[Mathematical Expression Omitted
then there is relative underemploymentof the ith input
2. If any [Mathematical Expression Omitted then there is empirical
allocative inefficiency; and
3. if [Mathematical Expression Omitted] = [[Theta].sub.i] = 0 then
there is conditional efficient
employment of input [X.sub.i] Our first two points should
rectify possible confusion over the roles of absolute versus relative
input prices in the non-minimum cost function. Our third point refines
the concept of conditional efficient employment of an input.
II. Relative Underemployment of an Input
Empirical inefficiency first appeared in the Cobb-Douglas profit
function of Lau and Yotopolus [6].Toda [10] modeled non-minimization of
quadratic average cost. Eight years later Atkinson and Halvorsen [1]
adopted Toda's approach in using a translog shadow cost function to
investigate possible Averch-Johnson [2] overcapitalization in regulated
electric power generation. The model use in [5] resembles the Atkinson
and Halvorsen model with two differences. First, we choose an additive
([W.sub.i] + [[Theta].sub.i]) rather than a multiplicative [[Theta].sub.i] [W.sub.i]) parameterization of shadow input prices and
second, we model a multiproduct firm and consequently choose a
hybrid-translog multiproduct shadow-cost function that permits some
outputs to be zero.
We emphasize that when using an estimated cost function to discuss
economic efficiency over- or underemployment of an input is both
conditional on the levels of the other inputs and is relative to the
numeraire input. In our earlier paper [5] the estimated shadow price of
capital ([kappa]) was below the observed price, [[Theta] [caret].sub.k]
< 0, and the estimated shadow price of physicians' services (d)
was above the observed price [[Theta] [caret].sub.d] > 0, while
equality between the shadow and the observed prices of non-physician
labor (l) and equality between the shadow and observed prices of
materials (m), [[Theta].sub.l] = [[Theta].sub. m] = 0, was imposed ex
ante. Consequently, [Mathematical Expression Omitted] and capital is
overemployed relative to physicians, materials, and non-physician labor
and physicians is underemployed relative to capital, materials, and
non-physician labor.
We contend that a discussion of empirically absolute versus
empirically relative input efficiency is meaningless and confusing.
Cost-minimizing resource allocation depends only on relative input
prices. Atkinson and Halvorsen [1,653] define absolute efficiency as
occurring "if the value of the marginal product of each input is
equated to the input's market price." This is the
profit-maximization condition, which is neither necessary for cost
minimization nor testable in the non-minimum cost function model. A
similar confusion over the effects of price distortions occurs in the
rate of return regulation literature where overemployment of capital is
sometimes misinterpreted as either more capital or a greater
capital-labor ratio than the unregulated firm would choose [2;3]. The
correct interpretation of overemployment of capital, which we gave to
our results [5], is that the ratios of capital to other inputs are
greater than the cost-minimizing ratios for the given level of output.
III. Empirical Allocative Inefficiency
Not all absolute shadow input prices are retrievable empirically.
Even in a profit-maximization context, including m output prices as well
as n input prices, only (any) n + m - 1 independent relative prices
affect resource allocation. Thus, there is no less of generality in our
discussion [5, 585] of empirical allocative inefficiency even if the
true model is a multiplication parameterization of the divergence
observed input prices and shadow prices ([Mathematical Expression
IV. Conditional Efficient Input Employment
Conditional efficiency is closely related to the concept of the
second best. In our judgement conditional efficiency is the
cost-minimizing amount of input [X.sub.i] accepting distortions that
exist in other input markets. Consider a three-input production
function. If [Mathematical Expression Omitted] then [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] results in conditional and complete efficiency where
complete efficiency is defined as the minimization of the observed cost
of producing a given vector of outputs [5, 586]. Further, if
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], then [Mathematical Expression
Omitted] is also conditionally and completely efficient. A first-best
solution to distorted input markets is similar to Robinson's
"world of monopolies" [8] and might be called a "world of
monopsonies." Of course, one cannot empirically detect absolute
shadow prices via a non-minimum cost function so there is no meaningful
difference between completely efficient outcomes. Now, if [Mathematical
Expression Omitted], and [Mathematical Expression Omitted] what value of
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] gives conditional efficiency? In
general, [Mathematical Expression Omitted] does not give conditional
efficiency. That is, the second best outcome given the unequal
distortions in markets 1 and 2 is not, in general, an undistorted market
3. The theory of the second best compels us to revise our conditional
efficiency condition [5, 586] to recognize the possibility of partially
offsetting distortions in input markets. The theory of second best also
makes us reject the concept of "relative price efficiency" in
[1, 653].
V. Homogeneity Properties of the Non-Minimum Cost Function
We close with some clarifying remarks about the homogeneity
properties of the non-minimum cost function and the structure of shadow
input prices. Economic theory requires that the shadow cost function be
homogeneous to degree 1 in shadow input prices and, consequently, that
factor demands and shadow cost shares be homogeneous to degree 0 in
shadow input prices. By construction, if observed input prices do not
change as shadow input prices change, observed cost is homogeneous to
degree 0 in shadow input prices. However, observed input prices are a
component of shadow input prices. That is, shadow input prices are
theoretically equal to (1) Mathematical Expression Omitted] where
[[Mu].sub.i] and endogenous Lagrangian multipliers.(1) Changing all
shadow input prices proportionately while holding observed input prices
constant is impossible. Given that observed input prices do change as
shadow input prices change, then a proportional change in all shadow
input prices may indeed cause observed cost to change. Furthermore,
economic theory does not require that either the shadow or observed cost
function be homogeneous in observed prices. With a multiplicative
parameterization of shadow prices [Mathematical Expression Omitted] both
the shadow and observed cost functions are homogeneous to degree 1 in
observed prices. Neither the shadow nor the observed cost function is
homogeneous in observed input prices if divergence between shadow and
observed input prices is parameterized additively [Mathematical
Expression Omitted].
Finally, the general theoretical form of shadow price [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] emphasis that the divergences between shadow and
observed input prices [Mathematical Expression Omitted] are endogenous.
However, the empirical non-minimum cost function literature treats
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] parametrically. The next generation of
empirical non-minimum cost functions should attempt to incorporate the
endogeneity of shadow price divergences, [[Theta].sub.i].(2) B. Kelly
Eakin University of Oregon Eugene, Oregon Thomas J. Kniesner Indiana
University Bloomington, Indiana (1)Shadow input prices given by equation
(1) are first-order conditons to the Lagrangian optimization problem of
the utility-maximizing entrepreneur facing imperfect input markets.
Shadow prices have also been called virtual prices For details on the
theoretical derivation of shadow prices see Neary and Roberts [7] and
Thornton and Eakin [9]. (2)A excellent reference on the econometrics of
endogenous firm-specific random heterogeneity is Breusch, Mizon, and
Schmidt [4].
[1]Atkinson, Scott and Robert Halvorsen, "Parametric Efficiency
Tests, Economics of Scale and Input Demand in U.S. Power
Generation." International Economic Review, October 1984, 647-61.
[2]Averch, Harvey and Leland L. Johnson, "Behavior of the Firm
under Regulatory Constraint." American Economic Review, December
1962, 1053-69. [3]Baumol, William and Alvin Klevorick, "Input
Choices and Rate-of-Return Regulation: An Overview of the
Discussion." Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science.
Autumn 1970, 162-90. [4]Breusch, Trevor S., Graham E. Mizon and Peter
Schmidt, "Efficient Estimation Using Panel Data."
Econometrica, May 1989, 695-700. [5]Eakin, B. Kelly and Thomas J.
Kniesner, "Estimating a Non-Minimum Cost Function for
Hospitals." Southern Economic Journal, January 1988, 583-97.
[6]Lau, Lawrence and Plan Yotopolus, "A Test for Relative
Efficiency and an Application to Indian Agriculture." American
Economic Review, March 1971, 94-109. [7]Neary, J, Peter and K. W. S.
Roberts, "The Theory of Household Behavior under Rationing."
European Economic Review, 13, 1980, 25-42. [8]Robinson, Joan. The
Economics of Imperfect Competition. London: MacMillan, 1934.
[9]Thornton, James and B. Kelly Eakin, "Virtual Prices and a
General Theory of the Owner-Operated Firm." Southern Economic
Journal, April 1992. [10]Toda, Yasushi, "Estimation of A Cost
Function When Cost Is not Minimum: The Case of Soviet Manufacturing
Industries, 1958-71." Review of Economics and Statistics, August
1976, 259-68.