Bob James, They Call Each Other Brother: Secret Societies and the Strange Slow Death of Mateship in Australia, 1788-2010: The Authentic History.
Patmore, Greg
Bob James, They Call Each Other Brother: Secret Societies and the
Strange Slow Death of Mateship in Australia, 1788-2010: The Authentic
History, Self-Published, 2010. pp. 238. $25.00 paper.
The author's main purpose in writing this book is to highlight
the significance of fraternal societies in Australian history. His
primary focus is on the nineteenth century, where he focuses on the
foundation and growth of Masons, the Loyal Orange Lodge, the Hibernians
and other fraternal societies in Australia. James details the importance
of their rituals for the formation of trade unions and their importance
in highlighting sectarian differences in Australia. While the friendly
societies provided assistance to members through a range of benefits,
their emphasis on rituals created controversy and in some cases
heightened divisions within Australia particularly on sectarian lines
between Catholics and Protestants. He emphasises the significance of the
membership and influence of these organisations at their peak, but
argues that state surveillance and managerialism 'eventually
brought Freemasonary and all the fraternities which followed to their
knees' (p. 10).
One weakness with the book is that it deals only relatively briefly
with the 'slow death' of the fraternities in the twentieth
century. The rise of the welfare system could have been dealt with in
more depth and the role of the societies in dealing with state sponsored
schemes such as workers' compensation and Medibank could have
explored. One group missing from the discussion is the employers,
particularly in the public sector, who established funds for sickness,
accident and superannuation. While the author is aware of the role of
the fraternal organisations in the fight between Groupers and
Communists, it would have been interesting to explore this in more
detail. He notes the presence of occupation-based Masonic lodges in
groups such as teachers, bus drivers and steel workers (p. 192). This
could have been further explored as there were Masonic groups at the
workplace level, which gave support to the Communists in preference to
the Groupers.
While the author does engage with labour historians, it is
selective. The discussion of mateship, for example, overlooks some of
the recent interesting work by Nick Dyrenfurth. The author also contests
the claims by labour historians that some organisations were trade
unions, noting instead that they were 'trade orientated societies' with their emphasis on rituals and benefits (p. 10). In
attempting to differentiate these fraternal societies from other
organisations, he faces similar issues in drawing clear lines between
them. Whether the US Knights of Labor was simply a fraternal society
could be disputed: the Knights of Labor went further than the Masons and
other Groups, whom the author notes primarily focused on 'material
gain and competitive pragmatism' (p. 171), called for the
transformation of capitalist society through worker co-operatives, and
were engaged in major strikes in the USA. By the time the Knights had
reached Australia in 1889 (pp. 148-9), they had already discarded their
initiation rituals in 1881.
There are other minor questions that arise with the book. While the
book does provide detailed footnoting, some points could have been
sourced to provide information for other researchers. For example, the
author makes the significant point that as many as 90 per cent of street
parades in Australia between 1840 and 1940 'were staged by
fraternal societies or dominated by them' (p. 59), but provides no
source for this claim. It would have been also helpful if the author had
consolidated the data on the membership of these organisations over time
into an appendix and provided a bibliography to assist further research.
Overall, this book assists labour historians in recognizing the
importance of these fraternal organisations in Australian history and
provides a basis for further research and debate.
The University of Sydney