Katalinic, Branko
DAAAM International Scientific Book is unique periodic publication
for presentation of actual state of research and industrial projects.
Since six years the members of world wide DAAAM international community
have flexible publishing platform for the presentation of their research
projects, recent results, and technical solutions. DAAAM International
Scientific Book is very successful periodic publication. DAAAM
International is a member of CrossRef. DOI Suffix of DAAAM International
is: 10.2507 and since 2006 all Contributions in DAAAM International
Scientific Book will be crossreferenced and permanent avaliable on
The main concept of this edition is: One contribution is one
chapter in the Scientific Book. The size of the contribution can be
extended in such way that the authors have enough space to present and
explain project, ideas, results and future work. Manuscripts are subject
of the following review procedures:
(a) It is reviewed by editor for general suitability for this
(b) If it is judged suitable two reviewers are selected and a
double blind review process takes place.
(c) Based on the recommendations of the reviewers, the editor then
decide whether the particular contribution should be accepted as it is,
revised or rejected.
This is the open series for the publishing of the most resent
research results and international projects from all technical fields
and scientific disciplines which are in the field of interest of DAAAM
International. Actuality, competence, team work, interdisciplinary and
international cooperation are the main characteristics of this
initiative. To all readers we wish joy during the reading and success
during the studding of this book.
A book of this magnitude is the work of many people. On behalf of
the world wide DAAAM International community, we thank all of the
authors for their high-quality contributions, and external referees for
carefully reviewing the submissions. We hope that this book will
encourage other colleagues to join us in this fascinating international
academic project. You are welcome to present your research project and
to publish your research results in the next DAAAM International
Scientific Book 2010.
Vienna, 2009-11-20
DAAAM International Scientific Book--Editor
Univ. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Dr. mult. h.c.
Branko Katalinic