Technical progress and the natural rate in models of the UK economy.
Church, Keith B. ; Mitchell, Peter R. ; Sault, Joanne E. 等
1. Introduction
What are the macroeconomic consequences of technological (or
technical) change? The standard neoclassical growth model gives a clear
answer. In the long run, the natural rate of growth of the economy is
equal to the rate of technical progress plus the growth rate of the
population. Technical progress increases the potential supply of output,
and given sufficiently flexible factor and product markets this
potential can be realised, resulting in increased consumption,
investment and real wages. These prognostications of beneficial outcomes
nevertheless may not assuage more classical concerns about the
possibility of permanent technological unemployment. And even with a
beneficial view of long-run equilibrium, the processes of adjustment to
the introduction of new technologies may be sufficiently protracted that
substantial unemployment costs are incurred.
Macroeconometric models are useful devices for quantifying some of
these effects. They provide estimates of the relevant long-run responses
and the nature of the intervening adjustments to a change in the rate of
technical progress. This is done at a relatively high level of
aggregation, and macroeconometric models are typically silent on
compositional and distributional questions, such as the impact of new
technologies on employment and investment in different industries. Nor
is technical progress itself explained by these models, instead the rate
of technical progress is exogenous and typically constant.
In this article we undertake simulations of changes in the rate of
technical progress on three models of the UK economy in order to answer
the question posed in our opening sentence. The models considered are
those of Her Majesty's Treasury (HMT), the National Institute of
Economic and Social Research (NIESR), and the 'COMPACT' model
group, as deposited at the ESRC Macroeconomic Modelling Bureau in late
1996; their general properties are reviewed along with those of two
further models by Church et al (1997). As is usual in the Bureau's
research programme, our analysis focuses not only on answering the
substantive economic question posed above, but also on using it as a
case study for cross-model comparisons. In general the models conform to what is now the leading paradigm among both policy analyst-advisers and
macroeconometric modellers in many OECD economies, in which a broadly
neoclassical view of macroeconomic equilibrium coexists with a new
Keynesian view of short-to-medium-term adjustment. Thus, at least in
respect of the long-run equilibrium, the level of real activity is
independent of the steady-state inflation rate, whereas in the short
run, adjustment costs and contractual arrangements imply that markets do
not clear instantaneously and there is a relatively slow process of
dynamic adjustment to equilibrium. This is by no means a full-employment
equilibrium, however, and an important question is what determines the
non-accelerating-inflation rate of unemployment (NAIRU). The NAIRU is
often independent of the steady-state inflation rate and so becomes the
'natural' rate of unemployment; it may, however, depend on the
rate of productivity growth. These and other possible differences are
explored in the remainder of this article.
A technical progress shock is essentially a supply-side shock and so
draws attention to the supply-side specifications of the models. These
have seen substantial developments in the last decade or two, redressing
an important imbalance in the demand-oriented models of the 1970s. The
forecasting failures of those models in the face of supply-side shocks,
a desire for greater theoretical consistency in the models, and a shift
in the emphasis of policy all pointed towards such a reorientation.
However model-based analyses have addressed only a small range of the
resulting issues. They have typically focused on measures that impact
directly on costs, a popular simulation in the light of the experience
of the 1970s being a change in the world price of oil. Relatively less
attention has been given to technical progress, despite the debate about
the causes and consequences of the slowdown in productivity growth in
the 1970s. The OECD's INTERLINK model seems to have been the only
model used to address this question (Englander and Mittelstadt, 1988;
Torres and Martin, 1990; Giorno et al, 1995) until a recent comparative
study of Australian models (Hargreaves, 1994) and an initial
investigation of two UK models (Church et al, 1998). The present article
further develops this line of research.
The article proceeds as follows. In section 2 we briefly describe how
key features of the supply side are represented in the models, with
particular attention to the production technology and the determination
of the NAIRU. This provides a framework for interpreting the results of
simulations of changes in technical progress, which are presented in
section 3. It is seen that several of the 'natural rate'
propositions are reflected in the results, although there are
substantial differences in short-run dynamics and some of the
unemployment responses are scarcely beneficial, if not perverse. Since
these are national-economy models and the shock is applied on the same
basis, terms of trade responses are also an important factor. Section 4
contains concluding comments.
2. Technical Progress and the Supply Side of Macroeconometric Models
2.1 The Production Function and Factor Demands
The basic description of technology within the models is a two-factor
production function with constant returns to scale, of either the
Cobb-Douglas or constant elasticity of substitution (CES) form.
Technical progress is assumed to be Harrod-neutral or labour-augmenting,
the model's steady state then conforming to the stylized fact of a
constant investment/output ratio; technical progress proceeds at a
constant exponential rate. The production function thus has the general
[Y.sub.t] = F([K.sub.t], [L.sub.t] [e.sup.[Beta]t]). (2.1)
In none of the present models is a production function estimated as
such, rather the estimated factor demand equations are based on the
underlying production function, and technical progress then appears in
those equations as time-trends. We now describe how this is done in the
three models.
HM Treasury In the HMT model firms are assumed to choose factor input
levels to minimise current costs given the expected level of output,
subject to a Cobb-Douglas production function with labour elasticity
[Alpha]. The first-order conditions yield log-linear equations for
employment and investment each containing the trend term [Alpha][Beta]t,
although the implied cross-equation restriction is not imposed in
estimation. Indeed, in the manufacturing employment equation this is
estimated as a split time-trend, with a lower rate of growth over
1975-80. The treatment of expectations uses the CBI/NIESR series for
expected manufacturing output.
NIESR In the NIESR model the firm's objective is to maximise the
present discounted value of future expected net cash flows, subject to a
CES production function. The cash flow variable includes a quadratic cost of adjusting the capital stock. The resulting investment equation
involves future expected investment, which is one of the forward-looking
variables treated as 'rational' or
'model-consistent' expectations in solving this model. The
analysis uses an 'effective' labour measure throughout,
implicitly treating the second argument of the production function (2.1)
as a single variable. Technical change is thus measured as an index of
labour efficiency, calculated as the residual output growth unexplained by growth in the two primary factor inputs, at an average annual rate
which varies by sector.
COMPACT Whereas the HMT and NIESR models assume that factor
proportions are continuously variable, the COMPACT model adopts a
vintage or 'putty-clay' model of production in which, once a
new vintage of capital investment is installed, there are no factor
substitution possibilities. The optimal choice of factor proportions
prior to installation then depends on expected future factor prices over
the equipment's entire lifetime, within an ex ante Cobb-Douglas
technology. The age profile of the capital stock in use then determines
the required labour input. Technical progress enters as in (2.1), but
any change in technical progress is only gradually embodied in the
capital stock as a result of its vintage structure.
2.2 Prices, Wages and the NAIRU
Prices are determined as a mark-up on costs, and the wage equation is
generated by a bargaining model as described by Layard and Nickell
(1985). Both equations are usually estimated in error correction form
and exhibit static and dynamic homogeneity, and so can be solved to
obtain an expression for the NAIRU, as in Joyce and Wren-Lewis (1991)
and Turner (1991). The long run of a typical wage equation may be
written as
w - p + [t.sup.e] = pr + [Theta]([t.sup.i] + [t.sup.e] + [t.sup.d] +
[t.sup.m]) - yu + [z.sup.w] (2.2)
where w, p and pr are (log) nominal earnings, producer prices and
average labour productivity respectively, u is the unemployment rate,
[t.sup.d], [t.sup.i] and [t.sup.e] are the average direct, indirect and
employers' tax rates (per cent) respectively, and [t.sub.m] is the
'tax' imposed by high import prices or the real exchange rate.
These four terms drive a 'wedge' between employers' real
wage costs and employees' real consumption wages, whose long-run
impact on the bargained wage outcome and consequently on the NAIRU is
measured by the parameter [Theta]. In the HMT model [Theta] = 0.5,
whereas in the other two models [Theta] = 0 so a permanent change in any
of the wedge terms has no effect on the NAIRU. Finally other wage
pressure variables may be included in [z.sup.w], such as the replacement
ratio and a measure of union power.
The earnings equations in the HMT and COMPACT models are statically
but not dynamically homogeneous with respect to productivity. Thus in a
dynamic steady state with real wage growth occurring at the rate of
growth of productivity, this steady-state productivity growth rate also
affects the level of real wages and hence the NAIRU in these models: an
increase in productivity growth leads to a fall in the NAIRU. (This
response is not observed in simulations of the COMPACT model, however,
since in the model code a constant trend productivity growth number
rather than an endogenous productivity growth variable appears at the
relevant point.) The underlying effect is consistent with evidence
presented by Manning (1992) that the slowdown in productivity growth is
an important explanation of the increase in unemployment in many OECD
countries; Turner et al (1993) study the G3 economies and report a
similar finding for Germany, but not for Japan or the United States. No
such effect occurs in the NIESR model; on the other hand, in this model
the NAIRU is a function of the rate of change of the wedge, together
with the cost of stock-holding and the proportion of long-term
It should be noted that the average labour productivity measure
considered in this section can be immediately equated to the labour
efficiency measure discussed in the preceding section only in the steady
state of the simple growth model. In a full-model simulation of changes
in technical progress, feedbacks from the rest of the model to
employment, notably from output and relative factor prices, also
influence the labour productivity outcome, and the adjustment to a new
steady state may be protracted.
2.3 Aggregation
In the COMPACT model the features discussed above are treated at the
level of the non-oil private sector of the economy, whereas the other
two models disaggregate this. In the HMT model separate factor demand
equations are estimated for manufacturing and non-manufacturing, and the
latter is further disaggregated in the NIESR model, into business
services, distribution and 'other'. A more aggregate model is
more transparent and easier to maintain, ceteris paribus, although
information is lost whenever different components of an aggregate behave
differently and these different behaviours can be successfully modelled.
The technical progress measure in the NIESR model, analogous to the
parameter [Beta] in (2.1), takes different values across the four
sectors, as noted above; these are, at annual rates, manufacturing 3.2
per cent, distribution 0.032 per cent, business services 0.92 per cent,
other 5.92 per cent, compared to the single aggregate figure in the
COMPACT model of 1.96 per cent. The corresponding estimates of
productivity trends derived from the HMT model's manufacturing and
non-manufacturing employment and investment equations are not directly
comparable, since they are functions of movements in relative factor
prices as well as technical progress. Chan et al (1995, p.36) give these
as, in manufacturing, 2.6 per cent over 1970-75, 2.1 per cent over
1975-80 and 3.7 per cent over 1981-92, and in non-manufacturing 1.0 per
3. Simulation Experiments
3.1 Experimental Design
Macroeconomic responses to a technical progress shock are estimated
by comparing the results of two solutions of each model, one a base run
and the other a perturbed run in which the relevant technical progress
variable is assigned values that deviate from its base-run values. Two
shocks are considered. The first is an increase in the level of
labour-augmenting technical progress of 1 per cent. The second is an
increase in the annual growth rate of technical progress, analogous to
the parameter [Beta] in equation (2.1), of 0.1 percentage points. This
is a permanent change, and the first shock can be equivalently
considered to be a temporary shock to the growth rate. In the NIESR and
COMPACT models explicit labour efficiency trends appear, which can be
directly perturbed. In the HMT model, equivalent perturbations are
applied to the manufacturing and non-manufacturing employment and
investment equations.
The base run in the NIESR model corresponds to a published forecast,
extended to a horizon of 33 years for simulation purposes. The COMPACT
model is not used for forecasting, and a 71-year simulation base is
supplied by its proprietors. The public release of the HMT model does
not include a forecast or simulation base, and we use the forecast of
the Ernst and Young ITEM (Independent Treasury Economic Model) Club,
kindly provided by the Club, which has a horizon of 12 1/2 years. All
three models operate at a quarterly data frequency.
The macroeconomic responses to a shock may include changes in
inflation and the state of the public finances, which may in turn induce
changes in monetary and fiscal policy, since the models operate in a
policy framework that reflects the broad objectives of current policy,
namely low inflation and sound public finances. In the NIESR and COMPACT
models the monetary policy rule sets the nominal short-term interest
rate as a function of the deviation of inflation from its target, which
in our perturbed run is taken to be the base-run values of inflation.
The fiscal closure rules adjust the direct tax rate whenever the
PSBR/GDP ratio (NIESR) or debt/GDP ratio (COMPACT) deviates from its
target value, again the base-run values. For the HMT model we are not
able to find correspondingly simple rules that perform well in all our
experiments (see also Church et al, 1997), and so we apply optimal
control techniques, with an objective function that reflects the same
policy framework. This penalises (-squared) deviations of the inflation
rate and the PSBR/GDP ratio from their base-run values, together with
(-squared) changes in the interest rate and income tax instruments, as
is conventional in this approach, in order to avoid excessive and
unrealistic movements in these policy instruments.
An implication of the fiscal policy rule together with the
maintenance of (exogenous) government expenditure at its base-run values
is that any beneficial effect of increased technical progress on the
public finances is passed on to the personal sector in the form of lower
taxation. Other possibilities, such as increasing public expenditure or
reducing the 'Maastricht' target ratios, remain for future
3.2 An Increase in the Level of Technical Progress
The economy-wide responses of output, employment, investment and
productivity in the first simulation are shown in Charts 1-4, where
annual averages of quarterly data are presented. Only the first forty
years of the COMPACT solution are shown in the Charts, the remaining
thirty years exhibiting little further change in variables of interest.
The results show that productivity does eventually increase by about 1
per cent in each of the models although some uncertainty remains in the
case of the HMT model that this is the long-run outcome. The adjustment
in the COMPACT model is protracted due in part to the vintage system,
whereas the NIESR model has a slow but very smooth path to the new
Identical outcomes in terms of productivity behaviour can be achieved
through different combinations of employment and output responses. In
the HMT and COMPACT models the productivity increase is driven by an
increase in output with employment returning to base, although in the
case of the HMT model it seems likely that there is some cyclical behaviour still to unwind. In the COMPACT model we do see the neutrality
of the natural rate to changes in the level of productivity discussed
above. By contrast in the NIESR model output is not a full 1 per cent
higher but the productivity gain is achieved with a permanent reduction
in the level of employment. Investment increases in line with output in
each of the models although the determination of investment behaviour is
different in each case as described below.
In the HMT model the 1 per cent increase in the level of technical
progress has an immediate effect on output. Both manufacturing and
non-manufacturing output are above base throughout the simulation
period, ending at levels 1.34 per cent and 0.52 per cent above base
respectively in the final quarter. Taken together with the employment
responses, average labour productivity in both sectors increases,
peaking in quarters 25 (manufacturing) and 21 (non-manufacturing) at
values 1.18 per cent and 1.21 per cent above base, before diminishing as
the reductions in employment at the beginning of the simulation are
reversed. In the final quarter productivity remains 0.86 per cent
(manufacturing) and 0.66 per cent (non-manufacturing) above base,
employment in manufacturing being 0.47 per cent above base at this
point, while in non-manufacturing employment is virtually back at base.
In the NIESR model output and investment increase sharply in the
first year of the simulation while employment declines, being 0.4 per
cent below base even after 33 years. This means that average
productivity increases by 1 per cent, although the employment/output mix
that achieves this is different to the other models. This result can in
part be explained by looking at the results at the sectoral level. In
the NIESR model the determination of public sector employment differs to
that in other parts of the economy. For manufacturing, distribution,
business services and 'other' sectors the effective labour
input is determined by inverting the production function where actual
hours worked adjust only slowly towards target hours, hence after 33
years employment is still 0.2-0.3 per cent below base. Employment in
public services falls equiproportionately with increases in technology
and rises in line with output. In this simulation public sector
employment falls about 0.9 per cent below base whereas output in this
sector increases by 0.1 per cent in the long run producing a 1 per cent
increase in public sector productivity.
The results from the COMPACT model are dominated by the properties of
the vintage system of production. The responses of output, investment
and employment are notably slower than in the other models, reflecting
the fact that the improvement in technical progress gradually increases
the level of the capital stock over a long period of time. Firms are
faced with a choice between investing in the new more productive
machinery which requires shifting forward capital expenditure or
continuing to produce output using old machines. Wages depend on average
output per head and thus increase as the new machinery is introduced.
When firms decide on the current investment mix the expectation of
higher future wage rates is an important influence. This gives a lower
labour to capital ratio in current investment and hence employment falls
below base for 10 years before recovering back towards its original
values as marginal costs finally reflect the improvement in technical
progress. After about 30 years output has risen by 1 per cent reflecting
the 20 years it takes the new technology to be embodied in all machines.
However although the neutrality of the NAIRU with respect to a change in
the level of productivity appears to hold eventually, there is a
substantial 'cost' arising from the incorporation of new
technology as it is fifty years before the unemployment rate returns to
its baseline level.
Charts 5 and 6 show the impact of an increase in the level of
technical progress on unemployment and real wage behaviour allowing
comparisons across models with our a priori expectation that the level
of the real wage should fully reflect the improvement in technical
progress and that the NAIRU is invariant to the increase in the level of
technical progress, although the shock may affect tax rates and the
terms of trade which in the HMT model in turn affect the NAIRU.
Falling prices along with a higher unemployment level in the HMT
model counter any positive effects that the increase in productivity has
on average earnings during the first 3 years of the simulation. As the
productivity increase feeds through, average earnings rise slightly
above base for around 2 years before declining back below base for the
remainder of the simulation, finishing 0.64 per cent below base in both
the manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors. The RPI falls by 1.3
per cent, giving an increase in real wages of 0.66 per cent, although
these quantities have not settled down by this time.
Relative factor prices are an important determinant of employment
levels in the HMT model. As prices change the interest rate adjusts in
order to target inflation, and these interest rate changes have
implications for the cost of capital in both sectors. An initial fall is
reversed after about 5 years, the cost of capital peaking at 3.36 per
cent (manufacturing) and 2.88 per cent (non-manufacturing) above base
after about 7 1/2 years. The cost of capital response dominates that of
wage costs, which explains the employment dynamics in Chart 2, the
positive output effect only beginning to emerge at the end of the
simulation period. The unemployment rate in Chart 5 is almost a mirror
image. In the HMT model the NAIRU is affected by the wedge, in
particular its income tax rate and real exchange rate components in this
simulation. The income tax rate falls in order to target the deficit
ratio back to base, while rising export prices and falling import prices
worsen the terms of trade; these two effects offset one another
throughout the simulation.
The unemployment rate in the NIESR model also peaks in year 5 at
about the same rate as in the HMT model. Thereafter a small and
protracted decline occurs with the unemployment rate still about 0.3
percentage points higher by the end of the simulation. The effect of the
increase in the level of technical progress on the wage bargain is an
increase in the real wage of around 0.6 per cent in the first six years
of the simulation followed by a period of slower growth, such that the
increase is just 0.8 per cent by the end of the simulation compared to
the 1 per cent increase expected from the core supply-side framework.
3.3 An Increase in the Growth Rate of Technical Progress
The results of a 0.1 per cent percentage point increase in the growth
rate of technical progress for output, employment, investment and
productivity growth are shown in Charts 7-10. The rate of technical
progress determines the overall growth of the economy so we would expect
to see the economy move to a new steady state at a higher growth rate.
In the HMT model the growth rates of output, employment, investment
and in turn productivity, fluctuate for the first 5 years of the
simulation before reaching relatively stable paths. In the final quarter
the productivity growth rate is 0.13 percentage points above base
(manufacturing) and 0.09 percentage points above base
(non-manufacturing). The increase in the growth rate of technical
progress is more than fully reflected by investment decisions in both
sectors, although the growth rate responses do not seem to have settled
down at constant levels by the end of the simulation period. The
improvement in the growth rate of output in the manufacturing sector
reaches a similar level to that of investment, 0.27 percentage points
above base in the final quarter, although in the non-manufacturing
sector the output growth response is only half of this. Changes in the
growth rate of employment are much smaller than those of output and
investment. In the non-manufacturing sector the growth rate falls and
then slowly returns back towards base. The lost growth is never recouped
during the course of the simulation, leaving employment levels around
0.5 per cent below base during the second half of the simulation.
In the NIESR model employment and output growth decline in the first
two years although productivity growth increases as the fall in output
is less than that in employment. From year 3 output growth climbs above
base but the employment growth rate remains below. By the end of the
simulation output growth is about 0.08 percentage points higher and
still increasing very gradually towards equality with the increment in
the growth rate of technical progress. Employment growth also appears to
be adjusting back towards base at the end of the simulation. As in the
previous simulation the explanation of the aggregate employment response
is found in the behaviour of the public sector where employment growth
declines throughout the simulation ending up at a constant difference
from base of around -0.08 percentage points, in contrast to the other
sectors where employment growth returns to base in the long run, leaving
'effective labour' growth increased by 0.1 percentage points.
In the COMPACT model the longer simulation horizon does allow the
improvement in the growth rate of technical progress to manifest itself
completely in the behaviour of output and investment, both of which show
the full 0.1 percentage point increase in growth. Although the growth
rate of employment returns to its base-run value, the level of
employment never returns to its original values and instead settles down
some 0.5 per cent lower. As in the first experiment the adjustment of
the COMPACT model to the new equilibrium is protracted, with large
short-run fluctuations occurring before equilibrium is reached. The
growth rates of output and investment both jump sharply in the first
quarter by 0.53 per cent and 1.04 per cent respectively, increase again
in the second quarter but then fall back for the following year. Both
increase steadily for the rest of the simulation. By contrast employment
changes very little, increasing to a maximum response 0.07 per cent
above base after three quarters. This small employment gain is
eliminated by the end of year 5. The initial volatility of output is
reflected in productivity growth itself, before the model starts to
settle down.
The increase in the growth rate of technical progress is assumed to
be confined to the UK economy. In each of the models the level of
employment is lower as a result of the shift in technology, but output
is higher, its level continuously diverging from base-run values.
Clearly this extra output has to be consumed either by the domestic
market or overseas, and these compositional effects differ across the
models, as shown in Chart 11.
In the HMT model lower prices and higher interest rates lead to
initial nominal and real appreciations of the exchange rate. The real
appreciation worsens competitiveness stimulating imports and depressing
exports. This has an adverse effect on the terms of trade, pushing up
unemployment. However, the interest rate falls below base in quarter 5,
so the nominal exchange rate depreciates. Prices fall by less, giving a
real depreciation. The increase in competitiveness which results helps
exports recover quickly, and the improvement in the terms of trade
position helps dampen unemployment.
The income tax rate moves to target the deficit ratio, with a
downward trend in the basic rate during the second part of the
simulation, corresponding to the increase in the tax base. This gives
higher real personal disposable income and hence increases in
consumers' expenditure, which is 0.66 per cent above base in the
final quarter. The lower income tax rate assists in dampening
unemployment through its role in the wedge variable.
In the NIESR model interest rates are 0.1 percentage points higher in
each of the first three years of the simulation, then continue to rise
very gradually, being 0.2 percentage points higher by the end of the
simulation. This ensures that the small initial increase in inflation is
eliminated by the fifth year. Although this interest rate profile might
lead us to expect a slight appreciation of the nominal exchange rate,
both nominal and real rates decline, ending up 5 per cent and 2 per cent
lower respectively in the final period. This exchange rate response
accounts for the behaviour of net export demand, which increases
steadily as a proportion of the increase in GDP, accounting for 78 per
cent of this by the end of the simulation compared to 14 per cent and 7
per cent for investment and consumption, as shown in Chart 11. The
contribution of consumption is negative for the first 14 years of the
simulation, while that for investment is virtually zero.
Consumption growth is 0.1 percentage points higher by the end of the
simulation as higher real personal disposable income and wealth offset
the depressing effect on consumers' expenditure of increased
unemployment. The rise in disposable income is enhanced by the fiscal
solvency rule which, after a short-lived increase in the basic rate of
income tax of about 0.1 pence, reduces the tax rate to 0.3 pence below
base by the end of the simulation. The fiscal policy rule aims to hold
the PSBR/GDP ratio at its base-run values, and higher GDP growth not
only improves the public finances, ceteris paribus, as noted above, but
also reduces the ratio, ceteris paribus.
In the COMPACT model a long-run depreciation of the real exchange
rate is required to bridge the gap between domestic demand and output.
Immediately after the shock is implemented there is a large fall in the
nominal exchange rate and a corresponding jump in prices and hence the
inflation rate. Interest rates increase in line with inflation and this
moderates and then reverses the depreciation. The inflation rate falls
below base in the thirteenth year, but finally returns to its original
level at the very end of the simulation horizon. Both the nominal
exchange rate and the price level eventually reach new lower levels just
below base, giving a long-run real depreciation of about 4.3 per cent.
This improvement in competitiveness ensures that the increase in
technical progress is fully reflected in output as exports increase
throughout the simulation. In the HMT and COMPACT export equations the
presence of a term in cumulated investment of the UK relative to the
rest of the world, representing 'quality' (Owen and
Wren-Lewis, 1993), reinforces the competitiveness effect. In the COMPACT
model non-oil exports increase by 3.85 per cent by the final quarter of
the simulation. Despite both competitiveness and cumulated investment
terms working in the opposite direction and the absence of any
improvement in technical progress elsewhere, non-oil imports also
increase in the COMPACT model.
The increase in the growth rate of output expands the tax base and in
order to satisfy the debt ratio target the basic rate of income tax has
to fall. By the end of the simulation the basic rate is 3.63 percentage
points lower in the COMPACT model. The combined impact of this tax cut
and the increase in real wages described above stimulates domestic
demand ensuring that most of the increase in output is consumed at home.
Consumers' expenditure is below base for the first thirteen years
reflecting both initial higher interest and tax rates, but once the
interest rate returns to base and the tax rate starts falling,
consumers' expenditure increases steadily, finishing 7.44 per cent
higher at the end of the simulation. This increase in domestic demand
combined with the real exchange rate depreciation sucks in imports which
are eventually 2.15 per cent higher However, the response of exports
ensures improvement in the domestic trading position.
The responses of unemployment and real wages are shown in Charts 12
and 13. In the NIESR model the level of the real wage increases steadily
throughout the simulation as does real wage growth which ends up around
0.1 percentage points higher by the last year of the simulation. The
unemployment rate and the 'population needing work' ratio
increase throughout the simulation without appearing to stabilize at a
new higher level.
For the first 11 years of the COMPACT simulation wages and prices
rise in line with each other. They then decline, but wages lag behind
prices and finish permanently higher giving a final increase in average
real wages of 5.92 per cent. The level of the wage bargain achieved
reflects the level of average productivity while the price level depends
on the change in marginal productivity. The increase in the NAIRU in
this simulation mirrors the increase in the ratio of average to marginal
productivity, this worsening occurring despite a reduction in the
maximum vintage of machinery in use which by itself would tend to reduce
marginal costs and hence the natural rate. With lower employment fewer
people enjoy the increased real wage or the reduction in the basic rate
of income tax that also occurs in this simulation.
For the HMT model average earnings fall during the initial stages of
the simulation, but this is soon reversed and average earnings rise
throughout the remainder of the simulation, stimulated by the continual
increase in the level of productivity. The growth rate exceeds that of
prices, hence real wage growth is increased, by an amount which matches
the increase in technical progress at the end of the simulation. The
unemployment profile in Chart 12 suggests that the beneficial effect on
the NAIRU in this model of an increase in productivity growth is
beginning to appear by the end of the simulation.
4. Conclusion
In the textbook neoclassical growth model it is the growth rate of
technical progress, together with that of the population, that
determines the overall rate of economic growth. Our conclusion from the
results presented in this article is that this is also broadly true of
three economy-wide empirical models of the UK economy. Increases in
technical progress are fully reflected by increases in productivity and
hence by increases in the real wage received by workers. However the
models also suggest that the transition to a new equilibrium following a
technology shock is protracted and may possibly result in permanent
technological unemployment.
An increase of 1 per cent in the level of technical progress is
expected to leave the natural rate of unemployment unchanged. Only in
the COMPACT model is this clearly the case, where employment does
eventually recover to its original level and the 1 per cent increase in
productivity is achieved through an equivalent increase in output. The
NIESR model suggests that the same productivity increase is achieved
with a smaller workforce and an increase in output of less than 1 per
cent, a result which is due to the reaction of the public sector. An
increase in the growth rate of technical progress results in an increase
in the growth rate of output in each of the models. However it is only
in the HMT model that this change might reduce the NAIRU. The other two
models show a substantial permanent increase in the unemployment rate
although those remaining in work enjoy increased growth in their real
Macroeconometric models provide an internally consistent account of
the main macroeconomic responses to an external shock. Their system-wide
perspective is their main distinguishing feature from partial empirical
analyses that focus more sharply on specific questions, but difficulties
of measurement and explanation are common to both modes of analysis. For
the technical progress question, a key measurement issue is that of
accurately recording and evaluating improvements in the quality of
output, which assumes particular importance in parts of the public
sector and the services sector where output measurement is based on
measures of labour input. Whereas an economy-wide aggregate treatment
might mask distortions of this kind, a more disaggregate treatment that
attempts to distinguish possibly different behaviour in these sectors is
potentially at risk from the mismeasurement of the contribution of
technical progress. Some of the model-based results reported above are
no more or less at risk from this issue than other kinds of analysis.
Explanations of technical progress at the macroeconomic level are
similarly difficult to obtain, hence in model-based analysis it is
treated as an exogenous variable. Attempts to explain it by relating it
to such variables as research and development expenditure or indicators
of patenting activity at levels of aggregation much beyond individual
case studies have not proved successful, and endogenising it in this way
in an economywide model would in turn require explanations of those
"explanatory" variables.
The models considered in the present article are national-economy
models, with the rest of the world treated as exogenous, and the changes
in technical progress that are implemented in the models apply only to
the UK economy. These exercises provide useful insights into the
supply-side responses of the models, but to the extent that
technological change is a global phenomenon, with innovation being
rapidly transmitted among the industrialised nations, our results do not
represent accurate forecasts. Equivalent technical progress shocks in
the UK's trading partners might be expected to produce similar
supply responses, but demand might respond more quickly thanks to the
trade mechanism. Nevertheless single-country competitiveness gains
should no longer be a feature, hence the export share of growth might be
expected to be less than that shown in our results. Findings along these
lines are reported by Giorni et al (1995), who compare the results of
single-economy and area-wide changes in trend productivity using the
OECD's INTERLINK model and show that overall adjustment towards
long-run equilibrium is significantly speeded up in the case of an
area-wide shock. The extension of our analysis to the domestic effects
of global technological changes is a future research task.
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