Social surplus and profitability under different spatial pricing policies.
Thisse, Jacques-Francois
I. Introduction
One of the most controversial parts of the U.S. antitrust laws is
the Robinson-Patman Act. Posner has argued it should be discarded entirely [34]. Bork has called it "the misshapen progeny of
intolerable draughtsmanship coupled to wholly mistaken economic
theory" [10, 382]. The Robinson-Patman Act is an amendment, passed
in 1936, to Section 2 of the Clayton Act. In the words of its
co-sponsor, its purpose was to "prevent discrimination between
competing customers of a seller" so that any "price
differentials should be limited to the sound economic differences in
costs" [33,5].
Because of its concern with price discrimination, it is the
Robinson-Patman Act that is relevant to the spatial pricing policies of
firms. However, the precise limitations the law imposes on spatial
prices are not exactly well defined. One point is relatively clear: that
"no question of unlawful [price] discrimination would arise so long
as the f.o.b. price is (uniform and (2) available all customers on
nondiscriminatory basis. No legal requirement exists that the
alternative f.o.b price be of any particular amount or computed in any
particular way" ((85 F.T.C. 1174, 1176 [1, 49]). While f.o.b. mill
pricing is legally unassailable, the legal status of uniform delivered
pricing--where firms charge the same price at all points of sale--is
somewhat ambivalent (see Dunn [16] for a discussion). What is certain is
that firms charging neither mill or uniform prices may be open to
successful prosecution, especially if they set price schedules which
have bump-dip changes. For example, in the Utah Pie (see Breit and
Elzinga [12] for more details), firms were found guilty of price
discrimination since their delivered prices were lower in the local Utah
market than at points closer to their plants.
One obvious reason for the amibiguity in the letter and the
application of the law is the lack of a sound economic analysis of
spatial pricing. The pricing policies we consider in this paper are mill
pricing (where each firm charges a f.o.b. pricing schedule so that all
transport costs are passed on to consumers), uniform delivered pricing
(each firm contracts to charge all consumers served the same price,
irrespective of their locations) and spatial price discrimination (firms
set location-specific delivered prices to consumers). These price
policies capture a large part of actual firm pricing practices--the
results of a survey of 241 firms in West Germany, Japan and the U.S. are
presented in Greenhut [19]. One quarter of the firms surveyed used only
uniform pricing; a further 29% used only mill pricing.(1)
Clearly, mill pricing is the first-best optimal pricing policy with
the mill price equal to marginal cost. However, firms that are spatially
separated typically enjoy some degree of market power (imparted by their
spatial advantage over consumers located close by) so that, even if they
employ mill pricing, the mill price typically exceeds marginal cost.
When demand is not completely inelastic this will be distortionary.
Indeed, some other (discriminatory) pricing policy may yield higher
social welfare given the constraint of monopoly or oligopoly pricing.
Such results have been established for the monopoly case [6; 21; 23].
The oligopoly problem has been treated in Hobbs [22] and Holahan and
Schuler [24]. These latter papers assume linear demand an that firms are
equidistantly located along an infinite line, the interfirm distance
being determined by free entry and exit. In all previous analyses the
problem of firm locations per se has not been treated directly.
In this paper we directly consider the location decisions of firms
by analyzing the equilibrium locations in a linear bounded market. The
use of a particular price policy by firms will tend to affect location
decisions (see Greenhut [18] for an early recognition of this point).
Our objective is to look at the locational inefficiencies induced by
pricing policies alone, independently of whatever may be the deadweight
loss associated with pricing above marginal cost. In order to separate
the distortions in pricing above marginal costs from those which are due
to purely locational effects, we shall specify a model in which mill
pricing is the (first best) optimal pricing policy (regardless of the
absolute level of the mill price) for any fixed (symmetric) pair of
locations. That is, we shall set up a model where any distortions are
due solely to locational tendencies.
The importance of the locational effect is highlighted when the
present results are compared with our previous ones [4]. In that paper
we confined ourselves to fixed symmetric firm locations. Mill pricing
therefore yields highest welfare in that context. Once we account for
endogenous locations this finding is overturned. Because mill pricing
yields equilibrium locations way outside the social optimum ones it
causes welfare to be lower than that arising under pricing policies
which are not in themselves optimal.
The equilibrium concept we use is a standard one, a two-stage game
with locations as the first stage and price-setting at the second. The
justification for this set-up is that prices tend to be relatively
flexible vis-a-vis locations. Hence we consider a game where locations
are chosen first, bearing in mind the anticipated equilibrium in the
subsequent pricing game.
There are good reasons why the comparison we propose has not
previously been analyzed: spatial models are plagued by non-existence of
equilibrium in pure strategies. A two-stage location-price equilibrium
will exist only under stringent conditions for mill pricing policies
(see Gabszewicz and Thisse [17] for further discussion). For uniform
delivered pricing, equilibrium will not usually exist at all [7].
Several modifications have since been proposed to deal with the
non-existence problem.(2) We shall adopt one of these; specifically, we
allow for heterogeneity of consumer preferences over the sellers of
products (in the standard model consumer tastes are assumed to be
homogeneous). This is the approach introduced in [14], where it was
shown that equilibrium will exist in the mill pricing model for a
sufficiently large degree of consumer heterogeneity. (Note however that
this paper considers a one-stage game where prices and locations are
chosen simultaneously--in the present paper we consider the location
then price game).
The idea behind the model developed here is that most sellers are
inherently differentiated by a multitude of factors which are valued
differently by different consumers. In addition to the difference in
spatial locations of retailers, consumers may have a preference for one
over another "because he is a fellow Elk or Baptist, or on account
of some difference in service or quality, or for a combination of
reasons" [27, 44]. Given that individual consumer tastes over the
many attributes of sellers are typically unobservable, the best firms
can do is to make estimates of them. Hence firms look at the probability
that a given consumer will choose its product. We shall use the terms
consumer taste heterogeneity and retailer heterogeneity interchangeably throughout the paper: retailers are only differentiated from each other
because consumers view them as such.
The precise model we use to characterize the diversity of
individual consumer tastes is the logit model.(3) We have shown
elsewhere [3; 5] that the logit demand model can be derived from
consumer preference foundations other than the traditional probabilistic choice ones. Specifically, the approach we shall use in this paper is
consistent with both the representative consumer and the address (or
characteristics) approaches to modelling taste heterogeneity.
In the next section, we present the model and describe the
different pricing policies and the equilibrium concept. In section III,
we analyzed price and location equilibria, as well as the optimum.
Section IV compares the equilibrium outcomes in terms of profits,
consumer surplus and total social surplus. Section V concludes with a
discussion of pricing policies and regulation.
II. Framework of Analysis
We assume there is a uniform distribution of consumers (with unit
density) over a linear market normalized (without loss of generality) to
[0, 1]. There are two firms, each with a single outlet. Their locations
are denoted [x.sub.1] and [x.sub.2] with [x.sub.i] [Epsilon] [0, 1]; i =
1, 2, and [x.sub.1] and [x.sub.2].
Consumer Behavior
Each consumer is assumed to purchase one unit of product per period
according to a decision rule (1) [Mathematical Expression Omitted] where
[P.sub.i] (x) is the delivered price charged by firm i at location x
[Epsilon] [0, 1], and [e.sub.i] (x) is the consumer-specific evaluation
of the seller of good i by the individual at x.(4) If a tie occurs
([U.sub.1] (x) = [U.sub.2] (x)), the individual is assumed to purchase
from each firm with probability one half. Whenever [e.sub.i] (x) is
constant for all x [Epsilon] [0, 1], the model reverts to the case of
homogeneous sellers, which is the standard assumption in the literature
on spatial pricing. He we consider the case where [e.sub.i] (x) is not
constrained to be constant. In accord with discrete choice theory, the
precise value of [e.sub.i] (x) is assumed to be not observed by the
firm, so that the firm must form an estimate of the probability that the
consumer at x prefers to do business with it. In particular, we shall
assume that [e.sub.i] (x) is distributed in the consumer population
according to: (2) [e.sub.i] (x) = [[Mu] [[Epsilon].sub.i]], [Mu] [is
greater than or equal to] 0; i = 1, 2, where the [[Epsilon].sub.i] are
independent random variables, with zero mean and unit variance, which
are identically distributed according to the double exponential
distribution. The terms [[Mu] [Epsilon].sub.i]] therefore reflect
idiosyncratic tastes (independently of consumer locations), and the
parameter [Mu] conveys the degree of dispersion of these tastes across
consumers. For [Mu] [right arrow] 0, we recover the case of homogeneous
tastes (or homogeneous sellers).
Following de Palma et al. [14], the probability of an individual at
x purchasing the product from firm i is given by the binomial logit
formulation(5) as (3) [Mathematical Expression Omitted] so that clearly
[P.sub.1] (x) + [P.sub.2] (x) = 1. Note that sellers are not
differentiated (i.e., they are perfect substitutes) for [Mu] [right
arrow] 0. [P.sub.i] (x) is a continuously decreasing function of
[p.sub.i] (x), which is concave (convex) for [p.sub.i] (x) [is less than
or equal to] ([is greater than or equal to]) [p.sub.j] (x Thus it has
the standard shape associated with a well-behaved unimodal density
We assume each firm produces with constant and identical marginal
costs, which can therefore be set equal to zero without loss of
generality. Transport costs per unit shipped are assumed linear in
distance and invariant to volume. The transportation rate will be
normalized to unity by appropriate choice of unit of account. We
consider three types of alternative spatial pricing policy.
Profits and the Equilibrium Concept
Firms are assumed to be risk neutral. Each firm's expected
profits under the three alternative pricing policies are (4)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] where [p.sup.i] (x) is constrained by
the pricing policy under consideration and specified below. Notice than
an increase in both firms' delivered prices by one dollar at all
locations raises total profits ([[Pi].sub.1] + [[Pi].sub.2]) by one
dollar. This results from the property of (3) that the purchase
probabilities depend only upon price differences.
The market equilibrium we consider for each of the alternative
pricing policies is the equilibrium to a two-stage game. Locations are
chosen at the first stage and are predicted upon the knowledge of the
second-stage pricing equilibrium. Hence we analyze a sub-game perfect
Nash equilibrium. This concept is now made precise.
The solution is recursive. We first solve the second-stage pricing
sub-game. For given firm locations ([x.sub.1], [x.sub.2]), a
price-schedule equilibrium [Mathematical Expression Omitted] is defined
by (5) [Mathematical Expression Omitted] for all allowable price
schedules {[p.sub.i] (x)}, for all x [Epsilon] [0, 1]; i, j = 1, 2, i
[is not equal to] j. For both mill and uniform pricing policies, the
allowable price schedules are defined in terms of a single variable,
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (the mill price) and [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] (the uniform delivered price respectively.
Now consider the first stage location game. Define [[Pi]
[tilde].sub.i] ([x.sub.i], [x.sub.j]) as i's profit evaluated at
the second stage price schedule equilibrium. Equilibrium to the full
two-stage game is then defined by a location pair, [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] such that (6) [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
Consumer Surplus
One criterion for comparison is aggregate consumer surplus, defined
as the integral of net benefits of consumers in the market. Once we
allow for heterogeneity across products, it will no longer be the case
that consumers patronize the firm with the lower delivered price. Hence
market segments will overlap. The consumer surplus measure therefore
must also include the benefits from product variety, as expressed by
[Mu], along with the delivered price paid. The former element is absent
from standard location models with homogeneous tastes.(6) For the demand
system (3), consumer surplus is given (up to a positive constant) by (7)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (see Anderson, de Palma, and Thisse
[3] and Small and Rosen [35]). Note that a one dollar increase in both
delivered prices at all locations causes aggregate consumer surplus to
fall by one dollar (this can be seen by using [p.sub.i] = [p.sub.i] + 1,
i = 1, 2 in (7)).
Social Surplus and the Optimum
We define social surplus as total consumer surplus (as defined in
Equation (7) plus profits of both firms (as given by Equation (4)).
Social surplus (or "welfare") is given by (8) W = CS +
[[Pi].sub.1] + [[Pi].sub.2]. The optimal solution entails choice of both
spatial price schedules and locations. It is therefore the solution to
(9) [Mathematical Expression Omitted] where W(.) is given by (8). The
level of social surplus depends only upon price differences, although
the distribution of that surplus depends on price levels: as noted
previously, one dollar rise in both prices at all locations is simply a
transfer of surplus from consumer to firms. This has important
implications for the analysis below. In particular, any situation which
differs from another only by the absolute level of prices (and not by
their difference) entails the same allocation of consumers to outlets
and hence the same total social surplus.
Having defined the model and criteria for comparison, we now turn
to the location results. It should be stressed at this point that all
location equilibria and the optimum can be expressed in terms of a
single parameter. This parameter is [Mu], the measure of consumer taste
heterogeneity across retailers.(7)
III. Equilibrium and Optimum Locations under Alternative Spatial
Pricing Policies
We shall see below that taking explicit account of taste variations
(as per equations (1)-(3) can restore the existence of equilibrium
providing the taste variations are sufficiently large, thus allowing us
to compare the price policies.
Mill Pricing
Under this pricing policy, each firm charges a single mill price to
all consumers, and all transport costs are passed on to consumers. The
delivered price paid by a consumer at x and purchasing from firm i at
[x.sub.i] is (10) [Mathematical Expression Omitted] where [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] is the mill price.
We have not been able to fully characterize algebraically the
equilibrium locations under mill pricing for all values of [Mu]. We
have, however, simulated the market equilibrium under this pricing
policy. These simulations show a large variety of possibilities. The
results are illustrated in Figure 1. As [Mu] rises from zero, there is
first no equilibrium; then there is a region where there is a unique
equilibrium, at which firms are separated. As [Mu] continues to rise,
there is next a region where there are two equilibria; finally, there is
a unique equilibrium which involves central agglomeration.
The reason for the initial non-existence of equilibrium for [Mu]
< 0.062 is similar to that given in d'Aspremont, Gabszewicz,
Thisse [13] for the case of homogenous products I that case each
firm's profits rise as it approaches is rival's location.
However this central tendency eventually leads firms into the situation
where there exists no price equilibrium because each wishes to undercut its rival's mill price at any candidate solution to the pricing
first-order conditions. That is, there is a fundamental failure of
quasiconcavity (in own price) in the profit functions. By continuity,
this explains why there is a region of [Mu]-values for which there is no
equilibrium. When [Mu] is high enough, the failure of quasiconcavity
becomes non-critical since the relative benefit of mill price
undercutting is reduced because demand is less responsive to small price
differences (consumers care more about other aspects of the products).
In other words, introducing preference heterogeneity smoothes the profit
functions so that they become well behaved. Hence for [Mu] large enough,
there exists an equilibrium to the second-stage game so that the
first-stage location game can be defined. The latter then also has an
equilibrium, as illustrated in Figure 1.
For 0.062 [is less than or equal to] [Mu] < 1.47, there is a
symmetric dispersed equilibrium which initially entails increasing
spatial separation of firms as [Mu] rises. This effect can be ascribed
to a tendency for firms to consolidate their monopoly power as the
influence of the rival becomes more far-reaching (in the sense that
rising [Mu] implies a greater invasion of a firm's hinterland). For
larger [Mu] (around 0.3), the firms start to move together again with
increasing [Mu]. This effect is due to the increased desirability of a
central location given that, ceteris paribus, the demand addressed to a
firm becomes increasingly even over space as [Mu] rises. Hence the
equilibrium can be seen as the result of two opposing forces, with the
agglomerative force eventually outweighing he deglomerative one.
For 0.76 [is less than or equal to] [Mu] < 1.47, there is an
agglomerated equilibrium at the centre along with the dispersed one. The
phenomenon of multiple equilibria can be understood in the following
manner. Equilibrium prices are relatively high at the non-agglomerated
equilibrium locations. Any move toward the center increases price
competition substantially and is avoided on those grounds. On the other
hand, equilibrium prices are relatively low at the agglomerated
equilibrium in the center. Moving away reduces competitive pressure (and
enables higher prices) but also reduces market share so much as to
reduce profits. When the central equilibrium co-exists with the
dispersed one, it is the latter which is the stable equilibrium.
Equilibrium profits are also higher at the dispersed equilibrium.
Finally, for [Mu] [is greater than or equal to] 1.47, the only
equilibrium is the central one, which is then stable. As [Mu] becomes
large, the two firms start to behave as monopolies facing elastic
demands and locate at the market center.
Uniform Delivered Pricing
Under this pricing policy, each firm charges a single delivered
price to all consumers it serves. The firm will refuse to supply
consumers which could only be served at a loss. We can therefore
describe this policy by (11) [Mathematical Expression Omitted] where
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] is the uniform price.
Proposition 1. For the duopoly model described in section II, there
is a unique (pure-strategy) two-stage location-price equilibrium at
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] under uniform delivered pricing for
[Mu] [is greater than or equal to] [Mu] [bar] [approximately equal to]
.286. For [Mu] < [Mu] [bar], there exists no equilibrium.
Proof. First note that no equilibrium can exist with a firm
refusing to serve a part of the market. If one firm sets a price such
that it is not profitable for it to serve the whole market, then its
rival has the incentive to increase its price over the remainder of the
market. When a firm does serve the whole market, the expected demand to
it is equal at all points in space. Hence we can write its expected
profit as (12) [Mathematical Expression Omitted] where [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] is the average transport cost paid by firm i in
serving its customers. It is readily shown that each firm's
equilibrium profit is a strictly decreasing function of [c.sub.i], the
average transport cost.[8] Hence the best locational response of each
firm to any possible location of a rival is the center of the market.
This establishes that the central agglomeration is the only possible
Now consider the existence problem. For the center to be well
defined as a two-stage location-price equilibrium, it is necessary that
equilibrium profits be defined (and lower) for alternative locations of
one firm given the other remains at the center. That is, there must
exist a price equilibrium for the second-stage game for all [x.sub.1]
[Epsilon] [0, 1/2] given [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. The feature
that may jeopardize existence of a price equilibrium is the possibility
that a firm may not wish to serve the whole market at the solution to
the first-order conditions corresponding to [12]. It is straightforward
to show that this possibility is the more likely to arise the further is
firm 1 from the center.(9) According we can find (from the solutions to
the first-order conditions) the critical value of [Mu] such that
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], the value such that firm 1 just
wishes to serve the whole market at the candidate equilibrium prices.
This value is approximately 0.286, as stated in the proposition.[10] For
all greater values of [Mu], the center is ensured as the equilibrium.
Note that the center is at least a local equilibrium for lower values of
[Mu] in the sense that profits are maximized there for the whole range
of locations for which a price equilibrium exists. The center ceases to
be a local equilibrium for [Mu] < 1/8, which value is the solution to
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] i.e., this is the lowest value of [Mu]
for which there exists a price equilibrium at the center.
Spatial Discriminatory Pricing
Under this policy, each firm sets a location-specific delivered
price at each point in space, [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. This
pricing policy was initially described in Hoover [26], and further
analyzed in Lederer and Hurter [28] for the case of homogeneous consumer
Proposition 2. (Anderson and de Palma). For the duopoly model of
section II, there exists a two-stage location-price equilibrium under
spatial discriminatory pricing. The equilibrium locations are given by:
a) [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
b) [Mathematical Expression Omitted] where [Theta] [bar] solves ln
[Theta] [bar] + 2 [Theta] [bar] + 1 = 1/ [Mu], and [Mathematical
Expression Omitted]. For [Mu] [Epsilon] [1/6, 1/3]) there are two
location-price equilibria.
The equilibrium price schedules corresponding to these
location-price equilibria are described in Anderson and de Palma [2],
where the result is proved. Over the interval outside the firm
locations, both firms' delivered prices rise linearly with distance
at the same rate as the transport cost. Firms can therefore be seen as
using mill pricing policies over these intervals: even though firms have
the ability to price discriminate by location, they choose not to do so
over this range in equilibrium.(11) Over the inter-firm interval, prices
never rise as fast as the transport cost rate. Indeed, for small enough
values of [Mu], delivered prices actually fall initially away from each
firm towards its rival. (This is seen, for example, in the limit case
[Mu] [right arrow] 0, where each firm's delivered price follows its
rival's transport cost scheduled.) For higher values of [Mu] they
always rise over this interval as the product heterogeneity effect
becomes more important.
The equilibrium locations described in Proposition 2 are
illustrated in Figure 1. The pattern is very similar to that observed
for mill pricing, although the maximum separation of firms is less
pronounced. Again there can be two equilibria for some values of [Mu],
although now equilibrium, existence is ensured throughout. The intuition
underlying these results is qualitatively similar to that given for the
mill pricing case. Note that for [Mu] [Epsilon] [1/6, 1/3]) the central
equilibrium is unstable, but becomes stable for [Mu] [is greater than or
equal to] 1/3. The dispersed equilibrium is stable wherever it exists
(i.e., for [Mu] < 1/3).
Just as for the mill pricing case, when there are multiple
equilibria, the central agglomeration is less profitable than the
disagglomerated one, and is therefore dominated. As noted above, the
central agglomeration is also unstable in such cases. For these reasons,
we shall only describe the stable equilibria in section IV.
The Optimum
The analysis above has considered equilibrium locations. We now
analyze the full social optimum where the planner maximizes the welfare
function (8) by choice of both locations and spatial delivered prices
for the two firms.
Proposition 3. (Anderson and de Palma). For the model of section
II, the optimum pricing policy is mill pricing, and the optimal
locations are given implicitly by [Mathematical Expression Omitted] and
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] where [Mathematical Expression
Omitted] if and only if [Mu] [is greater than or equal to] 1/2.
This result is also proved in Anderson and de Palma [2]. The fact
that the optimal pricing policy is mill pricing follows directly from
the spatial application of marginal cost pricing. It is illuminating to
compare the optimal locations to those arising under a mill pricing
equilibrium (see Figure 1). Even though the same price policy is used at
the optimum and in equilibrium, the planner's location solution may
be very different from the equilibrium one. Whereas the optimal
location, [x.sub.1], is monotonically increasing n [Mu], the equilibrium
initially exhibits the opposite tendency. Indeed, for sufficiently low
values of [Mu] (such that equilibrium nevertheless exists) we observe
too little spatial differentiation of products, whereas for [Mu] >
[Mu] [Tilde] [approximately equal to] .100 there is excess spatial
differentiation and indeed the equilibrium and optimum locations are
diverging. Eventually the mill-pricing equilibrium converges and reaches
the market center. It is interesting to note that for [Mu] = [Mu]
[Tilde] (where the two loci cross) the full social optimum is attained
at the market equilibrium for mill pricing.
Exactly the opposite qualitative picture under perfect spatial
price discrimination. Except for [Mu] = 0, where the optimum and
equilibrium coincide, the equilibrium initially involves excess spatial
product differentiation, whereas for higher values of [Mu] > [Mu]
[caret] [approximately equal to] .099 there is too little
differentiation. For [Mu] = [Mu] [caret] (where these two loci cross),
although the equilibrium and optimum locations coincide, the equilibrium
does not replicate the optimum since the former does not involve mill
IV. Firm Profits, Consumer Surplus, and Social Surplus under
Alternative Spatial Pricing Policies
Here we consider the different equilibrium solutions for the three
price policies according to the criteria of profitability, consumer
surplus and social surplus, which is the sum of the two previous
terms.(12) For [Mu] [is greater than or equal to] 1.47 both firms locate
at the market center under all three pricing policies. At the center,
the equilibrium discriminatory pricing schedules involve mill pricing
(see section III), so consumer surplus and profits are the same under
both these pricing policies. Given central locations, it is readily
verified that [Mathematical Expression Omitted], so that the uniform
price equals the average delivered price under mill pricing with
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. Since individual purchase
probabilities [3] depend only upon price differences, they equal one
half at all points in space and profits are therefore the same under
uniform and mill pricing. A similar argument shows that consumer surplus
is the same under both policies. Hence, for [Mu] large enough there is
always agglomeration at the center and all three surplus measures are
independent of the pricing policy. In what follows we concentrate on
lower [Mu] values for which equilibria are dispersed for at least one
Firm Profitability
We consider equilibrium profits per firm, gross of any fixed or
set-up costs. The results are given in Figure 2, where profit is given
as a function of [Mu]. The ranking of the different price policies by
profitability is unambiguous, with uniform delivered pricing at the
bottom, and mill pricing at the top. Spatial price discrimination has
been likened to guerrilla warfare [26]--competition is on many fronts
since must be set at all points. On the other hand, mill-pricing is
analogous to a single front war--only one price is to be set. Guerrilla
warfare involves many local skirmishes which create more attrition:
hence the profit superiority of mill pricing over discriminatory
pricing. Lastly, uniform pricing is a policy which is much blunter--and
as a result less profitable--as a weapon of attack. Since uniform prices
do not vary with costs of serving a locality (in contrast to the other
policies), they are less well attuned to economic conditions. Profits
are therefore lowest under this policy.
Profits eventually rise under all three policies as [Mu] rises:
greater market power stems from greater retailers heterogeneity ([Mu]).
However, for both mill pricing and discriminatory pricing there is an
initial drop in profits with higher [Mu]. This phenomenon can be
ascribed to the pro-competitive effect of increased retailer
differentiation which initially outweighs the market power effect. For
[Mu] [right arrow] 0 there is no market overlap whatsoever. As [Mu]
rises, customers begin to be drawn from all over the market spectrum.
Competition is enhanced (and hence prices are lower) since a price cut
will draw new customers not only from the boundary between firms'
markets but also from all other points.
Consumer Surplus
The consumer surplus measure used is given by equation [10] as
described in section II. The results of the comparison were computed
numerically and are plotted in Figure 3. The surplus values are negative
because of the omission of a positive constant in the surplus
expression. Hence only relative rankings should be considered and no
weight attached to absolute magnitudes. Nor should much attention be
focused on the behavior of the schedules as [Mu] rises in this case:
higher values of [Mu] represent greater variance of tastes in the
population and the changes in consumer welfare that result from this are
potentially misleading from the economic point of view.[13] However, as
noted above, the rankings for any given [Mu] are still relevant, even if
the comparative static results with respect to [Mu] do not have much
For all values of [Mu] (< 1.470 the ranking of price policies is
the opposite of that for the probability criterion. This result can be
roughly attributed to the same phenomena that give rise to the profit
ranking and indicate how antagonistic firms' and consumers'
interests may be in the preference for a price policy. Specifically,
prices tend to be lowest under uniform pricing and highest under mill
pricing. Even though locations under uniform pricing are far from
optimal (for low [Mu]), the intensity of competition under this policy
drives prices so low as to yield greatest aggregate consumer surplus
Note finally that the distribution of consumer surplus is very
different under the different policies. For uniform pricing, all
consumers have the same expected surplus. However, this surplus depends
on consumer location for the other two policies.
Social Surplus
Figure 4 describes the social surplus associated with price and
location equilibrium for the different policies. For reasons outlined in
(b) above, only the ranking (for any given [Mu]) is relevant. For low
values of [Mu], mill pricing dominates discriminatory pricing, which in
turn dominates uniform pricing. For intermediate values of [Mu] (a
blow-up of Figure 4 is given in Figure 5 for [Mu] [Epsilon] [0.2,
0.25]), first uniform pricing comes to dominate discriminatory pricing,
and then they both come to dominate mill pricing. The most striking
result is the decline of mill-pricing as the welfare-maximizing
equilibrium when firms choose locations. This result is due to the
extreme locational proclivities of firms under mill-pricing (see Figure
1). Despite the fact that mill-pricing is the socially optimal pricing
policy for fixed locations, the equilibrium locations take firms to far
astray that the other policies come to dominate in welfare terms.
V. Conclusions
One of the major findings of this paper is the social inefficiency
of mill pricing, when compared to other pricing policies, once we
account for endogenous location choice by firms and given that firms
choose prices non-cooperatively). This result is all the more striking
since we have "stacked the cards" in favor of mill pricing by
analyzing a demand system for which there is no deadweight loss from a
unilateral rise in prices over marginal costs. Indeed, for any fixed
(symmetric) location pair, mill pricing is the socially optimal pricing
policy regardless of the price level (and as long as mill prices are
equal). It is the introduction of endogenous locations that overturns
this result. Even a uniform price-location equilibrium may yield higher
welfare than the mill price-location equilibrium. This means that policy
prescriptions as regards regulation over pricing policies may be very
different if the long-run view is taken over the short-run one. That is,
the recommendations of regulatory authorities may depend on their
Other authors have also cast doubt on the social superiority of
mill pricing, although to our knowledge, we are the first to really
tackle the location issue.(14) It has previously been shown that spatial
price discrimination can lead to higher social surplus than mill pricing
in the monopoly case [23]. A similar result is shown in Hobbs[22] for
linear demand and under the assumption that firms are located
equidistantly on an infinite line market. The result stems from the
higher prices arising under mill pricing. Given there is now demand
elasticity, this yields deadweight loss and inefficiency. This paper
further analyzes the case where the spacing of firms is endogenously determined via a zero profit condition, and the analysis is extended in
Holahan and Schuler[24] to the case where firm relocation is
prohibitively costly so that entry is not a continuous function of fixed
costs but instead occurs in rounds. Under both of these extensions to
deal with entry considerations, mill pricing may not be the welfare
maximizing policy (depending on parameter values). These results further
undermine any suggestion that mill pricing is a practice to be
encouraged. Indeed, for a large range of parameter values, spatial price
discrimination is socially optimal in the model of this paper. In the
models in both Hobbs [22] and Holahan and Schuler [24] spatial price
discrimination is also optimal for a large range of parameters. Because
these models are significantly different from ours, we may conclude that
this result is rather robust.
Our preoccupation with mill pricing stems in part from legal
restrictions which may influence or govern firm pricing. According to
some authors, mill pricing is "effectively the form of spatial
pricing preferred by proponents of the Robinson-Patman Act in the United
States, and the only form of spatial pricing that avoids the criticisms
of cross-subsidization made by the Price Commission in the United
Kingdom" [20, 19]. Whilst the Robinson-Patman Act may be viewed as
favoring mill pricing, "the search for complete certainty in such a
dynamic field of law and economics is a foregone futility" [36,
37]. Greenhut found that a third of the firms he surveyed in the U.S.
used a mill pricing policy and concluded that: "Quite conceivably
it is the Robinson-Patman Act that causes the delivered prices of
American firms to differ from firms in West Germany and Japan" [19,
84]. Our analysis, in conjunction with the results cited above, casts
considerable doubt on the wisdom of such a legal statute as this feature
of the Robinson-Patman Act.
Another important conclusion of this paper concerns the question of
whether the market provides excessive or insufficient product variety
(where variety is measured by locations). Under uniform pricing, there
is no spatial differentiation of firms in equilibrium so that product
differentiation is too little (for low values of [Mu]) when compared to
the optimum locations. For mill and discriminatory pricing the results
are more involved. Under discriminatory pricing there can be either too
much or too little spatial differentiation when compared to the optimum.
In complete contrast to the discriminatory pricing case, the market
solution for mill pricing provides insufficient diversity for low values
of product heterogeneity (low [Mu]) and excessive diversity for higher
product heterogeneity. Once [Mu] is sufficiently large, the market
provides the right amount of diversity under all three pricing policies.
These results highlight the fact that the question of optimal vs.
equilibrium diversity is a complex issue with many facets. (1)Almost a
third of firms used mixed pricing, 15% used only discriminatory pricing
other than uniform pricing [19]. (2)Mixed strategy equilibrium in the
mill pricing model have been considered in Osborne and Pitchik [32].
However, the complexity of the solution would seem to preclude using
this approach as a basis for comparison. (3)Other papers in which the
logit model has been used in the context of spatial competition include
Besanko and Perry [9] and Braid [11]. (4)An alternative interpretation
of the term [e.sub.i](x) is that the products sold by firms are
themselves not homogenous. Under the present interpretation the product
is the same but the characteristics of retailers are different, and are
evaluated differently by different consumers. Clearly a combination of
product and retailer heterogeneity is consistent with the analysis in
the text. (5)Despite some serious limitations due to the property of
independence from irrelevant (or IIA--see Ben-Akiva and Lerman [8,
108-111] for discussion of this property) there are several good reasons
for using the logit formulation. First, IIA itself is not restrictive in
the present duopoly context. Second, the logit has been used extensively
in transportation studies and has proved a powerful tool in explaining
travel demand [8; 15]. Third, the logit can be given a sound axiomatic basis in the probabilistic choice context (see especially Luce [29] and
Yellott [37]). Last, the logit model admits a closed-form for the choice
probabilities which is easy to work with. See also McFadden [31] for
further discussion of the derivation of the logit model. (6)The
homogeneous model is obtained as the limit case where [Mu] = 0, and CS =
max[--[p.sub.1] (x), -- [p.sub.2] (x)], which can be shown to be the
limit case of (7) as [Mu] [right arrow] 0. (7)Without normalization,
this parameter is [Mu]/ cl, where c is the transport rate per unit per
mile and l is the length of the market. (8)The first-order conditions
corresponding to (3) are [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. Totally
differentiating these equations [Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Equilibrium profits for firm 1 are (using the first-order conditions):
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. Hence [Mathematical Expression
Omitted] as claimed. (9)The profit per unit earned by firm one from the
consumers at the far end of the market, x = 1, i given by [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] so that the derivative of this expression is
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. We therefore wish to show that
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] The expression for [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] is given in the preceding footnote. Also, by
definition of [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. Combining these two
expressions yields the condition desired as [Mathematical Expression
Omitted], which is obviously true for [x.sub.1] [is greater than or
equal to] 0. (10)This value is calculated from the first-order
conditions, [Mathematical Expression Omitted] and [c.sub.2] = 1/4, which
are the cost values associated with [x.sub.1] = 0 and [x.sub.2] = 1/2.
(11)This result stems from the assumed linearity of transport costs and
that demand depends only on price differences. It is not an artificial
of the logit, and holds for all models with these properties [2]. (12)In
the diagrams that follow, the surpluses are shown for uniform pricing as
long as there is at least a local equilibrium ([Mu] [is greater than or
equal to] 1/8). Recall from Proposition 1 that a global equilibrium is
ensured for [Mu] [is greater than or equal to] 0.286. (13)As an
illustration of this sort of issue in a different context, consider the
Cobb-Douglas utility function [Mathematical Expression Omitted] where
[x.sub.1] is consumption of good i, i = 1, 2. A rise in the parameter
[Alpha] represents a shift in tastes, but it is not meaningful to say
that such a shift causes utility to rise. Note that in the profitability
analysis of the preceding section this sort of problem does not arise.
The comparative static exercise there is interpreted as an increase in
retailer differentiation. (14)In other papers of which we are aware in
this area, a circular of infinitely long market is assumed and a
symmetry condition imposed on firm locations so all interfirm distances
are equal. The location problem per se can scarcely be addressed in such
frameworks. By contrast, the introduction of market boundaries, as in
our model, renders this problem non-trivial. Although we take no account
of entry, we focus explicitly on locations.
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