Burden of network neutrality mandates on rural broadband deployment.
Ford, George S. The ; Spiwak, Lawrence J.
I. Introduction
By all accounts, the widespread deployment of broadband services is
the dominant issue in the current debate over communications regulation
in almost all countries. yet, at the same time as policymakers grapple
with this difficult and complex task, there is a growing movement to
impose regulations aimed to restrict the business decisions of broadband
service providers in a variety of ways in the name of "network
neutrality". To this end, many vocal proponents of network
neutrality encourage regulators to adopt and enforce limitations on
broadband pricing, service offerings, network design, network
management, and consumer information (Marsden 2010). many of these
mandates would, almost by definition, make broadband networks either
more costly to build by limiting freedom in network design (Clarke
2009), or less valuable by limiting efforts at surplus extraction or
demand enhancement (Jamison and Hauge 2009; Sidak and Teece 2010).
increasing the cost of designing and operating broadband networks or
reducing their revenue potential would certainly have a negative impact
on the economics of deploying broadband. At a time when expanded
broadband availability is a key policy goal, the application of
regulations reducing the financial success of networks seems
conflicting. nevertheless, the debate proceeds, in part because no
analysis has been performed on the impact that a network neutrality
regulatory mandate would have on the incentives and ability of firms to
deploy broadband services, particularly in those high-cost areas where
service is often absent.
We show in this paper that while network neutrality regulation that
increases costs or reduces profits would reduce broadband deployment
generally, such regulations could disproportionately impact broadband in
areas that are, on average, high-cost areas (such as rural markets).
Empirical analysis suggests the differential between rural and urban is
six fold.
In Section II, we present a conceptual framework for this analysis,
and Section III attempts to calculate the disproportionate impact that a
network neutrality mandate will have. Using publicly available network
cost models and data from the United States, we show that under
plausible conditions, while cost-increasing or revenue-reducing network
neutrality mandates will materially impact broadband deployment in all
geographic areas, such rules can be expected to disproportionately
impact broadband deployment in high-cost areas and potentially by a
significant amount. Our particular analysis indicates the differential
impact is about six times as much as in lower cost, more urbanized
II. Conceptual Framework
We set out to explore the impact that increased costs (or reduced
value) of a broadband network caused by network neutrality mandates
could have on the eventual deployment of such network in certain areas,
particularly high-cost areas. We demonstrate in this section how an
increase in costs of building or operating a network could have a
disproportionate impact on deployment decisions in particular areas even
if the cost change from the regulatory mandate is identical across all
We can, in general, represent the effect an increase in costs has
upon broadband deployment with some simple graphics. In Figure 1, we
illustrate the economics of deployment. For the figure, we assume the
broadband service provider must expend a fixed costs C to build network
to a particular household (while C is incremental to each house, it is a
fixed capital expense in that it is spent only once and is required to
provide service). The cost of building a wireline broadband network
varies widely by geography and to a large extent is driven by population
density (Gasmi et al, 2002). The line labeled C in Figure 1 demonstrates
this relationship--the vertical axis measures the costs to build out to
a household and the horizontal axis is the percentage of households
passed, where households are ranked by the fixed cost of constructing
the network to each house. (1) Since the homes are sorted by C, the C
curve slopes upward, with the lowest cost households on the far left and
the highest cost households on the far right.
The horizontal line labeled V is the expected value of the
household to the broadband network operator. The value might be
considered the net revenues (or gross profits) that a firm expects to
generate from each particular household that it passes. It is important
to note that V represents the "value" of the network to the
network service provider--effectively the present value of gross profits
that the firm can realize from building and operating the network. (2)
For our purposes, we assume that the value of a broadband network for
residential consumers is essentially unrelated to the underlying capital
cost of constructing network. This assumption seems reasonable, since
there is little reason to think that consumers in high-cost areas are
willing to pay substantially more (or less) for voice, video and
high-speed broadband data services than consumers in lower cost areas.
As a result, the V curve is flat.
The network firm will build a network to a household as long as the
expected value meets or exceeds the fixed costs of serving household i
(where V [greater than or equal to] [C.sub.i]). This equilibrium occurs
where the C and V lines intersect, rendering the equilibrium percentage
of households passed of h*. Households to the right of h* are too costly
for the private sector to serve given expected benefits V. The shaded
area in Figure 1 essentially represents a type of "gap" or
"shortfall"--the portion of the service area where the cost of
building a network is greater than the private value of the network that
can be captured as revenues by the network provider. A subsidy of this
amount would be sufficient to ensure ubiquitous coverage of the network.
Policymakers that seek to promote the broadest penetration level for
broadband network should favor policies that seek to minimize the size
of this triangle as much as possible in economically efficient ways.
Now, consider the effect of increasing the capital cost of
deploying network through, say, network neutrality regulations. An
increase in costs lowers the equilibrium penetration of the broadband
network. Figure 2 demonstrates this effect. If regulation increases the
cost of the network deployment (by [DELTA]C, with [DELTA] meaning
"a change in"), then the C curve shifts upward to [C.sub.R]
(the latter being cost with "Regulation") as illustrated in
Figure 2. Now, the profit maximizing network operator builds to only
[h.sub.R] homes, reducing deployment by [DELTA]h homes. So, Figure 2
shows how increasing the cost of network deployment through regulation
reduces the equilibrium number of homes passed.
For ease of presentation, in Figure 2 we treat the effect of this
regulatory mandate as an increase in capital cost to deploy network. But
the same effect would be observed if the regulatory mandate effectively
increased the incremental (or operating) cost of or reduced the revenue
that the provider could collect from the network (by shifting the V
curve to intersect C at z).
It is important to see that not only has the cost hike decreased
broadband penetration from [h.sup.*] to [h.sub.R], but the size of the
shortfall shaded area has increased significantly. The
"shortfall" between the cost of the network and the value of
that network has increased, a development that would certainly make the
goal of achieving universal access to broadband more costly to achieve.
Thus far, the conceptual argument is straightforward and intuitive,
but our interest lies in the relative effect that cost increases has
upon a particular category of households--those that are in high-cost
areas (or areas with higher average cost of service). In particular,
while our previous analysis clearly shows that a cost increase from a
regulatory mandate decreases overall broadband deployment regardless of
the level of cost, our focus in this paper is on whether that mandate
would affect deployment disproportionately in areas that are, on
average, high-cost compared to lower-cost markets.
We show now how the extent to which an increase in costs may
differentially affect deployment across different areas. To do so, we
turn to some simple algebra in order to demonstrate that it is not the
average cost across markets that matters, but rather the slope of the
cost distribution. Looking back to Figure 1, say that all customers have
the same value to the broadband service provider V. The capital cost to
serve a household is unique and when homes are ranked from lowest to
highest costs, costs are distributed linearly across homes so that
C = a + bh (1)
where a and b are parameters of the capital cost function (or
distribution). The marginal (or last) home passed satisfies the
V = a + bh, (2)
meaning the firm just breaks even on the last home passed. We
define this last home as [h.sup.*], which is the equilibrium number of
homes passed. Rearranging Equation (2), we have
[h.sup.*] = V - a/b. (3)
Consider an increase in cost on network deployment as we did in
Figure 1. If network neutrality regulation increases the cost of
deployment, or shifts the cost distribution upward, then we have
[DELTA][h.sup.*]/[DELTA]a = - 1/b < 0. (4)
From Equation (4), we see the change in homes passed is related to
the slope of the cost distribution. The smaller is b, the larger the
effect on homes passed. A small b implies a flat cost distribution so
that deployment costs are similar across homes (around [h.sup.*]).
If network neutrality regulation reduces the value of the network
by raising incremental costs or reducing demand or revenues, the change
in homes passed is measured as
[DELTA][h.sup.*]/[DELTA]V = 1/b > 0, (5)
where again the change in homes passed depends only on the (inverse
of the) slope of the cost distribution (b). Regardless of how network
neutrality regulations impact profits, it is the slope of the cost
distribution (around [h.sup.*], which is constant in the linear case)
that determines the impact on homes passed. Further, the algebra shows
that for every cost change, there is a change in gross profit that
renders the same effect on homes passed.
Figure 3 illustrates the algebra by showing an increase in fixed
cost in two different markets that are alike in many ways (average cost
and penetration), but differ in the slopes of their C curves (i.e., the
cost distribution). To illustrate the cost increase, the C curves in
Figure 4 have been increased to [C.sub.R]. As we illustrated in Figure
2, this increase in cost will decrease deployment in both markets, but
Figure 3 shows that the market in Panel A sees a much more substantial
decrease in network construction in response to an identical change in
costs across markets.
This analysis reveals that a fixed increase in costs, which applies
to all households equally, can affect deployment in areas differently
(but always reduces deployment). The reason for this differential impact
is the slope of the cost curve (C) in each particular market at the
point where V intersects that curve (for these linear curves, the slope
is constant). As Figure 3 reveals, if the C curve is relatively flat at
the intersection with V (a small slope), then even a tiny change in
fixed costs will have a substantial impact on homes passed. Alternately,
if the curve is steep at V (the slope is large), then the percentage of
homes passed is not as sensitive to changes in costs. As shown in this
example, the relative deployment response is not a function of average
cost or initial penetration (which are assumed identical in the
figures), but is driven solely by the slope of the C curve. Thus, if we
know the slope of the curve at and around some point, then we can make
estimates of the relative responses of network deployment to changes in
costs across a variety of markets. This linkage between response and the
slope of C suggests a very useful tool of empirical analysis. If we can
calculate these slopes for particular markets, then we can make certain
predictions about the extent to which a regulatory policy might
disproportionately impact deployment in that particular market and
compare that impact on other markets with different characteristics. It
is possible, for example, to analyze whether a regulatory mandate might
disproportionately affect deployment in certain areas, such as high-cost
areas, or urban areas, or states, or even by the service area of a
particular local telephone company.
To develop this tool, however, we need granular, cost data that
allows us to calculate the slopes of these cost curves. complicating
this analysis is the fact that, unlike our figures, the actual network
cost curves in markets are highly non-linear; as a result, the slope in
unique at each point along the curve. Fortunately, publicly-available
network cost models have been created that do in fact estimate the fixed
costs of building networks in various markets throughout the country. In
Section iii, we demonstrate how we can use this data to analyze and
effectively calculate the slopes of these cost curves around some point
V. with this data, we also calculate an index of the relative burden
between low-cost and high-cost markets. while all increases in costs
should be expected to reduce deployment, this analysis will show whether
the burden of an increase cost would fall on high-cost areas well beyond
what an equal impact on markets would render.
III. Simulation Data and Methodology
In recent years, for the purpose of distributing subsidies and
setting unbundled element rates, the Federal Communications Commission
and industry have developed and utilized cost models that effectively
estimate the costs of building a communications network in the United
States (Gasmi, et al. 2002). For some models, cost estimates provided
all the way down to the "Census Block Group" level, which are
relatively small geographic areas established by the United States
Census. In 1990, there were about 230,000 Census Block Groups
("CBG") in the United States, so the network cost analysis is
fairly granular. We can utilize this data and these models to estimate
the slope of the fixed cost curves (C) that we describe in Section ii
above. with this information, we can determine whether or not, on
average, areas with higher average costs are disproportionately and
negatively affected by network neutrality rules (or any other regulatory
A. Data
To conduct the empirical analysis, we first collected the CBG loop
cost estimates (6) for a large number of local exchange carriers using
the HAI cost model. (3) Our sample was constructed by choosing states
randomly and including all carriers in the state with data available.
The result of this procedure is significant diversity in geography and
costs. In our sample, there are about 95 million access lines and about
half of all CBGs are represented. (4)
Once the data is collected, we calculate a cost index (u) for each
CBG by dividing the CBG loop cost by the sample mean loop cost. The
distribution of u is an index that measures the C values illustrated in
Figures 1 and 2, though in reality the distribution of costs is
nonlinear rather than linear as illustrated in those figures. We then
use the average of this index for each carrier in each state as a
measure of relative costs across markets. For each market, we have an
average cost index of [??]. In summarizing our results, we will use this
cost index ([??]) as the descriptor of each carrier/market. If the cost
index [??] is large, then the market is considered a "high
cost" market, on average. If [??] is low, then the market is a
relatively "low cost" market, on average. The mean of [??] is
1.00 and the [??] series has a range of 0.46 to 2.10, so we have in our
sample a wide range of average costs.
B. Results
As we discuss in Section II above, to assess the impact of Network
Neutrality regulations on different markets, our task is to measure and
compare the deployment response to a particular cost change (what is
[DELTA]h, in response to [DELTA]C?). To make this calculation, we must
first compute [h.sub.U], which is equilibrium number of homes passed in
the Unregulated environment in each market that we study. To make this
calculation, we need to assume some value (V) for the network, and V
must be on the same scale as our cost index [??] (with the mean of [??]
being 1.00).
We initially set V equal to 1.6 and do so because it is this value
that produces an average homes passed rate of 50% (with a homes passed
penetration rate ranging from a minimum of 26% to a maximum of 62%). (5)
Clearly, an average penetration of 50% (and maximum of 62%) is low when
discussing broadband network deployment (FCC 2010: 43), but setting V
equal to 1.6 allows us to establish a lower bound response differential
to cost changes. As shown in sensitivity analysis, larger values of V
only strengthen the relationship found at V = 1.6. Nothing prohibits
considering values of V less then 1.6, except as V gets smaller the
ratio of value to costs gets so small that the network is barely
deployed even in an unregulated market.
After computing [h.sub.U] for the 51 markets in our sample using
these inputs, we then compute homes passed in the regulated environment
([h.sub.R]) by raising the capital cost of deployment in all markets by
the same small, fixed amount ([DELTA]C) as we did in the conceptual
analysis in the previous section. So that [DELTA]C is constant across
markets, we set [DELTA]C equal to 5% of V (since V is equal across and
constant in all markets) and then compute [h.sub.R]. (This calculation
again illustrates that changes in C can be equivalent to changes in V).
With both [h.sub.U] and [h.sub.R] computed, we can then determine
whether or not there is any relationship between the change in household
penetration ([DELTA]h, or the difference between [h.sub.U] and
[h.sub.R]) and the average cost index ([??]). Essentially, this
comparison will determine whether high-cost (often rural) markets are
more or less affected by network neutrality regulations than their
low-cost counterparts. We define [DELTA]h = [h.sub.u] - [h.sub.R], which
is always a non-negative number ([h.sub.U] will equal or exceed
[h.sub.R] in all circumstances). (6) Higher values of [DELTA]h imply
larger percentage-point reductions in the homes passed rate in a given
We use three different tools of statistical analysis to examine the
relationship between this change in penetration ([DELTA]h) and the index
of average costs ([??]). First, Figure 4 provides the scatter plot and
linear fit of the relationship between [DELTA]h and [??]. As shown
above, the plotted points are measures of the inverse slopes of the cost
distributions. The figure illustrates that it is typically the case that
the higher are average costs in a market ([??]), the larger is the
reduction in network deployment (that is, the smaller is B). Thus, there
is reason to believe that network neutrality regulations will
disproportionately harm high-cost, rural areas.
A second way to analyze this relationship is to compute the simple
correlation coefficient between [DELTA]h and [??] (Gujarati 1995: 78).
The computed correlation coefficient between the two series [DELTA]h and
[??] is 0.66, which indicates a strong positive linear correlation. The
correlation coefficient thus indicates that there is a high linear
correlation between the reduction in network deployment and average
costs of network, and confirms that network deployment is typically
(though not always) reduced more in high-cost, rural areas.
Our findings of a strong relationship between [DELTA]h and [??] are
again confirmed by using least squares regression (Gujarati 1995). The
trend line in Figure 5 is based on least squares regression
[DELTA]h = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1] [bar.u] + [epsilon], (6)
where the [beta] are estimated parameters and [epsilon] is the
disturbance term. As shown in Figure 5, the slope of the line estimated
for this data is positive ([[beta].sub.1] > 0), indicating
disproportionate harm in high-cost, rural areas from Network Neutrality
regulations. The slope coefficient is statistically different from zero
at better than the 1% level (t-stat = 6.12).
C. The "Relative Burden" Index
Our results establish that there is a strong relationship between
the change in network penetration caused by a regulatory mandate and the
average network cost index of a market. In other words, we can say that
a regulatory mandate that increases the costs of building a broadband
network will disproportionately and adversely affect broadband
deployment in high-cost areas. it should not be a surprise to
policymakers that an increase in network costs will decrease network
deployment; what might be a surprise is the extent to which these
increases costs will disproportionately affect high-cost areas, even if
the costs of complying with the regulatory mandate do not vary by
geography. Finding that high-cost areas will be disproportionately
affected is important enough in itself, but "by how much" is
an inevitable follow-up question to this conclusion. It is possible to
provide a rough estimate the extent of this disproportionate impact on
rural, high-cost areas. Our estimate of disproportionate impact, which
we call the "relative burden index," is intuitive from a
policy perspective. The availability of broadband service in all areas
of the country is a national policy goal, so it would be reasonable to
assume that policymakers would want their policies to apply with equal
impact across markets. That is, if policymakers choose to impose a
regulatory mandate that results in lower broadband penetration, then
rural markets should not be burdened with more than their "fair
share" of that burden. Stated differently, the probability that a
household does not have access to a modern broadband network due to
network neutrality regulations should be equal in high- and low-cost
areas. (7) By comparing these probabilities across markets, we can
generate a meaningful measure of disparity.
The results we calculate above can be used to compute this
"relative burden index." To compute this relative burden
index, we first compute the share of total homes in the sample for
(particular definitions of) low-cost markets ([??] [less than or equal
to] 0.75) and high- cost markets ([??] [greater than or equal to] 1.25),
which are labeled [N.sub.HC] and [N.sub.LC] (where subscripts
"HC"and "LC" indicate high cost or low cost). Then,
we compute the share of total homes passed lost to regulation for the
high-cost and low-cost markets, which we label [L.sub.HC] and
[L.sub.LC]. The index of relative burden is
BURDEN = [L.sub.HC] / [N.sub.HC]/[L.sub.LC] / [N.sub.LC]. (7)
The index BURDEN has an intuitive interpretation. If BURDEN = 4.0,
for example, then high-cost markets bear four-times the burden from
network neutrality regulations as do low-cost markets in terms of the
reduction in homes passed. Put another way, if the index is 4.0, then a
home in a high-cost market is four-times more likely not to have access
to the network than if the home was in a low-cost market based on the
imposition of network neutrality mandates. An index of 4.0 would be
found, for example, if the percentage of total homes in high-cost
markets is 10% and in low-cost markets is 40%, yet the high-cost and
low-cost markets each contain 20% of the homes not passed due to network
neutrality regulations [= (0.2/0.1)/(0.2/0.4)]. Thus, high-cost markets
have 20% of the homes lost to regulation but only 10% of the homes,
whereas the low-cost markets have only 20% of the homes lost to
regulation but 40% of total homes. The impact in high- cost markets is,
then, four times larger than low-cost markets.
Our calculations above permit us to calculate BURDEN for the
network neutrality mandate as follows:
BURDEN = [L.sub.HC] / [N.sub.HC]/[L.sub.LC] / [N.sub.LC] =
0.227/0.068/0.382/0.722 = 6.31
Thus, network neutrality regulation burdens high-cost markets more
than low-cost markets by a factor of 6.31. Moreover, BURDEN rises if we
use more extreme definitions of "low" and "high"
cost. If we define high-cost markets as those with [??] [greater than or
equal to] 1.5 (markets with average cost more than 50% of the mean) and
reduce the low-cost market boundary to [??] [less than or equal to] 0.50
(markets with average cost only 50% of the mean), then BURDEN = 16.93.
BURDEN is consistently above 1.00 for any sensible definition of low-
and high-cost. Even if we define low- and high-cost as being below or
above the mean cost, then BURDEN = 4.47.
The disparate burden that a network neutrality mandate would impose
on high-cost markets is substantial. Even though the costs of complying
with a regulatory mandate may not vary by geography, broadband
deployment in high-cost areas will be disproportionately affected by
that mandate. The disparate burden increases significantly in even
high-cost markets.
D. Sensitivity Analysis
We have made a number of assumptions in our analysis, but our
findings are robust to alternative assumptions. (8) One area where a
sensitivity analysis is particularly warranted is the estimated value of
a household in terms of gross profits, which form the basis for the V
curve. In Table 1, we present five different values of V (including 1.6)
to evaluate the role the selection of V plays in our findings. As
revealed in the table, the disproportionate harm to high-cost areas
rises as V rises. (9)
One interpretation of the rising burden in V is that the more
valuable the service (or, the higher the penetration in an unregulated
environment), the greater will be the relative harm to high-cost markets
for some given cost change. Since broadband is considered to a high-
value service (indeed, the triple play is a $100+ bundle of services),
our analysis suggests that the impact on high-cost areas from network
neutrality regulations could be substantial.
E. Caveats
As with any theoretical or empirical analysis, the conclusions
reported here are based in large part on the underlying assumptions of
the model. we have assumed that the cost of deploying a modern broadband
network is correlated with the forward-looking cost of deploying
telephone network. we believe this assumption is reasonable,
particularly in the case of fiber deployment. it is certainly possible
to imagine networks (particularly hypothetical networks) which do not
exhibit the expected cost properties with respect to household density,
and in such cases our findings may change. Nevertheless, under the
plausible framework we have set forth here, the results are robust.
IV. Conclusion
Increasing the costs of building or operating a broadband network
by a regulatory mandate unquestionably will result in lower broadband
network construction across the board. But our analysis shows that this
decline in construction will not be evenly spread across the country as
a whole--in fact, deployment in high-cost areas will be harmed
disproportionately by any such cost-increasing mandate.
Using publicly available data and cost models, we show in this
Policy Paper that a regulatory mandate like network neutrality could
result in at least a six-fold relative reduction in broadband deployment
in high-cost rural areas than in low-cost urban areas (under plausible
conditions). in a very real way, the burden that a network neutrality
mandate would create would be disproportionately (but not exclusively)
borne on the back of rural America. These findings give credence to
arguments raised by some that have warned that network neutrality
mandates could "seriously delay the benefits of new broadband
deployment" in rural communities. (10) Understanding the impact
that public policy will have on broadband deployment is of crucial
importance. The goal of universal broadband service has been called the
"primary challenge" of the nation's telecommunications
policy. Given that overarching goal, it is therefore appropriate to
examine closely a public policy like network neutrality that will
disproportionately and adversely affect broadband deployment in rural
areas before we rush to pass legislation. We encourage further research
on this important topic.
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(1) In other words, the curve labeled C is the fixed capital cost
for the household h and not the sum of fixed capital costs at h. For
simplicity, we illustrate the distribution of the per-household fixed
capital costs as linear across all households (with total households
being H). We have normalized households by dividing by total households
H so that the horizontal axis is measured on the unit interval (i.e.,
the lowest value is 0 and the highest value is 1 or 100%).
(2) As a result, in this conceptual framework, V only represents
the net revenues from the network that the network service provider can
actually collect from users of the network. It is not a statement of the
complete "social" value of the network or the value that
consumers would place upon the network. In analyzing a firm's
build-out decision it is, of course, obvious that only the "value
captured by the firm" is relevant to the firm's decisions.
(3) HAI Cost Model Version 5.0, which was the last version of this
model to provide nationwide estimates of costs. We use the HAI model
because it provides cost estimates down to the CBG level, whereas the
FCC's Synthesis Model results are provided at the Wire Center level
only. The two models produce highly comparable estimates of relative
loop costs, with the two series having a very high correlation
coefficient (Ford 2004). States included in the analysis are: AZ, CA,
CO, FL, NY, GA, IA, LA, MD, MO, MS, MT, NC, NE, OH, SC, TX, VA, and WV.
(4) In the 1990 Census, there were 229,466 Census Block Groups
defined. Our sample includes 112,990 Census Block Groups.
(5) This assumption implies that a network company would have gross
margin of about $1.60 for $100 in network investment. Press stories
indicate that AT&T is spending about $250 per line to upgrade to
IPTV. At V = 1.6, this assumes that the additional margin from the
upgrade will be only $4 per month, which is probably lower than that
expected by AT&T. Thus, setting V = 1.6 is conservative.
(6) The calculation [DELTA]h could be zero, however, if the change
leads to no reduction in homes passed because V > u for all
households with or without regulation.
(7) This statement is true regardless of the initial level of homes
passed, since the percentage change in homes passed is computed using
total homes.
(8) As long as the actual C curve for deployment is proportional to
our variable u, the disproportionate impact on rural areas remains,
though its size may differ.
(9) Of course, as V gets smaller than 1.6, the relatively harm
declines. When V is 0.8, the effect across markets is roughly equal (and
inverted for values below 0.8). However, at V = 0.8, the average
penetration of the service is only 34%, and as low as 12% in high-cost
areas. It is little surprise that the deployment effect becomes small in
high- cost areas when deployment is almost non-existent even in the
unregulated state. As a technical matter, the relationship of V to
[DELTA]h suggests that low-cost markets typically have very flat C
curves in the lower cost segments of their markets with sharply rising C
curves as penetration approaches 100%. In contrast, the C curves of
high-cost markets typically rise even in the lower cost areas but do not
rise very steeply as penetration approaches 100%.
(10) National Grange, Rural Public Interest Group Concerned About
Net Neutrality Debate in Light of Congressional Hearing, (May 25, 2006)
(available at: http://www.nationalgrange.org/PressRoom/pr/2006/Neutrality.htm).
George S. The Ford, PhD ([dagger]) Lawrence J. Spiwak, Esq.
([double dagger])
([dagger]) Chief Economist, Phoenix Center for Advanced Legal &
Economic Public Policy Studies.
([double dagger]) President, Phoenix Center for Advanced Legal
& Economic Public Policy Studies. The views expressed in this paper
are the authors' alone and do not represent the views of the
Phoenix Center, its Adjunct Fellows, or any of its individual Editorial
Advisory Board members. We are indebted to Randy Beard, Adjunct Fellow,
for his assistance in formulating the economic model we present in this
Table 1. Sensitivity Analysis
V Correlation t-stat Relative
Coefficient ([[beta.sub.1]) Burden
1.6 0.66 6.12 * 6.31
1.8 0.68 6.41 * 6.08
2.0 0.68 6.42 * 7.66
2.2 0.83 10.28 * 8.93
2.4 0.82 10.06 * 9.37
* Statistically different from zero at the 5% level
or better.