Contending Perspective in Economics: A Guide to Contemporary Schools of Thought.
Thornton, Mark
It is a shame that most economic students, whether at the
undergraduate or graduate student level, are exposed to precious little
about the different schools of economic thought. Most course work is
based on the "Neoclassical synthesis" with mathematical models
and econometric testing being the ultimate goal.
This situation could be the simple result of competition. Some
economists argue that the status quo is the result of a competition
between economists in the publication market, where economists compete
for journal page space and citations to their publications. Neoclassical
economics won that competition and absorbed everything of value from the
other schools and it only makes sense to concentrate the student's
time on the winner. In fact, most Neoclassical economists would argue
that there is little in the manner of a fixed doctrine or dogma in the
Neoclassical school. Just about everything is subject to questioning,
change or evolution.
So far the World Economic Crisis since 2007 has done little to
change the profession or to topple economists from their top spot in the
social sciences. There was the French student protest against a lack of
plurality in economic education in 2000 and there has clearly been a
strong movement in support of Austrian economics since the housing
bubble burst. However, there have been few signs of a grand refocusing
within the profession similar to the widespread adoption of public
choice theory.
This little book is an attempt to address the problem of a lack of
plurality in economic education. It briefly reviews Neo-classical
economics and six competing approaches, including Austrian economics,
Feminist economics, Institutionalism, Marxism, New Institutionalism, and
Post-Keynesian economics. The author tries very hard not to let his own
views bias his presentations and critiques. The result is both
refreshing and thought provoking.
Each school is given a basic description, its preferred
methodology, its view of human nature, and its sense of justice. This is
followed by the school's primary and secondary standards of
behavior, i.e. what makes for good or bad economics. Each chapter
concludes with a description of preferred professional activities,
criticisms of the school, and a rejoinder from the school against its
Before turning to the dominant Neoclassical school, the author
employs arguments to explain how it came to dominate the profession.
Part of the explanation is that it has been relatively good at being a
"coldly rational institution, slowly stamping out ignorance and
replacing it with the truth about the objective world around us"
and eventually capturing the editorship of journals and control of
graduate programs. This cemented its authority while permitting it to
continue to adopt and evolve.
To this argument, the author adds the influence of two events that
left Neoclassical economics as the dominant paradigm. The first event
was WWII, when the fact that Neoclassical economics was the most
operational form of economics, made it important for addressing wartime
allocation problems. Indeed, many Anglo economists trained in the 1930s
found themselves fighting the war in some bureaucracy helping to build
the Allied war effort. The second event was the Cold War. The fact that
the enemy was Marxist communists and that any sympathy for collectivism
would be viewed with suspicion, meant that Neoclassical economics was
the least suspect type of economics compared to the other schools of
economics. It was generally sympathetic with the free market, offered
solutions for market imperfections, and did not object to the rise of
the Warfare/Welfare State.
While the dominant status of Neoclassical economics seems assured,
the author's discussion of the profession's structure and
institutional incentives in Chapter 2 shows that there are clearly some
troubling imbalances. One well-known issue is the increasing importance
of math and statistics. For example, if a person has already earned a
master's degree in mathematics the odds are very good that he could
get his Ph.D. in economics and thrive at the higher levels of the
profession even though he doesn't know the difference between the
S&P 500, the Fortune 500, and even the Daytona 500. However, someone
with extensive hands-on experience in commodity markets, futures markets
and financial markets would be hard pressed to get a Ph.D. without the
proper math skills.
The author describes the core of Neoclassical economics as
consisting of marginalism, rationality, a-priorism, and general
equilibrium theory. In the early days of Neoclassical economics, the
Austrians were considered different, but similar to Neoclassicals from
1871 to the early 1930s. They were also considered important
contributors, even though most did not adopt general equilibrium theory.
Over time Neoclassical economics adopted mathematical modeling and
positivism and many of the Austrian features have lost significance.
The author brings up one natural barrier to entry that works in
favor of Neoclassical economics--the dominance of the American Economic
Association Conference over the job market for academic economists:
I mention all this to emphasize the critical importance of this
conference. The overwhelming majority of universities hire new
faculty via this process. In addition, universities have limited
travel money. Therefore, an Austrian economist hoping to attend the
Austrian Economics Research Conference might be forced to instead
spend travel money to go to the American Economics Association
meetings in order to participate in the interviewing. (p. 54)
According to the author, the number of sessions allotted to
pluralistic economics at this conference has been declining in recent
Because the book is short and easy to read, I am going to skip the
other schools of economics and review the section on Austrian economics.
The author notes the importance Austrians place on methodology, but
wrongly suggests that most Austrians "spend a considerable amount
of time on this issue." (p. 77) Austrians do think methodology is
critical, but few of them spend much time writing about it.
The author describes a methodological divide between two camps of
Austrians. The first camp is led by Mises and his "strict"
praxeological method. Here, using deduction, introspection, and reason
it is possible to develop "foolproof axioms." The second camp
is the weaker, more flexible methodology of subjectivism. For members of
this camp, the fact that all valuation is done by individuals means that
aggregate statistics are meaningless, that market economies are better
allocators of resources, and that government planning leads to ad hoc
and arbitrary allocation of resources.
I suspect the division of weak and strong is driven in part by the
desire to avoid the moniker of the possibility of truth associated with
Mises's "strict" methodology. Austrian-subjectivists are
more mainstream on this issue of truth, as is the author of the book.
The amusing thing is that traditionally if a graduate student were to
tell his Neoclassical graduate advisor that he found empirical evidence
refuting the law of demand or that minimum wage laws increase
employment, the student would be told they were wrong and to start their
empirical analysis over. At least that was true until recent years.
Even with these divisions, I believe that the number of what I call
"Confusionists" is actually small. This grouping consists of
economists that do spend a good deal of effort writing and preaching
about methodology, often deny the existence of truth, and try to fuse
Austrian economics with any noteworthy economist who might have the
slightest overlap with Austrian economics on a Venn diagram. (1)
A very short section on the "market process" does a good
job summarizing the Austrian perspective. Austrians first try to explain
how the world works using a realistic view of knowledge, uncertainty,
and time. Real people have limited knowledge, face ongoing uncertainty,
and their activities take place over time. As a result, markets are
never perfect or in equilibrium, but they do produce prices and profit
opportunities which help guide individual choices moving forward.
The short sections on the Austrian business cycle theory, Method,
Views of human nature and justice, Standards, and Contemporary
activities are all reasonably accurate given their brevity. The chapter
on the Austrians is the second shortest with one more page than the
chapter on the New Institutionalism.
The author has an interesting perspective on the interrelationships
between the heterodox schools of economics. The author correctly
portrays the Austrians as distinct. He notes that there is little
interaction between the Austrians and the other heterodox schools, but
there is some interaction between the Austrians and the Neoclassicals.
On the dynamics between the heterodox schools he notes:
Because they know that they are operating from a position of
weakness within the discipline, most non-mainstream schools of
thought avoid attacking each other. However, as suggested above,
that courtesy is not always extended to the Austrians. (p. 85)
He describes Austrians as a threat to other heterodox schools. This
threat is based on their jealousy of the ability of Austrians to
interact with Neoclassicals and also the pro-free market orientation of
most Austrian economists. "This means that Austrians come in for
more than their fair share of criticism!" (p. 85)
The book is a good exercise in getting to know the broader
economics profession, especially regarding the commonalities between the
various schools of economic thought. The author
See Salerno (2007, 2009).
should be applauded for his effort at remaining impartial, because
that is clearly a difficult task. Hopefully, it will contribute to a
better understanding of and resolution of some differences among the
various schools.
Salerno, Joseph T. 2007. "A Fairy Tale of the Austrian
Movement: A Review Essay of Radicals for Capitalism: A Freewheeling
History of the Modern American Libertarian Movement by Brian Doherty,
Mises Daily (September 25).
--. 2009. "The Sociology of the Development of Austrian
Economics." In Jorg Guido Hulsmann and Stephan Kinsella, eds.,
Property, Freedom, and Society: Essays in Honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe.
Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Mark Thornton ( is a Senior Fellow at the
Ludwig von Mises Institute and the Book Review Editor of the Quarterly
Journal of Austrian Economics.