Innovation and the skill mix: chemicals and engineering in Britain and Germany.
Mason, Geoff ; Wagner, Karin
1. Introduction
In recent years continued disparities between countries in economic
performance combined with the rapid pace of technological change have
led to growing interest in comparisons of 'national systems of
innovation'. The development of this concept reflects increased
awareness of both the cumulative, informal nature of much innovative
activity--especially the interaction between producers and prospective
users of new products--and the ways in which national-institutional
structures condition the decisions taken by key actors in the innovative
process such as enterprises, universities, and individual engineers,
scientists and other members of the labour force (Lundvall, 1988;
Freeman, 1988; Westney, 1993; Sos-kice, 1993).
Analysis of 'national' innovation systems has obvious
limitations: rapid growth in trans-national corporate activity continues
to reduce the influence of national policy regimes and, conversely,
recent studies of localised R&D spillovers in the United States and
Italy suggest that the appropriate geographical unit of analysis of
innovative performance for many purposes may be sub-national (Acs,
Audretsch, Feldman, 1993; Audretsch and Vivarelli, 1994). However, it
seems likely that at least some institutions operating at a national
level do influence relative innovative performance, for example,
institutions underpinning the domestic supply of finance to industry and
the education and training of the workforce.
In this note we focus on the role of the latter set of institutions.
Specifically, we draw on a recent study based on the chemicals and
engineering industries in Britain and Germany to explore the links
between inter-country differences in human capital formation and
apparent disparities between the two countries in technological
performance.(1) Long-term comparisons of investments in R&D and
measures of innovative 'output' such as country shares of
patents granted in the United States point to a marked German
superiority over Britain in both respects (Patel and Pavitt, 1987, 1989)
and studies such as Fagerberg (1989) suggest that such inter-country
differences in 'technological competitiveness' have a strong
effect on industrial competitiveness as measured by comparative export
In keeping with the research methodology developed in earlier
cross-country comparisons at the National Institute, detailed
information on Anglo-German differences in industrial performance and
the quality and utilisation of physical and human capital inputs was
gathered primarily through visits to matched samples of chemicals and
engineering establishments in each country. Both national samples
comprised a mix of well-known 'leading' companies and
small/medium enterprises. The visits were all carried out between
December 1992 and July 1993. In each case extensive semi-structured
interviews were carried out with technical and personnel managers and,
in all but one establishment in each country, the visits included direct
observation of the work taking place in production and technical support
The two industries were selected for investigation on the basis of
their expected contrasts in respect of relative performance: in
chemicals Britain's productivity and, to a lesser extent, trade
performance is known to compare favourably with Germany whereas in
engineering German superiority is well-documented. In all, some 30
production plants and eight separate research centres were visited in
the two countries, focussing on the following main product areas:
Chemicals: paints & industrial coatings; specialised
intermediates Engineering: vehicle components; specialised high-speed
The ordering of the note is as follows: Section 2 reports on
comparisons of the recent performance of closely-matched pairs of
British and German production plants in the two industries. Section 3
assesses the mix of skills which companies need to respond effectively
to intensifying competitive pressures to speed up the rate of new
product development and innovations in production processes. In Section
4 we examine in detail recent changes in the employment of
highly-qualified engineers and scientists in Britain and Germany and
relate such changes to the high and growing level of technical
uncertainty which characterises the modern innovative process. Section 5
summarises our main findings.
Table 1. Number of establishments visited by product area
Britain Germany
Chemicals 6 5
Engineering production plants
--high-speed machinery 4 4
--vehicle components 6 5
Engineering R&D centres 5 0
Intermediate research institutes 0 3
Total 21 17
2. Comparisons of workforce skills, physical capital and industrial
As a result of the well-established 'Dual System' of
apprentice training in Germany, some two thirds of the German workforce
are qualified to craft level or above compared to just over one third so
qualified in Britain. Recent studies suggest that there is a positive,
and statistically significant, association between Anglo-German
differences in the proportions of the workforce qualified to this level
in individual industries and relative performance in respect of labour
productivity (O'Mahony, 1992b) and export competitiveness (Oulton,
1993). Some of the mechanisms by which differences in workforce skill
levels (as proxied by variations in formal vocational qualifications)
contribute to relative performance have been identified in earlier
comparisons of matched samples of production plants.
For example, German machine operators and other shopfloor workers
have been found to perform, on average, a wider range of tasks than
their British counterparts and to be better able to meet (and
consistently maintain) high quality standards (Daly, Hitchens, Wagner,
1985; Steedman and Wagner, 1987, 1989; Mason, van Ark, Wagner, 1994).
Similarly, Meister-qualified supervisors in Germany have been shown to
be better-equipped than most supervisors in Britain to take detailed
responsibility for production management tasks and to liaise with
technical support departments (Prais and Wagner, 1988; Steedman, Mason,
Wagner, 1991).
These same studies have also identified important complementarities
between management and workforce skill levels in each country and the
extent to which physical capital equipment is effectively selected and
utilised. In consequence, it is not easy to evaluate the impact of skill
differences on relative performance in isolation from differences in
physical capital. A recent 'growth accounting' calculation
suggests that differences in the two types of capital have 'about
equal weight' in explaining the Anglo-German manufacturing
productivity gap (O'Mahony, 1992a, p 54).
For the present study (as described in Mason and Wagner, 1994,
Section 6), we undertook a detailed comparison of the physical and human
capital inputs used by seven pairs of production plants which were
closely matched for principal product area. In respect of performance
criteria such as international and domestic market shares and export and
employment growth, these matched pairs of plants--four in engineering
and three in chemicals--in many ways exemplified the conventional wisdom
regarding Anglo-German performance in the respective industries.
In engineering, for instance, surviving British producers have--after
several rounds of rationalisation and reorganisation in the last 15-20
years--achieved significant improvements in labour productivity but have
not yet succeeded in closing the gap with Germany. In two customised
small-batch machinery comparisons, both British plants were much smaller
than their German rivals (reflecting their loss of market share in
recent decades) and tended to be 'followers' in technical
innovation. In vehicle components the German plants were still ahead in
respect of process innovations and shopfloor efficiency even though
their productivity advantage over British competitors has narrowed
greatly in recent years. British price competitiveness still depends
heavily on favourable movements in exchange rates.
By contrast, in chemicals, the three matched plant comparisons all
pointed to a much more favourable performance by Britain relative to
Germany. Two British manufacturers of paints and surface coatings were
as securely placed in their domestic markets as their German
counterparts and, in a specialised intermediate chemicals comparison,
the British producer was found to typify the substantial export success
of this sector of the industry. In two of the three comparisons, the
German plants had until recently succeeded in expanding employment in
contrast to cutbacks in Britain but, at the time of our visits, a sharp
decline in domestic demand had led to a considerable increase in
short-time working and 'labour-shedding' in the German
In both industries relative competitiveness was associated with
variations in a range of factors pertaining to both physical and human
capital inputs. For example, British engineering plants attributed a
great deal of their recent productivity growth to new investment in
capital equipment and improved layout of machinery on the shopfloor but
their German rivals were typically making even greater use of new
equipment such as automated assembly lines (including the use of
robotics) as well as using more purpose-built and linked machinery. In
chemicals, again by contrast, most British plants were at least equal to
and sometimes ahead of their German counterparts in the use of new,
sophisticated capital equipment.
In respect of workforce qualifications there were sharp disparities
between the two countries in both industries, and particularly (as
expected) at intermediate level. In the full sample of chemicals plants
visited some 45 per cent of German shopfloor (process) workers had
received a craft apprentice training as against 23 per cent in Britain.
In engineering the gap was even larger with 57 per cent of German
shopfloor workers holding craft-level qualifications compared to only 20
per cent in Britain. (In both countries shopfloor skill levels in the
specialised machinery plants were notably higher than in the vehicle
components sector). The German skills advantage in direct production
areas was further enhanced by the widespread deployment of
Meister-trained supervisors, whereas only 5 per cent of British
supervisors had received any form of specialised training for their
At graduate level and above the differences in work-force
qualification levels in the national samples of establishments strongly
reflected Anglo-German differences in the annual output of
highly-qualified personnel. In engineering and technology subjects,
Germany produces approximately two thirds more Bachelor degree graduates
per head of population than does Britain, more than five times as many
people qualified to MSc level and a third more PhDs. By contrast, in
physical sciences such as chemistry and physics, the proportions of the
population gaining higher education qualifications are much the same in
each country but the mix of awards in Germany is more oriented towards
higher degrees than in Britain.(3)
Thus in the chemicals industry the combined total of Bachelor and
higher degree graduates in technical (science, engineering and
technology) subjects represented similar proportions of total employment
in both samples of establishments (11 per cent in Britain, 10 per cent
in Germany) and similar large proportions (80-85 per cent) of these
highly-qualified personnel were employed in the main 'technical
support' departments. The main difference between the two TABULAR
DATA OMITTED samples lay in the mix of higher education qualifications
in these technical areas: the British chemicals plants employed roughly
3 PhDs (nearly all chemists) for every 7 First degree graduates (fairly
evenly divided between engineers, on the one hand, and chemists and
other scientists on the other); in the German plants there were roughly
equal numbers of PhDs (predominantly chemists) and Fachhochschule graduates (mainly engineers). In neither chemicals sample were there
significant numbers of MSc-holders or their German equivalent.
By contrast, in the engineering industry inter-country differences at
intermediate skill level appeared to be compounded by disparities in
high-level qualifications. In the case of our two national samples the
comparison was complicated by several plants in the British sample
belonging to companies which operate detached corporate R&D centres.
This form of deployment contributed to a smaller share of employees in
the British plants attached to technical support departments. With this
reservation, it is notable that the average 12 per cent share of
technical graduates and post-graduates in total employment in the German
engineering sample was more than double that in the British engineering
In the British production plants there were only half a dozen PhDs in
total and, even in technical support departments, there was only one
MSc-holder for every 9 First degree graduates. In the specialist R&D
centres in TABULAR DATA OMITTED Britain (which of course were
responsible for serving all plants owned by their parent company) the
ratio of higher to First degrees was 1:4 and some 10 per cent of
technical graduates held PhDs.
In the German engineering plants the relatively large employment
share of technical graduates as a whole primarily reflected the
widespread availability of Fachhochschule graduates who were employed
not just in technical support departments but also, frequently, in a
'first-line' production management role (thus augmenting the
technical skills and knowledge of shopfloor Meister). However, the
proportion of employees qualified to University diploma (MSc) level was
also larger than in Britain (just under a third of all German graduates
in technical support areas were so qualified) and, although PhDs
accounted for only 4 per cent of all technical graduates in our German
engineering sample, in absolute terms their numbers were significant as
well: the five largest engineering production plants visited in Germany
employed about 30 per cent more doctorates than did the five corporate
R&D centres belonging to leading British engineering companies.(4)
In the next section we explore in greater detail the ways in which
these distinctive Anglo-German differences in workforce qualification
levels affected the ability of plants in each country to compete
effectively in new product development and innovations in production
3. Innovation and skills
In both Britain and Germany a majority of companies we visited were
under growing pressure to improve the quality and performance of their
products and shorten product lead-times while simultaneously having to
compete on price as well. This 'double squeeze' was
particularly common in the vehicle components sector where a relatively
small number of large end-users seek to pass on the cost pressures
resulting from their own intensely competitive battles for market share,
but we also heard of similar pressures in many of the machinery and
chemicals plants.
An inherent feature of the specialised high-speed machinery sector is
that each individual machine, or very small batch of machines (rarely
more than four or five at a time), has to be made to precise
customer-specific requirements, with the manufacturer's
responsibility typically extending to installation and commissioning of
the equipment in customers' factories as well. This customisation
of the machinery is now increasingly combined with efforts to improve
its performance in respect of a range of factors such as speed,
reliability, energy efficiency, quietness and compactness.
The pace of change is such that, for example, in some branches of the
industry average machine speeds have increased tenfold over the last 20
years. In general terms the pressure to innovate is sustained by the
certain knowledge that competitors in world markets are working on the
same problems and by increasingly tight product specifications sought by
customers, for instance, guarantees of reduced lifetime maintenance
requirements for the machines and/or an enhanced ability for the machine
end-users to make their own products with lighter, thinner materials.
In chemicals as well there was evidence of a growing pressure to
innovate to meet more elaborate performance requirements specified by
customers or to anticipate improvements in performance which might be
necessary to survive in the marketplace in the future. Competitive
pressure of this kind was clearest in the specialised intermediates
sector whose prime function is to develop new kinds of ingredients or
'building blocks' for use by other chemical producers and, in
particular, to devise cost-effective and reliable ways of achieving the
frequently difficult chemical transformations required.
However, even in the ostensibly more straightforward paints and
surface coatings sector, several producers in both countries reported
facing growing complexity in product specifications, for example,
lacquers which needed to be able to adhere adequately to different
materials under very demanding conditions. In the bulk consumer goods branch of this industry, there is strong competitive pressure on
manufacturers to seek an edge in terms of product durability, coverage
and other attributes while usually seeking to compete on price as well,
and (as throughout the chemicals industry) a continuing need to conform
with stricter environmental requirements (for example, through
development of solvent-free products or reduction of noxious emissions
from production processes).
In general terms our observations suggested that the ability to
respond successfully to competitive pressures to innovate depends on a
wide range of skills and knowledge from craft- and technician-level
upwards. These skill requirements include the need for all staff who
come into contact with customers to have sufficient technical
understanding to properly define (and anticipate) customer needs, and to
communicate this information to their own colleagues. In both industries
high levels of engineering and supervisory knowhow are also needed to
achieve a smooth flow of production under difficult conditions, for
instance, when the product mix in engineering is subject to rapid change
or, in chemicals, when production of a new and unpredictable substance
is being 'scaled-up' following its initial laboratory
Another core area of skill needs relates to market pressure to reduce
the average time taken between receipt of new orders and the delivery of
final products, even when the goods in question are highly
customer-specific. One key to this in precision engineering, for
example, is a highly flexible ('modular') design of products
which maximises the use of 'standard' components or
sub-assemblies and thus enables the actual point of customisation to be
delayed till relatively late in the production process. Similarly high
levels of design skills (and effective management of the links between
design and production departments) are needed to ensure that even
complicated products (or their components) are no more difficult to
manufacture than they need to be.
In the German engineering plants, in particular, such links between
the shopfloor and technical support departments were greatly facilitated
by the combination of technically-trained Meister and large numbers of
Fachhochschule-qualified production and development engineers with
visible consequences in a steady flow of incremental product and process
innovations. Several British engineering plants also reported recent
improvements in shopfloor efficiency, for example, relocation of
machines in order to help speed up production and reduce the movement of
materials and components about the factory. However, in general such
improvements were either belated as compared to German counterparts or
were more limited in scope, with less attention given to in-house
adaptation of machinery to cut down on bottle-necks or economise on
maintenance costs. The apparent lesser ability of British plants to
focus on such incremental innovations was associated with both lower
levels of technical qualification among supervisors and technical
support staff and with greater involvement of highly-qualified personnel
in day-to-day production problems which in Germany would tend to be
dealt with by shopfloor supervisors and workers.(5)
For reasons which may reflect the particular nature of chemical
production processes but in any event deserve further investigation,
Anglo-German disparities in shopfloor skills in our samples of chemicals
plants did not appear to affect relative performance to anything like
the same extent as in engineering. However, some British chemicals
plants reported recent difficulties in implementing flexible work
practices involving significant cross-skilling due to the limited
educational backgrounds and abilities of large proportions of their
shopfloor workforces.
As might be expected, the links between formal workforce
qualifications and innovative performance were most apparent in respect
of high-level skills. In engineering the bulk of our discussions and
observations in the course of establishment visits pointed to strong
links between post-graduate expertise and the ability of firms to take
quick advantage of new developments in scientific knowledge. Thus, in
one comparison of matched machinery plants, technical advances in
complex areas such as the use of lasers were specifically identified by
British research staff as a key element in their German rival's
competitive advantage. Another of the plants in our German sample is
regarded as a world leader in the development of electronic systems in
its field of vehicle components; its success in this area has stemmed largely from high-level in-house research in close collaboration with
university-based specialists. In a different branch of vehicle
components, the German plant visited engaged in similar collaboration
with--and recruitment of post-graduates from--a university at the
forefront of research into acoustics and had achieved such breakthroughs
in noise reduction that it could now offer specialist services in this
field to firms in many other sectors of engineering.
The value of post-graduate expertise in key specialist areas is
recognised to some extent by leading British engineering companies which
employ some higher degree graduates in their R&D centres and/or have
developed links with university-based researchers. However, these
companies are hardly representative of the mainstream British
engineering industry and, as said to us by one British research
director, very few even of the biggest British companies have assembled the 'critical mass' of highly-qualified personnel which is
necessary if sustained technical advances are to be made.
As noted above, the relative deficiencies of British chemicals plants
at graduate level and above were much less severe than in the
engineering sample. In both the British and German chemicals industries,
there is a very clear role for PhD chemists trained in the disciplines
of experimental science who work in combination with First
degree/Fachhochschule engineers and others with good practical skills
and experience with process equipment. Although the proportion of
post-graduate engineers and scientists in British chemicals plants is
typically smaller than in Germany, in general the above-average
productivity, trade and innovation performance of the British chemicals
industry--compared to British manufacturing as a whole--is closely
associated with its relative adequacy of supplies of highly-qualified
technical staff.
4. High-level skills and 'information-intensive'
Recognition of the contribution to industrial performance made by
post-graduates in German manufacturing industry is implied by the
changes in the mix of high-level qualifications which have occurred in
recent decades.
As shown in Table 4, the number of German home students gaining
University (MSc-equivalent) diplomas in engineering and technology in
recent years has grown more than twice as fast as the number gaining
Fachhochschule diplomas. This is reflected within the German mechanical
engineering industry where total employment of University engineers grew
by 183 per cent between 1968 and 1987 while, over the same period,
employment of Fachhochschule graduates increased by 55 per cent. Thus by
1987 the ratio of FH to University engineers in employment stood at
2.4:1, down from 4.4:1 in 1968 (VDMA, 1988). As reported to us in the
majority of plants in our German engineering sample, this development
reflects a growing preference for the more highly-qualified type of
engineer, not just a response to their increased availability. Indeed,
since University graduates command higher salaries than
Fachhochschule-leavers, German employers were very concerned to secure a
'cost-effective' mix of each type of graduate (Mason and
Wagner, 1994, Section 8).
In German chemicals manufacturing, the change in mix of high-level
qualifications has been less dramatic. Combined employment of
University-educated scientists and engineers increased by 59 per cent
between 1976 and 1991 compared to 45 per cent growth in employment over
the same period of Fachhochschule technical graduates (predominantly
engineers). In 1991 the ratio of University to FH graduates was
approximately 1.7 compared to 1.56 in 1976 (Bundesarbeitgeberverband
Chemie, 1991).
Table 4. Rate of growth in numbers of home students gaining Bachelor degree
and higher degree awards in science and engineering subjects in Britain and
(West) Germany, 1980 to 1990
(percentage change, rounded to nearest five percentage points)
First Degree Masters(a) Doctorate
Chemistry +25 +5 +20
Physics(b) +20 +40 +35
Mathematical sciences(c) +60 +140 +85
Engineering and technology(d) +40 +50 +35
Diplom (FH) Diplom (Uni) Doctorate
Chemistry +20 +170 +70
Physics(b) -20 +190 +70
Mathematical sciences(c) +260 +110 +80
Engineering and technology(d) +50 +115 +45
USR, University Statistics, Volume 2 and private communication; CNAA, Annual
Reports; SB, Statistisches Jahrbuch; NIESR estimates; population data from
OECD, Labour Force Statistics, 1992.
(a) May include a small number of other sub-doctoral post-graduate awards such
as Postgraduate Diplomas.
(b) Includes astronomy.
(c) Includes computer science (Informatik).
(d) Excludes architecture.
In the British engineering industry total employment of professional
engineers and scientists holding at least a First degree rose by some 55
per cent between 1978 and 1988 while, over the same period, employment
of technician-level engineers declined by 19 per cent and total
employment fell by 36 per cent (EITB, 1989). No detailed information on
trends in the industry's employment mix of First and higher degree
graduates in technical subjects is available. However, some tentative conclusions may be drawn from the fact that growth rates in the numbers
of home students qualifying at First, Masters and PhD levels in
engineering and technology subjects were all within a range of 35-50 per
cent, as shown in Table 4.
Although these engineering graduates of course enter employment in
many other sectors of the economy apart from engineering, the rough
parity in growth of output at each level suggests that the mix of
Bachelor and higher degree graduates employed in engineering is unlikely
to have changed as sharply in Britain as in Germany in recent years.
Indeed, there was a sharp split in our British sample between plants
belonging to leading companies with a long tradition of graduate
recruitment and other, smaller plants for whom it has been a big step
even to start employing more First degree graduates recently, let alone
In the British chemicals industry, the proportion of all employees
holding at least a First degree rose from 9 per cent in the late-1970s
to 15 per cent in 1990. This includes non-technical graduates as well
but recent data indicate that roughly 80 per cent of all First degree
graduates recruited by the industry and 90 per cent of those with higher
degrees have qualified in science or engineering subjects. At present
approximately one higher degree (predominantly PhD) chemist is recruited
for every two First degree graduates in chemistry; for chemical
engineers the ratio of higher to First degree graduates is roughly 1:9
(Chemical Industries Association, 1990-93). As in the case of
engineering, trends in the numbers of home students obtaining First
degrees and PhDs in chemistry between 1980-90 suggest that the mix of
First and higher degrees may not have changed greatly over this period.
In the course of our establishment visits, this overall pattern of
increased employer demand for technical graduates as a whole in both
countries, and for holders of post-graduate (particularly MSc-level)
awards in Germany, was repeatedly explained to us in terms of a greater
need for staff who could tackle new and complex technical problems in an
analytical way (based on theoretical understanding) rather than simply
rely on past experience and trial-and-error methods of problem-solving.
This trend is perhaps best understood in the context of recent
empirical work by Bartel and Lichtenberg (1987), using data for US
manufacturing industry, which supports a hypothesis that demand for
highly-educated workers relative to the demand for less-educated workers
is inversely related to firms' experience with technologies
currently in use (as proxied by the mean age of capital equipment). One
of the key premises underpinning this hypothesis is that the
productivity of highly-educated workers relative to low-educated workers
is greater, the more uncertainty there is in the production environment.
As emerged from our interviews with technical managers in both
countries, one of the most striking features of the modern industrial
innovation process is precisely the high and growing level of
uncertainty which prevails. As new problems and difficulties present
themselves, manufacturers need to be able to assess whether they can be
resolved by incremental improvements in existing products and/or
processes, or whether some kind of radical change or breakthrough
innovation will be necessary. For instance, producers of industrial
coatings may be able to solve new problems simply by fine-tuning
existing recipes or they may be better advised to investigate new ways
of cross-linking existing polymers or even seek to develop brand new
kind of polymers. Similarly, in the vehicle components sector, a company
seeking to reduce the weight of or the friction undergone by a
particular product (thus increasing its expected life) needs to know
whether to continue working with its existing materials or whether to
explore the use of some completely different material.
A degree of technical uncertainty is of course intrinsic to the
innovative process. However, such uncertainty now appears to be
intensifying within many branches of manufacturing, partly because of
the growing pressure (as previously noted) to solve problems of
improving product performance while simultaneously reducing production
costs and product lead-times, and also because of the remarkable speed
of developments in science and technology in recent years. In
particular, the growing use of programmable automation equipment to meet
a wide variety of different customer requirements has been characterised
as an 'information-intensive' form of production with
increasing resources needing to be devoted to gathering information on
both the specialist needs of customers and the technical possibilities
of meeting such needs (Willinger and Zuscovitch, 1988). The pace of
change in this respect has increased the risk for many firms of being
overtaken by competitors who employ more highly-qualified technical
personnel and/or have better access to the skills and knowledge, and
specialised equipment, of the external science base (universities,
research institutes and consultancies, etc).
In addition to apparent growth in direct use of scientific research
results by manufacturers (Narin and Olivastro, 1992), there has also
been an increasing tendency in recent decades for technological
knowledge (traditionally based on practical, largely unwritten experience and knowhow specific to firms and individuals) to enter the
public domain through specialist books, journals and conference papers.
Hence even those firms who have no aspirations to do more than adopt
innovations developed elsewhere now increasingly require the services of
highly-qualified engineers and scientists in order to identify and make
use of relevant information if they are to have any hope of staying in
touch with more advanced competitors.(6)
In short, the increased uncertainty associated with the modern
innovative process points to a continued shift in the mix of
manufacturing skills towards highly-qualified scientists and engineers.
This shift is already well advanced in both German and British
manufacturing industry but, for a variety of reasons outlined briefly
below, German manufacturing industry at present makes far greater use of
the specialist knowledge and contacts possessed by post-graduates, both
as direct employees of manufacturing firms and also as external
specialists employed indirectly on a contract basis.
Anglo-German disparities in the level of industrial demand for
post-graduate engineers and scientists--as opposed to Bachelor degree
graduates--partly reflect the high value placed by British employers on
First degree graduates and the several years' industrial training
and work experience they receive while post-graduates of the same age
are still involved in full-time education. As is well known, one of the
main strengths of the British higher education system as compared to
Germany is its relatively 'efficient' production of young
First degree graduates whose intellectual abilities (though not the
academic standards reached) are in many cases the equal of much older
German University graduates holding qualifications equivalent to an MSc.
However, the comparatively limited use made of post-graduate
engineers and scientists by British manufacturing industry also reflects
two negative factors: firstly, widespread concern that post-graduates
are 'too specialised' and less likely than First degree
graduates to acquire commercial and practical skills; and secondly, the
relatively slow growth by international standards in British
manufacturing investment in research and development which is the
predominant area of employment for post-graduate engineers and
scientists (Mason and Wagner, 1994).
The prevalence of complaints about 'over-specialisation' in
Britain is hardly surprising since the further academic study signified by a post-graduate qualification comes on top of a very narrow and
intensive period of education which, in England and Wales at least,
first starts with 'A' level courses at the age of 16. By
contrast, in Germany post-graduates are seen as broadly-educated people
who also have a proven area of specialist expertise; to this is added in
many cases the valuable experience of part-time industrial contract work
for research institutes and universities during their studies.
The deep-seated reasons for the slower growth of R&D spending in
Britain as compared to Germany cannot be addressed within the scope of
this note. However, in the light of our investigations in both
countries, we conclude that the competitiveness of many British
manufacturing firms (particularly in engineering) is severely undermined
by comparative under-investment in R&D and, as one consequence of
this, the limited use made of post-graduate skills and knowledge. In
particular, there seems little doubt that, as acknowledged in the recent
government White Paper on science, engineering and technology (HMSO,
1993), existing schemes for 'knowledge transfer' between the
science base and industry in Britain are 'piecemeal' in
nature: taken as a whole they simply do not have the industrial
'reach' of German institutional arrangements for knowledge
transfer (as exemplified by the high-profile, easily accessible networks
of intermediate research institutes run by the Fraunhofer and Max-Planck
Societies) nor do they facilitate the transfer of highly-qualified
people between higher education and industry on anything like the same
scale as in Germany.(7)
6. Summary
Our comparison of matched samples of chemicals and engineering
establishments in Britain and Germany has highlighted several ways in
which the different mix of workforce skills delivered by each
country's education and training system affects relative innovative
performance, with attendant consequences for relative industrial
At intermediate skill level, long-established institutions in Germany
for the training of craft apprentices, supervisors and technicians
contribute substantially to German plants' ability to maintain a
steady flow of incremental process innovations and to deal efficiently
with initial production problems when new products are introduced. The
disparity with British skill levels and industrial performance was most
marked in comparisons of matched engineering plants. In chemicals
comparisons, Anglo-German disparities in shopfloor skills did not affect
relative performance to anything like the same extent.
At higher levels of qualification, the German engineering plants
benefit from the widespread availability of highly practical
Fachhochschule engineers and also from greater access to the specialist
knowledge and contacts possessed by post-graduate engineers and
scientists. In chemicals the mix of high-level qualifications is also
more oriented towards post-graduates in Germany than in Britain but the
relative adequacy of supplies of highly-qualified technical staff as a
whole in British chemicals plants contributes to above-average
innovation and trade performance compared to other branches of British
In both countries the increased technical uncertainty associated with
the modern innovative process has contributed to a substantial shift in
the mix of manufacturing skills towards highly-qualified personnel. This
shift is, however, less well advanced in Britain partly because of
British employers' continued preference for relatively young First
degree graduates as compared to post-graduates who are widely (and
justifiably) viewed as 'over-specialised', and also because of
comparatively slow growth by international standards in British
manufacturing investment in research and development. At the same time
institutional arrangements for knowledge transfer between the science
base and industry in Britain are less comprehensive and well-organised
than in Germany.
Table A3. Estimated annual flows of home students per million population
gaining Bachelor degree and higher degree awards in science and engineering
subjects in Britain and (West) Germany, 1990
(adjusted for double-counting; rounded to nearest five)(a)
Britain First Degree Masters(b) Doctorate
Chemistry 35 5 15 55
Physics(c) 30 5 10 45
Mathematical sciences(d) 90 20 5 115
Engineering and technology(e) 190 25 15 230
Germany Diplom (FH) Diplom (Uni) Doctorate
Chemistry 5 15 30 50
Physics(c) 2 35 15 52
Mathematical sciences(d) 30 45 5 80
Engineering and technology(e) 315 140 20 475
USR, University Statistics, Volume 2 and private communications; CNAA, Annual
Reports; SB, Statistisches Jahrbuch; NIESR estimates; population data from
OECD, Labour Force Statistics.
(a) To avoid double-counting of students gaining awards at more than one
level, the following assumptions have been made: For Britain 95 per cent of
chemistry and physics PhDs, and 85 per cent of mathematics and engineering
PhDs, are assumed to have proceeded directly from their first degrees without
obtaining a Masters degree (based on information supplied by the Universities
Statistical Record). The remaining PhDs in each subject are assumed to have
first obtained b both a First and a Masters degree. For Germany all PhDs are
assumed to have previously obtained a University rather than a Fachhochschule
(b) May include a small number of other sub-doctoral post-graduate awards such
as Postgraduate Diplomas.
(c) Includes astronomy.
(d) Includes computer science (Informatik).
(e) Excludes architecture.
(1) Unless otherwise stated the term 'Germany' is used
throughout this note to refer to the former Federal Republic.
(2) For further details of sample selection and methodology, see
Mason and Wagner, 1994, Section 4.
(3) See Appendix Table A3 for details. For the purposes of this
comparison German University diplomas (typically requiring in excess of
six years to complete) are regarded as broadly equivalent to a British
MSc degree. The German Fachhochschule diploma course usually lasts four
years and the standards reached are nearer to British First degree level
than any other British award; however, the greater orientation of
Fachhochschule courses towards practical applications makes them less
capable than British First degree courses of serving as a basis for
subsequent post-graduate study.
(4) PhD-holders were also strikingly well-represented in senior
management positions in German plants in both industries. In Britain
there were relatively few senior managers with higher degrees but
significant proportions of managing directors and of senior production
and technical managers in both industries held First degrees in
technical subjects (see Mason and Wagner, 1994, Section 5 for details).
Qualified technical staff appear more likely to be under-represented at
company director level than at factory management level in British
(5) Elsewhere we have described this problem as the
'drawing-down' of graduate engineers and higher technicians in
British engineering factories to deal with, for example, recurrent equipment breakdowns and protracted 'teething' difficulties
with the installation of new equipment (see Steedman, Mason, Wagner,
(6) As described in Cohen and Levinthal (1989), in-house R&D
activity plays a key role in developing the capacity of any firm to
'absorb' relevant knowledge generated elsewhere, whether by
other firms or in the academic science base. Indeed, their empirical
results for US manufacturing suggest that, in some industries such as
chemicals and electrical / electronic engineering, the positive
incentive for firms to invest in R&D in order to take advantage of
'spillovers' of knowledge into the public domain may be strong
enough to offset the negative impact on R&D arising from the
inability of innovating firms to fully restrict the appropriation by
others of their R&D output.
(7) For detailed comparisons of the organisation of R&D in
Britain and Germany which support these conclusions, see Atkinson,
Rogers and Bond (1990), CEST (1991, Chapter 7) and Mason and Wagner
(1994, Section 7.3).
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