Reliability prediction for man-machine production lines.
Karaulova, T. ; Pribytkova, M.
1. Introduction
The reliability of the whole mechanism and machine can be assessed
using the well-known methods (e.g. Reliability block diagrams, Fault
tree analysis, etc.). The application of these methods requires to
assess (or more precisely predict) the reliability of individual items.
However the most credible approach to prediction of item reliability is
utilizing of internationally accepted reliability databases and
reliability prediction methods (Vintr, 2007). Process reliability is a
method for identifying problems, which have significant cost reduction
opportunities for improvements. It started with the question: "Do I
have a reliability problem or a production problem?" Sometimes the
problems are identified with a root for maintenance improvements. Very
often the problems have roots in the operations area (Barringer, 2000).
Strict requirements of reliability on modern devices, long-term
error-free operation, durability, reparability, storability, make it
necessary to determine as a most important technical parameters of
industrial production process (Lendvay, 2002).
Reliability theory is the foundation of reliability engineering.
Reliability engineering provides the theoretical and practical tools
whereby the probability and capability of parts, components, equipment,
products and systems to perform their required functions for desired
periods of time without failure, in specified environments and with a
desired confidence, can be specified and predicted.
The goal of this paper is to determine the root causes of a
production system failures and pinpoint potential areas for reliability
improvement and identify appropriate actions to mitigate the effects of
those failures.
2. Reliability Management
Reliability of a system or component is not achieved accidentally;
it is to be built into the system or component. Reliability is an
inherent characteristic of the system, similar to the system's
capacity or power rating. It needs to be addressed at every stage of the
product or system development including design, manufacturing, testing
and maintenance phases (Rao, 1992). In the design phase, proper design
methods related to the components, materials, processes, and so on, have
to be carefully selected. The objectives at this stage are to ensure
that well-established design procedures are applied, known materials and
processes are used, and the areas of uncertainly are highlighted for
further action.
Failure causes:
* Design error
* Manufacturing error
* Machine tool error
* Failure to follow procedures
Human Error
* psychology
* experience
* motivation
* Environment
* Suppliers error
Reliability of manufacturing processes can be obtained from daily
production data when process failure criteria are established. to
maintain quality of products, it is required that defects should be
discovered in early stage and it is necessary to minimize the loss.
The reliability of production system may be roughly defined as:
R=f(IC)--f(DE)--f(OP)--f(HF)--f(EXT) (1)
where R--total reliability of the production system:
f(IC)--intrinsic capability of the system driven by physical laws and
technical potential, generally considered as an ideal upper bound; f(DE)
-design errors; f(OP)--the effect of a machine tools failures and wrong
technology; f HF)--the effect of human factors, and f(EXT) suppliers
faults. In many cases, the human factor parameter f (HF) cannot be
separated from external and operational factors.
3. Object of Analysis
Present study considers the process of real retractors'
production line existing at AS Norma Estonia.
A retractor is the main part of the seatbelt. It fulfils all
functions of safety during a crash. The retractor has a locking
mechanism that stops the spool from rotating when the car is involved in
a collision (Fig. 1-a).
The whole process of retractors' assembling is long and
consists of many consecutive operations. The layout of the line is
illustrated in the (Fig. 1-b). All operations of components assembling
are manual and all the testing operations are automated. The line is
divided into 13 working stations responsible for certain type of process
operation. All the stations are jointed into a conveyor. The retractors
of this line are manufactured in 4 main variants and from these a total
of 170 sub variants can be assembled. Most parts are general for all
retractor models but some parts are special for each model. The
retractors are designed with special pallets to make it possible to
assemble all models in the same pallet.
The aim was to create model of the production process with
follow-on analysis of the production line reliability applying various
reliability analysis methods. System analysis starts with development of
process model using IDEF0 methodology (Figure 2). On the base of IDEF0
model different methods of reliability analysis have been used: Failure
Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and
Reliability Block Diagram (RBD). All they are interrelated and help to
understand the logical structure of failure modes of a system.
4. Production Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
Process FMEAs are performed on the manufacturing processes. They
are conducted through the quality planning phase as an aid during
production. The possible failure modes in the manufacturing process,
in equipment, tooling, gauges, operator training, or potential
sources of error are highlighted and corrective action taken. FMEA is a
live document where all manufacturing operations must be calculated,
beginning from the individual components to mounting. Fragment of FMEA
analysis is introduced in Figure 3.
When the modes of failure and the effects have been determined, it
is necessary to decide which of these to focus upon for resolution. It
would be inefficient to work on every failure mode and its potential
effect, so a method of prioritization will include: severity of the
effect (S); probability of the failure mode occurring (O); and
probability of failure detection (D). Each index ranges from 1 (lowest
risk) to 10 (highest risk), see Figure 4.
The overall risk of each failure is Risk Priority Number (RPN). The
risk priority number provides a qualitative numerical estimate of the
design risk. This number is then used to rank order the various concerns
and failure modes associated with a given design as previously
identified in the FMEA.
RPN = (S) x (O) x (D) (2)
If the RPN value (2) is high as a result of the severity of effect,
it will likely require a product redesign. If the RPN value is high due
to probability of occurrence, then it will be necessary to investigate
the process for control and capability to reduce this value. If the RPN
value is high due to the inability to detect defects, it also may be
necessary to redesign the part to reduce, or eliminate, the probability
of this defect recurring. One-hundred percent inspection may be
considered as a stop-gap measure. Process FMEA requires that we take an
analytical view of our procedures.
In Figure 5 is introduced result of FMEA analysis for
retractors' production line. In account is taken only failures,
which PRN value is higher than 100. There are four types of failures,
but most of them have as root causes operators errors and machine tools
errors. The basic attention in this research will be given to studying
of the reasons of emergence of these failures.
As shows FMEA analysis there are four types of reasons of process
faults: human faults, machine tools faults, supplier's faults, and
design faults.
On the base of minimal cut set analysis (Fig. 6) is well seen that
most faults are done by operators (55%), and equipment faults (44%) are
on the second place. In this manuscript we will consider reasons of
these faults more explicitly.
Analysis of human-machine systems recognizes that both humans and
machine elements can fail, and that human errors can have varying
effects on a system. In some cases, human errors result from an
individual's action during operation, while others are a
consequence of system design or manner of use. Some human errors cause
system failure or increase the risk of such failure while others merely
create delays in reaching objectives. Thus, as with other system
elements, the human elements exert a strong influence on the design and
ultimate reliability of all humanmachine systems (MIL-HDBK-338, 1998).
5. Human Factors in Production Process
Human factors refer to environmental, organisational and job
factors, and human and individual characteristics, which influence
behaviour at work. It takes human as an integral part of plant design
and procurement from the earliest stages. Figure 7 (Lowe & Kariuki,
2004) shows that an undesired event is as a result of latent conditions
and active errors. organisation, management systems and facility design,
when inadequate, are the causes of latent conditions. Latent conditions
do not immediately affect the functioning of the system but in
combination with other factors like active operator error and/or a local
trigger (high temperature, high pressure) they could result to a
It is commonly accepted by concerned professionals that human
factors (HF) can have a significant impact on the safe and reliable
operation of manufacturing lines. Reliability considerations usually
start with the system description, specification and performance.
Product design, operations and maintenance are taken into account
together with data on random failures and more systematic types of
failures from specific data collection and analysis campaigns. The
relationship between reliability of a production process and human must
be understood more explicitly. Operator tasks and actions may be
described by using structural analysis and reliability analysis methods.
Much of the system development process depends on quantitative
measures. Consequently, for human-machine systems, it is necessary to
define a set of parameters that includes the human as well as the
hardware. Fortunately, it is possible to construct a set of analogues to
conventional reliability, maintainability, and availability measures
(Siegel et. al., 1977). Two examples follow.
Human Performance Reliability = No. Human Task Success/No. Human
Task Attempt (3)
Human Availability = 1 - Unmanned Station Hours/Total Hours (4)
These parameters can be used in simulations and can be used in
probability compounding models as well.
Human errors take many forms and are due to many causes. There are
types of human errors (Fig. 8) that are not caused specifically by
design, although good design practices can reduce the occurrence of
these errors (Reason, 1992; Baybutt, 2005).
5.1 Man-Machine Interface
Classically, human factors often deal with the man-machine
interface (Fig. 9). While this model captures many important human
factors a more complete model is required to capture all those of
importance in process. It is necessary fully analyse the person-process
interface and its impact on system operation. Consequently, in order to
model human factor in process we must define completely the
person-process interface. This requires that we define a person and
process in terms meaningful for performing human factors studies.
Qualitative allocation is simply the selection of which functions
are best performed by the human and which are best performed by the
machine. Table 1 identifies the functions at which humans and machines
excel. In general, the human is better at handling a variety of
different information-processing tasks, adapting to new tasks and
environments, devising new procedures, and resolving unexpected
contingencies. The greatest limitations of the human are the rate of
data processing and the amount of immediate retention.
5.2 Human Reliability Improvement
Human error has an important influence on the quality of production
processes. Methods of predicting human errors can be applied with
success to production processes. This enables the development of
measures by which human error probability can be reduced. ordered in
terms of the influence on the reduction of the human error probability,
they include:
1. ergonomic measures
2. organizational measures
3. Education and training measures
Human reliability improvement can be achieved by considering the
following conditions:
* Simplification: There exists a trend to individually
over-simplify a complex situation. Therefore a simplification of tasks
and an ergonomic improvement of the technical layout can prevent this
* Design, clearness, and precision: Due to the tendency to ignore
redundant information, often the important information hidden in the
redundant environment can be neglected. This can be avoided by a
corresponding clear design.
* Indication and identification: Often the feedback information is
inadequately semantically identified, since the designer assumes that
this is known to the operator by his education.
* Arrangement: The ergonomically correct arrangement of indicators
and control elements depends on the task. This is a latent error-prone
situation in fixed wiredup control panels especially in unusual
situations, which can be fundamentally avoided by software supported
* Reduce the possibilities of confusion.
6. Equipment Reliability Maintenance
There are many causes of machine failure, and their properties are
different. Some are depending on the age of machines, and some are
purely stochastic. Monitoring of machine operation is not necessarily
effective. often bad maintainability is only improved by early design
changes. There are various types of maintenance, such as time-based
maintenance and condition-based maintenance. It is complicated whether
to adopt time-based maintenance or condition-based maintenance.
In order to achieve rational total life cycle management, it is
strongly desired to realize a systematic planning method of maintenance
operations. Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) is one of the
well-established systematic methods for selecting applicable and
appropriate maintenance operation types. In RCM, failure consequences
and their preventive operations are systematically analysed, and
feasible maintenance planning is determined. The rough process of RCM is
as follows (Kimura et al., 2002):
(1) Target products or systems of maintenance should be clearly
identified, and necessary data should be collected.
(2) All the possible failures and their effect on target products
or systems are systematically analysed.
(3) Preventive or corrective maintenance operations are considered.
Selection of operations is done based on rational calculation of
effectiveness of such operations for achieving required maintenance
quality, such as reliability, cost, etc.
The above steps are repeated to realize feasible maintenance
planning. Step (2) is the core of the RCM process. It is generally very
tedious and time-consuming, and its contents are fundamentally the same
as failure Mode and Effect Analysis (fMEA). In the following sections,
efficient and practical approach to FMEA based on computer-aided
technology is explained.
6.1 Equipment Faults Definition
Reliability and design engineers determine current reliability
performance by collecting and analyzing data received from a number of
sources, including data of internal testing of the system and customer
feedback. In situations where data is not available, but reliability
performance needs to be determined, preliminary engineering judgments,
mathematical predictions, and consensus using the opinions of experts
can be used as a first cut at data values.
All equipment exhibits three distinct failure modes through its
operational life cycle:
* The first weeks or months after introduction exhibit failures,
which arise from manufacturing defects which fail under stress.
* once the equipment is established in operation, it exhibits
random failures, which arise in components for a variety of reasons.
random failures are poisson distributed.
* As the equipment reaches the end of its useful life, it begins to
exhibit wearout failures. Wearout failures are normally (Gaussian)
The 'Bathtub Curve' illustrates failure frequency over
the product life cycle (Fig. 10). Random failures arise throughout the
useful life of equipment. They are exponentially distributed.
[R.sub.S] (t) = [e.sup.-[lambda]t] = exp(-[lambda]t) (5)
The failure rate [lambda] is a measure of how frequently they
arise. High stress [right arrow] high failure rates!
MTBF = Mean Time Between Failures
MTBF = 1/[lambda] [lambda] = 1/MTBF (6)
Wear out failures arise at the end of the useful life of equipment.
They are normally distributed.
* The mean wearout time fi is a measure of the average time at
which they arise. The standard deviation of mean wearout time o is a
measure of their spread in time.
* The spread in wear out failures depends on the quality of the
components and the types of loads they are subjected to over their life
* Wear out arises in mechanical components and connectors due to
cyclic mechanical loads, in semiconductor chips due to cyclic thermal
loads and junction diffusion effects.
6.2 Equipment Reliability Modeling
Functional block diagrams are used to develop the basic concepts
for the equipment and to evaluate their feasibility. A block diagram
provides a clear picture of how the equipment functions and can be used
to create a reliability model. Reliability Block Diagram (RBD) models
are one of the tools that can be used to create the reliability model of
equipment. One of the easiest ways to describe the basic ideas used in
the creation of RBD models is to create a simple RBD; for a more
detailed description of the diagrams look at the sources listed in the
A reliability block diagram (RBD) is a drawing and calculation tool
used to model complex systems. The goal of an RBD is to produce a series
of images representing portions of a system that is to be analyzed. Once
the images are configured properly, and data for these images is
provided, calculations can be performed in order to calculate the
failure rate, MTBF, reliability, and availability of the system.
Some mathematical relationships between the system reliability and
the reliabilities of its components are given next. In the following, RS
denotes the reliability of the system, and Ri denotes the reliability of
the ith component, where i = 1, 2, ..., n and the system has n
components. In addition, in the following relationships, it is also
assumed that all components work or fail independently of each other.
System reliability accouting for sequential processes:
The failure rate [h.sub.S] (t) for the system is given by
[h.sub.S](t) = [n.summation over (i=1)] [h.sub.i](t) (9)
where [h.sub.i] (t) is the failure rate of ith component.
If all the components have an exponentially distributed time to
failure, we have
[h.sub.S](t) = [n.summation over (i=1)] [[lambda].sub.i] (10)
And MTBF for system is given by
1/[n.summation over (i=1)] [[lambda].sub.i] (11)
And for the parallel processes
If the time to failures for all the components is exponentially
distributed with MTBF [theta], then the MTBF for the system is given by
[n.summation over (i=1)] [theta]/i (13)
where [theta] = MTBF for every component (Salvendy, 2001).
A system can contain a series, parallel, or combination of series
and parallel connections to make up the network.
For retractors production line RBD scheme is illustrated in Figure
13. Each module from IDEF0 model (A11, A12, ... A37) is defined by a
separate block. All blocks are sequentially connected into whole process
and only A31 stage is used twice as being parallel stations.
Failure rate for all retractors production line equipment may be
calculated as:
The last RBD analysis allows take into consideration temporal
characteristics and made the conclusion about maintenance improvement.
7. Conclusions
There are some basic practices that can be applied to improve
reliability. These include:
* Simplicity. Simplification of equipment configuration is one of
the basic principles of designing-for-reliability. Added parts or
features increase the number of failure modes. A common practice in
simplification is referred to as component integration (the use of a
single component to perform multiple functions).
* Redundancy. Another reliability improvement practice is to
include more than one way to accomplish a function by having certain
components or subassemblies in parallel, rather than in series. Beyond a
certain point, redundancy may be the only cost-effective way to design
reliable equipment.
* Proven Components and Methods. To the extent possible, designers
should use components and methods that have been shown to work in
similar applications. Using proven components can minimize analyses and
testing to verify reliability, thus reducing time and costs of
demonstrating reliability of the equipment.
* Failure Detection Techniques. Reliability of equipment can be
improved by incorporating failure detection methods or self-healing
devices such as periodic maintenance schedules, monitoring procedures,
automatic sensing and switching devices.
* Ergonomics or Human Factors Engineering. The equipment design
must consider human factors aspects such as the person-machine
interface, human reliability, and maintainability.
The reliability improvement process is an iterative process of
setting goals, then evaluating (predicting), comparing, and improving
those goals. central to the reliability improvement process is data
collection and analysis; design improvements; and operations and
maintenance procedure improvements.
DOI: 10.2507/daaam.scibook.2009.49
8. Acknowledgement
Hereby we would like to thank the Estonian Ministry of Education
and Research for targeted financing scheme SF0142684s05 that enabled us
to carry out this work.
9. References
Barringer, P. (2000). Process Reliability and Six-Sigma, National
Manufacturing Week Conference "Track For Manufacturing Process and
Quality", Chicago
Baybutt, P. (2005). Human Factors in Process Safety and Risks
Management: Needs for Models, Tools and Techniques
Kimura, F., Hata, T. & Kobayashi, N. (2002).
Reliability-Centered Maintenance Planning based on Computer-Aided FMEA,
The 35th CIRP-International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, Seoul,
Lendvay, M. (2004). Dependability Assurance of Industrial
Production Processes, Proceedings: Science in Engineering, Economics and
Education, Budapest
Lowe, K. & Kariuki, S.G. (2004). Methods for Incorporating
Human Factors during design phase, Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion
in the Process Industries, Loss Prevention Prague, pp. 5205-5215
MIL-HDBK-338B (1998). Military Handbook, Electronic Reliability
Design Handbook
Rao, S. (1992). Reliability Based Design. ISBN 0-07-051192-6
McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York
Reason, J. (1992) Human Error, Cambridge University Press, Accessed: 2009-04-15
Salvendy, G. (2001). Handbook of Industrial Engineering: Technology
and Operation Management, A Wiley-Interscience, ISBN 0-471-33057-4
Siegel, A., LaSala, K. & Sontz, C. (1977) Human Reliability
Prediction System User's Manual, Naval Sea Systems Command
Vintr, M. (2007). Reliability Assessment for Components of Complex
Mechanisms and Machines, 12th IFToMM World Congress, France
This Publication has to be referred as: Karaulova, T[atyana] &
Pribytkova, M[arina] (2009). Reliability Prediction for Man-Machine
Production Lines, Chapter 49 in DAAAM International Scientific Book
2009, pp. 487-500, B. Katalinic (Ed.), Published by DAAAM International,
ISBN 978-3-901509-69-8, ISSN 1726-9687, Vienna, Austria
Authors data: Dr. Karaulova, T[atyana]*; M. Sc. Eng. Pribytkova,
M[arina] **, * Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate tee 5, 19086,
Tallinn, EE, **AS Norma, Laki 14, Tallinn, EE,,
Tab. 1. Human-machine comparative capabilities
1. Originality (ability 1. Precise, repetitive operations
to arrive at new,
different problem
2. Reprograinming rapidly 2. Reacting with minimum Lag (in
(as in acquiring new microseconds, not milliseconds)
3. Recognizing certain 3. Storing and recalling large
types of impending amounts of data
failures quickly (by
sensing changes in
mechanical and
acoustic vibrations)
4. Detecting signals 4. Being sensitive to stimuli
(as radar scope (machines sense energy in
returns) in high-noise bands beyond human's sensitivity
environments spectrum)
5. Performing and operating 5. Monitoring funcnons (even under
though task-overloaded stress conditions)
6. Providing a logical 6. Exerting large amounts of force
description of events
(to amplify, clarify,
negate other data)
7. Reasoning inductively 7. Reasoning deductively (in
(in diagnosing a general identifying a specific item as
condition from specific belonging to a larger class)
8. Handling unexpected --
occurrences (as in
evaluating alternate
risks and selecting the
optimal alternate or
corrective action)
9. Utilizing equipment --
beyond its limits as
necessary (i.e.
advantageously using
equipment factors for
From An Introduction to the Assurance of Human Performance in Space
Systems, SP-6506, NASA, 1968.
Fig. 5. Classification of the failures in production process according
to RPN grether than 100 and root causes of these failures
Operator fault 240 140 128 128 126 140 108 108
Machine failure 144 128 120 126 240 192 144
Supplier fault 108 126
Wrong design 108
Fig. 6. Classification of the failures in production process according
to minimal CutSet analysis
Operator fault 55,56%
Machine failure 44,44%