When subsidies for pollution abatement increase total emissions.
Kohn, Robert E.
I. Introduction
In a first-best, deterministic world, it is well-known [2; 28; 301
that a unit tax on emissions, equal to marginal damage, is an efficient
mechanism for internalizing the damages caused by polluting firms. A
unit subsidy for emissions abated, also equal to marginal pollution
damage, has the same desirable property, but only in the short-run. In
the long-run such subsidies induce polluting firms to operate at too
small a scale and attract an excessive number of new firms to the
polluting industry. This can have the perverse result that there are
more emissions when abatement is subsidized than when it is not.
Nevertheless, economists have been reluctant to give up entirely on the
subsidy approach, recognizing with Oates [23, 290] that "Polluters
will obviously be far more receptive to measures that assist with the
costs of pollution control than to those that place the burden upon
themselves." It is therefore not surprising that economists have
continued to look for and find new justifications for subsidizing
pollution control. Thus Mestelman [20, 187] argues that ". . . the
subsidy scheme may be a second-best alternative for externality control
. . . when the direct taxation alternative is not politically
viable." McHugh [17, 64] shows that ". . . subsidies for
pollution abatement expenditures" can be a useful instrument in the
case of "cost-increasing technological innovations." Harford
[6] demonstrates that subsidies for pollution control inputs may be
efficient when enforcement is sufficiently costly. Harford [7] makes
still another argument for subsidies in the case in which the day-to-day
performance of abatement equipment is uncertain, but the uncertainty can
be reduced by maintenance expenditures. Finally, there are schemes for
combining subsidies and taxes [14; 26]. Given the continuing interest in
subsidies, it is important to examine carefully the disturbing case in
which subsidies increase rather than decrease total emissions.
Baumol and Oates [2, 212] were the first to recognize that ".
. . although a subsidy will tend to reduce the emissions of the firm, it
is apt to increase the emissions of the industry beyond what they would
be in the absence of fiscal incentives!" They provide a three-page
mathematical proof for this, which they credit to Eytan Sheshinski, but
caution their readers [2, 228] that ". . . it is necessary,
strictly speaking, to provide consistent examples that go both ways (but
to) avoid further lengthening of the argument, we have made no attempt
to do so". The reason that the subsidy can cause total emissions to
increase is more readily explained in the simple case in which the
emission rate is constant per unit of output and there is no technology
of abatement. Prior to the subsidy, there is long-run competitive
equilibrium with zero profits. When subsidies for abatement are offered,
polluting firms reduce their emissions by cutting back their output,
moving down their marginal cost curve and moving up their average cost
curve.(1) Production now incurs an opportunity cost of foregone subsidies and, as Kneese, [8, 90-92] first observed, the marginal cost
curve shifts upward just as it would if there were a Pigouvian tax on
emissions. Simultaneously, there is a downward shift in the average cost
curve. Firms earn profits under the subsidy until more firms enter the
industry and there is a new, zero-profit equilibrium in which the
shifted marginal cost curve intersects the downward sloping portion of
the average cost curve.
This intersection determines a market price which is necessarily
lower than before, for if it were higher, as Mestleman [19, 126]
adroitly explains, there would be an incentive for some firms to reject
the subsidy, increase their output, and earn a profit at this higher
price. In the new long run equilibrium, the market price of the
polluting good is lower, and the total output and therefore total
emissions are greater than before the subsidy. The dynamics become
complicated in a more general context in which the relative prices of
inputs change and technological abatement reduces the emission rate per
unit of output; it is therefore helpful to have the illustrative examples that Baumol and Oates [2, 288] advocate but do not provide.
The major work on this topic, much of it in response to Baumol and
Oates[2], has been done by Mestelman[18; 19; 20]. Using a computable
general equilibrium model in which there are two goods, one of whose
production is adversely affected by pollution generated during
production of the other good, Mestelman simulates the contrary cases in
which the subsidy causes total emissions to increase as well as to
decrease. In contrast to the simple partial equilibrium case described
above, Mestelman[18; 19] obtains a new equilibrium with less total
emissions in either of two ways: the first, by allowing the emission
rate per unit of output to decline as the firm curtails its output; the
second, by having the increase in the number of firms drive up the cost
of the scarce managerial input. Mestelman's [21, 523] specification
of a managerial input not only adds realism in that ". . . it
incorporates active economic agents who have incentives to lead the
economy to an optimal equilibrium state," but also enables him to
explain [19] the case of decreasing total emissions in this second,
novel way.
There is a third way to model the case in which total emissions
decline; that is by allowing for technological abatement. Whereas
Mestelman [20, 187] ". . . neither treats waste emissions as an
input nor allows for direct treatment of potential emissions", the
model presented in this paper does provide for technological abatement.
Moreover, in the model developed here, the production functions of the
firms have the familiar property of increasing, then decreasing returns
to scale. Mestleman's creative insight [20, 187], that the subsidy
might be a useful second-best instrument, is illustrated quantitatively
in the present model and is then shown to have policy implications
beyond what Mestelman had originally foreseen.
II. The Numerical Model and the Marginal Conditions for Economic
Consider an economy in which the pollution level, measured in, say,
micrograms per cubic meter of air, is represented by the fraction, e.
The source of pollution is the production of good y, which is produced
by a divisible number, m, of identical firms, each using [L.sub.y] units
of labor and [K.sub.y] units of capital to make Y units of output. The
total output of good y, expressed in general and then specific terms, is
y = mY(Ly, Ky) = m[110[L.sub.y.sup.0.3][K.sub.y.sup.0.9] -
[K.sub.y.sup.1.9]/4]. (1)
The production functions in this model exhibit increasing and then
decreasing marginal returns to scale and may be either capital
intensive, as in (1), or labor intensive.
In this model the emission rate is a constant E units of pollutant concentration per unit of good y, and the pollution level is
e = mE[1 - B([K.sub.b],Y)]Y = m[1/400,000][1 -
[K.sub.b.sup.0.5]/([K.sub.b.sup.0.5] = [alpha]
[Y.sup.0.5])]Y. (2)
The fraction of pollution abated by each firm, B(.), increases with
the quantity of abatement capital, [K.sub.b], that it employs but
decreases with the quantity of Y that it produces. For simplicity, the
format of B(.), which is taken from[10] and is analogous to equation (7)
in[5], is numerically specified to exhibit constant returns to scale in
abatement[5]. To restrict the number of variables in the numerical
model, it is realistically assumed that abatement is accomplished with
capital alone. In this model, the parameter, [alpha] in (2) is changed
to model the contrasting cases in which the subsidy causes total
emissions to either increase or decrease. For the case of increasing
emissions, [alpha] is set equal to 0.5, and for the case of decreasing
emissions, [alpha] is set equal to 0.01. In effect, abatement is more
effective the smaller the [alpha] parameter.
Pollution adversely affects the production of good x, which is
produced by a divisible number, n, of identical firms, each employing
[L.sub.x] and [K.sub.x] to make X units of output. The total production
of good x is
x = nX = nF([L.sub.x],[K.sub.x])G(e) =
n[88[L.sub.x.sup.0.9[K.sub.x.sup.0.3] - [L.sub.x.sup.1.9]
[K.sub.x.sup.1.3]/5][1 - [e.sup.2]], (3) in which, for
simplicity, pollution damage is represented by a multiplicative factor.
The contrasting factor intensities in (1) and (3), together with the
following input constraints, have the consequence that both industries
are increasing cost industries as in[19]. In this model, the input
constraints are
n[L.sub.x] + m[L.sub.y] = 1000, n[K.sub.x] + m[K.sub.y] + [K.sub.b]
= 1000,
(4) and preferences are represented by the community utility
U = U(x,y) = 10[x.sup.0.5] + [y.sup.0.75] (5)
There are four types of long-run competitive equilibrium allocation
that are of interest. The first, [A.sup.*] is the Pareto optimal
competitive equilibrium in which a Pigouvian tax, [phi], which equals
marginal pollution damage, is imposed on emissions. The second,
[A.sub.o], is the laissez-faire competitive equilibrium in which there
is no government intervention and hence no inducement for polluting
firms to abate. The third allocation, [A.sub.o.sup.s], is a competitive
equilibrium in which polluting firms receive a Pigouvian subsidy, also
[phi], for reducing emissions below the benchmark level, [EY.sub.o],
that are emitted in the laissez-faire equilibrium. To disaggregate the
effects of the subsidy, it is assumed that there is no abatement in the
allocation [A.sub.o.sup.o], whereas the final allocation, [A.sup.s], is
the same as A.sub.o.sup.s] except that there is abatement.
The marginal conditions for a Pareto optimum and their
reformulation in the context of a competitive economy in which the
prices of the goods are px and py, are adapted from[10]. These are
useful here because all but one of these marginal conditions are
satisfied in the subsidy equilibrium, [A.sup.s]. First there is the
condition for equal marginal rates of technical substitution in
production, which are represented by ratios of corresponding marginal
products. As a consequence of cost-minimization in a market economy,
these in turn are equal to the wage rate, w, divided by the price of
capital, r; that is,
[F.sub.l]/[F.sub.k] = [Y.sub.l]/[Y.sub.k] = w/r (6)
Condition (6) is satisfied in all four types of competitive
allocation examined in this paper.
The marginal condition for the efficient scale of an individual
firm in industry x, and by inference, the efficient number of firms, n,
in that industry, is
[[F.sub.l]G][L.sub.x] + [[F.sub.k]G][K.sub.x] = FG = X. (7)
This condition, that firms operate at the point of locally constant
returns to scale, which is satisfied when free entry in a competitive
market economy drives total profit, [pi.sub.x], to zero,
[pi.sub.x] = [p.sub.x]X - w[L.sub.x] - r[K.sub.x] = 0, (8) holds
in all four types of competitive equilibrium. The particular class of
production functions used in the numerical examples has the convenient
properties, given (7), that [K.sub.x] equals (40/[L.sub.x]) and, given
(6), that [L.sub.x] equals the square root of (160[Y.sub.k]/[Y.sub.l]);
this makes two of the variables dependent and simplifies the computer
search for optimal and equilibrium solutions.
The marginal condition for the efficient scale of an individual
firm in industry y, and by inference, the efficient number of firms, m,
in that industry, is
[Y.sub.l][L.sub.y] + [Y.sub.k][[K.sub.y] + [K.sub.b] = Y[1 -
[B.sub.y][Y.sub.k]/[B.sub.k]. (9)
This condition, which is satisfied in a market economy when free
exit restores total profit, [pi.sub.y], of each polluting firm to zero,
that is
[pi.sub.y] = [p.sub.y]Y - w[L.sub.y] - r[K.sub.y] + [K.sub.b] -
[phi]E[1 - B]Y = 0, (10) holds only when firms pay a Pigouvian tax,
and it is therefore satisfied in [A.sup.*] alone.
The condition that the marginal product, measured in units of good
x, of capital allocated to abatement should equal the marginal product
of capital in direct production in industry x, is
n[FG.sub.e][EB.sub.k]Y = [F.sub.k]G. (11)
This translates into the familiar equality of the Pigouvian tax,
[phi] and the marginal cost of abatement, [Mathematical Expression Omitted] or -r[[EB.sub.k]Y, which is satisfied because of
cost-minimization by pollution-abating firms:
[phi] = r/[[EB.sub.k]Y, (12) where the tax equals marginal
pollution damage measured in dollars,
[phi] = -n[FG.sub.e][r/([F.sub.k]G)] = n[FG.sub.e][w/([F.sub.l]G)].
Condition (12) is satisfied in [A.sup.*] but also in [A.sup.s]
because the Pigouvian subsidy, [phi], has the same definition as in
(13). Finally, the condition that the marginal rate of substitution in
consumption equals the marginal rate of transformation,
[U.sub.y]/[U.sub.x] = [[F.sub.l]G - n[FG.sub.e]E(1 - B -
[B.sub.y]Y)[Y.sub.l]]/[Y.sub.l], (14) is satisfied by consumer
optimization, in which
[U.sub.y]/[U.sub.x = [p.sub.y]/[p.sub.x], (15) because
[p.sub.x] = w/[F.sub.l]G] (16) and
[p.sub.y] = w/[Y.sub.l] + [phi]E[ 1 - B - [B.sub.y]Y]. (17)
These conditions hold in [A.sup.*] but also in [A.sup.s], in which
the Pigouvian subsidy is [phi].
III. Numerical Example in Which Total Emissions Increase under
the Subsidy
The competitive allocation, [A.sup.*], is derived with a
computerized iterative search routine in which [L.sub.y] [K.sub.y], and
[K.sub.b], which as explained earlier determine [L.sub.x], [K.sub.x] and
with (4), m and n as well, are systematically varied until a maximum
value of U is found. The wage rate is assumed to be $10.00, and from the
optimal solution and equations (6), (12), (16), and (17), the dollar
values of r, [phi], [p.sub.x] and [p.sub.y] are derived. The solution,
which satisfies all of the above marginal conditions for efficiency, is
contained in the [A.sup.*] column of Table 1. In this case, the marginal
cost of good y is the sum of the direct marginal cost of production,
w/[Y.sub.l], plus the Pigouvian tax per unit of output, [phi]E[1 - B -
The competitive allocation, [A.SUB.o], is derived with a search
routine in which [L.sub.y] alone is varied. In this particular
allocation, [K.sub.y] equals (40/[L.sub.y]) and [L.sub.x], [K.sub.x], m
and n are endogenous as before. The value of [L.sub.y] is found at which
the sum,
[psi] = [[U.sub.y]/[U.sub.x] - [p.sub.y]/[p.sub.x].sup.2] =
(18) is driven to zero. The objective function, (18), incorporates
the two competitive market equilibrium conditions that are not made
endogenous in the computer program. In all of these models, [pi.sub.x]
is zero by virtue of the endogenous equation (7). The total profit,
[pi.sub.y], of each individual firm in industry y has a different
formula in each of the four competitive equilibrium allocations. For
purposes of comparison, the respective specifications of total profit
are as follows:
[A.sup.*] : [pi.sub.y] = [p.sub.y]Y - w[L.sub.y] - r[[K.sub.y] +
[K.sub.b]] - [phi]E[1 - B]Y
[A.sub.o] : [pi.sub.y] = [p.sub.y]Y - w[L.sub.y] - r[K.sub.y] (20)
[A.sub.o.sup.s] : [pi.sub.y] = [p.sub.y]Y - w[L.sub.y] - r[K.sub.y + [phi]E[[Y
.sub.o] - Y] (21)
The formula for the market price, [p.sub.y], which is identical in
[A.sup.*] and [A.sup.s], but different in [A.sub.o] and different again
in [A.sub.o.sup.s], is derived by differentiating [pi.sub.y] with
respect to, say, [L.sub.y], then setting the derivative equal to zero
and solving for [p.sub.y]. In the case of [A.sup.*], and again of
[A.sup.s], the formula for [p.sub.y] is that previously given in (17).
Note also that condition (6) can be derived for industry y by taking the
derivative of [pi.sub.y] in (19) through (22) with respect to [K.sub.y]
and then dividing each [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. The rounded
numerical solution for [A.sub.o] is shown in Table I. This is the
competitive equilibrium allocation in which the total profit as defined
in (20) is zero, [p.sub.y] is w[Y.sub.l], and [phi] is zero. The value
of Y in the fourth row of the [A.sub.o] column becomes the benchmark
[Y.sub.o] in the remaining models in Table I.
The competitive allocation, [A.sub.o.sup.s], is derived by varying
[L.sub.y] and [K.sub.y], with [L.sub.x], [K.sub.x], m and n determined
endogenously, until (18) is again driven to zero. In this case, [p.sub.y
equals [w/Y.sub.l] + [phi]E], where [phi] is defined in (13) above. This
is the perverse case in which the subsidy for abatement causes total
emissions to increase from 0.317958 to 0.319574. To qualify for the
equilibrium amount of subsidies, each competitive polluting firm reduces
its output from [Y.sub.o] = 1046.61 to Y = 932.249. As a result, the
direct marginal cost of production, w/[Y.sub.l], falls to $0.225519.
This is illustrated in Figure 1, where the w/Y.sub.l] curve shifts
upward because the firrn is now employing less capital.(2) At the new
equilibrium level of output, it can be confirmed from the numbers in
Table I that marginal cost equals average cost,
w/[Y.sub.l] + [phi]E = $0.233642 = (w/[L.sub.y] + r[K.sub.y] -
[phi]E[[Y.sub.o] - Y])/Y =
$0.233642, (23) which also equals the market price, [p.sub.y].
Although firms are operating in the range of increasing returns, they
are earning zero profits. The market price of good y has declined
absolutely and relative to both the price of good x and to the decline
in nominal income, so that consumption of the polluting good increases
from 127183 to 127830 units per period. This larger output is made
possible by an increase in the number of firms to m = 127830/932.249 =
137.120. That the community is unambiguously worse off under the subsidy
than under the laissez-faire equilibrium is confirmed by the decrease in
total utility from 8323.16 to 8310.19.
The competitive allocation, [A.sup.s], is derived by varying
[L.sub.y], [K.sub.y] and [K.sub.b], with [L.sub.x], [K.sub.x], m and n
determined endogenously, until the sum,
[eta] = [[U.sub.y/[U.sub.x] - [p.sub.y]/[p.sub.x].sup.2] =
[pi.sub.y.sup.2] +
[r - [phi][EB.sub.k]Y].sup.2], (24) is driven to zero. This
objective function is identical to (18) except that marginal condition
(12) for abatement efficiency, the same that holds for Pigouvian
taxation, is incorporated. This condition, which firms satisfy when they
maximize profits, can be obtained by setting the derivative of (22),
with respect to [K.sub.b] , equal to zero. Although [pi.sub.y] is
different in [A.sup.s] than in [A.sup.*], the formula for [p.sub.y] is
the same in both. In the equilibrium allocation, [A.sup.s], the
pollution level, e = 0.319355, is higher than the pollution level in the
original competitive allocation prior to the subsidy, [A.sub.o], and
thus illustrates the perverse case identified in the title of this
paper. The emission level is only slightly lower than in [A.sub.o.sup.s]
because the fraction of pollution abated, B(.), is only 0.0007, but
total utility is nevertheless higher. A simple explanation for the
perverse increase in total emissions in the shift from [A.sub.o] to
[A.sup.s] is that the proportional increase in polluting output,
643/127183 = 0.0051, exceeds the proportional decrease, B, in the
emission rate.
IV. Numerical Examples in Which Total Emissions Decrease under
the Subsidy
In the absence of an abatement technology, the case in which the
subsidy causes total emissions to decrease could not be simulated with
the present numerical model in which the emission rate is a constant.
This supports the view that, in the absence of abatement, the case of
increasing emissions is indeed robust. Although the case of decreasing
total emissions was simulated by letting the emission rate decline with
E = Y/400,000,000, (25) this case is not particularly
interesting and the results are not reported here. Such a case in which
the emission rate varies with output is familiar to economists from the
work of Carlton and Loury[3; 4] and although Mestehuan[20] makes use of
this kind of nonlinearity with his parameter [delta], the commonly made
assumption, as in [9, 38-65], is that emission factors are constant with
respect to output. The more realistic explanation for the case in which
the subsidy causes total emissions to decrease rather than to increase,
one that Mestelman[20] cannot simulate with his model, is that the
subsidy induces substantial technological abatement. For most polluting
industries, this is the more relevant case [9, 38-65].
The case of a strong abatement technology, which is modeled by
letting [alpha] equal 0.01, is illustrated in Table II. The [A.sub.o]
and [A.sub.o.sup.s] solutions are the same as before; only [A.sup.*] and
[A.sup.s] are different. The fraction of pollution abated, B, is 0.3331
in the optimal allocation, [A.sup.*], in Table II, as compared to 0.0007
in the previous table.(3) Here, the simple explanation for the decrease
in total emissions in the shift from [A.sub.o] to [A.sup.s] is that the
proportional increase in polluting output is less than the proportional
decrease in the emission rate.
Although the result in Table II, that the subsidy induces abatement
that significantly reduces total emissions, is almost trivial, it does
provide a useful numerical affirmation of Mestelman's[20] insight
that the subsidy might be a useful second-best instrument if Pigouvian
taxation is not politically viable. It is clear from the final row of
Table II that although the allocation [A.sup.s] is inferior to
[A.sup.*], it is superior to the laissez-faire alternative, [A.sub.o].
This is a robust result for the 0.3288 value of B in the allocation,
[A.sup.s], in Table II is well below the average for the six pollutants examined in [9, 681.
V. Conclusion
When polluting firms are paid a subsidy to abate, total emissions
in the economy may either increase or decrease. This paper is a response
to the call of Baumol and Oates [2, 228] for ". . . consistent
examples that go both ways."(4) In his presidential address to the
Eastern Economic Association, Oates [23, 290] again warned that ".
. . in a competitive setting, subsidies will lead to an excessively
large number of firms and industry output . . . it is even conceivable that aggregate industry emissions could go up!" Based on the
general equilibrium model presented here, in which the emission rate is
a constant and there is no technological abatement, the perverse case
that continues to concern Oates[23] is the only case that could be
successfully simulated. However, this perverse case is likely to be
realistic only for industries in which there is very little opportunity
for technological abatement.
The sequence depicted in Tables I and II, in which the subsidy for
abatement fosters a long-run competitive equilibrium, holds only when
the output of good y is large relative to that of good x. This occurs
when the exponent of y in (5) is higher than 0.71 +. At values of 0. 71
and below, the initial allocation, [A.sub.o], includes larger quantities
of good x (more than 40,000), smaller quantities of good y (less than
115,000), but greater pollution damage and higher unit subsidies, [phi].
In this lower portion of the production possibility frontier, there are
always optimal solutions, [A.sup.*], obtainable by taxation, but there
are no long-run equilibrium allocations, [A.sup.s]. Mestleman [19, 126]
attributes a similar finding in his partial equilibrium model to
relatively high rates of subsidy causing the new price to exceed the
minimum average cost of firms that choose to decline the subsidy.
The failure to achieve long-run general equilibrium when the
subsidy is relatively high is an interesting subject for further
research. Some preliminary analysis suggests that, as the subsidy
increases, the long-run equilibrium scale of polluting firms decreases
toward the scale at which long-run marginal cost is a minimum.(5) Test
runs, in which the exponent of y in (5) is varied across the critical
level from 0.71 to 0.72, indicate that a long-run equilibrium is
achieved only when the subsidy per unit of output, which is
[phi]E[Y.sub.o] - Y]/Y, exceeds the decrease in the average cost of
labor and capital, which is [w[L.sub.y] + r[K.sub.y]]/Y, in the shift
from [A.sub.o] to A.sub.o.sup.s]. This condition, for which the
intuition is not yet clear but which is satisfied by the examples in
Tables I and II, differs from Mestelman's [19, 1261 partial
equilibrium condition for the maximum subsidy. It is reassuring to note
that whenever, in the present general equilibrium model, the subsidy
does yield a new long-run competitive equilibrium such as
[A.sub.o.sup.s] or [A.sup.s], the price of good y is always lower than
the initial laissez-faire price in [A.sub.o]. Therefore, polluting firms
never have the Mestelman [19, 126] option of rejecting the subsidy to
enjoy a competitive advantage.(6)
Of the two tables, Table II is the more robust and therefore the
more policy relevant. The observation in the second table that total
utility in [A.sup.s], though less than that in [A.sup.*], exceeds total
utility in [A.sub.o] dramatically reinforces Mestelman's[20]
argument for subsidizing abatement on second-best grounds. However, the
payment of subsidies would be costly for the government and it is
unrealistic to assume (to avoid compounding the inefficiency) that the
funds could be raised by lump-sum taxes. There is also [23, 296] an
"administratively contentious matter" that might even be a
source of nonconvexity[24], which is that of determining the benchmark
level of emissions on which the subsidy is based. Finally, there is the
already-discussed problem[19] that a subsidy for abatement, equal to
marginal pollution damage, may exceed the level consistent with long-run
competitive equilibrium.
An alternative approach that combines the political feasibility of
the subsidy, the economic efficiency of the Pigouvian tax, and requires
no cash payments by the government, is the assignment to existing
polluters of an efficient quantity of transferable discharge permits.
This policy approach, which is not only well-studied [16; 22; 29], but
is already in the early stages of implementation[25], is a quasi-subsidy
because the freely given permits can be sold by their recipients.(7) It
appears that economists' continuing interest in subsidizing
pollution abatement and their interest in transferable discharge permits
may usefully coalesce.
(1.) Inspired by a lecture given by Baumol, Amihud [1, 116]
constructs a case of uncertainty in which ". . . a subsidy may even
cause the (risk-averse) firm to increase, rather than decrease, its
emissions." (2.) Figure 1, which is a partial equilibrium
characterization, is strictly valid only at the two levels of Y shown.
Basically, this is a general equilibrium analysis in which [L.sub.y],
[K.sub.y] and r change with Y. (3.) One would expect the ratio, y/x, in
the [A.sup.*] allocations to be higher in Table II because marginal
damage is lower, but in this general equilibrium model the reduced
damage causes the price of good x to decline by a larger percent than
does the price of good y. (4.) A useful feature of[2], which has become
something of an unofficial handbook of environmental economics, are
these calls for further research. Elsewhere in the book, Baumol and
Oates [2, 42] call attention to their omission of a particular term that
". . . reflects the indirect effect On its own output of a
firm's emissions ... operating through ... the aggregate level of
pollution". In response, it is shown[11] that if the firm does take
this "indirect effect" into account, and the Pigouvian tax is
correspondingly reduced, as Tietenberg[28, 120] argues that it should,
the effects cancel out and the market price is unaffected. In the
present model, such a complication, in which industry y would itself be
adversely affected by the pollution level, is assumed away. (5.) The
fact that solutions exist only when y is large relative to x suggests
the possibility that this may be occurring only in the
convex-to-the-origin range of the production possibility frontier, as
depicted in[15]. Although nonconvexity is common in externality
problems[12; 30], a simple test confirms that the frontier at [A.sup.*]
is properly concave at optimal (x, y) in both tables. (6.) The present
model cannot be used to simulate the Mestelman[19] case in which an
increasing number of firms in the polluting industry pushes up the cost
of a scarce managerial input, raising the price of the polluting good,
and lowering total emissions. However, the polluting industry in the
present model is capital-intensive and, based on[27], the expansion of
that industry from [A.sub.o] to [A.sub.o.sup.s] might be expected to
drive up the price of capital and thereby duplicate the Mestelman
effect. In fact the opposite occurs, for r declines from 25.5212 to
24.5582, but because this is not a shift from one production-efficient
allocation to another, Stolper-Samuelson theory does not apply. In
reducing their output, firms in the polluting industry become less
capital-intensive. For firms in the labor-intensive industry to employ
the released capital, its price must decline. In the context of this
simple numerical example in which [L.sub.x] equals 4([r.sup.1/2) and
[K.sub.x] equals 10([r.sup.-1/2), it is easy to confirm from Table I or
II that [K.sub.x]/[L.sub.x] does rise in the shift from [A.sub.o] to
[A.sub.o.sup.s]. Because r declines under the subsidy, the U-shaped
average cost curve of polluting firms shifts downward and to the right,
rather than to the left as depicted in Figure 1. (7.) The disadvantage
of marketable discharge permits is that, unlike Pigouvian taxes, they do
not generate government revenue[13, 30]. For an excellent discussion of
the relative merits of these two policy instruments, see Oates[23].
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