Lessons from failure: fiscal policy, indulgence and ideology.
Wren-Lewis, Simon
Macroeconomic theory clearly suggests that at the zero lower bound,
fiscal contraction will reduce output and slow any recovery. Yet in 2010
the focus of fiscal policy in many countries switched from supporting
activity to reducing debt, despite the fact that the recovery from
recession often appeared weak. While high levels of public debt can
explain this switch in some countries, it does not provide a
satisfactory account in others. In addition, the possibility of using
balanced budget fiscal expansion or tax switches that bring forward
spending remain largely unexplored. This paper suggests that policy has
been influenced by an opposition to countercyclical fiscal policy which
has ideological roots.
Keywords: Countercyclical fiscal policy; government debt; deficit
bias; balanced budget fiscal expansion
JEL Classifications: A14; E62; E63: E65; H63
I. Introduction
"The tragedy of our current economic mess is that the solution
to our problems is not, in fact, mysterious--basic macroeconomics,
macroeconomics that has worked quite well in the last two years, shows
the way. But the men in suits have decided that they know better. "
Paul Krugman, 13/09/10
Over the past thirty years, macroeconomics has made tremendous
progress in knowing how to deal with modest macroeconomic shocks. The
great moderation period demonstrated that an active monetary policy,
coupled with explicit or implicit inflation targets and operated by
independent central banks, could stabilise both output and inflation.
(1) Unfortunately what is now becoming increasingly clear is that
policymakers are not able to deal with large negative macroeconomic
During the first phase of the current recession, the prognosis about how macroeconomic policy responds to a large negative shock looked
more optimistic. Monetary policy cut interest rates rapidly and as far
as possible (although with hindsight US policymakers did rather better
than those in Europe), and fiscal policy was actively used both in the
US, the UK, China and other countries. Lessons from the 1930s appeared
to have been learnt. However the use of discretionary countercyclical
fiscal policy was opposed by many. Partly as a result, fiscal action was
insufficient to prevent large falls in output across the globe.
In 2010 the view of policymakers (the 'men in suits'
referred to in Krugman's quote above) changed decisively towards
the need for austerity to reduce public debt. The likely consequence is
that in many countries the recovery will not close the output gap for a
number of years. This will waste a huge amount of resources, and cause
widespread unhappiness. So we have a failure of macroeconomic policy:
not on the same scale of the 1930s, but a failure of substantial
proportions nevertheless. This paper is about why that has occurred.
For many economists policy failure can be put down to the inability
of politics to control public debt during the period before the
recession: what is often called deficit bias. This is the indulgence referred to in the title. It is clearly the case that past deficit bias
has made fiscal expansion more difficult, and for a few countries it has
become impossible. However, is high debt a sufficient explanation for
why fiscal expansion has been abandoned? This paper makes two points
which suggest it is not.
1) Not all countercyclical fiscal policy needs to involve an
increase in debt. A failure to use balanced budget fiscal expansions has
to be explained some other way.
2) The debt situation has not been a critical problem (a problem
that has to be addressed immediately) for many countries. In those
countries fiscal expansion today, followed by austerity tomorrow, is
technically both feasible and probably optimal from a macroeconomic
point of view. It may not be feasible politically, but those who oppose
it have not generally focused on this political constraint. Instead they
have argued either that fiscal expansion is unnecessary or ineffective.
Both of these points suggest another factor beside past indulgence
that could be playing some part in explaining the current failure of
macroeconomic policy to ensure a rapid recovery from recession. This
paper suggests it is ideology. In the 1970s, when macroeconomic theory
was ruled by 'competing schools of thought', it would have
been commonplace to link different macroeconomic models with ideological
and political positions. More recently that situation appeared to
change. The microfoundations programme provided a unifying device,
which, although not eliminating disagreement, at least meant that
macroeconomists by and large talked the same language. However, the
current debate suggests that this does not mean that policy discussion
among macroeconomists has become ideologically free.
The paper begins, in Section 2, by attacking the proposition of
'irrelevance', which states that no fiscal action is required
because recovery is underway. The point that policy should not be
content with modest growth because this reduces the output gap rather
slowly is straightforward but appears to require repeating. Section 3
discusses indulgence, both in terms of what causes deficit bias, how
much this has prevented more extensive countercyclical action, and
whether the macroeconomics discipline has focused enough on this
problem. Section 4 looks at other arguments against expansionary fiscal
policy. The section is titled 'ignorance', because such
arguments appear to contradict the basic consensus model that is the
basis of modern macroeconomics. It is sometimes said that those arguing
against the effectiveness of fiscal policy are assuming a world of price
flexibility, but this paper will argue that this argument is not tenable when we hit a zero lower bound for interest rates. Section 5 suggests
that there is a strong ideological element both in the opposition to
countercyclical fiscal policy and the denial of its effectiveness.
Section 6 concludes.
2. Irrelevance: it will be all right in the end
In the UK, the recent move to fiscal austerity at the low point of
the recession has a distinct feeling of deja vu about it. In 1981, a
Conservative government tightened fiscal policy at a very similar point
in the business cycle. Then, as now, the majority of UK economists
publicly protested against this move. There are of course important
differences between the two periods: in 1981 the problem was primarily
inflation, whereas now it is large budget deficits. Yet to the extent
that there is a received wisdom about this period, it is depressing. The
view of many seems to be that the concerns expressed by 364 economists
in their famous letter to The Times were unwarranted, because the
economy expanded quite rapidly from about 1981 onwards. (See Smith,
2009, for example.)
I would certainly agree that the famous letter itself made little
intellectual sense. For those who remember the intellectual chaos that
was macroeconomics at the time, getting that number of economists to
agree on anything that was half sensible would have been impossible. The
key issue, however, is not the details of the letter, but whether the
government was right to tighten fiscal policy at the low point of the
recession. UK unemployment remained persistently high through most of
the 1980s. There is no evidence that the fiscal contraction in 1981
increased growth thereafter, or that the economy could not have
recovered more rapidly than it did. Instead, as Nickell (2006) writes
"By ensuring that subsequent output growth was below trend for a
number of years, it did indeed deepen the depression just as predicted.
Furthermore, it was unnecessarily tight in the sense that a somewhat
looser policy would still have raised unemployment far enough above its
equilibrium level to bring inflation down over a reasonable
period.'' (2)
This sense of deja vu is intensified by reading some of the
commentary about prospects looking ahead. Staying with the UK economy,
an IMF report (IMF, 2010) published in November 2010 contains a section
entitled 'To Tighten, or Not to Tighten--UK Fiscal Policy in the
Public Debate'. The report gives four reasons in favour of current
tightening. Thankfully none argue that fiscal expansion would not work
in increasing output in the short run; the IMF had earlier encouraged
governments to use fiscal action to support the economy during the
initial stages of the recession. Two of the arguments relate to debt,
which will be discussed later. But the other two are that (a) the
recovery is underway, with the expectation of 'solid growth'
ahead, and (b) we do not know how much spare capacity there actually is.
These two arguments appear very weak.
What is meant by solid growth? The main text of the report says
"growth is projected to rise gradually to 2 1/2 per cent in the
medium term, only slowly closing the output gap." The last point is
crucial: solid growth so defined means a drawn out recovery with
persistently high unemployment. In the UK and elsewhere the rise in
unemployment is concentrated amongst the young; youth unemployment is
now at 20 per cent. The dangers of long-term unemployment among those
without work-based skills are well known, in part because of the UK
experience in the early 1980s.
It is certainly true that the extent of spare capacity in the goods
market is unclear. (In the UK there are some unusual puzzles, but these
look idiosyncratic, and are not present in the US.) However the one
clear indicator of spare capacity we have is unemployment, and that has
increased substantially and remains high. (3) There is no evidence that
this increase in unemployment is predominantly either a voluntary choice
by workers or a sudden emergence of skill mismatch. (Of course, the
longer this unemployment continues, the risk that unemployment will
become structural rises.) More generally, there is always a risk that we
will hit capacity constraints sooner than expected. Yet it is incredible
to argue that we are currently at full capacity, and a 'solid
recovery' that has growth only moderately above the growth in
potential implies a drawn out recovery with large economic and social
costs. So there remains a clear prima facie case for using fiscal policy
to increase the pace of recovery rather than the opposite.
The key problem with arguments that point to the risks that we will
hit capacity constraints sooner than is expected is that they ignore
monetary policy. Although the zero bound prevents conventional monetary
policy from assisting the recovery, it can still be used very quickly to
dampen things down if a recovery does get out of control, and core
inflation starts to rise. (4) A key difference between now and the 1970s
is that monetary policy is in the hands of central banks rather than
governments, and in most cases there is little reason to worry that
central banks will be shy about raising interest rates if core inflation
does begin to rise above target. (Indeed, as we will note in section 4,
it is in part their reluctance to contemplate inflation moving above
target that has blunted the effectiveness of 'unconventional'
monetary policy at the lower bound.)
Hopefully the move from fiscal expansion to austerity that occurred
in many countries in 2010 may not result in a lost decade for the world
as a whole. However, this is not the relevant yardstick. There is no
reason why a recovery from a large negative shock should not be as rapid
as possible, thereby minimising the distress that the downturn creates.
It certainly makes no sense to take action that is bound to slow that
recovery from what it otherwise would have been, unless there is some
overriding reason to do so. Yet that is exactly the effect of the fiscal
policy switch that occurred in 2010, and this paper seeks to examine why
that switch happened.
3. Indulgence
The near default in Greek government debt in early 2010 was
decisive in changing the consensus among policymakers from tentative
fiscal expansion to austerity. Yet it is important to recognise that, in
the case of Greece, the sharp rise in debt caused by the recession was
not in itself the problem. Instead it brought to light an underlying
fiscal position which was not sustainable. Equally, the fiscal position
in Ireland became problematic largely because of the decision to
guarantee the deposits of Irish banks. The recession may also have
exposed how the previous housing boom had flattered the Irish
government's fiscal position, but this again suggests the true
problem predated the recession.
This point is important because it shows that problems of debt
default have no implications for the possibility of countercyclical
policy in principle, but have everything to do with the cyclically
adjusted state of the public finances. Default becomes possible when
there is a significant chance that government may be unwilling to impose
the level of taxes required to service its debts. (5) A recession will
raise debt but, once the recession is over, tax receipts should return
to their pre-recession levels. So the increase in debt caused by the
recession and any countercyclical policy that went with it will only
push the economy into default territory if the economy was already close
to that position (or if the government guarantees the deposits of a
large insolvent banking sector).
Debt default, and the high risk premiums that go with that
possibility, are not so much a result of recession as the consequences
of indulgence before it. In the period from the mid-1970s to the
mid-1990s, OECD debt rose from around 40 per cent of GDP to around 75
per cent of GDP. There is no apparent economic justification for this
increase, and for this reason it is often labelled 'deficit
Deficit bias: causes and cures
A number of explanations for deficit bias have been proposed in the
literature (see Calmfors and Wren-Lewis (2011) for a detailed discussion
and literature references). One possibility is very pessimistic: that
the current generation does not care enough about future generations,
and so tries to take resources away from them. This explanation is
consistent with other mechanisms that do the same, like climate change,
unfunded social security schemes or rising house prices. It is
pessimistic because it is unclear why a popularly elected government
would ever have an incentive to do anything about it.
Another possibility is that deficit bias is a strategic response of
political parties (and their supporters) to elections. A government in
power knows that it may lose a future election. It then may be optimal
for it to build up debt, which will then constrain the actions of the
opposition if they gain power. Here it might be possible to get both
parties to agree not to use this mechanism just before an election with
uncertain outcome, but it would require some commitment mechanism to
enforce it once one party had won.
A similar but conceptually different story arises if governments
are more impatient because politicians may lose power. In these
circumstances, they will put too little weight on the long-run
consequences of fiscal decisions, which may imply that there will be a
tendency for debt to rise inexorably over time. If the electorate is
unable to punish governments of this type (because, for example,
elections are fought over many issues) then we require some other device
that might restrain impatient politicians.
Common pool theory provides both a plausible and testable account
of why deficit bias might occur. The idea is that individual tax cuts or
spending increases benefit small groups a great deal, but have a much
smaller cost to everyone else. As a result, these groups lobby for these
fiscal benefits without internalising the overall cost. The idea can be
mirrored within a cabinet, where each spending minister pushes his own
programmes, and only the finance minister is in a position to prevent
excessive overall spending. In this account, deficit bias is more likely
in governments that are more fragmented, and there is empirical evidence
to support this. Here deficit bias can be counteracted by some device
that increases the power of the finance minister in any negotiations.
Finally deficit bias may arise because of a lack of information
available to the electorate. Governments may deliberately exploit this,
for example by falsely suggesting that fiscal benefits announced shortly
before an election are consistent with long-term fiscal responsibility.
Alternatively governments may be overoptimistic about the consequences
of their policies on long-term growth, and therefore future tax
receipts, and the public is unaware of this over-optimism. Here an
institution that could provide the public with unbiased information
might mitigate this source of deficit bias.
The device that is normally prescribed to avoid deficit bias is
some form of fiscal rule. Unfortunately international experience with
fiscal rules over the past twenty years or so has not been that
successful. There appears to be an inherent problem in trading off
enforceability and optimality. No simple fiscal rule (like a balanced
budget) is likely to be optimal. As we will note below, there are good
reasons for allowing debt to act as a buffer for fiscal shocks, and
furthermore that this buffer should correct only very slowly. However
complex rules that might approximate optimal fiscal policy are likely to
be easy to fudge. A clear example is cyclical correction, which is a
calculation that is both important to implement and easy to distort.
More recently, a number of countries (with the encouragement of
international bodies like the IMF, OECD and European Commission) have
set up 'fiscal councils' to work alongside fiscal rules.
Fiscal councils are independent institutions set up by the state whose
task it is to monitor the government's finances. New fiscal
councils in countries including Canada, Sweden, and the UK have now
joined more longstanding bodies in the US, Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium
and elsewhere. As Calmfors and Wren-Lewis (2011) note, these
institutions differ widely in size, structure and scope, and it is too
early to say how successful they will be. However, they do have the
potential to mitigate some of the causes of deficit bias outlined above.
They can provide information that might expose fiscal bribes and
over-optimistic forecasts. They can apply political pressure that may
restrain impatient politicians or bolster the power of a finance
minister over his or her colleagues.
All of the fiscal councils that currently exist are advisory bodies
only. If these bodies establish a reputation for sound advice, then one
possibility would be to give them some formal power. Of course
individual tax and spending decisions have to remain in democratic
hands, but it is possible to imagine a fiscal council prescribing the
overall budget deficit that a government has to aim for. This would
amount to fiscal policy delegation that was similar in extent to
existing monetary policy delegation to central banks. (The comparison
between monetary and fiscal policy delegation is explored in detail in
Wren-Lewis, 2011.) Whether this possibility is ever put into practice
may depend on how effective advisory fiscal councils turn out to be in
tackling deficit bias.
Why deficit bias might, or might not, prevent fiscal expansion
There are two main arguments that link deficit bias with the
undesirability of fiscal expansion. Both may be valid for some
countries, but do not necessarily apply to all. The first argument notes
that for those countries suffering a debt crisis, fiscal expansion is
impossible. As we noted above, this crisis reflects past deficit bias
(or the socialisation of banking debts). However deficit bias (and
potential banking problems) appears to have been present in most
countries to a greater or lesser extent. As a result, it is suggested,
most countries with high debt are potentially vulnerable to a market-led
debt crisis, and this prevents any possibility of additional
countercyclical fiscal policy in those countries.
An alternative to default, when most government debt is in nominal
domestic currency terms, is inflation. This is not an option for an
individual member of the Euro Area, because it would require inflation
across all Euro Area countries. However, for countries like Japan, the
US and the UK, it is probably a preferable and more palatable alternative to default. Yet there is as yet no sign in the markets in
those countries that significantly higher inflation is anticipated.
These countries also appear at the moment to be able to borrow at very
low interest rates. Instead, it may be that the Euro Area countries
currently in trouble are more of a special case.
Another problem with the 'fear of default is just around the
corner' argument is that it seems especially inapplicable to the
world as a whole. Globally the evidence points to a shortage of safe
assets rather than a glut, which is exactly what we would expect
following a worldwide recession. If the current recession reflects too
little demand (as, in section 4, I argue that hitting the zero lower
bound for interest rates surely implies) it means we have too much
private sector saving, so the public sector in the world as a whole
should be saving less not more. It is a rather strange world where there
is a global excess demand for government debt, but each individual
government may be about to lose market confidence in their debt.
A second argument linking deficit bias with the inadvisability of
fiscal expansion is much more political. As Martin Feldstein wrote in
the Financial Times, (6) "If the timing of the fiscal consolidation
were just a technical economic problem, the right policy would be to
enact a multi-year budget that starts with little or no deficit
reduction for the first two years, followed by a rapid return to budget
balance. The slow start would be particularly appropriate in those
countries where aggregate demand is now very weak. But such a gradual
adjustment strategy cannot work politically in countries where voters
are sceptical about government promises of future deficit reductions.
Immediate action is necessary to make future deficit cuts
This argument concedes that the debt problem is a long-term issue,
which requires government action over the long run. The key initial
requirement is that the government implements a programme which will
eventually stabilise debt. To minimise the risk of default, debt then
needs to be reduced to a level that can be serviced even if the economy
is hit by adverse shocks. Beyond that, debt may need to be reduced
further, depending on an assessment of what is the optimal long-run
level of debt. (What this might be is discussed below.) However, a
result that appears very robust is that any adjustment in debt should be
slow, and that during this process debt should be allowed to vary in
response to economic shocks (see Leith and Wren-Lewis (2000), Kirsanova
and Wren-Lewis (2010) and Marcet and Scott (2008) for example, and the
discussion below).
Countercyclical fiscal policy, in contrast, only requires temporary
increases in government spending. Indeed, as we shall note in Section 4,
temporary increases in spending are much more effective at raising
demand than permanent increases. It is technically possible, therefore,
to combine stimulus now with austerity later, and furthermore this would
be the optimal policy given the lack of current demand. Unfortunately,
so the argument goes, this optimal policy combination is not politically
tenable, because governments cannot be trusted (and cannot be forced) to
implement austerity in the future. Under this view, any political
opportunity to implement austerity has to be taken, even if it means
that the recovery from recession will be slow. A slow recovery is less
of an evil than a failure to control debt, and political constraints
prevent us dealing with the short-term problem in the short term, and
the long-run problem in the longer term.
The key element in this argument is that the desire to reduce
deficits in the future, after a fiscal expansion, will be weaker than
the incentive for austerity today. Underlying this idea might be a view
that deficit bias itself reflects the fact that politicians, left
unconstrained, will find it too attractive to spend money and/or cut
taxes. Only when the public or markets perceive the problem of debt to
be sufficiently serious will politicians be forced to do something about
it. The danger in delaying austerity is that recovery from recession
will make the debt problem appear less serious (because taxes will be
higher and transfers lower), and so the incentive to tackle the deficit
will decline.
This view requires public perceptions to be pretty superficial. (7)
In cyclically corrected terms, the debt problem once the recovery has
been completed will be worse than at the bottom of the recession,
particularly if debt financed expansion has been conducted to assist the
recovery. It does not take much analysis to understand that the debt
problem has not gone away after the recovery. Even if the public's
view of the fiscal position is very naive, the first best policy must be
to try and improve the public debate through institutional changes like
establishing a fiscal watchdog. After all, a 'solution' to the
problem of deficit bias that relies on the occasional debt crisis is not
much of a solution.
Neither of these arguments against fiscal expansion suggests that
it would fail to stimulate the recovery in principle. Instead they imply
that deficit bias in the past either leads to a significant chance of a
debt crisis that should be avoided, or means that governments cannot be
trusted to reduce debt once the recession is over. The fact that neither
deny that countercyclical fiscal policy will work is important for two
reasons. First, for countries where levels of debt are not a problem, or
where governments can commit, it implies that fiscal expansion is both
possible and desirable if the recovery is slow. Second, it is important
to note that in some situations fiscal contraction may also be
For economies with flexible exchange rates there are good reasons
for believing that monetary policy should always be preferred to fiscal
action as a means of preventing excess demand leading to rising
inflation (see Kirsanova et al., 2009). There is no upper bound to
interest rates! However, for economies that are part of a fixed exchange
rate zone or a currency union, it is well understood among economists
that only fiscal policy can manage demand in the face of idiosyncratic
shocks. Yet this point seems to have been lost on many Euro Area
governments. The original Stability and Growth Pact may have been partly
to blame for this. With its emphasis on deficit ceilings, it became too
easy for governments that were experiencing booms, and that therefore
were not breaching this deficit ceiling, to believe that their aggregate
fiscal position was appropriate. In reality, inflation in countries such
as Ireland was systematically above inflation in Germany, and so their
real exchange rate was moving away from its sustainable level. These
countries should have been counteracting their domestic booms with
contractionary fiscal policies. This is exactly what some economists
were advising them to do at the time, (8) but their arguments were
easier to ignore given the Euro Area's fiscal framework.
The lack of research on optimal debt
What is the optimal long-run level of government debt? Given the
potential importance of this issue, one might imagine that this would be
a well worked area of macroeconomic research. Furthermore, if this
research suggested that current levels of debt were probably above
optimum levels, then this might have provided additional pressure on
governments to tackle deficit bias.
Unfortunately, the little research that has been done on this
question comes to what might be regarded as an unhelpful conclusion.
Suppose agents are free to borrow and lend as they wish, and they also
care about their children in such a way that they in effect live
forever. There are some public goods that it makes sense for the
government to provide, but these have to be paid for by distortionary
taxes. In these circumstances, if we could choose the level of
government debt for this economy from scratch (i.e. we ignored what debt
we inherit), then it would make sense for the government to hold assets,
not debt. The reason is that we could use the interest from these assets
to pay for public goods, and then we could do away with all
distortionary taxes. In other words, the optimal level of government
debt in the absence of history would be negative.
Now suppose, more realistically, that we inherit some positive
level of debt. Does it follow that we should then steadily reduce it?
The answer is no, using an argument based on Barro's tax smoothing
hypothesis. To get debt down, we need to raise taxes. This would have
the benefit of reducing debt and therefore taxes in the long run, but at
the cost of raising taxes in the short run. Tax smoothing implies that a
better policy would be to keep taxes constant, and taxes can only be
constant if debt is kept at its historic level. In this sense, the
optimal level of debt is not negative, but just the level of debt we
inherit. (9)
This theory, which is sometimes called the random walk steady state
debt (hereafter RWSSD) theory, means that we cannot say that our
inherited level of debt is either too high or too low, because the costs
of changing it always exceed the benefits. So, although as economists we
might deplore deficit bias after the event, following this theory
implies that we cannot argue that deficit bias should be undone, but
only that it should not occur in the future.
The RWSSD theory relies on using a model with the features I have
described. The assumption about consumers noted above is crucial because
they imply a key ingredient in the result, which is that the real rate
of interest in the economy tends towards the rate at which agents
discount their utility i.e. their impatience. With consumers who are
effectively infinitely lived, this is exactly what we find in steady
state, because only then will consumption be constant over time. (This
follows from the consumer's Euler equation.) This economy also
implies that Ricardian Equivalence holds; consumers will save all of a
cut in lump sum taxes. So we could call this a 'Ricardian
The RWSSD result is highly problematic for two reasons. First, it
is what is often called a 'knife edge' theory, which means
that a very small deviation from one of its key assumptions will lead to
very different implications. Second, it embodies an ethical position
that is difficult to defend. Let us take each in turn.
What would happen if the rate of interest was slightly above the
rate of impatience? Would that make the optimal level of long-run debt
slightly less than its historic level? Not at all. It would in fact
reintroduce the idea that the optimal level of debt in the long run was
negative; the government should eventually strive to own positive net
assets, so that it can do away with distortionary taxes. (See Aiyagari
et al. (2002) for example.) The reason is simple. The benefits of
cutting debt now just outweigh the short-term costs of raising taxes, so
we should gradually reduce debt. In that sense, the RWSSD proposition is
a knife edge result; the rate of interest has to exactly equal the rate
of impatience for it to hold, and if it does not, we get a very
different result. The reason for this odd knife edge is that tax
smoothing is really about the speed at which debt should approach a
long-run target (which, as we noted earlier, should be slow), and not
really about what that target should be. If the rate of interest is only
just above the discount rate, it is optimal to move towards the long-run
(negative) debt target very slowly indeed, and it is also optimal for
debt to rise temporarily in response to shocks to the public finances.
At the limit, when the rate of interest equals the discount rate, the
speed of adjustment is zero: hence RWSSD. For this reason, RWSSD is not
at all robust.
The Ricardian economy is also problematic because it discounts the
welfare of future generations. At first sight the assumption that
today's consumers care about their children appears to avoid any
ethical judgment about intergenerational welfare, because consumers
internalise the problem. But they only do so on the current
generation's terms, which involves impatience. In effect,
therefore, the utility of future generations is being (heavily)
discounted because of the impatience of the current generation. At the
very least, this ethical judgement is not obviously correct. (We discuss
it further in section 5) Yet it is critical to the optimality of the
RWSSD result. The costs of higher taxes today only exceed the benefits
to our children of reducing debt because we are discounting our
children's utility in this model. (Barrell and Weale, 2010, not
only stress the role of intergenerational equity for debt policy, but
also examine how it could be used to offset intergenerational
redistributions caused by other factors such as rising house prices.)
If the RWSSD result is so problematic, why has work on optimal
long-run government debt not abandoned it? There may be many reasons,
but one could be that the Ricardian model on which it is based has two
advantages from a particular ideological point of view. The first is
that the assumption about internalising the welfare of future
generations appears to avoid the need to deal with how to compare
welfare between generations. There is a longstanding strand in economics
that strives to avoid making any interpersonal utility comparisons. (10)
Second, the Ricardian economy, when combined with a simple form of
production and competition, implies a strong welfare result, which is
that the level of capital produced by the market economy is also the
optimal level of capital. In that case, there is no reason for
government intervention to either encourage or discourage saving or
investment. In both respects, therefore, the Ricardian economy
diminishes the need for any state intervention.
4. Ignorance
Some macroeconomists (and many others) argue that fiscal expansion
would not work, even if high levels of debt were not a constraint. (Some
examples are given at the beginning of the next section.) This section
aims to show that such claims contradict basic macroeconomic theory,
while the next asks why they are nevertheless made.
We can split the issue of whether expansionary fiscal policy can be
effective at raising output into two parts. The first asks whether it
will tend to raise demand, while the second moves from demand to output.
The key question here is one of effectiveness, and not optimality. There
are good reasons why, in normal times, monetary policy is preferred to
fiscal policy as an output stabilisation tool (see Eser et al., 2008).
The question the current situation poses is one where conventional
monetary policy cannot do this job. (11)
Fiscal expansion and demand
Everyone who has done first year undergraduate economics knows that
in the IS/LM model expansionary fiscal policy works in raising demand.
But pretty much everyone who does a masters course in economics knows
that this is not the core model in current macroeconomic analysis. At
the heart of macroeconomic analysis today is the intertemporally
optimising consumer. If we assume that these consumers also internalise
the utility of future generations, and that there are no credit
constraints, then we get the Ricardian Equivalence result that tax cuts
are completely saved. This is the 'Ricardian economy'
discussed in the previous section. In this model, fiscal expansion that
involves cutting lump sum taxes with unchanged government spending would
have no impact on demand, because the tax cut would be saved.
However, exactly the same model implies that a temporary increase
in government spending will increase demand. In fact, if Ricardian
Equivalence holds, it makes no difference if this additional government
spending is financed by issuing debt or tax increases. The intertemporal
consumer smoothes the impact of current or future tax increases, but the
increase in government spending is not smoothed. Note that for a
positive multiplier we only require consumers to smooth the impact of
tax changes to a significant extent; complete Ricardian Equivalence is
not required. We have not had to put any structure on any other part of
the macromodel. As long as consumers smooth, the only way a temporary
increase in government spending could not raise demand is if consumers
did not believe changes in government spending could be temporary.
What about an open economy with flexible exchange rates: could
movements in the exchange rate crowd out the additional demand? The
first point to note is that if the increase in government spending is
temporary, in the long run aggregate demand has not increased, so there
is no reason why the 'equilibrium' exchange rate should change
at all. Second, if the long-run exchange rate does not change, then
Uncovered Interest Parity suggests the exchange rate in the short run
will only change if real interest rates rise. But if nominal interest
rates are stuck at the zero lower bound (hereafter ZLB), real interest
rates will only rise if inflation expectations fall following a fiscal
expansion, which is hardly likely. So there will be no crowding out via
the exchange rate. (12)
Of course there is much that we might want to change in these very
simple accounts of how the economy works. However, the basic ideas they
contain seem very robust (see Woodford, 2011). Consumers will tend to
smooth tax changes, and if they cannot, then tax increases can be
delayed by issuing debt. As a result, the government (which has no
reason to smooth) can alter the pattern of aggregate demand. This logic
can be expressed in many different ways. One is to say that as the
demand problem arises because the private sector is saving too much (and
we cannot counteract this tendency by lowering real interest rates),
then the public sector needs to save less.
Demand and output, and "demand denial'
Will an increase in demand generated by fiscal expansion lead to an
increase in output and a reduction in unemployment? The standard answer
to this question is yes, if demand is deficient and prices are sticky.
An equally standard argument against fiscal expansion is that prices are
sufficiently flexible to eliminate any demand deficiency, so no stimulus
to demand is required. (13) This view is I believe untenable when
monetary policy targets inflation and we hit the ZLB.
Keynesian economics is all about the economics of aggregate demand,
and it is generally taught that Keynesian economics requires some form
of price rigidity. By implication, if price adjustment is rapid enough,
demand deficiency will be 'self correcting', and we then
ignore aggregate demand and focus on supply if we want to know what
output and employment will be. But bow much does this statement rely on
certain assumptions about monetary policy?
The first, uncontroversial, point to make is that in standard
models it is the real rate of interest that moves demand to equal
supply. Imagine an economy without capital, so output is produced by
labour alone. For simplicity, assume for the moment that labour supply
is fixed. Given an aggregate production function, this gives us one
number for total output. We also know that, if consumers make optimal
intertemporal decisions subject to no constraints beyond their lifetime
budget, then variations in the real rate of interest will alter the
current level of consumption. Let us therefore assume that there exists
a real interest rate that equates consumption (demand) to the output
that could be produced by workers (supply). The key question is whether
price adjustment can ensure that this real interest rate is achieved.
This is where we have to talk about prices, but we also need to talk
about monetary policy. Real interest rates are nominal interest rates
less expected inflation.
Suppose from a position of full employment, some negative shock
reduces consumption. Consumers save by hoarding money, so aggregate
demand falls. Lower demand will lower output, and some workers will be
laid off. (14) Firms may cut their prices, and unemployment may lead to
cuts in nominal wages. To make things simple, let us assume all firms
are monopolistic competitors, and that the production function is
linear. In that case prices will only fall if nominal wages fall (the
mark-up is independent of demand and output), but nominal wages will
surely fall as unemployed workers try to get back into work. In the
textbook model, if unemployment persists, nominal wages will continue to
fall until they reach zero, unless the process of falling nominal wages
and prices in itself increases consumption. (15)
In the macroeconomics of first year text books, the monetary
authorities fix the nominal stock of money. In this case we can say two
things. First, lower prices will increase real money balances, which
leads to lower nominal interest rates. Second, the long-run neutrality
of money implies that once output returns to full employment prices will
return to their original level. If prices are falling now, then at some
point they will start rising, implying an increase in expected
inflation. So we have combined price adjustment and real interest rate
adjustment to give us a story of why demand will eventually adjust back
to supply.
Of these two mechanisms, the decrease in nominal interest rates is
straightforward. The second, involving inflation expectations, is more
complex. It may not work, for example, if inflation expectations are
static (based on recent inflation), because falling inflation leads to
lower expected inflation, higher real interest rates etc. However if
inflation is forward looking, such as implied by a New Keynesian
Phillips curve, then price setters will note that although there may be
a negative output gap today, at some stage the output gap will have to
become positive to generate positive inflation to restore the price
level if we return to equilibrium. As a result, at some point inflation
will be positive. This will be anticipated, and so at some point real
interest rates may fall.
The speed of self correction depends on how rapidly prices adjust.
If price adjustment is slow, adjustment can be quickened by an active
monetary or fiscal policy. This is the neoclassical synthesis. There
exists a self-correction mechanism, but if price adjustment is slow,
there is also a role for an active policy. The quicker is price
adjustment, the quicker demand adjusts to supply. Keynesian demand based
macroeconomics and price inflexibility are clearly linked.
The role of inflation expectations becomes critical if nominal
interest rates hit the ZLB. Now we have to rely on falling prices
raising inflation expectations to get us to the real interest rate
required to bring demand up to supply. If the money supply is fixed, and
we return to full employment, then at some point prices will have
stopped falling and started to rise. But to expect this presumes we get
back to full employment. An alternative might be that inflation
expectations do not rise, we stay stuck at a real interest rate that is
too high, a nominal rate that is zero, and permanent involuntary unemployment. (16)
The discussion so far has assumed a textbook world where nominal
money is fixed. Nowadays, for good reasons, we tend to think about
monetary policy involving the choice of short-term interest rates in the
context of an inflation target. This modifies the discussion in one
crucial respect. We can no longer argue that falling prices today must,
if full employment is returned to, lead to inflation expectations rising
above the inflation target tomorrow. Instead, policy will aim to return
inflation to its target level from below. This does not matter if we
rely on nominal interest rate movements to get us to the appropriate
real interest rate. It is the achievement of New Keynesian macroeconomic
theory and the great moderation to understand that this is the job of
monetary policy. But it matters a great deal if we hit the ZLB.
At the ZLB any self-correction of deficient demand would have to
involve an increase in expected inflation, because the real interest
rate has to fall. But if we have central banks committed to preventing
inflation rising above some target level, then the combination of zero
nominal interest rates and inflation at target may still give us a level
of real interest rates that is insufficient to raise demand enough. If
inflation expectations are rational and central banks are effective,
real interest rates cannot fall by enough to solve the problem of
insufficient demand.
A key point to note is that this conclusion holds however rapid
price adjustment is. Self-correction can only occur at the ZLB through
expectations of rising inflation reducing real interest rates. While
this may be conceivable under a price level or money target, it becomes
more difficult to imagine under inflation targeting.
There is a link here with one particular version of unconventional
monetary policy. This is the idea that monetary policy can still be
effective at the ZLB by promising higher (than target) future inflation.
Eggertsson and Woodford (2004) show that this comes close to a policy of
pursuing a price level target, which in turn is close to the fixed money
supply case already examined. (17) Yet central banks around the world
have said they would not pursue such a policy--they would not allow
inflation above target. Given that this unconventional monetary policy
is seriously time inconsistent (once the recession is over, it is too
tempting to abandon the plan to have excess inflation), such denials
have to be taken seriously.
With inflation targeting, once interest rates hit the ZLB there is
unlikely to be a mechanism by which demand deficiency is
self-correcting. This in turn means that, at this lower bound, it is no
longer legitimate to argue that aggregate demand can be ignored because
prices are flexible. This is critical to the fiscal policy debate. As we
have argued earlier, temporary increases in government spending will
raise demand in the standard model. If it is also the case that output
is constrained by deficient demand because interest rates are at the
lower bound, then fiscal expansion must raise output and employment.
The proposition that we can always ignore aggregate demand in
macroeconomics, that some have termed 'Demand Denial', is not
a new phenomenon. Keynes also asked why the dominant theory at the time
(call it 'classical theory') refused to acknowledge the
potential importance of aggregate demand, and wrote the following in the
General Theory:
"That it [Classical Theory] reached conclusions quite
different from what the ordinary uninstructed person would expect,
added, I suppose, to its intellectual prestige. That its teaching,
translated into practice, was austere and often unpalatable, lent it
virtue. That it was adapted to carry a vast and consistent logical
superstructure, gave it beauty. That it could explain much social
injustice and apparent cruelty as an inevitable incident in the scheme
of progress, and the attempt to change such things as likely on the
whole to do more harm than good, commended it to authority. That it
afforded a measure of justification to the free activities of the
individual capitalist, attracted to it the support of the dominant
social force behind authority."
There are many explanations for demand denial in this quotation.
Some would seem to have less relevance today. For example New Keynesian
theory can be grafted on to a Real Business Cycle framework, which
suggests that the 'vast and logical superstructure' argument
does not apply, unless you take your microfoundations very seriously
(Wren-Lewis, 2011). The next section suggests that the last sentence
from this quote is a more promising avenue to explore.
5. Ideology
In the 1970s and 1980s it would have been natural to talk about
ideology and macroeconomics. The discipline was fragmented into opposing
'schools of thought', which appeared to have quite different
models of how the economy worked. Each school was identified with a
clear ideological position. However this appeared to change in what some
have called the new neoclassical synthesis (Goodfriend and King, 1997).
This was the idea that old debates between New Classical and Keynesian
economists had been resolved in a new grand bargain. Keynesian
economists agreed to work with models that used rational expectations,
and had an RBC framework at their core, on the understanding that New
Classical economists agreed that it was legitimate to add sticky prices
within that framework, and that such models would then exhibit Keynesian
characteristics. The glue behind this consensus was the acknowledgement
that macroeconomics required solid microfoundations, coupled with a
microfounding of price stickiness itself. (See some of the papers in
Arestis, 2007, for example).
One of the implications of adopting this new consensus model is
that monetary policy appears the natural first choice for macroeconomic
stabilisation. But, as the previous section showed, it also suggests
that if monetary policy cannot do this job, fiscal policy can take its
place. Countercyclical fiscal policy works in this model. Yet, in both
the US and UK, it seems to have become an article of faith in the major
parties of the right (Republican and Conservative) that countercyclical
fiscal policy does not work. It is true that in both cases this view was
born out of opposition to a government that was attempting to apply such
policies to mitigate the impact of the recent recession. In a sense it
is natural to oppose. Nor have these parties always taken this view. The
G.W. Bush presidency, for example, used Keynesian arguments to justify
their tax cuts in 2001. However, it must be worrying when such an
important part of political opinion appears to take a view that is
contradicted by mainstream macroeconomic theory.
But do politicians and the public know that it is contradicted by
mainstream macro theory? Consider the following quotes, all from
professors at Chicago University: (18)
"The problem is simple: bailouts and stimulus plans are funded
by issuing more government debt. (The money must come from somewhere!)
The added debt absorbs savings that would otherwise go to private
investment. In the end, despite the existence of idle resources,
bailouts and stimulus plans do not add to current resources in use. They
just move resources from one use to another."
"Every dollar of increased government spending must correspond
to one less dollar of private spending." "But, if we do build
the bridge by taking tax money away from somebody else, and using that
to pay the bridge builder--the guys who work on the bridge-then
it's just a wash. It has no first-starter effect. There's no
reason to expect any stimulation. And, in some sense, there's
nothing to apply a multiplier to. (Laughs.) You apply a multiplier to
the bridge builders, then you've got to apply the same multiplier
with a minus sign to the people you taxed to build the bridge. And then
taxing them later isn't going to help, we know that."
The first two are just a crude Say's Law. As DeLong (2010)
notes, even Say eventually realised that his law did not hold. The
existence of (outside) money is sufficient to establish this. The third
directly contradicts the Ricardian model considered in the previous
section. Of course quotes of this kind are never fully contextualised;
perhaps in the last case it was presumed that the bridge building was
permanent. But they are indicative of the fact that the policy debate in
the US has involved discussion not just about how effective fiscal
policy may be (a debate over the size of multipliers), but a debate
about whether it is effective at all (about the existence of
multipliers). How is that possible, when every first year macro textbook
teaches the Keynesian multiplier, and the more modern model outlined
earlier also tells us that temporary increases in government spending
will raise demand?
Part of the answer may reflect the unequal nature of the new
neo-classical synthesis. For Keynesian economists it meant a great deal;
New Keynesian theory was established on a real business cycle base.
However, for Classical economists there was nothing to enforce the idea
that New Keynesian theory had to be taken seriously. Graduate textbooks
would begin by outlining the Ramsey model, and only later consider
various 'imperfections', of which sticky prices was just one.
As one academic who had taught graduate macro at a freshwater US
department told me, they ran out of time before being able to cover New
Keynesian theory.
However, this explanation cannot be the whole story, because it
neglects one crucial fact. Monetary policy almost without exception
involves the use of Keynesian theory of one form or another. To those
conducting monetary policy, the overwhelmingly dominant view is that
they are in the business of demand management. It is therefore rather
odd to teach macroeconomics without addressing the body of knowledge
that monetary policymakers routinely apply.
The explanation explored here is that ideology is influencing what
at least some macroeconomists argue and teach. The ideological view in
question is that state intervention should be minimised. However
deficient demand due to sticky prices or the ZLB represent a generic
market failure, which requires in pretty well every country the active
involvement of an arm of the state in macroeconomic affairs. For those
whose political instincts are pro-market, and against government
intervention, this is something of an embarrassment.
One way of avoiding this embarrassment is to not teach New
Keynesian theory at graduate level, and to ignore it in public debate.
Even at undergraduate level, this ideological slant may help explain one
feature of how macroeconomics is taught that at first sight appears odd.
Pretty well every undergraduate macroeconomics text uses IS/LM. This of
course assumes that the monetary authorities fix the money supply. Yet
in the US and UK the last time the monetary authorities attempted to
pursue a money supply target regime was at the beginning of the 1980s. I
am sure I am not alone in finding it embarrassing to teach
undergraduates a core model part of which applied only during a brief
period before they were born, and which was generally regarded as a
failure. Now this strange state of affairs could in part simply reflect
inertia induced by the economics of textbook publishing, coupled with
the fact that for many problems assuming fixed money gives answers that
are roughly right (Wren-Lewis, 2009). However, as we saw in the previous
section, sometimes the difference between inflation targeting and money
targeting can be crucial.
An alternative explanation for the persistence of the LM curve in
undergraduate macroeconomics teaching is that it downplays the role of
monetary policy in avoiding demand deficiency. This is because fixing
the money supply can be (and generally is) portrayed as a default, do
nothing policy, that is natural and involves no intervention. With this
default policy in place, demand shocks will be
'self-correcting' through the process of price adjustment. The
irony here is that fixing the money supply is hardly a do-nothing
policy, as both the UK and US found out when they tried to implement it.
Contrast this with what most central banks actually do today, which
is to set interest rates so as to minimise deviations from an implicit
or explicit inflation target and the natural rate. There is no default
or do nothing policy here that allows the economy to be self-correcting:
fixing the nominal interest rate could well be destabilising for well
known reasons. As a result, if and how quickly the economy eliminates
the impact of demand shocks will depend at least as much on the
performance of monetary policy as the speed of price adjustment. In this
context it is impossible to describe the economy as self correcting as
long as monetary policy does nothing. State intervention, in the form of
a monetary policy that has reasonable properties, becomes essential to
the proper functioning of the economy.
When it comes to fiscal expansion at the ZLB, acknowledging that
such a policy could work not only involves recognising this essential
role for monetary policy, but it also requires admitting that other
forms of state intervention may be required when this fails. But what
solid evidence do we have that these ideological concerns are actually
important in the current emphasis on fiscal austerity rather than
expansion in many countries? Surely concerns about increasing debt are
central. In Section 3 I discussed why such concerns may be less
important for some countries than others, and why abandoning fiscal
expansion in a recession may be a second best policy compared to
institutional reforms. However, one clear indication of why concern with
debt is not the only important factor behind abandoning fiscal stimulus
is the absence of discussion of balanced budget fiscal expansion.
Balanced budget fiscal expansion
If the objection to expansionary fiscal policy in the current
situation was simply that it would raise debt to unsustainable levels or
prejudice a commitment to future austerity, then a natural reaction
would be to emphasise the possibility of using fiscal policy in an
expansionary manner without raising debt. (19) As we noted in the
previous section, the standard macro model involves Ricardian
Equivalence, which suggests temporary increases in government spending
would still be effective even if they were paid for by raising taxes and
keeping debt unchanged. To put the same point another way, the way to
reduce debt today with as little negative impact on demand as possible
would be to raise taxes rather than cut government spending. Yet those
who argue for austerity today hardly ever make this argument.
Could it be that this policy is not explored because it is thought
that a significant body of consumers are credit constrained and not
Ricardian? Two points suggest not. First, the key issue is the extent of
consumption smoothing. Even credit constrained consumers may smooth a
tax increase over a greater period than any temporary increase in
government spending, and any non-constrained consumers would smooth at
least over their lifetime. Second, if there were thought to be a
significant and identifiable body of consumers who were credit
constrained, then a tax switch from the constrained to the unconstrained
would be expansionary. These considerations would lead to a discussion
of which types of balanced budget fiscal expansion were more effective,
rather than a debate over whether any were effective at all.
Of course it is not difficult to see why either type of balanced
budget fiscal expansion would run into political objections from the
right. Increasing government spending increases the size of the state,
albeit temporarily. Credit constrained agents are more likely to be
poor, while the rich will almost certainly be unconstrained. So a tax
switch that increases demand is likely to involve tax increases for the
The key point is that a balanced budget, temporary increase in
government spending is almost certain to be expansionary, and so if debt
is the key constraint on bond financed fiscal expansion, this is an
obvious alternative. If the concern is over the temporary nature of the
additional spending, then the focus should be on choosing public
investment projects that are inherently short term. Yet this is not the
route taken by those who typically oppose debt financed fiscal
There are further possible balanced budget fiscal expansions that
do not have straightforward political difficulties for those on the
right. One is to temporarily and unexpectedly cut sales taxes (financed
by a temporary increase in income taxes). The prospect of a future rise
in sales taxes will stimulate consumers to bring spending forward. A
temporary VAT cut was implemented by the Labour UK government as part of
its expansionary fiscal policy to tackle the recession (see Barrell and
Weale, 2009). There are a host of other specific fiscal measures that
might provide incentives for firms or consumers to bring forward their
spending. In effect this is fiscal policy trying to mimic monetary
policy, by changing the intertemporal terms of trade.
If debt was the overriding constraint preventing fiscal expansion,
then we might expect more of a focus on measures such as these. Instead,
the debate tends to either ignore the possibility of balanced budget
fiscal expansion altogether and focus on the dangers of high debt, or
assert that fiscal policy will not work. This would be consistent with
an aversion to acknowledging the extent of market failure, and
furthermore to deny that state intervention may be required to correct
that failure.
Pursuing these ideas, it becomes clear that talking about the
effectiveness of 'fiscal policy' in a blanket way makes little
sense. There are many fiscal instruments, operating on many different
margins. It would be strange indeed if none of them had any impact on
demand. To make the blanket claim that all fiscal policy is ineffective
either requires 'demand denial', or an ideological imperative,
or both.
Parallels with climate change
Nick Stern (Stern, 2006) has argued that climate change represents
the largest externality ever faced by mankind. There are undoubtedly
some climate change sceptics who genuinely dispute the science. There
are others who may not dispute the science, but genuinely believe that
we can afford to do little now to mitigate its effects because future
costs can be discounted heavily. However, there is a clear correlation
between climate change denial and a pro-market ideology that is
instinctively against any state intervention (see Conway and Oreskes,
If the views of policymakers and economists on climate change were
governed mainly by the question of how much future costs should be
discounted, then we might tend to find those arguing for fiscal
austerity rather than stimulus today (which will benefit future
generations compared to the present) would also argue for strong action
to tackle climate change. Equally, those who were relaxed about the need
to tackle climate change would also be relaxed about the level of public
debt. The reason is as follows.
One of the key issues in the debate between economists on climate
change is how utility across generations should be discounted. US
economists tend to want to discount the utility of future generations in
much the same way as individuals appear to discount their own utility
over time (as in the Ricardian economy). The Stern report argued that
there should be no discounting of future generations per se. The ethical
issues involved are discussed in Broome (1992). The more we discount
future generation's utility, the less action is needed now to
tackle climate change. As we noted in Section 3, if we base our debt
policy on a Ricardian economy we are relatively relaxed about debt
increasing over time as a consequence of a string of negative shocks. We
also noted in the previous section that this model, although it implies
Ricardian Equivalence, also suggests that temporary government spending
increases will be effective at stimulating demand.
So, from this perspective, a view that downplayed the need to take
action against climate change might be expected to be correlated with a
view that downplayed the problems of high debt and was quite relaxed
about countercyclical fiscal policy. However, among politicians in the
US, and the media in the UK, the correlation goes the other way. One
straightforward explanation for this is ideological. There is a
reluctance to acknowledge market failure, and a distrust of state
intervention as a means to correct it. This is what links climate change
denial with a denial that countercyclical fiscal policy can work.
If this is the connection between the two, then a further point
follows. With ideological roots, antagonism towards countercyclical
fiscal policy should persist even in circumstances where debt is not
seen as a major problem. It will not be enough to argue that high debt
prevents the use of fiscal expansion (as in Section 3), because this
will imply that if debt was not a constraint, such action could be used.
Instead, ideology will require an attack on the effectiveness of fiscal
policy per se. That, as we have seen, does appear to characterise at
least part of the debate.
The climate change debate may also be revealing in what it tells us
about how academic views are translated into policy positions and media
debate. Scientists who dispute climate change are a tiny minority. This
minority receives political support from those who have ideological
motives for disputing the science. This in turn encourages the media to
portray issues where there is a broad academic consensus as one that is
instead controversial. This makes it difficult for both the public and
uncommitted policymakers to establish that there is an academic
consensus. (Conway and Oreskes, 2010, extend this point to other areas
like the link between smoking and cancer. Krugman, 1994, looks at how
extreme views about the Laffer curve became public policy during the
Reagan period.)
Making ideological positions transparent
For those old enough to remember the Keynesian, Monetarist and New
Classical debates, the idea that macroeconomics might be influenced by
ideology will seem straightforward. However during that period the
ideological associations of different schools of thought were
transparent and widely discussed. Macroeconomists today are much more
reluctant to suggest that policy positions taken by their colleagues
have ideological roots.
In part the reasons for this are understandable. The new
neoclassical consensus model based on microfoundations has brought a
degree of unity to macroeconomic analysis, and has given the discipline
more of a claim to be a science. It is precisely the existence of this
common core of theory that helped establish, in the previous section,
that countercyclical fiscal policy clearly worked, particularly at the
ZLB. However, there is also a danger in conducting academic debates that
ignore the elephant in the room.
This is particularly true in the case of fiscal expansion following
the recession. While Stern may be correct in describing climate change
as the largest externality ever faced by mankind, there is a good case
for describing the recent recession as a massive financial market
failure. To then argue that fiscal stimulus should be rejected because
it represents undesirable state intervention in an otherwise well
functioning market system would indeed be a hard sell.
6. Conclusions
Most views of macroeconomic policy in the 1930s are not very
charitable. While policy following the recent recession has undoubtedly
improved on this performance, I believe it should still be judged a
failure. In many countries the recovery from recession will not be as
rapid as it could have been. This policy failure primarily reflects an
inability to use countercyclical fiscal policy aggressively enough
during the recession, and the switch to fiscal austerity once the modest
recovery had begun. In part this failure is a result of past fiscal
indulgence--the deficit bias that was observed during the last quarter
of the 20th century. However this paper argues that all the blame cannot
be laid at this door.
If excessive levels of debt were the only problem, we should have
seen much more effort to explore various types of balanced budget fiscal
expansion. We should have seen more fiscal expansion in countries, like
the US, that appeared to be able to borrow at very low rates. We should
not have seen a debate on whether countercyclical fiscal policy was
effective, particularly when macroeconomic theory clearly tells us that
it can be. I draw an analogy with the debate over climate change.
Although certain views are held for strong political or ideological
reasons, the most effective method to advance those views is to suggest
the science is controversial when in fact it is not.
No doubt some of the explanation for the switch from fiscal
expansion to austerity reflects simple political motives, like a desire
to reduce the size of the state, or to get as much fiscal pain out of
the way as possible before elections. However I have tried to suggest
that it also has ideological roots, reflecting a view that the market
economy is inherently self correcting and state intervention is
unnecessary and undesirable. This ideological view continues to
influence how macroeconomics is taught and discussed.
It is important that we recognise how ideology still influences
what and how macroeconomics is taught, but it is equally important that
we acknowledge this influence in contributing to the failure of
macroeconomic policy following the recession. To put it very simply,
this paper argues that without this ideological influence within the
discipline as well as the public debate, the recovery from recession
could have been significantly faster, achieving a substantial
improvement in social welfare.
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(1) Some may argue that this period was just lucky and demonstrated
nothing, or worse still contained the seeds of its subsequent
destruction. However, whatever truth there might be in those arguments,
it seems highly unlikely that we will go back to how monetary policy was
practised and discussed in the 1980s.
(2) At a meeting of Treasury economists after the budget chaired by
Sir Terry Burns I argued that the only way the budget made sense was as
a way to further weaken organised labour. Perhaps, as one of the small
number of economists working on the economic effects of the budget in
the Treasury at the time, I was trying too hard to rationalise what was
being done. However I would still contend that the view I expressed at
the time makes more sense than the idea that fiscal contraction was
required to produce a better macroeconomic outcome.
(3) Once again there are differences between countries, with
remarkably little additional unemployment in Germany, an increase below
what might have been expected given the decline in GDP in the UK, and
something pretty standard in the US.
(4) Although UK inflation is currently well above target, this can
largely be explained by past exchange rate movements, higher commodity
prices and tax increases. UK wage inflation is low and real wages are
(5) There is a maximum tax revenue implied by the Laffer curve
(see, for example, Bi, Leith and Leeper, 2010), but it seems likely that
the political constraint will bite first.
(6) 23/7/2010.
(7) A similar argument might lead a government itself to favour
austerity now rather than later. If the electorate has a short memory,
and is influenced by GDP growth as much as its level, then it might be
politically expedient for a newly elected government to cut sooner
rather than later, even when this was not justified from a macroeconomic
point of view.
(8) In the case of Ireland, see Lane (1998) for example.
(9) We can generate exactly the same result if government spending
rather than taxes is the fiscal instrument, and the costs of being away
from the optimal level of government spending are convex.
(10) In macroeconomics we can see this in the literature on dynamic
inefficiency in OLG models. All the emphasis is on the possibility that
interest rates are too low, because only then can Pareto improvements be
made. However if interest rates are too high, the current generation may
in effect be exploiting future generations.
(11) Unconventional monetary policy in the form of commitments to
raise future inflation above target are discussed below.
(12) Fiscal policy will also be effective in a fixed exchange rate
regime for well known reasons.
(13) I take it as obvious that the recession represented a large
negative demand shock. It is possible to make an argument that it can be
considered as a negative productivity shock, to the extent that finance
is seen as necessary for working capital required for production.
However there are also obvious reasons why a lack of finance will reduce
the demand for consumption and investment goods, which is precisely what
we have seen.
(14) In this sense, output always follows demand. The question is
whether there is some mechanism for ensuring that demand follows supply.
(15) It would obviously be wrong to infer that because wages are
not zero, there must exist such a mechanism. An alternative reason for
positive wages when there is excess supply of labour is that something
stops wages falling. After all, the problem in this simple model is not
that real wages are too high: the real wage is set by the constant
mark-up of firms.
(16) If expectations are forward looking, and we impose the
transversality condition that prices reach their target, then reaching
an equilibrium in which excess demand is eliminated is more likely,
although not inevitable. But by imposing this transversality condition
are we not assuming the result we are trying to demonstrate? Suppose
instead that long-run inflation expectations move with nominal interest
rates. In that case we can have multiple equilibria where output is
demand constrained. (For further analysis, see Brendon, 2010.)
(17) They also show that even if this unconventional monetary
policy worked, it would still be inferior in welfare terms to the use of
countercyclical fiscal policy; the unconventional monetary policy is
only effective because inflation in the future is above target. For this
reason it seems legitimate to lay the blame for the current weak
recovery at fiscal rather than monetary policy's door.
(18) These come from DeLong (2011), who laments the extent to which
Chicago macroeconomics today appears to sideline the macroeconomics of
Milton Friedman.
(19) Students often wonder why we cannot simply have a money
financed fiscal expansion. The problem here is that the money created by
the central bank buying government debt will be destroyed once the
economy recovers. (If it is not, then printing money does become
inflationary.) That means selling the government debt back to the
private sector, and as the debt problem is long term, nothing will have
been achieved on this account by temporarily parking that debt with the
central bank.
Simon Wren-Lewis, Economics Department and Merton College.
University of Oxford. e-mail: simon.wren-lewis@economics.ox.ac.uk. I am
grateful to Charles Brendon, Paul Levine, Peter McAdam, Joe Pearlman,
David Vines, and two anonymous referees for helpful conversations and
comments, but responsibility for the views expressed here is entirely
doi: 10.1177/0027950111420919