Productivity, product quality and workforce skills: food processing in four European countries.
Mason, Geoff ; Ark, Bart van ; Wagner, Karin 等
'borrowing' from other countries. Indeed, all three of the
Continental countries examined here are presently undertaking reforms of
their own in an effort to improve the workings of their respective
vocational education and training systems. Our comparisons suggest that,
in order to compete successfully with other advanced industrial nations,
Britain needs a coherent set of policies which build on existing
institutional structures, for instance, by raising average levels of
attainment in core subjects in secondary schools, expanding the
provision of full-time and part-time vocational education courses to
recognised standards and strengthening the links between vocational
colleges and employment-based training schemes.
Appendix A. Estimates of relative 'quality-adjusted'
productivity levels 1. Introduction
During most of the 1980s Britain's productivity performance
improved sharply in relation to its leading Continental competitors but
the differentials remain substantial: recent estimates based on
Production Census data show gaps in manufacturing output per person-hour
ranging from some 20 to 40 per cent between Britain and Germany, France
and the Netherlands (van Ark, 1990a, 1990b; O'Mahony, 1992). It is
therefore of continuing interest to examine the reasons for this
shortfall in British productivity levels and to assess the implications
for British manufacturers' ability to respond quickly and
effectively to competitive pressures in international product markets.
In previous studies covering a range of industries, National
Institute researchers have compared productivity levels and the quality
and utilisation of physical and human capital inputs in matched samples
of manufacturing plants in Britain and Germany, and Britain and the
Netherlands. In all cases these bilateral comparisons pointed to
important links between relative productivity performance and workforce
qualification and skill levels (Daly, Hitchens, Wagner, 1985; Steedman
and Wagner, 1987, 1989; Mason, Prais, van Ark, 1992).
The present study reports on a detailed comparison of productivity,
machinery and skills in matched samples of plants in a single
industry--food processing--in four countries: Britain, Germany, the
Netherlands and France. (Unless otherwise stated, the term
'Germany' refers throughout to the former Federal Republic.)
By extending the range of inter-country variation in this way, it was
hoped to deepen our understanding of the effects on relative
productivity performance of different national systems of human capital
formation: in relation to Britain all three Continental countries are
distinguished by higher proportions of vocationally-qualified personnel
in the workforce; however, in contrast to the well known 'Dual
System' of apprenticeship training in Germany, initial training in
the Netherlands and France is largely based on full-time vocational
Food processing is a prominent example of 'light'
manufacturing in which the productivity gap between Britain and most
other leading industrialised nations has historically been found to be
low relative to other branches of manufacturing (Prais, 1981; Broadberry
and Crafts, 1990; Broadberry and Fremdling, 1990). It has therefore been
regarded as an industry in which Britain has a comparative advantage or
at least in which its comparative disadvantage is relatively small.
However, plant-sizes in British food processing are typically larger
than in most other industrial nations (even including the United
States), and questions have consequently been raised as to why
scale-economies have not produced still greater benefits in respect of
British productivity performance (Prais, 1981; NEDO, 1982; Maunder,
In the course of earlier comparative studies, suggestions have
accumulated that British manufacturing's 'productivity
problem' relative to other advanced industrial nations might
consist not just of lower (physical) quantities produced per person
employed but also of lower average product quality levels. In
Anglo-German comparisons of kitchen furniture and clothing
manufacturers, for instance, it was noted that British producers tended
to specialise in more standardised and much lower value-added product
areas than their German counterparts (Steedman and Wagner, 1987, 1989).
'Quality' of output is notoriously difficult to measure. In
consequence, for the present investigation a relatively simple branch of
the food industry, namely biscuits, was chosen for examination in order
to facilitate productivity comparisons which took explicit account of
inter-country differences in the mix of product-qualities produced--and
to provide a basis for detailed study of the links between human capital
endowments and the pre-dominant product strategies in each country.
Additional reasons for selecting biscuits as a specimen product area
included their characteristics of being inter nationally-traded goods
produced in competitive market conditions in all four countries. In
terms of its basic technology, biscuit-making is representative of
'process' industries which employ continuous-flow methods of
production. In such industries workforces are typically divided between
technical staff responsible for the smooth running of automated linked
machinery and a relatively large proportion of lower-skilled workers
engaged in routine loading and packing activities. Comparisons based on
this type of industry were expected to provide a valuable contrast with
earlier studies based on more craft-intensive industries.
In all we visited some 29 biscuit manufacturing plants--ten in
Britain, eight in Germany, six in France and five in the Netherlands.
There were several problems to be overcome in drawing up four samples of
plants which could be usefully compared with each other and at the same
time be regarded as adequately representative of each national industry.
In broad terms our sampling strategy was to cover a spread of plants in
the inter-quartile employment-size range in each country.(1) As shown by
national Censuses of Production, the median plant size in the British
industry is substantially larger than in the other three countries; in
order to obtain a substantial overlap of plant-sizes in the four
samples, additional visits were made to British plants in smaller size
groups and to German plants above the upper quartile plant size.
However, for purposes of data analysis the sample plants were weighted
in such a way that our estimates remained broadly representative of the
inter-quartile employment size range in each national population. The
effects of this adjustment on sample median plant sizes are shown in
Table 1, Note a; Appendix A provides details of the weighting procedure
used and compares the productivity estimates derived using this method
with alternative estimates based on unweighted data.
In all four countries the plants were initially identified through
trade directories. Further information about employment and product
lines was sought by telephone before formal requests for visits were
made. Response rates in each country were fairly similar with
approximately two thirds of plants who were approached about a visit
agreeing to participate. All the visits were carried out between October 1989 and December 1991. During the visits semi-structured interviews
were held with production and/or personnel managers and, where possible,
with shopfloor supervisors as well. Each visit included direct
observation of production processes and work organisation on the
shopfloor. At least two researchers from different countries were
present on 90 per cent of visits. To economise on travelling costs the
plants were geographically clustered in all the countries except for the
Netherlands (where distances are small).
The order of discussion in this article is as follows: in Section 2
we compare the present structures and recent economic performance of
each of the four countries' biscuit industries. Section 3 reports
on detailed comparisons of productivity levels and the
quality-distribution of output in each national sample of plants.
Section 4 describes important inter-country differences in the quality
and utilisation of physical capital inputs. In Section 5 we examine the
contribution of workforce skills to relative productivity performance
and to differences in each national industry's ability to compete
successfully in high value added product areas. Section 6 summarises the
central findings and public policy implications of the study.
2.Industry structure and performance
The term 'biscuits'--from the French bis-cuit meaning
'twice-cooked' --covers a range of pastry goods which have the
common characteristic of being dry, brittle or crisp (in contrast to
cakes which retain a relatively high moisture content after being
baked). As a result of their relatively long shelf-life, biscuits are
far more likely than other baked products to enter international trade.
Since the initial development of biscuit-making machinery in the
early-19th century, the industry has gradually shed its craft origins
and engaged in ever more technically complex methods of factory
production. Some small craft bakeries remain--and indeed some new ones
have developed in recent years in response to new market opportunities
for specialist kinds of fresh biscuit--but the present structure of
biscuit manufacturing strongly reflects the impact of competitive
pressures over many decades which have inspired amalgamations of
producers (through mergers and takeovers) and concentration of
production in a relatively small number of highly mechanised--in some
cases highly automated--plants.
The pre-eminent supply-side factor stimulating this reorganisation process has been the wide scope for technical economies of scale in
industrial baking (Pratten 1971) and the opportunities for
scale-economies in bulk-buying of materials and in marketing and
distribution costs. On the demand side amalgamations of biscuit
manufacturers have proceeded in tandem with wide-scale advertising of
individual product varieties and brand names which, for some leading
firms, has helped create and sustain mass markets for long production
runs of standardised biscuit varieties.(2)
Restructuring of biscuit production and its consolidation in fewer,
larger plants has taken place in all four of the countries examined
here. However, the process began earlier and has developed most fully in
the British industry where, as shown in Table 1, average plant sizes are
substantially larger than in the other three countries. This outcome can
be attributed in part to the faster and more extensive development of
nationwide advertising in Britain and the country's earlier
development also of a Stock Exchange for industrial securities
(facilitating the acquisition of smaller producers by larger firms)
(Prais, 1981). All four national industries are now dominated by large
enterprises with access to industrial capital markets and indeed some of
these leading concerns are multinationals with plants in several
European countries, but family-owned firms continue to play a more
important role on the Continent (and especially in Germany) than they do
in Britain.
Continued rationalisation involving plant closures and reductions in
employment has dominated the British biscuit industry's performance
in the last decade. Between 1980-90 output rose in Britain by only 16
per cent but, with employment contracting by some 37 per cent over the
same period, there was a very sharp increase in labour productivity of
84 per cent, higher than in any of the other three countries. As Table 3
shows, output grew much more rapidly in (West) Germany (up 73 per cent)
and in the Netherlands (up 43 per cent) than in Britain and (in spite of fluctuations during the decade) employment levels in 1990 were only
about 4 per cent down on 1980 levels in each of those two countries. The
German performance in part reflects a remarkable 25 per cent growth of
output in a single year (1990) when the domestic market was suddenly
expanded by reunification; in the same year German employment rose by
some 11 per cent over 1989. In the case of the French industry, output
TABULAR DATA OMITTED and productivity growth over the decade was the
slowest of the four countries but there were signs of improvement in the
late-1980s; the percentage decline in French biscuit employment was
about half that in Britain.
Table 1. Distribution of plant sizes in national samples of biscuit
Britain Netherlands Germany France
Number of plants
No. of employees
Under 200 2 2
}4 }4
200-499 2
500-999 2 2 2
1000-plus 4 0 2 0
Total 10 5 8 6
Number of employees
Weighted median plant
size in sample(a): 1170 280 350 380
(a) The median size is here defined such that half of all employees in each
sample are in plants above that size and half below it. For details of
weighting procedure, see text and Appendix A. The unweighted sample median
plant sizes were: Britain 1040, Netherlands 340, Germany 1000 and France 410.
The faster rates of output growth in the German and Dutch industries
during the 1980s partly reflect rapid growth in export volumes in both
countries. The relatively high export share of production in the
Netherlands (43 per cent of output in volume terms in 1990; see Table 4)
is typical of a small open economy. The 38 per cent export share in
Germany is markedly higher than in Britain or France which are of
similar population size. The British market is characterised by a small
(6 per cent) but rising import share of consumption, in particular of
higher-priced varieties.(3) The French industry is the only one of the
four to run a trade deficit with imports accounting for 27 per cent of
consumption while its export ratio is much the same as Britain's.
Table 3. Estimated percentage changes in output (volume), employment and
labour productivity in national biscuit industries, 1980-90
Percentage change, 1980-90
Britain Netherlands Germany France
Output (volume) +16 +43 +73 +14
Employment -37 -4 -4 -18
Output per employee +84 +49 +80 +39
Sources: Britain: Output: CSO, Annual Abstract of Statistics and BCCCA Annual
Review, various issues. Employment:CSO, Report on the Census of Production and
Size Analyses of UK Businesses, various issues.
Netherlands: Output: Produktschap voor Granen, Zaden en Peulvruchten.
Employment: CBS, Produktiestatistieken, various issues and Produktschap voor
Granen, Zaden en Peulvruchten.
Germany: Output: SB, Statistisches Jahrbuch, various issues. Employment: SB,
Produzierendes Gewerbe: Kostenstruktur der Unternehmen and Statistisches
Jahrbuch, various issues.
France: Output: INSEE, Annuaire Statistique de La France, various issues and
L'Alliance 7 (Enquete de Branche). Employment: INSEE, Annuaire Statistique and
Ministere de l'Agriculture et de la Foret, Agreste: La Statistique Agricole.
Table 4. Biscuit export and import (volume) shares, 1980 and 1990
Exports/production Imports/consumption
1980 1990 1980 1990
Britain 12 14 2 6
Netherlands 31 43 12 22
Germany 17 38 29 29
France 10 15 15 27
Source: International Office of Cocoa, Chocolate and Confectionery (IOCCC),
Statistical Bulletin, Brussels, 1991.
3. Productivity and product quality
International differences in labour productivity levels reflect
variations in both the average (physical) quantity of output produced
per employee (or per employee-hour) and the average quality level of
output. As noted in Section 1, the biscuit industry was selected for the
present investigation in the hope that the relative simplicity of the
product would facilitate comparisons of real productivity levels (taking
explicit account of quality--as well as quantity-differences between the
four countries).
3.1 Tonnage per employee-hour
In the course of our plant visits we gathered detailed information on
biscuit output and associated employment--both direct and indirect--over
a recent 12 month period (a sufficient length of time for our
calculations not to be distorted by seasonal fluctuations). In all cases
we confined our attention to the production of a strictly-defined
category of biscuits including, for example, plain, sweet, semi-sweet,
savoury and chocolate-coated biscuits but excluding related products
such as wafers, waffles, rusks and (in Germany) Lebkuchen as well as any
cake or confectionery products. Wherever biscuits were not the sole
product of manufacture, guidance was sought from production managers as
to how the indirect labour input should be allocated between biscuit and
non-biscuit products.
As a first step in the comparison of labour productivity levels, a
simple measure of output (tonnage) per employee-hour was calculated
which took no account of quality-differences. By this measure the
highest (weighted) average level of productivity was found in our Dutch
sample of plants, about 15 per cent ahead of Britain. The average output
per unit of labour input in the British plants was only 5 per cent lower
than in the French sample and was some 25 per cent higher than in the
German plants (even in spite of the above average levels of capacity
utilisation prevailing in Germany at the time of our visits).(4)
This relatively good performance of the British biscuit industry
primarily reflected the contributions made by its very largest plants
which produced in excess of 1000 tons per week and achieved higher
levels of labour productivity in terms of (crude) output per person-hour
than any of the Continental plants visited. In smaller and medium-sized
British plants producing similar tonnages to the great majority of their
Continental rivals (between 100 and 500 tons per week), productivity
levels in Britain were considerably lower than in the other three
As shown in Table 5, our sample results are consistent only in a very
broad sense with recent Production Census-based estimates of
productivity differentials in biscuit-making. The Census data cover a
wider and more variable range of products in each country--for instance,
in the Netherlands biscuits are not distinguished from cake (banket)
products--and also include some employees involved with non-biscuit
products. Nevertheless, taken together, the two sets of estimates
support the conclusion that the British biscuit industry is a
comparatively successful industry in international terms. The
productivity gaps in biscuits relative to the Netherlands and France are
smaller than the estimated differentials for all food processing and for
manufacturing as a whole (Van Ark, 1990a, 1990b). In the Anglo-German
comparison the higher level of output per employee-hour in British
biscuit-making contrasts with a small productivity gap in the German
favour in the wider food, drink and tobacco industry, and with an
estimated 20 per cent advantage in productivity for German manufacturing
as a whole (O'Mahony, 1992).(5)
3.2 'Quality-adjusted' output per employee-hour
In the course of our visits we noted marked differences in the mix of
biscuit-qualities produced by each national industry which appeared
relevant to comparisons of real productivity levels. For example, the
more basic (undecorated) varieties of biscuits accounted for a larger
proportion of total output in the British sample than in the other three
countries and this was particularly the case in relation to the German
sample. As well as requiring less secondary processing and packaging,
basic-quality biscuits are typically produced in large batches and are
thus more amenable to automation of production than are the
higher-quality grades of biscuit.
Table 5. Estimates of productivity levels in biscuit manufacturing(a)
Output (tons) per employee-hour
NIESR samples National Production
(1989-91)(b) Censuses(1990)(c)
Britain 100 100
Netherlands 115 140
Germany 80 75
France 105 125
(a) Index numbers: Britain = 100; rounded to nearest five.
(b) Relates to comparable narrowly-defined ranges of biscuits and associated
labour inputs.
(c) Wider coverage of products, varying from country to country, and including
some employees involved with non-biscuit products. The Census product
definitions in each country are as follows:
Britain (Biscuits and crispbread): Rusks, crispbreads and matzos; savoury
biscuits; chocolate covered biscuits; sweetened biscuits; semi-sweetened
biscuits; unsweetened biscuits--plain.
Germany (Dauerbackwaren): Zwieback; Leb- und Honigkuchen, Printen; Hart-und
Weichkeks; Waffeln; Gefullte Riegel; Salz- Kase- und Laugen Geback; sonstige
Netherlands: Biscuits, wafels e.d.; Koekjes, banket e.d.
France (Biscuiterie-biscotterie): Biscuits sales; biscuits secs; gaufres et
gaufrettes; biscuits patissiers; autres biscuits divers; patisseries de
conservation; pains d'epices; biscotterie.
Sources for Census-based estimates: Employment and annual total sales value of
biscuits produced: CSO, Report on the Census of Production; SB, Produzierendes
Gewerbe: Kostenstruktur der Unternehmen; CBS, Produktiestatistieken; INSEE,
Annuaire de Statistique Industrielle.
Average ex-factory sales value per ton of biscuits: CSO, Quarterly Sales
Enquiry; SB, Statistiscbes Jahrbuch ber Ernahrung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten;
CBS, Produktiestatistieken; INSEE, Enqute Annuelle d'Entreprise (SCEES).
Annual hours worked per employee: based on estimates for food and drink
industries in each country in B. van Ark, International Comparisons of Output
and Productivity, University of Groningen Growth and Development Centre,
Monograph Series, No. 1.
The detailed information we had gathered enabled us to classify the
outputs of all plants visited into three different grades of product
defined in terms of technical characteristics such as the number of
processes involved in their production and the types of ingredients and
packaging materials used.(6) The three grades of biscuit quality were
defined as follows:
1. Basic-quality: 'dry' undecorated biscuits made from
relatively cheap ingredients (for example, vegetable or animal fats),
stacked in cylinder-form and wrapped in a single layer of plastic film.
2. Medium-quality: biscuits requiring at least one secondary
production process after baking such as chocolate-coating or
sandwich-filling with cream or jam; usually sold with at least two
layers of packaging. Undecorated biscuits made with more expensive
ingredients such as butter are also included in this category.
3. High-quality: elaborate, multi-textured biscuits requiring two or
more secondary (post-baking) production processes, usually stacked in
successive small piles, multi-wrapped and boxed; includes assortments of
biscuits made from expensive ingredients.
The outcome of this classification of output by quality-grade is
shown in Table 6, Part (i). The 35 per cent share of basic-quality
biscuits in British output is well above the 15-25 per cent shares found
in Germany, France and the Netherlands. Some 35 per cent of German
sample output is classified to the high-quality grade, a much higher
proportion than in the other three countries. A very large share of
production in all four countries (ranging from 50 per cent in Germany to
70 per cent in France) falls into the medium-quality grade.
In respect of ingredients, dimensions, packaging and other physical
characteristics, the products classified to the basic-quality grade in
each country were remarkably similar. (Indeed, according to a panel of
consumers at the Institute, this basic similarity of basic-grade
varieties applied also with regard to the rather more subjective aspect
of 'taste'). However, products classified to the medium- and
high-quality grades were more diverse in nature: for example, many of
the German biscuits classed as 'medium' grade would be
regarded as 'top of the range' products in the other three
countries; similarly, some German high-quality biscuits were more
elaborate in their production and packaging than any seen being made
As a first step towards the calculation of a
'quality-adjusted' measure of output per employee-hour in each
industry, Institute researchers gathered data on retail prices for the
different grades of biscuit in each country, based on products observed
in the plants visited; they are shown in Table 6, Part (ii) in the form
of price-ratios with the basic grade set at 100 for each country (all
calculations were based on retail prices net of VAT). Medium-and
high-quality biscuits (as we have defined them) were found to sell in
Germany on average for, respectively, about 3.1 and 6.6 times the cost
of basic-quality biscuits; in Britain, France and the Netherlands the
equivalent price multiples ranged up to 2.5 and 4.2 respectively.
These inter-country differences in the implied relative valuation
placed by consumers on each quality-grade are broadly consistent with
the point made above that many biscuits classified to the
'medium-quality' grade in Germany would be regarded as highly
elaborate products and sold at 'premium' prices in the other
three countries. This was confirmed by our own comparisons of the prices
of closely-matched biscuit varieties which had been produced and
purchased in each country: for example, British-made biscuits in the
upper half of the medium-quality price-range were TABULAR DATA OMITTED
typically best matched (in terms of the technical characteristics
outlined above) with German biscuits priced in the lower half of that
country's medium-price range; similarly, most
'high-quality' British products could only be compared with
German biscuits near the bottom of the German high-quality price
In order to obtain estimates of the average value-added per ton of
output in each national industry, the following three-stage procedure
was carried out (see notes to Tables 6 and 7 for details):
1. An index of the average retail sales value per ton produced in
each industry was calculated by weighting the retail price-ratios for
each country by the proportions of output in each quality-grade (Table
6, Part iii).
2. This index of average retail prices was then converted to an index
of average ex-factory prices on the basis of estimated average retail
gross margins, exclusive of VAT, in each country.
3. An index of value-added per ton was then derived by recalculating
the index of average ex-factory prices on a net of raw materials'
basis using Production Census data on inter-country differences in the
ratio of materials costs to the total ex-factory sales value of goods
produced in biscuit manufacturing.
The approximate nature of this measure of 'value-added'
will be apparent: amongst other things, it makes no allowance for the
costs of industrial and non-industrial services (many of which would
apply to the purchase and sale of merchanted goods, not just the
biscuits actually produced in our sample plants). In addition, the
numerical precision of our estimates could have been improved if even
more time and resources had been devoted to data gathering. Our
calculations must therefore be regarded as no more than a first estimate
of the adjustment needed to take account of inter-country differences in
the mix of product-qualities when comparing real productivity levels in
this industry.
As shown in the bottom row of Table 7, our estimates suggest that
average value added per ton of biscuits in Britain is (in real terms)
some 40 per cent lower than in Germany and some 10-15 per cent lower
than in France and the Netherlands. When this value-added index is
combined with our earlier measures of (crude) output per employee-hour
in each national industry, 'quality-adjusted' productivity
levels in Britain are found to be some 30 per cent below those in
Germany, 20 per cent below the Netherlands and 15 per cent below France.
These results confirm the significant contribution of inter-country
variation in the mix of product-qualities to international differences
in real productivity levels in biscuit manufacturing. In relation to the
British industry, the German productivity advantage derives from the
higher average quality of its products which is more than sufficient to
offset its lower physical quantity produced per employee-hour.(8)
Quality differences are also the predominant element in the productivity
gap between Britain and France. The exception in this regard is the
Dutch industry which succeeds in out-performing Britain primarily
through its more efficient production of medium-quality biscuits.
The estimated differences in 'quality-adjusted' labour
productivity levels between Britain and the three Continental countries
are broadly mirrored in the pattern of inter-country variation in hourly
labour costs: in 1989-91 average labour costs per employee-hour in the
food processing and related industries were some 15 to 35 per cent lower
in Britain than in the other three countries.(9) The implications of
such labour cost differentials for relative price competitiveness are
discussed below in Section 6. In the remaining sections of this paper we
examine differences in the quality and utilisation of physical and human
capital inputs which might help to explain the clear pattern of
inter-country difference in real productivity levels.
4. Machinery and production organisation
4.1 The production process
Modern biscuit manufacturing typically employs continuous-flow
methods of production with primary ingredients being bulk-fed to mixing
machines from where the dough passes through rolling and biscuit-shaping
('forming') machinery before entering conveyor-fed
'travelling' line ovens. In the subsequent post-baking stages
of production the biscuits are conveyed by moving belts through
secondary processing machines if required (for example, for creaming,
chocolate coating or jam-filling) and then to the final stages of
wrapping and packing.
The wrapping process is invariably automated but the prior collating
and positioning of the biscuits so they can pass smoothly through the
wrapping machines is often carried out by hand, as is the subsequent
packing of the biscuit packets in cartons ready for transportation to
the warehouse. The labour-intensive nature of packing work reaches a
peak in those factories which prepare tins of assorted biscuits.
The two main variants to this pattern of production are as follows:
firstly, a few plants--those with relatively long production runs of
standardised biscuits-- run the entire mixing process on an automated
continuous basis; however, the majority of plants visited in all four
countries engaged in batch mixing on all their production lines with
regular 'changeovers' of dough-forming, wrapping and other
equipment further down the line(10); secondly, on production lines where
changes of product varieties and packet sizes are relatively infrequent,
vibratory TABULAR DATA OMITTED systems or other equipment may be
installed to stack the biscuits gently in lanes and feed them into
automatic collating machines prior to wrapping; in some cases
post-wrapping activities such as cartoning and palletisation may also be
4.2 Age of machinery
Investment in new biscuit-making equipment can enhance productivity
performance in several different ways. For instance, each new generation
of sophisticated ingredient handling systems permits faster and better
controlled distribution of ingredients to mixing machines. New mixing
machines tend to be larger and faster than older machines and new ovens
are usually both wider and longer than their predecessors, permitting a
faster throughput of product. Other advantages of new ovens relate to
their controllability with shorter start-up times at the beginning of
each day and faster responsiveness to adjustments made by operators;
this greater accuracy in control reduces product wastage and permits
faster changeovers between product varieties. Technical advances in
wrapping machinery continue to improve performance in terms of speed,
reliability and ability to undertake complex operations.
In the British, German and French plants visited, the average age of
ingredient handling, mixing and baking machinery ranged between 12 and
16 years compared to just under 20 years in the Dutch industry. All four
industries had renewed much of their wrapping machinery in the last ten
years, reflecting both the heavy wear and tear to which such equipment
is subjected and the need to keep up with the rapid pace of technical
In preparation and mixing areas the fastest rate of new investment
was found in the British plants with about half of all equipment
purchased in the last ten years compared to 40 per cent in Germany and
30 per cent in France. However, the German and French samples had both
installed slightly more new ovens than Britain over the same time
period. In both respects the Dutch plants were well behind with
widespread spare capacity leading to only 10 per cent of all process
equipment being replaced in the last ten years.
Differences in the age and sophistication of capital equipment in the
four industries therefore showed little relation to the inter-country
differences in productivity performance outlined in Section 3. In
particular there appeared to be no great disadvantage for the Dutch
sample in operating with older mixing machines and ovens so long as
their control systems had been updated. In all four countries, and
particularly in the Netherlands, we observed process equipment aged in
excess of 30 years which was running smoothly; conversely, and
particularly in Britain (as discussed further below), new and
sophisticated machinery was sometimes visibly malfunctioning. In
wrapping departments, as mentioned, heavy investment in new machinery
has occurred in all four industries but even here we noted the
importance--most evident in Germany--of 'low-tech'
modifications to old equipment designed to maintain a smooth flow of
production; detailed examples of such incremental improvements are cited
in Section 5.5 below.
4.3 National origin of machinery
In the British and German firms visited, ingredient handling and
mixing equipment and tunnel ovens were largely of domestic origin; in
France about half of process equipment was French-made and half sourced
from other European countries including Germany and Britain; in the
Dutch industry German suppliers accounted for most (about four fifths)
of process equipment and British firms for the remainder. The heavy
reliance on domestic suppliers in three of the four countries--and on
nearby German suppliers in the Dutch case--reflects a preference for
ease of access to after-sales, maintenance and repair services; however,
this has become less of a priority in recent years as improvements in
transport and communications have enabled the leading European
manufacturers of food processing equipment to improve services to
foreign customers.
In contrast to the continued availability of high-quality
British-made baking machinery, there are hardly any TABULAR DATA OMITTED
remaining British producers of complex, high-speed wrapping equipment
and the great majority of wrapping machines used in British biscuit
plants were imported from Switzerland or Italy. In the German, Dutch and
French industries there were still significant proportions of
locally-made wrapping equipment but the leading Swiss and Italian
suppliers accounted for about three quarters of the machines used in
France, just over half in the Netherlands and about a third in Germany.
4.4 Machinery utilisation
Capital equipment was operated most intensively in the British
biscuit industry with nearly all plants visited engaging in full or
partial 24-hour working, albeit usually for five rather than seven days
per week. In France half the plants had 24-hour operations and half had
two shifts per day. In Germany most plants operated only two shifts per
day, in part because of legal restrictions on the employment of women
(packing workers) during night shifts. In the Netherlands spare capacity
limited production to a single shift per day in the majority of plants
visited (with some evening work in the high season).
These inter-country differences in machine utilisation affected
labour productivity performance in several ways. Where production lines
were largely dedicated to single products--with few changes in packet
sizes--there were clear benefits in continuous multi-shift working;
examples of this type of production were observed in all four countries
but were most common in Britain. However, most producers were under
pressure to respond quickly to diverse and rapidly-changing customer
requirements, with even ostensibly similar products having different
specifications in terms of ingredients, dimensions, packaging and so on.
In this context plants making less intensive use of equipment were
better placed to schedule major changeovers of machinery for times when
production lines were not fully manned (for example overnight);
conversely, plants working a 24-hour day were less able to avoid
inefficient use of labour while changeovers were being made.
4.5 Maintenance and repairs
Productivity levels in each industry were also affected by different
rates of machine breakdown and malfunctioning which, in a
continuous-flow production process, have serious consequences in terms
of product wastage and the additional labour required to sort out
problems. During our plant visits we observed some examples in all four
countries of production lines which had been halted in mid-production or
were not working smoothly; however, the incidence of equipment failure
was highest in the British sample with the most common problems arising
from hard-worked conveyor belts and wrapping and carton-sealing machines
and, in some cases, from longstanding difficulties in getting complex
new ingredient handling and mixing systems to perform to requirements.
These observations were borne out by records of 'emergency
downtime' rates in the four samples: British plants reported an
average 10 per cent of planned machine-working time lost due to
breakdowns and other unexpected stoppages compared to only about 3-4 per
cent downtime in the other three countries. This disparity was
associated with different priorities in respect of preventative
maintenance: only a fifth of the British plants visited reported serious
efforts to carry out routine maintenance; by contrast, four-fifths of
the Dutch and German plants had implemented full planned maintenance
programmes as had two-thirds of the French plants.
As in other international comparisons carried out by the National
Institute, the majority of British biscuit plants appeared to be trapped
in a vicious circle with high levels of emergency maintenance militating
against the introduction of preventative maintenance procedures which
might help reduce the incidence of breakdowns. This dilemma partly
reflected the pressure on British managers to work machinery harder and
longer than on the Continent in order to ensure a rapid
'payback' on new investments. At the same time, as described
below, high levels of emergency downtime in Britain were also associated
with relative deficiencies in production management, supervisory and
other workforce skills. In the next section we assess inter-country
differences in human capital endowments in detail and consider their
effects on productivity performance and the predominant choice of
product strategy in each industry.
5 Workforce skills, productivity and product strategy
5.1 Occupational structure
Direct labour accounted for between 70-80 per cent of total
employment in all four national samples with the great majority of
shopfloor workers employed in post-baking (secondary processing,
wrapping and packing) areas of production. The employees involved in the
ingredient handling, dough-mixing, forming and baking stages of biscuit
production are defined here as 'process workers': they include
mixermen/women (and/or computer operators in a mixing control room),
machine operators and ovensmen/women. On average there were
approximately three wrapping and packing workers for every process
worker in the British, French and Dutch samples and a 4:1 ratio in the
German plants (reflecting the greater incidence of assortment packing in
Among indirect workers the largest single groups of staff in most
plants were in engineering and maintenance departments (with
responsibility for setting and re-setting of complex wrapping and
packing equipment as well as dealing with repairs and servicing of
machinery) and in administration and sales. Other key indirect functions
were in technical support areas such as production planning (day-to-day
scheduling), production or 'project' engineering (involved
both with the planning of work methods and sequences and with the
commissioning and installation of new equipment), new product
development and the design and management of quality control and hygiene systems. In large multi-plant firms, product development is usually
undertaken in separate research centres; however, several of the branch
plants visited in each country had staff members involved from time to
time in pre-production testing of new biscuit varieties or packaging
5.2 Vocational qualifications and training
The highest levels of formal vocational qualifications were found in
the German sample and the lowest in Britain, with the Dutch and French
industries occupying an intermediate position in this respect. In all
four countries wrapping and packing work was carried out by a largely
unqualified workforce. The main differences arose in the more
technically demanding occupational areas--process, engineering and
technical support departments and senior management--where the
proportions of staff qualified to craft level or above were some 85 per
cent in Germany, 65 per cent in the Netherlands, 45 per cent in France
and 25 per cent in Britain.
Inter-country differences in the qualifications and training of each
occupational category are examined in detail in Appendix C. Broadly
speaking, the pattern of qualifications in each sample reflected the
institutional structure of vocational education and training provision
in each country. Thus the majority of vocationally-qualified German
employees had passed through the 'Dual System' which combines
employment-based training with part-time attendance at vocational
schools. By contrast, in the Dutch and French plants most vocational
qualifications had been acquired in the course of full-time vocational
schooling which for many employees had begun in the latter stages of
compulsory education. In addition, the Dutch sample had relatively high
proportions of employees in key occupations with technician-level
qualifications, reflecting the widespread provision of vocational
education at age 16-plus in the Netherlands. In the British case there
was a mix of qualifications gained through employment-based
apprenticeships and full-time vocational courses but, in common with
most other branches of manufacturing, the proportions of employees with
either type of qualification were relatively low by Continental
5.3 Process skills and product quality
In German plants the vast majority of production process workers were
craft-trained bakers who had been recruited on the open market. In
addition three quarters of German production supervisors had undertaken
further training to Meister standard in a range of technical and
management areas which had equipped them well to liaise with technical
support services such as maintenance and to advise on incremental
improvements to production processes.
By contrast, in the British plants visited there were no process
workers and very few supervisors with vocational qualifications and some
managers went so far as to say that they would not give priority to
craft-skilled bakers or other qualified persons for production jobs even
if such employees were readily available to them. Such differences in
perceived skill requirements were closely related to the predominant
product strategies in each of the two countries.
Process work in biscuit manufacturing largely centres around the
achievement and maintenance of detailed product specifications in the
face of considerable variability in raw material qualities (texture,
moisture and so on) and differences in weather conditions (affecting
ambient temperatures). In the course of production, variables such as
the temperature and consistency of the dough mix and the diameter,
thickness, weight, shape, moisture content and colour of the biscuits
need to be repeatedly monitored. As conditions change from day to day
(or batch to batch) it may be necessary to make a series of alterations
to the dough-mixes initially specified by standard recipes and to adjust
forming machine-settings, conveyor belt speeds and oven temperatures
(Manley, 1991).
The skills and knowledge required for this work rise sharply as the
number and complexity of products made is increased. At the same time
small batch sizes and the use of expensive ingredients reduce the scope
for protracted 'trial runs' with individual varieties before
full production begins. In consequence the several German plants
specialising in small- and medium-batch production of high-quality
multi-textured biscuits greatly depended on the 'know-how' and
experience of the craft-trained bakers in their process departments.
By contrast, in the British industry the designation of process work
as 'semi-skilled' reflected its primary orientation towards
longer runs of relatively simple types of biscuit. In this type of
production the need for judgement and skill on the part of process
workers is much reduced. This is particularly the case in factories
where manual monitoring and adjustment activity has been supplemented or
replaced by computerised control systems. However, even in these
circumstances there is a recurrent need for some manual intervention to
maintain a consistent product and wastage may occur if operators do not
fully understand the consequences of their actions or inaction (Buchanan
and Boddy, 1983, Ch. 11): in highly automated British factories
specialising in bulk production of basic-quality biscuits, it was still
considered necessary for process workers to 'stick to their own
jobs' on particular production lines in order to cope with possible
problems that might arise even with ostensibly uncomplicated products.
In relation to these German and British extremes of product strategy
and process skill requirements, the Dutch and French samples both
occupied intermediate positions. As outlined in Section 3 above, the
average value added per unit of output in the Netherlands and France was
higher than in Britain but was still substantially below the average
unit-value of German output. Both the Dutch and French samples had
significant proportions of vocationally-qualified process workers and
supervisors but few of them were apprentice-trained bakers as in
Germany; this deficiency had been partially offset by longer average
periods of on-the-job training than occurred in the British industry.
5.4 Shopfloor manning levels
In the British plants visited the mixing and baking stages on each
individual oven-line were usually covered by a three-person team
consisting of a mixing operator, forming-machine operator and
ovensman/woman. By contrast in all three Continental industries similar
teams of process workers typically had responsibility for at least two
oven-lines at a time and had been trained to switch flexibly between
different task areas as required. In some larger British plants the
deployment of process workers was restrained by long-established manning
agreements with unions, on which slow negotiations were in progress.
However, doubts were expressed by several British employers and union
representatives as to the ability of narrowly-trained process workers to
deal with problems on more than one oven-line at a time.
In post-baking areas, manning levels were naturally highest in plants
engaged in small- and medium-batch production of biscuits requiring
multiple secondary processes (chocolate-coating, cream-filling, and so
on) and subsequent packing in assortments. This type of product strategy
was most commonly observed in Germany and (to a lesser extent) France;
the associated high labour inputs were reflected in the higher average
value added per unit of output in those two national samples.
In British plants geared to basic- or medium-quality product
strategies, manning levels in wrapping and packing areas were frequently
higher than in comparable Continental plants but did not contribute
positively to value added: additional personnel in these British plants
were typically required to sort out problems caused by higher rates of
machine breakdown and malfunctioning, for example, to stack biscuits
temporarily while machines were being repaired, to unwrap packets which
had not passed properly through wrapping machines or had been rejected
by check-weighing machines and to sweep up biscuits which had spilled
onto the floor.
5.5 Engineering skills and production flow
In all four countries maintenance staff were generally required to
hold at least a craft-level engineering qualification but this minimum
standard had only been fully met in the German and the Dutch plants
(indeed in the latter country roughly half the maintenance personnel
were qualified to technician level). In both Britain and France about a
fifth of engineering workers were vocationally unqualified; in France
this deficiency was partially offset by recent recruitment of
engineering staff with technician-level qualifications and by the
relatively large size of French maintenance departments.(12)
Some of the reasons for the relatively high rates of emergency
downtime and product wastage in the British sample were conveyed by
managers' assessments of their engineering departments: in one
plant we heard of maintenance staff being 'slow to respond to
problems' and failing to deal with problems in such a way as to
prevent their recurring; in another the introduction of a preventative
maintenance policy was ruled out on the grounds that 'jobs might
take too long' or not be done properly; in a third case where a
large proportion of maintenance workers had been recruited from the
shopfloor, some of them were even described as 'failed
bakers'. Some British plants also reported residual problems of
demarcations between maintenance and process workers and, within
maintenance departments, between mechanical fitters and electricians
which had no parallels in the German, French and Dutch samples.
As noted earlier (Section 4.5), in most Continental plants there was
a clear link between relatively low rates of emergency downtime and the
implementation of planned maintenance programmes. Concerted efforts to
maintain a smooth production flow were most evident in German plants,
many of which had an essentially 'pro-active' engineering
policy: apart from undertaking preventative maintenance, engineering
staff worked in close collaboration with production supervisors on
machinery development and adaptation with a view to speeding up
production and eliminating bottlenecks and delays.
Typical examples of this methodical approach to problem-solving in
German plants included: the installation of turn-tables for the
temporary absorption of biscuits if a machine was halted further down
the line; modifications to standard wrapping and case-packing equipment
designed to reduce both re-setting and maintenance times; the use of
overhead cranes to allow flexible reconfiguration of conveyor belts and
wrapping machinery; and the in-house development of 'pick up and
place' equipment to help biscuits pass through multiple secondary
processing operations. According to one German manager, it could take
'up to ten years' of incremental improvements to achieve the
desired throughput on capital equipment.
Although some examples of efficiency-enhancing innovations were also
observed in the other three countries, they were much less common than
in Germany. The German sample appeared to gain a substantial advantage
from the combination of technical competence and detailed knowledge of
production conditions embodied in its Meister-trained supervisors. The
Dutch and French plants were able to match their German rivals in
minimising emergency downtime through preventative maintenance; the
majority of Dutch plants benefited from the diagnostic skills of a
significant proportion of technician-qualified engineering staff and
several French plants had tackled production flow problems by deploying
groups of skilled engineering workers to work full-time in shop-floor
wrapping and packing departments. However, the majority of Dutch and
French supervisors were much less well-qualified than German Meister to
collaborate systematically with engineering specialists on process
In the British industry, as already noted, the great majority of
production supervisors lacked any form of technical or other vocational
training and engineering departments were largely absorbed in dealing
with emergency repairs. In some cases these problems required the
regular attention of highly-qualified managers and project engineers who
were thus diverted from their primary tasks of making long-term
improvements in processes and products.
5.6 Flexibility in production planning
A key element in the efficient maintenance of production flow is the
sequencing of different product batches to minimise the number of
changeovers required and the time needed to carry them out. Roughly half
the German plants had allocated responsibility for weekly and daily
production scheduling to vocationally-qualified staff, either
office-based personnel with technical or business administration
qualifications, or Meister-trained supervisors who combined it with
their other duties on the shopfloor. In the other German plants, as in
most British, Dutch and French plants, production planning was carried
out by experienced but unqualified employees or (in small plants) by the
production manager himself.
In spite of this broad similarity in the qualifications of planning
personnel in Britain and the majority of Continental plants visited, it
was much more common in British plants to hear complaints about the
'pressures' involved in adjusting production schedules in
response to unexpected changes in customer orders. An ability to respond
quickly to the needs of large supermarket chains was a priority in all
four countries. As much as anything the problems reported in British
plants appeared to result from wider skill deficiencies, for instance,
the limited transferability of process workers between different
products and tasks. In addition, several British managers mentioned
restrictions on flexibility caused by the need for wrapping machines to
'settle down' after every product or packet-size change-over.
Such difficulties were rarely mentioned in the other three countries;
their prevalence in Britain was consistent with higher reported rates of
machine malfunctioning in general.
5.7 Upgrading workforce skills
As a consequence of competitive pressures in domestic and export
markets and the need to keep up with new technological developments, the
majority of plants visited in all four countries had recently increased
their expenditure on continuing and updating training for certain groups
of employees. In Britain and Germany this mainly consisted of short
external courses for maintenance and other technical support staff in
areas such as electronics. Several plants in both countries had also
taken advantage of technical courses or training materials for
supervisors and process workers which were provided by their respective
industry trade associations or by further education colleges. In the
Netherlands the incidence of continuing training appeared to be smaller
than in Britain or Germany; most of the Dutch plants visited expressed
greater interest in upgrading their skills base by raising their
recruitment criteria for supervisory and process positions and improving
their initial training programmes.
In France since 1971 all companies have been legally obliged to spend
a minimum proportion of their total wage and salary bill on continuing
training. By 1988 the national average 'participation rate'
was some 2.7 per cent--well above the legal minimum of 1.2 per cent--but
with marked variations between enterprises in different employment
size-groups and industrial sectors (Berton and Podevin, 1991). Recent
declarations on training expenditure by the plants in our French biscuit
sample showed a weighted annual average of 3.5 per cent of total wages
spent on continuing training, above average for both the wider food
processing industry and the size-groups represented in the sample. As in
many other industries, there was a considerable variation in the
training received by different occupational groups with about three
quarters of 'technicians/supervisors' and
'engineers/managers' receiving some formal training each year
compared to some 30 per cent of manual workers (including engineering as
well as shopfloor employees). The reported 'expectation of
training' (total training hours divided by total number of
employees) was about 25 hours per annum for the two highly-qualified
groups and 12 hours for manual workers.
No detailed comparison of French spending on continuing training with
the other three samples can be attempted as employers in the other
countries have no incentive to record and declare training activity as
fully as do French employers. Nonetheless our observations and
discussions during plant visits pointed to a broad conclusion that
formal training for existing employees in the French sample was both
more extensive and more innovative than in Britain, Germany or the
Netherlands. Notable examples of continuing training initiatives more
commonly, or only, found in French plants included:
* 'multi-skilling' training programmes in engineering
departments designed to turn both mechanical fitters and electricians
into electronics specialists (automaticiens)
* full adult apprenticeships leading to a formal craft
qualification designed to turn female packing workers into skilled
machine setters (regleuses)
* systematic technical and other training over two-three years for
key process workers with a 'hands-on' supervisory role
(responsables produits, responsables techniques)
This last example reflected a considered attempt by some French
plants to develop supervisors akin to German Meister. However, at
present it seems unlikely that French supervisory skills in aggregate
will attain German levels; indeed, many of the supervisors in the German
sample had received some further training over and above their earlier
craft and Meister training.
Our overall assessment of training levels in the four countries can
perhaps be summarised as follows: the relatively high volume of
continuing training in the French industry--promoted by the legislative
framework within which French employers operate--has helped raise French
productivity levels above those in Britain and near to those of the
Netherlands (partially offsetting the Netherlands' more extensive
provision of initial vocational education and training). Although the
French and Dutch industries are ahead of Britain, they still lag behind
German producers in respect of both human capital endowments and
productivity performance. The mix of initial and continuing training
received by German employees continues to support a highly successful
strategy of rapid growth in small- and medium-batch production of
elaborate, high value added biscuits which would be hard for the other
three countries' industries-and particularly Britain--to emulate.
6 Summary and conclusions
This study has sought to shed light on the determinants of
international differences in productivity levels by comparing
productivity, machinery and workforce skills in matched samples of food
processing plants in Britain, Germany, France and the Netherlands. A
relatively simple food product--biscuits--was deliberately chosen for
investigation in order to facilitate productivity comparisons which
would take explicit account of inter-country differences in the mix of
product-qualities as well as differences in (physical) quantities
produced. Nonetheless, the results reported here on quality-differences
should be regarded as no more than a first attempt to treat in a precise
way the issues associated with these complex aspects of economic
6.1 Main findings of the study
Detailed information on biscuit outputs and associated labour inputs
was collected from a total of 29 plants in the four countries. The main
conclusions can be broadly summarised as follows:
1. When differences in 'quality' were neglected, and
productivity was measured simply in terms of average tons produced per
employee-hour, the British sample of plants as a whole compared
favourably with Continental plants. In more detail: biscuit output per
unit of labour input in Britain was much the same as in France and was
some 25 per cent higher than in Germany; the overall leader by this
measure of productivity was the Dutch sample with a 10-15 per cent
advantage in tons per employee-hour over Britain and France.
2. The range of product qualities in each country was considerable,
varying from simple undecorated biscuits, stacked in cylinder-form and
wrapped in a single layer of plastic film, to elaborate multi-textured
chocolate-coated varieties, stacked in successive small piles,
multi-wrapped and boxed. The more basic types of biscuits accounted for
a larger proportion of total output in the British sample than in the
other three countries, and the more complex varieties constituted a
larger share of output in Germany than elsewhere. Estimates of average
quality levels based on ex-factory price differentials (net of raw
materials costs) suggest the average value added per ton of biscuits in
Germany was some 75 per cent higher than in Britain; in France and the
Netherlands average quality levels were approximately 10-15 per cent
above Britain.
3. International differences in average quality per ton are thus at
least as important as differences in crude productivity measured by tons
produced per employee-hour. Taking quantity- and quality-differences
together to obtain a 'quality-adjusted' measure of labour
productivity, it was found that real output per employee-hour was
highest in the German sample, about 40 per cent higher than in Britain;
in the Netherlands and France real productivity levels were some 20-25
per cent higher than in Britain.
4. In terms of age and sophistication, there was very little
difference in the physical capital employed in Germany, France and
Britain; the Dutch industry tended to rely more on older process
equipment but had undertaken almost as much investment in new wrapping
machinery as the other three industries. By contrast, in respect of
human capital endowments, there were important differences between the
four countries which were linked to both relative productivity
performance and the predominant choice of product strategy in each case.
5. German plants specialising in small- and medium-batch production
of elaborate, high value-added grades of biscuit greatly depended on the
skills and knowledge of apprentice-trained bakers in process departments
coupled with the technical and management expertise of Meister-trained
supervisors. In addition productivity in most German plants was visibly
enhanced by a 'pro-active' engineering policy involving not
just preventative maintenance but also systematic collaboration between
production supervisors and engineering departments on incremental
process improvements and innovations.
6. In the Dutch and French industries, the average value added per
unit of output was higher than in Britain but in both cases was well
below German levels. The Dutch and French samples also tended to occupy
an intermediate position in respect of shopfloor qualification levels:
both had larger proportions of vocationally-qualified process workers
and supervisors than Britain but few of these employees had been
specifically trained in baking as in Germany and, in common with
Britain, the Dutch and French plants had no equivalent of the German
Meister available to them as production supervisors. In both countries
these deficiencies had been partially offset by relatively long periods
of initial on-the-job training equipping process workers to carry out
tasks in all the main areas of operation.
7. Through the implementation of preventative maintenance, the Dutch
and French samples also succeeded in matching average German levels of
emergency downtime (under 5 per cent compared with an average 10 per
cent in Britain). In the Netherlands several plants benefited from the
diagnostic skills of technician-qualified engineering staff; in the
French industry considerable resources had been devoted to continuing
training and updating for machine-setting and maintenance personnel.
8. In Britain the relative lack of skilled process and supervisory
staff hampered the performance of small- and medium-sized plants
producing a wide range of biscuits. More success was achieved by larger
highly-automated plants engaged in the bulk production of relatively
uncomplicated varieties of biscuit but some of the benefits of
scale-economies were lost due to excessive rates of emergency down-time
and product wastage and the limitations of narrowly-trained employees.
Manning levels in British process departments were comparatively high
because the majority of workers had not been trained to switch flexibly
between different tasks and were not expected to cover more than one
oven-line at a time, and additional personnel were also frequently
required in wrapping and packing areas to sort out the problems caused
by machine breakdown and malfunctioning.
9. Senior managers in British biscuit plants were well-qualified
academically compared to their Continental counterparts but, as in other
industries investigated by the National Institute, they were frequently
pre-occupied by day-to-day production problems which in other countries
were typically dealt with by supervisors and technical support staff.
Because this study was concerned primarily with the production
capabilities of the main part of the workforce, very little attention
was paid to the size and qualifications of the product development and
sales and marketing departments in each country; these aspects deserve
attention in future research.
6.2 Policy implications
10. Given the present structure of workforce skills in
Britain--heavily polarised between a small minority of highly-qualified
personnel and a large majority of low-skilled workers--it is
understandable that many branches of British manufacturing have tended
to specialise in highly automated mass production of relatively low
value added goods, as is characteristic of biscuit manufacturing. One
concern about this pattern of specialisation must be the limitations it
places on future growth in real incomes in Britain. However, more
immediate problems derive from the limited ability of many British
producers of standardised goods to compete effectively against foreign
imports from lower-wage newly-industrialising countries.
11. In the particular case of biscuits, there is little cause for
concern about the future competitiveness of the industry given the
highly specific nature of domestic tastes and preferences--sustained in
part by large-scale advertising--which tend to limit the threat of
import penetration. In addition, the price competitiveness of the
British industry relative to Continental rivals is enhanced by its
comparatively low labour costs which help offset the labour productivity
shortcomings identified in this study. Several of the larger
British-based firms have recently made substantial investments in new
equipment and new product development and, in some cases, have also made
strategic purchases of Continental production facilities.
12. However, these relatively favourable prospects for British
biscuit manufacturers contrast sharply with those confronting other
industries investigated by National Institute researchers. In the
furniture and clothing industries, for instance, British firms which
have pursued a relatively low value added product strategy are
poorly-placed to withstand import competition from low-cost standardised
goods or to respond quickly to rapid changes in consumer demand in
favour of higher quality products (Steedman and Wagner, 1987, 1989).
13. The results of this four-country study--allied with those of
earlier comparisons--therefore have important implications for British
policy-makers. Future growth in output and employment in many industries
is likely to increasingly depend on the ability to compete effectively
in small-batch, high value added manufacturing. As our detailed
examination of biscuit manufacturing suggests, the successful
implementation of such a product strategy calls not just for the
employment of highly-qualified staff in management and technical support
areas but also for shopfloor and engineering personnel to possess the
necessary skills to maintain production flow and quality standards in
the context of rapid changeovers of machinery and raw materials.
However, only very small proportions of each age cohort in Britain are
trained to recognised craft- or technician-level standards.
International comparisons serve to highlight the institutional
deficiencies which contribute to Britain's limited provision of
intermediate skills, for example:
* the traditional system of apprenticeship training lacks the legal
foundations of its German counterpart;
* in contrast to countries such as the Netherlands and France,
there is as yet no provision for a significant proportion of British
secondary school pupils to combine general education with substantive
vocational preparation, thus laying a foundation for subsequent
employment-based training;
* there are limited incentives for employers to devote more
resources to adult training or for individuals to invest their own time
and money in skills acquisition.
In arguing the need for expanded development of intermediate skills
in Britain, it is not intended to recommend direct policy or
institutional @ @