Foreign direct investment in Central Europe since 1990: an econometric study.
Lansbury, Melanie ; Pain, Nigel ; Smidkova, Katerina 等
1. Introduction
It is widely recognised that foreign direct investment (FDI) may have
an important role to play in the transformation of the formerly
centrally planned economies of Central and Eastern Europe. FDI provides
a vital source of investment for modernising the industrial structure of
these countries and for improving the quality and reliability of
infrastructure. In addition new investments may also bring badly needed
skills and technologies into the host economy. Evidence from joint
ventures in Hungary (Lane, 1994) shows that such firms had a higher
propensity to trade and invest than purely indigenous firms. Total FDI
inflows into Hungary between 1991-93 were equivalent to 25 per cent of
total fixed domestic capital formation (UNDTCI, 1995).
The growth in FDI in the transitional economies since restructuring began has been impressive, although the level of inward investment remains low compared to that in other developing economies, particularly
in East Asia. On average over 1991-93 FDI inflows to the transitional
countries accounted for only 2 1/2 per cent of total world inflows,
compared to 30 1/2 per cent for developing countries overall (Agarwal,
1995). The pattern of FDI varies considerably amongst the Visegrad
countries, with Hungary receiving over half of their inward investment
between 1990 and 1992. The levels of investment in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and Poland have subsequently begun to grow more rapidly,
although in per capita terms they remain below that in Hungary.(1)
The analysis of FDI to transitional countries is constrained by a
lack of firm theoretical foundations. In conventional models
multinational enterprises can be seen as arising from a combination of
industrial organisation motives that result in a number of activities
being placed under common ownership and control, and comparative
advantage reasons that cause these activities to be placed in separate
countries (Krugman, 1995). Whilst there is no reason to expect that the
factors that ultimately determine the level of investment in Central
Europe will differ from those that determine investment in other
developing economies, much less is known about the factors that
determine the initial level of investment in transitional economies.
There are few empirical studies of the determinants of FDI in Central
Europe, reflecting both a lack of detailed sectoral data and incomplete
and inconsistent time series data (Brewer (1994), UNECE (1994)). Thus
the existing empirical literature consists largely of surveys (EBRD,
1994, Table 9.4). In general these conclude that the primary factors
stimulating investment in the transitional economies have been the need
to secure market access and the form of the privatisation process;
differentials in production costs and tax incentives are not reported to
have had an important influence.
This study aims to fill a gap in the current debate on the
determinants of FDI in Central Europe by providing an econometric analysis of the factors affecting the pattern of investment in the Czech
Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland from OECD countries over the
years 1991-93. We attempt to explain why foreign investors have moved
into these markets so rapidly and why Hungary and the Czech Republic
have attracted more FDI than Poland. We focus in particular on the
organisation of the privatisation process in these economies and the
trade linkages between them and those countries that have invested in
the region. We also investigate whether there is any evidence that some
investments in Central Europe may have been diverted from alternative
low-cost locations on the periphery of the European Union (EU).
The article is organised as follows. In Section 2 we examine the
pattern of FDI in these transitional economies, looking at the dominant
investors and the sectoral structure of investment. The following
section looks at the major factors determining flows of FDI in Central
and Eastern Europe. Here we also look at some of the existing
literature. Section 4 presents our econometric analysis and we conclude
with some policy implications.
2. The pattern of FDI in Central Europe
FDI has become an important source of external finance for several
transitional economies, particularly those in Central Europe, many of
whom are in a relatively [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE 1 OMITTED] advanced
state of transition and may be considered by Western firms as being more
stable and safer locations for investment than the former Soviet states.
Since 1988 around 70 per cent of FDI in the transitional economies has
been channelled into the Central European countries. The pattern of
foreign direct investment is reported in Table 1. Some care is required
in interpreting this data as the figures are on a cash basis, and
exclude reinvested earnings and investment in kind (UNECE, 1994). As the
separate annual data taken from Poland's balance of payments
statistics indicate, there can be considerable differences between
alternative data sources, at least in terms of the level of investment
if not the relative pattern over time.(2)
The data on a cash basis for 1994 indicate that the level of new
direct investment in Central Europe fell from the peak level of 1993,
possibly reflecting a slowdown in the rate of new privatisations. In
contrast the level of new investment continued to rise in the other
transitional economies, particularly in the Baltic states. Provisional
estimates suggest that new flows of investment in Hungary and the Czech
Republic were much stronger in 1995 (Csaki et al., 1996).(3)
FDI flows by investing country
It is also possible to estimate the level of direct investment in
Central Europe using disaggregated source country data on the
investments made by OECD countries.(4) These figures suggest that
Germany has been the largest single investor in Central Europe (Chart
1). At the end of 1993 around 30, 28 and 46 per cent of the stocks of
FDI in Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic and Slovakia respectively
were held by German firms. The other major investors were Austria,
particularly in Hungary and the Czech Republic and the USA. Overall, a
considerable proportion of direct investment has come from neighbouring
countries.(5) Historical ties and existing business linkages may help to
account for the primary sources of FDI flows to Central Europe.
FDI flows by sector
In many primary and service sectors there is often little scope for
investors to choose between host countries. However, within
manufacturing, demand in specific markets can usually be satisfied by
trade and thus a number of factors may influence potential investors.
Such factors may also influence some non-manufacturing investments,
particularly in 'downstream services'. Data on the sector
structure of FDI stocks (Agarwal, 1995) indicate that the primary sector
has received only a minor share of foreign investment, although this is
more likely to reflect political resistance to foreign investors taking
control of monopoly industries rather than an inherent absence of
natural resource endowments. Investors may also be deterred by the past
environmental problems of some primary sector industries in the
transitional economies and the potential liabilities associated with
future environmental legislation.
Up until the latter half of 1993 the vast majority of investments in
Central Europe were in the manufacturing sector, partly reflecting large
individual investments such as the takeover of Skoda by Volkswagen in
1991. Relatively little investment was channelled into traditional
labour intensive industries such as textiles, leather and clothing, and
consumer electronics. This provides some informal evidence that
investors have not solely been attracted to Eastern Europe by
differentials in unit labour costs. There have been a number of large
investments in food processing in Poland, possibly reflecting the
relative importance of the agricultural sector.
More recently, the level of investment in a number of service sectors
has begun to rise significantly, partly as a result of privatisations in
sectors such as telecommunications. Some investment in services also
supports trade linkages, and can thus be expected to increase as the
markets of these Eastern European countries open up further. There has
also been significant inward investment in financial services in Poland,
accounting for 19 per cent of the total inward investment stock at the
end of 1994 (Pac, 1996).
3. The determinants of FDI
In general it might be expected that that FDI is more likely to flow
from developed countries into developing economies that are politically
stable and have access to large, regional markets. Other important
factors are likely to include human capital endowments and long-term
trading links (Markusen, 1995). Such factors can be expected to be
equally relevant for investment in the transitional economies. In the
short term the experience of East European countries suggests two
additional factors that influence the timing and level of investment.
First, there is a considerable risk associated with investments in the
transitional economies due to the relatively unknown and unpredictable
economic and social environment. Factors such as the tax regime and the
structure of property rights may be particularly important. Secondly,
there may be an important role for expectations, with investments during
the transitional period being dependent on estimates of potential
economic growth, the long-run level of the real exchange rate and the
impact of market competition on newly privatised companies.
In a number of transition countries inward investment has largely
been in joint-ventures, many of which have been able to negotiate
favourable trading conditions. The privatisation programs in these
economies have therefore been an important factor in stimulating inward FDI, even during a period of recession (Hunya, 1992). Such programmes
act as a signal of the authorities' commitment to private
ownership. Although all the Central European economies have introduced
privatisation programmes, differences in the form and timing of their
schemes may help to account for the differences in the pattern of inward
investment. Two basic forms of privatisation can be distinguished - the
'standard' method (direct sales and a search for strategic
investors), which simply provides a source of cash revenues to
government, and the 'transitional' method (restitution of
property and voucher privatisation), the initial purpose of which is to
re-establish private property rights.
In Hungary preference was given to the standard method, with a
programme of privatisation for cash through auctions or direct tender.
Although there was a voucher scheme, it only affected around 10 per cent
of the population, and consequently foreign investors could bid directly
for a relatively large portion of state property. In contrast the
transitional approach was followed in the CSFR, with vouchers issued to
enable private citizens to purchase public assets. Some 62 per cent of
earmarked state property was transferred into the private sector, with
the remainder kept in the state sector in order to protect key
industries and to search for strategic investors in public tenders.
Foreign investors were only able to purchase shares from domestic
investors once the initial privatisation process was complete. As a
direct result of the method chosen, the majority of state enterprises
became joint-stock companies which subsequently attracted foreign
capital either directly through FDI or through the issuing of shares in
state enterprises on the Prague Stock Exchange. In Poland privatisation
has largely taken place through competitive tender, but the speed of the
process has generally been slow and unpredictable after the initial
sales in 1990-91. In some cases, buyouts resulted in majority owned
worker/manager enterprises. This restricted further sales of the
remaining, usually minority, share of such enterprises to foreign
investors since foreign firms would have little direct control over the
Figures for the private sector share of GDP demonstrate the
consequences of the different privatisation strategies adopted (Table
2). In comparison to the CSFR and Hungary where there was a rapid
expansion in the private sector share, that in Poland remained
relatively stable, albeit from a high initial level. We anticipate that
the timing of the respective privatisation schemes has been an important
factor behind differences in the observed pattern of inward FDI.
Table 2. Share of private sector in GDP
per cent
Year Hungary(a) Poland Czech Slovakia(a)
1989 14.9 28.6 11.2
1991 33.0 45.3 17.3
1992 44.0 48.2 27.7 22.0
1993 52.4 53.5 45.1 24.6
Mid-95 60 60 70 60
Source: EBRD Transition Report 1995, Chapter 2. The 1995 figures
Notes: (a) Excludes cooperatives.
Tax incentives and the legal framework
In contrast to some transitional economies, the Central European
countries all offer a legal framework conducive to foreign investment
(UNECE, 1994). Foreign investment laws were passed at a relatively early
stage of transition - 1988 in Hungary and 1991 in the Czech Republic and
Poland - and a number of bilateral investment protection agreements and
tax conventions have been established. Agreements with foreign investors
can be largely undertaken without prior government approval, although
there are some remaining restrictions, particularly in the primary
sectors, and there are few restrictions on the repatriation of profits.
Marton (1993) provides a detailed overview of government policies
towards FDI in Hungary.
Potential foreign investors have also been offered various government
incentives. Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic have all established
special economic zones for foreign investors, with various exemptions
from custom duties; in the Czech Republic for example, foreign investors
with an equity stake greater than 30 per cent are entitled to a one year
exemption from duties.(7) Although corporate taxes are not especially
high in any of the countries (42% in the Czech Republic, 40% in Poland
and 36% in Hungary in 1994), there are some special treatments offered
to fully foreign enterprises. In the Czech Republic most tax exemptions
for foreign investors were abolished in 1993, although negotiable tax
contracts remain available in certain priority sectors such as
electricity plants and consulting services. In Poland a 3-6 year tax
exemption was granted in priority sectors for large investments made
before December 1993. In Hungary automatic tax holidays were abolished
in 1994, but certain priority investments, both domestic and foreign,
may be entitled to preferential treatment and fully foreign owned
offshore companies can, under certain conditions, obtain a 85 per cent
tax 'holiday' for a limited period of time.
However we do not attempt to include a direct measure of investment
incentives in our empirical work below. Existing survey evidence
suggests that the fiscal privileges available in the early stages of
transition had little effect on the decisions of potential investors
(EBRD, 1994). This may be one factor behind the present moves to phase
out such measures.
Other Eastern European economies that attracted little inward
investment have very different institutional frameworks (EBRD, 1994).
For example, the countries of the former USSR passed their laws on
foreign direct investment later in 1992 or 1993, their mass
privatisation programs had by and large only reached the planning stage
by 1993, and convertibility of domestic currency was quite restricted.
Macroeconomic stability
It can also be argued that the perceived risks of investment within
the Central European economies may have been reduced by an expectation
that they would eventually integrate fully with Western Europe, helped
by measures to ensure preferential market access. The Czech Republic and
Hungary have already become members of the OECD. Furthermore the
macroeconomic stability of these economies has been relatively high in
comparison to the other Eastern European economies. Recent movements in
international credit ratings are summarised in European Commission
(1996), with the Czech Republic consistently having the highest credit
rating of the Visegrad economies.(8)
This may reflect important distinctions in the macroeconomic
programmes followed by the different countries. The CSFR authorities
pursued a successful stabilisation programme in which the exchange rate
was pegged to a basket of foreign currencies, following three large
devaluations in 1991. The government deficit declined to zero, foreign
exchange reserves were accumulated and inflation stabilised at around 10
per cent in 1994 and 1995. The Hungarian and Polish authorities adopted
a more flexible exchange rate regime, and both have had consistently
higher inflation and a weaker fiscal position (Table 3). Whilst it is
probable that the perceived risks of investing in Central Europe will
reflect developments such as those possible shown in the indicators in
Table 3, it is not practicable to include all indicators in the
empirical analysis as they are closely correlated with one another. We
therefore use a single constructed indicator for risk based on the
(first) principal component of the series in Table 3.(9)
Table 3. Potential indicators of macroeconomic stability
Hungary Poland Czech
and Slovakia
Net debt/exports ratio
1991 157 312 86
1992 124 267 60
1993 157 273 32
Import/reserves ratio
1991 0.26 0.32 1.11
1992 0.28 0.40 1.25
1993 0.19 0.40 0.32
Government deficit/GDP ratio
1991 2.1 1.9 1.0
1992 6.2 4.9 1.5
1993 5.4 2.3 -0.1
1991 32.0 60.0 52.0
1992 22.0 44.0 13.0
1993 21.0 38.0 18.0
Sources: Transition Report (1994), EBRD and International Financial
Statistics (1995), IMF.
Trade linkages
A number of studies have suggested that investment in developing
economies is positively associated with indicators of
'openness', typically measured by the ratio of total trade
(imports plus exports) to GDP (Harrison and Revenga (1995), Hufbauer et
al.(1994)). Such findings may suggest that investors prefer countries
with relatively liberal trade regimes, possibly within regions with
wider free trade agreements.(10) Some initial investment may also be in
marketing affiliates, designed to support exports by the parent firm.
There is also considerable evidence that geographical proximity is an
important factor in observed trade and investment patterns, judging by
the findings from gravity-type models (Leamer and Levinsohn (1995),
Thomsen and Woolcock (1993)). Knowledge of the local market and existing
business linkages may help particular foreign firms to take advantage of
the opportunities presented by a rapidly evolving market structure. To
investigate whether the level of investment by individual countries in
Central Europe is influenced by trade linkages, we use a measure defined
as the share of trade in each of the host economies accounted for by
trade with the investing economy.
Table 4. Geographical breakdown of Central European exports
per cent
1988 1990 1992 1994
Czech Republic and Slovakia(a)
EU 12 24.2 32.0 49.5 61.7
Austria, Finland & Sweden 5.6 8.0 8.7 11.2
Central & Eastern Europe 54.5 43.0 24.1 15.4
Other 15.7 17.0 17.7 11.7
EU 12 22.5 35.4 49.4 48.5
Austria, Finland & Sweden 7.8 9.9 12.6 11.9
Central & Eastern Europe 47.6 33.0 22.9 25.9
Other 22.1 11.7 15.1 13.7
EU 12 30.3 46.8 56.1 55.4
Austria, Finland & Sweden 6.7 8.0 7.4 6.4
Central & Eastern Europe 44.2 23.7 15.5 16.8
Other 18.8 21.5 21.0 21.4
Source: IMF Direction of Trade Statistics.
Notes: (a) For 1994 constructed using Czech and Slovak Republic
data, excluding cross border trade between the two, plus
between exports from Czech Republic and Slovakia in Hungary import
data and exports to Hungary in the Czech and Slovak trade data.
There has been a marked geographical change in the trade patterns of
the Visegrad economies in recent years, as shown in Table 4. Trade has
been increasingly reorientated towards the EU economies since the end of
the 1980s, with shipments to the 15 EU member states accounting for over
60 per cent of merchandise exports in 1994, approximately twice the
proportion of 1988. To the extent that trade linkages influence
investment decisions, some increase in inward investment from the EU
economies would be expected given the change in trade patterns.
Labour costs
The cost of labour in the host country is potentially a major factor
in the location decision, particularly for firms seeking to produce
labour intensive products for export. Wages in the transitional
economies are amongst the lowest in Europe. In 1993, average monthly
wages in Hungary are estimated to have been $296 (EBRD, 1995, Table
11.2), approximately one-ninth of the level in West Germany. In the
Czech Republic and Poland monthly wages in 1993 were $200 and $221,
respectively.(11) Wage levels reveal only part of the story; what
matters to the firm are differences in unit costs, taking account of the
productivity of labour as well as wage levels.
In the empirical work below we investigate two measures of relative
unit labour costs. The first tests whether differentials within Central
Europe affect the location of investments within the region. The second
investigates whether cost differentials between Central Europe and Spain
and Portugal affect the share of OECD investment entering Central Europe
(Martin and Gual, 1994). The latter measure may be important if Central
European countries are competing with countries in Southern Europe for
foreign investments designed to serve the European wide market.
Indices of unit labour costs in Central Europe are reported in Table
5. In Hungary and Poland the economic and social reforms were initially
associated with sharp increases in unit labour costs, whilst in the
Czech Republic unit costs fell until 1992. The labour cost
competitiveness of Hungary and Poland subsequently improved in 1993 and
1994, partly as a result of currency devaluations.
Structural Characteristics
There are a number of country-specific factors that may influence the
location of foreign investments. These include human capital,
technological endowments and economic infrastructure. We briefly review
the available evidence on each of these.
Finding an appropriate measure of human capital, or skill levels, can
be a major problem in empirical analysis. Even within a country,
measures based on whether an employee is classified as manual or
non-manual, or on educational attainment can be misleading. These
problems are further enhanced when making comparisons across countries.
Evidence from education patterns suggests that the workforce in most
Central and East European countries has, on average, a broadly
comparable standard of qualifications to that in most Western European
countries (Table 6a), and a slightly better standard than in possible
competing locations such as Bulgaria and Spain. In view of the
relatively low wage levels in the Visegrad economies, this could have
encouraged flows of FDI following economic restructuring. There are also
some distinctions in skill levels within Central Europe, with a greater
proportion of the Hungarian workforce having higher qualifications. It
is possible that such differences may have influenced the observed
differences in flows of FDI in these three countries.
Table 5. Unit labour costs in manufacturing
US$, 1989=100
Czech Republic Hungary Poland
1989 100.0 100.0 100.0
1990 82.7 114.2 91.1
1991 70.5 153.4 151.7
1992 93.6 163.2 138.5
1993 117.7 148.5 126.3
1994 128.9 142.0 120.5
Source: Authors calculations based on EBRD (1995).
Multinational companies may also seek to locate in host countries
with a well established research base (Cantwell, 1995). It is generally
agreed that innovation patterns can either be measured ex ante by
expenditure on research and development or ex post by the number of
patents. There are many sources for such data; the most widely used
figures are derived from US Department of Commerce data, since most
innovations are typically registered in the US. These record the number
of patents granted each year in broad industrial sectors. It is possible
to establish a measure of the stock of innovation by cumulating the flow
of patents over time.(12) In general international comparisons suggest
that patenting activity in the Eastern European countries in the 25
years to 1987 lagged behind the West (Ray, 1991), although there was
evidence of considerable expertise in R&D in particular areas, such
as chemicals in Hungary and engineering in the former CSFR. Within
Eastern Europe more recent data indicates that patenting activity in
Hungary has continued to outpace that of other countries (Table 6b).
Differences in the quality and reliability of infrastructure may also
be able to explain why some developing economies have been able to
attract larger shares of FDI than others (Wheeler and Mody, 1992). One
of the main impediments to FDI in Poland has been the lack of investment
in infrastructure, particularly in updating rail and road links and
telecommunications (Hany, 1995). There are a number of infrastructure
indicators that can be used in any empirical analysis. In this paper we
investigate a measure based on electricity consumption per capita in the
respective host economy relative to an average of that in the other two
potential hosts. It is possible that a simple measure of the level of
infrastructure may fail to fully reflect the importance of this factor
in determining the location of investments, since the quality and
reliability of that infrastructure is likely to be of equal importance
to potential investors.
Strategic motives
The reforms in Central and Eastern Europe have opened up a large and
potentially growing market for the [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE 6A OMITTED]
products of Western firms and survey evidence suggests that national and
regional market access is one of the major factors that has influenced
potential investors (EBRD, 1994).(13) Some firms may have made
investments for strategic reasons in order to beat competitors and
secure a dominant market share (Buigues and Jacquemin, 1994). Although
the size of many of these transitional countries is small relative to
many West European markets, the CSFR, Hungary and Poland have a combined
population of around 60 million, and regional trade barriers are
gradually being dismantled as a result of the Central European Free
Trade Agreement.
Table 6b. Number of patents granted to Eastern European countries
the United States 1989-93
1989 1990 1991 1992
Bulgaria 15 26 10 5
Czech Rep. and Slovakia 34 38 28 18
Hungary 131 94 86 86
Poland 17 19 11 7
Romania 0 1 1 0
Former USSR 161 176 178 69
Source: OECD (1995b).
Gaining new markets is not the only strategic reason for foreign
investors to enter transitional markets. Foreign firms may invest
directly in a transitional economy in order to try and protect their own
market share gained under the previous regime and gain preferential
access to incentives available to foreign investors. Since the opening
up of transitional markets may increase competition in certain sectors,
firms may feel that by being 'on site' they are in a better
position to maintain their market share than through exports (EBRD,
1995). We do not include an explicit variable to try and pick up such
factors. However it is possible that the variables for the private
sector share and trade linkages may help to 'explain'
investments prompted by strategic considerations.
4. Empirical analysis
Until recently the primary constraint on undertaking empirical work
on foreign direct investment in Central and Eastern Europe has been the
availability of consistent data over the transitional period. In many of
these economies there has been little inward investment in the past. One
interesting exception is Hungary, where (limited) FDI has been
undertaken for a number of years. Wang and Swain (1995) report an
econometric analysis of the factors that have influenced investment in
Hungary and China since the late 1970s. Their results suggest that FDI
is positively determined by the size of the host country and negatively
determined by the cost of capital and political stability. Labour costs
also appeared to be an important factor for China, but not for Hungary.
The relative scarcity of annual data on total direct investment in
Central Europe obviously serves to constrain any econometric analysis.
We therefore use a panel data set, with data for investment by 14
separate OECD countries in the three separate host economies over
1991-93.(14) This gives us a total panel size of 126 observations,
permitting a more detailed specification search. The investment data
were obtained from OECD (1995a). We are not able to separately
distinguish investment in the manufacturing and non-manufacturing
sectors as such a split is not always available within the home country
data.(15) Our main objective is to investigate the factors that have
affected the relative levels of investment in the three host economies
over the transition period. In estimation we allow for country-specific
fixed-effects within the home (OECD) countries, but not within the host
economies. Much of the interesting variation in the data is across host
countries, and reflects conditions which evolve slowly over time. Use of
additional fixed-effects for the host economies would remove most of
this variation, given the short time dimension to our panel (Wheeler and
Mody, 1992).
The general model we estimate can be summarised as:
[FDI.sub.ijt] = [a.sub.i] + [a.sub.1][PRIV.sub.jt] +
[a.sub.2][TRADE.sub.ijt] + [a.sub.3][PATENTS.sub.jt] +
[a.sub.4][RISK.sub.jt] + [a.sub.5][COST.sub.jt] +
[a.sub.6][ENERGY.sub.jt] + [v.sub.ijt]
where [FDI.sub.ijt] denotes the flow of FDI into country j from
country i at time t, PRIV is the private sector share of GDP, TRADE is
the ratio of total trade between country i and country j to the total
trade of country j, PATENTS denotes the relative stock of patents
granted to residents of the host economy, RISK is a proxy for risk, COST
denotes unit labour costs in the host country relative to other
potential hosts in Central Europe and ENERGY is relative energy
consumption in the host economy. The country specific fixed effects
[a.sub.i] allow for unobserved influences that remain constant over
time. All other influences will be contained in the disturbance term
[v.sub.ijt]. Further details on the variables used are given in the Data
The dependent variable is defined as the flow of FDI from each of the
14 investing countries to each of the three host countries, relative to
total OECD foreign direct investment flows. This has implications for
the form of many of the variables included in our model. In particular,
indicators such as patents and energy consumption which can trend
upwards without bounds have to entered in relative rather than absolute
Table 7 summarises the main empirical results. Home country fixed
effects were included, but are not reported here. The first column (7.1)
reports the parameter estimates obtained for the basic model. All the
parameters [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE 7 OMITTED] appear to have the signs
that might be expected, although only two are statistically significant
at conventional levels, and the model appears to have reasonable
explanatory power. Past trade linkages, innovation, infrastructure and
the privatisation programme are all found to have a positive impact on
the level of inward investment.
The next two regressions drop the risk and infrastructure variables
respectively, as they are not individually significant.(16) Our
preferred equation is equation (7.3). These results confirm the widely
held belief that the observed pattern of direct investments within
Central Europe has been affected by differences in the timing and form
of privatisation programmes. This helps to account for the relatively
high level of investment within Hungary. However other factors are also
important; the significance of the patents measure suggests that, other
things being equal, investors may seek to locate within Hungary to take
advantage of its relatively advanced research base, especially as
compared to Poland. In contrast, the relative improvement in the cost
competitiveness of the Czech Republic in 1991 and 1992 may have helped
to stimulate inward investment before the privatisation programme was
fully underway. The trade variable suggests that the relatively high
level of inward investment by German and Austrian companies in Central
Europe is partly a reflection of long-standing business linkages. An
imposition of common intercepts for all the home countries was rejected
by the data [F(13,108)=2.72], suggesting that significant
country-specific effects are present.
The implied elasticities from (7.3) will vary over time and for both
home and host economies.(17) Weighting together the implied effects
(using home economy investment shares as weights) and using 1992-3
sample means implies that a one per cent rise in the private sector
share in all three Central European economies will raise direct
investment inflows by 1.08 per cent. A one per cent rise in the stock of
patents will raise inflows by 0.59 per cent.
These results are in marked contrast to what might be expected given
early survey evidence on the reasons for inward investment. Whilst the
significance of the privatisation indicator may reflect strategic
investments prompted by a one-off opportunity to gain market power,
other variables such as relative costs and indigenous technological
indicators might be found in any study of the determinants of investment
in developing economies.
As our dependent variable is scaled by total flows of direct
investment from the OECD economies, it is possible that the home country
fixed effects could be capturing factors which have prompted a rise in
the share of total investment located in Central Europe. Standard
theories of FDI suggest the importance of relative costs in location
decisions, and a number of studies have noted the possibility of a
diversion of regionally orientated investments from Southern to Eastern
Europe (Martin and Gual, 1994). To investigate this we include a
variable (denoted COST1) in (7.4) which is defined as unit labour costs
in the respective host economies relative to a weighted average of unit
labour costs in Spain and Portugal. We would expect to find a negative
coefficient on this variable if firms have diverted investments into
Central Europe. In fact it is difficult to discriminate between this
measure and relative unit labour costs within Central Europe, as the two
are collinear. As (7.5) shows, if COST1 is included alone it becomes
statistically significant and correctly signed. Overall, these results
suggest that relative labour costs are an important factor behind the
observed levels of investment in the Central European economies.
We have also estimated comparable models using data on the stocks of
direct investment rather than the flows. Our use of flows largely
reflects an interest in the timing of investment in the initial
transition period. Ultimately, it may be more appropriate to use stock
data, since standard supply-side theories of investment relate to stocks
rather than flows. Over the transition period from 1991-93 the time
pattern of the flow data is little different from that of the stock
data. This was reflected in the empirical results with the size and
significance of the main explanatory factors remaining close to the
results in Table 7.
5. Conclusions
Our empirical results support and extend the findings from earlier
surveys of investment in Central Europe. Whilst it is clear that the
timing and form of privatisation programmes have had a marked influence
on the pattern of inward investment, we also find a significant effect
from relative labour costs and an indicator of research intensity. The
latter findings are consistent with those from many other studies of
investment in developing economies. This evidence is consistent with the
notion that some investors have been attracted to Central Europe by a
combination of relatively low labour costs and the availability of
skilled workers in particular sectors and countries. In the short term,
the continued strength of inward investment in these economies is likely
to depend heavily on the continuation and expansion of privatisation
programmes. Post-privatisation investments, which have already begun in
some economies (UNDTCI, 1995, pg.103), are more likely to depend on
market growth and costs relative to those elsewhere in Europe.
We also obtain evidence which indicates that, on average, investment
is more likely to originate from those economies with strong, existing
trade linkages with Central Europe. This has interesting implications
for the future pattern of investment in this region, since trade is
increasingly reorientated towards the EU economies. Evidence from the
recent pattern of outward investment by Japanese and German corporations
suggests that the location of such investments is affected by regional
trading arrangements and trade policy instruments. Barrell and Pain
(1996) illustrate the extent to which contingent protection has driven
Japanese FDI within the EU and the US. There is also evidence of
significant differences between the factors determining foreign direct
investment from German firms within the EU and other Northern Hemisphere
economies with separate free trade agreements (Barrell, Pain and Hubert,
1996). This tendency appears to have been exacerbated by the EC Internal
Market Programme, which has acted to divert some direct investment away
from non-EU economies (Baldwin et al, 1995). The continuing need to
attract and retain foreign investment aimed at serving Western European
markets is thus likely to reinforce the desire of many Central European
economies for ever closer linkages with the EU.
[COST.sub.j] = unit labour costs in host country relative to a
weighted average of those in the other two host countries, with both
having a weight of 50 per cent (US$, 1989=100, calculated using EBRD
Transition Report Update, 1995). For the CSFR we use the Czech Republic
series reported in Table 5.
[COST1.sub.j] = unit labour costs in host country relative to a
weighted average of those in Spain (70 per cent) and Portugal (30 per
cent) (US$, 1989=100, calculated using EBRD Transition Report Update,
1995 and OECD National Accounts).
[ENERGY.sub.j] = Consumption of electricity per head in host country
relative to a weighted average of that in other two potential hosts
(kWh, UN Energy Statistics Yearbook).
[FDI.sub.ij] = Annual flows of FDI from the [] investor
country to the [] host country as a percentage of total OECD
flows, multiplied by 100 (calculated from data in International Direct
Investment Statistics Yearbook (1995), OECD).
[PATENTS.sub.j] = cumulated five-year moving average of patents
granted to host country relative to a weighted average of patents
granted to the other two potential hosts (US Department of Commerce).
[PRIV.sub.j] = private sector share of GDP in the host country (EBRD
Transition Report, 1995).
[RISK.sub.j] = principal component of four host country series;
inflation, government debt stock, government deficit and the inverse of
the reserve cover ratio. Calculated using the data for 1991-93 reported
in Table 3.
[TRADE.sub.ij] = ([M.sub.ij] + [X.sub.ij])/([M.sub.j] + [X.sub.j]),
where [M.sub.ij] is a monthly average value of imports from the
[] investor country into the [] host country and
[X.sub.ij] is a monthly average value of exports from the []
investor country to the [] host country, and [M.sub.j] and
[X.sub.j] are the total value of exports and imports in the host country
(Monthly Statistics of Foreign Trade (1994), OECD).
(1) In this article we also use the term CSFR when referring to the
former Czechoslovakia. The Visegrad economies are the CSFR, Hungary and
(2) The balance of payments estimates of inward direct investment in
the CSFR and Hungary are much closer to the cash figures in Table 1.
(3) The authors estimate that, on a cash basis, inflows of foreign
direct investment into Hungary in 1995 were around $4.4 billion, helped
by privatisations in the energy sector. In the Czech Republic new
investment was raised by the partial privatisation of the SPT telecom
(4) Brewer (1994) suggests that the source country data produced by
the OECD are the best available for most analytic tasks, because of
their relative accuracy and comprehensiveness.
(5) This is also the case for other transitional countries; for
example nearly half of the foreign direct investment in Estonia comes
from Sweden and Finland.
(6) However having found this whole process slow, Poland has now
adopted the voucher method.
(7) In contrast to the other Central European economies, foreign
owned firms can set up their own customs-free areas within Hungary under
Customs Service supervision (Csaki et al, 1996). Firms are treated as
foreign in such zones and are free from exchange control and trade
(8) The Commission reports the rankings from the two major
international rating agencies, Moody's and Standard and
Poor's, as well as the rankings in the Euromoney and Institutional
Investor journals.
(9) Principal components are a set of indicators constructed to
capture as much of the variance of the original series as possible. By
definition such components are likely to give relatively little weight
to series that do not vary over time. Hence differences between
variables such as inflation rates, which may be stable within countries
but vary across countries, may not be fully reflected in the respective
national principal components.
(10) The Central European economies have all signed association
agreements with the European Community, the so-called 'Europe
Agreements' (Martin and Gual, 1994). This has improved market
access within the EU for some goods produced in Central Europe.
(11) The estimates are gross of income tax, but net of social
security taxes.
(12) We use a five year cumulative moving average in our empirical
work. This serves to take account of any time lag before the full
commercial potential of a patent can be realised.
(13) It is difficult to test this hypothesis, since we do not have
any data on expectations of market growth. We cannot simply use actual
market growth, since GDP fell in all of the transitional economies up
until 1994.
(14) The 14 investing countries are Austria, Belgium, Denmark,
Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, the UK and the US. The remaining OECD countries are
excluded as data are not available. Consistent data are not yet
available for all these countries in 1994. For 1993 we use data on the
combined level of investments in the Czech Republic and the Slovak
(15) Although there may be some inconsistencies in the national data
of the OECD economies, this may be less than that in the data for inward
FDI published by the Visegrad economies (Brewer, 1994). In particular,
the available data from Hungary may include portfolio as well as direct
investments (UNECE, 1994).
(16) These two variables are jointly insignificant [F(2,106)=0.26].
(17) Although it is feasible to estimate our model in a logarithmic form over this sample period, since all investment flows are
non-negative, we consider the implied assumption of constant
elasticities to be a strong one.
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