Lessons of Economic Stabilization and Its Aftermath.
Feldman, David
This book is the product of a 1990 conference co-sponsored by the
Bank of Israel and the Inter-American Development Bank. The conference
brought together economists and policymakers to assess the stabilization
episodes of five Latin American nations and to compare their experiences
with that of Israel, Turkey, and Yugoslavia. Together with an earlier
MIT Press volume (Inflation Stabilization, 1988), this collection of
essays offers an impressive description of the major
"heterodox" efforts at economic stabilization undertaken over
the past decade. The chapters are organized by country, and useful
comments follow each piece.
Juan Antonio Morales reviews the Bolivian experience while Vittorio
Corbo and Andres Solimano examine Chile. Both cases confirm that fiscal
restraint, tight monetary control and heavy exchange rate doctoring can
have a profound immediate effect on runaway inflation. Long run
stability and future government credibility remain uncertain if fiscal
restraint is achieved by slashing social and infrastructure expenditure
and high real interest rates limit private investment. Corbo and
Solimano also estimate a simple model of inflation determination to
evaluate why inflation took so long to fall in Chile. As one discussant noted, their approach is subject to the Lucas critique in that they
assume key macroeconomic coefficients are invariant to the policy
Daniel Heymann and Eliano Cardoso examine the failed heterodox
programs in Argentina and Brazil, respectively. The Argentine chapter is
dated since the conference preceded the Menem government's reforms.
Miguel Kiguel and Nissan Liviatan follow with a comparative look at the
inflation-stabilization cycles in these countries. Both nations
experienced highly unstable rates of inflation after implementing
stabilization programs. Kiguel and Liviatan attribute this to repeated
use of incomes policies as a substitute for getting the fundamentals
right, and not to fiscal imbalance or debt overhand per se. In such a
climate, anticipation of government actions by firms and workers soon
create the unstable money demand that fuels inflationary explosions.
The Israeli experience is described by Michael Bruno and Leora
Meridor. Israel, like many other nations, slipped into recession during
its stabilization/reform program, though the downturn was quite delayed
by Latin American standards. Despite the Intifada as an exogenous
factor, they see the recession as an endogenous feature of Israeli
structural reforms. Recession in the Latin American context occurred as
governments used real exchange rate appreciation to establish
anti-inflationary credentials. In Israel, by contrast, firms were forced
to shed workers and to raise productivity as the goods and credit market
distortions of the earlier inflationary environment were eliminated by a
government that had already established its credibility.
Mexico's (thus far) successful heterodox program, like many
others, has not fully stabilized aggregate demand, nor have real
interest rates returned to more "normal" levels, yet recession
was avoided and economic growth has begun to pick up. Guillermo Ortiz
attributes this to successful sequencing of a complete package of
reforms beginning with orthodox demand management to restore fiscal and
monetary fundamentals, and followed by heterodox incomes policies to
generate stabilizing expectations together with structural adjustment
(privatization, trade liberalization and deregulation) to increase
efficiency and introduce the price discipline of external competition.
The final two country studies are by Dani Rodrik on Turkey and
Velimir Bole and Mitja Gaspari on Yugoslavia. Rodrik argues that the
Ozal regime's early success at changing relative prices and real
wages was due in part to a society rendered temporarily docile by the
military. Bole and Gaspari attribute the acceleration of Yugoslav
inflation to a "shocks and accommodation" mechanism in concert
with de facto public deficits encouraged by the decentralized political
structure in which provincial fiscal excesses were absorbed without
penalty by the central government.
A trio of related themes links the essays. First, macroeconomic
stabilization is but the initial step in a long process of structural
reform, and governments that fail to plan beyond the initial
stabilization efforts often see a quick erosion of credibility. Most
authors also stress control of the budget and of entitlements (indexing
and subsidies) as a necessary, though not sufficient, prerequisite for
sustained (credible) stabilization. And finally, the goals of reform
programs--such as secure state finances, a stable macroeconomy,
resilience to external shocks, and efficient markets in goods and
financial services--exhibit enough political-economy tensions to leave
any reform effort facing a significant probability of failure.
One discussant remarked about a particular paper that it was rich in
microscopic detail but less convincing in its description of macroscopic behavior. The remark is generalizable. The book's emphasis is
macroeconomic and country specific, so broader theoretical lessons about
the liberalization process are hard to piece together. More importantly,
the political economy of reform appears only in brief and unconnected
snippets. Why is it, for instance, that Mexico's heterodox program
seems to have succeeded more quickly (better?) than Israel's
(Israel caved in more readily to union real wage demands)? In the
Southern Cone, Chile is a success story relative to Argentina. Of course
Chile could borrow during its stabilization process whereas Argentina
faced a stricter liquidity constraint. Credibility and sustainability of
reform seem intimately bound up with domestic political structures and
with standard political economy concerns over income distribution. As we
move from authoritarianism toward more democratic regimes these
questions assume a particular pertinence.
Michael Bruno wisely notes in the introduction that this volume is
centered around actual country experiences, so critiques like mine are
somewhat out of bounds. An immodest suggestion: perhaps the next
conference should address the strategic interplay of interests within
differing political structures in order to identify common themes across
all national experiences. Such a discussion seems necessary if we are to
learn how best to transplant models of successful stabilization and
structural reform into different political-economy settings. For as
Nissan Liviatan noted in the final panel discussion, "... we did
not realize how destabilizing heterodox policies can be in case of