Real wage flexibility in the enlarged EU: evidence from a structural VAR.
Babecky, Jan ; Dybczak, Kamil
Membership in the monetary union imposes higher demands on factor
market flexibility, since neither the exchange rate nor monetary
policies can be used to deal with country-specific shocks. In this paper
we assess the ability of the twelve new EU member states (NMS-12) to
dampen the impact of shocks by means of macroeconomic wage flexibility.
Following the structural VAR approach elaborated in Moore and Pentecost
(2006), real wage flexibility is measured by the responsiveness of real
wages to real (permanent) and nominal (temporary) shocks. The analysis
of Moore and Pentecost (2006) is extended in three ways: by employing a
new Eurostat labour cost data set covering 1996QI to 2007Q3, by using a
large sample of 24 EU member countries, and by assessing the sensitivity
of the results to the sample length. We find evidence of heterogeneous
real wage adjustment across the new as well as the mature EU economies.
Overall, the degree of real wage flexibility in the NMS- 12 lies within
the bounds of the corresponding values for the Euro Area
'core' and 'peripheral' member countries.
Keywords: Wage flexibility; structural VAR
JEL Classifications: E24; C22; F02; J30; P20
I. Introduction
Membership in the monetary union imposes higher demands on factor
market flexibility, since neither the exchange rate nor monetary
policies can be used to deal with country-specific shocks. A number of
studies stress the importance of higher labour market flexibility in the
context of the EMU (e.g. Hallett et al., 2000; Obstfeld, 1997;
Pissarides, 1997), of a currency board arrangement (e.g. Guide et al.,
2000), or of a less rigid exchange rate peg such as the European
Exchange Rate Mechanism (e.g. Kopits, 1999). Indeed, it is commonly
argued that a fixed exchange rate regime eliminates one degree of
freedom in absorbing macroeconomic shocks. Since independent exchange
rate policy is no longer available under fixed exchange rate
arrangements, adjustment through the labour market should be of a higher
magnitude in countries with fixed exchange rates than with flexible
ones. Joining the monetary union imposes further limits on aggregate
demand management, as both autonomous monetary and exchange rate
policies become unavailable. Therefore, there is a call for higher
labour market flexibility in countries which are members of the monetary
union or those which intend to join the monetary union.
The notion of labour market flexibility is of course a very broad
one. In principle, the labour market can accommodate shocks via two main
channels: either quantities (adjustment in workers and in working time),
or prices (wages), or a combination of both. Due to limited and even
declining mobility of workers within the new member states, and given
the formal restrictions on the free movement of labour for new EU
members, it is unlikely that migration can be considered an efficient
tool for coping with adverse shocks. (1) Hence, more interest is focused
on wage flexibility.
Hyclak and Johnes (1992), Boeri et al. (1998), and Blanchflower
(2001) argue that wage flexibility is a key determinant of labour market
flexibility. In particular, adjustment in prices might seem quicker and
less costly than adjustment in quantities. The European Commission
(2003, p. 155) stresses the importance of wage flexibility in the
following paragraph:
"Obviously, wages as the price of labour have a key role to
play in determining the overall balance of supply and demand on the
labour market. Furthermore, the formation of economic and monetary union
(EMU) is often taken to put further demands on the flexibility of wages
to compensate for the lack of (national) instruments to deal with
economic disturbances. If wages are too rigid, the necessary adjustment
will come slowly and with considerable economic and social costs."
Wage flexibility can be expressed in nominal or real terms. Nominal
wage flexibility is the responsiveness of nominal wages to changes in
the price level or inflation. Real wage flexibility can, in turn, be
defined as the responsiveness of real wages to various shocks (e.g.
shocks to productivity, unemployment, past wages, etc.) Wage flexibility
reflects different factors if measured using aggregate or micro data.
Groshen and Schweitzer (1996) extensively discuss both macro- and
microeconomic approaches to wage flexibility from the viewpoint of
employees as well as employers. (2) In addition, institutional factors
such as the minimum wage, the tax and benefit system and social
protection system are often analysed when assessing labour market
flexibility. Indeed, institutions can significantly affect the overall
labour market flexibility (Dickens et al., 2006; Pentecost and Sessions,
2002; or Dessy, 2005). Nevertheless, in our study we focus on the
flexibility of wages, leaving the institutional set-up aside.
From the macroeconomic point of view, "aggregate real wage
flexibility determines the overall balance of supply and demand in the
labour market and is a key substitute for the adjustment roles of the
nominal exchange rate and an independent monetary policy" (HM
Treasury, 2003, p. 2). Since the difference between real and nominal
wage growth is given by inflation, real and nominal wage adjustment
approach each other in a low inflation environment. This paper,
therefore, focuses on real wage adjustments, and the analysis is
conducted for the twelve new EU member states (NMS-12) and compared to
the twelve mature Euro Area members (EA-12).
The measures of real wage flexibility, which are based on the
responsiveness of real wages to shocks in real variables such as
productivity, unemployment, etc., do not allow one to distinguish
between the shocks themselves and the reactions to them, since both
components are present in the macroeconomic time series. In this study
we adopt the structural VAR approach used by Moore and Pentecost (2006),
in order to asses the responsiveness of real wages to structural shocks.
In particular, real wage flexibility is defined in relation to so-called
real (permanent) and nominal (transitory) shocks. (3) Real wages are
called flexible if the variance in real wages is mainly due to real
shocks. On the contrary, if nominal shocks explain most of the variance
in real wages, such a situation corresponds to rigid real wages. Thus,
the degree of real wage flexibility is given by the percentage of the
variance in real wages that can be attributed to real shocks.
Moore and Pentecost (2006) use wage flexibility to assess the
suitability of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia for
membership in the Euro Area with France and Italy considered to be
benchmarks. (Although wage flexibility is important, it is obviously not
a sufficient condition for a country to join the monetary union.) If
real wages in, for example, Hungary are as responsive to real shocks as
in, for example, Italy, then Hungary is said to be 'suitable'
for EMU membership. Based on wage flexibility alone, the Czech Republic
and Hungary are found to be good candidates for the EMU, while euro
adoption is not advisable for Poland and Slovakia. However, France and
Italy belong to the so-called core Euro Area countries; per capita incomes in France and Italy are higher than the Euro Area average.
What seems to be more relevant is, first, to compare the new EU
member states with the Euro Area peripheral countries, such as Austria,
Greece and Portugal. Second, it is important to assess how heterogeneous
wage flexibility is across the Euro Area countries. We extend the
analysis of Moore and Pentecost (2006) in three ways. First, we employ a
new Eurostat labour cost data set covering 1996Q1-2007Q3. Secondly, we
use a large sample of 24 EU member countries. Finally, we assess the
sensitivity of the results to the sample length. We find evidence of
heterogeneous real wage adjustment across the NMS-12 as well as the
EA-12. Overall, the degree of real wage flexibility in the NMS-12 lies
within the bounds of the corresponding values for the Euro Area
'core' and 'peripheral' member countries. Also,
there is evidence of rising real wage flexibility in the NMS-12 group.
The paper is organised as follows. The following section describes
the data set and gives the stylised evolution of labour costs in the
EU-24. Section 3 provides details on the concept of real wage
flexibility and describes the identification strategy. The empirical
results are presented in Section 4 and the last section concludes.
2. Data description
Our sample includes twelve new EU member states (NMS-12), namely
Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania,
Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia and twelve mature Euro
Area member states (EA-12), namely Austria, Belgium, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal and
Spain. (4)
In order to measure real wage flexibility, we need a variable
characterising the development of labour costs both in nominal and real
terms. For this purpose, we use the labour cost index provided quarterly
by the Eurostat. In addition to wages and salaries (the indicator used
in Moore and Pentecost, 2006), the labour cost index also includes
employers' social security contributions plus taxes paid less
subsidies received by the employer. The Eurostat index is available in
both nominal and real terms, and the data have the advantage of being
harmonised for a cross-country comparison. Nominal and real indices are
seasonally adjusted and adjusted by working days, and normalised to 100
in 2000. The two variables that interest us, expressed in natural
logarithms, are shown in figure 1. (For brevity, we will refer to the
real and nominal labour cost indices as real and nominal wages.)
It is not surprising that growth in nominal wages in the twelve new
EU member states is higher compared to the corresponding numbers for the
twelve mature member states. A number of countries belonging to the
NMS-12 group, in particular Bulgaria and Romania, experienced high
inflation episodes during the 1990s. Real wages
also tend to grow faster in the NMS-12 group compared to their
EA-12 counterpart. Economies with the highest rates of real wage growth
are the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
To assess the time series properties of the data, we apply standard
techniques: the augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Phillips-Perron (PP)
unit root tests, and the Kwiatowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin (KPSS)
stationarity test. (5) Overall, the series of log nominal and real wages
can be characterised as integrated of order one (of order two in the
case of Latvia and of order zero for Italy), although we acknowledge
that eleven years of data might be too short a period for a robust
3. Stylised representation of the aggregate labour market and the
identification of shocks
In order to identify structural shocks from the observed
fluctuations in nominal and real wages, Moore and Pentecost (2006) apply
a bivariate structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) procedure. This
identification strategy in turn is based upon a bi-variate SVAR
decomposition proposed by Blanchard and Quah (1989), in the way that
Bayoumi and Eichengreen (1996) apply this decomposition to extract real
(supply) and nominal (demand) shocks from quarterly series of real
output and prices. Such an approach is quite popular in studies of
business cycle convergence for developed as well as emerging economies.
(6) In our case, structural shocks are defined according to their short-
and long-term effect on nominal and real wages. By definition, one type
of shock (labelled as 'nominal') has only a transitory impact
on the level of real wages, while another type of shock (labelled as
'real') might have a long-term impact on the level of real
Notice that real shocks can affect real wages in either positive or
negative directions. A positive effect can be associated, for example,
with a rise in productivity, followed by a permanent increase in real
wages and employment. This leads to an outward shift of the aggregate
labour demand curve. A negative impact of the real shock on real wages
can be interpreted as due to an increase in labour supply, followed by a
decrease in real wages.
Although nominal shocks cannot have long-lasting effects on real
wages, no restrictions are imposed on the short-run effects and their
sign and magnitude depend on relative price/wage stickiness. If real
wages WR= W/P decrease following a positive nominal shock, such a
situation corresponds to sticky nominal wages W. Under a sticky price
assumption, real wages increase m response to a positive nominal shock.
Lastly, if nominal wages W and prices P move simultaneously, real wages
do not change.
Economic theory proposes alternative explanations as to why markets
do not clear immediately after an unexpected shock hits the economy. In
particular, New Keynesians claim that rigidity of wages and prices is
one of the most relevant causes of economic fluctuations, for example,
the sticky wages and sticky prices assumption. (7) On the one hand, the
sticky wages assumption imposes rigidity on the short-run adjustment of
wages to demand shocks, thanks to implicit or explicit agreements in the
labour market. On the other hand, the sticky price assumption imposes
rigidity on the short-run price adjustment to demand shocks mainly due
to menu cost. Although the two assumptions appear quite similar, their
real economic implications are in sharp contrast. As discussed for
example by Kandil (1996), the real wage can develop procyclically or
countercyclically depending on the adjustment of nominal wages and
prices. Under the assumption of sticky wages a temporary demand shock
translates into higher prices and lower real wage rates, i.e. the real
wages move countercyclically. In contrast, under sticky prices a
positive demand shock tends to increase demand for labour and real
wages. Thus, under sticky prices assumptions real wages and other real
economic variables move procyclically.
A structural bivariate VAR decomposition makes it possible to
identify real (permanent) and nominal (transitory) shocks from the
observable movements of real and nominal wages. Formally, let us
consider [wr.sub.t] and [w.sub.t], real and nominal wages expressed in
logarithms. These variables are assumed to be first difference
stationary. The following VAR representation can be estimated:
where [e.sup.wr.sub.t] and [e.sup.w.sub.t] are white-noise
disturbances, [b.sub.ijk] are coefficients, and K is the lag length
chosen so that [e.sup.wr.sub.t] and [e.sup.w.sub.t] are serially
uncorrelated. (8) Disturbances [e.sup.wr.sub.t] and [e.sup.w.sub.t] are
not structural, they simply represent unexplained components in real and
nominal wage growth movements. In order to recover structural
disturbances, i.e. those having an economic interpretation of real and
nominal shocks, the following two relationships are proposed:
[e.sup.wr.sub.t] = [c.sub.11][[epsilon].sup.N.sub.t] +
[c.sub.12][[epsilon].sup.R.sub.t] (3)
[e.sup.w.sub.t] = [c.sub.12][[epsilon].sup.N.sub.t] + [c.sub.22]
[[epsilon].sup.R.sub.t] (4)
where [[epsilon].sup.N.sub.t] and [[epsiolon].sup.R.sub.t] are
nominal (transitory) and real (permanent) disturbances respectively.
These equations state that the unexplainable components in the movements
of real and nominal wage growth are linear combinations of structural
shocks. In matrix form, [e.sub.t] = C[[epsilon].sub.t] . The vector of
the structural disturbances et can be obtained by inverting matrix C:
[[epsilon].sub.t] = [C.sup.-1][e.sub.t].
In order to recover the four coefficients of matrix C, four
restrictions have to be imposed. Knowledge of the variance-covariance
matrix of the estimated disturbances [[epsilon].sup.N.sub.t] and
[[epsilon].sup.R.sub.t] is sufficient to specify three restrictions:
[c.sup.2.sub.11] + [c.sup.2.sub.12] = V ar ([e.sup.wr] (5)
[c.sup.2.sub.21] + [c.sup.2.sub.22] = V ar ([e.sup.w] (6)
[c.sub.11][c.sub.21] + [c.sub.12] [c.sub.22] = Cov ([e.sup.wr],
[e.sup.w] (7)
These restrictions on the coefficients of matrix C are directly
derived from (3) and (4) using normalisation conditions:
(i) the variance of nominal and real shocks is unity:
Var([[epsilon].sup.N] = Var([[epsilon].sup.R] = 1
(ii) nominal and real shocks are orthogonal: Cov([[epsilon].sup.N],
[[epsilon].sup.R]) = 0
The fourth restriction on the coefficients of matrix C is that
nominal shocks [[epsilon].sup.N.sub.t] have no long-term impact on the
level of real wages. To put this restriction into a mathematical form,
one should substitute equations (3) and (4) into the VAR system given by
(1) and (2), and then express variables [wr.sub.t] and [w.sub.t] as the
sum of the contemporaneous and past realisations of structural
disturbances [[epsilon].sup.N.sub.t] and [[epsilon].sup.R.sub.t]:
System (8)-(9) is an infinite moving-average representation of the
VAR form (1)-(2). Coefficients [c.sub.ijk]--called impulse response functions--characterise the effect of structural disturbances on the
left-hand-side variables after k periods ([c.sub.ijk] can be expressed
in terms of the four coefficients of interest [c.sub.ij] and the
estimated coefficients [b.sub.ij]). The restriction that the cumulative
effect of nominal disturbances on real wage growth is zero, for all
possible realisations of demand disturbances, means that
[[infinity].summation over (k=0) [c.sub.11k] = 0. (2)
This restriction also implies that nominal disturbances have no
long-term impact on the level of real wages itself. Indeed, [C.sub.11k]
represents the effect of the nominal disturbance
[[epsilon].sup.N.sub.t-k] on [DELTA][wr.sub.t] =
[wr.sub.t]-[wr.sub.t-1], real wage growth after k periods. Therefore,
the sequence [c.sub.110], [c.sub.111],
[c.sub.112],...,[c.sub.11k],[c.sub.11k] represents the effect of
[[epsilon].sup.R.sub.t-k] on [wr.sub.t]-[wr.sub.t-1],
[wr.sub.t+1]-[wr.sub.t], [wr.sub.t+2]-[wr.sub.t+1],..., [wr.sub.t+k-2],
[wr.sub.t+k]-[wr.sub.t+k-1]. Hence, the cumulative restriction
[[infinity].summation over (k=0) [c.sub.11k] = 0.
states that the effect of [[epsilon].sup.N.sub.t] on
[wr.sub.t+K]-[wr.sub.t-1] equals zero, i.e. that the level of real wage
does not change in the long run: [wr.sub.t-1] = [wr.sub.t+K]. It can
furthermore be shown that the restriction
[[infinity].summation over (k=0) [c.sub.11k] = 0.
translates into the parameters of interest [c.sub.ij] and the
coefficients [b.sub.ijk] of the unrestricted VAR system (1)-(2) as:
[c.sub.11] (1- [K.summation over (k=0) [b.sub.22k]) + [c.sub.21]
[K.summation over (k=0) [b.sub.12k] = 0. (10)
Restrictions (5), (6), (7) and (10) serve to identify the four
coefficients [c.sub.ij] which, in turn, are used to recover the real and
nominal disturbances from the VAR residuals by inverting matrix C:
[[epsilon].sub.t] = [C.sup.-1] [e.sub.t].
One should, however, be aware of the simplifications and
limitations of such a VAR technique. In particular, the identified
nominal and real shocks do not necessarily have a direct relationship to
aggregate demand and supply disturbances.
4. Results
This section starts with an illustration of the dynamics of real
wages m response to real (permanent) and nominal (transitory) shocks,
followed by our estimate of real wage flexibility--calculated by
variance decomposition. The last part of the section assesses stability
of the results over time.
4. I. Impulse responses of real wages
Using the parameters of equations (8) and (9) estimated for each of
the 24 countries in our sample for the VAR decomposition described
above, figure 2 shows the expected reactions of real wages in each
country to one standard deviation innovations in real (permanent)and
nominal (transitory) shocks, [[epsilon].sup.R.sub.t] and
[[epsilon].sup.N.sub.t] respectively," ' over the forecast
horizon from one to sixteen quarters. In order to facilitate a
cross-country comparison, impulse response functions (IRFs) are plotted
on the scale from -1 per cent to 2 per cent for the EA-12 and from -1
per cent to 6 per cent for the NMS-12. First, the stability of the
estimated VARs is confirmed by the fact that all IRFs converge to some
constant level. (9) Yet the speed of convergence to the constant level
varies from country to country, as well as the magnitude of those
constants. The long-term IRFs of real wages to real shocks range from 1
to 6 per cent. In general the effects of shocks on real wages are more
substantial in the NMS-12, largely because one standard deviation
innovation in shocks is larger in these countries, which is consistent
with higher real wage growth in the NMS-12 compared to the EA-12 (see
e.g. figure 1).
Even though the specification of the SVAR model does not impose any
restriction on the sign of the impulse responses, real wages react
positively to a positive real (permanent) shock in all countries, the
same result as reported in Moore and Pentecost (2006).
However, the cyclical behaviour of real wages becomes more
heterogeneous when the sample is extended to 24 EU countries. By
construction, the response of real wages to nominal shocks dies out over
time. The short-run effect of nominal shocks on real wages illustrates
the relative price/ wage stickiness. The development of real wages in
response to a nominal shock ('cyclicality of real wages') is
crucially affected by the degree of relative price and nominal wage
stickiness. In reality, both sticky wages and sticky prices exist hand
in hand. Thus, the final impact of a demand shock on the economy is
critically affected by the degree of price and wage rigidities.
Economic theory says that the reaction of the real wage rate to a
nominal shock could be positive, negative or close to zero. While, in a
sample of eight EU countries, Moore and Pentecost (2006) find just one
example of a negative reaction of real wages to a nominal shock (the
case of Slovakia), our results confirm the results for Slovakia and, in
addition, show that this is not the only case when one considers a
larger set of countries. Figure 2 shows that in the short run the IRFs
of real wages to nominal shocks range between--l.5 to 4 per cent. There
are six countries of the NMS-12 group (Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary,
Latvia, Poland and Slovakia) and five representatives of the EU- 12
(Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Italy and Spain) in which real wages drop
down after a nominal shock. In these countries nominal wages seem to be
stickier compared with prices. (10) Next, in three new member states
(the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Romania) and in Luxembourg, real
wages tend to rise in reaction to a nominal shock. For these countries,
wages seem to be more flexible than prices. In the remaining three new
member states (Cyprus, Malta and Slovenia) and six Euro Area members
(Austria, Finland, France, Greece, Netherlands and Portugal) real wages
do not react to nominal shocks or it is difficult to decide in which
direction real wages develop after a nominal shock.
Thus, the reaction of real wages to a nominal shock appears to be
rather heterogeneous. Differences in the results could be driven by
specific labour market conditions and different wage formation processes
across the EU countries. Indeed, the flexibility of wage-setting
mechanisms could be affected both by common macroeconomic shocks and
country-specific developments which are not explicitly taken into
account in our analysis. (11) We find evidence of both sticky prices and
sticky wages. In some countries nominal wage rigidities prevail, in the
others prices are stickier than nominal wages. The overall transitory
dynamics of real wages in the EA-12 seems to be smoother compared to the
NMS-12. But while for the 'core' EA-12 countries (e.g.
Germany, France and Belgium) the IRFs are smooth, the adjustment of
peripheral countries (for example Greece, Spain and Finland) is longer
and/or more volatile. However, there are some countries within the group
of NMS-12 (particularly the Czech Republic, Hungary and Estonia) whose
responses to shocks are smoother and faster compared to the peripheral
EA-12 countries.
4.2. Real wage flexibility- variance decomposition
While impulse responses allow an illustration of the dynamic
effects of shocks on real wages, variance decomposition measures the
relative contribution of real and nominal shocks to fluctuations in real
wages. Real wages are said to be flexible if their variation is mainly
due to real shocks. Figure 3 shows the percentage of forecast variance
in real wages explained by real (permanent) and nominal (transitory)
shocks, at the horizon from one to sixteen quarters. At each horizon,
the contribution of nominal and real shocks to the variance of real
wages sums to 100. Several observations follow from figure 3. First,
both groups--the NMS-12 and the EA-12--are characterised by a variety of
outcomes. For the NMS-12, the variance decomposition of real wages shows
that the percentage of variance explained by real shocks varies from
about 40-50 per cent (Lithuania, Romania) to more than 90 per cent
(Bulgaria, Estonia, Slovakia, Slovenia). In the EA-12, real wage
flexibility is higher in the 'core' countries such as Germany,
France and Denmark (over 90 per cent) and somewhat lower for
'peripheral' countries such as Greece and Spain (65 per
cent--70 per cent after four years).
Secondly, the contribution of shocks to the variance of real wages
may depend on the forecast horizon. For example, fluctuations in real
wages are almost entirely due to real shocks one quarter ahead for
Cyprus and Malta, but the impact of real shocks on real wage variance
drops to 80 per cent and 65 per cent respectively at the four-year
horizon. Such an outcome corresponds to a delayed path-through of
nominal shocks into real variables. On the other hand, in for example
Bulgaria, Estonia, Slovakia and Slovenia, the contribution of real
shocks to real wage variance--real wage flexibility--remains at nearly
constant levels, close to 100 per cent, over all time horizons.
On average, in terms of variance decomposition at the horizons up
to four years, the NMS-12 are positioned between the 'core'
and 'periphery'. Excluding Romania and Lithuania, the majority
of the NMS-12 are characterised by higher real wage flexibility than
e.g. in Greece and Spain, but lower than in Germany and France.
4.3. Changing real wage flexibility
The analysis of Moore and Pentecost (2006) ends in 2003/2004, which
is just before the big wave of EU enlargement. Extension of the sample
up to 2007 allows us to check the robustness of the results over time.
Structural changes, such as in particular the EU enlargement, could
affect the degree of wage flexibility (see e.g. Pentecost and Sessions,
We assess the stability of the results over time by comparing the
estimates for the full sample (1996Q1-2007Q3) and two periods, which
correspond to the pre-EU enlargement (1996Q1-2004Q2) and the euro phase
(1999Q1-2007Q3). For each of the two shorter periods we find stable
VARs, similar impulse response functions and calculate the variance
decomposition (available upon request). Differences in wage flexibility
(variance decomposition) between the later and earlier periods are
illustrated in figure 4.
In general, the NMS-12 experienced an increase in real wage
flexibility. Positive changes to wage flexibility in e.g. the Czech
Republic, Lithuania, Malta and Poland are more pronounced than real wage
flexibility declines in the cases of Cyprus, Romania and Slovenia. Oil
the other hand, the EA-12 group is characterised predominantly by
declines in real wage flexibility, particularly noticeable for Finland,
Germany, Italy and Spain. Overall, wage flexibility in the Euro Area has
One possible explanation for this decrease in wage flexibility
could be the limited pace of labour market reforms, as compared to
progress in product markets deregulation (OECD, 2004). Evidence of the
limited ability of real wages to adjust to shocks and the strong
heterogeneity of wage adjustment patterns across the EU is reported by
studies employing alternative measures of wage flexibility, based upon
reaction of real wages to macroeconomic variables. For example, Arpaia
and Pichelmann (2007) estimate a Phillips-curve type wage equation
across the Euro Area countries and find insufficient degree of wage
flexibility in the Euro Area. In addition, their results support our
findings of a significant degree of cross-country heterogeneity across
Euro Area countries.
Another factor contributing to a decline in wage flexibility could
be related to recently rising heterogeneity in inflation rates across
the EU, documented in Bulir and Hurnik (2008). Inflation acceleration,
which occurs in a number of EU economies, creates cost-push pressures
and leads to monetary transmission inefficiencies. Heterogeneity in
inflation rates, in turn, transmits into stronger demand shocks, in
particular for the Euro Area countries which share common monetary and
exchange rate policies. In the presence of nominal inertia (price/wage
stickiness), nominal shocks could have effects on real variables
including real wages, which correspond to the observed decrease in real
wage flexibility.
5. Conclusions
In this paper we have measured aggregate real wage flexibility in
the NMS-12 as compared to the EA-12, following the structural VAR
decomposition used by Moore and Pentecost (2006). Real wage flexibility
is defined as the percentage of variance in real wages explained by real
(permanent) shocks. We find strong heterogeneity of wage adjustment and
wage flexibility within the country groups. Overall, real wage
flexibility in the new EU members is somewhat lower compared to the core
Euro Area countries, but is higher than in some of the peripheral
members of the Euro Area.
Based on real wage flexibility alone, one cannot unambiguously
asses the suitability of new EU member states for euro adoption.
Concerning the three of the NMS12, which recently adopted the euro
(Slovenia since 2007, Cyprus and Malta since 2008), only Slovenia had
real wage flexibility comparable to the level of the 'core';
the degree of real wage flexibility m Cyprus and Malta is similar to
that in Greece and Spain. The results of our study also suggest that
joining the Euro Area is not likely to lead automatically to higher real
wage flexibility.
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(1) See Fidrmuc (2004) for evidence on labour migration in the
Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia, in comparison with Italy,
Spain, and Portugal. A detailed analysis of the Czech case is available
in Flek (2004). The reasons for the restrictions on migration within the
EU are discussed in Boeri and Brucker (2005); one explanation is that
when the labour market is rigid, immigration may increase unemployment
among the native population.
(2) Due to a lack of comparable data across countries, this paper
does not attempt to perform econometric estimates of wage flexibility at
the micro level.
(3) In the SVAR literature, the terms 'real' and
'permanent' shocks are often used interchangeably. The same
goes for 'nominal' and 'transitory' shocks. In fact,
shocks are defined according to their effect (which could be permanent
or transitory) on the variable of interest, real wage in our case. We
will discuss this in detail in Section 3.
(4) Among the NMS- 12 group, Slovenia adopted the euro in January
2007, followed by Cyprus and Malta in January 2008. Estonia, Latvia,
Lithuania and Slovakia are 'in waiting' for euro adoption and
currently participating in the new exchange rate mechanism (ERM2).
(5) A popular description of the identification strategy is
provided, for example, in Enders (2004). Due to space limitations, the
results of the unit root and stationarity tests are not reported here,
but are available upon request.
(6) See, e.g. Babetskii, Boone and Maurel (2004) for an assessment
of supply and demand shock asymmetry in the EU accession countries.
(7) Mankiw and Romer (1991) provide further readings on New
Keynesian economics.
(8) We select K according to the Akaike and Schwarz information
criteria, which suggest two, in some cases three or four lags. Then, we
check the VAR for stability (characteristic units should lie within the
unit circle) and perform diagnostic checking of the residuals for
higher-order serial correlation (Ljung-Box test) and normality (Jarque-Bera test).
(9) The results of the formal VAR stability tests are available
upon request.
(10) Regarding Poland and Italy, Moore and Pentecost (2006) find a
positive reaction of real wages to nominal shocks. Our finding of a
negative response of real wages to nominal shocks is largely due to a
difference between total labour cost and wage measures. For example,
when we used average monthly wages instead of labour costs for Poland
and Italy, we also obtained procyclical real wages.
(11) Investigation of the determinants of wage flexibility could be
an attractive avenue for future research.
Jan Babecky * and Kamil Dybczak *
* Czech National Bank, e-mail: ** European
Commission, e-mail: This paper represents
the authors' own views and should not be construed as representing
those of the Czech National Bank or the European Commission. The authors
are grateful to Giuseppe Bertola, Alex Cukierman, Kamil Galuscak, Dawn
Holland, Theodora Kosma, Ana Lamo, Frank Smets and seminar participants
at the ECB Wage Dynamics Network for discussion and helpful comments.
However, all errors and omissions remain entirely the responsibility of
the authors.