The politics of consumption and labour history.
Balnave, Nikola ; Patmore, Greg
Australian labour historians have generally concentrated on
exploring the politics of production rather than of consumption. The
behaviour, actions and perspectives of consumers, however, are just as
important to our understanding of society as are those of producers.
This article undertakes a general review of historical debates in the
Australian literature concerning the concept of consumption. It then
provides an overview of the Australian experience based on primary and
secondary research. Two issues are of particular interest. The first is
the collective response of workers and other groups to the issues
associated with consumption including the prices and the quality of
goods and services. The article will primarily focus on co-operatives as
the collective attempt to influence consumption. The second issue is the
way in which employers attempt to control consumption through a range of
strategies including company stores and canteens. The article builds on
an earlier review of consumer co-operation undertaken by the authors,
and extends the analysis to include an examination of consumption into
the workplace. (1)
What is Consumption?
When individuals consume or purchase goods and services, they have
a secondary relationship to goods and services in that they do not
produce the goods and services themselves. (2) However, they can
individually influence the price and supply of goods and services
through their patterns of consumption. Collectively consumers can
directly influence consumption in two major ways. First, consumers may
attempt to determine the price, quality and availability of goods and
services through boycotts of particular products and through the
formation of consumer associations that monitor the prices and quality
of goods and services. Here they are trying to influence an existing
retailer, wholesaler or provider of financial services. Second,
consumers can influence consumption by forming co-operatives to control
the provision of goods and services. Consumers control and manage these
organisations, which include Rochdale consumer co-operatives, building
societies, credit unions, and Starr-Bowkett societies. The latter are
co-operative, non-profit and mutual self-help financial institutions
that provide interest-free loans to their members. (3) The objectives of
co-operative organisations have ranged from improving the quality of
life within a capitalist system to transforming capitalism.
Co-operativism is an important subfield of the politics of consumption,
although one that has been largely neglected by researchers.
This focus on consumption does not ignore the link between
production and consumption. The rewards from employment and the price,
availability and quality of goods and services underpin the standard of
living. Consumers may use their membership of unions and farmers'
associations to mobilise support for consumer campaigns in order to
influence the price and quality of goods and services. Labour
organisations also have a tradition of organising consumers to boycott
employers who fail to provide adequate wages and conditions. There may
also be tensions between the individual's role as a worker and
consumer. The desire to have lower prices may conflict with the right of
workers involved in the provision of goods and services to earn a decent
wage. (4)
One important interface between consumption and production is the
way in which employers affect their employees' consumption patterns
through either the provision of a canteen or the establishment of a
company store. Canteens or work dining rooms became part of the welfare
strategy adopted by employers to win worker loyalty to the company.
These facilities could range from a room with a pie heater to a large
dining area with kitchens capable of providing a range of hot meals to
employees. Historians in the United States and elsewhere have also
highlighted the role of company stores in providing supplies to workers
in isolated mining and industrial communities. While often borne from
necessity, there were complaints that company stores provided a limited
range of goods at higher prices and forced workers to rely on company
credit. There were cases of workers being paid in promissory notes
rather than cash, commonly known as the truck system, to increase their
dependence on the store and reduce labour turnover particularly before
the introduction of legislation that insisted that workers be paid in
legal tender. The company stores did not tolerate competition and could
insist that employees only trade at company stores. Canteens and company
stores provided areas of both consensus and conflict between labour and
management. (5)
While there are links between consumption and production, there has
been a longstanding neglect of consumption in historical studies. Few
historians would claim the key to understanding modern history is the
emergence of a consumer society. Social, business and economic
historians have focussed on the relations of production, seeing
consumption as an outcome of production. Economic historians, for
example, have been interested in consumption in two primary debates.
Firstly, in terms of long-run trends in living standards and secondly,
whether industrialisation was dependent on shifts in the scale and
structure of demand. However, they consider shifts in consumption
through their relationship with changes in production, and fixate on
wage-rates as labour costs for employers rather than total household
income and expenditure. (6)
Radical and labour historians have seen the study of consumption as
a 'sordid and seductive sphere' that leads to false
consciousness and a decline in revolutionary fervour. (7) They have also
viewed the study of consumption as inappropriate when trying to
understand people who lived in relative poverty compared to the ruling
class. There are also concerns that if scholars study the consumption
habits of the working class in the same way as those of the elites then
this would undercut ideas of class formation and mobilisation. (8) In
the Australian context labour historians have generally viewed
consumption as insignificant as compared to production since the
Australian labour movement preferred to take the path of trade unionism
and the Labor Party rather than pursue co-operativism. Living standards
were also protected through the pursuit of tariff protection and
compulsory arbitration rather than co-operatives. There have also been
doubts in Australia about the significance of 'islands' of
socialism such as co-operatives as an effective challenge to capitalism.
Indeed, Edgar Ross argued that if the various types of co-operatives did
succeed they would 'blur the real issues of the working-class
struggle against exploitation and for economic security'. (9)
There has been criticism of this neglect of consumption and the
preoccupation with production. In the USA, Laurence Glickman notes that
there have been occasional bouts of amnesia concerning consumer
activism. He argues that consumer activism has been important to
American political culture 'since the Boston Tea Party'.
Consumer boycotts were an important part of the push by African-American
claims for political and industrial rights. More recently tourists
successfully boycotted South Carolina to stop the Confederate flag
flying over the state capitol. Glickman claims that 'American
national identity was forged in no small part through collective acts of
consumption'. (10)
In the United Kingdom, historians in the early 1970s such as E.P.
Thompson and Olwen Hufton recognised the significance of pre-industrial
bread riots in maintaining the 'moral economy'. Society's
ideas about what was right and wrong led to riots, particularly amongst
the 'respectable' poor, against souring prices, malpractices
by middlemen and shortages of essential goods. These rioters wanted to
preserve traditional social norms and obligations, and to protect
themselves from destitution. (11) In more recent years, Peter Gurney has
argued that the transformations in the sphere of consumption can have as
much influence as similar changes in the sphere of production on the
development of a society. He also rejects the idea that the emergence of
the dominant mode of mass consumption in England and other capitalist
societies was inevitable or that it was the only viable alternative.
Indeed the social conflicts generated by conflicting modes of
consumption were just as fierce and protracted as were those generated
by production. (12) He argues that the co-operative movement in the
United Kingdom developed an 'alternative transformative social and
economic strategy' to capitalist entrepreneurs 'based on the
association of workers within the sphere of consumptions'. (13)
Consumption and Australian Labour Historiography
Australian labour historians remain primarily concerned with the
sphere of production. For example, there has been a general neglect of
co-operatives in books, book chapters, conference papers and other
publications authored by Australian labour historians. Major works
highlight their apparent insignificance or ambiguous role in class
relations. While a number of labour historians recognise the
significance of the debates concerning co-operation during the 1890s,
they have little to say about the Rochdale co-operative movement. (14)
Raewyn Connell and Terry Irving do see the co-operative store as a
common feature of the Australian 'union town', but argue that
the working-class impulse for co-operation through co-operative stores,
building societies and friendly societies 'was contained within a
bourgeois social form--the joint stock company'. (15) Erik Eklund
in his study of the relationship between storekeepers and the working
class also highlighted that Australian private retailers shared
'the virulent anti-cooperative mentality' of their British
counterparts and opposed the Rochdale co-operatives as a threat to their
economic viability. He notes that despite this, the Rochdale movement
achieved 'some success' before 1940. (16) Eklund has also
challenged the idea that the English co-operative movement was simply
translated to Australia. He argues that far from being 'simple
English copies, colonial societies were characterised by a bewildering
heterogeneity'. (17) Where other labour historians have focussed on
co-operatives, they have examined Rochdale consumer co-operatives in
local labour histories, particularly in the Illawarra and Hunter regions
of New South Wales (NSW). (18)
The co-operative movement itself has to some degree filled the gap
in our understanding of co-operatives by publishing their own histories.
The most significant histories produced by the co-operative movement are
those written by Gary Lewis concerning the history of Rochdale
co-operation in NSW and the history of credit unions in Australia.
Unfortunately these studies have been largely ignored by others.
Lewis's work provides a 'top down' history of the
co-operative movement by relying on broad sources such as The
Co-operative News rather than local sources. Nevertheless, his
publications provide a solid basis for further case study orientated
research into the history of Rochdale consumer co-operatives and credit
unions in Australia. (19)
A survey of Labour History indicates limited focus on consumption.
A small number of articles appeared in the 1980s that reflected the
impact of feminism and cultural history on Australian labour
historiography. Labour History published two of them in a special issue
on women, work and the labour movement. These articles highlighted the
way in which clothing and advertising reinforce existing sexual
divisions of labour and perceptions of female sexuality. Gail Reekie in
her study of the 'working women's wardrobe' from 1918 to
1923, emphasised that consumption was an area of conflict like
production as women rejected men's views on what was appropriate
for women to wear in the workplace. The work of Reekie and Robin Walker
also revealed that a rich source of material for research on consumption
were the transcripts of the various industrial tribunals in Australia,
which have tried to calculate changes in the cost of living in order to
determine the basic or living wage. (20)
Little has appeared in Labour History on consumer activism. One
exception is Judith Smart's study of the demonstrations in
Melbourne in August-September 1917 against the high cost of living.
Feminists such Adela Pankhurst played a significant role in these
protests and specifically formed the Women's Peace League to
support the campaign to reduce the high cost of living. While the
organisations associated with the 1917 demonstrations did not continue,
new women's political associations such as the Housewives'
Association and the Country Women's Association succeeded them.
These associations consciously adopted co-operative ideas in their early
years and lobbied for consumer justice. (21)
There has also been limited interest in consumer co-operatives in
Labour History until very recently. Robin Walker and Ray Markey, who
focus on NSW in the 1890s, wrote the only articles that specifically
deal with co-operation in Labour History prior to 2006. Both recognise
the vagueness of the term 'co-operation' at that time. Walker
is primarily concerned with the unsuccessful experiments with
agricultural co-operatives, while Markey focuses on trade unions and
workers' producer cooperatives. (22) There are only brief
references to the Rochdale movement. Markey dismisses it by noting that
'consumer co-operation never gained the working-class support that
it had in Britain and seems to have taken strong hold in the
coalfields'. (23) Walker also dismisses the Rochdale movement in
Australia but recognises its presence outside the NSW coalfields in the
Adelaide Co-operative, which was larger than any consumer co-operative
in the 'mother colony'. (24) In several Labour History
articles there is recognition of Rochdale co-operatives at the local
level in mining towns such as Broken Hill, Kurri Kurri and Wonthaggi.
(25) Labour History has virtually ignored the other forms of consumer
co-operation before 2006. There were only two articles on friendly
societies, both of which recognise their role in providing medical
services to members. There has been only one study of building
societies. There were no specific articles in Labour History on either
credit unions or Starr-Bowkett societies. (26)
The November 2006 issue of Labour History included a thematic on
the politics of consumption and co-operation. The articles highlighted
the significance of consumption generally and institutions such as
Starr-Bowkett societies, credit unions, and Rochdale consumer
co-operatives. Maxine Darnell provided insights into Starr-Bowketts in
NSW from 1900 to 1930. For many Australians they allowed a way of
escaping rapidly increasing rents by providing access to housing
finance, which was generally blocked by high interest rates and deposit
requirements. Nikola Balnave and Greg Patmore provided a detailed study
of the history of a successful surviving rural Rochdale co-operative
society at Junee in NSW, highlighting the strong links between the
co-operative and the local community. The leaders of the co-operative
linked the survival of the co-operative to the survival of the town as a
viable rural centre. Leanne Cutcher and Melissa Kerr examined how the
credit unions' perceptions of themselves have changed over time
through an examination of the newsletters of the NSW Credit Union from
1959 to 1989. With the general debate concerning demutalisation of
co-operative organisations, they found that there has been shift from a
social democratic perspective towards one based on economic rationalist
ideals within the credit union movement. Since the thematic, there has
been a comparative article in Labour History looking at Rochdale
consumer co-operatives in Australia and New Zealand. The article
analyses why the general movement collapsed in Australia and New Zealand
and tries to explain the survival in Australia of a small number of
Rochdale consumer co-operatives in rural centres. (27) Balnave and
Patmore have further pursued the examination of Rochdale co-operatives
in other publication outlets by examining for example why some rural
Rochdales survived in the Riverina district of NSW and others did not.
Labour historians are not alone in their neglect and confusion
about the role of co-operatives. Business and retail history add little
to our understanding of Rochdale co-operatives in Australia apart from
demonstrating the confusion over the extent and influence of the
movement. Boyce and Ville are aware of the development of Rochdale
consumer co-operatives in the United Kingdom, but have nothing to say
about their development in Australia. They concentrate on Australian
agricultural co-operatives, which focussed on selling produce, marketing
and transportation. While Webber and Hoskins emphasise the significance
of consumer co-operatives to the history of retail in Australia, the
majority of writers of retail history either neglect or downgrade the
role of co-operative stores. Kim Humphery notes that a limited consumer
co-operative movement existed in early twentieth century Australia, but
dismisses it as providing little threat to the independent grocer or to
the development of larger retail firms. Gail Reekie briefly notes the
active participation of women in consumer co-operatives, and hence in
consumer politics. (29) Beverley Kingston argues that the co-operative
movement 'was one of several working-class ideas adopted and
developed out of recognition by the middle classes', identifying
the Melbourne Mutual Store and the Civil Service Store in Sydney as the
most memorable examples of the co-operative movement in Australia, both
of which 'were modelled on London's middle-class
co-operatives'. (30) Reekie and Kingston both emphasise the Civil
Service Store, although this was not considered to be a true Rochdale
cooperative by the movement, again demonstrating the confusion over the
character and role of consumer co-operatives in Australian history. (31)
While Australian labour historians, like other Australian
historians, have generally overlooked co-operatives, they have
recognised both consensus and conflict over consumption in the workplace
in regard to canteens and company stores. These stores were generally
referred to as 'co-operative stores' if administered by a
joint committee or council of management and employee representatives.
Erik Eklund noted that a co-operative store was an important part of the
welfare strategy adopted by Broken Hill Associated Smelters (BHAS) at
Port Pirie during the World War I, and that other metal-mining companies
such as the Electrolytic Refining and Smelting Company (ER&S) at
Port Kembla and the Sulphide Corporation at Cockle Creek soon
established stores along the same lines. In Broken Hill, Bradon Ellem
and John Shields noted that there was an indexation provision in the
1925 Broken Hill Mines Agreement that provided a powerful incentive for
employers to control prices. A company-financed co-operative store was
established for this purpose. Simon Stevens chartered the history of the
truck system in Western Australia, where workers paid in chits
redeemable at the company store and goods rather than cash, until it was
outlawed by legislation in 1899. Workers could lose their jobs for not
shopping at the company store, whose prices were generally higher than
local independent storekeepers. Many workers found themselves in debt to
company store and their employer. (32)
Gail Reekie found that dining rooms were an important part of large
retailer stores' paternalistic and later welfare practices in
Australia from the 1890s. Melissa Kerr in her study of non-union firms
in the Australian abrasive industry in the immediate post-war period
notes that the company Australian Abrasives 'engineered' its
non-unionised 'industrial family' through providing a heavily
subsidised canteen and carefully rostered lunch break to ensure that all
staff became acquainted. There is also some recognition of these
strategies in Chris Wright's history of the labour strategies of
Australian employers which recognises the significance of company stores
as part of welfarism in towns such as Port Pirie and Port Kembla. He
further notes that in firms such as Pelaco, the Melbourne based shirt
manufacturer, dining facilities were viewed as part of means to
discourage unions by highlighting that the company not the unions were
concerned with the workers well-being. During the immediate post-war,
Wright argues that facilities such as canteens were used as a selling
point to attract workers during a period of labour shortages. While
Balnave has provided a broad overview of food services in Australian
industry from 1890-1965, there remains more work to be done by
Australian labour historians on this aspect of consumption, particularly
in the post-war period. (33) The remainder of this paper highlights the
significance of consumption as an area of research for labour historians
by examining the Australian experience with the consumer co-operative
movement and employment-related consumption.
The Co-operative Alternative in Australia
While recognising the wide variety of co-operatives that impacted
on consumption in Australia, this overview of co-operation will focus
primarily on Rochdale consumer co-operatives and also briefly review the
credit unions. The first registered consumer co-operative in Australia
was in Brisbane in 1859, before the separation of Queensland from NSW.
One of Australia's longest surviving Rochdale co-operatives opened
for business in Adelaide in 1868 with nine members. Australian consumer
co-operatives spread widely throughout the country. Many co-operatives
had a fleeting existence and they experienced waves of interest related
to economic conditions and levels of British immigration. (34)
Despite the economic long boom that followed the Australian gold
rushes, Rochdale consumer co-ops peaked in the 1860s against the
background of concerns over unemployment and urban poverty. Concerns
about living standards and disillusionment with the existing political
system led to a second wave of interest in the late 1880s and early
1890s. Over 50 societies were registered in NSW between 1886 and 1900.
Many were short-lived, and when the first official statistics were
collected in 1895, only 19 societies still existed. There was a lull in
registrations from 1895 until 1905 as the economy faced depression and
drought. One of the major reasons for this, as with any economic
downturn, is the difficulty that individuals face in raising sufficient
working capital to set up co-operatives when their economic
circumstances are weakened by unemployment and limited opportunities to
work a full week. In the following decade, against a background of
economic prosperity and rising prices, 55 new societies were registered
in NSW. However, by the end of 1914 only 45 remained, four of which were
in liquidation. While there was little activity during World War I, the
post-war boom and its aftermath provided the conditions for a renewed
interest in consumer co-operatives, particularly given growing concern
over rising prices and declining living standards. There were 31
registrations in NSW alone in the three immediate post-war years, and
during the subsequent three years, new registrations in NSW totalled 22.
By 1923, there were 152 consumer co-operative societies in Australia,
with a membership of 110,000 and a capital of 1,800,000 [pounds
sterling]. While the Depression of the 1930s weakened Rochdale
co-operatives in Australia, the movement grew in the recovery that
followed. Lewis has calculated that while the membership of Rochdale
co-operatives in NSW fell by more than half from 60,000 in 1929 to
24,000 in 1933, their numbers began to recover from 1935. (35)
British immigrants played an important role in introducing Rochdale
principles to coalmining districts, in which retail co-operatives became
a common feature. In 1929, there were 40 consumer co-operatives
operating in NSW, more than a third of which were on the coalfields. In
NSW, the Hunter Valley, the Illawarra, and the Lithgow Valley had some
of the largest and most prosperous societies in the state. Wonthaggi in
Victoria and Collie in Western Australia were also dominant societies.
Rochdale co-operatives also became a feature of rural areas of
Australia, particularly in fruit-growing and poultry breeding districts
such as Eastwood, Sydney, or in towns at important railway junctions,
such as Junee in the Riverina region of NSW. The Denmark Co-operative in
South West Western Australia commenced operations in 1920. Like many
Western Australian rural Rochdales, the Denmark Co-operative remained
small, with only 110 members in 1935. In 1944 local residents at
Nuriootpa, in the Barossa Valley in South Australia, decided to purchase
the local Sheard's Department Store. The store was a profitable
concern, but the owner decided to sell it following the death of his
only son during World War II. Built on the foundations of German
Lutheranism, there was also a strong community movement in Nuriootpa,
where local residents formed committees to provide amenities such as a
swimming pool and kindergarten. While most rural consumer co-operatives
tended to be based in one locality, the Eudunda Farmers'
Co-operative, which was formed in South Australia in 1896, had 44 stores
in multiple locations and 38,104 members by 1943. (37)
Australian Rochdale consumer co-operatives in NSW moved to form
their own wholesale society in the early decades of the twentieth
century. As in the United Kingdom, local Rochdale consumer co-operatives
faced serious challenges including price-cutting by competitors, and the
refusal of supply by some wholesalers concerned with maintaining
relationships with existing businesses. In Australia, the New South
Wales Co-operative Wholesale Society (hereafter NSW CWS), founded in
1912 by four Hunter Valley consumer co-operatives, faced significant
obstacles in its early years, including boycotts by flour millers and
oil companies in the years prior to World War I. Manufacturers,
importers and the agents of overseas companies refused to include the
NSW CWS on their wholesale list. It became clear to the directors of the
NSW CWS that 'the only way to gain recognition was to become cash
buyers on a large scale'. To achieve this 'it was essential
that the whole retail section of the Movement combine and make one
strong buying organization'. (38) Over the following years, the NSW
CWS attracted an increasing number of societies as affiliates. It
launched the Co-operative News in 1923, which was the main journal for
the co-operative movement. A slump in membership occurred in the decade
1924-34, but from 1935 the number of affiliates increased. In 1934, 15
societies were affiliated with the CWS, with the number of affiliates
growing to 37 by 1945. Even so, many consumer co-operatives,
particularly in rural areas, chose to remain independent of the wider
movement. (39) A former manager of the Barossa Community Store at
Nuriootpa remembers going to Newcastle to see the NSW CWS headquarters
and was 'disappointed'. The Community Store indefinitely
deferred consideration of membership of the NSW CWS in September 1949
and does not appear to have sourced goods from there. (40)
The Rochdale co-operatives failed to exploit the potential of the
economic buoyancy of the post-war era. By 1949 the NSW CWS had 110
affiliates, including a number in Victoria. (41) However, the body went
into permanent decline after 1957, and the Co-operative News ceased
publication in 1959. The Co-operative Women's Guilds in Australia
also folded. The Corrimal Co-operative Women's Guild in the
Illawarra, for example, were winding up its operations in December 1966
because their co-operative store had closed and the few remaining
members were 'all pensioners', who 'found it most
difficult to keep going'. (42)
There are a number of explanations for the decline of the Rochdale
Cooperatives in the post-World War II period, including direct
competition from the non-cooperative private sector. The demise of the
Collie Co-operative in Western Australia followed the arrival in the
town of a Coles supermarket, some of whose suppliers refused to supply
the co-operative at wholesale prices and encouraged co-operative
management to buy from Coles at retail prices. There was also indirect
competition associated with the changing nature of retailing,
particularly the rise of chain supermarkets and shopping centres. The
decline of working-class communities in mining areas, the increasing
ownership of automobiles, and poor management are further reasons for
the decline. In rural areas, such as Coolamon, a declining population
due to mechanisation in agriculture and the economies of scale brought
about by the consolidation of rural properties assisted the demise of
the local co-operative. Coolamon also faced competition from the nearby
growing city of Wagga Wagga, which could offer a wider variety of retail
choices. Many otherwise successful co-operatives failed to survive the
economic uncertainties of the post-1974 era. The most spectacular
collapse in Australia was the Newcastle and Suburban Co-operative, which
achieved a peak membership of 95,000 in 1978. There were rumours of
impending insolvency which led to a run on capital in 1979 as 9,000
members left. Despite a freeze on capital withdrawals, which split both
management and shareholders, the co-operative closed in 1981. A
subsequent investigation of the collapse found there were problems such
as overstaffing and inadequate accounting practices. (43)
Where co-operatives found themselves at a major disadvantage was on
the wholesaling side. Supermarkets chains such as Coles and Woolworths
increased their buying power as they increased in size and were
therefore able to offer goods at lower prices than the co-operatives who
relied upon higher profit margins to provide members with the
'divvy'. A blow was struck for the co-operative movement when
the NSW CWS ceased operations in 1979. There were criticisms by
co-operatives of the price and quality of the NSW CWS goods and delays
in providing those goods to the consumer co-operatives. The Co-operative
Federation of NSW (CFNSW), which in 1986 became the Australian
Association of Co-operatives (AAC), did make an attempt to float the
idea of reforming a co-operative grocery-buying group in the early
1980s, but without success. The AAC finally collapsed in 1993 due to
financial problems associated with its internal banking services to
members, with a number of co-operatives losing funds. The AAC had made
some bad loans to the struggling NSW Rochdale consumer co-operative at
Singleton, which also went into liquidation. The CFNSW was reformed in
the wake of the collapse of the AAC, but it now restricts its activities
to lobbying governmental agencies and providing advice on legal and
financial matters. (44)
Gary Lewis' work highlights that the Rochdale movement in
Australia was riddled with divisions and unable to unite around common
goals. A major schism occurred between federalists and individualists.
The federalists subordinated production to consumption and stressed the
loyalty of tied stores to the CWS. They were concerned that autonomous
producer co-operatives would not share their profits with consumers and
would, through a Co-operative Union, dominate the consumer.
Individualists believed that the CWS was necessary but not sufficient to
achieve a Co-operative Commonwealth. They saw production as the primary
act of humanity and feared that the CWS, if dominant, would fritter away
surpluses through endless 'divvies' and be governed by
commercial rather than social imperatives. There were also tensions
between some women in the Guilds and the male-dominated CWS over the
direction of the movement. Women were particularly critical of the
failure of the CWS to move further into manufacturing of its own goods.
The Rochdale movement in Australia was unable to form alliances
with the labour movement and the farmer producer co-operatives. There
was no formal political link, for example, between the Rochdale
co-operatives and the Labor Party, as developed in the United Kingdom.
While George Booth, the Labor member for the NSW state seats of
Newcastle and later Kurri Kurri from 1925 to 1960, was president of the
NSW CWS for many years, this was in an individual capacity. The
co-operative movement regularly appealed for a greater link with the
labour movement, urging unions to invest funds in co-operatives in
preparation for industrial action. In turn, some Rochdale co-operatives
provided credit to striking workers and allowed union closed shops.
Calls within the Rochdale movement in Australia for unions of
co-operative employees and the Co-operative Party did not please trade
unions and the Labor Party. There were also concerns about the political
effectiveness of the Rochdale movement in challenging capitalism and
fears that the co-operatives were reinforcing capitalism through
'business co-operativism'. Despite the claims to the contrary,
some unions believed that in the treatment of employees there was little
difference between the co-operatives and the private sector. The
Rochdale cooperatives were critical of the performance of Labor
Governments. (46) The Co-operative News in January 1931 condemned the
Federal Labor Government for enmeshing 'industry in a sales tax, a
fiendish mass of rules and restrictions and regulations, costly to bear,
costly to impose'. (47) However, at the local level, trade unions,
trade unionists and members of the Communist Party or the Labor Party
were active in their co-operatives. A notable labour activist in
Australia was Jim Healey, the Communist Secretary of the Waterside
Workers' Federation, who was on the board of the North Sydney
Co-operative. As for the rural producer co-operatives, the Rochdale
movement faced similar problems. Farmer co-operatives formed the
Australian Producers' Wholesale Co-operative Federation (APWCF) in
1919 to trade with the English CWS. The NSW CWS, which focussed on
consumption rather than agricultural production, was excluded from this
relationship with the English CWS and clashed with the APWCF on several
occasions on issues such as national organisation and co-operative
legislation. (48)
One issue that highlighted further divisions within the Rochdale
movement and the broader co-operative movement was Aboriginal
co-operatives. From the 1950s to the 1970s the Rev. Alfred Clint, an
Anglican priest, led a movement to bring about economic sustainability
in aboriginal communities through the establishment of co-operatives.
(49) As Clint was to later argue: 'The Aborigines are communal in
their life, and this communal unity is the first step towards
co-operative development'. (50) Many of the co-operatives
eventually collapsed, with Tranby College in Sydney being a significant
survivor as a training centre for Aborigines. While the aboriginal
cooperative movement may not have reached its full potential, Gloria
Kelly from Cabbage Tree Island in Northern NSW remembers that for her
community 'The Co-op made a big difference'. (51) While he won
support from trade unions, Clint faced opposition from the private
non-co-operative sector, the conservative Queensland state government
and even the hierarchy of the Anglican Church. The movement also
highlighted divisions between co-operatives in rural Australia,
including the Rochdale co-operatives, and consumer co-operatives in the
metropolitan and coalmining districts. The former provided little
support for this movement, while the latter provided financial
assistance and training opportunities. Clint attacked the rural
co-operatives for being 'more philosophically Tory than
co-operative' in their outlook and being geared to the
'convenience' of the Australian Country Party, 'which
represents the most conservative section of the Australian
population' and 'big business'. (52)
While the Rochdale movement collapsed in Australia, Rochdale
consumer co-operatives survive, and indeed thrive in several rural
locations. The Barossa Community Store in Nurioopta, for example, had
14,060 members on 31 January 2009 and a trading sales of $58,229 million
(exclusive of GST) for the year ended 31 January 2009. This store paid
$368,439 in interest on members' capital and $524,331 in rebates on
members' purchases for the same period. These co-operatives have
continued to survive for a number of reasons. They have had stable and
effective management and been able to minimise the problem of
outstanding credit, which has led to the collapse of many Rochdale
consumer co-operatives in Australia. The directors have primarily had
backgrounds in small business and farming and have given strong support
to the managers' efforts to run the co-operative on business lines.
The co-operatives have also successfully linked their business survival
to that of the town. The Junee Co-operative, for instance, participated
in efforts by the local business community to assist maintaining the
viability of Junee as a retail centre through emphasising the need to
'buy locally'. The remaining rural co-operatives have also
survived by linking up the Rochdale model with franchising. The Barossa
Community Store as of 31 January 2009 was a franchisee for 10 different
business entities including Foodland IGA supermarkets, Mitre 10 hardware
and Betta Electrical. (53)
Rochdale consumer co-operatives are not the only forms of
co-operative retailing in Australia; there are rural co-operatives that
provide retailing services. The Mt Barker Co-operative in Western
Australia, for example, was initially established in 1918 to serve the
interests of fruit growers with the provision of a packing shed. It
built and operated a power station from 1929 to 1934 when it took over a
struggling local store. (54) A dramatic example of the shift from a
rural co-operative towards retailing is the Macleay Co-operative on
mid-North Coast of NSW, which began as a dairy co-operative with a
butter factory and now focuses on retailing. (55) There are also food
co-operatives formed to allow members to pool their resources to buy
food directly at wholesale prices and then distribute it to members.
There are historical examples of these sort of co-operatives evolving
into Rochdale co-operatives as in the case of Griffith during World War
I; they tend be associated with the counterculture movement of the
1960's and 1970s. (56) Such co-operatives currently exist in Sydney
suburbs such as Manly. As in the USA, these food co-operatives tend be
associated with organic foods, the local food movement and ensuring
environmental sustainability. (57)
While Rochdale consumer co-operatives went into decline, the credit
unions, another significant form of co-operatives, flourished. Gary
Lewis argues that the impetus for credit unions in Australia dates back
to the passage of the NSW Small Loans Facilities Act in 1941. The first
registered credit union--the Homeowner's Cooperative Credit Society
Limited--was established in May 1945. Some purists dismiss these credit
unions as extensions of building societies and friendly societies, and
see the first 'true' credit union to be the Universal Credit
Union established in October 1946. Early credit unions formed in
Australia in 1946 were based on Anglican and Roman Catholic Church
Parish Groups. By 1956 there were approximately 80 credit unions in NSW.
The largest state and peak body called the NSW Credit League was formed
in 1958. However, the credit union movement was weakened by disunity,
with four peak organisations emerging during the 1960s. These divisions
were complicated by the problem that credit unions, like consumer
co-operative societies, were regulated on a state rather than national
basis. National organisation reached its peak with the formation of the
Credit Union Services Corporation (Australia) Limited (CUSCAL) in
January 1992. The credit unions remain perhaps the most vigorous form of
co-operatives in Australia and have been through a process of
amalgamation in recent years to take advantage of new technologies and
to remain competitive with the non-cooperative banking sector. (58)
Lewis has also identified that disunity and ideological
disagreement, most clearly and perennially witnessed through the
traditionalist-modernist divide, has been evident in the Australian
credit union movement since it began in the 1950s. Traditionalists were
opposed to surrendering traditional values, and to the notion that
credit unions put profit before people. Modernists, on the other hand,
argued for a nationally coordinated approach and the development of new
services that attended to the needs of contemporary consumers. Lewis
contends that while at times destructive, the traditionalist-modernist
polemic was managed well, 'forming a creative tension from which
unorthodox but effective solutions to problems emerged from democratic
process, albeit slowly on occasions'. (59) Faced with changing
technology and deregulation in the late 1980s, this ability to adapt to
change is highlighted by Lewis as the key factor in the survival of
credit unions in Australia.
In Australia the credit unions appeared to have had a more positive
relationship with the Labor Party in NSW, where it enjoyed long periods
of government. In the late 1950s and early 1960s the credit unions
gained Labor support in both protecting and developing the movement. In
1960 the movement praised the state Labor Government for passing
legislation that protected the term 'credit union'. After the
election of a Liberal Party/Country Party Government under Robin Askin
in 1965, the credit union movement became more partisan in its support
of the Labor Party, particularly after the state government introduced a
tax on cheque deposits for credit unions. They even extended their
support to the opposition federal Labor Party, led by future Prime
Minister Gough Whitlam, when he gave a commitment to abolish the state
tax. (60)
Employment-Related Consumption
Company and company-supported co-operative stores formed a key part
of the welfare programs of some organisations from the early twentieth
century, particularly those located in remote areas. In contrast to
retail or consumer co-operatives discussed above which involved members
of the general public investing in the shares of the store, company
schemes were financed by the company and by the sale of products. The
Co-operative Councils established to administer company-supported
co-operative stores generally consisted of staff members and employees,
each with equal voting rights.
In contrast to the USA and Canada where workers complained of the
higher prices charged by company stores relative to independent stores,
the majority of company or co-operative stores in Australia were
established to reduce the cost of living in remote towns. Associated
Pulp and Paper Mills at Burnie in Tasmania, for example, provided two
kiosks within the mill premises, run by a Council of employees and
senior staff members. These kiosks sold fruit, vegetables, tobacco and
cigarettes, cordials, confectionery and packaged groceries at the lowest
possible prices. (61) At Port Kembla, the co-operative store selling
boots, clothing, tobacco, household utensils, and general supplies, with
the exception of groceries, was reported in 1920 to have had a saving
effect varying from 15 to 25 per cent. (62)
The BHAS co-operative store at Port Pirie established in 1917 was
an attempt to reduce the high cost of living. Initially, after a
conference with union representatives in 1917, a co-operative wood-yard
was started, reducing the cost of firewood significantly. The company
then made available kerosene at cost price. Following this, a petition
signed by over 80 per cent of the employees asked the company to attack
the cost of living in general, leading to the Co-operative Stores
Scheme, financed by the company. This scheme enabled goods to be
retailed virtually at cost-price. Further, the agreement explicitly
provided that the company would have no share in the profits made by the
store. (63) The store initially dealt only in men's clothing,
tobacco, men's, women's and children's boots, and a few
other lines. As Eklund notes, while these items were directed primarily
towards a male clientele, before long the store began selling groceries,
dairy produce, and other goods of interest to women including drapery.
This suggests a conscious strategy to encourage married men to stay in
Port Pirie. (64)
An additional motivation behind the BHAS co-operative scheme at
Port Pirie, according to Eklund, was the introduction of the Industrial
Code in South Australia in 1920, after which wages were determined by
the Board of Trade using the living wage index. The Board decided on
wage rates for particular regions based on the Commonwealth
Statistician's index of prices as well as other evidence. Thus, by
reducing the cost of living in the area, BHAS could effectively reduce
the wages paid to their employees. (65)
Similarly, as Geoffrey Blainey has documented, the welfare scheme
at Mount Lyell helped to stabilise the cost of living when it was rising
elsewhere in the state. Apart from providing cheap housing, firewood and
electricity, the company established butcheries at the towns of
Gormanston and Linda in 1919, and after pressure from unions and
friendly societies, it sponsored a Co-operative Butcher and Bakery in
Queenstown and opened a general store in Gormanston in 1920. A year
before the 'cheap food' campaign began, the cost of living in
Queenstown was higher than any town in Tasmania. Two years later it had
the cheapest cost of living of the large Tasmanian towns. An arbitration
court judge commented that 'it was difficult to believe that the
cost of living in a remote district like Queenstown, away from shipping
and inland on the west coast of Tasmania, should be less than in
Melbourne'. (66) This saved the company from union demands for
higher wages--demands that closed many fields in the recurring slumps in
the price of copper during this period. (67) Wages could even be reduced
to cut the cost of production without reducing the standard of living.
While some of the leading men at Broken Hill laughed at the Mt Lyell
Company's policy, regarding it as philanthropic scheme that the
unions would exploit, the mine manager contended that 'it's
not welfare, it's self-preservation'. (68) Thus, the company
stores increased managerial control over labour cost and reduced the
influence of unions over the decisions of arbitral tribunals.
As noted previously, the indexation provision in the 1925 Broken
Hill Mines Agreement led employers there to establish a company-financed
'co-operative' store to control prices. The unions, however,
supported the establishment of a Rochdale retail co-operative store and
speakers from the movement visited Broken Hill to promote the idea.
Ultimately, the company store was transformed into a union-orientated
cooperative store based on the Rochdale system. Women, however,
preferred to continue shopping with private retailers. This was despite
the formation of a local branch of the Women's Co-operative Guild,
which aimed to win over working-class women to the co-operative cause.
Ellem and Shields suggest that women did not embrace the co-operative
store as male unionists would have liked because they wished to preserve
one area of autonomy in a male-dominated town. (69)
Another element of the welfare schemes of employers was the
provision of food services for their employees. These ranged from formal
dining areas to hot-food services or cafeterias, although some companies
simply provided the equipment for heating home-brought food of
employees. From as early as the 1890s, some retailers provided dining
rooms for their employees, following from their paternalistic origins.
The retailer Farmers & Co., for example, provided staff luncheon
rooms selling food at nominal cost at both its Sydney Market-street and
Kent-street premises. The Bank of NSW was also a leader in this respect,
establishing its first luncheon room in 1901, and continuing to provide
such amenities as branches were established in other capital cities.
From 1926, the Sydney brewer Tooth & Co. provided midday meals with
an elaborate dining room and a roof garden located in the 'Welfare
Building', separate from the main works. Some public sector
undertakings also experimented with hot food services during the early
decades of the twentieth century. For example, the Commonwealth Bank
offered a subsidised hot meal at midday and afternoon tea, and the
Postal service provided three-course meals at a small cost to employees.
By 1931, the social scientist F.R.E Mauldon found that, of the 76
private enterprises in Australia with organised welfare plans, 53 had
dining rooms and associated facilities. In one company a free hot
luncheon was provided for all employees. The provision of dining rooms
and associated facilities was the most common form of indirect
expenditure on welfare by employers, and involved outlay on comfortable
equipment and/or service for meals at cheap rates. The frequency of this
form of welfare, according to Mauldon, arose 'primarily from the
prohibitions in the various state Factories and Shops Acts of
meal-taking in workrooms, and the requirement, should the trade be
declared to be noxious, that the employees be provided with
accommodation for meals away from their working place'. (71)
However, a number of companies providing meal services were not legally
bound by these prohibitions, while those that were tended to establish
services well above the legal requirement. The provision of food
services was thus a conscious strategy on the part of employers to
influence the consumption habits of their workforce.
A key reason for the provision of food services during these early
years of the twentieth century was the effect it had on organisational
efficiency. The Australian Council of Science and Industry (ACSI)
informed Australian employers in 1919 of the relation between good food,
temperament, health, enjoyment of life, and output:
If health and physical conditions improve, if ailments due to
indigestible or non-nutritive foods decrease, if fatigue and
general sickness diminish, if the craving for alcohol is dulled, if
the workers can eat at leisure, and have a full interval of rest,
recreation, and change, then the restaurant has been a great
success, and its own financial deficit will be more than wiped out
by the increased virility and better work which will ensue. (72)
According to the Council, all these benefits would accrue from
guaranteeing that the workers received at least one substantial,
nutritious meal a day.
Government initiatives during World War II encouraged the spread of
food services through Australian industry. At the federal level, the
Industrial Welfare Division (IWD) of the Department of Labour and
National Service (DLNS) was divided into several branches dealing with
various aspects of welfare in industry. The Food Service Branch
controlled the planning, establishment and operation of food services in
Government factories, and advised private firms on large-scale
industrial catering. This branch appointed a senior dietician in 1943 to
plan menus and test food values in bulk recipes. (73) In addition, the
Factory Welfare Board of the NSW Department of Labour and Industry was
established in June 1942. This Board empowered the State Department to
require employers to provide welfare facilities considered to be
necessary but not dealt with specifically in the NSW Factories Act. The
Board made recommendations to the NSW Minister for Labour and Industry
and Social Services in respect of special measures necessary for the
health and safety of employees including the provision of meals and
dining areas. (74)
The State and Federal authorities enforced the introduction and/or
improvement of food services in Government munitions and aircraft
factories, and those of private contractors involved in the war effort.
Of central importance was the need to attract or direct women from
employment in the better conditions of shops and offices, as well as
from the private sphere of unpaid domestic work. The Government
authorities in control of war industries were faced with problems of
recruitment, labour turnover and absenteeism as a result of the
employment of the largely female and inexperienced workforce. The state
was therefore concerned with easing the process of recruitment, and also
with improving the morale of the workforce in order to minimise worker
unrest. (75) According to the Minister for Labour and National Service
in 1944, the provision of hot meals on the premises was one way to
obtain 'better craftsmanship and products', as well as
'more efficient methods, more harmony and less discontent and
mental distraction'. (76)
The IWD was also active in promoting the value of food services to
private sector employers not involved in the war effort. The windows of
Munitions Buildings advertised the benefits of food services,
photographs of cafeterias and dining rooms were displayed on the walls
of the DLNS reception room of the DLNS, and leaflets and bulletins were
both prepared and distributed by the Department on issues such as
'Industrial Cafeteria Advisory Committees', 'Standard
Recipes for Industrial Cafeterias', 'Fourteen Standard
Salads', and industry specific studies. (77) Such strategies were
continued in the post-war period. In addition, the Food Services Branch
established an Advisory Section in order to provide technical advice and
operational assistance to companies wishing to embark on food service
schemes. A specially trained staff of officers with considerable
experience in the control and management of industrial cafeterias were
retained solely for this function. (78)
Labour shortages in the post-war period led many private companies
to introduce or expand food services in order to attract labour.
Bradford Cotton Mills, for example, set up canteens in the four Mills
operating during the war years. In the immediate post-war period of
rapid expansion, three new decentralised Mills were opened, each with
provisions for canteens 'well above the minimum statutory
standard'. (79) Others such as Jason Industries, Western Australia,
were fortunate to occupy former munitions factories where facilities
were already installed. Management of canteens in post-war Australian
industry generally fell to an outside caterer or a committee
representative of employees and management. (80) One interesting variant
of the usual model of canteens was the Westralian Farmers Co-operative,
which subsidised another co-operative, the Metropolitan Rochdale
Co-operative, to run its staff canteen in Perth. The co-operative was
formed in March 1947 and ceased business in June 1956 for reasons that
are not clear from available records. (81)
Within larger establishments, canteens and hot food services became
common. Companies that had previously not considered providing food
services for their workers, or that provided only minimum facilities,
were encouraged to introduce or improve their own provisions in order to
keep pace with developments. (82) Other companies were obligated to
provide food services through provisions in arbitral awards. Indeed, by
the mid-1960s dining rooms were common provisions in Federal awards, and
in some cases canteens were provided for. (83)
However, to many managers the operation of the works cafeteria
posed constant problems. Complaints of poor service, bad food, high
cost, and inadequate facilities for shift workers filtered up through
the supervisory staff or came direct to the manager from union
officials. Stop-work meetings and strikes on cafeteria matters were not
uncommon in Australian industry. (84) According to Bradford
Cotton's Company's Group Personnel Manager, employees expected
prepared meals to be priced way below outside prices, and although
employees were generally given notice of any proposed price increases,
patronage always suffered a temporary decline. On the advice of the Food
Services Branch, the company set up canteen advisory committees, but by
the mid-1960s these had lapsed, leaving control wholly in the hands of
the company. Indeed, by this point the Personnel Manager felt that
'amenities and provisions for employee welfare are taken for
granted--by all levels of management and employees'. (85)
Workers could also use (or not) food services to express their
wider concerns with employment issues. The David Jones dining room in
Sydney, for example, usually attracted fairly good patronage. However,
following a strike during 1949, attendance was significantly reduced and
there was an 'inexplicable delay in getting back to normal'.
(86) More directly, the workers of the roller-door manufacturers,
Bernard Davidson Ltd vandalised the company cafeteria, leading to their
disciplining by the union. (87)
In general, the value of canteens and other food services as a
means of attracting and retaining employees, of improving efficiency,
and of building a co-operative culture, lay with the level of patronage.
The decision of Chrysler to provide a hot meal service in the 1950s was
taken against discouraging reports from other employers whose experience
suggested little patronage would be expected. (88) Bradford Cotton, for
example, found that the hot meal canteens in both mills in Melbourne
were losing fairly substantial amounts of money in 1946. The situation
had not improved by 1966, the problem arising partially from the
preference of workers to bring food from home or to eat away from the
Mill. The large proportion of 'New Australians' employed by
the company went someway to explaining this, as they preferred their
traditional meals for lunch. (89) Other problems encountered by
companies in attracting patronage included the cost of meals bought from
the canteen relative to the cost of meals brought from home, the length
of time workers had to take meal breaks, and the desire of some workers
to escape the factory grounds in their time off. (90) In general, while
some workers did enjoy the benefits of the works canteen, management
invariably experienced patronage much lower than desired. In turn, this
limited the effectiveness of food services as a means to attract and
retain labour, and to foster worker commitment and loyalty.
Australian labour historians have traditionally been concerned with
the politics of production rather than consumption. One of the major
reasons for this is that the Australian labour movement tried to control
living standards through trade unions and the Labor Party rather than
co-operatives. There were also doubts amongst the more radical ranks
about the value of co-operatives in bringing about a transformation of
capitalism. However, when understanding society, the dynamics of
consumption, and the economic and political elements surrounding it,
should not be neglected or delegated an inferior position in comparison
to production. Collectively consumers can exert a direct influence in
two major ways: firstly by attempting to determine the price, quality
and availability of goods and services through boycotts of particular
products and through the formation of consumer associations that monitor
the prices and quality of goods and services; and secondly by forming
co-operatives to control the provision of goods and services. The
politics of consumption may also extend beyond the private domain to the
workplace through company stores and canteens. While the emergence of
the 'consumer society' has created greater recognition of the
importance of consumption in shaping modern life, this article
demonstrates the historical significance of consumption as an area of
(1.) N. Balnave and G. Patmore, 'The politics of consumption
and co-operation: An overview', Labour History, no. 91, 2006, pp.
(2.) D. Miller, 'Consumption as the vanguard of labour
history. a polemic by way of an introduction', in D. Miller (ed.),
Acknowledging Consumption: A Review of New Studies, Routledge, London,
1995, p. 17. This book provides a very useful a multi-disciplinary
overview of the issue of consumption.
(3.) For the background and principles of Rochdale consumer
co-operatives, see N. Balnave and G. Patmore, '"Practical
utopians": Rochdale consumer co-operatives in Australia and New
Zealand', Labour History, vol. 95, November 2008, pp. 97-99. For
Starr-Bowkett societies, see M. Darnell, 'Freehold property for
mechanics: A brief insight into Starr-Bowkett Societies' in Greg
Patmore, John Shields and Nikola Balnave (eds), The Past is Before Us:
Proceedings of the Ninth National Labour History Conference The
University of Sydney 30 June-2 July 2005, Australian Society for the
Study of Labour History, Sydney, 2005, p. 97.
(4.) Balnave and Patmore, 'The politics of consumption',
p. 1.
(5.) D. Nelson, Managers and Workers: Origins of the New Factory
System in the United States, The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison,
1975, pp. 93-4; H.L. Scamehorn, Mill and Mine: The CF&I in the
Twentieth Century, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 1992, ch. 6;
C. Wright, The Management of Labour: A History of Australian Employers,
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1995, pp. 20-24.
(6.) P. Glennie, 'Consumption within historical studies',
in Miller (ed.), Acknowledging Consumption, pp. 164-66; P. Guerney,
Co-operative Culture and the Politics of Consumption in England
1870-1930, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1996, p. 20.
(7.) V. de Gracia and L. Cohen, 'Introduction',
International Labor and Working-Class History, no. 55, 1999, p. 1.
(8.) Guerney, Co-operative Culture, p. 22.
(9.) E. Ross, A History of the Miners' Federation of
Australia, Australasian Coal and Shale Employees' Federation,
Sydney, 1970, p. 46.
(10.) L.B. Glickman, 'The strike in the temple of consumption:
Consumer activism and twentieth century American political
culture', The Journal of American History, vol. 88, no. 1, 2001, p.
(11.) J. Smart, 'Feminists, food and the fair price: The cost
of living demonstrations in Melbourne, August-September 1917',
Labour History, no. 50, 1986, pp. 1-5.
(12.) Guerney, Co-operative Culture, pp. 21-22
(13.) Ibid., pp. 21-22. Unlike Australia, there are major projects
in the United Kingdom involving historians that bring a
multidisciplinary approach to consumption. These include the Cultures of
Consumption project based around Frank Trentmann at the University of
London and the Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change at the
University of Manchester.
(14.) V. Burgmann, 'In Our Time: Socialism and the Rise of
Labor, 1885-1905, George Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1985; B. Scates, A New
Australia: Citizenship, Radicalism and the First Republic, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, 1997.
(15.) R.W. Connell and T.H. Irving, Class Structure in Australian
History: Poverty and Progress, 2nd edn., Longman Cheshire, Melbourne,
1992, pp. 128, 131.
(16.) E. Eklund, 'The 'anxious class? storekeepers and
the working class in Australia, 1900-1940', in R. Markey (ed.),
Labour and Community: Historical Essays, University of Wollongong Press,
Wollongong, 2001, p. 234.
(17.) E. Eklund, 'Retail co-operatives as a transnational
phenomenon: Exploring the composition of Australian colonial society and
culture', Journal of Australian Colonial History, vol. 9, 2007, p.
(18.) N. Arrowsmith and R. Markey, 'Co-operation in Australia
and the Illawarra', in R. Hood and R. Markey (eds), Labour and
Community: Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference of the
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History, Illawarra Branch,
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History, Wollongong, 1999,
pp. 201-205; L. Blackley, '"You didn't admit you were
hard up": Working-class notions of moral community' in Hood
and Markey (eds), Labour and Community, pp. 21-22; H. Lee,
'Workforce and community 1880-1904' in J. Hagan and H. Lee
(eds), A History of Work and Community in Wollongong, Halstead Press,
Rushcutters Bay, nd, pp. 70-75; J. McQuilton, 'Community
1940-1980', in Hagan and Lee (eds), A History of Work and
Community, pp. 147-149.
(19.) G. Lewis, A Middle Way: Rochdale Co-operatives in New South
Wales 1859-1986, published for the Australian Association of
Co-operatives Ltd, Sydney by Brolga Press, Curtin, ACT, c1992, p. xvii;
G. Lewis, People Before Profit: The Credit Union Movement in Australia,
Wakefield Press, Kent Town, SA, 1996, pp. xxiv, 42-43, 46, 298.
(20.) G. Reekie, 'Decently dressed? Sexualised consumerism and
the working women's wardrobe 1918-1923', Labour History, no.
61, 1991, pp. 42-56; A. Stephen, 'Selling soap: Domestic work and
consumerism in the inter-war years', Labour History, no. 61, 1991,
pp. 57-69; R. Walker, 'Aspects of working-class life in industrial
Sydney', Labour History, no. 58, pp. 36-47.
(21.) Smart, 'Feminists, food and the fair price', pp.
113-131; See also Smart's later work: 'A mission to the home:
The Housewives Association, the Woman's Christian Temperance Union
and Protestant Christianity, 1920-1949', Australian Feminist
Studies, vol.13, issue 28, 1998, pp. 215-234 and 'The politics of
the small purse: The mobilization of housewives in interwar
Australia', International Labor and Working Class History, no. 77,
2010, pp. 48-68.
(22.) R. Markey, 'New South Wales trade unions and the
co-operative principle in the 1890s', Labour History, no. 49, 1985,
pp. 51-60; R.B. Walker, 'The ambiguous experiment: Agricultural
co-operatives in New South Wales', Labour History, no. 18, 1970,
pp. 19-31.
(23.) Markey, 'New South Wales trade unions', p. 51.
(24.) Walker, 'The ambiguous experiments, pp. 26-27.
(25.) P. Cochrane, 'The Wonthaggi Coal Strike, 1934',
Labour History, no. 27, 1974, pp. 12-30; B. Ellem and J. Shields,
'Making a "union town": Class, gender and consumption in
inter-war Broken Hill, Labour History, no. 78, 2000, pp. 116-140; A.
Salt, 'Women on the northern coalfields of NSW', Labour
History, no. 48, 1985, pp. 44-53.
(26.) D. Green, 'The 1918 strike of the medical profession
against Friendly Societies in Victoria', Labour History, no. 46,
1984, pp. 72-87; R.V. Jackson, 'Building Societies and the workers
in Melbourne in the 1880s', Labour History, no. 47, 1984, pp.
28-38; D. Weinbren and Bob James, 'Getting a grip: The roles of
Friendly Societies in Australia and Britain reappraised', Labour
History, no. 88, 2005, pp. 96-8.
(27.) N. Balnave and G. Patmore, 'Practical utopians: Rochdale
Consumer Co-operatives in Australia and New Zealand', Labour
History, no. 95, 2008, pp. 97-110; See thematic section in Labour
History, no. 91, 2006.
(28.) N. Balnave and G. Patmore, 'Marketing community and
democracy: Rural Rochdale co-operatives in Australia', Consumption,
Markets and Culture, vol. 13, no. 1, 2010, pp. 61-78; N. Balnave and G.
Patmore, 'Rochdale consumer co-operatives: A case of rural
survival', Journal of Co-operative Studies, vol. 41, no. 1, 2008,
pp. 11-21.
(29.) G. Boyce and S. Ville, The Development of Modern Business,
Palgrave, NY, 2002, pp. 268-271; K. Humphery, Shelf Life: Supermarkets
and the Changing Cultures of Consumption, Cambridge University Press,
Melbourne, 1998, p. 51; G. Reekie, Temptations: Sex, Selling and the
Department Store, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1993, p.124.
(30.) B. Kingston, Basket, Bag and Trolley: A History of Shopping
in Australia, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1994, pp. 32-33.
(31.) Co-operative News, 1 October 1925, p. 5; 1 August 1928, p. 4.
(32.) E. Eklund, '"Intelligently directed welfare
work"?: Labour management strategies in local context: Port Pirie,
1915-1929', Labour History, no. 76, 1999, p. 131; Ellem and
Shields, 'Making a union town', pp. 116-140; E. Eklund,
'Managers, workers, and industrial welfarism', Australian
Economic History Review, vol. 37, no. 2, 1997, p. 150.
(33.) M. Kerr, 'Labour management practices in non-union
firms: Australian Abrasive Industry 1945-1970', Labour History, no.
92, May 2007, p. 84; G. Reekie, '"Humanising Industry":
Paternalism, welfarism and labour control in Sydney's big stores,
1890-1930', Labour History, no. 53, 1987, pp. 14-15; S. Stevens,
'A social tyranny: The truck system in colonial Western Australia,
1829-1899', Labour History, no. 80, 2001, pp. 83-98; Wright, The
Management of Labour, pp. 21-4, 33-4, 61-4. N. Balnave 'Commitment
and efficiency through food: Food services in Australian industry,
1890-1965', in B. Bowden and J. Kellett (eds), Transforming Labour:
Work, Workers, Struggle and Change, 8th National Labour History
Conference Proceedings, Griffith University, South Bank, Brisbane, 3-5
October 2003, Brisbane Labour History Association, Brisbane, 2003, pp.
(34.) The Co-operative News, 1 March 1925, p. 12; H. Heaton, Modern
Economic History with Special Reference to Australia, Workers'
Educational Association, Adelaide, 1925, p. 305; Lewis, A Middle Way, p.
(35.) Co-operative News, 1 March 1925, p.12, Heaton, Modern
Economic History, p. 305; W.K. McConnell, 'Consumers'
co-operation in New South Wales', The Economic Record, vol. v, no.
9, 1929, pp. 263-264.
(36.) N. Balnave and G. Patmore, 'Localism and Rochdale
co-operation: The Junee District Co-operative Society', Labour
History, no. 91, 2006, p. 49.
(37.) Balnave and Patmore, 'Rochdale consumer co-operatives in
Australia, p. 19; E. Jensen, Barossan Foundations, Nuriootpa War
Memorial Community Centre Committee, Nuriootpa, 1969, pp. 157-170.
McConnell, 'Consumers' co-operation in New South Wales',
pp. 267-269; P. Smith, Fruits of Frugality: Eudunda Farmers, 100 years,
1896 1996, Eudunda Farmers Limited, Kent Town, 1997, p. 19.
(38.) E. O'Neil, History of the Co-operative Wholesale Society
of NSW from 1912 to 1948, p. 19, unpublished typescript, University of
Newcastle Archives, B8045.
(39.) Ibid., pp. 19-23.
(40.) Community Co-operative Store (Nuriootpa) minutes, 21
September 1949 (held at the Barossa Community Store, Nuriootpa);
Interview with Mary Hatch, Harold Hoffman, Bert Schulz, Former Barossa
Community Store Employees, Nuriootpa, 16 March 2010.
(41.) Co-operative News, 1 April 1950, p. 18.
(42.) Letter from B. Arrowsmith to A. Clint, 12 December 1966. Alf
Clint Papers, Tranby Aboriginal College Archives, Glebe, Sydney,
(43.) N. Balnave and G. Patmore, 'Marketing community and
democracy: Rural Rochdale co-operatives in Australia', Consumption,
Markets and Culture, vol. 13, no. 1, 2010, p. 72; Interview by Greg
Patmore with Trevor Mandry, former assistant manager, Collie
Co-operative, 20 June 2007; Lewis, A Middle Way, pp. 218-219; K. Webber
and I. Hoskins, What's in Store? A History of Retailing in
Australia, Powerhouse Publishing, Sydney, 2003, p. 29.
(44.) Australian Financial Review, 8 March 1993, p. 20; Balnave and
Patmore, 'Localism and Rochdale co-operation', pp. 64-5;
Interview with Mary Hatch, Harold Hoffman, Bert Schulz, Former Barossa
Community Store Employees, Nuriootpa, 16 March 2010; Sydney Morning
Herald, 11 March 1993, p. 4.
(45.) Lewis, A Middle Way, p. xvii; O'Neil, History of the
Co-operative Wholesale Society, pp. 29-30, 49.
(46.) Lewis, A Middle Way, pp. 105-6; H. Radi, P. Spearitt and E.
Hinton, Biographical Register of the NSW Parliament 1901-1970, ANU
Press, Canberra, 1979, p. 21.
(47.) Co-operative News, 1 January 1931, p. 1.
(48.) Lewis, A Middle Way, pp. 94, 167, 182-5.
(49.) E. Morris, 'Clint, William Alfred (1906-1980)',
Australian Dictionary of Biography, vol. 13, Melbourne University Press,
1993, pp. 444-445; N. Loos and R. Keast, 'The radical promise: The
Aboriginal christian co-operative movements, Australian Historical
Studies, vol. 25, no. 99, p. 290.
(50.) W.A. Clint, '"Aboriginal Co-operatives", in
ABM Christian Community Co-operative Ltd, Tranby Co-operative School.
February 23-27 1959, Sydney, p. 1
(51.) NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change, Aboriginal
Women's Heritage: Ballina and Cabbage Tree Island, Sydney, 2007, p.
(52.) Letter from A. Clint to J. Trotter, 20.12.1971. Alf Clint
Papers, Tranby Aboriginal College Archives, Glebe, Sydney, ACP/132.
(53.) Balnave and Patmore, 'Localism and Rochdale
co-operation', pp. 61-2; Barossa Community Store, Notice of Annual
General Meeting: Concise Annual Report 2009, pp. 3-4, 29.
(54.) The Albany Advertiser, 29 November 1968, pp. 11, 14, 16.
(55.) C. Rhodes, McClae. The Centenary History of the Macleay
Regional Co-operative Limited. 1905-2005, Macleay Regional Co-operative,
Kempsey, 2005.
(56.) D. Bisset and D. Crossley, 'Organising a food
co-op', in M. Smith and D. Crossley (eds), The Way Out: Radical
Alternatives in Australia, Lansdowne Press, Melbourne, 1975, pp.
(57.) Manly Food Co-operative, (accessed 9 Feb 2010).
(58.) L. Cutcher and M. Kerr, 'The shifting meaning of
mutuality and co-operativeness in the credit union movement from 1959 to
1989', Labour History, no. 91, 2006, pp. 31-46; Lewis, People
Before Profit.
(59.) Lewis, People Before Profit, p. 43.
(60.) Cutcher and Kerr, 'The shifting meaning of
mutuality', pp. 37-9.
(61.) C.O. Turner, 'One day's stoppage in twenty
years', Personnel Practice Bulletin, vol. XV, no. 2, 1959, p. 21.
(62.) ACSI, Industrial Co-opperation in Australia, pp. 20-21.
(63.) If profit was made in any half-year after all contingencies
had been provided for, at the direction of the Council it would be
carried to reserve and used in the business, distributed among
customers, or used for any 'benevolent or philanthropic
purpose', ibid, p. 11.
(64.) Ibid., p.11; Eklund, '"Intelligently directed
welfare work"?', 1999, p. 140.
(65.) E. Eklund, '"Intelligently directed welfare
work"? Broken Hill Associated Smelters and attempts to create
company loyalty at Port Pirie, 1915-1925', Paper presented to the
Fifth National Conference of the Australian Society for the Study of
Labour History, 1997, pp. 8-9; Eklund, '"Intelligently
directed welfare work"?', 1999, p. 140.
(66.) G. Blainey, The Peaks of Lyell, St. David's Park
Publishing, Hobart, 1993, p. 225.
(67.) G. Blainey, The Rush That Never Ended: A History of
Australian Mining, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1978, p. 306.
(68.) Blainey, The Peaks of Lyell, p. 226.
(69.) Ellem and Shields, 'Making a 'union town'.
(70.) G. Reekie, '"Humanising industry":
Paternalism, welfarism and labour control in Sydney's big stores
1890-1930', Labour History, no. 53, November 1987, p.14; Bank of
NSW Archives, 82-26, 1105, Address by the General Manager, 17/4/51;
Advisory Council of Science and Industry (ACSI), Welfare Work, Bulletin
No.15, Melbourne, 1919, pp. 30, 60, 61; Noel Butlin Archive Centre,
Australian National University, Tooth & Co, N20/2292, Welfare
Scheme, 8/12/26.
(71.) F.R.E. Mauldon, 'Cooperation and welfare in
industry', in D. Copland (ed.), 'An economic survey of
Australia', The Annals of the American Academy of Political and
Social Science, November 1931, p. 186.
(72.) ACSI, Welfare Work, pp. 76-79.
(73.) 'IWD (Industrial Welfare Division), Report of Activities
for the Fortnight Ending 14/8/43', Australian Archives (hereafter
AA), Series SP 113/1, 180/4/2; Wright, The rise of modern labour
management, p. 57.
(74.) Memorandum for The Secretary, Department of Munitions, from
R.G. Baxter, Director, IWD, 24 May 1943, AA, Series SP113/1, item
560/2/2; Memorandum from the Minister for Labour and National Service,
28 September 1942, AA, Series SP113/1, item 560/2/2.
(75.) Memorandum to the Director-General, Dept. War Organisation of
Industry, Melbourne, from Deputy Director, Department of Labour and
National Service, Sydney, 13/1/44, AA, Series SP 113/1, item 560/2/1;
Memorandum for The Director-General, Dept. War Organisation of Industry,
Melbourne, 13/1/44, AA, Series SP 113/1, item 560/2/1.
(76.) Correspondence to N. Curphey, Esq., Secretary, Victorian
Chamber of Manufactures from E.J. Holloway, Minister for Labour and
National Service, 5/5/44. AA, SP 113/1, 560/2/2.
(77.) 'Window displays', AA, Series SP 146/1, item
573/1/1, Part II; 'Case Review', 17 March 1945, AA, Series SP
146/1, item 573/1/1 Part II; 'Photographs of Cafeterias--Private
Industry', Minute from B.R. Bennett, Senior Inspectorate, DLNS, to
Area Controller, Food Services Branch, Sydney, 9/2/45, SP 146/1, 573/1/1
pt II; 'Distribution of Reference Material', 22 May 1947, AA,
Series SP 146/1, item 572/8/8; DLNS Minute, 26/3/45, AA, Series SP
146/1, item 573/1/1; Correspondence to Mr. Vance Palmer from Baxter,
Director, IWD, Sydney, 17/4/44, AA, SP 146/1, 573/1/1, Part II.
(78.) Items 572/8/8; 574/2/4; 574/3/2, AA, Series SP 146/1;
'Distribution of Reference Material', 22/5/47, AA Series SP
146/1, item 573/3/3; 'Review Digest of "Amenities in Wartime
Factories"', Circular, 2 February 1946, AA, SP 146/1, 572/5/3,
Part II; Correspondence from J.P. Carrington, Acting Assistant Director,
IWD to General Manager, Bradford Cotton Mills, 12 September 1946, AA,
Series SP 146/1, item 575/3/13.
(79.) P. Griffin, 'Employee welfare in a textile
company', Personnel Practice Bulletin, vol.22, no.1, March 1966, p.
(80.) J.S. Bridge, 'Welfare in a medium-size Australian
factory', Personnel Practice Bulletin, vol. 15, no.2, 1959, pp.
12-13; N. Shaw, 'Works canteen controlled by employees',
Manufacturing and Management, May 15, 1947, p. 424.
(81.) File 15/47 Metropolitan Rochdale Co-operative Society
Ltd--Annual Returns. State Records Office of Western Australia.
(82.) For example, the Colonial Sugar Refining Company began to
realise that conditions in parts of their older factories were not as
good as they could have been, and the initiative was subsequently taken
to build new dining rooms, along with other amenities, Colonial Sugar
Refinery, South Pacific Enterprise: The Colonial Sugar Refining Company
Limited, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1956, p. 268.
(83.) C.P. Mills and G.H. Sorrell, Federal Industrial Laws, 4th
edn, Butterworths, Sydney, 1968, p.237.
(84.) Shaw, 'Works canteen controlled by employees', p.
(85.) Griffin, 'Employee welfare in a textile company',
p. 27.
(86.) 'Recreation Club David Jones', Minute, 15 September
1949, AA, Series SP 146/1, item 582/2/14.
(87.) Wright, The Rise of Modern Labour Management, p. 192.
(88.) H.V. Wallage, 'Welfare without waste', Personnel
Practice Bulletin, vol. 24, no. 2, 1968, p. 142.
(89.) Correspondence from Managing Director of Bradford Cotton
Mills Ltd, Sydney, to Acting-Asst. Director, IWD, DLNS, Sydney, 16
September 1946, AA, SP Series 146/1, item 575/3/13; Griffin,
'Employee welfare in a textile company', p. 27; Bradford
Cotton Mills, Annual Personnel Report, Footscray Mill, July 1955-June
1958, Private collection of Chris Wright.
(90.) Shaw, 'Works canteen controlled by employees', p.
Nikola Balnave and Greg Patmore *
* This article has been peer-reviewed for Labour History by two
external referees.
Nikola Balnave is a Senior Lecturer in Employment Relations at the
University of Western Sydney. Her main focus of research is currently
co-operatives in Australasia. Nikola is the federal president of the
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History.
Greg Patmore is the Professor of Business and Labour History in the
School of Business at the University of Sydney. He is currently writing
with Nikola Balnave a history of the Barossa Community Store in South
Australia. He also has an ARC Discovery Grant to examine forms of
non-union employee representation in Australia, Canada, Germany, the
United Kingdom and the USA during the interwar period.